I fucked up bros

I fucked up bros.
>watching my friend play Sekiro for the first time
>he gets to Kuro at the tower
>"So do we have to save this girl?"
>"Yeah, that's our lord. Also that's a boy, isn't he cute though?"
>"Haha what the fuck user."
We haven't spoken since. Help

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lmao fag

i think people who like video games should be given the death penalty

your friend's a closeted gay pedophile


user is the pedo

show him your shota folder
he will understand

ebin if true

I'd laugh as well

friends don't get offended of weirded out by something like that unless they're trying to avoid suspicion onto themselves

Text him SHAMONE

Samurai like cute boys.

He probably wasn't actually weirded out and user just can't read social cues


>Get some beers
>Go to his place
>Say "no homo pedo tho"

and it probably happened like 3 hours ago so no wonder they haven't talked yet

I want to ____ that young lord.


i told my friend i want to see him naked and suck him off, in front of other friends and we all just laughed it off. ive long established myself as that guy that says some fucked up shit and cant be taken seriously


He wanted you to dress up like Kuro so he could fuck you.
Missed opportunity, ya dumb fag

P-please, eat my r-rice shinobi-kun

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no way fag

you're a fag user

>not making constant shota jokes with your buddies while Kuro is onscreen

and so am i

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Y-You too...

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>eating this bitch's centipede eggs

what a sensitive pussy, good riddance desu
get better friends who don't get disassociate every time you get close to breaking a taboo

you will probably lose your house and your job
expect a knock on the door soon pedo

I love shota

But did you mean it?

Reveal that you are actually female

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I want to violate the little masters anus


Kaname by Locon Also requesting for something similar and good.

Same, I'd surrender to the local PD after that law is passed.

>a girl
your friend's a fucking idiot anyway

What if Kuro is a secret girl though?
Why did "he" make you close your eyes when "he" cut "his" chest with the mortal blade? To hide titty?

I wish that I could

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Sounds like some shit that never happened.

You should fuck him.

He might just be shy.
I really don't think Miyazaki would put a reverse trap in the game and not have a more direct clue somewhere. And then you have the loli who's clearly Kuro's counterpart.

Only plebs don't like /ss/. And no that doesn't mean you have to want to fuck.

I love him, he's too pure for this world.

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Good. Your lowly peasant friend wouldn't even understand the greatness of our Lord Kuro.

A pure shinobi cock sleeve.

Kuro's rice ball tasted better you filthy roastie,

i don't get it, finally some soulfags got a qt shota and everyone is mad

>killing everyone but Yea Forums

Because you're not allowed to show children harming themselves or other children in media so they censored it that way.
There's no lore significance.

I just think he's a nice kid who wants to leave the world a better place than how he found it. He's worth protecting.

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But you are allowed to show them bleeding and dying.

Yeah he sure did wonders for Ashina and everyone around him.

kys faggot

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>p-please eat my centipede eggs that I just pooped out

How about you stop being a cocksmoking faggot?

It's a a fucking game! Why are you freaks so obsessed over trivial things?

Your concept of obsession is unrealistic. Talking about something isn't obsession.

>I've never played Sekiro and I've assumed that was a girls as well so there's that.

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Pretty stupid story user. If your friend actually at first assumed that you are serious and not making a flat joke, he is just as much of a sperg as you are.

He can't stop the war, but he can stop the quest for immortality that ruins good men.

>Kuro preparing his rice balls.

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She doesnt have the centipede tho

how on earth do you get up there

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are they actually eggs? im not that far yet but idc about spoilerinos

You should have offered to play a rousing game of "pretend", he's clearly upset that you didn't

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next to the snake bitch there's a cave to the monkey room, in the middle of that there's a grapple point and a wall jump section to get there.

This better not end up like the ni no kuni 2 prince that was clearly begging for some gay porn and got nothing.

They look like literal tumors, though.

No, there is some description that stayes that the rice comes from her blood. That's why she gets sick and exhausted after giving you a certain amount

She was a succesfull experiment with the rejuvenating waters and has the dragon blood albeit it not being the real deal. The centipede infected inmortals are decayed and zombie like. She may transform into one of those lizard like-carp-dragon hybrids of wathever i dont really know but im certain her inmortality is different from the centipede one (which comes from drinking the centipede infested water)

He was willing to kill himself to stop his blood from corrupting warriors. I will not take any slander towards Kuro

Only disgusting shit eating losers like /ss/. Shota are for men and other shota exclusively. Women are disgusting parasites.

iirc you have to jump down the bottomless hole and go from that bonfire to reach the top of that statue.

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That reminds me of a long ago time, when this place was called Yea Forums without the vidya.

Extremely wise and true.

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That's because you never seen some shota NTR a mom. Its both intriguing and imaginative.

Like it corrupted sekiro?
Get the fk out of here. This lil faggot caused good men die for no goddamn reason.

he is cute though, the fuck is wrong with your friend?

some people are terrified of admitting that boys are cuter and more pure than disgusting girls. it's some kind of mental illness, i think.

>Implying he wasn't corrupted in the Shura ending
He didn't cause shit, everyone went insane trying to obtain immortality, Kuro is innocent and just wanted to be human.

One, wolf got different type of immortality, its because he was in kuros service, the other kind was from shitty experiments with dragon blood

Two, dragonrot, if kuro was to give this shit out left and right the entire world would fucking die. Equivalent exchange, the life doesn't come from nowhere

In all the threads about this game i have never seen people bring up the fact that kuro is literally at the other side of the secret passage from the dilapidated temple from the start, emma and isshin know you are looking for him and try to help you yet they let you go on a killing spree of innocent ashina soldiers to reach him.

It's even made more agravating by the fact emma uses the fookin door to reach that place when you arrive and fight genichiro. What a bitch she is jesus christ

not even that, you can be completely straight and still be able to admit that kuro is cute like jesus christ how fucking insecure are these people about their sexuality

I love gay Yea Forums

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God I wish I was Kuro

You have the BIG gay

>establishing yourself as a fake person

Wait, what the fuck. You're right. The fuck was the point of the journey up until then?
>I can see the shadow of Shura in your eyes or wahtever
Fuck you. What do you expect when I have to go through Ashina's Castle of Fun.

Emma clearly has her own motives and the Sculptor is too busy carving, drinking, and barely containing his inner fire to pay attention.

Are you retarded? The shinobi passage is blocked or some shit. Emma just walks around like a normal person because the soldiers aren't trying to kill her.

No one else get a Dororo vibe from this? I honestly thought Kuro was going to turn out to be a girl as well.

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why would an AAA game make a homage to a random seasonal anime?


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>Random seasonal anime

My jap gf learned about it in her history class at school. It's pretty fucking important to the nips.

I honestly can't tell if these images are portraying the shota or the loli

Why would an anime about a dulahan riding a motorcycle influence Sekiro?

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>a random seasonal anime?
I posted the original manga though, nice try.


Why would a Tezuka manga be in a history class? What.

It's fine. Being turned on by cute little boys doesn't make you gay.


It helped cement manga/anime as a Japanese art form or something like that.

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God I like the show but that song is so bad.
Have to skip the otherwise decent OP because of it.

What a cutie

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I can see Astro Boy being there maybe, Dororo seems like a stretch.

Yeah who knows what the fuck they're teaching their kids lmao, but she's not an anime fan at all but instantly recognized it when I showed her I was watching it and started going on about Tezuka.

How can this be a thing that actually appeal to people?

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>Lewds of the kid
>Not Emma being pressed by Wolf

Shithouse fanbase/

From fans are fag stains

You wouldn't eat a rice ball made from Kuro's feet?

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emma is a disgusting bitch. kuro is the only one who deserves sekiro dick.

It's funny how /pol/ pretty much replaced Yea Forums as the most hated board on the site. Instead of Yea Forumstards we got /pol/niggers now.

Fuck off fag. Go neck yourself.

yeah well there's a reason for that, /pol/ replaced Yea Forums as the newfag magnet

absolutely disgusting

Yeah im sure emma just shinobi-prohestetic-grapples out of the dilapidated temple onto the ashina outskirts and then dodges the giant fucking white snake to reach ashina palace, also when she gets there she just says hi to gyobu and the blazing bull and walks past like its nothing not to mention the midget ninjas looting corpses and kidnaping people for the rejuvenqting water experiments just dont mind her at all. She does it faster than you too because she is already there talking to genichiro when you arrive