Tropes you actually like

>final boss is a giant robot/monster
>second phase is an even more powerful human-sized enemy who is the true final boss

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Other urls found in this thread:

>assumed-dead ally comes out of nowhere to clutch save you at the last possible moment
>they're stronger than ever

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I love MGRR too

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>main objective is to kill god or a god like being/figure

i was thinking of Metroid Prime

>the first party member you get betrays you after you beat the supposed main villain and becomes the new main antagonist
>the former main villain joins your party in order to set things right and redeem themselves

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>Fight on the moon
>Dvorak Symphony no. 9 plays

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>God is your friend and he wants you to kill his son

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One of my favorite tropes in all of fiction is the character who's way smarter and deeper than their wisecracking goofball persona causes them to let on, especially if they're doing that intentionally.
>Mercutio from Romeo and Juliet
>Marco from Animorphs
>Zelos from Tales of Symphonia

>antagonist convinces you to join their side and that the good side is wrong
>good side is in danger and is fucked without you
>join back to good side to save their ass
>rival joins in to fight the real villain

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Don't forget
>sans from undertale

>marco from animorphs

>final boss is your buddy

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The game was all according to the someone's keikaku and you're just the method to make it come true. What game does this? VTMB.

metaru gia

Yea I love this trope too OP.

>you fight an onslaught aliens
>all is in vain because its out of your control

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>Final boss music is a hype remix of the somber main theme

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>final boss theme is a somber remix of the game's somber main theme
>changes to a hype remix of a main character's personal theme after a key moment

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they're waiting for you gordon... in the sex chamberrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

>music has wind in it

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>any scenario
>Dvorak Symphony no. 9 plays


Every. Fucking. Time.

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>final boss is a shell of his former self

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>Local madman/conspiracy theorist is correct

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>penultimate boss is you but better

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>music intensifies as the fight progresses

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>Series known for its serious/dark/brutal tone has silly easter eggs/features

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It's a fun trope.

>comes off as a retarded chuuni goofball who always loses for half of the game
>finally learn that he was just holding back
>when he joins your party he's the voice of reason
>even drops constant commentary about how ungrateful refugees who refuse to assimilate are ruining countries and create crime and slums and the game affirms his viewpoints

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what game?

>final boss is your rival after he helps you defeat the villain

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>final phase is actually your original body
>it doesn't look a thing like you from when you originally used it

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>you are supposed to lose to first boss
>you can beat first boss
>lose in cutscene regardless
wow thats so original

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>final boss has the same moveset as the main character

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timed self destruct sequences at the end of the game

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This is supposed to be tropes you like
mine is this but you can beat the first boss and win in cutscene ending the game

>final boss isn't one super powerful entity
>it's a party of four made-up of long-term rivals of you and your party members who've been antagonizing and competing against you the entire game
>you both use the power of friendship against eachother
>they die and everybody in your party is sad

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That weird millisecond freeze Japanese fighting games do when a character hits another. I'm sure there is a word for it.


>game has multiple main characters and only by playing them all do the players get the whole picture of the story
Bonus point if one character is another character’s villain

Medieval Fantasy RPGs.
Yeah, it's overused, but I cannot stop loving it.

Final Fantasy Tactics, baby!

Sticky friction

>Die in game
>"It's not time to give up, MC" t. god
>Get resurrected with a timed boost

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>that honourable general in the enemy army that wished he could join you but won't because of his oath to the evil leader and that you will eventually have to kill

>heavy metal music gets increasingly more metal as the fight progresses and the boss gains more power levels
I unironically love this

>final boss theme is the game's main theme

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Ehhh yeah this thread sucks

>1st boss introduces everything a boss should introduce conceptually, while not being a pushover
So many 1st bosses in Vidya are practically waste.

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>name of last level is the title of the game

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>name of the final boss' final attack is the title of the game

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Or, when you get separated from your allies and they assume you are dead but you catch up and save their ass later on.

Falling to a lower bridge level and kicking ass to get back topside in Homefront was fucking kino

>game uses musical leitmotifs for their characters
>when two characters meet, the music uses both motifs
Love that shit

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>game breaks its own rules during the final boss fight to allow your character to win

>all bosses explode

>MC is largely defined by his status as an undeterred, stubborn normie who isn’t particularly special or outstanding but just won’t give up for any reason no matter what’s happening

The one time I liked Sebastian I’m TEW for example is when in the second game he tells the preacher he won’t stop coming until one of them is dead.

There’s something satisfying about playing as a person or even just being in the company of someone irl who will simply never give up and continue to slam their head into a wall until they either win or die.

>late game level is a ruined version of an earlier level or even better is a ruined version of a stage from an earlier game in the series

>pilot a boss from a previous game to fight a boss from a previous game

>boss wears an armor
>it is not an armor but an harness to suppress its power now you destroyed it is stronger in the second phase

>one or more girl(s) are giant cockteases in the game

>all medics in the game are women

>cave with a secret hidden behind it
Extemely common trope, but it still fills me with joy every time

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How do you feel about hidden floating air islands?

how do you feel about strawberries?

>central character death actually gets reverted
of course it needs to be done right and should be even rarer than sudden nothingpersonnel moments, otherwise it will start to feel cheap

but I'm a hopeless optimist at heart so I always love it when that happens
thanks, Seven

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>first stage has a song that doesn't play for the rest of the game
>except for the second to last phase of the final boss where a different version of the song plays

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>Main antagonist asks you to wait for him for 15 minutes
>he actually comes back 15 minutes later
>the only ending in the game that actually ends with closure
>villian is a better person than the people that were supposed to be your allies

I guess you could say that your friends are a "Far Cry" from being likeable.

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Metari gia soridu 2.
Sonus of Riberty!


fuck off

what can you tell me about the krogans?

>no playable campaign where you demolish stupid golden path niggers
I'm still mad, to be honest.


Mercutio was top tier

>boss barely moves, just fidgets around while you whoop its ass
>difficulty comes mainly from stage hazards and tricky platforming around it

This. Literally this. Why didnt they let me "go blow shit up" with pagan.

>boss is your best friend
>the world will end regardless, but you want one final duel to settle the score
>boss music has segments from all the themes that boss has had
>boss music contains notes from the first song played in the entire series
>boss uses attacks from previous final bosses
>boss has a final phase after you think you've won
>this phase has its own music
>there's a time limit until the world ends

Odin Sphere was GOAT

Also pretty cool. Or the famous
>unreachable spot that tells you indirectly that you'll get some kind of ability later

>Bells in a boss theme

>Objective: Survive
It hurts me but god is it kino

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>Giant fat boss that jumps into the air to perform a buttslam which sends a shockwave that you need to jump to avoid.

>Romance options include big tiddy oneesan or mommy gf

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Mmmm, straight outta TV Tropes.
>Tranquil Fury
>Loads and Loads of Characters
>Massive Multiplayer Crossover (although I don't like the extent of it in videogames)
>The Bus Came Back

Also that.

>An enemy's attacks are basically over the top wrestlemania moves.
>Enemy dropkicks you
>You can dropkick

What game?

>final boss takes it easy, man

>first boss of the game goes off on his own adventures after you defeat him
>investigates his boss, is pissed about the results
>comes back stronger than ever just to save your ass against his boss

Concealed the conclusion

>Main conflict was actually orchestrated by a hidden third party
>Everyone gets together to fuck up third party

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>enemy alien race starts out represented by sleek, high technology designs
>as you progress deeper into their home, everything becomes all organic and disgusting
>final boss is first clad in metal, but reveals itself to be a massive flesh monstrosity underneath
>its final form is a strange, oddly beautiful thing that defies physics

>final boss is super busy

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what game besides la mulana

Robot Named Fight
I think R-type did this too

Reminder that Zero's new body is entirely an artstyle thing and his body as of the MMZ games is meant to be a 1:1 copy of his body in MMX as per Word of God.

What's the name of this skit? I saw it on /wsg/ once and couldn't track down the source. So fucking relatable though.

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>Game is marketed as high/dark fantasy
>Has races, magic, is medieval, the usual
>As the story progresses, elements of sci fi start to seep in
>Turns out that the fantasy has an explanation and everyone but the protagonist first areas are undeveloped technolically while everyone else has a normal modern life
That feeling when the pope of the medieval church told me I reached the Unclean One's country only to discover it was modern day Tokyo(actually, future Tokyo, since its in the year 2035 or something close to it) still hasnt been topped.

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what game

That would be a spoiler better left for you to discover, its one of the MegaTen games
Its smt IV

>boss is just a pair of giant hands and maybe a disembodied head

I don't know why Nintendo has a fetish for this shit but they're always fun so I'll let it slide

God bless

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>game has a hype theme
>huge emotional moment, usually near the climax
>acoustic version of the hype theme is playing

It's a feel, but the good kind of feel.

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Dead Space 1 is a great game. I'm also triggered that the final part where you're transporting the Marker in DS1 basically flies against the canon of the series.

If you watch the animated movie, it's in the lore that the Marker produces a special energy field that de-animates Necromorph tissue. The Marker itself creates a "Dead Space" where Necromorphs can't exist.

The acting in this skit is really great

>This is supposed to be tropes you like
Not when it's used constantly in trash games like Xenoblade 2.

>... And you!

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>game has multiple protagonists
>there's boss fights between them

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Not to be a dick but you only got surprised by that because you're a pleb. Like fucking literally in the first few minutes of the game you get sent to a burnt out post apocalyptic modern street/road.

SMTIV. He's a pleb who doesn't realize that SMT is always modern and somehow didn't notice that he already saw a ruined burnt out Tokyo street in the first 5 minutes of the game.

>tfw traps are cuter than real girls
end me

Tell me ONE (1) game with that screen that isn't good.

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Let's not go there

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Shit, there's even a modern road and some traffic signals in the box art.

I like Kingdom Hearts 2 FM too user

>final boss is the character you thought dies in the prologue
I'm actually doing this for my second-to-last boss in my DnD campaign

>first boss is also the final boss of the game

Not true, but dammit if some traps aren't cuter/sexier/hotter than some women

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>He can't even be scratched in the beginning but at the end of the game you get to yeet that nigga

>The whole adventure was just a test

>human boss isn't fighting you for ideological reasons, he just wants a worthy opponent

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I dig that but personally I prefer

>it starts off as ideological reasons or because his master wanted you dealt with
>by the end of the game it's purely for personal reasons after you've beaten him so many times

>final boss is your mentor

>you can choose which one of the two you want to control
>only one can win

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