anyone rolling? feh update with minimal content and the spring units are trash. currently double SP leveling up Spring Loki
Anyone rolling? feh update with minimal content and the spring units are trash...
Got a 3* Tharja free roll despite already having her at +10
Beat the mythic map the same I do any other abyssal, by cheesing the hell out of it.
>Bow Lucina
Make it stop.
I guess all three greens are good. Might be worth going for that.
got a bunch of lewyns, probably gonna give special spiral to my legendary roy
What's the orb damage I'm thinking of losing 20-60 orbs on this for possible fodder.
I am kind of miffed I got both Lewyn and Kagero but not Yune. Especially since I already had Lewyn and since Kagero is -ATK.
But I guess I now have a Special Spiral to give away, and I suppose Kagero can be neat even with -ATK.
I haven't had a legendary/mythic in ages though, and I kind of fear I'll struggle in whatever their upcoming game mode is if I can't grab myself a Roy or Yune or whatever.
only got WAH! flying healer which i kinda wanted from the banner with 75 orbs. kinda unlucky to only get 1 5* with 70 orvs
Exact same
>get Ophelia in the second orb of the second session
>get a +Atk -Def Yune in the first orb in the third session
>don't get a green orb in the fourth session, pick blue and get another Ophelia
>decide to roll the entire session, get BLyn as well
>only want Kagero, waste remaining orbs for 13.50%
I'm pretty new, I got Yune, Beverage Kagero, Celica, Lucina with a bow, flying mage Azura. Are they any good? Right now Kagero seems the weakest out of them and Lucina the best.
All I do in this game is log in and roll every now and then because actually playing this shit is hell. That said I got Lewyn #2, which would be great for fodder if I ever start again.
All of them are good.
I like playing the game but the content always goes from pffft easy to literally impossibiru.
They added so many modes and resources that a there's tons of stuff I just haven't bothered with.
They should implement a trade resources for other resources thing.
Got her and 2 other 5* in 70 orbs.
+atk -res
welp 93 orbs later and 10% rate nothing I aint wasting another orb on this shit b8% banner. Maybe with the April mission orbs I'll try one or two more pulls.
>4 green orbs in 7 summon sessions
75 orbs and got Yune, Lazura, S.Celica, Kagero, Myrrh and Ophelia
blessed day
still have a bunch of leftover orbs too, and bow lucina doesnt interest me much, so guess i'll stop
11% pity rate fuck me sideways.
looks like my f2p luck has run out I aint goin under 300 orbs for this garbage.
In less than 80 orbs I got Kagero, Eir and Duna so I'm pretty happy.
I'd roll more but I would actually prefer keeping my 1000+ stash because seeing that HUGE number makes me feel better then getting more units I don't care about
Fuck that's how little I cared about this loli
How the fuck do you even get so many orbs? I've been playing for 2 months and I got about 200 total, and that's with exhausting most story missions.
By saving them for only what you really want and not what the internet tells you to spend on.
Discipline. Don't be baited into rolling more when you use your free tickets or the first free roll because that adds up. Have definite plans for your resources/units and only roll for fodder if it lines up with those plans. Don't roll for 3/4*s, wait until a banner you want to roll on aligns with their colour and go ham then. Only roll for your favorites. And it gets easier with time, because in the start you have nothing and it's tempting to overcome that hurdle by throwing orbs at it but it's not the best idea in the long run.
Trust me, it's a lot easier to save at this point in history of the game. Fuck, I remember when you would have to roll for a new 5* unit to get the tempest trial bonus, that was shit.
my free roll was a -atk +res Ophelia (my first). do i roll for more Ophelias, or do i give chill res to Reinhardt?
It depends, do you want AR defense wins?
that was a pleasure to watch. thanks for reminding me smite exists.
i'm new to AR, but i keep reading people post about how Ophelia is great for AR. what makes her so good in AR mode? missletain, mage team and AOE would be my guess.
not rolling on all the shit banners that come out every two weeks. only taking the free gibs roll and free gibs me 5* units. making the most out of pluck luck and skill inheritance. being f2p and not an orblet really is quite satisfying.
It is very hard to bait her and live. Coupling her with dancers, especially L!Azura make it very difficult to get full points off of that cancer.
Still, I'm getting to the point where the the game stops trying to woo me and I get about 2 orbs a day now. I have a decent amount of good units now (I think) but it will take me a long ass time before I get close to 200 orbs again, let alone 1000.
thanks, i'll roll some more then. i've got orbs to spare.
this webm is too high IQ for Yea Forums please don't release this type of dangerous content to the iliterate masses. what if they began thinking critically instead of just consuming.
And don't fall for the Special Spiral meme on AR defense (player use is ok) unless you're getting Chill Res from someone else on your team. That -7 Res really makes a difference, and personally I've never allowed a SS Ophelia to get 2 specials off in a single AR fight, so I just enjoy my free 7 Res.
Well I already gave all the advice I can offer. You can either live up to it or get those sheckels out goyim
I'm at 5.5% on Idunn's banner and have 0 F2P orbs left
End me
>managed to get her
>-SPD and +DEF
>got her in my free roll
At least the flaw doesn't hurt too much.
Thats a good flaw
Still trying to roll idunn, shit nigga I just want my azama to be the tankiest dude around. Maybe I should wait for a 3 person banner or something.
Got her on my free roll. Wish I recorded a webm for the salt mines, but oh well. Only one green orb, the rest were silver.
I don't know which one of you to feel more sorry for. This is the fate of those who tempt b8.
why would people be salty good on you for not being a luck shitter a whale or a crybaby. people don't always get what they want but they always get what they need whether they are able to recognize it or not. If you're happy I'm happy for you too user. It's the people who whine and complain about playing gacha shit in the first place who should not be playing a game that is designed in a very specific way to gather shekels. Always remember the old adage
>Free to play all the way, if you pay you are a gay.