Which Link do you like most?
Which Link do you like most?
Nicholas Flores
Adam Phillips
2 and 4
Caleb Phillips
would would would would would would
Tyler Williams
Hunter Martinez
It's a tie for me between 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Easton Martin
Not gay but I'd fuck the first 3 on the top
Nolan Gonzalez
Henry Cook
They all look good except for 3. That hairstyle is not flattering at all
Nolan Nelson
The fuck is 5
Looks like fanmade trash
Charles Roberts
all of them
but especially 1 and 2
Robert Phillips
1, 2 and 6
5 is the only one I dislike
Jackson Allen
I'd have loving sex with 4 5 and 6
Alexander White
all of them
Parker Harris
Henry King
The absolute madmen
Jayden Thompson
4. he's so cute
Dominic Williams
based and nohomopilled
Zachary Flores
1,3,4 are good with 3 being my favorite. 5 is 1000x better than 6.
Gabriel Edwards
I want 1 to have my babies
Ryder Moore
4 > 2 > 5 > 1 > 3 > 6
Carter Nguyen
I love Kass!
Jose King
Not gay but I'd fuck all 6.
Oliver Smith
kass is a buttslut desu