No fucking borderlands 3 thread?

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Other urls found in this thread:


This is a Legacy of Kain thread if people don't actually sage this thread.

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its kind of hard to get excited over a trailer that looks like it could have just been borderlands 2
ill probably still play it, but its hard to be too excited about it right now


Hey OP, it's Randy. Thanks a bunch for your support!
Here's a picture of me, working hard to ensure I make BL3 just as well as I made Battleborn, Aliens: Colonial Marines, and Duke Nukem Forever!

Thank you for saving my company so we can continue to fight bigotry and be BADASS for many years to come!

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Your picture looks neat, but Borderlands is just so fucking boring.

I've seen somple people say the page says ''steam'' as a reply to the epic exclusivity thing.
But that page literally adresses all borderlands games, in fact you can see the cached web, before the announcement and of course the steam logo is still there.

I'm no epic shill though. Fuck epic and fuck steam.

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Fuck off faggot

Right on brother

she's looks so much fucking better in this than BL2 my goodness

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Shit game fuck off

I'm extremely sceptical because Gearbox will always be Gearbox, but the lack of Anthony Burch gives me some small hope that it may be closer to BL1 than BL2/TPS

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YAAAAAAASSS my BADASS friend! Now Anthony's gone, my creative talent can shine through!

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I regret ever posting

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+1 reddit gold to you sir

Where the fuck is ma boy Salvatore.

where were you when risk of rain 2 EA release cucked all the hype away from randylands 3?

Short hair was better.

Is this the siren? She looks leagues better than any of the others, and looks like a melee character to boot too. I already like her

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>one pair of arms to hug your head tenderly
>two pair of arms around your chest to keep you close
>last pair of arms to jack you off

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looks like shes about to dance to caramelldansen

BLAST from the PAST

>getting hyped over an EPIC GAMES STORE EXCLUSIVE
Literally kill yourself

>not using all her hands to pin you down while she fucks you in the amazon position

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Literally nothing so far points to that being a thing. I doubt 2K would be dumb enough to be willing to put up with that shitshow for a bit of extra cash but I guess publishers have a tendency to amaze me with their stupidity.

I feel like I'm the only one hyped about the graphics in particular. It's basically BL2 but with modern graphics. The artstyle is still the same but you can see in images like that the textures are a lot better than BL2, there's a lot more shadows and shading and also global illumination.

You clearly dont understand the people and companies that develop and publish Borderlands if you're not seeing the writing on the wall by now.


>check trailer
>Rhys & Hammerlock confirmed /in/
>all these new vehicles
>that delicious brown siren
>didn't spot a single slag gun
I am looking forward to this game

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Several Borderlands 3 threads, I don't know what you're talking about bro

>literally Asura ripoff

I know Bobandy is a faggot but I don't think he gets a say in the matter of what platform the game is on. I guess only the future will tell.

where's Krieg

He's joking, right?

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He's at home taking care of his and Maya's children

>not using all her hands to fist you in the ass

Asura is common mythology thing

Borderlands always undergoes heavy marketeer campaigns.
The first one is one of the most shilled games ever in Yea Forums

Nigga das gay

knowing gearbox she is most fucking certainly gonna say "ora ora" at some point

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wew lad I never thought I'd see the day that Yea Forums creams themselves over a fucking borderlands reveal
I remember when Yea Forums generally thought it was low brow meme trash, I guess the 16 year olds really have taken over this board

Disgusting nigger.
Not that I expected anything else from the SJW hacks at Redditbox.

Really hope the old vault hunters don't take center stage. Or become bosses.


And also dear timothy and gaige and axton and sal..

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It's shit but it's fun

is this La Creatura Zenyatta?

Well, I like what I sent so far.
However my main issues with BL are gunplay and lolsorandom humor and the trailer didn't address either

Yeah, endless looting and weapon swapping while listening to ultra mega sarcastic millennial quips.

>all this fags in this thread
>Still no one posts a link to the trailer
Come on op, that was your one job

congrats on the borderlands 3 announcement
borderlands isn't my cup of tea, but I hope it's good for the people who do like them

I'm super hyped. My friends and I love this dumb fucking series. We've played through all the games and their dlc together. And the writing team told Birch to fuck off so the story can actually be good and not a meme-filled mess. HERE WE GO BOYS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT"S HAPPENING

I'd assume they're just going to be your main questgivers like in 2

It's just the designated ugly SJW character.
Fortunately, the rest look fine, seems as if they dumped all the ugly stereotypes on this one.
I'll just avoid playing Siren until I can swap her model for Maya.

Guess we're not alowed to enjoy things. Gonna pack up my opinions and move to yt comment sections i guess. Or maybe twitter.

please have mordecai come back and not have a shitter like zero in his place, thanks.

You marketeers actually think this is how people type in here?

You have reddit.

or you could just go back

He is in the trailer my mn

I can understand the humor but I dont get what's wrong with the gunplay, I think it's pretty good

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Look at that monkey, wouldn't it be fun to throw pieces of banana at her.

Tears of joy user.


judging from the trailer she is basically a Muscle Wizard
I hope she is as fun as kreig was, though those are pretty big shoes to fill

>enjoy trash
>get shit on for enjoying trash
Get out

What if unironicly this?

Oh no

I feel like some of the guns lacked some impact when using them.

Looks great
Time to pound up the earth

Who do you think you are fooling, marketeer?

Oh just ignore them. You should know by now that Yea Forums is contrarian as fuck and hates anyone who doesn't like everything they like.

The only good BL game was the telltale one. Except that pandering episode written by Burch

>Time to pound up the earth
Seriously, who types like this?

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There's always been people who enjoy the games for whatever reason. But I also thought after Battleborn and two almost identical games people would be less excited about their pseudo lootbox opening simulator getting another release.

I want to lick her chocolate abs.

I'm only interested in this BL3 because of the TFTB characters (and Jack).

im hype but disappointed there's no barefoot gaige

Man, they couldn't resist themselves in making the ugliest, most stereotypical coon ever.

honestly will be very tempted to get this even if i hear the game is bad, borderlands just scratches some kind of skill tree/loot collecting itch than nothing else can

My issue with the borderlands games is that they seem to be having less unique characters. Not really visually but just their actual character. It is nice to have some personality behind a character. Not just sucking the first game's cock, which didn't have characters mind you they were just given personalities in the second game.

>this got replaced by this
From the cutest girl in the franchise to a nigger.
Enough reason to pirate this game.

It's that little dopamine drip from accidentally getting that dpuh from a pile of skag shit that keeps me going

I agree, fellow videogame consumer!
Lets purchase BORDERLANDS 3 for only $59.99!

watched the trailer im going to get rage 2 instead.


It's literally an Indian person.
Basically couldn't have made it any more obvious with the multiple arms as a siren power.

>I can understand the humor but I dont get what's wrong with the gunplay
I played a lot of BL2. Loved Maya but everyone else seemed to hate her. My issue with the game flow however is how much of a skinner box it is. Most of the guns you want are random drops meaning spending hours doing MMO farming for weapons that work exactly the same... just with bigger numbers. The marketing advertises BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF GUNS but in reality there's only like 25 guns with varying multipliers and bonuses. And endgame enemies have so much HP that it mandates you grind for new weapons unless you're using a character like Zer0 who's unique skill doesn't depend on weapon strength

This, Rage 2 and cyberpunk 2077.

It's a good year.

I literally cannot think of a game series I want to play less than Borderlands.

This shit hasn't been a thing for years

Why does she look like a nigger?
Then again, i'm not sure which ones are uglier, niggers or poos.

I might get it when it goes on sale.

He got hit by the poop train.

This. I'm not hyped at ALL for any borderlands game, but I'll still play it. It's always an enjoyable looter-shooter, that all my friends get so we play together. It's nothing ground breaking or amazing, but I know I'll have a good time. It's like watching a capeshit movie. You're not excited about it, it's predictable as fuck, but yet you're entertained.
Now LoK, those are good games. A friend got me Soul Reaver 2, and I had no clue what it was exactly. I was blown the fuck away.

There' s magic now?

No buy.

>Ellie is back
I hope we get some more BBW fetish pandering like in the Tina DLC. I have spilled gallons of seed to those melons.

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inb4 fortnite dance references in the game

I'm getting the Codex launcher version.

Don't you have anything better to do? What a sad pathetic autist.


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I think it sounds pretty cool...

Better than shitting on Redditlands?

at some point someone is going to make an issue out of this being "culturally insensitive"

Presumably a combination of you not knowing what Indians look like and gearbox being a bunch of no-talent hacks

Remove thyself from this thread

With them being so far behind, I'd wager they'd add Psy and Harlem Shake instead

Indians look ugly if that looks anything like an indian.

Not sure which trailer music trend is worse, dubstep or mumble rap.

>I'm not hyped at ALL for any borderlands game, but I'll still play it.
they are like ubisoft games, nothing to be excited about, but alright if you are not excited for anything else either.
except a bit better than ubisoft games.

hes in the trailer, just looks different

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>gameplay is entirely about farming ugly guns
Yeah, that's a yikes from me.

everyone in this game looks like a fucking idiot

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Where are Krieg, Salvador, all the DLC characters?

Dios mio...

I'm going to jack it to Ellie and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me.

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Skag rider is confirmed right?

Too bad all the cool shit will be locked behind a pay wall.

wow i didn't notice the ear things at first, that's pretty fucking bad
also it looks like the woman's head was just cut and pasted on

>guns with legs

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>tfw no Indian STAND user gf

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the one on the right totally looks like negasonic from deadpool

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Probably show up at some point at surprise moments.

Knowing Gearbox, Krieg will likely feature as a raging boss or a Grey Hulk type ally that's regained control of himself fully. Or maybe a boss that must be beaten to be turned into an ally.


I imagine it would be one of a set of random lines she says when attacking with her arms, if anything, although if they wanted to do right by that reference they'd need to script that one specifically to repeat for as long as you're punching with the arms

ATATATATATATATATA would be okay as well I guess.

I assume the kid shown was Krieg and Maya's so he's probably out there somewhere.

Please, PLEASE no more Handsome Jack. He served his purpose. He’s done. No more. This isn’t “Handsome Lands” ffs.

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Krieg will probably be this games bandit king thingy. Fight waves of assholes, fight head honcho, head honcho becomes mentally unstable best friend

The only thing that makes me remotely care about BL3.

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>all those fists
imagine the shad artworks that'll be produced
praise bl3

>they showed off Rhys but not Fiona

They honestly better make Lilith a fucking killable villian in this. She was a total bitch who caused Jack to be the way he was and tried to kill Athena after giving her story that cleared her name.

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>Played tftb ages ago
>Dropped it halfway
Should I finish it? I don't feel like starting over.

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where's roland? didn't see him in the trailer

I want to say something about this game and franchise, but I can't. It's so bland and forgettable I can't even hate it. What we were talking about?

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>Redditlands: SJW edition

Why would people be hyped for this?
Do you really love their redditsjw humor and writing that much?

>a nigger

Randy Pitchford explicitely said "He's dead, he's not coming back, the fact there was his mask is no indication he's involved in anyway in borderlands three, no New U will ever bring him back, he's over, he's done".

But, it's Randy Pitchford, so he could be lying.

cringe, it's not 2015 anymore

What the hell did Rhy's do to make Zer0 his personal bodyguard?

judging by the trailer it actually looks like the main villains somehow steal her siren powers
So she is at least getting part of what she deserves

You're right. Randy and the Gearbox team have only gotten 500% more SJW since the last game.
And you are hyped for that?

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didn't he gush about meeting Zer0 in Tales? Rhys has come a long way since then though I'm worried his character might get butchered

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She deserves far worse though, her and Moxxi too were the exact reason Jack starts killing nearly everyone on Pandora because in a sense he was right about everyone being a backstabbing bandit.

Anyone know if Anthony burch is the writer for borderlands 3?

But it wouldn't really make sense for Zer0 to be bodyguarding Rhy's because that's not really his character who's suppose to be finding the ultimate challenge to kill not babysitting some faggot.

yep he is

His moustache is fake and it falling off is going to be a gag. Screencap this.


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No he isn't

literally for the first time in my life on Yea Forums i don't understand the GAMER outrage about nigger in videogame, this looks decent and they could've make her so much uglier

maybe it's because other people are saying nigger that makes it seem as an outrage.

Zer0 was already protecting him in Tales, and they're kind of bros now. He's not necessarily Rhys' bodyguard though, just because he's hanging out in the same room.

Man was a lunatic long before anybody backstabbed him

Borderlands was always a bit cringy in terms of it's humor although I'm not sure they've gone full SJW yet

Yeah they're fun but it's not a game I've been wanting to come out


What "outrage"? I just don't want to support a terrible company run into the ground by Randy Pitchford, I couldn't give a flying fuck what they reskinned the characters to.
Where are you seeing "outrage"?

Bullshit, he was offering a helping hand all over the place in pre-sequel while everyone was stepping all over and spitting at his face every time.

fuck you and anyone else that likes borderlands
one of the worst franchises in vidya
feel free to die, subhuman

Seethe more please.

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I didnt play the other side games. what is the back story with jack?

You realize he had already drugged up and enslaved his innocent daughter before Pre-Sequel started, right?


He imprisoned his daughter, killed his employees out of anger and paranoia, and was trying to create a super weapon to wipe out settlements on Pandora. This wasn't Lilith wants to screw Jack over just because, this was stop the clearly power hungry maniac before he became a problem for them later.

He didn't really enslave more like contained her unstable Siren powers that most likely killed her mother and his wife. It was before that bitch Lilith made him snap where he started exploiting Angel.

Rhys' eye is blue again. I think holojack is back.

neither has borderlands

Cash. Literally all the Vault Hunters really care about is cash money. And seeing as he owns a weapons manufacturer on Pandora.....he's got more than enough to buy up a Vault Hunter.

>I took a shit on the catalog floor of Yea Forums and now people are asking me to leave?!?!? What the hell, why won't they eat shit??!?

I don't see any outrage.

I'm worried about the TFTB characters. I don't like the writing for the BL games and I don't think theyll know how to handle the tales cast.

That's not for Zer0 though, all he's suppose to care about is finding the ultimate challenge and whenever he kills a supposed challenge the zero flashes on his head which meant zero challenge.

>Shift + click
Do we need to wipe your ass too, retard?

They both kinda look like Donte for some reason.

And this is also made by the same moron that forgot an usb with pictures of underage girls on it and documents about gearbox... Yeah.. No thanks.

You're listing shit that happens AFTER the vault brand is burned onto his face. And Helios station was meant to be a Hyperion Spaceport and mining rig before being converted to a superweapon and robot factory.

Meh, the mask of mayhem trailer was much much better.



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You can only pick four

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making it a big deal only makes it worse for you. I dont give two shits.

I'm kind of sad the neat shading tech they showed off at GDC a couple years back didn't make it in. It looked really fucking cool and really enhanced the 'hand drawn' look these games go for.

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S&S, Atlas, Vladof and Anshin for shields.

When did gearbox show up as a weapon manufacturer?

Shilling this hard for Randy and Gearbox.

Holy fuck Yea Forums, first your obsession with Bethesda and Todd Howard... and now this!?


Marketers are out in force already? Do we really have another Borderlands 2 on our hands?

And here's the whole GDC demo for that matter
It's funny how much more tolerable Randy is when he's talking strictly about tech shit


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Atlas, Jakobs, SnS Munitions, BL1 era Torgue

I'm interested in borderlands 2. I heard Axton was bisexual but only because of a technical bug. Is there another character better suited to play as gay?

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Who is Yea Forums playing as first?

Flak or Zane for me. Waiting to see their skill tree to decide.


In that order.
It's the only correct choices.

Got betrayed by the vault hunters from bl1 in the pre squequal. Tried to get revenge on them in bl2 but got killed by the main characters

I'm more excited about the BL1 remaster. The only thing they need to add is a FOV slider. That's all i need. The new legendaries and everything else (except shi(f)t keys, fuck those) are just a nice bonus. Can't wait to play with guns that aren't ruined by shitty brand gimmicks.

i missed the stream where can i watch it

Athena on TPS but they made her a lesbo in the end only.

I hope there will be NG++ so you can get all red text blues on level 60

A moustache that can fall off might be more work than a Gearbox modeller is willing to do

He might be the only one that pops up, and might be relatively tight-lipped just so they don't have to commit to canonising any of the 'choices' made in Tales

>Borderlands 2 VR getting updated with DLC
>Still no PC release

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Correct me if I'm wrong, it's been a while since I played, but he imprisoned his daughter before the first game and used her to manipulate the hunters to release the destroyer, he killed the scientists before the mark, killed a guy for mentioning his wife before Pre-sequel on an echo, and already had the destroyer's eye before Pre-sequel and the mark. Sure the betrayal hastened it but everything after that is him just being crazy town banana pants.


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That'd suck

Have they given out any more details since the trailer hit? I was a bit surprised they didn't take a little time to introduce the new vault hunters and give us a quick rundown on how they work.


we should get something in like a week

It was on special edition DLC weapons IIRC.

Is anyone else excited for this game purely because of based Rhys?

Borderlands is a guilty pleasure for me. I still play 2 from time to time. Glad 3 is a thing.

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>6 Arms
>Doesn't have a daughter
2/10, and that's being generous. You don't take the crown that easily.

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Is the bl1 remaster going to be on PC? Randy said it'd be on Xbox and PlayStation but I really wanna play that shit on pc

It's pretty fun for a casual playthrough or two, but how the fuck do people deal with UVHM/OP? It's such a fucking slog at that point.


in that order.

my dick rn

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rightards have become just as annoying as sjws
i want both out of my board.

yes it is. free for the owners of the original

Yea Forums is obsessed with black people

Holy shit can you confirm? Wanna know for sure, not that I don't trust you, user

They made her ugly so that you never see her when playing as her since she looks kinda fun
Pretty smart actually, less regrets overall
If she isn't fun nobody will play her anyway

>tfw you had someone sperg out and sit there insulting you because you told them you didn't want political autism on the video games board

>being so retarded he fell for the viral lands meme

Ive read it on pcgamer
>The most important detail for PC players, as mentioned, is that owners of the original Borderlands on Steam will get the upgraded version for free (obviously you'll have to buy the game otherwise). You don't need to own the DLC to get this new edition, either—just the base game. I double-checked this with 2K. If you never tried the first game's expansions, now you can without paying an extra penny.

How big is her veiny feminine cock bros?

8.5" long and 1.5" thick, when soft, 14" long and 3.4" thick when hard.

>m-m-muh horse shoe!!1111

Thanks, user. Can't wait for release

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>frogposting NEET

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i just don't like niggers user why is this so perplexing to you

Bioshock remaster was free if you had bought the original (on steam at least).


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haha that reaction image is hip and also ironic :) i will save it for future use :)

>horse shoe
It's just that politics have no place on Yea Forums, you dumb nigger. Shit isn't even related to video games most of the time.

what went wrong

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knew it



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He isnt. Vaughn even showed up on that teaser.

yeah i mean i understand that and all but you're almost definitely being disingenuous

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Did she get BRICKED or Kreig'd?

Yes, I love my boy

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>you're almost definitely being disingenuous
I just wanna talk about video games without trannies, niggers or you retards flooding in with your autistic shit. I don't care where you go, just fuck off.

>everyone sucks off DMC5 for being more of the same after a 10 year wait
>people shit on BL3 for being more of the same after a 7 year wait

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Maybe because BL was shit?

Definitely took a ride on the poop train

Liking DMC means you're cool, didn't you know?

Then why are you here, if not to just shitpost?

Kreig, he didn't...He didn't make it, son.

What do you mean? Is he dead or just not in the game?

Yeah it's so cool that back when DmC launched people were laughing at 3 and 4's fanboys and telling them to fuck off.

I really hope BL3 is good and not a garbage fire that battleborn was. I also hope they keep their political bias to a minimum. I already saw hints of that on BL2. Here is hoping they are smart about that and know that people dont want that shit shoved in their videogames

>Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Borderlands 2
>Short Change Hero
Borderlands 3

the openings to the first two were so iconic with those songs
i hope they don't use the same song from the trailer

No one knows, but he wasn't in the trailer
Maybe he will be a raid boss

I really hope he's at least mentioned. Krieg was my favorite from BL2

Nice revisionist history, user.
Unless you're talking about other sites, all people did was make fun of DmC and how retardedly edgy it was.
Its shitty devs even refused to be taught how to use the proper engine for DMC.

I wish I get to play my main man Mordecai with a new bloodwing special...but looks like he will be just an npc again...

>Borderlands 3

>cute face
>fit body
wtf stop sexualizing women in my vidya reeeeeeeee

Anthony Burch doesn't work there anymore and Randy will probably cool it with the SJW stuff seeing how people have treated everything Gearbox and Randy have done since BL2. This whole game feels less like an inspired sequel and more like a desperate attempt to rake back in all the old fans who have abandoned them, so they would be wise to avoid shit like that.

Yeah...about that

No, I'm not talking about all the Donte memes and shit, I unironically remember people saying that it's a good thing DmC changed the direction and that older games sucked.

>cute face
>fit body
wtf stop sexualizing women in my vidya reeeeeeeee

it's a paycheck buddy, just a perk if it's fun for him

I remember people making fun of how slow and shitty it was, and digging into things like that infinite grapple or whatever the fuck it was glitch. The only compliment for it I can remember is that the TV stage looked kind of neat.


Lets see. Not gonna worry about shields. Guns only.

Yeah, he was fucking ridiculed at every turn. This is literally his last shot to not fuck this up entirely so here is hoping he knows whats good for him. It was another reason why I never gotten the pre-sequal. I know there was a different dev team behind that but apparently the game's story was really bad and there was little to no farming or end game content.

all i ever liked

Maybe he went sane? Maybe the vault hunters helped him not be a psycho anymore.
Nah, probably not. Krieg is 100% the leader of his own bandit clan like brick was.

the original Reddit franchise

how long has it been? Aurelia looks like she aged two decades but everyone else doesn't seem very much older, minus Tina

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From what I see in these threads last couple of days some say pre-sequel has better writing, and some think otherwise. Also while there're less raid bosses in TPS (because of cut DLC), the guns are better and UVHM is much more reasonable.

God damnit that gang better have a name related to poop

The bandit banter was the best in BL2. Loved how they would shit talk each other even when one of them died. I hope they will do that again here

>Hammerlock still can't fix his fucking glasses
Gays are hella useless huh.

holy shit i was thinking the exact same thing

Oh that's another thing I hope gets addressed in this one. Apparently the pre-sequal was really nice in scaling and leveling where as BL2 things ramped up to absolutely retarded levels of bullet sponge and you need to do like onehundred gorillion damage all the time to stay on par with them.

Do I need to be a nigger siren?

low T

Brown Muscle girl in game like this? Oh Yeah, she's definitely gonna be gay.

Or abuse Slag
God I hope Slag is out in this game, it was a horribly executed mechanic

The old axton looking guy looks like some kind of Zer0 hybrid class. Beast master and the mech using girl looks like they could be fun too. But man I was so fucking spoiled with Gaige I dont know if they will ever top her skill sets.

I'm hoping for something like nipple salads or shiny meat bicycles.
Or just a random psycho quote.

it feels great
nice projecting nigger

why did you have to remind me

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Fuck yeah! I love Punch Girls, going to start with her for sure, then maybe the hunter robot next.

When can we expect the Vault hunter overview videos?
I hope Aurelia is the one co-hosting it with Hammerlock this time.

Damn Rochelle from L4D2 really aged well.


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You faggot shills. Shitbox must be desperate as fuck to have you pajeets make so many damn threads using the same images.

I miss when this site was for outcasts and everyone was afraid to post because of pizza, gore, or trojans.

Welcome to B o r d e r l a n d s
80% of the franchise is people looking weird and stupid.

Dahl, Hyperion, Atlas, Torgue

Where do I apply? Hate doing this shit for free.


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He also tricked the Vault Hunters in BL1 using Angel into opening the Vault just to get the Destroyer and use it as weapon. They always thought it had treasure...

Post yfw this is going to make GTA kinds of money and there's nothing /pol/fags can do to stop it.

I just hope the DLC only weapons and mods can drop anywhere this time. Like Pearls and those special skill mods from the Wereskags

>If it takes more than one shot, you aren't using a Jakob

They most likely won't because of how "game as a live service" model seems to be the most profitable.


Would love more health sucking not moxxi weapons from anshin

borderlands was the first major game to shill the fuck out of itself on v. why would borderlands 3 be any different?

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Im excited to see what they take from Fury Road

You guys ready to fight Maliwan Corp?

Attached: maliwan.png (1920x1784, 2.82M)

as if the paint scheme wasn't enough to give it all away, we need to literally *ENHANCE*

Apparently they want the tone and setting to be a lot closer to that instead of just random reddit memes like 2 was.


And Faggot Burch isn't around to shit it up. Maybe 3 will actually possibly be not godawful terrible.

Good fucking lord that looks worse than when I made it.

Attached: maliwan(UpPhoto)(auto_scale)(Level2)(tta)(x5.000000).png (395x305, 147K)

And...... Maliwan for elemental, I guess

>game is coming out sooner than we think

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And I uhh... did enhance
And there's another big clue that it might be Maliwan town.

Attached: maliwan.png (1037x675, 734K)

Vaughn has his axe in the teaser trailer so he's probably dead. Or sane, which basically means the same thing for his character.

I didn't play Tales

Why is this guy such a big deal?

Of course it would be the 2hunigger.

Should I get the Handsome Collection?

I remember beating my dick to Maya on the menu screen, jesus fuck if she is playable it's gonna be the end of my dick.

I mean of course it's sooner than you think if you don't think it's coming before 2020.

But it's not his axe. Why you people keep saying this?
>no dynamite to be seen
>different grip

What if almost everyone in the trailer is a vault hunter, and you can form teams significantly larger than just 4 players?

he went on wild ride with Jack A.I. in his head and lived to tell the tale

Ill be called shill but yeah, buy it. Most of it are shit skins but its a great bundle (now on sale I think) if you never played BL2 and TPS

Anyone got the "Make Borderlands Great Again" modpack?

So basically MMO with fixed character classes?

You're writing bullshit, my friend. Not even Torgue is in the trailer. It's a fucking teaser, and they showed only a small part of the game.


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Some devs do most of the voice work much later into development.
Trailer having no dialogue is probably a tell.

Why did you need to z o o m & e n h a n c e when the robot is wearing fucking Maliwan colors?

Reminder Lilith was fine until she chimped out and fell into the trap.
Since then she has had a chip on her shoulder.
And it will only get worse, but maybe her character arc will be redeemed.

The dynamite is skill dependent, it's just his promotional art that keeps it.
The grip is up in the air because of the fact that he's holding it from the bottom segment, the 144p video makes it hard to tell if it's actually angling over his shoulder.

Fiona is probably going to be one of the DLC Vault Hunters.


Face is terrible but god damn those abs. Concept seems cool with the Indian take on a siren.

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>shill the fuck out of itself
Oh no that was literally a bona fide marketer raid. That style of totally repetitive, contentless clockwork reposting and suspiciously samey posters and reply chains was never a thing until the Borderlands marketing raids. Everything else has cast an air of plausible deniability because after the very first Borderlands raids it could just as easily be an autist user making it look like marketing as a form of shitposting/perpetuating the meme as it is an actual marketing operation with big money and tons of marketing interns or pajeets behind it.

Just like Ubisoft can be expected to shill the fuck out of their game in the least subtle manner EVERY SINGLE TIME, so can Gearbox with Borderlands.

I liked the cityscape shown in the trailer.

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>no Anthony Burch
>TFTB characters confirmed in

I'm actually pretty excited for it now.

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Maliwan, atlas. that's all you need

general reminder multi armed character was planned since the Pre Sequel

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*big think*

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>that one that tries to capture the AKIRA kino
I mean kudos to them for trying.


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Played the Handsome collection a few years ago and never picked up the first game. Should I play that before playing 3?

>Borderlands 3's trailer didn't impress us
Yeah no shit, that PAX stream was a disaster.

Well, I mean, it's not like there was ever a huge gap between Borderlands games being revealed and being released. (other than the first game since the first version they showed ended up having its entire artstyle and tone getting totally reworked into what it ended up releasing as)

>most stereotypical coon ever
what about it her is stereotypical? Besides her skin colour not being the white?

Is TFTB good? I only played BL1, 2 and the Pre-sequel. Can I expect good things from the fact that those characters are in BL3?

Oh man that would be ridiculous
Doubt that's the case though. The games borrow heavily from Diablo and 4 is generally the sweet spot for player count for these types of games.

based hunterchad

might aswell, its a very solid game

>What's wrong with the gunplay
>mentions everything besides the gunplay

>Chad Rhys in the trailer
>Virgin Fiona not, despite being a "Vault Hunter"

I don't see her place as anything more than a 1 mission NPC. Weird that Troy Baker hasn't even been asked to return as Rhys though, I guess the time skip allows for a different voice.

Also RhysxSasha forever

Tales from the borderlands was also made canon since Rhys is in the trailer

>buying a game made by the most consumer hating developer in the industry

If you buy Borderlands 3, but complain about AAA companies releasing incomplete games and spitting in the face of fans, you're a hypocrite and a retard

long hair sucks on her


God I fucking hope so

Wouldn't be surprised if that skill is referred to Asura the divine deities.
Although I'm not sure if it's referencing Kali or Shiva.

should i wait for the Borderlands 1 remaster?

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>Brown /fit/ girl.
I can handle a thousand reddit memes just for that.

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What would you do to her Yea Forums?
>oh user that's a big cock, i wonder if i can fit it all in

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Might as well wait for the new remaster at this point

I went into it expecting memes and dumb bullshit after what BL2 had in it but it is genuinely funny and well written, the new characters it introduced, such as Rhys who is in the BL3 trailer are really great and had great character arcs.
It is definitely worth checking out, especially if you like Borderlands even a little bit.

Also the intros for each episode are all pure kino.

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The first one was the only good one, faggot. Kain was the draw, not his stupid puzzle fighting fallen minion.

I played that as well, didn't see the trailer but pretty cool

you know nothing of my pain

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Good rebuttal.
If anything you're the faggot, since Borderlands TPS was the first game I can think of where "I'm gay" was a character's only personality trait.

>Teen Tina.

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TFTB is in the trinity of the only good Nu-Telltale games along with Walking Dead 1 and The Wolf Among Us. It avoids the memery of Borderlands 2 (Except for the one episode that Anthony Birch had a hand in writing. Literally just one encounter and you would know straight away which one it was, guaranteed) to just have good comedy. I loved it from start to finish and all the characters except appearances by Athena and Janey Springs were amazing.

Scratch that, Claptrap was also in it and about as eye gougingly entertaining as always.

I really hope we have way fewer kill skills this time.
There are too many and builds relying on them are just not fun.
They only got it somewhat right with jack in tps.

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who's the guy on the right?

are you baiting or is this the first BL3 thread you visit?

I mean, they killed Scooter and blew up Helios in it so I don't think there was any doubt it would be canon.


That hanger scene in Tales is the most out of place writing I've seen in a videogame. Burch is a blogger who somehow got a career in storytelling.

The last episode outfit was crap compared to her old one.

Okay faggot

>mfw they unironically gonna go with "Teeny Tina"

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OK, thanks. I might give it a go before BL3 drops assuming BL3 isn't an epic games exclusive, if not I'll have a year to play it before BL3.

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A lot of the bosses late game and on the new game ++ or whatever it's called are just bullet sponges. Also the best guns in the game (which you need to beat late game enemies) require fucktons of grinding to get

How about Family Guy or Rick and Morty references?

Why would you affiliate Marisa with those words?

t. 34 IQ

What encounter/hanger scene are you talking about?

>DLC is coming out sooner than we think

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>Tiny Teena

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Oh so I guess that huge wreckage in the desert area is Helios then

>"I'm gay" was a character's only personality trait

Do your part, wipe out the wh*te menace and buy Borderlands 3 today.

Only gays buy Gearbox products, since they enjoy being cucked by rich old men.

I just want reasonable endgame difficulty. Not "all weapons and shields and everyfuckingthing except hawk-bee-grog-fleet is irrelevant" faggotory.

Rhys (The trailer hand hologram guy) is disguised as his arsehole boss and goes up to Helios where he is confronted by a guard. One of the dialogue options is to say "Sup ladies, talking about boys?" to which the guard goes into a rant against casual misogyny It had Burch written all over it, surprise surprise, he wrote it.

There is no actual outrage, Yea Forums is just for the "lulz". Full of man children and willful retards.
Go to any thread anywhere on Yea Forums, post something that stayed civil. Pro-tip, you won't.

I prefer sjws to poltards. I don't agree with most of their opinions, but I at least appreciate that they're trying to make the world better, rather than be a bunch of nihilistic edgelords. Importantly, they don't fuck up EVERY SINGLE THREAD about an even remotely controversial topic.

Athena's Aussie gf was just "I'm a tough mechanic and I'm gay"

I hope that's the case here. Troy Baker is Rhys.

Faggot again

You need to go back.

Gearbox won't pay Troy. They're cheap

I feel like this is going to be less borderlands and more destiny/anthem/division

Average Borderlands fan's idea of a good rebuttal

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At least with tftb I could say Rhys and Fiona literally ended up together

Based on what?

I've been here since 2007. You fucking leave.

It's because I'm too retarded to know it's them otherwise.


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It was clear Rhys was after Sasha

I don't want to see the TFTB characters voiced by different people.

Is that when you arrive to Helios disguised as Vasquez? I thought it's supposed to be similar to Torgue's SJW rants and it's similar because it's by the same guy? Fuck.

Dirty shitskin. I guess the hot sirens are finished.

Should I grab the Handsome collection on PS4?
It's £9 right now.

I already own them all on PC

Me neither but Gearbox doesn't pay voice actors. B1 and 2 was almost entirely in house or no names.

Based on retarded suits that want a mindless grind simulator people will play and spend money on for years. I mean, they have all the basic components to make one of those already.

>that Episode 5 opening
I have to play through TFTB again, fuck me.


But Rhys and Fiona "traveled" to some mysterious place where they were all alone for who knows how long. In the end it was just the two of them.


Well, that's a shame. I'll just lower my expectations then.

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>wanting to play more gearbox shit
>"fun with friends" being used as a legitimate argument

y'all are just as bad as CoD babbies, fuck, at this point you probably ARE CoD babbies. Fuck off from this hobby you normalfag retards, either that or get some fucking standards.

Attached: read the thread.jpg (500x372, 41K)

Whatever you say faggot

it's gotta be a new character, maybe Hammerlock and Aurelia joined/made some Gentlemen's Club


Never played Borderlands, just fapped to Moxxi. Is Moxxi in B3? Will there be new porn?

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>Yea Forums shits on the dmc5 girls nonstop
>and totally likes lifeline looking scags

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what do her pits smell like?

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those milkers damn

yeah she's in, you can spot her in the teaser and she's seen walking towards Marcus and Tannis
she seems to have a new feathery dress if i remember right

In another shot, she punches a guy with like 4 fists simultaneously.

So nothing. You're mindless speculation is, in point of fact, mindless.

Lady looks really hot, reminds me of Makoto. I am a sucker for short hair thtas frayed out like that. I fucking hate how Trish looks like a proboscis monkey though.

Attached: Makoto.jpg (750x950, 109K)

>mfw people saying TFTB is a good game
Fucking stop this. You faggots tricked me into buying this shit and I was so disappointed.

*not actually game

Attached: aaaaaaaggggggaaaagggaghhh.png (327x333, 118K)

Yes, and?
Ofc a Telltale game was a Telltale game. Why would you expect anything different?

Right. I don't know why you have a stick up your ass about it.

I want to lick those abs

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>Being this retarded and blaming everyone else
I also thought it was an actual game at first.

Attached: 96.png (1136x640, 837K)

>expecting a telltale game to have gameplay

Attached: 1512778528014.jpg (675x725, 67K)

I for one have never shit on the DMC5 girls, I think they all look fantastic.

Thank you, user. Have a nice day!

we said it was kino, not that it was gameplay driven.

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Can I play as Maya, Gaige or Lilith again?

>Not taking more than 5 seconds to look at the game you purchase
Good bait, user, you actually had me going there for a moment.

Siren ranking:
Maya > Lilith > this girl

Lilith is eternal shit tier after getting alex mercer'd between games

Is a good game when some else buys and plays it for you

Apparently not, 4 vault hunters , all new.

>token nigger looking girl for siren class


Maliwan, Hyperion, Torgue, Jakobs

>Doesnt like Telltale games
>Buys a Telltale game
you have nobody to blame but yourself

Half the thread is about people wanting to fuck her and lick her abs.

>randy gets to make BL3 without Anthony Burch's SJW influence
>everything is just BADASS over the top explosions and big guns

Is BADASS stuff inherently bad? I feel like the BADASS angle was originally what pulled people in, it wasn't until it got mixed in with the Reddit humour and SJW politics that it became insufferable in BL2. I think personally I'd enjoy if they just went back to over the top gunplay and action movie clichés, it can be fun if it's not too serious. How does everyone actually feel about BADASS outside of the memes?

>t. Not Randy

>I didn't play Tales
>Why is this guy such a big deal?
It's THAT good.

Maybe he did CATCH A R.....

Going by those leaks (which are proven to be like, 99% accurate), they are trying to match BL1's style of writing more then 2, which would be nice if they pulled it off.

The thing that drew people to borderlands was that it was a take on the loot grinding game, but as an FPS.

it was acceptable as an indicator of an enemy's ranking back in BL1, the amount of times they took to using it as basically a tagline for BL2 - Battleborn made the word insufferable

he and his crew took down Helios station, killed/incapacitated the last remnant of Jack, opened a Vault, and most importantly he inherited the rights to Atlas and seems to have brought back up to power, which could mean the return of Atlas guns in 3

okay then who wrote the trailer cause that was definitely 2 style

Nah, all you need to know is
Rhys runs atlas now and the nerd runs a cult
Obviously there's more to it in the game but with that basic knowledge you should be golden.

Atlas is coming back in 3, that's been confirmed. It also looks like the Crimson Lancers are back as well. Makes me wonder if Athena is gonna get involved.

literally didnt even have the word badass in it

The looting and the gameplay is what drew people in. The BADASS shit was annoying and got old really fast. This is coming from someone who as 451 hours in BL1 and 847 hours in BL2. If he can just vary up is vocabulary just a little bit it would be infinitely times better.

and that's a good thing

that's why I added "if they pulled it off"
at least they didn't scream the word Badass every 10 seconds like the BL2/BB trailers

So wait who is running hyperion now? Apparently Atlas guns are coming back? What about torgue?

>trailer didn't show Krieg

Literally the only thing it was missing

Attached: Krieg.jpg (857x1000, 446K)

Play Tales, retard. It's literally a sequel to 2.

At the end of Tales, Rhys was the CEO of Hyperion but apparently he's in charge of Atlas now so I dunno. We haven't heard anything about Mr. Torgue either but I can only assume he's back. And hopefully less like he was in the DLC/TPS.

What if beast master is Krieg after he became sane again seems like a stretching seeing as they never have previous vault hunters as their main characters again

What a shame we don't have a playable psycho this time.

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Hyperion operations have been wrecked along with their space station, so i don't think they'll be very prominent at all. Maybe we'll meet some ex-employees who survived the crash or were left behind along with an obligatory Jack cameo
I predict Torgue to either be a harmless meme company like in 2 or for the new management to become enemies. If Maliwan has enough of a stake in something to establish a city and to deploy their private army, then maybe other companies will make an appearance in person

the beast master is a robot, user

yeah you're right, I should be playing LE EPIC SMASH instead *.*


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One of his arm and leg is still human if you look closely

I'm pretty sure that Maliwan city/army thing was on a different world. We are supposed to leave Pandora at some point in 3.

I like Krieg but i didn't know people liked him that much


He was fun as shit, and there was something endearing about listening to him scream NO DON'T DO IT and GET STYLED UPON

im scared

Attached: calypsos.webm (1920x1080, 2.79M)

>Post yfw this is going to make GTA kinds of money and there's nothing /pol/fags can do to stop it.
Actually we (/pol/) love borderlands so please stop saying we don't.


now that I look at him, the guy on the right kind of looks like Krieg

look at the nigger on the left, it looks like he as some red tattoos like a siren. I wonder if there is going to be red sirens being a thing and they are dudes.

She's so small, I want to mating press her

Kino means movie, of course it's not a game.

>that girl on the right


Spoiler says he leeches his sister for powers so they are Twin Siren duo,

Better then a Tranny Siren

I wonder what Steele's siren power was or if she even has any relevance to this games plot.

That girl is a siren?

>guy on the right
user that's a girl.

>every cool brawler/gunner mech characters are female
>every retarded/sissy stealth gay characters are male
I loved BL 1 and liked 2 for gameplay, but 3 can go fuck itself for that. Fuck off you sjw trannies and waifufags, I want to be a manly powerhouse like Brick, Sal or Krieg. Not a purple haired nigger tumblrina donut steel. Fuck this. Yes I'm seething, I will not accept this faggotry.

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I think she had some Psyonic Energy blades or someshit, you actually fight her in the Robo Revolution DLC and she's like a super version of those Lancer Assassins.

Here's my guess.
They can steal or something siren's powers. Notice how lilith has no tattoos here.

Attached: chrome_2019-03-29_16-03-20.png (1272x706, 1.45M)

do you NOT see the glowing tattoos that all sirens have on her left side?

You're telling me krieg is a boy?

Attached: b9ba7c3.jpg (500x891, 35K)

meant to say left

You can only show off so much for a teaser, dude.

But Krieg's axe has a different saw with bigger blades. Vaughn's looks like a normal circular saw. See

shit fetish

>he doesn't want to play as the shortstack commie tank girl
do you realize how many levels of homosexual you are speaking here

My bad, i thought they were some sort of Siren fans since they called themselves Children of the Vault

If it werent for this scene I would think Lilith would be turning bad in this game. There is a shot of her turning towards the camera and she has this slightly sinister look on her face. Maybe that new siren can look like other people or something.

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You are the only faggot here. KSeriously, kys waifufag, because of you and your sjw assbuddies we are stuck in the female superheroine shitshow. You are a tool for accepting this shit. You sissy little shit can use any of your tactics to try and force me, but I will not eat literal shit like you do.

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Most of redditchan does because he's the epitome of "lel so randumb"

That's also a skill variation.

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literally neck yourself friend

Was the zoom really necessary? Just by looking at the paint and design I can tell its maliwan.

Tiny face huge head.

unpopular opinion: tina is overrated as shit (cos of age)

Too bad, I wanted to shoot her so much.

I hated her nigger speak more than anything. She was cute though otherwise. Would give her a poke and traumatize her more.

>How can we shit on weirdo pervert Randy without making it seem like were just being petty.
>I know!