If you are to go on a date with the newest goddess in the game, what is the first thing you would do with the new goddess?
Tree of Savior
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off, incel. Your shitty waifu ERP thread is not vidya.
Bully her!
>video game is not vidya
I'm sorry. I wanted to play this but
>steam only
don't bully her user, she's too pure for bullying!
Don't tell me what to do!
>healnigger is spamming again
kill yourself neckbeard
Wow, look at all this VIDEOGAME discussion. This totally isn’t just an off-topic anime circlejerk!
i wanted to get it but i heard it was just a bad ragnarok
so contribute
it's a guy spamming this thread everyday and shitposting
he's hated even in the /vg/ general
it was a bad version of RO, but then the dev realized that so they rebuilt the game and moved out of the RO shadow and got good.
the salty posters and doom posters are just super butthurt that TOS got back to life while their """tos killers""" all dead.
give it a try, come have fun with us, and ignore those salty people
i'll look into it. does it have a soul linker class/equivalent, or a monk class?
there is literally a class in the game called linker
good morning tsun tsun dere dere kun again
hm, yeah but linker isn't really similar to the one i'm thinking of. looks like they have a monk too which is enough for me.
>got good
lmao they just adjusted the class system
also why would anyone feel bad for ToS becoming good you retard? we wanted ToS to be good
sadly i'ts a casual as fuck game, there is no challenge, and PvP is only for autistic fucks
game's dead
there is a monk class who has some cool skills (energy beam and stuff) but no asura strike
good morning you autistic dumbass
Fuck off Healnigger
Keep sucking RandyBR cocks
Monk is absolute unplayable garbage.
Linker was moved from wizard to Scout(a base class based on using dagger or pistol) for reasons
This game isn't dead yet?
Did they fix Centurion at least?
that's a shame. how's the assassin class?
so is this worth playing?
someone was trying to redpill me telling me you can pretty much mix any class and create your own job
I came back two weeks ago thinking
oh man, I'll finally make the centurion I wanted when tried the beta/release!
I asked about it in the general
they told me the class didn't make it to the game and was entirely removed from the game long ago
that's false
you have four base classes (swordman, archer, wizard, and scout) then you pick one swordman class after 15job levels, then other swordman class after 45 job levels, and a third one after dunno how many
there are a lot of useless jobs so you need to follow some meta guidelines
Assasin is fine, very PvP oriented but does very well on bosses
Usually for mobbing Assasin is picked just for the Hashish and Allucination Smoke buff and debuff in Bullet Marker build(gun class and build with little to zero dagger play)
Arditi will help Assasin in it's lack of AoEs and substain without needing Bullet Marker
they replaced it with better templar class that does the same thing
it's good
it's fun now, come have a try, just remember to ignore all the salty posters
Centurion was removed 3 years ago
Even the NPC was removed
sweet, i'll look into it. cheers anons
>he didn't know there is a 5th class line now
>he also didn't know they removed the class circles
get with the times grandpa
How the fuck do you court a goddess?
I have seen this game got changed a lot since it's trash release day, however I feel like it's far too late to have people come back to this game and it's probably going to die anytime soon (considering it has probably about 2-3k people online on international servers at best).
How is the real game state right now though?
>Linker was moved from wizard to Scout(a base class based on using dagger or pistol) for reasons
my fav class is Linker, linking mobs to fireball is the shit last time i played. so they moved it to another class.. not going back to the game i guess.
>4 base class
>5 is 4
>they replaced it with better templar class that does the same thing
what? it doesn't
do you know what the centurion did? or are you just epic posting?
I forgot the cleric line
I didn't say anything about the class circles, you can pick any class of your subclass
I stay faithful to my precious Dalia. Get that thot out of there.
it's not too far, they increase exp reward on all quests by 5 times and mob exp as well, you can just follow the lvling guide and you will be max lvl in no time.
I started a alcem for potting last week, took me 3 hours to get to lvl200
It's fine.
Normally they're around 2k people online and around 4k when bigger updates hit.
The game will not die any time soon, since the 2k that always play are a dedicated playerbase that spend quite a bit of money on the game on cosmetics, customes, etc. The game is very cute and the developers knows this.
>do you know what the centurion did?
being bugged and unplayable outside of some staged role play in the city?
he was supposed to have formation skills
templar doesn't have anything like that
It's just in another class tree together with thauma. You can still do farmer builds by pairing it up with corsair for gazillion of silver drops or make dps oriented builds with bullet marker, assasin, etc.
Linker and Thauma really looked weird in scout tree at first, but it works and is fun.
templars's buffs does almost the same as the centurions but without getting hijack griefing, on top of that, you don't want to get hijack by random centurion if it ever came out. They actuality tested it and toyed with it to get people's reactions, and they hated it when they they get grief like that.
templars can provide team buffs to allies that can really make a lot of differences, and they also have a cool horse
cleric got the worst deal out of rebuild, is there a fucking retool in the work for them? or is it stuck to be "healslut that sell buff " forever now? hammer classes aren't as good as warriors, and int spellcasters are literal dogshit with last tier spells doing less than first tier spells in mages. wtf
Dead as you think it is.
These threads are a single, desperate user shilling for it.
Wat, I was just asking about state of game, not how to get into it.
I wouldn't say it's fine, that's terrible number considering the costs and amount of work they put towards the game, I'm really surprised they are still working on it, maybe it's simply doing well in Asia.
how do you court a girl?
>stop playing this game is dead
>log in
>city is full
>easy to get dungeon parties
>people grouping for various content in the chat
hu... ok? Maybe it's just you phoneposters getting out of touch in. Or more like, you never were to begin with.
>city is full
yes of AFK players lmao
fucking autist
>I need to take part in things with millions of people to validate my existence because I am very insecure
>fuck reality!!!
lmao indeed
I don't know.
How am i supposed to date a goddess let alone a normal human girl?
What are you talking about?
Inquisitor, exorcist, oracle, druid, diev and zealot are all great class choices. Most of them do insane amounts of damage ans/or have very good buffs.
you hand her hand
>Reee your weebs thread doesn't belong to this weebs website
Should I pick scout if I want to go pew-pew with guns from the start?
scout is ok to start, but end game pistols can be pricey, but still cost less than swordie and much easier than swordie cause you have the option to range. just use the new lvling guide if you want to power lvl it and do the story later
>they are good at something you don't talk about BUT WHO CARES LOL
yeah... ok.
btw, you can join a guild by looking at the guild promo window
No, what's the point of trying to play an MMORPG with dead community, which essentially means its RPG with some multiplayer elements at best. Besides that I don't really want to spend more of my time in this game if it means to lose everything next year, because the game doesn't make profits, so they simply close down the servers. I won't even mention paying for something to lose anytime soon. If there are more dumb shits like you in the game community I would rather never touch this game either.
Rubric is nice but did they really needed a whole class for a single skill? The whole cleric tree is like that, "one skill : the class" and the amount of synergies is pathetic.
>I will avoid to talk about the point and go on a masturbatory rants well away from the subject. I somehow won in my head, despite looking like a fucking bufoon right now
>this game only exists in steam so I must also think like those salty doom posters and base my entire ignorance on the steam charts
you do realized that this is actually a port right?
the original version had their own launchers and there are also other regional host launchers.
gathering from just the korea and japan alone is well over 100k active, chinese tos alone is said to be over 150k active, so this game is in no way dead as doom poster's lies.
>but what about the cost to make contents
how much is it to translate?
seriously, why would you think atlus kept pumping out games before persona actually made it to the big time?
all of the cost is on korean devs so it's ktos that's paying for all the expense
Why fucking steam? Why not a own launcher?
I don't wanna install this fucking steam to play some mmorpg.
hello tencent employee
the average fortnite player...
I don't even have the the epicmeme store but continue the shitpost to fill your agenda.
Épico! Do the dance for me.
Nobody will localize, keep social media and support up for free on region that is proven to be unprofitable. Unless Youre an absolute imbecile at business.
hello tencent employee
like I said, you just don't understand.
This is not blizzard, they don't have 5000 people to pay at the end of the day.
on top of that, they are not running the game with their own servers, they are using cloud servers which off loaded a lot of cost, all they do is make sure the game runs for steam that's all because even the tech trouble shooting is provided by ktos
how much does it cost to use google translate and one person to fix broken english?
how much is it to hire a forum mod to work from home?
not a lot
here, read this before you keep embarrassing yourself
check for dick
why would girls have dicks?
kill yourself shill
>no one gives a fuck
just like your game lmao
because mirror of change + Oracle.
I love Aqua.
Eris is the superior goddess with DFC, OP goddess is trash.
>log in again in telsai after many months to check update
>try to do WB
>popular cheater one shot the boss with normal attack
>whole server knows who he is and his guild
>check forum for reports
>see this forum.treeofsavior.com
nice game mr kim
that's what you get for being a seamonkey
>why is there no anti hack hacking apps being sold like on EA games
>no games out there have problems
>no one cheats in other games!
you must be new to gaming user
>exploits... exploits everywhere
>when even the BR are complaining
better than playing with BRs in NA
>it's ok when top guilds cheat and not banned
>other games are shit so it's ok to be shit
the state of shills
if you watch the "evidence" he clearly had the res buff and pd heal buff plus kabba's tree buff signs over his head, that's why he kept being healed, on top of that all heals now gives healing over time buff as well if you didn't know and based the entire thing on a few salty posts just like how you didn't know there are now 5 class lines instead of 4 from your shit posting from above
wtf are you talking about, look at the monthly ban list on the forum retard, go look before brain farting. So many red handed cheaters are being ban, the ones that you and the salters bitched about either actually didn't do what your retards claimed to be doing or just witch hunting neets that actually spent almost 24/7 in the game getting their shit
>conveniently ignores the low fps, constant vga crashes and GMs not responding to clarify the situation
ok bud you convinced me to come back to check the new class tree
>didn't do what the cheater do
>literally the whole server know
>even the reddit discord, the largest community in this game, know who he is
>the name even turned into a verb every time
also i'm responding to his flawed logic
>argued about cheating
>can't win
>so argue something completely unrelated
but it's a fact that the gane us full of cheaters garagemage
even your guilds (tosg guild and BR guild) do it with your bot farm
even your most famous youtube personality is cheating
how can i lose
fucking kill yourself already, healnigger
I’m not healtard but exorcist shits magic damage on a similar level as wizard classes. If you’re asking “yeah but are there other classes” you have to remember cleric tree is split between 3 entirely different roles so you have less choices for any one option.
>he doesn't know that bokor's zombies can auto spawn more zombies when they kill something without touching any button
>that must mean it's some kind of a hack
>anyone better than me in any games must mean they are hacking or cheating
>only zombies
so what are necro skellies doing in baubas cave
It’s well known that 80%+ of those fags macro and use “zombies can spawn though” as an attempt at plausible deniability.
That was changed and does not work without Macro or Bot anymore.
Niggerhealer does not even know shit.
this thread is more alive than the general on /vg/, thats something
Anyways, Tree of Savior is one of the biggest wasted potential in the last years
That didn't stop BokorNecroSorc to KEEP afking in baubas
Yea, people marco/bot and some get banned. IMC is just slow/lazy
>he doesn't know about that some keyboards today can program to spam keys
you should talk to kat when she's done with the 14 days ban, because they actually do patrol them unlike what you think.
she was banned because she actually manually push the skills buttons while at work doing the farming and she's still being liable for it
this is why we all say your saltying are retarded
>but muh hacks narrative
your city can have police to citizen ratio 1:1 but you will still see crimes happening because WHAT IS REACTIVE ACTIONS.
desu some people got banned while actually playing legit their bokors
Happened to one guildmate of mine
He wasn't event sitting on a pillar, made bokor like 3 days before went afk without even killing shit and then he was banned
I have seen your faggot friend macroing while farming that map lol “no dude he’s at work hitting buttons on an exact cycle”
>he doesn't know about that some keyboards today can program to spam keys
I do know that and it has nothing to do with that, its still macro and against the Rules.
>was banned because she actually manually push the skills buttons
No, he does not.
I'm not.
Oh that does suck, if all true
He was on an alt account and gonna Bokering
But he was banned even before starting and when playing the build legit
do you understand that no one is all seeing, or have clairvoyance.
they still need to investigate what happened before pushing the ban button.
how would you like it when someone accused you of something and they ban you without taking time to investigating it first? I bet you will bitch and salt even harder than now
face it, there is just no pleasing you, everything you will salt of bitch
>l bitch and salt even harder than now
Calling out your lies/oldInfo and calling you retarded is not "bitching and salting". I play this game more than you.
Kill yourself
I do, I have my gaming laptop out next to my work laptop, it's not that hard. Just because you are too poor to afford a decent desktop to play anything that doesn't mean the rest of us are as shit as you.
In fact, there are like 6 meta classes, 2 meh and everithing else is unplayable shit. Fuck this game
Said the guy that still didn't know there are now more than 4 class lines.
I do know that. There more than one person calling you retarded, you retard.
Nah there are only a couple shit classes in ToS. Most are pretty average and playable, a couple are broken.
All the classes I play are viable and cute!
Fuck the meta. I play the classes I like and can still do all the content and be viable. Tree of savior is the perfect casual MMORPG.
You can do Demon Lords and Velcoffer with anything
You can't do Boruta and GTW without meta PvP builds but who cares, if you start now you need 2 years of catch up farm or dropping $$$$$ on the in game gatcha cubes for get enough stats to be able to see PvP content
Post BumBums
>You can do Demon Lords ...with anything
Not if many top tier people show up.
What a tragedy, you won't get your SHINY cube(same droprates of any other cube btw) and a gold number 1 above your head
As long there aren't more than 5 full party=25 people fighting the boss EVERYONE gets the loot
And these days there are NEVER more than 20 people on Demon Lords, especially now that the only valuable loot for the "top tier" people you are talking about are the legendary cards at 0,0000000000001% drop rate and impossible to sell because you just won't level them up without straight RMT your ass for it
I want to know, is TOS just another theme park MMO? or is it like RO? can you grind however you want, are bosses free for all, are there many types of builds and equipment? this is important
>What a tragedy, you won't get your SHINY cube(same droprates of any other cube btw) and a gold number 1 above your head
>As long there aren't more than 5 full party=25 people fighting the boss EVERYONE gets the loot
I know that.
>And these days there are NEVER more than 20 people on Demon Lords,
There was a little while ago and still can be now.
>especially now that the only valuable loot for the "top tier" people you are talking about are the legendary cards at 0,0000000000001% drop rate and impossible to sell because you just won't level them up without straight RMT your ass for it
They are not the only good drops. They are not impossible to sell. You can level them up without RMT.
Are you dumb or you dont play?
LowTierBuilds will not always get cubes.
You can level them up to a certain level without spending money
Most people don't bother with buying Legendary cards because of also how little most of them gives
Who buys them is who RMT for levelling them up usually and you need to get lucky to find the RMTer online and interested when you sell your card
Anyways, no one gives a fuck in a party if your build isn't meta, i got cubes with Thauma baubas farmer full loot chance gear in party
Maybe reddit is more your pace, buddy.
>You can level them up to a certain level without spending money
>Most people don't bother with buying Legendary cards because of also how little most of them gives
Probably yes
>Who buys them is who RMT for levelling them up
>Anyways, no one gives a fuck in a party if your build isn't meta, i got cubes with Thauma baubas farmer full loot chance gear in party
Nice getting carried, i also carry sometimes
Have sex
The only unviable classes in this game are the classes broken to the core level of actualy fuction with the game mechanics and the rest of their tree
Classes like Monk, Sage, FF, Warlock, Shadowmancer, Necromancer without Sorc and Bokor,Miko, Diev, Muak Tay, Shinobi, Paladin, Dragoon as not Retiarius filler and soon won't be viable as reti filler because Kim is fucking retarded and decided an already borderline 0% playrate class with many problems needed to get nerfs
These, are classes to avoid because there is just no salvation for them no matter how much they tweak numbers, if they tweak numbers at all
It's not very themeparky but it does have instances. Most of your game time in ToS is grinding field mobs for money, but a lot of people like to grind a thing which turns a field into an instance and makes you kill X monsters in a certain amount of time.
Miko, Diev, Paladin, Sage are all ok and have unique features that make them useful they just aren't meta. Monk at least has meme basic attack build with Chaplain going for it even if it's shit. Saying Goon sucks because "it gets too much power from Reti" is retarded.
>I play the meta because I'm boring
> Sage are all ok
Sage is not ok at all
>Saying Goon sucks because "it gets too much power from Reti" is retarded.
Goon is next to unplayable as not picked as Reti build filler, but at that point you aren't even a Goon, you are just a Reti
After the Helmet changes Retiarius won't even desire to use that as filler, anything would work better than going OOM after a single skill cast
Isn't this game dead because the devs are completely incompetent?
I legit never seen a sage as not an afk portal shop in the last 6 months
ignore this retard.
game is dead and full of p2w gacha.
It's about an issue regarding the Ignas Plate
Ignas Plate Armor has an effect that gives more attack when you get hit
Problem: the tooltip doesn't report the said effect also makes you unable to dodge or block
Igans Plate Armor also gives +Block Rate as stat
So people got legit mad at IMC because first the armor gives block rate and then the armor effect doesn't mention the debuff at all and when this was reported Staff_Bob joked about "yeah...i kinda knew something was off when i tried it myself xD" so people got even more mad and then he throwed that "lol nope" when asked if one of his duty isn't communicating with the players as a paid Staff member on the official forum
Only recently the Ignas Plate effect was fixed to match the tooltip so now it doesn't null your block and evasion, in korea though, in kToS.
The fix in iToS will come in not less than 4 more months
One of the newer armor sets in the game has an unlisted negative side effect which makes it unviable for pvp. Well the armor itself doesn't list the side effect, but the buff the armor gives says so. So a lot of people invested a bunch of time into transferring the effect onto the best armor in the game, then after a couple weeks one of them actually looked at the buff description and found it. Whales made a forum thread and staff said "not my job lol" when he said he knew already.
Fucking lmao
Speaking of Staff_Bob
What even is his job?
More than half the classes you listed got buffs in kToS in the last few weeks which makes them much more viable. This will hit iTOS in 1-2 months.
Balance is a process and some of the classes you listed are already okay like Paladin, Diev and Retiarius.
Pretty much every class is viable in some form, if you pair them up with other good classes and / or if you have good equipment. It's not like people won't party with you, if you pick any of the mentioned classes.
No amount of number tweaking will make dark wizards good
Not as long 99% of the enemies and bosses in the game takes like 50% less damage from their skills, if their skills can even be used
They take 25% less dmg with rebuild. See pic related.
Also, they're like around 1000 monsters with dark element in the game, but almost 3000 with a different element.
Finally! Moar!
Is the game good tho.
What did this Goddess fuck up or abandon this time?
I don't have any more!
It's fine for casual grinding.
>all these reddit images
Holy shit what an awful thread now behold this 5
so what if its dead
We also have cute character songs with vocals every time new classes get added to the game!
Tiger Hunter
Here's a magazine that comes out every 2 months about what's going on in the game right now, what's to come in the upcoming months, interviews with the devs, and much more:
>TOS Development Roadmap for 2019
>3rd Anniversary Video
>Q&A With the Devs - Re:Build
>TOS 2018 Census
>New: Hangout Raids, Irredian Shelter, and More!
>Dev QnA: Recent Content
>Goddess' Blessed Cube: Mystic Costumes
>Interview With TOS.GURU Creator rjgtav
>GM Toon
>Coming up Next: Episode 11
>Fan Art Festival: TOS 3rd Anniversary Edition
wait these 4 are new classes? I stopped playing a while after redone or remake or replay, whatever that update is called
not out yet
A mess, class is only usable in PvP and half of skill are currently bugged in korea but they are fixing it. Still won't be usable outside PvP, his entire kit is just too specialized in that
It's ARDITI, not Ardito, fucking gooks
Anyways the class is good, grenades require to have dagger equipped.
10/10 must have circle for any dagger based build, especially for mobbing and AoE since currently Dagger scouts can't basically do shit beside backstabbing people in PvP
>Tiger Hunter
It...exist...and works?...kind off
Cool concept but underwhelming as fuck in the execution with zero damage, zero utility, zero AoE
It probably won't dethrone FalconRangerMergen but Matross will make Cannons better
Thanks. arditi is scout class?
I like how the tiger hunter looks at least, but matross and sheriff are such a funny concept.
>Class icon isn't resembling the historical skull with dagger between teeth insignia at all
Sherrif and Arditi are Scout yes
Corsair already has the skull symbol as their trademark avatar, so they probably wanted to avoid confusion.
Now that I think about it I pretty sure ardito is the singular version of arditi, so it does make sense.
wait no im wrong i dont understand italian heh
technically is
Isn't tiger hunter basically just a buff class for Musket? That's what it seems like.
Supposed to be like that yeah, but in the current state it sucks so much Musketer doesn't really need to get it, meanwhile you won't build Cannoneer without matross in the build
Tiger Hunter is just bad youtube.com
>Musket class
>No musketeer
Why do they do this? Rebuild was supposed to retardproof the game but I still see retards.
he did it for test the class
But TigerHunter offer absolutely nothing to Musketeer and TigerHunter is dependant on having at the very least Sapper for it's skill to actually start dealing damage
So the TigerHunter build would be SapperTigerMusket, but then you lose Falconer and without Falconer both TigerHunter and Musket becomes even more trash
There is just no way to make Tiger Hunter work without desiring to commit suicide
Meanwhile you have Arditi getting buffed almost immediatly despite being the strongest of the new 4 classes already