It's about damn time I say!
It's about damn time I say!
Other urls found in this thread:
what do unions do?
do devs actually want this?
what are the possibilities of getting hired as a codemonkey if they fire the staff for protesting?
So the unneeded fluff like social media managers and diversity consultants dont want to be removed like the cancer they are?
>The eternal Pajeet is trying to get game companies to unionize so they completely take over
Clever shits.
Why are millennials always crying about shit? shut the fuck up already god damn
I'm dumb so this might be wrong but I think their purpose is to argue / negotiate for worker's rights / demands as a collective so single employees don't have to do it.
"I want an extra dollar a month and an extra 3 days off per year"
"lmao no ur fired"
"we want an extra 2 dollars a month and 3 days off per year, if you say no 30,000 of us will stop working"
"hm how about a dollar"
>learn to cod-
They say it's about crunch, but it's really about women and trannies in superfluous positions wanting to keep their jobs.
It won't make games any better. Hollywood producers, actors, and directors are unionized. Look at what they make...shit!
>unionize game development
>no more dead lines or crunch so they can sit around and barely work if they want it
>underperforming staff can't be fired because union bullshit will protect them
The two main countries for developing games are the US and grorious nippon. In Japan you'll get laughed at for wanting a union because japs do nothing but work anyways. In the US unions make people lazy as fuck so nothing ever gets done because they basically have immunity. Road needs fixing? Takes literally 8 months because those lazy fucks get paid daily if the road gets done or not. Teachers? Literally can do the bare minimum and just pass kids if they don't feel like trying, schools here can't imagine holding kids back because they need to push them on to get more bodies in for those sweet funds.
Tl;Dr unions are a fucking meme and if you're part of one you should unironically hang yourself from the broken fucking bridge you never fixed
why do americans hate unions?
imagine wanting something that only serves to facilitate corruption and nepotism in an industry already rife with it. this what happens when you make too many political video games and you're world view becomes so incredibly warped you think what happens in the game could actually happen in real life.
Because unions are notoriously scummy and shady here.
every poor american who's getting pounded in the ass by the rich elite likes to imagine that some day they will be the rich elite doing the ass pounding (they wont)
Pretty much correct, yes.
Good luck finding anyone to agree with you on that, though, considering how much Yea Forums as a whole likes its kneejerk reactions and blanket generalizations
>Tl;Dr unions are a fucking meme and if you're part of one you should unironically hang yourself from the broken fucking bridge you never fixed
Why are you getting so mad at people in unions? Don't they simply not have a choice in many professions? If someone genuinely wants to be a teacher or something, they aren't going to not become one because it's a unionized profession.
Nice non-arguments, bro. Tell me how Europe and the rest of the world are lazy for having unions?
That why the average American is still richer than you?
The world may never know.
What is the hypothetical but realistic negative from game devs unionizing? Are people worried games will start costing $120 or something?
What's the point of being "richer" when life cost more in your country burgerman?
And that wasnt a generalization?
because they learned their lesson from their auto industry, postal workers, and rampant organized crime corruption in various service unions. then you have education unions which protect terrible employees from getting fired.
>screencapped part of the article has zero to do with the headline
How informative. Will be sure to share this on facebook to destroy democrats.
They should do it. It will effectively kill US game development and give rise to based European/Slavs and asian studios.
This reads entirely like an opinion piece and barely mentions pedophiles or sexual misconduct in favor of whining about how unfair the system is to their particular party
I've seen less obviously biased pieces on fucking buzzfeed. It lookes like outrage-farming clickbait, so I wouldn't take anything that article or author says seriously
>Americans will defend corporations till death
Good goy
Meant for
American worth ethic is just terrible in general.
>unions are bad
Holy fuck /pol/ is stupid.
>t. Someone who has never worked somewhere with a union
The union workers will all get fired in favor of anyone willing to work without the union, which will be in plentiful supply given it's an oversaturated industry even without the pooinloo competition. That and the fact that the people wanting a union are the meme diversity hires and other people who don't actually make video games but collect a paycheck anyway. It would protect the jobs of the literal wastes of money without protecting the people who actually make the games based on the supporters it's gathering.
The reason people keep calling for it but it's never happened is the first point, they know it'd be pointless but posting about it is good for their Twitter likes.
American capitalism is the D&D equivalent of Lawful Stupid.
Incorrect. Teachers totally have a choice, and any PRIVATE construction company doesn't have to be in one. Here's the problem bro, it's the fact that the union workers are the fucking ones who fix roads, teach kids, etc. They have a shitty monopoly, this is why private schools exist because public schools are union central. Private contractors and construction companies can be hired but they can't work on streets or sidewalks or shit that matters because based and redpilled government owns that shit and only trash union fags can (arguably) "work" on them.
It's American mentality you gay nigger. For one it's not piece work, second they know they can get away with it and not get fired, third it's guvment.
This but unironically.
>t. someone that has never worked as they are too busy fucking their cousin and watching fox
>That and the fact that the people wanting a union are the meme diversity hires and other people who don't actually make video games but collect a paycheck anyway. It would protect the jobs of the literal wastes of money without protecting the people who actually make the games based on the supporters it's gathering.
People online keep saying this but I don't think it's true. There's no reason why the only people that would unionize are the most meme examples of "diversity hires" that Yea Forums can find on twitter and not actual developers.
Could still be a shit idea I don't know anything about unionizing workers but not every single thing in gaming has a shadowy 'sjw tranny' hand guiding it.
Admitted generalization for the sake of quickly explaining something =/= Blanket generalization, presented as truth, for the sake of supporting an argument
i think unions are good, because there is an inherent imbalance of power in the workplace between the boss class and the worker class.
I can't say the voice actors union is making western voice work a better place. It's just the same 8 voice talents in every game forever.
>people attempt to unionize in current year
>Goldberg just fires them all and replaces them the next day
Not enough qualified people you say? If only we had the means to convince 3 entire generations to overly inflate the educated job market and not have to train anyone.
>what do unions do?
Unions are a mixed bag. Sometimes they can fuck employees over more than not being unionized.
I hate the idea of unionizing industries that are less important than others.
Which maybe is why I laugh at that generalization for being that latter.
>Incorrect. Teachers totally have a choice, and any PRIVATE construction company doesn't have to be in one. Here's the problem bro, it's the fact that the union workers are the fucking ones who fix roads, teach kids, etc. They have a shitty monopoly, this is why private schools exist because public schools are union central.
I was just offered a research position (that I'm taking) in a non-american country where the field is unionized. I "have a choice" in that I could be jobless and look either for a non-union position in the same country or a similar position in a different country but I don't really have that luxury.
But it's so hard to find qualified workers!!!! millennials are just lazy (deliberately pays below living wage, avoids CoL wage rises)
They killed our textile industry
Its not about that. Its
>developers after huge investment and years of development release shit game that flops
>publisher/owner of studio closes it down or restructures and fire hundred of talentless hacks and purple haired trannies that costed it millions
No! You can't fire us!! We haz rights!
>millennials are just lazy
This is true I have a great job with excellent benefits and the only people we can get to fill work spots are literal boomers
>what do unions do
Basically sometimes they use you and everyone who is a part of the union to strong arm the corporation during unions. Most of the times they just take your money and do nothing, then flap like vultures around new hires. A lot of times businesses call their bluff and they end up firing the union workers and replacing them, or do so before a union is able to form.
Unless you're going to some rice farming country, it's different. It's American work mentality and ethics. You guys don't seem to get that the mentality of union workers in clapistan want to take advantage of the system, and don't see the union as something secondary.
An entire generation was raised with SOCIALISM BAD UNIONS BAD FREE MARKET GOOD blasting into their ears
guess which generation mortgaged their children's children's children's futures lol (another fucking bridge collapses because infrastructure funding? lol)
the joke is that ILL NEVER RETIRE LOL just means theyre taking a job from a younger person. so that 70yo working at mcdonalds to pay off their mortgaged 12br 13bath house isn't 'inspiring' its nauseating
>this post
unions are fucking great you retard, the only problem here is it's lazy game developers as opposed to some sort of trade, stop watching fox news.
Is American work ethic this garbage or is everyone memeing
>during unions
no, just brain poisoned
socialized healthcare is bad because death panels!!!! (insurance company denies claim, this kills the boomer, boomer's family is made homeless through medical debts)
>in TO
Fuckin rich yuppies couldn't even afford designateds fornthat price there.
>stop watching fox News
Like a broken record. Either you've never worked in your life (realistic scenario), you're a pretentious college kid who is living off student loans AND has never had a job (more realistic) or you, yourself, are a lazy union worker who can't stand being called out for the piece of shit you are (most realistic). Flock off, feather face.
>another fucking bridge collapses because infrastructure funding? lol
government is too stupid to spend money? HOLY SHIT WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT
imagine if the bridge was private property, commie shitter
Depends on where you go, some areas people have a decent work ethic, other areas near everyone just does the bare minimum. It's why you can get two wildly different views of Unions because Unions while normally nationwide have local Unions that the worker personally belongs to. They follow the overall same guidelines and ideas but can vary from place to place.
on average, Americans work more than the Japanese do.
>"Hey guys we should unionize this specific industry"
Nice try.
>during the Cold War millions of Americans refused to join unions because they were seem as "commie"
>fast foward to today and minimum wage is bpwell below living standards and workers rights almost don't exist
Lol America, they would cut their own arms off if it would spite so someone they disliked
>Implying most Unions aren't blue collar jobs where people are far more likely to be conservative
Swing and a miss.
boomers: watching tv will rot your brain young man
also boomers: obummer wants to turn the frogs gay using chemtrails (leaves FOX on all day as background noise)
bridgeco ceo pockets the cash and the bridge collapses anyway?
my dad is in a union you retard.
shut the fuck up zoomer
what industry are Millennials killing this week
I don't know about american work ethic but their customer service is beyond garbage.
I'm in a Union fucktard.
>developers have basically no life outside work for a good couple months before every release
>also depression inducing amount of overtime and lower pays than other programming fields
>every self respecting and good programmer stays as far away from game dev as possible
>"waahhh those commies want free moneys"
>Let's give these insufferable faggots who want to ruin video games and turn them into "art" even more civil protections and privileges
>pockets the cash
>bridge collapses
>can't pocket the cash anymore
read a book, you fucktard lmao
Unions use collective bargaining to argue for changes to help workers, in exchange you pay them a fee. So their influence is proportional to how many workers they have. They might say "we want greater holiday leave or 80% of the workforce will strike".
>do devs actually want this?
Have a look at who is arguing for this, you will find that 90% of the time it's industry outsiders who have alternative motives for creating a union. Largely they want to create a bureaucracy that can influence game development in service of their own ideas.
It most likely wont work because in Aus union participation is down in general and without a significant proportion of the workforce they will have no power. Unions in the past have been important in pushing for various industrial protections which america lacks, which is important in itself but this union, based off their mission statement and head seem more motivated about sexism and feminist rhetoric than workers rights. The best option would be to support political candidates that want greater industrial protections but you're most likely fucked in America because neither major party seems to want that.
>is in a union
>is republican
are you a masochist? or do you just have a weird definition of conservative.
Devs have been complaining about long hours and "crunch time" for years. Unionization might be new but stop acting like the only people complaining are twitter trannies or whatever.
>developers have basically no life outside work for a good couple months before every release
Name an example inb4 Dan Houser
Positives: Slightly better wages, more time off, no more unpaid overtime (probably the biggest thing for them).
Negatives: Almost impossible to fire anyone so dead weight drags others down, paying dues, more inter office politics and backstabbing.
>stop acting like the only people complaining are twitter trannies or whatever
They are the only people complaining. They want unions to exist because their jobs are entirely worthless. If you are actually good at your job and have recognizable skills you won't have problems finding a new one.
Boomers: go to college! it's the only way to avoid flipping burgers for a living
(economy collapses)
also Boomers: what, you're too good to flip burgers for a living? talk about entitled. also pay me 250/mo more in rent because fuck you
Did you never heard of crunch?
No but apparently I'm talking to an underageb& who hasn't developed reading comprehension skills. Read my posts again and point where I said I was Republican and not pointing out what I've noticed working blue collar jobs, especially in ones with a Union.
code monkeys are the lowest replacable trash in game development ladder
For actually talented people artists/3d designers/writers/game designers - there is huge competition to a point companies try to steal them from each other. If you are in game industry and got fired and can't find a job - it means you suck and not required by anyone. No publisher/company would let talented people willingly go.
>No publisher/company would let talented people willingly go.
Ah the weekly "laugh to amerifats, but also be horrified yet again about their stupidity " thread
The idea is to create a parallel social structure inside companies that aims to negotiate for workers rights. This parallel social structure can do good job and counterbalance the power of the executives, or create corruption and oppression in turn. Often it does both.
I wouldn't fear for the gaming industry. Unions are based on strength (they are inherently mafia-like, by nature, not that it is a bad thing), and soibois literally can't show strength. That's why those retards talk about "unionizing" for years but don't do shit. They lack the testosterone for it.
Developers don't need to unionise. They need better marketing.
Sounds strange but let me explain. The only way for conditions to improve is to prove that games made by staff who are looked after are better and sell better than games made on the cheap by big companies.
But big companies have the advantage of no matter how shit their game is, it will sell big numbers if then throw all the budget into marketing (outside of extreme case flops).
So if you can get the consumers on your side, buying only well-made games, then it would make big companies reconsider how they do things and things will improve.
However, this is nearly impossible unless consumers get much smarter and more aware on average. Again, all nearly impossible without major franchise fatigue all at once.
Also indie and mid-size devs need to stop making their games in expensive locations. If they have to move base to eastern europe or india or taiwan they'd have much lower costs. Other companies in other industries have had to do it.
You think making engines and shaders is code monkeys job?
>It's not possible to develop games unless we make devs work 99 hour weeks before launch
industry animator here, I make about 75k a year just for reference.
half of my co workers are fucking lazy as shit. the LAST thing this industry, hell any creatively driven industry needs, is unionization. No joke half the time I look at about half of my team, they are on youtube, reddit, or facebook. Then they fucking cry when they have to crunch to get shit done.
What we really need are better producers, coordinators, hr people etc. We need people being on top of the creatives but less of them because holy FUCK are there waaaay to many bullshit positions like "executive assistant production consultant". And maybe with less of these fuckers walking around, we could afford to pay the creatives even better salaries to justify less goof off time.
the answer is not unionization, that is an outsider manchild "journalist" opinion
>article (((writer)))
I'm about to move to Germany and was just told my pay will be increased because the union negotiated a slight increase for 2 years. Yahoo unions desu.
Most unions are shitty but trade unions and unions for government services like the post office are great
Not in a Union: You need to negotiate with your company 1-on-1 for any changes to wages, conditions etc. Generally speaking when 1 person negotiates with a company, thr company is thr one in a MUCH more powerful bargaining position.
In a Union: The Union itself negotiates with the company directly on behalf of all it's employees. Because the Union speaks on behalf if sll employees instead of just 1, they hsbe much more powerful bargaining position with the company. They can threaten industrial actions (stop work orders, strikes etc) in order to force the company to accept their conditions (higher wages, more days off, better conditions etc).
i wouldn't mind but, well, where america goes, the rest of the world goes 10yrs later
capitalism is built on having an exploited underclass who has no hope or prospects at all. by design. people being crushed by the big machine but being told it's their fault they're being crushed is, again, by design. vote for me and i'll make it so other people you don't like are crushed by the big machine
>be european
>pay 63% income tax, plus tip
>this keeps the jobless somalians fed (and imports more) via totally-not-welfare
>then they breed and have 10 kids, who also dont get jobs
>one of them rapes my wife
Haha fucking Americans
This is the one fucking industry in America where Unions aren't fucking needed because every bit of game development can be done from a fucking garage
You don't like how triple A publishers treat devs? Then go independent
the ubisoft garage, yes
we defend a work ethic til death
but yeah we do defend corporations, corporations that provide and create jobs. Maybe you fucking euroshits should wonder why a nation of corporation worshiping mutts are so powerful and stop taking fucking siestas
>Greek floosey talking down to anyone
Using your 3 minute lunchbreak on this? For shame...
>Maybe you fucking euroshits should wonder why a nation of corporation worshiping mutts are so powerful
outsorcing everything to Raj and Chang?
>be german developer
>pay no taxes
>German goverment pays you to make games
>go out to eat Kebab made by Ahmed every evening
>games do not even have to sell, you do it for the soul. If you wanted money, you`d make another X Simulator
I've heard of crunch but most people seem to catastrophise based off horror stories like Team Bondi or Red Dead Revolver development. "No life for months" was the narrative around Red Dead Revolver iirc but it seems like an outside case in terms of severity and is not reflective of greater trends, it was also like 15 years ago.
here. Teach me to pay less tax. Also what are my cheap lunch options?
USA is simple too large of a country for a social welfare program like they have in nordic countries
>capitalism is built on having an exploited underclass who has no hope or prospects at all. by design. people being crushed by the big machine but being told it's their fault they're being crushed is, again, by design. vote for me and i'll make it so other people you don't like are crushed by the big machine
Yeah after all literally every other field has the same culture of crunching as game dev right
name a game made by a team of no more than 4 people that has AAA level graphics and is also good. You will be able to name at most 2 miracle projects that probably also took fucking twice as long to make as they would have at a big studio.
you need resources to make this shit work dummy. You cannot make monster hunter world in a garage with an indie team
>be german developer
>pay no taxes because why would a government propaganda branch pay taxes to itself
>dont make anything that sells
>job exists for the sake of making jobs exist, like some sort of soviet shithole
Why did the Pinkerton have to assimilate into those Swedish PMC fucks.
We need some strike breakers to kick-some ass again.
Jew power. People in the lower/middle class already need to double down on jobs to make ends meet, and that's without having to pay "union dues".
if it's so easy where's your game
Dan Houser the case you're referencing made like 500 million dollars from Red Dead so i'd say it was worth it
Depends on where you live
I'm in Silver City NM, since the two things keeping this town from dying are the Copper mine and the College, every store has Hiring signs and the people who get jobs rarely last more than a month
I've had my share of horrid shit bosses, incompetent management and dealing with terrible drug abusing customers
USA is the richest country in world.
huh who knew it was that simple, why hasnt your shithole country tried that?
>The average American worker takes less vacation time than a medieval peasant
What do you think?
CDPR was famous for soul crushing crunching. And after RDR there were tons of tweets from outside devs saying "this is the standard"
conspiracy faggots will yell something about kike conspiracy to keep you loyal to their shekel factories but in reality its because while unions can have positive effects for pay and working conditions, they more often than not create entitled baby manchildren. And hoo boy if you think corporation owners are kikey wait until you see a union boss.
okay then one of the last bastions of work in the US will finally leave. All those devs will be out of a job when the company up and moves them to india or the middle east where no one gives a shit about treating employees like god damned slaves.
Not that they're treated like slaves here, but they will be there.
you could literally take 99% of jeff bezos' wealth away and he'd still have over a billion.
nobody needs all that. at some point someone should just say, no, you have enough. come on.
i don't begrudge anyone doing well for themselves, but i do begrudge someone who got there by stepping on people and making it so their employees have to shit and piss in bottles. that's just ... contrary to fundamental human dignity. fuck
Love it when americans with bad education and information about any country other than his own goes "let me tell about your country"
Gee I bet he has the well being of the workers in mind with this, right? :)
aside from utterly poor white trash and black places, Americans have a fantastic work ethic. Its only once unions move in that they become complacent man children
Isnt that what other countries do to Americans all the time? This thread alone...
We have this stupid argument 500 times a day with you, europoor
>be (good part of) europe
>your country is 90% white or higher
>do nothing relevant internationally
>able to implement socialist policies because societal trust is high, largely thanks to ethnically-homogeneous society
>go online and boast about how socialism totally worked this time
>be the United States of America
>third largest nation in existence
>inarguably the most internationally relevant country on the planet, deals with literally everybody
>also have to play world police because Europe is allergic to military spending
>also less than 50% white (and dropping)
>absolutely packed with illegals and societal leeches who have been living off welfare programs for generations
>none of them pay taxes
>barely any of them have jobs, let alone careers
>try to implement (more) socialist policies
>they're immediately lapped up by brown animals we call "minorities", who dont pay into the system or work to support it at all
And it won't be when the rich people leave if you start taxing them to pay for all the new welfare programs. Plus nordic countries have a better work ethic then USA
large scale game production will NEVER be outsourced to india. those fucking poos cannot make a game to save their fucking lives. If ever you see a small part of a game that was outsourced its probably the support team or incredibly mundane and easy to make code. Seriously look at games made solely in india, ive seen student projects that were better.
I'm glad America is so anti union. Christ I hate them so much
>dude eat the rich xD
Graduate high school
Instead of separating on race why not just get rid of the free loaders of any color?
>devs unionize
>yet another excuse to increase the already absurd prices of games
>tfw have a business degree with a good grade, on the ball with technology and video games, care about quality but realistic about shit like deadline and feature creep, and probably would be pretty good at getting people organised enough to make a game but can't get into the industry because only entry jobs are QA and low-end coding jobs.
meanwhile I can't get any entry-level job anywhere in regular industries because everyone's like "oh you're overqualified", and I'm stuck in a lowly retail job for 10 years I'm way too qualified for. Some people just can't catch a break. I do care work for the disabled as a second part-time job just to keep a roof over my head and some little comforts.
If I wanted to get into the industry I'd have to make several small games by myself, and maybe make something eventually that's good enough to charge for and make a little money on as a side project. Or turn my attention to writing or something. I feel it's too late though. I'm 28. I just keep getting older, lazier and more disillusioned and less optimistic. I just feel like giving up entirely and just stay at home with the folks, grind for little bits of money to help them pay off the mortgage, inherit the house and then just keep a low-profile life until I eventually pass on.
>t developer
Get fucked faggot
That is becouse other countries have knowledge over usa from education and the massive amounts of media usa produces. They can compare what their media says and what usa's says.
Americans don't know shit about anything. They don't consume media or read news about other countries. They arent properly educated about other countries.
>freeloaders are overwhelmingly not white
>"p-please no racis"
Americans see themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires. Unions and worker's rights will only get in the way when they finally get to where they think they belong.
I used to work at a game studio and if you asked me if I wanted to be unionized I'd say no. I used to be in a government union, awful shit.
Everything coming about these meme union pushes is all diversity shit too. Little talk about actual improvements otherwise. It's all a scam for union dues. Plus, watch your job get outsourced to somewhere that isn't unionized.
Journos are just a bunch of political hacks more interested in socialism than anything actually gamedev related.
which part of the post do you disagree with?
>none of them pay taxes
The constant /pol/ shit would almost be tolerable if people who make posts like this gave 0.0001% as much about their corporations not paying any taxes as they do about "minorities" not paying any.
that would be fine, since the result is ultimately the same
Yeah but richest for whom? What does it matter how much wealth they have if 99% of it is locked up by 1% of the population who horde it with very little investment and almost none of it reaches the common people. What is even the point of economic growth if it just enriches the ruling class and the nation itself crumbles and it's people impoverished?
America can barely even be called a "nation" anymore desu, it's more like the private estate of wealthy individuals, and the people are just an extension of thr estate, like old feudalism.
Wow 3 boxes! Now I'm convinced.
Stop being American. We're not talking about America here.
>Hate Unions
>Somehow I'm a developer
What did user mean by thsi?
>get rid of freeloaders of any color
>end up getting of tons of nonwhites anyway
lol works for me
Corporations pay plenty, stop falling for Obama era memes
why are CEOs paid 1000000x more than regular workers
i don't think they work 1000000x harder. in fact i'd assume they work less than regular workers.
Now this is a good meme.
Projections tend to be based off shortcomings of the person who makes the projections.
Anything you'd like to tell us user?
Or are you too busy 'flocking off featherface"?
Look I know your tiny nonwhite brain has difficulty understanding this, but if you look closely, those boxes represent things, things called s t a t i s t i c s
and below are
and this is gonna get complicated so hang with me for a second
s o u r c e s to back up those statistics. following me here jamal?
Are people who think this mind controlled by corporations or racism I can't tell
america is a racist country
because most of the time they have no life outside work AND they can single handedly ruin the company forever.
>faggot arguing about politics on Yea Forums doesnt recognize a video game reference
Literally why would you disagree with unionisation
It's the only tool workers have at their disposal to negotiate better conditions. Individuals just get fired and replaced in a race to the bottom, but a union stops that.
Why? so you can charge me $90 my little pajeet?
I think he's making fun of your incredibly cringey use of the reference, user.
>Not that they're treated like slaves here, but they will be there.
I mean, we kinda are. I'm contracted to work a minimum of 10 hour days, with the allocation of that minimum amount at my discretion. But at the same time I'm expected to be "on call" at any point in time incase some shit needs emergency fixing, which often comes without forewarning. This means that I could have done my shift, tried to have a life, then headed off to bed only to be woken up smack dab in the middle of it because I need to punch back in and get some shit done. Then there's the sort of alpha male mentality that goes around during crunch times, where one programmer goes "well I can stick around and do the work without going to bed tonight" and other people fall in line like sheep because the other option is for you to be that guy that lets everyone down because poor little you needed your beauty sleep when a deadline needed to be made because the beancounters are saying that we're burning money not shoving a game out.
It's one of the least racist countries
Steal part of your check so some asshole you work with can slack off
Because when you unionize, the free market tells the companies to fuck off out of america, and then those people with those skills are now entirely out of a job instead of having their job fixed, like they wanted.
If a person doesn't enjoy crunch time, then it sucks to be them, that's part of the job when you don't do your fucking work on schedule.
Except they don't lol, they use every trick in the book to svoid and evade taxes. US tax system is overwhelmingly geared toward leeching from the middle/working class.
Oh it'll stop it alright, when EA cans every one of those rainbow haired faggots.
>now instead of 1 monolithic self-centered conglomerate obsessed with power, there's 2
Yeah bro who could ever disagree with that?
Unions are overwhelmingly left wing.
Because unions are fucking garbage and shitty workers never lose their jobs and if they do they can get rehired after they go through shit.
supply & demand combined with the fact that CEOs are massively overvalued
>b-b-but if you unionize you won't work as hard to make your boss more money!
This cucked burger mentality.
Programmers don't want to unionize, they get paid more than most, and without them the games don't get made.
They just want total control over the industry.
Ah yes, "it's okay when I do it"
thanks to this thread I learned that unions are plot being pushed simultaneously by the italian mafia, other organized crime syndicates, the jews, lazy americans, pedophile teachers, and diversity hire sjw trannies in the games industry.
Eye opening.
How can americans be so naive ffuuck
god, if only
in all fairness, getting into this industry, no matter the position, with absolutely nothing related to it on your resume will be literally impossible. the best you can try for is to get something, literally any project at all on your resume (try r/gamedevclassifieds to look for community projects) and then after you get one semi decent thing that goes anywhere (doesnt even have to be completed) look for internship production positions, which do exist. just be prepared to eat ramen for half a year. Once you'd done an internship you'll be able to springboard to assistant producer positions.
Actually he's not wrong, Japan, China just Asia in general is far up there on the actual racists charts. I hate to point fingers and say BUT THEM but people here in the US are literally crying about nothing.
>because most of the time they have no life outside work
that's kind of cheating when 'going golfing' or 'going to a restaurant' counts as part of the working day. like obviouisly they dont work 9-5 but still, if i said 'brb boss im going drinking with some of the guys from the office' they'd be like 'ok see you in the unemployment line lol'.
>they can single handedly ruin the company forever
yeah and then they join another company's board. because past a given point you're absolutely immune from any consequences of failure while the plebs are doomed. see: enron (usa), nortel (canada) etc
Ah yes, they'll just fire all their employees, that'll sort them out.
I mean yeah, two competing monoliths is better than one with nothing to oppose it.
Most countries who aren't American simply dont matter.
I'd rather be poor and free than a slave to some corrupt lazy union boss.
I'd be more concerned with having shittier coworkers. If you know that you can't be fired, why bother doing anything besides the bare minimum? If everyone thinks like this than it slows fucking everything down and just makes the backlog of work take that much longer
Their unions were broken a century ago so now they think their hollow shells are the only thing unions can be.
I just explained. Average European has thousands of times of expousure and information of USA than an american has of one specific Europe country.
They will just have racist thoughts about you though. They won't beat your head in like the US / UK
America is so not racist we literally have laws saying you have to hire nonwhites, there are nonwhite prioritized universities, what the fuck else do you want? how exactly are we racist? America is literally one of the least racist places when you actually look at our institutions and policies. The problem is that our people are starting to push back because they are forced to be around non whites. You'd understand if you had to live around them too. Poor ignorant child.
Why would they be corrupt and lazy and your boss? I don't think you know how unions work.
>If you know that you can't be fired, why bother doing anything besides the bare minimum?
That's a good point. Why not work smart instead of working hard?
that's not gonna turn out well for anyone in the end
>Ctrl+F "america"
>40 results
It's been over a decade and you fags still cry about the most powerful nation in the world.
pol should be deleted.
they are legally liable for the decisions they make
Because you have no idea what unions are
>the most powerful nation in the world.
I honestly think the industry suffers too much from over-hype and over-ambition.
I think you could make three or four really solid A games for the same amount of budget as one AAA title. These big open-world games are full of bloat and empty areas. You think a fair few people were put to the task of "map out this district" and then another bunch of people get like "make content for this district" but they only get the job half done because they are pulled somewhere else, so a big chunk of that area gets cut but not removed entirely, so players end up going there and there's just like 3 NPCs who speak nonsense and maybe a generic quest line.
Games are getting more rushed and created under less directive vision and it shows.
You have your head so far up your ass Im not even going to respond after this.
Both individual American workers and massive American corporations love nothing more than individualism and hate nothing more than collectivism, so good luck.
he's not wrong that insane amounts of liquid money, money that was made and contingent upon an interwoven economy of consumers and workers, would be better put to use circulating back through that economy or used to pay for things like infrastructure.
I know this is hard for a black and white capitalist to understand, but there really is such a thing as excess.
>Ah yes, they'll just fire all their employees, that'll sort them out.
I don't know if you've noticed, but EA has been doing that as we speak.
You think they wouldn't jump on the chance to clean house anyone who wants to start a union?
money is what buys you freedom retard.
>a country that relies on America hiring it to not collapse
It's s weird mentality. If you suggest that corporations and wealthy individuals should be footing most of the taxes, you inevitably get this cynical defeatist "But if we do that, the companies will just move overseas!". THEN PASS LAWS OUTLAWING CAPITAL FLIGHT NIGGA. Its stockholm syndrome to the extreme, we need to bend over and allow corporations to do everything with almost no regulation othwise they won't gib us teh jobs!!! Pure cowardice.
But it's factually true.
Won't work with game devs because no one is going to hire devs if they can't fire the shit ones.
because if you dont like it go fucking start your own company, then YOU can be the big man in the big golden chair.
thats the beauty of capitalism baby
perhaps legally liable, but there's still no material, lasting consequences for running a company into the ground past a given point. jump out with a golden parachute, join another company's board or as an 'adviser' or 'consultant' and away you go.
like you'll ever see enron, nortel, sears' execs in the unemployment line or something
He isn't wrong though. Just the other day an Ameritard literally thought Japan didn't have any guns during the warring states era, where Oda "dishonorabru westaboo" Nobunaga and his stockpile of guns existed.
Yeah, sure. Just ship the entirety of the unemployed population to a country of choice. Makes very much sense.
"How do we fix the unemployed percantage of the populace?"
"Just ship em somewhere else lol"
Unions are not inherently good or bad
Having 1 union for the booming VGs business is bad, say goodbye to indie studios if that happens
Depends on the type of work. If you're making a video game it's gonna lead to massive delays and in the end a shitty game
who the fuck is beating anyone? well actually if you want to go there, blacks disproportionately target whites in violent crime and there is virtually none the other way around, but you wont acknowledge this because it doesnt fit your child brain view of the world
Wow what a great idea. Let's just barge into other nations' legal systems and tell them they aren't allowed to have any money generated in the United States. Then when the dollar collapses we won't have to worry about companies fleeing because we'll be in a global depression. What can I say? I am loving this meme.
Put them in the desert.
call me when the equivalent of a gaijin mosque gets shot up on livestream in japan or korea
But the problem isn't by the big jew noses but the idiots willing to accept all of this.
You know why it's so fucked in the gaming industry ? because every passionate fag is willing to do that to do DAH VIDEOGAIMZ CREATOR like us when we were kids.
Blizzard explained that clearly, you can get easly replaced so they don't care if you whine and cry for shit working conditions since after you there are other 100 idiots willing to do your work for even lower pay.
It's a dick move by the big noses ? of course, but the people are WILLING to sign those contracts. Want to have better condition in a job ? Don't fucking flood the market.
maybe the most powerful at creating miserable lives for their citizens and unbreathable air. There is more to a country than its productivity, chang.
Nice image my memeing friend. My country was just studied to be the most happy in the world.
>knowledge of ancient japan
literally who gives a shit
our capitalist job creators will have that place a sparkling oasis of productivity in no time thanks to good ol' gumption and stick-to-it-ive-ness
This thread smells of jealousy and contempt for hard work.
>at some point someone should just say
And who is that "someone"? It's always "someone" else. You? Will you have a gun aimed at Bezos too?
How does it affect indie studios so badly that they all end?
They can die for all I care.
Not even necessary, since any country with the infrastructure needed by these corporations will have massively stronger taxation anyway. WE'LL MOVE OVERSEAS is a hilariously transparent bluff, but mutts fall for it every time.
Except that wasn't even what I said you dishonest faggot.
>Games are getting more rushed and created under less directive vision and it shows.
I can't speak in regards to content, but when it comes to QA a lot of it gets scrapped for time because of this increasing rise in "we can patch it in live" mentality. It frustrates me to no end because that mindset leads to a community with a very negative outloook in regards to the development team.
Who are they going to unionize against? Publishers? Can't do that, who's gonna pay for development? Probably against entitled gamers.
Too bad that doesn't fucking work anymore
>WE'LL MOVE OVERSEAS is a hilariously transparent bluff
How are you on this board and don't know what Tencent is? That's just one example of U.S. companies actually moving overseas, where a corporate fiefdom with chinks is still more profitable than moronic American-left policy.
rate of black on white violence is more than triple the reverse, what the fuck are you talking about you fucking moron. you try living around blacks you fucking idiot
Are you seriously advocating being ignorant of the prestigious history of the various kinds of firearms, the most sacred thing in America? What the fuck are you, some commie pinko?
I agree
But when they finally want to stand up to big nose you got tards over here complaining they just want to be lazy
>no more millionaires are being created
lol you're right, once comcast and kraft were created people stopped being entrepreneurs!
>And who is that "someone"?
that's a good question. i don't think im qualified to answer that, but it doesn't make my point any less valid.
Punching up is morally defensible (even justifiable), punching down is never moral.
Up/down here refer to social power structures.
Because most regular workers, for example, menial laborers, can be fired and replaced in a single day because anyone can do their job.
>unironically supporting 99% of wealth being hoarded by 1%
Anything to own the SJW's, huh?
>he thinks its a bluff when corporations say they're moving off shore
l m a o
Communitarians and the social-primacy premise can go fuck itself. Unadulterated evil.
The post was about x person being beaten by y person because of race in the US vs. Japan, not about whites killing blacks lol.
You can't feasibly "outlaw capital flight" you stupid dickhead. Every rich boogieman you fear already has several offshore accounts. It's just as easy to liquidate existing assets in a similar process, which does nothing but put tons of people out of a job, remove potential jobs and give the government a pittance of what said business was generating when they still existed.
Unions were a wonderful thing for farmers and early industrial workers who were being physically destroyed by work and then replaced. I think they're a great idea. Bring that into a 21st century development office space though and eh - just another overbearing organisation to deal with, might do you some good or might not.
Having said that - if game devs collectively had a spine and refused to do unpaid "crunch" overtime, then that would be a great benefit. It's hard though, there'll always be someone else willing to do it.
that sort of begs the question, what do ceos do all day that's so 1000000x more special and valuable that nobody else can do their job
What's even more hilarious/pathetic is that the same people who fall for the "But they'll move overseas!" Card are also the ones that gush so much over the "Made in the USA" tag. The Made in America store is one of the biggest jokes: watching tourism buses stop so chubby Baby Boomers can buy 20 dollars of Jingoistic crap.
No sympathy for them, the employees sat back and let the industry push the cancer that is digital distribution, in fact they helped by saying to support the developer and don't pirate.
Good goys
>all whites are middle class or higher
This is why nobody takes the left seriously
What exactly makes a CEO's job not something "anyone can do" when our nerd history is littered with actual college dropouts becoming CEOs?
>a jew
>pushing unions upon goyim
Funny thing there is actually a movie about that
Be less obvious. It's being pushed by wannabe social engineers and that's the long and short of it. Social engineering is objectively evil and can gofuck itself with a hot poker.
is punching down acceptable once you've facilitated opportunities for the group in question to better themselves through relaxed test scores requirements, affirmative action, literally funded their schools with twice the amount per student of white schools, given them countless of their own institutions, even had cultural shifts to create media for them in efforts to give them role models and they STILL have the highest rates violent crime both toward each other and the race attempting to fix their problems? What the fuck else are we supposed to do? you fucking tell me.
Yeah I did think about doing something similar to what you suggested at one point, but I think I'd just want to make something all by myself first anyway as a side project. A hobby. To prove to myself I can do it.
Might just wait for a game jam to come up with an interesting theme and then make something fun and quick in Game Maker (since I know how to use a bit of GML and make some simple sprites from my teen days), just to dip my toes in and see if the passion comes back.
'hey boss, travel, exercise and personal appointments now count as my workweek and i want to be paid for them'
'you're fired'
Based capitalism
I'm a dev and can confirm this is all dangerhair sjw bullshit. Serious devs can find a new job easily and get paid good salaries. The only sweatshop is EA.
that guy could have been all 'these guys do terrible awful work for little reward and so they need to be respected and rewarded more'
instead hes literally had no job other than selling stuff on qvc-a-likes lol
My soul brother and eternal nigger. This.
my point is that white america is barely racist, if anything we are doing literally everything we can to better the lives of these black fuckers yet they continue shooting each other at rates comparable to an african warzone, stealing, and raping like its the fucking middle ages. Meanwhile japan literally bars them from entering and holds their noses around them on subways. If they actually had blacks in their country they'd probably put them in fucking camps. Fuck off that america is more racist than japan, one of the most xenophobic places on the planet.
go for it. the hardest part is starting. Its that way when im animating too. the hardest part is opening the software and getting those first few keyframes down.
>white america is barely racist
>they continue shooting each other at rates comparable to an african warzone, stealing, and raping like its the fucking middle ages.
maybe you're racist?
You could try how I got in, which I admit is a fucking lottery win way of gaining employment. I was just a chatty guy in a twitch streamer's channel, when they started running a sponsored slot for a game. Got interested, tried to be an active participant in the chat, basically backseat gaming the streamer. The community manager of the game saw me posting, asked if I'd want to be a volunteer tester for beta builds. After almost a year of that the community manager and QA head let me know that there was a job opening for something and they were already putting in the word for me. A week after that I ended up getting the job.
The people crying for unions in the video game industry aren't programmers. They aren't anyone who actually plays a part in producing games. They are people with superfluous HR or social media jobs; big glasses-wearing, neon hair having Californian stereotypes everyone loves to hate. They are starting to realize their position in the workplace is quickly being recognized as unprofitable (if not outright damaging) and, true to their nature, would rather rewrite the rule book than try to compete fairly. Starting a union would allow them to not only remain employed indefinitely while doing nothing, but also start socially engineering their workplace in a Soviet gulag with them as the officers.
If you support this garbage you may as well give up video games. Resetera is already a malignant tumor influencing the industry, just imagine what those people would be like if they unionize.
Anyone else creeped out by how often you see the word "community" fucking everywhere?
Do union reps/non-profit organizations pay tax in the USA?
that should answer your question of why kikes keep pushing unions, tax exempt and money gets funneled in many accounts under administration fees until it disappears entirely.
Anyone who thinks gamedev will get outsourced to India is a retard.
First off, Indians don't have a gaming culture, so they'd have to pay them just as much as business software companies anyway.
Second off, Indians aren't creative, and the Indian dev answer to everything is to throw more horsepower at the problem. Expect video games with ps2 graphics that require 1070s to run.
t. Have worked with many indians.
You've been programmed.
we're all programmed. 'you are not immune to propaganda' etc. all i'm saying is, have you considered that maybe you're wrong?
Americans have a very very twisted view of unions.
As much as people like to bitch about Nintendo they do make the right call to delay their games to get them up to scratch. Starfox Zero might have been a short game and a bit of a mess but it's at least somewhat enjoyable and functional and is kind of average rather than an absolute catastrophy had they rushed it out to the Wii U (and that's a hard call because the Wii U absolutely needed the game).
And its nowhere near Sony levels of bad delays. Look at Gran Turismo series and The Last Guardian for projects that spent a large chunk of a decade in development hell, only to push out something kind of mediocre.
Trouble with releasing somewhat unfinished games is that the salt is there from consumers who buy it and the game just ends up underselling and the project gets abandoned so all the post-release patching as you say gets promised doesn't even happen then.
Delays can be as much of a good thing as a bad. Big companies do need to be realistic it's true, but they also need to see things holistically and long-term.
Microsoft have not done themselves any favours cancelling basically all of their games from the last few years and rushing out like one or two. That's panic reactions. Should have delayed one or two till this year, make extra effort to make them good, and then the backlash would have been less severe for them. They'd look more unfortunate than just as a bit of a joke.
>the environment
>portion size
Look, i work as worker manager (a dude who deals with workers on everything from paychecks to their welfare bucks) and had to deal with unions.
Unions are litteraly a legal Mafia, they deal with the strong people and stomp the shit ones.
I now deal with 140 workers but had to deal with 10k too for a bigger agency, you want to know unions how deal with you based on those different agencies ?
10k workers means a lot of money, lot of money means corruption and it's most likely unions will be silent if the one responsable on the wellbeing of the workers stay silent even of the shittiest work conditions like excessive not payd overtime, the mobbing, fucking everything.
In the small agencies with 140 workers ? they dictate the rules, now we have like 4 unions which divides among our workers. You know what happens ? Union with even 1/4 they dictates the rules. Wants to get paid a lot more for actualy doing propely their jobs and if you don't give them the vacancy they ask, they'll just fake sickness or ask the Gov to pay them 30% of the hours they would have worked (if they have sons).
its honestly hilarious. ive been on about three teams now, two of which had a solid amount of clearly diversity hires and its so fucking obvious. Their work is so shit and has to be cleaned up by white and asian guys so often. If you want to see what happens when those groups dont clean up, literally look at mass effect andromeda. 100% their infectious brain virus equality shit got to the point where they didnt have that hidden level awareness to go "fuck fuck we need competent people to fix this shit". They didnt do the sensible thing and think that while maintaining the diversity facade, they just went all out with it.
Imagine if instead of the few black dudes at nasa who probably got there half on their own accord half on diversity, they just went full united nations and hired only blacks and aboriginals. We would never get anything off the fucking ground.
Nothing he said is wrong. Blacks are a drain literally everywhere they exist, even Africa.
Americans have the only sane view of unions. This is why their nation is successful and your ethnicity is being replaced.
yeah but have you considered, maybe you're wrong.
yes I am literally racist because nonwhites cant stop ruining everything. When will you fucking insects understand that prejudice doesnt arise out of nothing, it is a reaction.
once again, please tell me how I am wrong. We've done so much for these communities, to right the wrongs of slavery and jim crowe yet they are still in shambles and show no signs of recovery. How can we fix this, please mr. I've never lived around nonwhites my entire life, please tell me
I always first think these posts are ironical. Then I remember that americans are really like this.
this guy has the right idea. its literally right place right time shit. you just have to better your odds by being in lots of places at lots of times
I got my first gig by finding a list of about 200 open positions and emailing literally all of them with my portfolio and resume. Literally 3 responded, one of them was a good offer. gotta play the numbers game baby
>We've done so much for these communities, to right the wrongs of slavery and jim crowe
just because people aren't being literally lynched in the streets most days doesn't mean racism is gone forever. like, a magic wand wasn't waved, cinderella-style.
you're not even trying at this point. the last thing I'll humor you with is the idea that saying "maybe you're wrong" when presented with actual evidence and stats is like saying "im going to ignore reality". In the event you arent trolling, I thank christ there arent enough people like you to muddy the waters with this garbage unwarranted skepticism. Christ at least manlet faggots like destiny attempt to argue about shit like lead in the water in black communities or something. Do some research if you want to argue like a big boy because there are actual conversations to be had here faggot.
>Europe laughs at US for not understanding unions.
>European Union is about to collapse and cause WW3.
>making engines
fucking LOL, how many games make their own engines?
>game developers are rising up
>but gamers still haven;t
dude, its not just people arent being lynched, we are literally doing everything this post mentions
We are actively attempting to improve these communities and they are LITERALLY RESISTING. once again, what else are we supposed to do? if you dont have an answer or even a suggestion, fuck off.
This is not true. My dad is a part of a union and has lots of overtime and 0 paid holidays and it's still super easy to be fired
like, all the cases where some curtain-twitcher calls the cops on a black person who's hanging around their house (the black person's house) and the cops come out shooting. then the cops spend a week on admin duty and then they're back on the streets ready to murder someone else.
>when presented with actual evidence and stats
the thing is, i dont trust unsourced evidence and stats from this website. because people on this website tell lies sometimes. simply saying 'source: washington post' or whatever on your picture doesn't mean anything.
if game devs were unionized we'd still be waiting for duke nukem forever
in a nutshell, i don't trust pol or its users to debate and present arguments or do, anything at all really, in good faith.
you might say i'm .... racist against pol haha
please tell me, what would it take to convince you that whites are attempting to give black communities opportunities and they are rejecting them? how many sources and from where? what would it take? because i can ASSURE you reality and thus, studies, would reflect this. I just need to know if you are even willing to be convinced first.
its like a flat earther saying "alright bro show me the world is round and I'll believe you" and you spend fucking millions taking him up in a rocket and he says "yeah thats just a hologram you're showing me". its like, what the fuck is the point if you dont want to be convinced.
That because there's 300 million burgers while japan has a third of that. From everything i hear and read in books the average jap works 12 hour days, sleeps in their office and drinks themselves to death.
unions never work in industries that matter. Contract workers will all be fired and a team of chinks and pajeets will take their place and they have to live on the street. Unions can only negotiate payment that's about all not being fired. What will happen is they will get there severance payment and get told to fuck off and die after 6months+
>i dont trust unsourced evidence and stats
and against blacks seeing as how you'd never live around them given the choice. you fags all claim to be for equality but you'd choose a white place over a nonwhite one literally every fucking time. how do you reconcile this hypocrisy?
>what would it take to convince you that whites are attempting to give black communities opportunities and they are rejecting them?
first, let's define who these 'whites' are.
second, let's define who the 'black communities' are.
third, what are these 'opportunities', and fourth, how are the 'black communities' defined previously rejecting them.
nah bro like.. people like... lie and stuff.... and... have you considered you're wrong? plus like wikipedia like people can like edit that just like try being not racist lol also i'll never live around blacks given the choice
we've been having a conversation about race this entire time and only NOW you pull out the continuum fallacies? hoo boy you must be new at this.
Not only that but the company will also list all those people who joined unions and put them on a blacklist to be never able to work ever again and give it to other companys so they know who to keep. Keep listening to the union jew they'll help you out once, but that will never come again if you stay in the same industry.
time for game devs to RISE UP
It's an entity you pay for protection similar to the mob, who promises to get you better pay/working conditions. Unfortunately the raise they get you is usually less than the amount that you cold negotiate on your own because everyone in your position gets it. On top of that, whatever raise you get is so minimal that it is negated by the dues you have to pay the union. Anyone not in the union is bullied by coworkers for not joining, and if you are in it you pretty much can't be fired because you have 1000 people backing you which leads to a lot of slacking on the job
no, i'm answering your question. who are these white people and their opportunities. no word of a lie i'm honestly curious as to your thinking.
we got a $5000 raise day 1 with $600 a year dues. So fuck off liar
If you have ever had a bad boss you would want a union. You're entitled to protection, to make formal complaints as a group, and they cant try to fuck you over by isolating you in any way. Boss wants to talk to you? Bring a union member to sit, witness, take notes. The other benefits are nice, but there is much more to it than that.
they look ... pretty normal? idgi
everything mentioned here
I don't know how much you know about america but we literally have policies like quotas for black people, we lower their standards for test scores to get into colleges, we fund their schools double what white schools get
we're going in circles. please just tell me what you think the solution for black communities are, and if you pull another continuum fallacy saying "hurr well we'd have to define what black is" then I'll agree with you that it cant clearly be defined and therefore all social programs based on race need to be dissolved because it cant clearly be defined.
nina is cute
Plenty before Unity/Unreal
Even now throwing some pajeet on the job ain't gonna cut it unless you really wanna make the lowest of the low-IQ gamedesign.
>first, let's define who these 'whites' are
I was in a union they fired everyone anyway, we still got paid but didn't have a job afterwards. WOW! but you get to stick it to the man YEA comrades.
And as a final note, you cant try to give a group benefits then say they cant cleary be defined when people try to track their shortcomings. That is a hilarious nonsenical strategy
Kate 100% looks like the kind of chick who's into being choked
>stick it to the man
retard poster and clearly a teenager if thats what you got from that.
the majority of AAA games
Yes you're totally right. I really should. Ideas come to me pretty easily at least.
>we literally have policies like quotas for black people, we lower their standards for test scores to get into colleges, we fund their schools double what white schools get
ok so i'll take you at your word that this is true and you're not just regurgitating pol talking points or whatever. why do you think they're needed in the first place?
my point of view is that white people built society for the advancement of white people. white people set college-admission test scores, white people set funding levels and decide which are 'good' and 'bad' schools, etc. that's why black people don't get ahead and need assistance: the game is rigged against them from the beginning.
i don't have a 'one weird trick' solution, nobody does. still, acknowledging flaws and how they're made is a start i think
No no he's right, blacks cant clearly be defined, therefore, surely we cant have any social programs based on these loose and vague constructs!
spotted the kike poster
I'm talking about being able to be fired for literally no reason as an individual. I had a boss that sexually harassed me, a guy, and I couldnt do shit about it because she could fire me without reason. Then I eventually moved on to a job with a union and realized what I could have done in that situation.
my point is, if you're saying 'white people give black people opportunities all the time!', then you should be able to say who the white people are and what opportunities they're giving.
i'm white myself (of course) and i didn't know i was doing that. i wasnt consulted lol
I agree to your terms and conditions
That's some nice projecting.
Union goons go after the indies for not being union.
The union gets taken over by sjws.
yea definitely a gen z kid they always out themselves
They are needed because blacks are incapable of performing on the same level as whites
You seem to think our standards for things are literally "be white" when in reality they are based on merit, has it occured to you certain groups of people on average have less overall merit than others? And if our societies are built for the advancment of white people, why do asians do so well in our societies? You're backing yourself into a corner here pal
Are you a teenager or something? Lawmakers, congress people, governors. Do you not know how policies get enacted? Jesus christ what fucking level do I have to start at with you? Do we need to go over cause and effect too? Fucking hell
>oy vey, i've been found out
the chutzpah of this Z-zoomer doomer
Its the absolute truth, you know you are less safe in a black neighborhood so why would you live in one?
Then they can write articles how white and male the union leadership is
Depends on the job. Retail work ethic is garbage because the workers are treated like garbage and are paid garbage wages with "flexible scheduling" (which actually means some weeks you'll get 5 hours because fuck you, but then make you work 14 hour shifts 6 days in a row during the holiday season because they don't want to hire temporary workers. BTW you don't even get a raise or a bump in your position for putting up with that bullshit)
It's possible to hate corporations and unions simultaneously for the same reasons.
Why do game journalists want game developers to unionize so badly?
>blacks are incapable of performing on the same level as whites
that's because white people set the levels and say, well, looks like black people (coming from schools that white people cut funding for) are fundamentally stupid. like i said, the game's rigged.
>Lawmakers, congress people, governors
you know, the sad thing is you're right. maybe more black people should be lawmakers, congress people, and governors. dare i say it, more diversity in the ruling class might be a good thing
so the union rep they are friends with gives them money.
>my point of view is that white people built society for the advancement of white people
> that's why black people don't get ahead
so are you saying white people are better than black people?
Nothing is stopping them from trying to be lawmakers, Congress people, and governors other than themselves.
Prevent abuse and push for raises. I was part of a union and while sometimes they protect dumbasses, most of the time they just stop management from abusing workers. I never gave a fuck about a union until I saw how managers treat non-union workers and when a guy with my same name committed suicide due to overwork and stress. Basically a bunch of guys I've only talked to once or twice came around to joke "I knew it wasn't you because you're not a casual (non-union, non-full-time, third party worker)."
no, just that once you've 'won the game' you can change the rules in your favour.
Why not just find out the facts and punch whoever is actually in the wrong, regardless of where they are in your "power structures"?
If the actual coders separate themselves from the diversity hires, it might work. Unfortunately most of those guys are too goddamn thirsty to avoid the thots.
Japan is heavily unionized.
Most of Europe is heavily unionized.
Why does Americans appear to think that unions outright kills the market and in turn the entire country?
Your extreme aversion towards unions is weird.
what game, what rules?
If you think the SJWs are bad now, wait until the unionize. They will have a complete stranglehold on the industry.
>Punching up is morally defensible
so if a white hobo kills obama, then that's okay?
the game is the powerful upper classes, and the rules are coming from the 'right' schools, working for the 'right' company, knowing the right people, having X generations' worth of wealth, and so on.
Because most Unions were fronts for money laundering and got by using dirty tactics, when Unions were first founded they did do good things for the American worker, but somewhere along the way the reason for existing changed and that's what people remember above the good.
I never understood this, wanting more money = communism meme. It's supposed to be the other way around isn't it?
game developers RISE UP
listen, you're not making any sense. a game can't be a thing. you're just spouting nonsense. answer the question, why don't black people get ahead in school, can't they do maths like white people? can't they read? can't they do homework?
Propaganda pushed by corporate owners. Look at PragerU videos to see what some fags gobble up.
They claim they'll look out for your rights as a worker and prevent employer mistreatment, for a price.
Basically, it's a protection racket. When it comes to actually helping workers, It's hit-or-miss.
it is the other way around, it's just people who shout about communism/capitalism are pretty much always underage gullible idiots, who have no idea how these systems actually work.
t. slav that lived under communism
>first, let's define who these 'whites' are.
ethnically european people
The idea behind unions is that as a single worker, you have no power to bargain with a giant multinational corporation. Therefore, you should team up with your fellow coworkers and bargain together.
This is a good idea, inherently imo.
The problem is that in practice they tend to get corrupt and politicized.
Despite these downsides, I genuinely believe that if you don't have a union, and you work for a giant corporation, you're a sucker and a moron.
I hate that my union is full of lazy niggers.
I hate that my union is practically non existent, except during negotiations.
But, I do know that if it werent for my union, my trade would have been broken up a long time ago and we'd probably be making as much as a fucking McDonald's worker.
>why don't black people get ahead in school, can't they do maths like white people? can't they read? can't they do homework?
i could think of a few reasons: underfunded schools. poor diet caused by living in a food desert. not having space/free time/resources at home to do homework. things like that. lots of complex mini-problems that wind into society at large. the same reasons other underprivileged groups don't do well in school, by and large.
thing is I trust a union more to care about worker rights than I do any employer
In some states unions arr innocuous and nothing more than a staffing agency. In others, they are a literal mob that will mot allow private businesses to even compete with them. With the labor laws we have now, they are kind of pointless
t. electrician
>With the labor laws we have now,
US labor laws are horrifying, you guys need some kind of proper Union to deal with that crap
You never been in union meeting, have you? Its literally a bunch of old people who dont work telling everyone who does work wgat to do.
>underfunded schools
how doesn't that affect other races?
>poor diet caused by living in a food desert
how doesn't that affect other races? how does that affect well fed people?
>not having space/free time/resources at home to do homework
how doesn't that affect other races? what about black people who have these, to they underperform or not?
> lots of complex mini-problems that wind into society at large
what about black people who don't have these problems? do they underperform or not?
Yes please do tell me how hard I have it.
like johnny rich kid gets a private tutor and can go to the well-funded local library to study up outside of class. johnny poor kid has to cook dinner for his siblings and can't get an hour's peace to study at home, which is why he's always asleep in class, etc.
us labor laws are pretty funny
>we can't fire you for being a woman, your skin color, your religuis views etc
>but we can fire you for no reason
yes, and?
just saying poverty and race tend to overlap
It's a good idea in theory but in practice unions become a refuge for the stupid and the lazy. I say this as a union member myself.
no, you said poverty and academic achievements overlap
>AAA industry unionized
>Union views foreign and indie devs as scabs for not joining the union
>Lobbies for laws preventing major storefronts from selling non union digital Games
No way this could end badly or have ulterior motives.
The argument is that qualified workers in IT are doing fine and don't need to get in conflict with the employers to have good pay and working conditions.
I have a worry that whatever money the game devs think they are going to get more out of companies is just gonna be gobbled up by union dues and overhead.
As if they already didn't have enough money wasted on student loan debt.
You know the funny thing? The game journalists keep talking about the unionizing... yet i do wonder who is going to be running the union. Probably game journalists, because they are the ones that keep pushing it. And with that, they will have done the exact same fucking thing they have been planing. To get a firm grip on game devs and basicly make their racket complete. As they have been behaving like they OWN the game devs. By writing articles telling them what to do, when to do it and HOW to do it. And also what NOT to do. Which is wayyy to many things. And people like Schreier should never be allowed anywere near video games. As he is the douche that attack japanese devs over "questionable games".... Like Dragons Crown. Complaining like a fagggot over the big titties. Its the same retard that claimed that if you played the game and as the Sorceress... you are a pedophile... Its like the IDIOTT doesnt even understand what pedophilia means. It means KIDS.... Not adults with big bouncing breasts. And he basicly wrote articles attacking the devs for "Lets teenage boys work for them".... As if HE gets to decide WHo gets to work in the games industry.
i'll give you that. a poor, hungry black child and a poor, hungry white child are both going to do poorly in school.
Only in certain states and even then the company tries to find a "reason" which is normally using a rule they hardly enforce. That way they can point to the write ups and say "but we gave x plenty of warnings over y rule and has absolutely nothing to do with why you want to sue us."
Talk is cheap
>>unionize game development
>>no more dead lines or crunch so they can sit around and barely work if they want it
>>underperforming staff can't be fired because union bullshit will protect them
Hey now. The road crews in my state are heavily unionized and clearly there is not a single pothole around and the roads are smooth as silk.
Now are you gonna stop bathmouthing unions or what? You knkw. Accidents happen.
Hurry up. I gotta get to my lunch break.
Because nobody is importing CEOs.
Of course they are. Most CEOs will hop from one company to another, internationally
I guess that part of the industry is relatively small.
>dad is from Greece
>says how his cousin's husband is a big union stooge and did mostly nothing his whole life
>retires at 40 and lives off cushy government pension
>isn't surprised Greece and their leftist stooge government is as fucked as they are
>plus on top of that the right wing banks took all that socialist debt and compunded it, fuckin them at both ends
Construction unions are alright because they actually have to protect workers from physical danger.
What danger is there for devs?
I definitely agree that unions end up being a haven for lazy workers.
But I still think it would be idiotic to try and bargain as an individual against a corporation and in that one area they have a purpose.
and union dues are three dollars a month
>go for it. the hardest part is starting. Its that way when im animating too. the hardest part is opening the software and getting those first few keyframes down.
Is there any reliable way to force yourself over that initial hurdle because that initial start feels like a mile-high brick wall to overcome
U know, if you get fired or laid off, but you welre actually a valuble employee, it shouldn't be too hard to find another job. Lazy people don't deserve to be rewarded nor do they just deserve a job.
>It's all a scam for union dues. Plus, watch your job get outsourced to somewhere that isn't unionized.
Sadly this. Game jobs are already being shipped overseas by big companies. Increasing unionisation suddenly will have them flake off even more.
rich for the elite
California used to be the suburbs of America, it was a very middle class state. Now its a Blade Runner-esque hellscape with uber-rich Jews at the top and dirt poor Juans at the bottom.
..and stop falling for Trump era ones that are just recycled Reaganomics.
Even though I voted for Bernie, I still find him and the Dems to be pipe dreamers. Yet they aren't entirely wrong about Republicans being just as full of shit with their trickle down scams.
Enjoy your mobage heaven, tiny dev teams and cheap development process will only bring marginally less profits with double the dev cost yet AAA struggles to break even even right now and will explode from that.
Not sure, man. blacks in america have only been actually free for like 40-50 years tops, you'd need like another 50 years to claim whites are just better. and you'll probably need even more time for a a bunch of them to get over the slavery thing and move on.
HG Wells was right. The Time Machine actually was set in Morlock filled California.
Why is this commie shit allowed? Fuck off
Not quite. It isn't poverty, but welfare.
The bulk of certain races are willing to live in "poverty" because they make bank off of welfare. They don't need to do anything except have some kids (who grow up in the same environment and learn to exploit the system in the same lazy way), then demand free money and a section eight house.
The savvy Jimmy Poor Kid befriends Johnny Rich Kid and benefits from his studies, moving up in society.
The savvy Timmy Welfare Kid doesn't give a fuck about education and wants to stay at the "bottom" because the bottom gives him free pity money as long as they vote democrat and birth more democrat voters.
and the difference is?
>Gamedev unionize
>Games take too long to be make
>Games are less fun since they cant fire the dead weight of the development team
>Games get more expensive or will get more cut content sold as DLC
Anyone who support unions is a retard or someone who hate vidyas. But this is Yea Forums so cases like those are not rare
Yeah, in the 90s
That applies even more so to digital distribution and no one complains about that, they even praise le Gaben
Reagan says
You defend work ethic then why do you defend lazy corporations and banks that consistently cause recessions every decade and wait for the government to bail them out? Why not let these fuckers bomb and support hard workers who will fix the system?
>normal is 30 lb overweight now
Digital distribution is conveient for the consumer, game dev unions is no different from lack thereof to them.
There isnt really anything that they need to be protected from. Its their JOB. They were hired to do their job and that is that. They are paid to work hard on the project. Not to sit around and play around. Which makes me think they do most of the time. If they have time to be on social media. Then they have time to work on their games. But sadly most of them think that they can do whatever they want. If they spent as much energy on actualy making a game people would want ot pay money to play...Instead of trying to be political activists.... chasing people away... They would maybe be more respectable and make good games. But as it is right now... They love to dismiss any reasons why their games are shit as racism, sexism, this and that bullshit. Because its never helped them. You just look at Bioware. Every single game that has come out. Games that need a YEAR to be actualy playable. And they always use the excuse of "Not being experienced with the Frostbyte Engine".... They had used that engine FOR A COUPLE OF GAMES ALREADY. Dragon Age Inquisition, Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem. That is more than enough to be able to say, Yeah. We have learned how to use that engine. Also why not hire people who CAN use that engine. Instead of pushing out a buggy mess that never gets playable at LAUNCH. When its the most important. Not a year after it comes out. Because who is playing these games after a year.
another slav here.
You're full of shit and communism was worse than any war.
>business degree
You only have yourself to blame
>x profession here
Unless you can prove that, I’m going to assume you’re talking out of your ass
I believe the outcome will ended up leaving only chinks and whites on the workplace
Great, they'll have an employee for every key on a keyboard and then some.
Japs at SNK had to sleep at the office for weeks to get KOFXIII out and they still struggled to make the game good. A lot of people like to dickride KoF13, but the game had legitimate garbage gamebreaking bugs at launch and it has some of the worst netcode in the business. I already know this is due to company negligence and failure to outsource basic necessities that take too many resources to do yourself.
Maybe if companies understand you can't just run people over to get a job done they will work smarter instead of forcing dead end "hard work".
this is a very decent, fair answer.
Whether this works beneficially in practice is what the debate is about
>clay model on the cover
but that's what i was trying to say you cyka
>The savvy Jimmy Poor Kid befriends Johnny Rich Kid and benefits from his studies, moving up in society.
And then Johnny's parents tell him to stop hanging out with the "lower class" and Jimmy is back at the bottom
buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
communism is shit because you let the government dictate your life and that allows literal psychopaths to control you
same shit is for corporatism or authoritarianism
Anything that doesn't allow a small group of people have power is a choice I can support, I think there is more than one way to run a country.
>let the government dictate
as opposed to what?
I'm for it because anything that closes the wage gap is a good thing. Just seeing charts of how much less we make compared to CEOs between now and the 50s boils my blood.
Even if it just makes some asshole have to buy the second biggest Yacht instead of the biggest I'm for it.
The residents through democratic voting while also allowing enough inalienable rights to let minority ideas to still thrive through different avenues?
>Muh lineals
Fuck off boomer
>Road needs fixing? Takes literally 8 months because those lazy fucks get paid daily if the road gets done or not.
That's so disgustingly accurate. About a decade ago there was a fairly heavily used road, that while not very long (~1-2km), was fully ripped up and relaid in 2 days (2x 3 lane roads). it took them 8 months to do maybe a 100 metre section of road that was next to an intersection and only 4 lanes total.
suck my cock bootlicker
solidarity forever
we're all connected via the internet. there's no reason to have a small concentrated government when we can all instantly weigh in or vote on issues
>In Japan
In 2005, 43,096 labour unions in Japan, with a combined membership of 7,395,666 workers,[2] belonged either directly, or indirectly through labour union councils, to the three main labour union federations:
>Ancedote is evidence
oh the sweet sweet irony
people always bitch about unions, regulations, and all these terrible lefty things that ruin everything, but if companies just maintained some basic decency and respected human dignity then none of it would be necessary.
How hard is it to not treat gamedevs like cattle jesus christ?
Sorry, but the only game character who should support a union would be mario, hes a fucking plumber.
>hurr he isnt now, its not canon!
Fuck you, he will always be a fucking plumber.
Maybe they wouldn't have to unionize or deal with crunch time if they stopped announcing games before they were even in alpha?
>Road needs fixing? Takes literally 8 months because those lazy fucks get paid daily if the road gets done or not.
That's less to do with unions and more as a result of civil bureaucratic red tape processes slowing down various things as certain clearances needed for transporting machinery and even getting approval clearance to divert traffic detours and so forth. Sometimes a road is so fucked up you actually have to build a new temporary asphalt road around the shitty road while you fix the old road and then you have to demolish the temporary road again.
>guys goverment is bad, they don't know shit
>instead, let just allow all those masses of literal idiots steer us into glorious future
yeah nah
also, how are you going to turn these decisions into action without a centralized governing body?
>what do unions do?
Let old people that haven't been able to do their job for 15 years become unfirable and completely overpaid, which prevents the company from being able to hire new workers since they can't afford the senior leeches AND their replacements.
This isn't going to close that gap at all. Nothing will because if America tries their corporations will just move their headquarters elsewhere.
I think unions work well in industries with a reliable profit source, like construction, manufacturing, power generation, etc.
For something like video games, which are wholey dedicated to a creative/artistic" end product selling well. It will just be another shot in the foot. Not that crunch times and unpaid overtime aren't bullshit. But I suspect that the current problems we have with games will just be exacerbated further.
Too much chaff out there as is, and unions aren't a meritocracy to cut it out.
>If you don’t want to collapse the economy and murder everyone who makes more than you, you are a corparate shill
Unions are one of the primary reasons why Detroit is such a shithole right now.
>I think unions work well in industries with a reliable profit source, like construction, manufacturing, power generation, etc.
That's just it though, some of these developers are just being treated like a literal assembly line to just churn out code over and over and over again with some extreme working conditions.
This man is right, unions create lazy workers. The fucking amount of potholes in my country is astonishing because all the construction workers do nothing but sit on their asses. Same for the teachers, they whine about austerity measures, but they barely work and just give passing grades to even the most drooling retards
>inb4 u burger u defend companies
I'm not American, i'm actually a french leaf. And I don't think companies are great either, i'm just saying that unions are trash
No i'm pretty sure Detroit being a shithole has more to do with the US automotive companies not innovating and then getting beaten by the Japanese at their own products resulting in preference for more fuel efficient Japanese cars than the gas guzzling cars the US companies were putting out resulting in a scale back in production and loss of jobs and an increase in poverty as a result.
unions for trade are good but for fucking entertainment industry (i.e film and video games) is retarded and keeps around lazy fucks in the industry while driving away others. Those industries are competitive for a reason
Fine. Tax them until they leave then. Idgaf anymore. I'd rather the whole thing collapse than have 12 fuckers with massive yachts dodging taxes.
who gives a flying fuck about the video game industry
Where they going to move? Luxembourg? They've all moved their manufacturing overseas anyway and have outsourced everything so them moving their corporate HQ won't do shit.
The alternative isn't much better in this case unfortunately. Companies love to use up their workers until they literally work themselves ill, then kick them to the curb when they can't keep it up any longer.
Also, theres a difference between creative work and mind numbingly boring labor. Devs and artists generally want to work and create the best product they can make because they're invested in the project. A construction worker is only there for the job, and their job has little to no input from them.
>implying we don't have one since forever
Dunno about your countries but here there always some sort of syndicate for every job.
The point of real estate is to diversify.
Bridge ceo would have multiple bridges and since its buisness 101 try to remove any competition.
Alternatively the free market would mean that there would be bridges everywhere as pajeet and pakoot who want that 1 nickle toll from a suicidal teen driving over their scrapyard bridge.
Imagine how much land would be bought up just to fill a niche of cheap alternative roads if roads were largely privatized.
In what way faggot? I get held up at work constantly, my bosses live at work from their phones, everyone I know constantly gravitates toward work, I have to suck people out of it.
Nope. It’s mostly because those companies left the city (along with almost every other company in Detroit).
It turns out demanding for 7 weeks paid (key word paid) vacations, $74 an hour salaries with major benefits for most employees, and even more will drive away any company.
It’s so surreal how Unions about 100 years ago were demanding basic safety on the job, and now are demanding to get paid for doing nothing.
>imagine if the bridge was private property
If the bridge was private property it would result in an unregulated raising of toll fees just for you to cross that bridge while not being beholden to any form of structural regulations to deem it safe. Don't like it? Now the bridge is cut off and you're forced to detour around, but oh wait all those other bridges are owned too by the same person/company and now you can't cross.
Good goy.
>tips for beating all the bosses
They're for people that desire power but don't have the tenacity to achieve it as those in high positions within corporations have. So they use fake altruism instead.
That's how it starts. Then it starts becoming "We want another 5 dollars an hour, vacation days, and I don't want to have to do anything that isn't directly listed in my job description." And then it only gets worse from there as the union leaders make it a job of theirs to harass the shit out of everyone as they try to justify their continued existence and ever growing paycheck while they continuously take from yours without your permission and use it to fund political battles that have little to do with unions and are likely against your personal beliefs.
I saw what union workers did to the country when those extremely overpaid dock workers in California shut down half the country for a few weeks because they wanted even more money.
Unions are cancer. They start with good intentions and then fuck everything beyond repair soon after.
>Nope. It’s mostly because those companies left the city (along with almost every other company in Detroit)
So how is it the fault of the unions if the companies abandoned the automotive manufacturing sector of Detroit? Like I said their was a decline in automative industry because the US companies were being beat left right and centre against the Japanese.
This is more to do with social class and parents' mentality than income. I'm not on the US situation, but what I see is that there are families that send kids to do manual labor at 16 and there are families with same income that support kids throughout university. Perhaps in the US education is less accessible than elsewhere in the west, but I imagine parents can still save up money for it instead of saving up for booze, cars, or holidays.
While I do think devs got it pretty cushy compared to actual labor jobs as far as safety conditions goes, I wasn't really referring to the need for protection from bullshit working hours or being replaced by underpaid pajeets.
Electricity will always sell in the summer to power air conditions, and roads have to be maintained if folks want to drive on them without destroying their car. Meanwhile, if a video game doesn't sell well at launch, a company goes bust, and can then take the union down with it within the span of a bad quarter.
Maybe the organization can survive the foreclosure via newsletters and union dues from the generosity of the unemployed. But the locals sure won't.
Entertainment giants like EA and Activision may be able to weather thru a contract on a bad term. But even they show glaring weaknesses in their products for long stretches. Smaller companies won't have as lenient a chance, and will be forced to deal with the old boy system that makes those same games.
>that video
jesus fuck, I heard that Detroit was bad, but this looks like a Stalker game. What the fuck happened?
Auto companies were going to leave regardless because they were getting their asses handed to them by Japanese automakers because no one could trust the quality of GM or Ford. Japs would stop production if someone messed up or they found a flaw while various reports from American workers claimed they would let shit slide to keep up pace and meet quota. There was GM plant that were trained by Japanese and had a far lower recall rate and happy workers than anyone else in the nation, but one good plant can't carry a multi-national company and GM went bankrupt during the recession.
you're a naive tard if you think his description of unions doesn't fit European ones as well
>Imagine how much land would be bought up just to fill a niche of cheap alternative roads if roads were largely privatized.
I can't imagine how much ecological damage that would result from everyone scrambling to make a gorillion cheap alternative roads being developed constantly with no actual safeguards or oversight as everyone makes some barely useable roads that are cheap but end up wreaking havoc on your vehicles suspension and whatnot while wasting excessive amounts of material in the construction process and not disposing of it correctly.
go back to complaining about pol and diversity in borderlands
>A race that has a history of being abused by the justice system are more likely to be incarcerated
>white people commit crimes and get off free
The Jussie Smollett case should show you how easy it is to get away with doing a crime if you have the right connections.
>What the fuck happened?
Deal with it, corporate fleshlight. My union can shut my entire country down with a strike if necessary and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
>an industry that's already crooked and overburdened with deadbeats should unionize
You destroyed two cities from Japan but they rebuilt and then they destroyed one of yours back and used your own products to do so. They also made it UNINHABITABLE.
If their jobs are worthless then why is unionizing a risk?
But i'm not american though
Oh my apologies then.
Name a single industry that has improved from unionization.
Fuck it, name a single industry that didn't get worse after widespread unionization.
Unionization only benefits the worker. That's it. Vidya is already dying but unionization would the death blow.
>where america goes, the rest of the world goes 10yrs later
Lmao when america goes china takes over.
Sacre bleu!
Useless workers get laid off as they should be.
Useless union workers stay with the company draining wages and resources until they get fired for something not even their Union overlords can protect them from.
Because Americans are the most cucked and brainwashed people in the world
This guy has a gokd point. Some unions are fine and work to help workers. zother are more corrupt and cause more problems than the companies they were made to fix.
They should join the IWW. No Union Boss, just the Democratic association of workers
>Unionization only benefits the worker. That's it.
Yeah, that's the point.
>lunch breaks
>paid vacation
>sick leave
>8-hour work day
>overtime pay
>child labor laws
>40 hour work week
>whistle-blower protection laws
>workplace sexual harassment laws
>privacy rights
>public education for children
>ending sweatshops
All of these things brought by the labor unions surely ruined every single industry that unionized. The world economy was brought crashing down and we never recovered from the post-apocalyptic 19th century landscape left behind. If we had only let corporations blatantly abuse their workers, things could have been so different.
Look, blacks and hispanics and even poorer Asian communitis are affected, but it isn't just racial. Plenty of poor whjte communiti3s get fucjed over too and don't get support. We should focus more on class justice overall and less on race.
No, dipshit. Unions crippled our auto industry. Our teachers are bumbling retards because they're unionized. Meanwhile in SK where teachers are more privatized, teachers make much more and education is much better.
Unions are a bad thing because all they do is protect bad workers?
You ever run into a bad teacher(You know you have) You know the hoops the school has to go through to just even attempt to fire a bad teacher? And can't just fire them. They get placed in temp relieve in some other classroom while waiting.
If you unironically support unions of any kind, you're a thug and an idiot.
I support worker rights. I just don't support unions. You can support things like mandatory vacation time and lunch breaks without supporting corrupt unions.
Part of the problem is many of those jobs were moved by greedy companies to China where they have almost none of that.
And I don't think many of those are inherantly bad as much as uniins and leftists push them to an absurd degree. I consider myself a moderate progressive, but even I find modern union rhetoric has become absurd and harmed the economy's workers plenty.
>Unions crippled our Auto industry
Cheap labor abroad and the supremacy of the foreign car crippled our Auto industry
>Our teachers are retards because they're unionized
They're retards because only an idiot would become a teacher nowadays because there are no benefits, and much of your supplies have to come out of your own pocket. They're unionized *because* working conditions are such shit for most of them. This is why like four states of teachers went on strike.
Which is why the IWW is so sick. No corruption because there's no hierarchy in the union.
Japan is already killing the west in vidya. Want to make it worse? Let's unionize and let Japan surpass us further.
>Unions crippled our auto industry
No that was Bill Clinton and NAFTA, why pay even basic American wages when you can get Mexico to do it for a third and be grateful you gave them that?
None of those things would have happened if workers had not organized together to demand for them. The fight also took many people's lives when corporations hired private militias to beat striking workers to death.
Our auto industry started taking a dive decades before rapin' bill took office.
You wouldn't need unions if life was just affordable
>Part of the problem is many of those jobs were moved by greedy companies to China where they have almost none of that.
That happened much later. The main unionist fight was from the late 19th century to mid 20th. Industries didn't become moving to China until the 90's.
Again, I have nothing against workers organizing and demanding things.
The problem here is when they become a legally sanctioned mafia of unfireble dipshits.
Make it so companies can't fire useless people who don't do their job unless they go through a ton of bullshit. Skim money off of employees checks.
Almost never manage to successfully negotiate anything good with the company.
based and freedompilled.
They already can't put out a decent product while apparently being exploited, if anything they need a kick in the ass.
>The problem here is when they become a legally sanctioned mafia of unfireble dipshits.
Like when companies become monolithic entities controlling all aspects of the media and the entire legislative process? The entire society is corrupt, not just unions. The unions are about the least of it.
The point of a union is so that (theoretically) corporations can't just push around individuals. They have to deal with a separate corporate entity that helps to ensure that the workers aren't being taken advantage of. Now I'm not saying that they always SUCCEED with this goal, but that's the purpose of a union. People tend to shit on unions because some of the more well-established ones nowadays are basically just there to suck money out of workers and keep themselves alive.
I imagine that a lot of devs do want it, yes. It'd certainly lead to less 100-hour workweeks, (not that it's common) or people getting completely fucked with salaries.
As for getting hired, I guess the chances would be ok if they fired their entire staff. But they just fired that staff after they protested against bad working conditions. Just saying,
Pretty much this you have never ever interacted with a union if you think Unions are a good thing
>mfw Democratic unions are coming back
Has the class war returned comrades?
The class war literally never ended.