THE GOATY just released on the old STEAMER!

Why aren't you playing JESUS right now, Yea Forums?

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holy shit what the fuck is this hahha oh fuck
please godpill me OP

im a santa main. sorry jesus, hold this present oki

If there's no god then why is fapping to traps feels so wrong?

No muhhamad no buy

Muhammad was a prophet, not a God.

Jesus wasn't a god either

Terrible kusoge gameplay.

Can I be the pig god Allah and use Mohammad as my cocksleeve?

But he was the son of God

Jesus was God's Son, like Herakles.

Not a god. Not even a demigod like Herc or Gil

You will burn for potraying Jesus in such manners, I hate you fucking subhuman american """christians""" without any knowledge about true christianity, go shitpost on /pol/ about Deus Vult.

A true christian would never disrespect his prophet, and a guy that doesn't believe in religions that is actually intelligent knows to respect cultures/religions and no to interfere with them. But as we all know you are either underage or some 25y old loser in a dead end job.


He was a pussy-ass carpenter lmfao and he wasn't a demigod. Moses did more impressive shit.

Do you even bible?

cringe r*ddit shit

Jesus isn't a god. Are you retarded? He couldn't even beat up a couple romans.

Well, my Jesus isn't an assblasted NIGGER, he's pretty cool and can take a joke. You can fuck right off with your fake jesus.

I want to play as Muhammad

Jesus was black

Moses was p based but do you know anyone who prays to Moses?
Jesus was a humble guy who maybe died for our sins.

Me too
I want to weaponize child rape like he did

That's because compared to him (God) the Romans were autistic kids flailing their arms around trying to "fight" him. You wouldnt beat up autist would you user?

Nobody gives a fuck, least of all Jesus. If a normal human can handle the entirety of the human race shitting on them on Twitter, I'm sure Jesus can turn the other cheek. If he can't, fuck em', he's a shit religion.

Nah he was just a pussy
I can kick the shit out of retards all day errday for fun

He died because he was crazy user.

Jesus is literally the embodiment of the God of the old testament. He wasn't just the son of God, he was his avatar on earth.

>an almighty universe creating deity, against whom we are the equivalent of ants, throws a hissy fit if those those ants do not respect him or his son
I refuse to believe the universe is so small, cruel or petty that the force behind everything would be turn out to be a pathetic little bitch tyrant.

Yes. In Numbers and Colossians God brought the brimstone. Why the fuck was Jesus such a whiny faggot?


Fuck off.

Religion of peace, everyone

That's retarded, because old testament god was a vengeful mean prick and Jesus was a weakling pussy. Why does god flip-flop on key issues? I'm getting a Hillary vibe from him/her.

Superman syndrome. When you can literally destroy the world with your pinky you have to always have the kid gloves on.

Didn't this game release last year?

Jesus was actually female and the very first feminist
>been on youtube for years
>no upload ever got more than 50 views
>find fight of gods
>record my bad attempt at fightan
>20k views out of fucking nowhere

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mentally ill people aren't respected on Yea Forums


Go falseflag somewhere else, you fat fedora-wearing fuck

>He thinks yelling that someone will burn for portraying Jesus in a video game spreads a positive image of Christianity
Christians like you are why the world views our religion as a joke.

>devs are too pussy to get their offices bombed over a muhamed joke

>John 10:30 - I and [my] Father are one.
Apology accepted

That doesn't make sense because God leveled nations, tried to kill every faggot that ever lived, etc. And Jesus was all "oh please Pilate, fuck me in the ass", etc.
That isn't Superman Syndrome.

God came down to earth as a man as Christ Jesus the messiah. Messiah means avatar of God. God then saw that his chosen people were basically scummy satan worshipping child molesting fruits and said "Fuck these guys" and opened up heaven to everyone who would believe on Christ rather than basing it on bloodlines.


This could also mean that they had sex

I thought God hated fags

this is Muslim levels of retarded.

according to the bible jesus was alive before he was born.
He appeared as an angel to nuke soddom and gomorrah.
He is basically god.

Like every Christian priest, he was secretly a fag himself.

They pussied out not putting Mohammed in.

Jesus was gay. This is already known to theologians

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Jesus never did a BIG act like part the sea but Moses would not have been able to bring a dead person back to fucking life.

Just admit you love a homosexual deity.

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Game looks like garbage, but that is a pretty baller concept for Jesus.

Jesus is a black, gay necromancer. It is all documented

he self rezed though and disappeared.

You don't know what you are talking about. Jesus was literally God. Like, the one God, YHWH. He was God possessing a man that he himself made. Any word that Jesus said was literally the word of God.

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He may not have been gay
But it's 100% known he fucked hookers
Probably underage male hookers

But Jesus is canon gay and God hates fags. This is known to theologians. Did got hate fags so much due to this own sexual insecurities?

God doesn't hate fags, first, second, where does it say he is gay? If anything he is a celibate. The Bible doesn't show him doing anything gay or straight. He just kind of goes around chilling with his bros and flippin' tables when niggas act a fool.

>Tfw they were going to put Flying Spaghetti Monster in the game but ran into a copyright issue
Life is unfair

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Muhammad was a prophet, just a regular human.
I mean they would probably be too pussy to put him in but putting him in wouldn't make much sense unless they also put fucking Moses or something in.

Sexual sins were rampant in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. (This is the origin of the word sodomy.) Despite warnings, they refused to repent. God destroyed those cities and it was recorded as a warning to all future generations (Genesis 18:20-21, Genesis 19:4-5, 2 Peter 2:6). Some additional scriptures on homosexuality are found in:
Leviticus 18:22
Leviticus 20:13
Romans 1:26-27
The price paid for homosexuality and other fornications are told in:
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Jude 6-7
Romans 1:18

Jesus is also a canon homosexual

Your only evidence of anything is either A: stuff written before Jesus, which is all bullshit, since, you know, Jesus specifically came down to tell the Jews they had lost their way and we're doing everything all wrong, or B: stuff written by humans long, long after Jesus ascended into heaven.

We are talking 100 or more years after. I do not subscribe to any of the letters written by Saul, a Roman soldier who prided himself on killin' early Christians, who thought "if I just say Jesus forgave me and made me his apostle, these morons will do ANYTHING". Fuck """""St.""""" Paul. If it didn't happen in the Gospel, it doesn't matter. This is why it's fine to eat pork. This is why we wear clothing made of multiple fibers. Leviticus was a bunch of laws made by man, and said to be by God. The entirety of the Old Testament is a bunch of stories and should only be considered as such.

As an aside, I don't think it really matters one way or the other if he was or wasn't gay. Go tip your fedora elsewhere, athiest.

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The evidence is the Bible. Here's a real tip : there may or way not be a god, but Jesus certainly wasn't his son either way.

*tips fedora*

Convincing counterpoint

Most of the events depicting Jesus were written hundreds of years after his death.

>unless they also put fucking Moses or something in.
>He doesn't know

Incorrect, the Gospels were written about fifty to a hundred years. Not hundreds like you described. This is different than the Old Testament which were passed down by word of mouth for hundreds if not thousands of years before being written down.

Try again.

jsut turn the other cheek, cuck

Incorrect. Many of the gospels today were rewritten from base literally hundreds of years later by clergymen. You have never seen an early text from Bible by its author. Elements were added to these rewrites too.
This is all known.

>God leveled nations, tried to kill every faggot that ever lived, etc

That was Jews, not God.

Jesus, God and Holy Ghost are the one and the same

>No Allah or Muhammad

>Poo poo pee pee