The bigger the boss the worse the boss fight is.
The bigger the boss the worse the boss fight is
Dragon's Dogma has tons of fun, big bosses.
Has a videogame ever had a tiny boss?
Which dragons dogma is the best? PS3/4 or Switch?
Shimmy is very smol
This is a very, very stupid question
They're exactly the same game.
PS3 is the weakest console, it runs it like complete shit
Switch is in the middle, it runs it a little less shit
PS4 is acceptable
PC is by far the best.
Gunstar Heroes tiny soldier
Also you can mod in the nip VA and the original soundtrack.
Oi Arusienu-sama Wolf-chantactchi hunto inu pakuo!
I just used it for Mercedes's voice.
>They're exactly the same game.
>PS3 is the weakest console, it runs it like complete shit
Yes, in terms of content, they're identical, aside from the music in the title menu.
Are you really so stupid that you couldn't infer that information yourself?
only ever as a joke, id love to see a miniature boss in a Souls game that just fucks your ass.
>Are you really so stupid that you couldn't infer that information yourself?
>Boss gets one shot by other boss
alright then.
>HUEG boss
>in a tiny cramped room
>boss does AoE attacks
>HUEG boss
>in a tiny cramped room
>boss does AoE attacks
>adds come out to chase you while you avoid AoEs
Ys 1 & 2 have such bosses.
No it isn't. You do realize by best version he could have literally just meant performance. You fucking retard.
ps3/360 version has berserk crossover armor if that means anything to you
>by best version he could have literally just meant performance
Then it's still a stupid question because every last gen port runs better on switch, PS4 obviously shits on the switch and PC will never be topped.
>Mothra either takes out everything effortlessly or gets fucking rekt
What a strange kaiju.
Mini Uragaan in Monster Hunter
fuck off, retard
I like when Mothra does both in one movie.