

Attached: home.webm (1120x700, 2.95M)

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*ting* *ting* *ting*
Gentlemen, if I may have your attention?
Fuck retailfags, fuck wrathbabbies, fuck chinks, fuck fatties, fuck zoomers and fuck niggers.

That is all.

Attached: 5A8D8FF0-6109-4C01-82D5-859AFBDDA2A3.jpg (1024x576, 38K)


>post yfw they actually put in spell batching

Attached: nIjqeYz.jpg (2048x1152, 191K)


That screen is too clean for vanilla raiding. Not enough addons cluttering it.

Are you guys going to play it without addons? Get the legit experience and everything? Do you prefer the wow approach where you have to install Deadly Boss Mod or the ffxiv approach where you just guess how the fight will go?

I always played without addons or almost none of them and was an asshole and elitistjerk to anybody who played with addons back then, so I'll be happy to be that cunt again

I did that in ffxi. If you use windower you are a cheater.

at most i'll only get bag addons because im too lazy to work with the other ui addons

More like alliancefags, which will have all the streamers, trannies, and women.

It's funny how many people talk about how they like it hard and play old games but do everything to make it easier

I never played WoW with any addons.

The most degenerate ones are in the horde though.

>wake up
>go on Yea Forums
>seek out Classic thread
>post Classic stuff
This can't be healthy, but I want to go home.

>tfw no thotbot
>tfw no cosmos ui
>tfw souless

Fuck trying to do anything but heal without boss mods. Even trash needs timers if you don't want to get murdered as a melee.

nah Horde is too ugly,

So I take it you never got further than MC or are a massive casual fuck. Fuck you might as well be on reddit moaning about needing easy mode for x new game

lmfao no

>gamer girls

What's the matter? I though classicunts enjoyed no handholding when questing? lol

the absolute state of alliance players

I'm in this guild on Light's Hope to have a chatbox while leveling, the entire officer clan orbits her.

Cut them some slack man, they are useless at everything except complaining, slutmoging and Goldshire ERPing...

I honestly can't tell of this is a girl or a tranny.
It's too ugly to be a girl but I don't see an adam's apple.

I was told by a tranny expert that he is.

In this clown world you just can't be sure anymore

It's not, I think. If it is, he voicetrained like a motherfucker, and I've only ever seen a tranny with a convincing voice once (thespherehunter)

t. in the guild

>a million ways to save herself
>hurr let me run in a circle and do literally nothing
bet she got eye of divinity in that raid as well

Attached: 1525825229178.jpg (493x585, 35K)

She's not ugly, her chin is just way up and the camera position is in a strange place.

>tfw spell batching is in classic pvp requieres more skill than bfa pvp official

feels good you will be able to avoid warrior charge with a good timed jump.

>but I want to go home.
We all want to do something that matter, user

Attached: TEl.gif (480x270, 513K)

there will be new addons for handholding, it's just that thottbot is nostalgic by itself


>using cheats

based, if you need cheats to play a easy game you should kill yourself

seething alliancekek, enjoy your trannis NE and human females (with real dick)


Jesus, this looks fucking boring, hahaha

>commits suicide
who says trannys don't have representation in video games

Attached: 1543007986549.jpg (334x334, 88K)

Thank god i only raid in European servers.

why didn't she heal herself?

I am a white male with a penis I refuse to cut off.
We are going to make it, aren't anons?

@456362774 (you)

Attached: 1543009458466.png (446x435, 79K)

Truly based

Attached: 1537717532541.jpg (658x808, 184K)

Something tells me this is fake news

>using a picture of a literallywho that was only popular from last year and spammed to death in this place
>not wanting to play retail which is the best version
>being lacist


>tfw get called a shill daily

>implying trannies aren't present on eu as well

this but unironically.

>being lacist
go away Cheng

is she keyboard turning?

Attached: br.png (157x117, 2K)

Oh, that's cool. And 200 ms is a lot more generous than I thought, no wonder double-charges were so common. That makes it actually really useful, as long as your ping is stable, it should be possible to get it down to the point it's fairly reliable if you read them right.

she didn't load the healbot addon

>guild with women especially streamers in it
Are you obtuse? This is the dumbest thing you could do. That guild is bound for collapse and drama.

Here's private server story for wha to expect when we go home.
>2 Alliance guilds get 99% of world bosses
>third guild rises up quickly but can't get world bosses, yet.
>Azuregos up
>one of those rare Horde tries to get world boss days(happens once every month)
>3 ally guild raids, 2 horde guild raids 1 horde pug pvp raid.
>the alliance guilds let Horde ruin the other ally guild attempts.
>more Horde inc
>Azu in perfect spot to start attempt(post some bridge)
>2nd horde guild and pug protect attempt from alliance
>Alliance breaks through and kills main tank at 5%
>The 3rd alliance guild that's new and has tries to break the duopoly of the alliace guilds finishes the still tagged by Horde Azuregos.

The amount of SEETHING in the server forum was unreal for the next two days.
Remeber, it is not a right but a duty to grief your enemies, faction member included.

Attached: 1505588058708.jpg (444x470, 40K)

This isn't the original WoW. The WoW API didn't support breaking up the bottom the bar like that until the 2nd half of it's lifespan.

not even close

It's the helpful picture of the chainsaw. No legit news outlet would use that as a header picture for this story.

>can officially gouge mage blinks

>99% of world bosses
there aren't 100 world bosses now let alone vanilla, nice blog where do i subscribe

Remember to ban women and discord trannies from your guild

>not launching distraction raids to Southshore, Wesfall, Redridge, Westfall and Duskwood
Also, seems like a lot of fun

Attached: wowLOL.jpg (802x1038, 261K)

Most accurate image ever made on /vg/

Wowhead has a Thotbot theme at least.

Attached: wowheadthotbot.png (1613x840, 327K)

that's not a trans?

which FUCKING class do I pick

Attached: 1500655262145.jpg (600x606, 43K)

>S-key binded to backwalk
>A and D-key binded to turn instead of strafe
>Human female priest
>Stands in fire for too long
>Doesn't attempt to outheal the fire dot
Anything I missed? At least her raidmates seem like cool guys for not healing through her idiocy.

Is that even a question?

Attached: liu-chong-49ef79e1ta5d33333dddc-690.jpg (1024x768, 170K)

>was surprised by death

imagine being so stupid that you can't watch your healthbar while doing fuck all

and then some subjective shit
>healthbars on top
>microscopic text
>intentionally hiding keybinds
>heroes never die (almost everyone is dead)

Attached: i thought i did but now maybe i dont.jpg (702x562, 61K)

check the vid, she's too busy looking at her phone/chat

Everything else seems to match, but I managed to avoid staying home and looking like that physically. Yet anyway.

She's high as fuck. Nice game pothead babies.

Attached: laughingsluts.png (449x401, 490K)

She doesn't look high, though.

Yes she does. Red eyes aren't the only sign.

t virgin who has never seen a girl before

She doesn't have red eyes, even. She looks like a normal ditzy bitch or just distracted with a specific corner of her screen.

t. actual larping virgin who has never had stoner gfs

Why post your face when it is genuinely unattractive?
At least she's not fat I guess.


fuck this fucking thread fuckers

>Looks drowsy
>slant eyes
>jolts awake when she dies
>sluggish play standing in fire for seconds without caring
Shes stoned


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Her face looks more like that of a person staring at a fuckin monitor for too long.
t. the guy that's been snapping mole bowls all morning

t. fat chink

looks like i struck a cord.

Attached: 888.jpg (680x687, 72K)

Attached: Stop-Watching-Animu.jpg (900x498, 104K)

>backpedalling out of the fire
>dying to magmadar

>thinking some trannies won’t be female undead or orcs or trolls

>being this shit

the only people who play femdead do it for the animations and the people who play female orcs and trolls do it because they know how to stand up straight


I won't have any coping to do when my fem orc resists a kidney shot and I proceed to loot the tears of any and all rogues

Even trannies need a crutch in pvp

I just want a healslut bf

>tfw stacked, dps stacey gf to carry me through dungeons
Why even live

Attached: 911.jpg (497x497, 22K)

She's a BM hunter isn't she Paul.

>not leveling with your brothers in arms
Women are not important

I integrated into society. Make 60k a year working 3 12 hr shifts at small local business, have a quaint one story rancher, have gf
I see this image and it does scare me that it could have turned out that way. but instead its about to be blessed based internet journeys with beloved guild friends in vanilla 2.0