People are excited for Borderlands

>people are excited for Borderlands
What's going on?

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randy is a cunnyseur

People have always liked Borderlands, except four-channel. Nobody on Yea Forums liked BL2 when it came out because of the meme dialogue.

Zoomers have taken over Yea Forums

I just like fun vidya

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How dare people on Yea Forums like a videogame, thats just something I cant allow

Yea Forums has become / been an absolute shithole for ~7 years now and the only shit that gets 400 replies are phone screenshots from tranny tweets
does that really make you wonder?

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Is there a way we can turn the left against borderlands? I want it to fail

Yeah, they can look at Anthony Burch's face.

Jesus you people are pathetic. Just let people enjoy the game you gargantuan fucking faggot.

Yea Forums is revealing how casual and zoomer it has become.

No I don't want to have to listen to borderlands shit

The series is 10 years old, people that played the game as elementary-aged children are allowed to post here.
As "stop liking what I don't like" as this sounds sorry I can only speak in memes, I'm upset that loot shooters got insanely popular with the kids and are now one of the "in" things.

You don't have to mate, literally just don't click on threads you aren't interested in

i remember.

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Honestly Im trying to see if they will ever release a borderlands game as good as the first.
Also, I am autistic and enjoy having a game that I can veg out with while listening to music or youtube videos.

The Trailer looked pretty good and BL's base gameplay was Always okay-ish. It probably helps as Well, that there was No spoken dialogue in the Video

Eight arms

Having a podcast in the background is pretty much the only way I can play these types of games for longer than 30 minutes.

t. 80 hours in MGSV

Seven armpits
Maybe more

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You and me both. People shit on "muh open world rpgs" but I'll take them over looter shooters.

Rhys is in so i'm excited.

There not perfect games but there still fun to play with friends.
Also a sizable chunk of Yea Forums are just moderately silent lurkers because they've learnt theres no point arguing with shitposters a long time ago.

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Seriously, people looking forward to Randy's game. Is this bizzarro Yea Forums?

Yea Forums is literally Plebbit at this point, so naturally they love all the reddit dialogue and jokes in Borderlands and how diverse its cast is

resetera has a thousand tabs open

bl2 was fun

Yea Forums has to be contrarian on almost everything these days. The only real way to start a thread is with a shitpost or meme.

welcome to 4channel

BL has always been an OK series here. BL2 opened the floodgated because of Actual shills going here and the dumb as fuck writing by the king cuck himself, Anthony Burch. Now that Burch is gone and its been years since the last proper BL, people are slightly more optimistic.

A lot of viral marketing since the original BL is going on here but the first game really wasn't bad especially if you had a schedule where you could play with friends. The writing was always shit but the power creep in 2 is honestly what made it feel so absurd to me, you're usually replacing your weapons every 5 fucking minutes which just isn't fun. I don't want to wait forever for a new gun but god damn I want to use my cool new gun for awhile.

>People have been discussing the borderlands games every now and then on Yea Forums since the first one
>General consensus is they were still largely enjoyable but everybody fucking hates Lilith and they're filled with more than few plotholes
>hurr durr since when did Yea Forums get filled with kids?


>people are nostalgic for Halo
>people are nostalgic for Borderlands
>people are nostalgic for CoD4:MW

The strange effect of the rising popularity of the looter shooter genre despite the fact that every new entry in this genre has ranged from mediocre to pure garbage and BL1 supposedly being one of the few good entries in this genre. Most people I know just want to play it because it works mechanically despite the writing being painfully bad.

Reddits have taken over Yea Forums

>being excited for bullet sponge the game