What games are you playing to relax today? Casual answers only.

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MTGA and watching jojo


Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga

I might play Styx or New Vegas. Haven't started Into the Breach yet, that may also happen.

Dead or Alive 6.
Maximum comfort in just fighting and reacting.


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finishing up replaying deltarune. like it more than undertale


Borderlands 2 with friends :)

I'm getting back into maplestory 2 after all my launch friends have long since quit

leave Yea Forums

Ok user, what do you suggest then

_____________you leaving_______________

oh yeah I forgot Yea Forums doesn't play games

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Don't really feel like it.
Guess you'll have to make me bitch boi.

I'm waiting for Sekiro to come into the library so I can rent it. I don't really care about playing any game at the moment besides that one. The devil may cry series have been on the top of my backlog but I have like no motivation to play that series.

I am playing alpha centari like a dating sim.

My little psycho christian can’t be this adorable.

Elite Dangerous

oh yeah I forgot Yea Forums was traditionally a casual friendly environment

sekiro shit is a baby game

>casual friday
Literally the gayest thread on Yea Forums

It is now, since you're posting in it.


After work today I'm probably gonna resub to WoW or maybe read a book to try and learn to draw.

Just taking my time with comfy northgard. Then this evening I'm gonna join the d-boys in the scp game

So am I, just playing casualy while trying to play the game against low tiers. Farming to unlock outfits.

Later on Im going to play some BF5 after I had pizza.

dunno, pick something for me to play

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Dark age camlot freeshard

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Dragon Quest 11 (PC) and Chocobo Dungeon (Switch)

Lufia 2

Diablo 1. Holy shit the atmosphere in this game is great. I'm on level 12, not too far from Diablo himself. Only died once though, I'll also probably play a little Sekiro too. Might play Doom on my Switch to wind down before bed or something tomorrow.

All games are casual unless you're playing like a tryhard or you're playing competitively.

Hearthstone an MGSV

Been playing Rising Storm Vietnam while it's free and I'm probably gonna pick up Risk of Rain 2 as well
gonna be a fairly comfy day
It'd be comfier if I could get my friends to play some vidya with me but they just make excuses whenever I ask them to join me

Causal sex

I leik playing micheal myers in dead by daylight until i get a swf group that stomps and makes fun of me. R8 me out of 10 please and thank you come again.

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nu-sw battlefront 2, ill start drinking in a few hours after which i play some co-op bot games in dota 2 and when i get more drunk i'll switch to l4d2 on normal/advanced

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visual novels

Just pirate Sekiro bud, that's what I did.

I'm literally playing Skyrim on the PS4 with the Survival bundle from the creation club. It's as casual as I get. I could play it on the PC... but I like my living room better.

That sounds like an awful way to spend your time

I'm gonna play the Nintendo Switch

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I casually relax by fighting DMC bosses on Son of Sparda difficulty to bully them. Today after no-damaging mission 3 on Hell and Hell I decided to unwind by beating up Artemis and I found out there are a ton more parrying possibilities than I first imagined.

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Stardew Valley
Animal Crossing
Harvest Moon
Graveyard Keeper
Slay the Spire

Imma clean the back yard then play the mk11 beta and New Vegas

>Casual only
PUBG mobile

Gonna pick an RPG Maker game to play most likely. No idea what though.

probably Warhammer TW2

I finished up all 4 scenarios for re2 last night so i was going to play re3 but i'll probably play silent hill instead because i'm a little burnt out

>MK11 Online Beta
>Soul Calibur VI
>Devil May Cry 5

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Your gf

Final Fantasy Record Keeper and maybe to EO untold.

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dark souls and dmc i guess

Pokemon Gaia. Really nice to have a romhack that feels more like a mainline game and doesn't throw smogon teams at you with full coverage while you're still in the early game with your best move being fucking water gun on a starter.

CSGO faceit because I hate myself.

After work I'm gonna drink lots of whiskey and chill out to Sekiro until I pass out.

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Playing Dark Souls while blindfolded. For me that is casual, I could be playing with my hands tied behind my back too.


But with a trainer giving me infinite everything so I am guaranteed to succeed.

Its so boring but at least the speed up makes it so you waste less time, I want to beat it so I can forget about it forever

I still dont know, i saw that Pic Related is on Sale. but the small amount of reviews make me think. Is it worth and/or is id dead? Would you recommend me to it?

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For honor

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have sex

I work til 5 but when I get off I'm playing Smite and smoking some weed all night.

MGS5 no stealth

Dishonored 2 atm and Tropico 6 when it gets released later

Swtor. Doing all the republic side stories that I never touched.

Fate/ Grand Order. About to finish watching Fate/ Extra Last Encore.

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Project Reality

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Gonna play some p3fes later and im watching Samurai Champloo now. I didnt remember it being this good

Ok, spread your legs. I'll be gentle I promise

dont drink too much fren, its bad for your health

Who /woomy/ here

>Yea Forums
Yea Forums is getting too old

Kingdom Hearts 3. When you forget about the story, it's very comfy

>playing videogames to relax

Weird. If its singleplayer I don't care but if its multiplayer and your "relaxation" is detrimental to the group you should go relax with a noose around your neck

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old mods would've banned you permanently