Prove to me it's not worse than Kinect, i'll wait

Prove to me it's not worse than Kinect, i'll wait.

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>I'm enough of a cuck to not only buy a connect but also whatever the fuck that is
Sorry pal, maybe you and your wifes boyfriend enjoy that sort of thing but i certainly dont.

Whatever your opinions on VR may be, Kinect was a piece of shit.

PSVR is a small monitor that you strap to your face

Kinect is a camera and microphone uploading all your info to MS, who hands it straight over to the NSA.

But inorder to use the PSVR you have to have a camera (with a microphone) looking at you the whole time.

Sony is a Jap company that is outside the jurisdiction of the U.S. government
If you live in Japan it's as bad as kinect

Both are gimmicks that will be forgotten about in a a few years

PSVR requires a camera, though. You don't think Sony, with how greedy they are, doesn't want to sell your information?

You need the Moves and the Camera for this thing to fully function, you could buy 2 ps4s with the money you need to use this thing in a way its intended.

Pros: One of the most comfortable vr headsets. Good colors. Cheap. Biggest, best library and most users.
Cons: Controllers are shit and expensive. No roomscale. Games are limited hard by the og ps4's specs.
Pros: Lots of users, voice commands and hand gestures were cool.
Cons: No good games and the tech had nowhere to go really.
PSVR has somewhere to go. A version 2 for the PS5 could really establish VR as the future. Good controllers, better games, better specs, and pushing it hard would make it worth it big.
Kinect was doomed from the start. The tech still isnt there today, because it won't be for a long time. And VR has made it so even once body tracking is there, itll be way better on your face than on a screen.

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