'Metro: Exodus' Sells Huge On The Epic Store


>If ever you needed more proof that loud promises of internet boycotts doesn't always, or ever, translate into actual problems for actual companies, here we go. Metro: Exodus managed to put up some impressive sales numbers despite the widespread backlash against Deep Silver's decision to move Metro: Exodus from Steam to the Epic Games Store and cries of "no steam, no sale". The game sold 2.5 times as much as its predecessor, Metro: Last Light did on Steam. As a test case it's good news for Epic and the developers itching to move off of Steam.

>So not only did Metro: Exodus make more money selling on Epic, Deep Silver got to keep a significantly larger chunk of that money. Valve takes a baseline 30% cut of all Steam sales, with that number dropping as low as 20% for top earners. Epic, on the other hand, takes only 12%, and also throws in the Unreal Engine license for free if a developer chooses to use it. If you want to know why developers are interested in the Epic Games Store, that's why.

Yea Forums conspiracies in 3, 2, 1...

Attached: metro exodus steam sales.jpg (936x957, 183K)

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/"Unreal Engine license for free"/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/"million PLN"/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/"SECRETLY GAYS"/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/alien ion/
urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=snow nigger

They probably have an agreement with the publisher of Metro to purchase x amount of keys/units.
Then Epic can say Metro sold x amount, without "really" have sold x amount.

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No conspiracy, just a question. If it sold so well, why not give a proper number? what does 2.5x more mean to me?

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If you're so confident then show me the numbers m8

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This. Conglomerate companies can now afford to just push artificial success.
Same thing happened with Captain Marvel movie, Disney bought out entire theaters for days and forced its success with their own money.

If it's so successful, why do you have to keep shilling in on Yea Forums?

It's 2.5x launch sales and LL sold like ass on launch (albeit better than 2033, don't remember the exact amount bc shit has it been 6 years already), so it doesn't really mean much. Showing exact numbers hurts, they showed the exact number for subnautica and slime rancher redemptions and they were roughly the same, meaning non-fortnite traffic is seemingly stagnating.

>Linking to forbes
Why isn't this an insta ban?

>another duplicate shill thread

i dont believe this shit, i heard everywhere that the game was fucking mediocre as hell they probably got so much because people cant fucking refund after 2 hours

>Bro if you're a rational human being that would like to see information and process it to formulate your own opinion then you're a conspiracy theorist.

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>Subnautica was downloaded 4.5 million times
>Metro Exodus sold for -do the math yourself faggot-
nice try Epic shit

>source: dude trust me

>So not only did Metro: Exodus make more money selling on Epic
This is such a stupid conclusion to make, it didn't make "more" money, it outsold the previous title which happens all the time in games. The only way to properly assess which platform would make it more money is to sell it on both.

This is like retards who look at stock prices going up or down and forecast that the company is doomed/saved. You're looking at incomplete data and extrapolating nonsense from it.

>Hotly anticipated sequel sells well.
no fucking shit OP. when will valve shills learn most prople care about games, not what fucking store they are sold at. It's mostly a Yea Forums thing to care about everything vidya related except games.

Good for them. They didn't get my money though, and it would probably have been a day-1 purchase for me. So if there are enough like me, and I bet there are, they still financially suffered for not doing a multi-platform launch. They can feign as much smug satisfaction as they want but money not earned is still money lost.

Here's the estimated sales of Last Light. Remember, this is overall, not launch window which is the comparison point.

Attached: lastlight.png (593x687, 263K)

>sold 2.5 times as much as its predecessor, Metro: Last Light
So it sold like trash

>counting multiplatform sales and steam preorders

Give raw sales numbers on epic store or it's fake news.

That's like bragging how Battlefield 5 sold millions of copies, including the sales after the game went on 50% sale one week after launch.

So at best, 50k sales on epic. Considering that 4.5 million is the number they gave for Subnautica, that means only 1% of them bought Metro. That's some shit conversion rate they have there, especially considering that it's likely even lower. No wonder they said they'll eventually stop buying exclusives, shit doesn't seem to be working out in the big picture.

you would have just pirated it for Denuvo instead. Publishers are more interested in buyfags.

The OG LL got 20k owners on steam so the top is 50k copies on the EGS, Meanwhile the steam preorders are 300k-500k.

>Imagine selling 1/6th of the copies in a month of release

Exodus went on sale, did I miss it?nah steamspy number has to be way off.

Shill thread.

I actually am a buyfag. Why would I lie? I'm user. Maybe not day-1 admittedly, I have too big of a backlog to buy anything day-1 right now, but it wouldn't have passed me by and my interest in playing it would still exist. But I'm not installing another fucking launcher. Now, the best they will get out of me is grabbing it on a New Years sale in a couple of years for less than ten bucks.

We are in an era of plenty when it comes to games and they have never been cheaper if you are patient. The only game sit makes any sense to buy at release prices are ones you know you want to play on release day and will likely spend dozens of hours on.

Exodus hasn't gone on sale yet. You might be thinking of LL Redux, which sold an absolute shitload in the 2033/LL Redux bundle, which often went on sale for 75% off. The non-redux LL sold pretty badly, and redux came out shortly after and replaced it, removing the ability to purchase the original. That's why the statement is so vague, they want people to think the statement is in regards to redux and not the original.

Sure, and captain marvel is successful with the studio buying tickets and leaving the seats empty.

oh. I was just confused cause you said that they are being like EA saying a game sold well cause it went on sale. damn.

That's fucked up but I wouldn't be surprised if Disney did that. Proofs?

but who would sell more if it was released on both platforms at same time?

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Anyone keeping a tally on these spam threads? This has got to be the tenth time I've seen this op this week.

>Metro: Exodus make more money selling on Epic
so where else did it sell huh?

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/"Unreal Engine license for free"/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/"million PLN"/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/"SECRETLY GAYS"/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/alien ion/

>all same fucking guy

Don't you have anything better to do with your time?

It's either this or he throws himself off the roof of a Foxconn building

>sells HUGE
>yeah, but how much?
>2.5 times the predecessor sold on Steam
>yeah, but how fucking much?
>wow stop being a bigot

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How do I get a job shilling?

It's been said that what Epic is really aiming for is getting all the Fortnite kids to choose Epic over Steam. Free shit is just the usual incentive to get you invested in their store.

>mfw Humble Monthly starts doing Epic store keys

Attached: croaker_t.png (220x250, 82K)

Get some images, text files and a dynamic IP and you're good to go.
Just be aware the pay is $0/hour.

>no actual numbers
every time.

Epic doesn't do 3rd party key distribution, it's why you can't shop around for a better deal.

lol who cares, i stopped using it when IGN got hold of humble

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They will.


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>resorting to low brow number twisting and other hi-jinks
>w-we're fine with out you w-we swear!!
Well, good then. So why am I still hearing about it?

Oh right. Paid2post shills and their backwater "journalists." Who are also, totally not in on the scam guys.

post numbers

>sold huge
Can I see any public statistics like player count and approximate purchases?

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Their gambit is to get enough people over by having the exclusives while eating the cost along the way. Long-term that is simply not sustainable.

Epic games is great for me as a consumer, because ultimately it means any game deva that sends their product there means that the game is fucking terrible and can’t stand on its own legs against a market of skeptical individuals, I’m surprised Yea Forums isn’t praising epic games for quarantining terrible games from them.

On the other hand Gaben forced you to install steam if you wanna play hl2

No Epic store doesn't accept shitty games, now don't talk to me or my son David Cage ever again.

your logic only works within the non existent context of a majority critical consumers

I don't need help from a third party separating shit from gold.

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>Exodus still sold more on Steam than Epic
Holy shit how do you fuck up so much?

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>same faggot who wrote an article complaining about Sekiro being too hard
>huge sale, no actual number
"Gaming journalism"

He did, and fuck any one company having all the power like Steam basically does, but fuck Epics methods. Also, we could have done far worse than Steam. I won't say they are 'good' because no company is, but they aren't EA.

I haven't pirated shit in ten years. Might start again.


There are more high profile Steam games on a 50% or better sale right now than there are games on Epic store altogether.

And as huge as it sold, it would have sold even more had it been on a store that multiple times the number of users.
Reminder that Fortnite accounts don't actually count toward the number of people who use Epic Store, because they were already playing Fortnite, and continue to play nothing but Fortnite, before the store ever existed.

>mfw devs started threatening there won't be more Metro games on PC if it doesn't sell on Epic

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Of course it sold... Epic paid for 2 million copies. the publisher got it's money.

And it sold 2.5 times because it was hyped up as fuck to Nvidia fan boys and Ray tracing.......

And what else were people going to buy... Anthem?

the only good part of the game was the last chapter, open world did nothing good for it


Considering how big of a meme epic is to even normie audiences, id propose that you’re wrong, but on a side note I was being tongue in cheek about that statement, I wasn’t serious at all.

>Won't disclose how many actual copies just "I-i-it was 2.5 times more than a game with almost 0 marketing!"
>Steam takes a 30% cut to Epics 12%. This conveniently is a 2.5x difference meaning that Epic raked in as much as Steam despite the larger sales numbers
>Had to bribe Deep Silver to make it an exclusive so the gain was less than Steam's.
Why are they akwardly trying to dab again?

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Because they're shit and everyone knows it. Shill articles like this are designed to convince normans who have no fucking idea about any of this that Epic is okay enough to use.

>Epic reports Subnautica's precise total downloads despite being free.
>Is mum about Metro's sales.

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>Considering how big of a meme epic is to even normie audiences
i mean you're right but so was the notion of dlc and microtransactions at first

whats going on in steam?

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There is no proof of it because it's a load of shit. That kind of garbage comes from the kind of people who think Captain Marvel has some sort of agenda against straight white men. You know, idiots.

There were reports nationwide from owners of theaters saying they've never seen anything like it. Exactly 25 seats from every showing of a movie for 3 days straight were ordered online, didn't show up to see the movie, and never asked for a refund. Are you insisting something like this occurs naturally?

you won't trick me again you fucking faggots

Attached: spinmerightround.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

First off, Source or it didn't happen. Second, there is nothing uncommon at all about people ordering shit online and then not showing up to claim what they ordered. It literally happens all the fucking time. Movie tickets aren't any different from any other thing this happens with.

Good for hohol devs.

>asking me for source
So you never knew what you were talking about in the first place. You just automatically decided that what you think was correct without ever investigating yourself. Secondly you're not fucking reading what I'm typing so let me tell it to you a second time.

Tickets were ordered online. That's normal.
People didn't show up. That's also normal.
Normal people who don't go see a movie ask for a refund.
The exact same amount of people who didn't show up to the theater and didn't ask for a refund repeated for every showing of that movie over a three day period, opening weekend for that movie.

I literally said to you that people who work at these theaters have never ever seen anything like this because it absolutely defies sense. They say that most of the time only a couple of people don't show up when they already bought their ticket, and most of the time they ask for a refund. I challenge you to explain a 1200% increase in no-shows that also don't ask for a refund for every showing of a movie during opening weekend. This shit just doesn't happen. It's not a fucking coincidence.

Epic DDoS

damn vro didn't have to murder user like that

You could rule it out as people just paying for virtual back pats for supporting a "movement"

>complete edition
are you stupid or something

this guy gets it

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A coordinated effort like this would require extremely public coordination in order to gain any sort of traction, and there's no evidence of this happening in any public space online whatsoever. This is not an adequate explanation. Tens of thousands of benevolent SJWs all simultaneously acting in complete concert to sacrifice their own money (hahahahahahahahaha) accomplish a very specific goal without using it to garner recognition (HAHAHAHAHAHA) is beyond absurd. This was clearly a singular effort by a single entity when you consider how exact the results were. Exactly the same amount of absent moviegoers at every showing and then once the opening weekend window closes this aberrant behavior immediately halts is evidence of intentional interference with a clear purpose. To make the movie appear as though it's doing better on paper in order to prevent subsequent backlash and even more bad publicity. With the amount of criticism the movie was getting before this it would have been devastating to the brand for the movie to do poorly opening weekend. It was very likely a sound financial decision for Disney to eat this loss in order to secure more profits down the line, but it only works if nobody knows about it.

Why did that nigger in OP's image use a screenshot from Mad Max in an article about Metro?

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>The game sold 2.5 times as much as its predecessor, Metro: Last Light did on Steam
>the game sold 2.5 times as much as the predecessor did with much more marketing, a larger budget and a market that has grown enormously in the last 6 years
>doesn't state steam numbers

Buying tickets and handing them to feminists, girls or schools would have made more sense for that, and be tax deductible.

Do you think the epic spammer or the tard writing the article knows the difference?

They word this shit as specifically as they can to make it sound as good as possible, it hasn't outsold LL on Steam in total sales, only that it sold more at launch. This means fucking nothing, you know what else sold something like 2x as much at launch than a prior version of it? Dragon Age: Origins vs Dragon Age 2, 2 blew Origins out of the water at launch week, but overall sold about half of what Origins did because it was shit. Never fall for these kind of number twisting stories unless you see hard figures and fair comparisons.

Fucking this. It was available for preorder on Steam for months and only on Epic for like one month.

I still remember trudging through Dragon Age 2. I pirated it and still felt heavy buyer's remorse.

Epic has provided hard data before with Subnautica but keep in mind the game was literally free with installation of the store app. When Epic is confident, they provide hard data. Otherwise you see word twisting bullshit like this.

That's just the image used for the steam spy page, app name is still Last Light

this faggot lmao

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>If ever you needed more proof that loud promises of internet boycotts doesn...

Bought and paid for journalist who hates games.

Yeah but not even that is working. Only 4,5 million claimed Subnautica when it was free, but Epic still boasts with their alleged 85 million players.
Meaning that 94,7% of Epic users are fortnite only kids

So why are there no hard numbers? ;)

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you're right, I always forget to infer, most of this shit is written by some form of shill or another anyway

>Dave Thier

Attached: _20190329_083945.jpg (720x941, 112K)

>Dave "Sekiro needs an easy button" Thier
fuck off

but then the publisher would need to shed off 30% of the cut and not 8% or whatever it is at the epic store

and i'm preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttyyyyyy sure that the epic game store actually PAID the metro exodus publisher to release only on epic game store. I could see 5 million € or so changing hands for that move. It's basically marketing for epic games store.

Yea Forumseddit and steam cucks btfo

Have they posted the actual numbers yet? I keep reading that it sold this many times more than the other game, but these games are pretty fucking niche.

steam has more users, so that smaller cut wont matter anyway

I love how he casts his argument as a player/customer respect issue while also defending Epic Store moneyhatting

Deep Silver really respecting the players by taking away their purchasing options


I sure hope the direction China is forcefully steering the market in will not be damaging

30% off of more sales would probably earn more than 12% off of less sales.

for a second i thought there was an ODST drop pod sequence in metro

>Buying tickets and handing them to feminists, girls or schools would have made more sense for that, and be tax deductible.
But then then you lose the illusion of success.

>Sell game on steam, to fans who are eager to play the next game on the same platform that it's been on for years.
>They all PrePurchase to show their support for devs that care about the fans and platform.
>ACHSHUALY, we're pulling the game from steam last second, come buy it on Epic instead.

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>We have always proof game on Steam sold
>We dont have a single word it sold actually in Epic Store.

oh look, this thread again

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it didnt tho, my fellow ignorant steamcuck, those who pre ordered before the epic store announcement, get to play on Steam, btfo

>Be videogame journalist/reviewers.
>Don't play games constantly.
>W-Why is the game so hard, I should be able to play this even tho I spends most of my spare time NOT playing videogames.
>Demand the game be easier, because it's the games fault you're not good at it.
Guys, I gotta say, building a house is pretty hard for me, the guy who's never built anything, I demand an easy mode!

Attached: 80.gif (250x250, 993K)

Result: All houses should be shipping containers and here's why that's a good thing.

Not that guy but there were people who per-purchased physical copies who were expecting a Steam key but got an Epic key instead. Not the same thing but still a shit move

Fair enough, my bad, seems I was mistaken. I still doesn't make what Epic is doing agreeable, but I wait for dlc to launch before I buy anyway, so that year long exclusive just adds more incentive to wait it out.

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do people even play metro? ive heard literally nobody talk about it at all until epic meme store came out.

>2.5x more
Of course it, LL was a pretty small game. But considering how much they probably spent to market their games (there are ads for the game everywhere here in Paris) I really doubt they made any money with it, no matter the better margin.
I'm not even hating on Epic, it's just that this article is fucking dumb.

>"There is no agenda"

if only there was a way for me to have both Epic Store and Steam installed at the same time on my computer....


but why would you want to?

>I don't wanna brag, but I built it my self by pressing the check out button on the container home website, I know, pretty impressive, right?

Attached: Cozy Container.jpg (860x586, 62K)

why not?

/g/ would find a way to praise it unironically.

supporting epic, their shitty tactics, and by extension, fortnite.

I’ve seen more threads on Yea Forums about Sekiro in the one week it’s been released than in the whole two months since Exodus has been released.

Was just playing devil's advocate. Not trying to disagree. Not completely out of character for SJWs to throw money at something for woke points.

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A better question is, why would you want literal malware on your computer? Even fucking Battlenet is better than the Epic Games Store, because at least Battlenet doesn't root through the rest of your computer and phone home about its contents.

sounds like things only a sad little person would worry about

Also, considering there is NOTHING ELSE RESEMBLING AN AAA GAME on Epic, zoomers probably bought it just because it was the best Epic had to offer.

Flavor of the month open world game sells more than previous hallway simulator shooter! Tell me it isn't so!

I have a hard time believing this since I never hear anyone talk about Metro Expodus. The game might as well have not been released.

the amount of cope in this thread is absolutely unreal

Would they also praise those "Not actually life hacks, life hacks" that overcomplicate life instead of make it easier, as well?

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That is out of character. SJWs do not throw their money away and keep quiet about it. It's always a huge public display to virtue signal if they do anything that requires even the most meaningless sacrifice. The idea that several thousand of them are doing this without even a whisper about it online is impossible.

Why should I care that the Epic Games Store tells Epic what's on and in my files? I have nothing to hide.

You just described the Arch linux userbase.

>muh conspiracies
Fuck off shill, maybe they should just give a number instead of vauge "it totally sold well goyim"

>one person says something on the internet (also happens to be the same journalist who was crying about Sekiro not respecting players with an easy mode)
>it must be true!

Wasn't Subnautica free? I mean, literally $0?

>flavor of the month open world shooter outsells 4 hour corridor shooter prequel

Ignoring the epic/steam shit, was Exodus actually good?

And that’s the one they gave numbers for...really makes you think

The entire advertising industry is made possible by retards. Advertising would simply fail to exist if everyone was smart enough to see through slick eye candy and fancy wording. If ever retard had a handler that held their wallet and kept them from falling for tits, a nice paint job, or cherry-picked quotes/statistics - the advertising industry would collapse.


>sells huge
I wonder if developers aren't the only ones that Epic throws money at.

Calm down Cliffy

>Getting upset that people don't want to install Chinese spyware

Come on, it's not that bad. I mean, my X server is down after I updated packages today (writing this from Lynx btw, really cool) but I've almost solved it.

Tencent owns media sites so I would be surprised if they have journalists on their payroll. At the very least they are in journalist circles

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Oh man, Cliffy must be fucking killing himself over leaving Epic.

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>the amount of epic shills in this thread

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God bless the fucker that edited this image.


probably wouldn't have sold even better on Steam, am I right guys?

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It didn’t outsell the previous version.

It was meh. Note the complete lack of gameplay threads. Maybe 4 in all the archives.

Didn't Last Light sell like garbage

I don't believe the games media. The games media declared war on Steam when Valve refused to censor "offensive" games. Their bias is apparent.
This Epic shit is them pushing a publisher they know will play ball with their sjw Marxist games.
No one in games media gave a damn about Steam's "monopoly" until they refused to ban "offensive" content, full stop. After that, Valve became public enemy number 1.

That said, these sales figures can be faked, just like movie ticket sales can be inflated.
Let us see the population numbers Epic. Until then, I don't believe a word of it.

It’s just one dude. Check archives for the number of times he’s posted this exact thread, and that’s with jannies deleting a bunch of them.

>make a thread about Metro: Exodus
>newfags from reddit come and flood the thread with Chinese politics

The thread is clearly about platform politics you dishonest shill

Yes. This is also how Angry Birds achieved the title of "Best Selling Video Game Ever" ... the fucking game was FREE and everyone had a phone that could run it.

reminder that if you care about petty shit like "client wars" you should probably get a job and not spend 24h on Yea Forums

I thought Flappy Bird had the title

Is there an actual reason to use the Epic store yet?

Reminder that if you’re a retard that downloads and runs everything he sees on the internet you’re gonna brick your PC

Attached: epic store.png (661x716, 63K)

Fuck no.

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Pretty nice


we're not using your store chink

these clients are perfectly safe, you sound like that idiot who screams about the frogs being gay.

what next? the earth is flat and vaccines cause autism?

lol, what a tool

These clients also store your payment information like credit cards, you fool. Trusting these programs is an important thing for safety and Epic has not done trustworthy things in the past. If you weren’t using your parents’ money maybe you’d care a bit more.

>Third time seeing exactly this thread in weekend
How much did Epic pay you?

How is that even possible with the amount of shit it has stacked against it?
>removal from Steam to move to Epic and the following boycott
>Epic Store controversies galore, biggest being datamining
>needing an absolute beast of a rig to run it after you hit the open world
>not that popular of a series in the first place with not a lot of hype going around even pre-release before all the Epic shit
And they're saying it sold even better than Last Light? Really?

It's not the CLIENT, it's that you're giving info to a company where Chinese hold 40% stake at. For now.

and let me guess, they make the frogs gay too?

the chinese are growing into becoming the biggest world power anyway, i prefer to be with them than against them.

have fun having your family killed by the chinese government just because of something has petty as an online game store.

I guess you have never heard of PayPal or Equitax

>implying they won't kill a person who is willing to betray their cause first


i never implied that, if anything i'll fully support everything they do.

we've gone too long with the likes of snowflakes acting like they matter, americans and northern europeans being the worse of them all.

what you faggots need is a good old dictator telling you to shut up or get shot.

>Red Dead Redemption II
Oh my... Someone doesn't know that Take2 went the Epic route...

They still won't trust a person who willingly threw themself at them.
A fascist will kill a known traitor first before a known enemy.

Reminder that THQ fucking died months before Last Light came out and people weren't even sure the game would be released. Last Light had next to no marketing so it sold like shit initially when it did eventually release

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sadly for you, that's not how china works.

>Only 50k copies sold according to this in addition to the OP data
Dear god, now I know why Epic didn't publish the actual numbers. That's still embarrasing no matter how you spin it.

Sure pal. You keep living in your fantasy that if you bootlick enough you won't have your organs harvested first.

>And they're saying it sold even better than Last Light? Really?
That's not hard. See: In addition to the game releasing to poor launch numbers, it was also a game releasing on the PC in 2013 when the platform wasn't nearly as popular as it is now

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Shut the fuck up you obtuse moron

>The game sold 2.5 times as much as its predecessor, Metro: Last Light did on Steam
So, 50k? steamspy.com/app/43160

>keep telling yourself that, fat boi

They specifically said "Last Light", not "Last Light Redux"

all their games are on steam bruv

>Exodus was two months ago

If you love China so much why don't you marry it fag?

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Kek nice catch.

Did you already forget? The Outer Worlds is published by Take2, not Microsoft, and Take2 went the Epic one year exclusivity deal for that.

Enjoy all those toxins entering your boipucci.

said nobody ever

enjoy having your family tortured and killed because of your edgelord attitude

I'm not disagreeing with you here but you're an actual retard if you think you don't need to substantiate your claims.
Especially when you're saying something as specific as "exactly 25 no-show seats were ordered online for three straight days" and then linking to a source for your claims that is not only just some dude on twitter, but also literally does not say the shit you're saying. That dude's tweets mention nothing about a suspiciously exact number of online tickets bring ordered each day, just that the first three days had a lot of no-shows so ordered online.
That tells me you're either embellishing the story to make it sound like your version is more conclusively true, or you're not providing the actual source for your claims because you read them on this website and that link is the only actual source you could find.

So when does Exodus Redux come out on EGS?

>still no exact numbers

Yeah you sure keep showing those fags over at steam what's up.

>still no numbers

Better to die a freeman on my feet than on my knees suckling a cock.


LMAOOOOO, I really hope you're not serious. Are you 15 years old? Honestly these /pol/children are destroying my sides each and every day.

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They spend most of their time posting garbage to social media, how are they supposed to fit in time for video games?

Sure boy and my dad works at nintendo.

>Still no numbers
>still comparing it to a game that sold like shit at release because the publisher literally died during development and not redux

Attached: 1529344860493.jpg (400x417, 163K)

Except it's not China steering the market.
Epic Store is not controlled by China/Chinese not matter how hard you want to believe. You folks keep living in your own bubble, in the end you'll just find out it will be even harder for you to cope with reality.

I'm chinese btw.

>he thinks he's actually free


have fun while it lasts ;-)

>still no concrete numbers, only dodgy bullshit
When will you low effort shills learn?

You're right, only shills.

If you believe the credibility of the source of information is insufficient to convince you then the onus is now on you to prove it. I gave a source of information that he requested. That's where my part in this ends. I'm relaying publicly published information written by someone with something to lose if they lie or embellish. I did not do a deep dive to find multiple sources of information to verify their credibility. I did not gather data myself. If you're insisting I need to gather the data myself in order for it to be valid then you're full of shit because if I did then people would justifiably dismiss it out of hand as well. In the end people who ignore evidence are going to remain ignorant no matter what.

You need to read that article more closely. Absolutely nothing about my claim is irrational. If the fact that these tickets were purchased, not used, and not refunded is true (which I have no reason to believe is false information considering how easy it would be for anybody in the industry to disprove) then the conclusions I make about why this happened aren't unreasonable.

China refuse disgusting faggot marriage, only you Americans/Westerners want it.

or someone who actually cares about things.

>have fun while it lasts ;-)
Oh no are your big dick Chinese overlords going to invade America and take away my cheeseburgers? Oh that would be so scary, there's surely nothing we could do in response. If only America was the most well equipped and powerful military force in the entire world, maybe this could have been prevented. If only we had invented some type of powerful explosive that could destroy cities, and then produced 20,000 working copies. What a world we could have had!

It's gotta suck when your only allies in the world are niggers, sand niggers, and snow niggers.

sauce motherfucker.

So China would kill you immediately then?

>Being this autistic about something that actually has zero effect on you
This is why you Chinese will always be subhuman insects, even the Korean dogs are more dignified than you.

>retcon character nobody asked for gets forced into a decade old ongoing film universe and introduced as "actually the strongest character ever, except she just didn't show up the first 8 times the earth was almost destroyed".

Nobody gave a damn about the movie, the actual triggering occured because Brie Larsen wanted to hop on the diversity bandwagon.

Lastly, these theories have gained traction as believable because of the obvious bullshit forced into the last 2 Star Wars films.

If you believe that Disney would pull a stunt like that and leave an obvious breadcrumb trail, you are retarded.

Literally bunch of fags on Yea Forums not willing to use Epic Store won't change the sales number on majority of people who have multiple platforms. If it doesn't sell on Epic, it probably won't do much greater on Steam.

The version where he's smiling as well absolutely kills me.

>refuse faggot marriage means only ally with niggers, sand niggers, and snow niggers
WeW, what a faggot logic.
Btw, snow niggers are the biggest supporters of faggotry and SJWism, so they're (((your ally))), not ours.

have sex

>If it doesn't sell on Epic, it probably won't do much greater on Steam.
Retarded idea. Epic is not identical to Steam regarding userbase or features.


You're retarded and your opinions are wrong
Source: my ass
Damn, guess now youre the one who has to prove I'm not correct ;)

Very odd how defensive you are though. I next said your claim is irrational, just that you can't say shit definitively like that without providing evidence. The fact that it took you so much prodding to do so and that you were so reluctant to provide, alongside the incredibly sketchy nature of the source you finally provided, and your insistence that the reliability of your source doesn't matter, that all is what leads me to believe you might be bullshitting pretty hard about this.
It's nothing to do with the nature of your claim, it has everything to do with how you're sourcing, arguing, and presenting it.

>has zero effect
Yeah you just keep repeating that lie see how it works, faggot.

Attached: Apocalypse Now.jpg (2566x1648, 707K)

>a game with much more publicity and a bigger fanbase sold better than its predecessors that didnt have any of that

Snow niggers = Russians, no clue what you think they are. But yeah, go ahead and take a look at the list of countries that forbid gay marriage. You are among the least successful, lowest IQ countries on the map. There is no logic. Go ahead, name your fellow heroes so we can all laugh. Iran? Somalia? The USSR? Hahahahahahaha! Oh my God my sides can't take it. All these dumbass savages get an internet connection and suddenly they think there's going to be a world-wide red revolt! Imagine if Bolsheviks had Yea Forums? lmao.

>Cutting off the most important part
On you, nigger. Unless you're going around fucking men, it's not going to do anything to you.


don't tell anyone I gave you this link you fucking faggot

This. I'm a SM for a chain of theaters. Disney regularly purchases 2-3 of the 16 auditoriums for it's movies that are expected to come in below numbers, just to drive it up on paper and use it as marketing to put asses in seats.

Wow an unsourced compilation image, really hitting em out of the park, Long Dong.

>The game sold 2.5 times as much as its predecessor, Metro: Last Light did on Steam
Which means literally nothing.

>no steam, no problem
is that why it's literally coming to steam later? KEK

it's more true to say westerners impose it, specifically the US, because literally every US foreign embassy is a staging ground for homosex NGOs

anyway, stay strong, China - the US will fall apart, you just have to keep at it - I happily welcome the Chinese led global world order

>Snow niggers = Russians,
No, "snow niggers" refer to Scandinavians such as Sweden, a biggest SJW state in the world. Slang of Russians is "Vatnik". See even I know your western world better than yourself, whiteboi.

Read what I said, idiot. If you have a problem with the source then your beef is with the source. I did everything I was supposed to do to make a sound argument. Your job, if you choose to try to refute this argument, is to provide some shred of evidence to the contrary. It's your turn now. That's how arguments work. Trying to disengage from this proves to everyone here that your opinions are not well thought out or based on reality. You're more than welcome to believe what you want to believe, but if you're going to sit here and pretend like evidence that contradicts your beliefs are bullshit then you need to explain why. Trying to attack my credibility isn't going to get you anywhere because I'm not the person who wrote that article. I'm just someone who read it.

tl;dr: Go fuck yourself. If you're going to argue then do it properly. You have no points to counter even the flimsiest of evidence.

No, wrong again, Chinky. Russians are snow niggers, because they destroy their society once every couple hundred years and have the lowest IQ of any kind of white person. I've never heard anyone ever use "Vatnik". Must be some typical Chinese mistranslation. You do understand that niggers aren't SJW right? The countries that are the most liberal are, surprise surprise, the most successful. By GDP, by Inflation Rates, by Economic and Social Freedom. By any measure you can conceive of the west trounces China, except perhaps in pollution and number of people being repressed. Can't wait til Xi Jinping joins his fellow dictators being ripped to shreds in the street briefly before being tortured in Hell forever. Lmao.

Aren't you glad it's weekend and you don't have to shill anymore once your shift is over?

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=snow nigger
Stop imagine things

>have the lowest IQ of any kind of white person
lmao, dude.

Why is the 8th panel blank?

Ni hao, Wong.

Name ONE white nigger dumber than the average Russian.

>Russians are snow niggers
Within 4chin slang Snownigger is mostly used to refer to scandinavian people. The term for Russians is refered to as "vodkaniggers".

>I've never heard anyone ever use "Vatnik"
Because you are young and lacking in memetic knowledge. Vatnik (word itself coming from Red Army padded coats) is a term that refers to overly Kremlino/Sovieto-philic part of Russian population.

Lurk moar and stop being new.

>urban dictionary
Ah, so this is how the Chinese research American culture, very academic.


This isn't high school debate club you pedantic fuck. You didn't even actually read my post, you just stopped halfway in to respond to the parts where I didn't say your lack of substantial evidence is compounded by the fact that you've been a nigger this whole discussion.
You argue like a child and you think you don't have to prove your bullshit claims when you spew them out your mouth.
I'm not here to suck your cock, faggot. When you say stupid shit on the internet be prepared to prove it or fuck off. If you think nobody is allowed to question your methods thus far in the discussion or the fact that your entire argument is based on one sentence in an article in which the only notable source is "dude trust me I'm saying this on twitter", you're actually retarded.

If you're going to keep pretending everybody has to ignore how retarded you've been because you pulled some twitter-sourced article out of your ass after getting told the fuck off, the onus is on you to eat my ass.


>Within 4chin slang Snownigger is mostly used to refer to scandinavian people. The term for Russians is refered to as "vodkaniggers".
Whatever you say Lao, I've been here decades and not ONCE have I seen someone call Swedes snow niggers. I've seen Inuits called snow nigger, I've seen Russians called snow nigger. No swedes.
>Lurk moar and stop being new.
Chink that just go internet a week ago tells me to "lurk moar". Yeah, keep reading the ED article and get caught up on our culture. Don't be embarrassed, we're anonymous here.


That was easy.

Attached: IQ averages around the world.jpg (567x593, 44K)

Post cute robot pics for our digital friends.

I'm still not using your spyware launcher. Give me one without DRM, or you can kiss my ass.

What about them? They're the same kind of cancer, shoving third party software that inhibits my freedoms. You do not get a say in MY video games. You do not get to take my money and then say I'm only renting your games. Asshole.

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But that's still Russia.

>TFW epic store actually already also has shit like division2, metro, outer worlds, bloodlines2, and a bunch more
>if RDR2 ever comes to PC it is going to the epic store because of Take2 partnering up with them recently
>Half Life 3 will never be made and that's official, the script writer already made the story of EP3 public because Valve became a lazy, unproductive company refusing to develop anything
>it's only a matter of time till Jap devs Like Capcom,Bamco or SE catch up to PC trends (it's only like 2 years they realized Steam exists), and start partnering up with epic instead
>achievements, cloud saves and reviews already confirmed to be coming to the epic store soon, taking away even that minor benefit Steam had so far

tick tock valve shills

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Not a race. If you mean white Americans, wrong.
Patently false, you just want them to be stupid. Go ahead and check out the statistics, don't talk out of your ass.
They're the same kind of niggers, but thank you for putting in the effort. Of course we both know all of this is thrown off by the non-whites that many of these listed countries have.

>faggot seething
Because of your repulsive degenerated faggot marriage and lgbt infestation, government have change laws, schools have to change teaching materials, hospitals have spent more resource/money to contain your increasing "gay cancers" & STD, social medias have to pander to your disgusting "pride month", society have to change customs, cultures and words people usually use, and more and more faggotry pandering, degeneracy normalization are forcefully shoveled into mass media such movies, cartoons and ""video games"". People will lose their jobs, even sent to prison just because they don't want make wedding cakes for faggots. ALL just for pandering you lgbt degeneracy.

But you disgusting deluded lying piece of shits assholes still dare telling me it "has zero effects"??? Nobody believe it except you LGBTSJW now, sorry.

you might need to learn to read lists

Uh oh chinky baby don't like getting called out on his bullshit, he made a BIG STINKY post, oh noooo

Dude just accept your sexuality.
It's a lot healthier than this.

>I've been here decades
>Launched on October 1, 2003, the site was modeled on Japanese imageboards, particularly Futaba Channel. Yea Forums's first boards were originally primarily used for posting pictures and discussing manga and anime.

Seems like American education system failed yet again. "Decade" means "ten years", not "ten days".

I gave evidence to support my claim. You're not offering a single shred of evidence to the contrary. You're not supplying any rational argument based on logical conclusions to the contrary. You're literally just trying to attack MY credibility when I'm just relaying a source of information that I believe is credible. I'm more than willing to entertain a different idea that makes more sense, but you're not fucking providing one. Argue the point. Stay on topic. If you disagree with the claim then explain why. Explain yourself. Explain your argument. Don't stand around kicking the dirt about how you don't like how my words make you fucking feel, you retard.

would need a lot more /pol/fagging and conspiracy theories about evil chinese taking over the world by being minority investors in companies tbf

This is actually sad, those are dark times for pc gaming.
It's not like epic is a competition for steam, it holds games as exclusives in order to create its own monopoly. It's no longer about epic faking those sale figures, they do this in order to attract more and more developers to their platform. Soon we would be force to use epic for every next release unless steam really stands up for this and changes the dev cut tax.

>Go ahead and check out the statistics, don't talk out of your ass.
Russia: 97
Ireland: 92

You're trying to sound smart here, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and ask what the fuck you are talking about.

>Guys! It sold more on Epic than Steam. Trust us! We don't have the numbers to prove it, but it did! I bet if we even compare to how well Last Light sold, it's like a bajillion more, so Epic is doing really good you guys. Way better than Steam. Let's forget Tencent and all the ads while playing. HAHA, Epic Store ftw lmao

Attached: yuri.gif (640x480, 128K)

Yeah, I was about to post this.

>he actually to look up when Yea Forums was founded to "prove" I haven't lurked for 20 years
Hahahaha, you're a laugh a minute. Lurk moar and you'll get to join in the fun, if you can leave you very super serious national politics at the door for ten seconds, lmao.

The original claim was taht Ukrainians are dumber than Russians. The list puts them both on the 10th standing at 97 IQ, making them equal. The list does not support the argument.

>noname on Yea Forums thinks he is better source than urban dictionary

You got it. The nigger nation hidden in the mists.

>unless steam really stands up for this and changes the dev cut tax.
Nice try Zhang but this just adds another step in the patient gamer process it now goes
>new game releases on epic
>1 year of patches later it releases on steam/humble/gog
>I wait for 75% off then buy it
nothing changes from my perspective

I can see you're just going to ignore my entire post and continue with the pretense, so how about you eat my fucking ass instead?

Is this the sound mutts make, when they keep getting consistently btfo?


The homeless guy ranting about Black Buddha outside my local 7/11 is a better source than Urbandictionary.

I already told you, nigger. Unless you're going around sucking cock, it's not going to have any negative effect on you.
Unless you're the faggot, that is.

>month old shill article reposted for the 99th time
pic related

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Don't you have to be arguing to be "btfo"? I can't remember what your point was, since you abandoned to shitfling about spelling and definitions for ten posts. Something about the epic chinese people overrunning the world? Please continue to construct your important argument Mr. Chang.

Well they did quarantine the David Cage "games" there so that's a point in your favor.

>but they aren't EA.
Yes, EA still releases games.

>Thinks urban dictionary is a good source
People put terms there that they've made up, or ones that are exclusively used by them and their friend group.
Don't be retarded, shit is unreliable as fuck.

You're literally ignoring the argument and trying to make it off-topic because you figure you have a shot at winning an off-topic argument. This isn't my first fucking rodeo, squirt. Describe what you believe and give an explanation why. Then provide some evidence to support this belief. That's what I've done. Now it's your turn. You're going to have a hell of a time convincing me though because I need rational thinking and no short amount of logic to change my mind, and you FUCKING CLEARLY aren't up to the task.

No. You shat yourself, have a balls to accept it.

>Don't you have to be arguing to be "btfo"?
Indeed. You were arguing about definitons and got btfo, instead of just abanding a lost caust you decided to double down on it only to get btfo a few times more.

>Half Life 3
This is the only reason I support Epic Store.
Bring gaben out of his comfort zone and start making games.
Artifact is not a game. t. dotard

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>’Sekiro: Shadows Dies Twice’ Need sleep to Respect womeme

Why does every gaming cuck article sound like it came from a marxist dumpster?

True, the countries on each step of the rank seem to just be alphabetically ordered, putting the Ukraine underneath Russia.

But what does that say about running with a losing name like that? They oughta have called their country ACME.

>valve shills
No one is a valve shill, they just want to have a choice of who they buy games from. What if your favorite game was a Circuit City exclusive back in the day? That'd be ridiculous. Exclusives just for the sake of exclusives is shitty. But you want to play teams and tally up points because somehow Epic tricked you into thinking a store is some kind of family that you're part of instead of a shop that should earn your money with services, features and deals instead of buying out developers. I have 8 launchers installed because of this exclusivity bullshit and some of them are bugged to shit, this is so stupid. But congrats, you got a point! Exclusives take away half of your wallet's voting power.

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>dude me and my friends totally call swedish people niggers, that means everyone does it
It's a garbage source that tells you nothing about usage statistics or culture. Last time I'm going to say it, fuck off chink.

meant for

Well, seems like more people call swedes like this, since there is no word about russians there, cuck

>What if your favorite game was a Circuit City exclusive back in the day? That'd be ridiculous
Retarded argument. Stores aren't services.

you sound like a uk cop

Stores are part of the service industry.

No matter how many Urbandisctionary articles you post, the Chinese Red Army isn't going to fucking march into my country and kill my family you massive fag. You can scream and cry with all your nigger allies all day, but it won't change what you are. I sure can't wait to walk away from this screen unmolested by my government about what I posted, and enjoy some high quality food purchased for the money I'm paid. Have fun with your breadlines, I hope "btfo"ing me makes that easier to handle.

You know damn well that gaymers are the most impatient fucks ever with the preorders and shit.
Most of your average consumer would just shrug and use epic.
And in the near future if epic gets enough userbase then devs won't even have to put their games on other platforms since epic is giving them the most money.

Learn to type in English if you're going to address white people, slant pig.

>game that was released in 2019 sells better than a game in 2013
>a game with its own e3 segment sells better than a game with no advertising
>still don't release the full numbers for it
It was a flop for sure


Wasn't a flop. Epic is literally footing the bill and will reimburse developers even if the game pans. Guilt free piracy. It was already paid for.

I'm not chinese, dumb mutt.

Its also pretty funny because Epic Store has 8.5 million users so that means only 4% of the userbase bothered to download a free game

>I haven't pirated shit
Why? Are you a buyfag?


>literally can't be bothered to make a post
Guess America wins again, red menace.
You're something that doesn't type English well, and you need to stop it. Let me guess, some kind of Slav?

Epic is populated by literal fotm kids who think all games should be fortnite.

No matter how hard you try to deny, your faggot marriage & lgbt degeneracy already cause many obvious negative effects on society, and I as individual is still part of the society, so any negative impact to society also affects me in the end, especially when I have kids. You clueless, regressive, selfish, egoistic retard.

You SJW/LGBT/libercusks or whatever titles you have these days, are equally bad, even worse sometimes than those "alt-right" or neo-nazi you hate so much. (YOU) are also a threat to entire humanity since you sjwlgbt cocksuckers have more power and are more influential to main stream society than those whi*te supremacists nowadays.

Those whit*e supremacists killing people by mass shootings occasionally, but you're killing entire humanity more slowly, thoroughly and systematically through your sexual diseases, mental illness, drug abusing and sexual degeneracy. There are countless examples already. You freaks need to be contained at all cost same as those whit*e supremacists.

By that logic games would never release on GoG or Humble since they make most of their money on Steam but they still do

Oh, guys, guys. Here he goes again! Hahahahahaha!

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Living in denial isn't healthy.
You should accept who you are for what you are and embrace your homosexuality.
This pent up anger is not good for you.

>You're something that doesn't type English well
How much languages do you know? Good derailing after you shat yourself, mutt.

>Stores aren't services.
They are when you rely on them to maintain your library, distribute updates, protect your credit card information, and straight up just work. But what's the big deal, it's just another ToS and spyware copying your Steam config file without your permission.

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>imagine being this mentally ill
a long life of inceldom awaits you, you sad, pathetic retard

>finally some actual competition for steam
>Yea Forumsirgins shit on it

>Those whit*e supremacists killing people by mass shootings occasionally, but you're killing entire humanity more slowly, thoroughly and systematically through your sexual diseases, mental illness, drug abusing and sexual degeneracy. There are countless examples already. You freaks need to be contained at all cost same as those whit*e supremacists.
I hope you don't really believe this though, to be serious for a moment. The biggest drug crisis in the world is pain medicine and has nothing to do with the fags you hate so much. The biggest sexual problems aren't people having sex with who they want, they're the mass rapes being committed in your country and countries just like it all over the world. Mental illness? Damn right we have a massive mental illness problem, and it doesn't have a fucking thing to do with gay people you god damn 5 IQ dunderhead. Sexual diseases have existed longer than your RACE HAS EXISTED. You can't answer any of these points because you're just a big ball of irrational feelings and screams. You are a fucking baby that can't stop bawling for five seconds to figure out your head isn't going to fall off because you saw something scary. So pathetic.

Buying up exclusivity is not competition. It’s forced monopolization.

Good derailing yourself. You almost made everyone forget you get your information about American slang from Urbandictionary.

Total bullshit. If you don't like it that Metro is exclusively on Epic Games Store for a year then don't buy the game

why are you posting this like the argument of PC platforms is over libraries. If you can't get a game you want on your most preferred platform, you'll get it on the next most preferred platform. Saying "Steam is better than GOG because it has Sekiro!" is fucking retarded.


It's both, user.
And it's not like it's a new thing anyway.

The only "competition" other launchers are offering are exclusives, I have 8 launchers installed because of this. They don't offer better features, sales or services. It's not pro-consumer competition, it's just a scramble for exclusives instead of competing by the merit of the store.

>Valve takes a baseline 30% cut of all Steam sales

think what you want about epic but this is fucking greed as fuck

No, it’s monopolization, which means lack of competition. You can’t twist your way out of legal definitions, dirty rats.

>Buying up exclusivity is not competition
There's no such thing as fair/unfair competition. If you don't like certain practises then don't buy their products

Where are the numbers it just says 2.5x its predecessor.

It's almost like... almost like


Everyone takes 30% Tim, fuck off and deal with it.

Hasn't Epic already stated that their percentage take isn't sustainable?

I just eyepatched exodus. Why should i pay epic? Fuck them.

But monopolization is not competing. It’s the lack of competition. Get it through your head.


A download code in a box isn't a physical copy so don't call it one.

>There's no such thing as fair/unfair competition
There literally is.
There's entire laws about unfair competition. Spotify are suing Apple right now over unfair competition.

Yeah, which sold 10% of what its predecessor did. This is just bullshit a puff piece

It's hilarious since they gave out an exact number for Subnautica's free downloads but not for Metro.

Don't worry, I'm not buying it because exclusives are bad for gaming. Real competition is putting the game on multiple stores and letting them compete with features, sales, and services.

It's an extremely mild form of monopolization, user.

It's not the concept of "digital interactive entertainment" that's being bought up to be exclusive. It's just a few specific products in that category.

It's a "monopoly" as well when Walmart carries a limited Pringles flavour that no other chain has?

>the publisher made more money!
Not the publisher, don't care
>get to use Unreal Engine for free
NOOOOOOOOO. Fuck off, stop encouraging devs to use this, Unreal 4 isn't as bad as 3 but it's still shit. Everyone should use the RE Engine.

It's funny because you don't have a clue of what you're talking about.

>muh greed
Everybody wants to buy products and services at affordable prices. If Epic offers the developers a better deal they will take and there's nothing greedy about that, just like it's not greedy for you to want cheaper chinese t-shirts

Monopoly is a meaningless term to apply to specific product(s).
>Epic has a monopoly on the PC version of Metro: Exodus for one year
Would be laughed off as a serious moral complaint by any rational person, just as no one would take someone complaining about walmart having a "monopoly" over a specific brand of sugar.

I highly doubt Capcom has a licensing program for RE engine.

Shut up goym, you'll scare off our shills!

It’s not a spectrum retard, it either is or isn’t. Epic buying up a third party game to sell exclusively on their store is monopolization. Full stop.

People who care about doing transactions with companies they trust will see this as a sheisty move that lowers their trust in Epic, and will therefore not buy from Epic and will wait for it to be released on other platforms.

Yeah, it almost is. But closer if you had to install EGS, Uplay, Steam, Origin etc on your PS4 to play anything instead of just choosing the store with the features you want or whoever has better sales.

Thirdparty console exclusives are equally retarded though.

They should. Engine is fucking magic and clearly on the cutting edge. DMCV is one of the best looking games I've ever played.

>muh anti-trust laws
Terrible laws and regulations that favour big corporations

Monopoly means the lack of competition. It is not meaningless, I just gave you the meaning.

People judge stores by their actions. Epic’s actions have been judged. Deal with it.

>let's wait until things get really bad and we can't do anything about it before we call it what it is

So what you're saying there is unfair competition?

>Spotify are suing Apple
hahaha what the fuck
shouldn't it be the opposite way around? Literally nobody I know uses itunes, tons of people I know use Spotify.

No. There is however government meddling which distorts the market

You never hear of Apple Music?

Right, corporations should have freedom to do whatever they like as they are all completely fair and would never do anything exploitative by their own volition.

So what you’re saying is that distortion of the market is bad...would you even say it is unfair?

Again, nobody I know uses it.

Doesn't change it from being unfair practices.

>if you ever wanted proof that you cant boycott things on the internet teehee

welcome to globalization you stupid nigger. they can sell as many imaginary digital units as they want with their monopoly money. captain marvel is a good example of this as well. 'billions' of dollars of tickets sold, empty theaters. Doesnt take a genius to figure out whats going on but since you are a dumb goy that only thinks what you are told to think, you believe it.

Yes they are

>Pcbros will defend their DRM store over the "evil" "Chink" DRM store
It's the same shit, you retards. Why do you defend faceless companies for free? They don't care about you.

Nowadays I cannot even "not to see" your disgusting faggotry when I try to watch some TV shows or news to relax for 30 minutes, and it's more and more easy bump to some disgusting lgbt shits when I play video games. Games, movies, oscars,...Your pig disgusting faggotry is already heavily literally infested almost EVERYTHING! But you still dare shamelessly, endlessly keep denying and telling me it has no effects?? No, more and more people are realizing the truth. We have a referendum here last year and over 70% votes are opposing your faggorty! Your shits will not stand long, sorry.

hehe, not as long as I'm banging your mom :-*

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I don't even need Epic games for that, I just look at the country/state of origin. If it's
>New York
>North Korea
Then I'll automatically know it's shit and that I shouldn't buy it. This has been failproof for the last 10 years.

I probably know more about it, than you, looking at your snow nigger definition, mutt.

There are shades of evil faceless corporations and valve and gog are clearly the lesser of them.

Not him since he apparently bailed but
>there are worse individual things in the world so this collective cause is irrelevant
is not exactly the groundbreaking argument you are hoping to get. And even for stuff that is not a cause, it is definitely a help when the acceptance culture purposefully skewers the facts like the mass rapings you ironically mentioned.

I'm not saying that the guy has it all right in the head, just that you are completely wrong when you try to imply that it's
>not a real problem
>you should ignore it
>it doesn't affect you
when it has literally started to become mandatory in schools, both in America and UK.

Of course they do! didn't you see that McDonalds post on Twitter? It was soooo relateble, they really get me and care.

>Monopoly means the lack of competition. It is not meaningless, I just gave you the meaning.
There's a difference between something falling under the literal definition of something and something falling under the social/societal definition of something. Slapping someone one the back is "assault" by definition, but nobody would take someone calling it assault seriously.
>People judge stores by their actions. Epic’s actions have been judged. Deal with it.
And your retarded arguments have been judged. Deal with it.
>let's wait until things get really bad and we can't do anything about it before we call it what it is
The battle was already lost when people gave in to Half Life 2 requiring steam, this is just reddit zoomers growing up eating horseshit and complaining about having to eat dogshit

Haha, sure, let's pretend I care about the PC game market.

Nobody is forcing you to buy the products of that "exploitative" corporation.
The distortion is created by government meddling which means the state is coercing (using force) people to do something like obey regulations or else face jail time. Whenever a company does something that you consider shitty (like Epic Games Store offering an alternative to Steam) it doesn't use force. And if they do indeed use force then they should be prosecuted

Can you explain the law suit? I am interested enough for cliff notes but not interested enough to google it.

tencent takes a 90% cut in china. when ebin game has a big enough market share with a bunch of dumb gweilos trapped in a contract, they will change their numbers back to something worse than steam.

This is a safe space. Nobody here will judge you. Just embrace the person that you have always been. Living in hate is no good.

I don't agree with you in your use of that word, so if you want an "is or isn't", then it isn't monopolization.


What are some Scottish games?

There is no such difference. The context of our discussion is business practices and what Epic has done is monopolization. Deal with it, retard.

Well GTA for one.

Basically Apple take a significant percentage if you have people pay for the service through their phone whilst also pushing Apple Music at the same time.
Forget the further details but that was the start.

So what you’re saying is that using force is unfair competition?

Ah right. The free market solves everything.
Truly the solution to every problem in life.

So? Apple should just ban spotify from their OS.

>Epic is going to miss the biggest PC release of the year
damn how are Swiney and Xi Jinpging going to deal with this

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they're suing over some appstore shit


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Then they would get sued again for more.

So do you boycott Valve because they have a monopoly on Half Life 2?

really? Fuck spotify.

Not him but engaging in business practices that prevent your competition from selling the same products you do is a monopolistic practice that is endorsed and adopted by actual monopolistic companies in order to sustain their monopolies. Taken too far it would become an actual, true monopoly, and people are correct for criticizing Epic for using this business practice. It forcibly gives the customers less options which is invariably bad for the customers and the industry as a whole.

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Why not fuck Apple for being unfair?

>People seriously think that the multiplayer for this won't die in a week just like every other multiplayer shooter that isn't a lootbox grindfest on PC

nigger the fucking demo for the PC version of the Halo:CE still has active multiplayer

It's their OS. They can have whatever apps they want on it. Spotify doesn't have the money money or people to develop their own OS and phones, so they use apples. They should be sucking apple's dick.

So 30% of every game you purchase on Steam or the EGS should go to windows?

Halo CE and 2 lived on longer on PC than they did on Xbox
ElDewrito was insanely popular until MS decided to hit it with the C&D
now that MS is releasing full ports you can bet your ass it will have staying power

>what Epic has done is monopolization
This is absolutely retarded. If every single pc video game required Epic and only Epic then yes you would be correct but since they haven't done it you're a fucking idiot

Good point. If microsoft ever does that, I would move to linux.

>not using GNU/Linux already

The app store ecosystem is a huge part of iOS's success. If they drive off gigantic apps their business suffers.

I don't fully agree with your assessments there. It isn't "invariably bad" if the options wouldn't exist in the first place, had no storefront been interested in buying exclusivity rights.

Besides. Using these storefronts costs NOTHING. You have the option to buy the game just as much if it's on Epic's store as you did if it was on Steam and Epic Store didn't exist.

In this case, there just isn't actually any monopolization going on, even if I will agree that it is a "monopolistic practice", but you use caramelization for making other things that caramel too.

And yes, that was a food analogy. Because I'm hungry.

>engaging in business practices that prevent your competition from selling the same products you do is a monopolistic practice
This is exactly what tv companies do with tv series. I guess they're ebul capitalist villains as well

No because they developed Half Life 2. Also, you can find it on GoG.

No, what YOU said is retarded. The context is about the Metro Exodus game, not every video game you retard. They monopolized sales of Metro Exodus. You can’t deny that you braindead moron.

Shit argument. HL2 is made by Valve. Exodus is not. Thems the big difference user. It'd be like complaining that you have to install Battlenet to play WoW or the League client to play LoL.

Cool, I'm still not using the Epic store though.

>I guess they're ebul capitalist villains as well
Yes exactly, now you're starting to get it.

>It isn't "invariably bad" if the options wouldn't exist in the first place
It is invariably bad because the option is being taken away from you. A better scenario would be Epic competing with other storefronts on equal terms, so anything less than that is worse and bad.

>Using these storefronts costs NOTHING
Nobody has a problem with the storefront existing. They have a problem with their hand being forced. If Epic just sold games nobody would give a shit, but they're not just selling games. They're taking games away from other platforms.

>there just isn't actually any monopolization going on
Engaging in monopolistic practices is the problem with monopolies. That's the reason why monopolies are bad, because the PRACTICES hurt the industry and customers. The monopolies only come about and exist because of the practices that create and sustain them. It is the effects of the anti-consumer practices that are the roots of the problem; not the presence of an established monopoly itself. Do you understand?

I'm aware, and the customers suffer from a distinct lack of choice as a result. The difference is people like you think this is better because it's normal but you're ignoring how much better it would be if this weren't the case.

No one brings up how big of a cut retail stores take from game sales when complaining about steam's 30. I wonder why

>doesn't give any numbers

it sold 2.5 more in the first 48 seconds of the second hour of release.

>Do you understand?

Yes. I understand. But I do not agree with you on the following points:
1. I think Epic is competing on equal terms.
2. I don't think Epic is forcing anybody's hands
3. I don't think exclusivity is anti-consumer
4. I don't believe Epic are the ones taking away the games from other platforms
5. I don't believe any customers are being hurt

So while it is indeed "monopolistic" I don't think it's particularly bad, and I don't think the end result will be or will even approach a "monopoly".

You are literally wrong about every point you just tried to make. Get the Epic dick out of your fucking throat.

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2.5 times 0 is zero

>competing with other storefronts on equal terms
Who's going to mandate what these "equal terms" are?
>with their hand being forced
Did Epic send a bunch of hired thugs to force you to use their store? If not then they haven't forced anyone's hand. If you don't like Epic then don't buy games like Metro Exodus. Or download them from a torrent site

No you can't find it on GOG. And them developing it doesn't change the fact that they have monopolized the sale of it, by that user's logic

You can shut the fuck up too. You don't have an argument. You're trying to twist definitions around intentionally to make it appear as though you have a point. Don't act so god damned ignorant to what the problem is.

>not clarifying how I'm wrong about MY OWN OPINIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS
>assuming I give a shit about Epic


you know DAMN WELL its not going to die in a couple of weeks
lying to yourself to feel better isn't healthy, sorry.
please re-evaluate your life choices

Seriously how can you say that Epic is forcing people's hands when no such thing happened?

There's literally no point discussing this with you because you're legitimately ignoring rational logic explaining to you why you're wrong. Spending an hour rubbing your nose in dirt and watching you run yourself ragged in circles repeating the same incorrect shit isn't going to accomplish anything. People like you are extremely easy to predict when you so proudly display your ignorance. I'm not kidding when I explicitly state that every one of your points are wrong. Completely wrong. Absolutely wrong. The fact that you're prefixing all of it with "I think" and "I believe" speaks volumes about the validity of it because it requires your absolute faith in things that aren't true. Whereas the people arguing with you are demonstrating a clear understanding of actual facts backed up by logical conclusions and a history of economic principles.

Epic is forcing the customers hands by buying exclusivity for games. Customers no longer have a choice what platform they buy a game from if only one storefront sells that game. This is by the very strictest of definitions forcing their hands.

What do you define as "equal terms"? Steam has a massive inherent advantage - the vast majority of games require steam, and steam has by far the largest userbase of any PC platform, so if epic just started selling games that were on steam with no exclusives or incentives for the consumer, the playing field wouldn't be close to even.
Would you complain about, say, Target, paying lets say Nike for exclusive sale of a line of shoes, so that Walmart wouldn't have them?

Equal terms means both stores can sell the same product. They then compete over customers by offering different values alongside their products like sales or related features. That's an example of equal terms. Epic is trying to disrupt this process that benefits customers by becoming the only vendor for particular goods so they no longer have to compete with features or sales. This is bad for the customer. Why is this so fucking confusing to you?

>Would you complain about, say, Target, paying lets say Nike for exclusive sale of a line of shoes, so that Walmart wouldn't have them?
If I cared about those products then yes it would be reasonable to complain about a lack of choices that would benefit me. Are you insisting that customers cannot have any justification to complain? Is corporate dick that far up your ass?

Competition is bad.

Valve forced me to start pirating when they launched Steam and made PC digital only. I never wanted any of these platforms to begin with.

Epic is doing everything it can to avoid competition.

That is not at all how the aliens use subliminal messaging in the movie. That image is trying to imply that the alien "jews" are subliminally trying to tell you it's a jew movie which makes no fucking sense.

Then you are entirely within your right to complain.

It's not confusing to me, of course it would be best for the consumer if every game was available on every platform, but it's completely unrealistic to expect that in reality. It'd be great if I could choose between NBC, FOX, or CBS to watch the same monday night football game, to hear the commentary I like most, but it is a reality of business that those channels pay for exclusivity.
It's totally in the customer's right to complain, but it's retarded to complain to the store that you do not want to use. Complain to Walmart for not countering Target's offer.
There is nothing preventing Valve from counter offering Epic's exclusivity offers.

This is exactly why we should get rid of copyright and intellectual property laws. If you're against piracy then you have no right to complain about Epic monopolizing Metro

True, but the point was more for them paying for one key then getting a different one because of an exclusive deal

>of course it would be best for the consumer if every game was available on every platform
So you agree with me and everything else is you bitching that you're reluctant to do so. Nobody is arguing that reality is different from reality. They're arguing that this is bullshit that shouldn't be happening.
>It's totally in the customer's right to complain
So you agree with me but you're loathe to admit it. Once again.
>There is nothing preventing Valve from counter offering Epic's exclusivity offers.
Insisting that more companies should indulge in monopolistic business practices to compete with one another is still bad for customers and you shouldn't be trying to endorse this idea. Valve understands this and has more integrity than to stoop to this shit just to stop Epic from pissing in the pool.

>There is nothing preventing Valve from counter offering Epic's exclusivity offers.
This would make the gaming market much worse though

So, what's the problem with Epic Store and why does Yea Forums hate it while shilling Steam?

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Nobody is shilling Steam you stupid fuck.

dunno about Yea Forums but i don't want my PC to be clustered with stupid launchers, I already got too many.

dude Spartan editions and all that shit are still around and they are supposed to be timed exclusives , metro didn't sell shit
i don't even have a single friend that even plays metro

You are explaining jack shit user.

Even right now, you're just riling yourself up and going in circles, to jive with your earlier circular reasoning I would assume, which went something like "monopololizers engage in monopolization through monopolistic paractices to create monopolies, and monopolization is intrisically bad for consumers because monopolistic pratices causes monopolies that inherently hurt the consumer, who wants more choice because more choice is the opposite of what they would get in a monopolized market with less choice."

You're not backing up your ass at all on how "digital storefronts slapfighting over who gets to carry which piece of timewasting leisure software" has much if any relevancy to actual monopolization. You're being highly illogical.

Get a fucking grip.

You're confused as to why monopolies are a bad thing so you need it explained to you 10 different ways and you still refuse to acknowledge it. You're literally an ignorant piece of shit that understands nothing about economics or what is in your own best interest. You are exactly who this shit is meant to fool.

I know why monopolies are bad.
I never asked or needed to have it explained.
But this is not a monopoly and won't become one.

The idea of a game requiring a launcher of any sort is far more anti-consumer than being exclusive to one of them in my book. I have just as much issue with steam as I do with EGS, so if a developer is not taking a principled stance and putting their game on all platforms (or at the very least, on GOG or another DRM-free platform), exclusivity to a specific platform adds no further offense to me.
That all depends on the impact of the cashflow from these exclusivity deals. If steam and EGS competed actively for the right to sell more and more games, the rights fees will end up going up more and more. Given that studios are shutting down constantly, or relying on money grubbing microtransaction schemes, as a result of ever increasing development costs, if this helps offset those trends in the industry it is a net positive imo. Crying about EGS is wasting energy that could be used against Denuvo, which is far worse for the consumer, and is an anti-consumer practice the developer is PAYING to implement, rather than being PAID to implement.

Also, I don't buy video games from digital storefronts on PC, so I certainly won't be the victim of whatever fallout this shit causes.

I never claimed it was a monopoly. I said it was a monopolistic practice, then I explained to you why monopolistic practices are why monopolies are a bad thing. Your disconnect with monopolies and monopolistic practices is the problem with your misunderstanding. The practices are the bad part. Epic is adopting the bad practices. Customers have a problem with the practices because the effects of the practices make things worse for them. The label of monopoly is meaningless without the practices, so Epic's lack of a label is irrelevant. They're doing what a monopoly would in order to stay a monopoly. I'm not stating they will become a monopoly. Trying to act like one is bad enough to merit criticism and that's exactly what's happening. Epic is being criticized for being anti-consumer.

>The idea of a game requiring a launcher of any sort is far more anti-consumer than being exclusive to one of them in my book.
This doesn't excuse what Epic is doing. You can complain about more than one thing at a time. The fact that there's something else to complain about doesn't mean people should stop talking about how Epic is trying to fuck customers.

It's bullshit spin news, that's why. Metro Exodus had exponentially more hype and media coverage than the previous games, remember when it was basically the headliner for Microsoft at E3 last year? If it hadn't sold multiple times Last Light it would have been a huge flop. The fact that it only sold 2.5x Last Light is pretty bad actually.

Based Slavs and Chinks are working together to destroy the greedy American Steam.

The age of the pigs is over, Comrade. The USSR shall rise again

You're going off on a circular tirade again user.

Please refer to earlier where I several times over acknowledge the practice as "monopolistic". However, I refuse to see it as a particularly bad thing in this context, as I don't see it as particularly harmful to competition or the consumer.

And if we had to go off on every "anti-consumer" practice in the corporate world, then hoo-boy we'd be up all night. Things aren't "anti-consumer" just because you as a consumer aren't in favor of it. And just what the fuck is so great about consumption in the first place anyway.

Chill the fuck out.

>The game sold 2.5 times as much as its predecessor, Metro: Last Light did on Steam.
which sold like shit because it had huge issues with the publisher going bankrupt before release etc
there's a reason they're not releasing actual sales numbers

>china's best export is liveleak videos
there would be a war before china becomes numba 1 and if they grow in power and wealth their citizens will want a cut and they will get none then Chinese Revolution

Sounds to me like you’re the one that needs to chill out

any publicity is good publicity. it sold more because everyone was talking about it because it was was the first epic store exclusive. later down the line this loses its punch. it won’t last

Well it doesn't to me.

If Epic and Steam compete by buying exclusive access to titles that hurts the consumer more than anything as they get less choice in their decision of where to buy from. Smaller store fronts won't be able to compete with that as well meaning GOG might get less games than it would have before because Epic and Steam buy up any game with even a bit of hype. Most studios that are shutting down today are due to them not releasing interesting enough games that the customer wants. Also you know it possible for somebody to complain about shitty drm like Denuvo and shitty practices by storefronts right? Just because people complain about something online that dosen't mean that's what all their attention is focused on.

>as I don't see it as particularly harmful to competition or the consumer.
Epic alone controls the price of a game because they are the only vendor. They have no reason to offer a reduced price for customers because no other storefront can sell the game. The likelihood that they will pass on savings to the customer is remote because there is no external market pressure to do so. That's the entire reason why gaining exclusivity is even economically viable in the first place; there is profit to be made by being the only store in town that sells something people want. Not needing to compete is of great economic value which is why they're willing to spend so much to guarantee it. You're a fool if you think they're going to buy exclusivity without planning on capitalizing on it to at least make back their investment. Customers are ultimately the ones who will be forced to recoup these costs.

This is directly harmful to competition because it removes competition. This is directly harmful to the consumer because the product they want will not be available for a reasonable price.

I'm not stating opinions here. This is factual shit. It's how this sort of business is conducted and it's the only way exclusivity becomes worthwhile for companies who leverage for it.

Simple, I won't use a store that's holding games hostage. Simple as that. I will never support exclusivity bullshit that trash can stay on consoles where it belongs. Epic doesn't seem to realize that exclusivity is not a thing on PC because I can just pirate their shit.

I've missed all this epic store fuzz, please help me get on the board.

Having multiple redistribution companies doesn't seem bad because muh monopoly.
Yet Yea Forums seems to hate epic store.
So what's the twist?
Stricter DRM? Retarded devs? Terrible responses in twitter? Privacy violations? Bad services? Muh sjw politiks?

>buh....but that's hurting the dev's!
fuck em

You're welcome to read the thread.

>fuck em
I agree, but it's not even hurting the devs. It hurts the publishers who are just middlemaning Jews.

This is “RUSSIA HACKED THE ELECTION” tier bullshit.
Stop being such a fanboy and a child. Steam has competition and no amount of crying will fax that.

Call me when Epic stops trying to buy exclusives. Then we'll see how Epic competes with Steam.

Get fucked pc-fats. I hope they charge you for mods next.

These are the people that defend Epic. They're so salty their platforms are riddled with exclusive shit that they want it to infect the PC market as well so they don't feel so inferior.

Yea Forums only thinks these games are bad because Yea Forums is filled with Steam fanboys
I’ll bet you my life savings that Yea Forums would be praising this game if it was on Steam.

you know what hurts the devs? Their publishers giving them all this bad publicity making their games exclusive

No shit. The people who stand the most to lose are developers who are having their work dragged through the mud because publishers see a fat paycheck and can't say no.

What games on the Epic store are worth praising?

kill yourself chink

>any publicity is good publicity.
didn't work out too well for battlefield v

you are so stupid their are devs who have contracts with Epic who have made videos on this. They get paid a guaranteed amount of money for "guaranteed sales" and they do not get any more money until they have surpassed the amount epic gave them

>Respect it player

maybe he should respect the game as it is.

any average adult "gamer" has the ability to beat sekiro or any other souls game, but they lack self-discipline

CEO is a pathological liar
Chinese have a say over the company
Bad Services
inferior to Steam in every way
Spies on you
those are the issues I can name on the top of my head

Exclusives provide competition retard. Crying like the little bitchboy that you are won’t change that fact.
If the Devs didn’t want to be exclusive, they could have easily sold it on Steam.
It’s not like Steam doesn’t have exclusives either.

Nah i own all the consoles, exclusives don’t bother me. just think you faggots are totally insufferable and take joy in the possibility of you getting fucked.

it's on steam tho

Why can't any store or developer every release actual numbers?
What are they afraid of?
At least Activision and EA are public and have to give numbers.

Numbers are a negative thing unless they’re high. Think about it for a second. If a game sells low and they release those numbers then shitposters have a field day and generate so much negative press for it.

Steam isn't paying for them to be exclusive, that's the problem here retard

>Exclusives provide competition retard
This is 100% wrong. The exact opposite is true. This has already been explained to you in excruciating detail. Exclusives remove the possibility of competition. It is a micro-monopoly over a single product. The purpose is to remove choice from the customer and charge them more for the same product that would cost less if multiple vendors could sell it and COMPETE over customers.
>If the Devs didn’t want to be exclusive, they could have easily sold it on Steam.
The publishers make this decision. Not the developers. Secondly they wanted the money. They didn't want exclusivity. Exclusivity hurts their profits, which is why they needed a lot of fucking money in return for this decision.
>It’s not like Steam doesn’t have exclusives either.
Steam does no bribe or coerce publishers or developers to become Steam exclusive, nor does Steam prevent anyone from being on any other platform. Steam is an open platform.

I'm aware you're a console cuck and exclusives don't bother you anymore because you're so used to spending 3x more money on shit than you should reasonably be expected to. Your opinion is fucking worthless because you have absolutely no standards.

Should I be reporting OP for spam or ban evasion?

they don't provide competition because I'm not a drooling retard I just wont download shit because it has 1 game I thought of buying, I'm not gonna buy a PS4 for 1 exclusive and if you did then congrats you are the whale every company hunts for. The only service epic provides is taking sales from the devs if exclusivity works so good then why wasn't Witcher 3 locked to GOG only?