What are you looking forward to seeing implemented in ror2?
Risk of Rain 2 Development
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this any good?
remove the red zone
Crack when?
more huntress tier butts
Sniper and bandit
Look at this poorfag
Better item sharing
An outline on chests and the tele for actual visibility. Idk, make it fainter the further you are from them.
>got the fucking Mage
>Merc still not in my roster
Is the portal to actually unlock him random or something?
the celestial portal unlock the merc
>Pirating Indies
Actual subhuman.
this is probably the thing id like added the most, i spend so much time looking for the teleporter just to go back and find i looked right past it because it was halfway underwater and next to a rock
gotta get celestial portal and then sacrifice yourself to obelisk
yes its random
someone make a lobby
What's the "Blue Orb" thingie at stage 1 ? The one that you pay with 1 lunar coin.
The final stage.
>pirating early access
Enjoy hoping someone keeps cracking every build, lmao
Fucking why
New lobby, remember to pack goat hoofs
Either the ability to drop items for your allies or some way to revive others.
Someone dies on your team once and they're basically dead weight the rest of the game because they missed an entire level's worth of items/XP. This was a problem in the first game too. It might as well just autokick someone on death.
Doesn't it always happen if you survive long enough to loop and then get back to the last level? That's what I heard.
Since Gearbox is pulling the strings, I'm looking forward to a season pass and DLC bundles.
>get the will-o'-the-wisp printer
>exchange everything for 8 of them
>also get the cube
Got the 15 seconds for a boss achievement first try.
Also got the 5k damage in one shot.
Also got like 3 batteries which felt unfair.
Also, the 100% critical hit equipment lasts forever for robot's fast gun given you don't release the button and don't use other skills.
Also, got 25 bears. Still managed to die, as they block 80% of hits at most.
The game is fun. It transitioned surprisingly well to 3D.
Also, closed doors I don't know how to open trigger me.
Best solo character?
the levels are too fucking big
Other than the character, what's the other stuff you get with the coins?
>make a sequel to your meme game
>STILL no theme song sung by tay zonday
it practically writes itself!
I love Huntress!
I dunno man. I did three loops and I still didn't see shit. Two portals did pop up at one point, though I ended up going through one that lead to me getting the Mage. Had no idea if the other lead to Merc.
>Buy 1 get 1 free
>Only lasts till tomorrow (I don't get paid till next week and I just had to pay off a massive fucking debt with my last payday money)
Fuck everything. Why couldn't the deal have been up for longer?
Me too!
Items that can fuck up your entire build if you dont know what they do
Gold portal? Yeah that led to him.
these are what credit cards are for.
This game sucks it takes more than 5 seconds to kill an enemy!
Just save them until you have enough for the shop dummy
I can easily say that the mage bitch does the most damage and is also the most fun
anyone sells a gift or at least know a spot to buy one cheaper than the steam store?
Huntress is the most fun character by far. Bosses are rough sometimes but otherwise she's the most laid back way to play. I've been able to loop on the regular with her now, robot may be better early but I think being able to focus on staying alive most of the time will take me to a further end game, furthest i've made it is 8 stages
Two blues. There was a gold one in my first playthrough, but it lead to this hard as fuck fight against a golden golem and my death.
Commando sux
It already happened, check the archive
give teleporter red outline like in ror1 to make it more visible and blend less in the enviorment y/n
Why would you ever play singleplayer when multiplayer exists?
Mods when?
game needs an enemy indicator
or an even bigger fov
Shared items in multiplayer when?
What is the business rationale for selling this as buy one get one free instead of just half price
big yes
When you don't want to deal with dickheads stealing your shit
Engineer is still a cuck.
Oh and I can't wait for MarielX to ruin this fucking game. Not that you assholes aren't also culpable, instead of a 300+ comfy thread we get zoomer fucks shitposting this game into oblivion. Why don't they just fucking shutdown this whole entire website, it hasn't been good since 2012 and will only get infinitely worse.
I've got a copy I'll sell for the equivalent of 10$ paypal or steam
you'd have to go first tho
its a marketing strategy
It's a niche game. Sharing copies with friends will get the word out there.
the idea of getting something extra rather than getting something at a discounted price
also helps populate the servers quite nicely
are you retarded?
Looking for the tp itself is a fool's errand.
Is this fun to play alone? Does it provide a good amount of hours? I wanna play something chill even if its challenging from the couch and I enjoy games like these even tho I never played the first one
You can leave any time.
Because it's better than playing with randoms
Multiplayer with friends>=Multiplayer with friend>Singleplayer>>>Multiplayer with randoms
Basically multiplayer with randoms some sort of playing like with bots, but advanced ones.
Guaranteed blue portal after teleporter I think. If you look at the TP after hitting a Newt Altar, you see a blue orb orbiting it.
Silhouette outlines for your party members. Some of them are retarded and dont use english letters in their names - so they`re basically invisible for you
>playing with friend
>stage 1
>Three tough golems appear and tank shit like no tomorrow as a boss fight
>finally beat them all and get to stage 2
>stage 2 boss was significantly easier then stage 1's boss
This game loves to fuck with me.
1) Playing with friends is better experience
2) It's like also sharing word. Someone may buy the game and gift it to someone who never heard about RoR.
3) It will also boost steam stats.
Do lunar coins actually have a higher drop rate on monsoon?
give me the free copy buyfags
Anyone else that feels RoR2 is similar to Warframe?
Christ alive I suck dick at risk of rain now
can't get past the third level, keep getting my shit pushed in
Similar as in crazy action tps?
It felt more like like an Underdone Garry's Mod server
>Is this fun to play alone?
Just fucking hit multiplayer though you autist
Glassfags BTFO!
Is multiplayer bugged? I try to join a lobby but nobody else joins
It's crazy how well this game is selling. Never thought I'd see risk of rain as the top seller on steam.
How do I unlock more classes?
>tfw seen at least 50 different people with pepe frog steam avatars
I guess we should thank Gearbox?
>mfw 16 Energy Drinks
They aren't once you have several red whips, goat hooves and energy drinks
I just don't wanna mess with people's games when I'm gonna be chillin playing with a controller like a stinky casual
This is a 3D game?
I looked at a demo of the first one and it was in 2D
I was tempted to get the first one on the Nintendo Switch
What's the etiquette for online chests? I don't want to hog them but also don't want to be jewed out of everything
Because you smell
Fuck off Randy.
finding the teleporter isnt fun
>mfw goat hooves
First one is also excellent, this one is great too.
Press tab and decide
Will i get an additional copy if i buy a steam key instead of buying directly from steam?
Glad I’m not the only one, I spent a ton of time last night looking for a portal and couldn’t find it.
Someone post the download link
>Published by Gearbox
is there any kind of pinging system?
1. Online multiplayer options for 2 and 3 player groups.
2. An ending stage with a final boss.
3.Any sort of alternate goofy/fun skins for characters
If you open the chest it's yours. Only take 1 item from the teleporter at the end. If you find an item someone else needs, ping it. Don't take multiples of items that have poor stack bonuses like war banner and if you already have an equipment give it to a teammate who doesn't.
lol no
a 3D enemy indicator surrounding our PC
a mini map showing enemies
a more easy to see targeting laser that also lasts longer before firing
do lunar coins carry over to other games or do you lose all of them when you die
middle mouse button senpai.
>peeple blowing fat loads over energy drink stacking as huntress
>not realising that the robot's boost damage scales with speed and gets significantly faster per energy drink
>using a good run and a 3d printer to get enough to boost entire swarms of enemies to death instantly
Mul-T is so fucking broken it's just ridiculous. This is me playing in a session with 4 people who all dropped.
that seems broken, someone playing in a multiplayer lobby with a hacked lunar coin count and hitting OP status as soon as they get a portal
also does the chill space alien dude in there do anything if you attack him
>peeple blowing fat loads over energy drink stacking as huntress
>stacking energy drink
>as huntress
Hold the phone, if I refund this can I still use the extra copy?
Shoot him too much and he'll throw your ass out.
Anyone or am I just being told to buy it as the only response?
>Using transport mode while flying with Milk chrysalis to ram packs of flying enemies
>get lost in artic level
>search every fucking inch
>run shit build huntress for 50 minutes
>Published by Gearbox
Jesus christ what a mistake, I'd have preferred that they went exclusive on the fucking Epic store
I kinda want minimap.
give it to me straight, is my boy the Bandit still in?
Pls tell me!
first one is 2d, 2nd one is 3d, both is f*n
Tiananmen Square
Casual baby mode is gone
>Taking money from a small team of 3 people because you cant pay a little bit of money
You are below sub human
its not random. you loop to the ice level. the portal there will always spawn if you do not have the merc. after that it will randomly send you to any other realm.
Holy shit this game is fucking great. Only a couple of hours in but I already like it more than the original. I can't believe it transitioned to 3D so well, I was kind of skeptical.
extra copy gets refunded as well, so no
>Someone dies on your team once and they're basically dead weight the rest of the game because they missed an entire level's worth of items
there are no items that increase base damage. all items are procs. xp level is shared. no one is dead weight.
>dynamic music system lets you know if you're within the teleporter charging range or not
This. ROR2 is actually a more difficult game because of this. Pretty gud though. huntress needs the ability to fire without being locked on. That's nonsense.
>hacked lunar coin count
its not really hard. you change a number in a config file. there is no anti-cheat what so ever. you can cheat engine in multiplayer even if you arent the host.
Huh, what if you use it before refunding?
>looking into how hard it'd be to raise cap on playercount
>the rabbit hole keeps going deeper
I don't know about this one guys
then maybe they should have thought about adding a demo
What if you gave the other copy to your friend. He activates it, play for more than 2 hours. You ask refound for YOUR COPY. Still same shit ?
It ain't Denuvo, bro. Even not as popular games will get cracked for every update.
Why is the Beetle Queen actually breedable?
You literally never pirated a game didn't you?
can't redeem a gift of a game you already have. if you try and give it to another account and refund it it doesn't work either
we seriously need an infographic explaining how to find the teleporter. you should be able to spot the tp in this pic in less than 2 seconds.
look for the red sparkles
Tfw the first games music cannot be imported
its first game in 3d.
If you find ROR1 fun you'll love ROR2 even more
red sparkles are hard to see more often than not. It needs more particles or outline or something. Running around scrounging every inch looking for teleporter for 30 mins is not that fun. Good luck finding teleporter currently when funballs are added.
>steam gift is being sold for as much as the game
>sell it yourself
>free game
>engie turrets get duplicates of all your items
>they get little cosmetic versions on their models too
how can anyone play another class after experiencing the perfection that is engie?
Well, the final level and boss? Right now it disappointingly just loops after 4 stages.
>Published by Gearbox
Ah shit. Will the game get fucked because of them
Yes because the game will still cost as much in a couple days without the free game.
most likely
If you split a copy with a friend it's literally 9 bucks each.
alright boys, now that this game is a success, how will gearbox make the devs monetize the shit out of this once it's out of early access? lootboxes? skins? pay for new survivors?
>get home excited to play RoR2
>almost nobody posting lobbies anymore
well buy it from me for 10$ user
>game run without issues at any given moment
>but it stutter for a half-sec/freeze for one second if you grab an item
>happens with every item I grab
>this is almost game breaking as stopping for even a second is certain death
>it doesn't happen if you are a spectator
This is only thing that getting me from getting good, what could be the issue?
Nigger, it's 18 bucks.
you first though
idunno works fine on my i5 2500k
> published
Indeed it is.
Why is Huntress' ass so fucking fat? Not complaining.
I don't think so user-chan
there's less incentive for me to rip you off since I have the game in my inventory & I need to get rid of it somehow
Well I have a i7 8500 whatever is it, with a 1060 and it's making me nuts.
More well-endowed bosses.
whats your Ghz
Im still not sold on the 3rd person view.
What should I be looking for as huntress? I can't get a good run on her
being published by someone doesn't change the fact that its indie
lobby you dumnb naggers
uh user
Well shit I don't remember as I'm out, but I can safely play games like Division 2 maxed with no drips of frames.
I'll try installing on the sad part but I don't think it will fix it as it's definitely not a loading issue.
1 more
Wow do I suck at three dimensions
Ah, thanks for clearing that up.
>dev himself posts dl links for drm free ror1 in /agdg/
>dev himself adds drm to ror2, pirates cant play with buyfags
fuck him
And I almost bought this shit
a better game what is this warframe lite shit
It literally does by definition you dumb faggot
for some reason im only shit as the huntress, im doing pretty well with every other character
fuck mercenary sucks. or does he? what do you guys think
>Games cost a week's worth of money where i live
>Can't even buy online games anyway
>"just stop being a poorfag looooooooooooool"
I decided to see what playing alone and easy was like cause I wanted to know how powerful you could get. Became a legit god of death that couldn't be killed. Even standing still I just healed. Normal or higher difficulties would be fine.
>I just don't wanna mess with people's games
Only way you can mess up is if you take every single item, which is pretty hard to do. Playing with matchmaking is just like having an extra turret, there isn't much teamwork.
get in fags
With bandolier he's aces, since you'll instantly pick up ammo packs with him. You're basically in R nonstop.
How hard would be for them to simply draw a fucking red circle on the ground?
>pirates cant play with buyfags
lmao is this true? fucking based, now us buychads don't risk playing with you dirty third worlders
Maybe you shouldn't be playing games then
>first run
>got my ass fucking blasted by wandering vagrant
>absolutely amazing controls
>music is fucking godly
>it's just like the first time in ror1
this game is kino
risk of rain 1 sold millions of copies. why are you surprised?
>invalid clipboard lobby
"Maybe you shouldn't have even the tiniest escape from whatever shithole you live in"
Nah fuck you
>music is godly
fuck no
and there are like 4 types of bullet spong- I mean enemies per level
this shit is RAW
How to unlock characters?
Do I have to grind them out in singeplayer or can I just play multiplayer?
it just black screen and close itself
You can do both.
the only multiplayer is through steam. the removal of direct ip connect hosting is a "feature" on the store page.
>Key Features
>Play four player co-op seamlessly through Steam — no more port forwarding
imagine not being able to port forward in 2019 lmfao
Anyone know if they'll ban you for just editing the .xml file to give yourself the characters?
>playing MP
>all working together
>see another user is low on items
>open chests/pay for shrines so he can catch up a bit
>we all manage to kill 3 vagrants
>some BRfag steals all 4 items
I doubt it
it's a unity game with no anticheat
it'll get bypassed in no time flat
If you use logic on your post it comes up as 'take little bit of money from 3 people because you can't pay little bit of money'
How do I get drones? Luck through chests and offerings?
But your wasting time in that "shit hole"
If you took the time you spent playing games to improve yourself then you might not be living in a shit hole
This was fun
Whats the best way to farm lunar coins?
they're lying on the floor
Probably a really solid suggestion. In RoR1, they all had outlines based on the rarity and teleporters had that red outline too.
I think those would be a complete game changer if implemented and not too jarringly ugly in gameplay.
I'm giving a copy to someone who has played over 50 hours of the original RoR and is willing to play with me. Send steam profiles.
Just fucking play the game normally
You could've begged for the free copy like anyone else in doing but you went for the third worlder bullshit.
How fucking pathetic.
I've got the game but I'm willing to play with you user
also based passitanon
So what exactly is randomised on each run?
If i use your logic then
"My one vote doesnt change the results"
You alone wont make much of a difference but its not you alone
chests, barrels, teleporters, printers
Didn't find how to unlock them yet, but here is a list of the survivors
Are you retarded? Publishing only, well, publishes, the devs feed themselves and make the game on their own.
It’s very much early access, hopefully they can polish it up nicely.
First person to respond with a link to their steam profile will get a free copy of RoR2, you can't already have the game.
Autorun. Or an option for autorun. I hate having to hit run every time I stop shooting.
>Energy drinks
>Wax birb
>Rose Shield
>optional flight usable equipment
no one?
Oh I have seen them before then. Thank you!
Jesus christ those are impressive numbers for RoR2
Reminder that this is early access and don't complain when features aren't in, also there is a discord server where you can register feedback for the devs and hopoo listens.
Give them all the feedback you can.
I wanted it but I'm not willing to play with you because I wanna play with someone else
the OST is such a letdown. can't remember a single track after playing for 5 hours
if there is one irreproachable thing with the game, it's chris's music
do you wanna play the first or the 2nd one?
Now it's good, the first post just sounded like you took lots of money insted of paying a few dollas.
the new one obvs
I can play with you but I own the game
I will trade a key for TF2 hats of equivalent value
So does enemy health scale per player?
willing to play both, but only have 35h in the first one and dont own the 2nd one /id/scottrastyles
What's the official tier list of the classes?
I played as one just one but eventually it was just me and an engineer not dying in our party so she can't be that bad, right?
Someone tell them that they need to make teleporters and chests more visible.
just have fun
why do engi turrets sometimes just stop attacking? is this a bug?
sometimes the just dont do anything.
just be yourself
if you steal all 4 items at the teleport I hope you die
reee no
Mega link?
don't you have an overdraft?
Is this a troll pic? Also I’ve had teleported that spawned underneath the mud in level 2, the only way I found it was the deleporter had the mountain icon on it
someone please gift me aaaaaa
I mean that's a pretty big region so you'll probably find some HUEanons, but I'm not sure if it's the right time frame for them
isn't it like uhh 4 am or whatever there?
My friends are scrubs and don´t want to split for the two copies.
Anyone gifting here?
>implying hueanons actually bought the original game
I can split with you user you'd have to go first tho
you can clearly see the teleporter sparkles in that pic
>Week’s worth of money
Where do you live? North Korea?
fuck, right
you could ask hueanons for screenshots of their unlocks?
>when one cunt nabs all the boss items and camps chests leaving him to be sole survivor only to die alone and complain about the team
extra mags so you can spam her chakram thing. it does crazy damage.
If he did, the game would be worth more than a human being
no he's fucking OP as fuck. you just need some mobility.
>tfw when free copy but have no friends and won't give it out ot leeches
How do I unlock new characters
Did some faggot actually get banned for this? Its a single player game with lobbies. No way, hell I even got away with doing this in KillingFloor2
>How do I unlock new characters
play the game
use abilities. The boomerang cleans up wisps and low tier monsters ez.
When you get two stronger ones together or anything stunned rain the arrows on them from above. Then shoot boomerang to bounce between them for fast and massive damage.
crowbar, glasses, soldiers syringe are nice, feathers, goat hoofs are nicer. Huntress really can't handle without getting damage buffs. But your arrow spam and boomerang hit fast and hard so crit and sticky bomb and such are nice. Black hole is great to use boomerang and arrows on, almost instakills everything.
For mobility you can use double jump, blink and arrow jump in any order to clear large heights or distances. You can jump outta arrow jump to get extra height.
Huntress is mostly using boomerang spam and arrow rain and items that enhance those.
want a fiver for it?
How do you get mage? do come across the character frozen in time?
Any advice on gitting gud, like what items I should be on the lookout for or how to find teleporters fast? So far I've unlocked Huntress and Mul-T. Commando wasn't doing much for me while I'm meshing much better with Huntress (starting to make it to loops now), haven't tried Mul-T yet so I'm not sure how it plays.
fuck this game i got shit to do but all I wanna do is play more chance of sprinkle
How many levels are in this game fuck I made it to stage 7.
its all about nabbing items and using abilities intelligently
>level 1
>3 blood shrines
>wood heal nearby
post high scores
>tfw when i'm from Perú and meet the +50 hours requirement
but already have the game user hope you find someone
I just want to have mercenary and go ful Dante!!!
anyone wanna set up a lobbie on easy just to beat it and kill myself??
i got bullied and fell behind on items so i gave up :l
doesn't count.......
I have 50 hours friend, you can play with me
Happens to everybody, in fact I'm only using Mult-D cause he's OP as fuck and it lets me stay alive until I git gud.
how do I git gud with artificer
No enforcer, no bandit
>No OST even on youtube
What the fuck, i just want to listen to Hydrophobia
I want Han-d back!!!!
how do I get him? I played 7 fucking stages and got huntress but noone else
Someone send me a copy of the game
I'll draw huntress porn as a reward
you do not get banned for this. there is no anti-cheat what so ever. also no vac.
you can literally use cheat engine in multiplayer and no one gives a fuck.
mercenary is ok right now, i just wish his lmb attack did more damage, it's pretty pathetic compared to han-d's
why are enemies in this game so bland?
flying skull (wow)
big flying skull
ancient golem
and lyziards?
You need to finish 1st stage 5 times
You need to clear the first stage 5 times, so just load an easy singleplayer game, beat the boss and then kill yourself.
Flying skulls are based, pleb.
prove you can draw first
I have this but I just blamed my slow HDD, I get the same thing when autosaves happen in hitman 2
A copy for SEA user who can draw my request
If you are on controller main huntress then
>it's another 'lmao there's no teleporter' episode
I've almost exclusively played both games solo and I love them. Got probably 50 hours out of the first one, would definitely do more with friends. This one's shaping up to be even better.
Here's a sketch of an earlier project
She fucks lemurians.
what are those tits
otherwise is fine I guess
you can kill the flying dragons in the forest stage. item unlock secret maybe?
Cute style though. Fluffy hair. Got a blog?
check ur butt
Is there any word on local multiplayer/splitscreen yet?
I don't own the game but the store page only mentions online at the moment.
I like it
What's your request?
I've killed them with rebar, nothing happened
maybe if I kill 1000...
>used to beat ass with Han-D
>could never beat the game with him since the final boss has minimal adds so you can build heals off of him
It’s like that one fight is super hard for him, he like needs to face tank anything just to do damage.
Then again that might just be me, I can’t stand commando in the first game but I find the sniper super strong. Really want to see what the sniper will be like in this game.
good post
>that red item that looks like a rock formation and makes you steal the powers of elites
>every time you kill a blue elite half of your hp bar disappears
sniper and bandit are probably gonna be op as shit
han-d and acrid will be fucking cool if they do them right though
>tfw no art of Huntress' ass
I was in the desert level and some dark tentacles stuff killed me, is it telling me not to exit the area?
>Rock Golems shoot lasers now
The fucking madmen, they made them worse to deal with.
Imagine the Yellow elites in this game.
Get in here australian host
Is is just me or is the late game aren't as intense as the first one? like it almost feels tedious
Or did i just got lucky and got OP on my second game there
Soorry it took me so long to get here
Such blinding light...
A fullbody of this girl.
Gotta use it as arcade stick art or something else
Leave your steam profile if you had done
His 4th ability is very underwhelming
2/4, move your asses in
>tfw there isn't more
Where's sniper?
alright fags time for some hot opinions up in this shit
it's risky
runs well
cool tunes
not chucklefish
not rainy
can't see shit most of the time
level design is a mess
tone down the color grading and fog hopoo you fag
more bloom than syndicate
drones are i win mode
its gearbox
>those squareshoulders
better than I could do regardless
Think the problem is his RoR1 his R had more power into it.
This game really lacks knockbacks compare to 1. Heck his W had punch through an knock back every enemy in a line now it doesn't anymore.
there's no late game
you bought the alpha and then complain the game is unfinished
I doubt they'll give us HAN-D since we aready have a similair looking robot.
Maybe chef tho
>Can't mooch a free copy since I live in Ausfailia
>Games 8 dollars more expensive here for no reason
>Consider buying it
>Realize I'd have nobody to gift the extra copy to anyway because I don't know fellow bogans
Fuck this shitehole
not rainy
literally everything else
I don't know about you, vision is clear and easy until you aim up at the flying fucks
level design is about as good as a procedural design can get
color grading and fog is perfect, don't touch it hopoo you nice fag
where the fuck is any bloom
drones are ass and die real fast
Hitting the gas in 3 minutes from this post regardless of player count, still 2/4
>overloading wyrm
He's so beautiful.
I’ve ran over teleporters without realizing what they were, game for sure has visual issues.
i sure hope i don't lag too bad strayanon
50% of the reason to play her desu
Not really complaining, still enjoying the game so far
Just saying in the latter difficulty the enemies aren't more in your face and less hectic
Isn't MUL-T a maintenance bot for repairing while HAN-D a janitorial one? I prefer Han-D but Mul-T is tanky as fuck desu.
I thought you guys were barred from coming here
Every time i try to boot the game up now, i get stuck at the early access warning. This happen to anyone else?
That's new zealand
The levels themselves are each a set design, the only "procedural" element is placement of chests/loot and MAYBE teleports.
They haven't added all the bosses or enemy types yet, but I would assume they won't get as insane because you can only render so many 3D models.
those are supposed to make you fuck off back into the map boundaries.
what are the blood altars for
Commando, I'm trying to open some chests, but I'm dummy thicc and the clap of my ass cheeks keeps attracting the imps
Are host dedicated servers? I seem to play with no lag with Eu/NA.
This game is gonna get real fucking boring with no randomly generated level designs
sucking on cum spheres
wtf is wrong with that helmet
I assume they'll have more by release but yea, not a lot of variety.
Isn't the game supposed to be procedurally generated? I always get the same first level
I hope they make it to where the loot is shared or not. Shitters online picking up every boss drop is annoying.
what's your request
The wings equipment make the game so fun
also make this part a piece of cake
Wait what? There's only one map design for each level?
I think you got bigger things to worry about than playing games Paco.
Here. Didn't show for some reason
Watching RoR1 updates they may make more maps on a year lol
anyone giving away their extra copy and want to give it to a risk of rain fan?
not begging, politely and respectfully asking.
if you don't want to thats cool too.
I never played the first one (despite me apparently owning it for 5 years) but someone gave it to me yesterday in exchange for me playing it with them and it was pretty fun.
Got some extreme lag like 30%+ of the time where for minute+ at a time literally nothing would register, and it crashed (for me) once but I was able to get back in next stage.
Took us like half an hour to find the teleporter on the level before we died though, and both of those "deaths" were from the lag just not progressing anything for an age.
this might...kinda kill the lifespan...fuck...
the game has literally always been like this bro
Its good, right?
did you play the first one?
Is it? The first sure wasnt
no one has that problem user must be your internet
Funnest game I've played in the past few months already.
I knew it was a character unlock, but I should have went the full 20 on that run. It just wouldn't die.
The other user was in bongland and when we tried it the other way around he had the same issue.
Look at the steam review page.
fuck dont tell me the first was like this too
damn i only played it a couple times with friends
could've sworn the map changes a bit each time
why include items like fireworks bundle if they lock all chests when you run into bosses?
what order are things churned up in the 3d printer? why is shit so ambiguous?
I fell through the bottom of the map a few times and it was a pain in the ass. I assume they'll fix that shit.
Aside from that I feel like there is a sparse number of items considering how many of them just speed up your walk animation and are copies of items from the previous game it is pretty lackluster. They need at least 3x as many items and some actual synergies.
The first one had small variations of the same overall map
Like what, protesting shitty conversion rates in the town square?
Living and food expenses are okay with the minimum wage in mind. Just not imported shit like video games when for the same price you can eat like a fat fuck for two full weeks.
There are small variations to the maps in RoR1 but the layout is largely static. You won't get the entire map randomly generated, which is a good thing considering how impossible it is to find the teleporter in 2 right now.
What is the benefit of going through the gold portal?
I wonder if based Randy "CP Magician" Pitchford will pump some money to fasten the development.
Borderlands Psycho class when?
you sell 2x as many copies as bogo as you would at half price if you had the same number of customers. games will inevitably be given to people who wouldn't be customers to begin with
I can't wait for yellow elites.
Rock golem lasers aren't as bad as stone guardian one. That fucker in some arenas just JUSTS your run
Fucking hate the shooting noises for the robut and commando's weapons.
>why include items like fireworks bundle if they lock all chests when you run into bosses?
So you don't get to use them against the bosses. That's rather self-evident.
>what order are things churned up in the 3d printer? why is shit so ambiguous?
It's random. You take a chance at losing something to gain something. This is also self-evident.
>Aside from that I feel like there is a sparse number of items considering how many of them just speed up your walk animation and are copies of items from the previous game it is pretty lackluster. They need at least 3x as many items and some actual synergies.
Fuckin' ay.
boss fight
Goddamn Merc is fun as fuck
Does it unlock anything?
>mfw huntress with ammo belt, ukulele, will o wisp and sticky bombs
>mfw 3 arrow rains on screen at once and boomerang flying non stop killing everything
>what order are things churned up in the 3d printer? why is shit so ambiguous?
3D Printer reagents are of the same tier as the item printed. IE: green printer will eat green items.
I fell through the bottom of the map a few times and it was a pain in the ass. I assume they'll fix that shit.
Happened to me once, but got teleported back pretty instantly, so it's okay for now.
Aside from that I feel like there is a sparse number of items considering how many of them just speed up your walk animation and are copies of items from the previous game it is pretty lackluster. They need at least 3x as many items and some actual synergies.
There ARE new items, but a bunch are locked behind achievements. Last in the last game. Also >no synergy between items.
You fight the Golden [Redacted] guy that's a pain in the dick to fight solo and ??? happens because I haven't heard of anyone beating him.
Is there even any financial benefit to making the development faster
My man. Favorite class.
>It's random. You take a chance at losing something to gain something. This is also self-evident.
it throws items in from left to right.
>Latin America can't play game
Absolutely based
>Merc with Ammo Belt and Alien Head
>Be in the air and 4th ability forever.
Not gonna lie.
This does make me kinda curious about a crossover.
One of the classes in RoR becoming a vault hunter could maybe be neat too.
Sky Meadow 3D with Chanson d'Automne 2 when
I don't have a problem with Commando but MUL-T's needlegun definitely could sound and look a lot better whilst firing. I'd say something about it in the feedback but I have nothing better to offer or any ideas on what it should sound like and I'm afraid it'll turn into another KF2 9mm all over again.
when you press shift while having 15 goat hoofs and 10 energy drink on mul-t
They're all good desu.
didn't for me. all i got was some item that boosted health and regen. it's a bit of an annoying fight since you have to activate some pylons before you can damage the guy and they cost money so you've got to mow down hordes while dodging the boss and his fuck off laser.
I have exactly 50 hours on ror kek, but already have ror2
Guys can we make the same build as RoR1?
Has anyone found the ring yet?
Commando is outclassed by Mult-T in every way.
He’s dead
So there's no final level/boss implemented yet, right? Do we know if Providence is coming back? Or anything about the lore for that matter? I was a little disappointed that the monster logs don't have notes yet.
Are you fucking braindead or some shit?
Are there really no artifacts yet? I'm kind of surprised.
Got into this hidden map called Gilded Coast and had to activate 7 Halcyon Beacons, died during my 5th one, anyone knwo what spawns here?
I hope the "final" boss is providence, then the God he serves is the real final boss
So.... pretty much like the first one?
>beat providence
>new teleporter appears
>it's NG+
>providence is a playable character
Because if you sell at half price all of your customers will buy it half price.
If you do BOGO your customers will pay full price and give copies to people who wouldn't be customers anyways.
>when the 3d printer is just right and then you die to two clay pot faggots
I just noticed but why is it that every post with exclamation marks in this board is obnoxiously faggotry crap that ruins threads?
any EU lobby?
You're missing the fact that this offer lasts for 1-2 days. If the game gets popular enough people who get late on the train will want it.
No, are you? I worked in publishing for 4 years, I'm sure I know what I'm talking about.
can you kill the shopkeeper
Oh fuck off with the "comfy" shit already.
fuck clay pots, that's all i have to say about those assholes
Why don't you go find out for us user?
They're kind of pointless in normal conversational writing. People only use them to draw attention to their post as a result, and attention seeking is the behavior of an obnoxious faggot.
my friend shot him a lot and nothing happened so probably not
Does shop keep appearing?
I think I'll kill him after 100 mins or so
FUCK I forgot my image boy do I sure look retarded
smash the pots, glass relic NOW
> They removed the invincibility on his roll
> Huntress get's invincibility on her giant blink that can even go up or down, and has a better damage output on her R (giant aoe too) and right click
How did they manage to do THAT
The big golem's tracking laser doesn't seem to work very well if you can stay airborne. Buzzing around its head as Merc with a lot of feathers and it seemed to be tracking where I would be if I was on the ground.
the moment I chinked him for 2% of his HP he teleported me out and closed the shop
probably doable in MP
>early access
that part was supposed to be hard?
how do you open that shit?
>Ocular HUD
>Energy Cell
>some Syringes
What the fuck are you talking about? Risk of Rain threads are fine. Every thread for 2 has been fine as well. Quit letting shitposters and tripfags live in your head.
Did one of you activate the shrine of the mountain or whatever? It increases the amount of bosses that spawns but gives you more items on the teleporter once you beat them.
4 Mul-T hovering around lvl 15 with items and we only managed to do 1% of his HP before he kicked us out.
There seems to be a newt statue that opens a portal to it hidden in every stage
>I don't get paid till next week and I just had to pay off a massive fucking debt with my last payday money
>not having a buffer
>tfw spent 4 lunar coins in the shop because I didn't know what they were for
should've gotten there 2 minutes and 50 seconds sooner it's a timed box that you have to get to before it goes negative, correlates with game time
>game time 12:50
>chest says -2:50
You get one guess.
Try getting there in less than ten minutes.
Go faster. Best way is to play on Drizzle or someshit and RUSH.
>Ocular HUD
>Energy Cell
>Brilliant Behemoth
>[Insert on-hit items]
>Cuck cube of blackness
>had a 3d copy of that item that deals more damage to bosses
>we were already on the hardest difficulty
>we jump to the next level and try to get to the boss ASAP
>it's the 2nd level, the watery mud level and we cant find it
I've heard it can clip into the walls with that map.
Are you rushing the teleporter? Don't do that, at least on singleplayer. Now you benefit from farming and buying most of the chests, and then doing the teleporter.
You 'mando haters really underestimate the utility of his stunning weapon.
Nope, no shrine was activated. I think the game just wanted to fuck with us on that run.
any rooms
Any SEAniggers want a copy
Was gonna give it to my friend but thought i'd rather give one to someone that genuinely like the first one
it took me half an hour to find nit, eventually I found it half-buried in the ground
>no teleport
>go out of bounds trying to find it
>get respawned in a corridor between two locked bunker doors
does Japan count
Give me it, im Kababoyan
If there is a region lock on the gifted copy why am I able to select my NA friends for it? I'm from EU
>If there is a region lock on the gifted copy
there isn't, a bong gave me one
are you fucking kidding me? I didnt know it could spawn there.
I had 19 of those bullet items, and I couldnt do jack shit.
I havent played the first one tho
was obscured by the mud, shit sucked
>artifacts (spite, glass, sacrifice)
>characters (C H E F)
>bigger lobbies
Also this. Maybe give chests a faint outline when you get close as well, but thats not as big. Sometimes its taken me way to long to find the tele just because its hard to see.
Goat hooves are still in? How are they different from energy drinks?
Robot is so fucking good. I only have him and Huntress unlocked bet even so, how can other classes even compete?
I'm glad there even is an etiquette. I guess it's a good thing this game isn't mainstream, or multiplayer would suck dick because of shitty kids hogging all the items and/or dying every round.
I wonder how many times a popular youtuber has willingly decided to spare the online integrity of a small game by just not making a lets play of it.
get in here, EU
Then what the fuck is all the outrage about? Is it only that some huemonkey/sandnigger regions have region locks?
>tfw no glass
add bandit and miner class
remove ceremonial dagger and infusion, i like nerferd version but still into the trash it goes
None of those wtf
any US lobbies?
Not the user you replied to, but no clue. I was able to gift to to a friend in argentina and I live in america.
There are definitely some item hogs.
yeah, I fucked up. The new code is
then all of those will be implemented
what outrage?
Any way to unlock all the characters?
Is it VAC?
My progress got wiped and don't feel like grinding Artificer again....
Is there a way to edit the amount of lunar coins I have?
I unlocked engi and I do like to wait for a surprise RNG for the merc, but fuck me 4 hours played today and only 1 lunar coin.
My PC can barely handle the Abyss Tectonics level with four player enemy count. If they allow bigger server, I need me a new CPU.
Steam put regionlocks in place a few years ago because of the currency conversion rate making game purchases in some areas extremely cheap, and some of those people selling gift copies to first world countries for profit.
Now listen here nigger
Well at least you're drawing the important things
Do more
There is, but I'm afraid if I post it it'll ruin the fun.
>opening the teleport immediately
dumb nigger
>How are they different from energy drinks?
Energy increases sprint speed 30% +20 per stack
Goat hoof is 14% + 14% per stack at all times.
Remember you can check items in the logbook to see their exact effects and stacking.
It's already been posted, people aren't telling him because he's too lazy to even CTRL + F in a thread.
The teal one leads to merc
scaredy cat
>He doesn't know
can my PC run the game and can someone explain me how do I get the 2nd game when i buy it on steam? do I get a key that I can copy paste to a friend whenever I want or do I have to select the friend at the time of purchase?
>best run ever ended because of a softlock
do I at least get any achievements if I quit to menu?
Probably not. The team has full creative control, and Gearbox is helping market the game.
yes, second copy shows up in your gift inventory
1 more
Because the devs are fucking based and have fantastic taste
New thread where
meaning I can share it whenever I please and with whoever?
As long as they are in your region, yes
>fuck this guy for spending 3 years with his team developing a game and not allowing us to break the law and get free copies even though it's only around 20 bucks
Just because he gave away codes for the first game doesn't mean that you're entitled to get the next game for free.
celestial portal is for the obelisk right? blue one for the shop?
i don't know why people are saying it's region locked when it's not
Don't quit, just find a way to get yourself killed.