Lords of the fallen

why does no one talks about this game?
what was the controversy?
does it sucks or is it just a matter of gitting gud?

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It's the most 5.5 game you can imagine.

It's not terrible but also not really... good.

You'll play it and go "ok yeah I understand it now, this is a 5.5"

It's so boring and they copied the homework of Dark Souls, but changed it so you wouldn't notice. Too bad the changes ruined the whole experience.

It's pretty well-made, but short and nothing special. There's not much to say. Enjoyable, but forgettable. Play it for cheap.

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Because their next attempt at a Souls game, The Surge, was way better.

The Surge is pretty bland imo. I like Lords better for atmosphere and gameplay both.

The game is shit, just like your English.

I thought this game looked pretty decent pre-release, but it turned out that what they showed was the only half decent part of the game

The game is fine, for a one and only play-through. Still very worth the journey

>He pays

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It was on sale for

I remember it used Denuvo so it was already dead on arrival as a literally who game. was made by the guy who was responsible for directing Witcher 2 iirc.
Never bothered with it because like stated above it used Denuvo cancer.

Clunky, boring, uninspired.

it’s one of those bargain bin games

>He actually unironically spends money on videogames

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I actually enjoyed it more than dark souls.

I did play it before I played a souls game though since it was free on xbox one month

hello Hobo McPoor

lotf trash
surge trash

Wow go watch the trailer for this on YouTube. It’s fucking awful.

Surge needed ranged options. Throwing wrenches, bombs, a bolt gun, SOMETHING. It's so gay and feels unreal that my character never goes for a ranged weapon. Dark Souls and Nioh have ranged attacks out the ass and it didn't cheapen the gameplay at all.

I looked up some gameplay and it was pretty weird. The areas looked really open and like they had nothing going on.

>why does no one talks about this game?
It's not very special
>what was the controversy?
There was none
>does it sucks or is it just a matter of gitting gud?
The game is actually pretty good although yes, you do need to git gud. Get the blue magic as your starter so you get the OP healing/defense buff spell.

You do have ranged attacks, you have your drone :^)