I myself am the reason I don’t buy, for one fucking second, that you people who say Sekiro sucked...

I myself am the reason I don’t buy, for one fucking second, that you people who say Sekiro sucked, actually played the game. You know why? Because I was literally just like YOU! It was around Lady Butterfly where I put my controller down, and said “fuck this game.” I even shit posted a couple threads with THE EXACT SAME ARGUMENTS you’re still making!
>The game is tedious
>It’s boring
>It’s the bad kind of hard
>Yeah I beat it, but it wasn’t fun
As I began looking at all the people on Yea Forums sharing tips and secrets, praising the game and such, I said to myself, “No, fuck You! You’re not beating ME!” I persisted and adapted and eventually overcame.
There’s a reason Miyazaki’s games are as popular as they are. No other game gives you the sense of satisfaction like Sekiro does. That’s why I know you quitter fags are full of shit. You didn’t beat the game, the game beat you and you’re mad.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why is Sekiro sad?

He just wants his Shota master back

It's all so tiresome.

Someone wasted a lot of time to make a shitpost so refined it reads like a kotaku clickbait article

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All the opposite for me, around Lady Butterfly I started loving the game. I kept dying because Im using kb+mouse and I get revengeance muscle memory kick in when trying to parry

I'm a hardcore "Bloodborne is best game of this era" fag and I think Sekiro dethroned it, EASILY.

The amount of AWESOME SHIT From pulls out of their ass and throws at you insane.

I just got to Demon of Hatred and holy fucking shit, the fucking warzone at the castle beforehand, the red eye boss rematch, who you can listen to what he's saying, the fucking NPC's that you actually feel really bad for, the tight fucking dodging hitboxes (you can crouch under attacks, jump attacks) once you learn the game and how it works its addictive as fuck

This is has honestly not only dethroned BB, but also shit like Ninja Gaiden Black and God Hand as the best CURAYZEE game there is

>game so hard it’s not even fun
>you still waste your valuable time in playing through it just so you can say you finished it

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He can hug walls, but walls don't hug back.

i was having fun until the final boss and then any semblance of enjoyment i had pretty much went out the window

I kinda did the same myself, yeah. At the start the game doesn't really do much with its mechanics, very simple gameplay but very punishing with only one heal and not knowing the mechanics yet so everything is hard anyway, so I thought it was really shallow for being so praised etc. Then it gets to vitality and posture relation, risk-reward with the dodge (the worst defensive option available, but it lets you position better for hp damage), combat arts, prosthetics, different kinds of stagger and wakups, the good usage of frame advantage for parry vs block vs hit etc., and it's a lot better.

I do think at the end it goes a bit back again though. The system doesn't have that much depth, there's more than is apparent at the beginning but after learning it all I'm not finding it all too impressive. It's really satisfying, and timing challenges are fun, but it could be better too.

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I just think the ogre and bull are bad bosses. The game gets infinitely better once you get past them.

But it literally isn't hard at all, Bloodborne DLC was way, way harder than anything this game has to offer.

>Lady Butterfly

It is one of the well designed bosses go try Seven spears faggot with his 10 km reach lance

Reddit tier shitposting.

I'm more of a fan of the early souls games that focus more on the RPG aspect , slow-paced combat and world exploration, but I have to admit Sekiro excels at what it's trying to achieve. In that regard it's way better than than the abomination that was DS3.

he's piss easy once you can thrust counter, he's even attackable with a stealth attack. Jinsuke Saze on the other hand, he'll fuck you up. He's like the Godhand from Samurai Champloo.

based and redpilled
However this is not exclusive to miyazaki games. It should apply to every game. If you drop games because they're too hard then you are a failure.

Same here mate.

I played through almost the entire game with the demon bell activated, but that final boss is a real mother fucker.
I turned off the demon bell and I still haven't made it to phase 4.

I can agree with that. Sekiro was always intended as an action game and not an RPG so while I prefer the way DeS and BB are designed, Sekiro’s design is objectively much better done than those games. You can see a clear growth in Miyazaki’s game design even in weaker entries like DaS3, he strikes me as one of those types of creative who always tries to do better and doesn’t just get comfortable after a while and stop trying to surpass his last effort.



Once you put yourself against the game and truly attempt to overcome the challenge it is an amazing feeling. Accept the challenge head on and git gud.

they are both really easy and almost a waste of space. agreed user.

Beating Sekiro isn't some fucking badge of honor. Forcing yourself to enjoy a game you don't like is autistic.

uh oh butthurt sad bitch uh oh

talk to me when you beat the game :(

But I do like the game.

Awful b8. Seems like a reddit template but I don't know.

Bait or not it's an adnirable effort to create a post this thoroughly obnoxious.

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>but also shit like Ninja Gaiden Black and God Hand as the best CURAYZEE game there is
calm down Sekirodrone, NGB and God Hand's combat are miles above you deflect/dodge/attack simulator

stop posting this fucking dude in every thread you fucking faggot. you aint fooling anyone

Sekiro is boring and shit if you play it wrong.
Sekiro is engaging and thrilling if you play it right.

>Jinsuke Saze
are you serious? i beat this dude in like 10 minutes of trying, all you need to do is parry his combo 1 and half times and he's dead

Why'd the blazing bull doors closed after the boss fight? What's in there?

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you can literally bait jinsuke into a corner and jump on his head/slash at him repeatedly because he takes too long to sheathe his sword for his dumb iai shit. hes only dangerous when hes not being pressured

>beat a boss
>feels absolutely nothing
The only reason people like this game's combat is because they're uses to the garbage combat in Souls games, which Sekiro improved on, but it's still garbage compared to the rest of action games out there, like NGB, DMC, God Hands, Bayonetta etc.

Ashina Castle is past there. I suspect they get closed to disguise loading between Ashina Outskirts and Ashina Castle.

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games are supposed to be fun, not work. Sekiro is definitely in the latter category by a very wide margin

I felt great every time I beat a boss I had been stuck on for a bit.

Any tips for Demon of Hatred?

Sekiro is tighter and more difficult but satisfying than those games

maybe if you're bad at video games. what if actually find challenge and the satisfaction of succceeding fun?

If you beat the last boss, do you auto go into ng+ or will I have time to finish things ?

You're given an option to stay in NG so don't worry about it

Shut the fuck up you retard, no one cares about you.

Sekiro's combat is good but everything else about is shite or lacking.

not for me, Sekiro put me to sleep each fight, while NGB and God Hand kept me on adrenaline the whole time with their infinitely better combat, there was always something new try out

>dodge button without directional input is a dash forward
>when in souls it was a step backwards
This simple change has caused me to die numerous times.

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i find enough challenge in my life. i use my brain and skill to create useful things that add value to other people and make me money

Sekiro is for people who can't do that, and want to pretend video game achievements matter

Jeez, you criticize the game for one bit and they flip out.

why did you buy a FROM game in the first place then if you just want to be a game tourist

absolutely based

the moment it clicked for me was after parrying all of Gyoubu's attacks, fucking up his horse with firecrackers and wrecking his shit, taking zero damage in the process

This game really makes you FEEL like sekiro

Dark Souls 3 was pretty easy if you spent some time just killing the mobs and leveling.

>Yeah I beat it, but it wasn’t fun

But you said it yourself already. Also this contradicts your whole post, you suddenly started to like it, just like that? Good for you I guess.

cope harder
just get good or stop playing altogether scrub
also, if you can't use your brains and skills to beat Sekiro, then I highly doubt you can even create useful shit for anyone lmao

This is the most onions cringe reddit post i've ever seen in my life, congrats on finding it, OP.

>game literally has one attack
How the fuck can you faggots defend this?
Compare the moveset in ninja gaiden or even fucking god of war to this shit.
Its like if you make a terrible game just make all the enemies take off more than 1/2 a lifebar in one hit then a bunch of directionless idiots will think they have to say its good.

>or stop playing altogether scrub
why do you think I didn't? also refunded

I haven't completed the game, but I'd say it's alright. Not perfect by any stretch but not a bad game, the gameplay is fun but it's clear fromsoft intends for you to play one way and that's a bit of a shame. Overall it's not bad, I might says it's like middle of the pack in the soulsborne list.

I just beat the lightning dude at the top of the castle. Any point continuing if I'm still not feeling it?
I don't really give a shit about this trap and his problems and I was hoping the world was going to become a lot more visually interesting after this fight but it's just fucking monkeys and bandaged riflemen.

I thought the game had revengeance parry before release, and a dedicated block button that reduces posture for blocking. I was sad it didn't have that, but this is fine too.

I have the opposite anectodal evidence: my best friend is a physics major with great grades and TA positions and might even do a masters. And he has a girlfriend. He played every souls game extensively and otherwise plays all the autistic difficult shit; dwarf fortress, hoi3/dh, basically he really likes the artificial challenge and reward of videogames and it does not interfere with his life. Meanwhile I hate hard games and am a sucker for story based and "cinematic" games and honestly don't actually play many fucking games at all. I just come to this board to shitpost. My grades are god awful and I'll be lucky if I don't get kicked out of uni in like the next month, as a lousy bachelor of arts in CS major.

>game so hard it’s not even fun
But it's not

jinsuke saze cheese = bait his attack, shuriken + lunge attack, do this like 10 times and the fight is over. he has really low HP for some reason.

>>Yeah I beat it, but it wasn’t fun
that's where I'm at. Very little satisfaction and I was pretty disengaged the whole time. Still solid though.

>everyone who doesn't validate my opinion literally didn't play the game
wew lad

Really? you just have to parry his combo like twice before you can kill him

>Didn't enjoy it? I bet you didn't play the game heh
BotW toddler tier arguments here

literally just parry his one combo and his posture will get fucked wtf

Lmao delusional fanboy
Sekiro combat feels way better

Shit falls from mouth...

But everyone that beat it loves the game

Also. no one cares about your brainlet takes.

No. Way better combat than any of those games you listed

The EXACT same thing happened to me, OP. I thought the game was "shit and boring" until I finally beat butterfly and got a hang of the combat (stopped pointlessly comparing it to souls lmao)

And yet, you browse this cesspool and get angry about people enjoying a video game. You are a giant lying loser and you know it.

Why lie? Why am I even responding to your bait. Game has tons of attacks.

>Unlearn everything sekiro has taught you and hug his ass
>if you see red signs just jump
>Malcontent whistle can stun his final phase up to 3 times
It's hilariously easy once you stop trying to parry his shit and just swing at his ass like a retard while unlocked.

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The game is good but this boss fight is indefensible artificial difficulty trial and error bullshit

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He’s stuck living in feudal Japan

not with those sluggish animations and input lag combined with stored inputs and no cancelling. I liked Sekiro but lets not pretend it's not plagued by the stench of Souls issues that should have been fixed last generation.

just run lol

He really isnt
>Firecrackers gives free hits
>Oil + Fire stuns him for 5 seconds and can be used infinitly
and just parry the final phase, You want to parry his shit so he does the huge overhead slam slash.
Parrying that puts him down for several seconds for free damage, Or use the spear to rip out the centipede during that moment for a huge chunk of vitality damage.


A thousand times this. I keep seeing faggots trying to Dark Souls their way in, rushing head on to mobs and ignoring any stealth and then complaining.

I for one cannot be happier it doesn't have 35 filler combo moves that only do slightly more or less damage and that's it.
You also have a charged attack that breaks guards and can be charged from any other move, which is great.

>play hyperaggressive using wide attack skills and interrupt/stun tools
>get yelled at by people who like the stealth
>use the stealth, ranged tools and hit and run to pick off enemies and abuse the AI
>get yelled at by aggressive players
There is no winning.

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Why are you NGB fanboys so insufferable? You make out that any game that plays similarly is shit compared to your game apparently handed from God himself.

>play sekiro
>don't have fun
>play shenmue instead
>literally have more fun moving crates and racing with my forklift

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It does not matter how good a game is.

There will always be contrarian shitheads out there either just to troll, or to feel special for hating on something popular.
Mostly it's just trolls trying to get a rise out of people.

It doesn't suck, but I'm already tired of it after ng+2, something that didn't happen with Souls or Bloodborne

I feel the same way I did when it was announced; the setting just isn't that interesting. Mibu village was the only area that I found atmospheric, the OST is too rooted to the setting and completely forgettable, loot = consumables, not enough customisation to aid replayability. It's essentially a boss rush game by NG+

All in all the combat is the only thing I would take away from Sekiro, even if it was just the mobility and responsiveness to movement

I think enjoyment of the setting is a pretty subjective thing.
Personally I rather enjoyed it.

However, my main gripe with the game is replayability.
Once you beat the game once, you've pretty much seen everything.
The fact that you can pretty much play through every style you want in one playthrough is a little disappointing whereas in Souls, you literally had to make a new character to try a new build/playstyle out.

I played NGB one time 10 years ago, I'm no fanboy, I was just speaking in general. Or yelling at From I guess.

I'm so fucking sick of the nonstop Shakira threads.

the most casual gamer ever

Welcome to a big game release bud.

he got fisted by a headless

Bet you loved the devil may cry ones faggot

I literally cant adapt. I hated parrying in Dark Souls so I just didnt do it, people act like certain end bosses are crazy hard without it but I managed. The timing of a parry in Dark Souls or Sekiro just takes me out of the game, since if you try to parry on impact like in other games it feels like I'm being punished for being too precise. Such a feature also requires you to have more knowledge of all the enemies and how long they hold a swing for, and yet the game punishes you a severely higher amount for just coming at them and experimenting and dying. There are fucked consequences for losing in this game so unlike Dark Souls where I want to play again to retrieve my souls, in this game every death just heightens my frustration and makes me more wary to continue.
A third of the button prompts are for your stealth abilities but swathes of the game like Hirata estate include several portions where back to back stealth kills are not possible, reducing all those included mechanics to having the possibility of nabbing an extra kill before engaging enemies or chipping the health of a mini boss.
I can't even tell when my sword swing is supposed to stun an enemy, leading to times where I cant parry into deflection fast enough and get a third of my health chopped away by a fucking naked axeman.
I want Sekiro to be fun but it's like it's made for me to not enjoy it.

Is this your first time on Yea Forums when a major release has happened? RDR2 and BotW threads took over the front page for weeks.

That Hirata Estate combat theme sounds like Shadow of War soundtrack.

Is the pirated version gimped?

>Mostly it's just trolls trying to get a rise out of people.
Contrary to the memes, no-one actually does this.

Unless you're trying to ruse me yourself, you're sadly mistaken friendo.

I actually know people who do exactly that.

I'll believe more in retards rather than people deriving some sort of amusement out of pissing off anonymous posters they can't even see.

>with his 10 km reach lance
It seems like you're trying to dodge the attacks rather than deflect them. This is one of the bosses where you absolutely should know how to deflect and mikiri step already.

I thought the game was mediocre at first but by the end of the game I thought it was a little less mediocre.

Not bad just not very compelling overall a lukewarm amalgamation of different mechanics lifted from several other games that executed them all better and with more polish shoved into a setting that's anything but Sengoku era Japan.

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Sure, there are more retards than actual trolls, but I would wager that the most of the really obnoxious threads are made by trolls.

Example Literally just a bait thread to make fans rage.

Game is
>ez as fuck
>just parry bro
the game, it was ok, not tooooo bad, but much worse than DeS,DS and BB. Maybe we should just not compare it to real soulsborne games, since it feels so different.

>he actually thinks casuals can enjoy a game like shenmue

i just beat corrupt monk and it still boring, the game itself is not bad but is just not really fun unless you are a really love to parry, still will finish it but more as a stupid sense of duty than because i really want to.

>boss has a hidden final stage
Fuck this fucking bullshit. I wouldn't have used all my fucking pellets and items if I had known there's still another fucking trick up their sleeves.
Why the fuck can't Miyazaki just put as many red dots on the health bar as the boss fight requires?

I dont like how the ranged enemies cant be moved at all with the ceramic. The mini boss after the ogre requires you to run past the group of enemies and activating the bonfire behind them to be able to do the whole section with stealth. Its poor design IMO.

The real problem with this game? It ends.
Seriously, there is not a single game releasing this year or has already been announced that will be better than Sekiro.
The game's real problem is it makes all other games look like shit in comparison, particularly western games.

re2 was better.

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Cyberpunk 2077?

I know it's probably not this year, but I can hope..

The Outer Worlds looks promising.

>struggle against Genichiro for awhile
>constantly feeling pissed at this game
>finally kick his ass
>instant feeling of satisfaction
>suddenly I realize the fight was good and my frustration was mostly at myself

I love the fighting just against normal enemies. Every single samurai and ninja enemy who respawns with the map) is such a fun sword fight duel

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Same dude.

Beating that mother fucker was one of the most satisfying boss fights I've ever had.
Even though I was getting my ass kicked repeatedly, the fight was so engaging.
Really felt like a fucking samurai swordfight to the death.

Compared to Dark Souls 3, where you generally either R1 smash, parry or backstab for ridiculous amounts of damage, this game's combat against regular enemies is way more fun and engaging.

Okay so I've found the prosthetic tools:

What the fuck am I missing and where is it? I've got upgrade mats out the ass


So what prosthetic tools and what combat art should I have equipped as default?
Right now I've gone with flame, weighted axe and firecrackers. Combat arts is almost completely unused.

Yeah, when I get bored of exploring or beating my head against a wall I go to dojo to kill some samurais. I wish the general samurai "mini-bosses" in outskirts respawned. In fact I wish plenty of different enemies could be spawned by the undying's training court.

Honestly, I preferred to use whirlwind slash for most of the game.

The others are really dependent on what you're fighting.

Whirlwind, and maybe nightjar, could be used in pretty much any fight.

mist. hirata estate

>I wish the general samurai "mini-bosses" in outskirts respawned
they do, the guy you eavesdrop about the salt right near the Old Grave icon is one of them. He just doesn't have his armor. You find another one in the same area later

you're missing the fan

I beat it and it's still meh for a From game.

dude fighting drunkard juzou felt cheesy as fuck
>kill his boys one by one by running circles around them
feels cheesy
>break drunkard’s aggro range so he walks away for a sneak attack
feels cheesy
>dodge everything he does and just run in for two slashes whenever he drinks or burps on his sword
feels cheesy
>finish him off with shuriken when his health is low enough that he doesn’t do those pointless moves
feels cheesy

dying in like 6 hits (counting revives and gourd) while everything else requires death by 1000 cuts feels fucking bad, man

in Sekiro you generally either L1 smash

I've yet to find anything that matches the pure kino of the bosses in Old Hunters (minus Living Failures)

Sure, you could do it that way, or you could just deflect his slow ass 2-3 hit combos.

Umbrella from the ashina castle graveyard merchant

You're a dickass shinobi not a muh honor samurai.
That said the only thing there I find fault with is breaking his aggro range. That's cheesy as you're taking advantage of the game, not the opponent.

nobody wants that wall yokai bullshit pal

if u died to juzou once ur ass

mist raven absolutely destroys that guy

maybe it's because he's only wearing cloth

Jinsuke Saze is like the Pinwheel. He'll fuck you up, but only if you let him.

OP banged his head against a wall till he got numb and felt an immense satisfaction from eventually knocking it down. This seems like torture to me. You don't have anything to prove to anyone, if you're not having fun just don't play the game.

Have not played it yet. Did not like the Soul games that much, but mostly because they ware so janky and buggy.I get why people like them though. Sekiro looks pretty nice and smooth though. Will probably buy and play when I got time, which will be after the summer.

Who said anything about proving anything to anyone?
For me I got a lot of personal satisfaction from beating bosses that felt impossible when I first fought them.
I could actually feel myself getting better at the game.
That's pretty rare in video games these days.

>charge attack Owl
>he mikiri's me

I have three gourd charges at butterfly lady and pretty much came here immediately when I got the bell
am I missing a dang seed or feed?

Did you play more than 10 minutes?

literally EVERYONE who thinks any part of bloodborne is hard just didn't learn how to parry. probably the same for sekiro, haven't had a chance to play it yet. but honestly, people took to bloodborne like it was dark souls and yeah got totally fucking wrecked trying to beat the game with just R1 and Dodges.

literally every enemy in the research hall through to the end fishing village is designed to shit on retards who don't parry, including both bosses

Read the OP
The argument is that if you're not having fun in Sekiro then you must be a casual and you need to get GIT GUD.

how is playing a game banging your head against a wall? Are you the type of person who approaches a problem exactly the same way even though your approach failed last time?

I think the reason you don't have fun is because you won't acknowledge that there's room for you to grow as a player, believing that you've already achieved everything you can and still failed (which is wrong regardless), so instead of returning to what caused you trouble with a fresh plan and perspective you just put down the controller and cry like a baby every time you die.

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This is the problem, you would rather suck your own Edick than admit the flaws the game has. Not a bad game, but it has its weak points and saying git good like some fucking baby to actual criticism is retarded.

You just want to be part of some special club

You can literally beat the game in 54 minutes. How in the fuck can you justify buying this game? Absolutely pirate worthy

>I am not good enough to beat this game
>I will not acknowledge any flaws in my skillset or playstyle
>therefore every problem I am having is a flaw in the game

Sorry, but we'd never get interesting or challenging games if anyone actually listened to people like you. Go play replay Arkham City and Assassin's Creed or something

Almost every game can be beaten in a very short period of time if you know what you're doing.