

Attached: 1623781652.jpg (1211x657, 389K)

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>game says he's a boy
>call him transgirl
What did tumblr mean by this

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Only socially inept malcontent sexually confused mental midget hedonists like this character sexually
Kyoko is shit, will always be shit, and you're shit for liking Kuudere cold bitches

What if you just want to rape her

>the crossdressing is just a coping mechanism
>he really wants to get stronger to prove his worth and ability to change
>trannies cannot comprehend this

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Rule violation: This is a blue board. Prepare to be punished.

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Do the world a favor and cut her hands off for the rest of us to eat later

>Faulrerro makes him a they in the abridged series anime
>he is dating a sjw now

>play DR2
>"tfw Chiaki will never be real"
>watch DR3
>"they shouldn't have made Chiaki real"

Why bring the feels user

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Alright faggot which DR character do you want to fuck then

Kyoko has like the third most porn out of DR girls.

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Only because she's the prime shipping candidate for the main character of the first game in the series

Sakura and Hifumi
anything would be preferable to touching that cold fetid corpse walking bitch
Thank god you have something to fap to you miserable cunts

I’m another timeline, Chihiro was left unharmed and ended up more beefy than Sakura

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>Can't cop a feel on dead Kirigiri later

Talk about double standards

Chihiro either follows the path of STR or INT, he became a nerd because he was weak, big guy Chihiro wouldn't get into HPA.


What did she mean by this?

alright you masochist power bottom, nobody's gonna stop you

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She wants you to feel her penis

who says he couldn't become ultimate expectation defier

he's already in HPA, all he has to do it hit puberty and get corn cob zoro to help him get into shape

she swore not to kill anyone anymore so what's the worst that could happen?

Chihiro is about 17-19 by the time of DR1, he isn't a shota like Jataro or Nagisa, he would like a bit like Goten or Trunks as a swole manlet.
>STR+INT+CHA Chihiro
Fuck, that would cool to see.

doesnt mean she won't want to put you in pain, but you probably want that

How come the anime managed to completely miss the tone and appeal of the games ?

>Genocide Jill

I thought Despair arc did an okay job, but Future arc was fucking atrocious.

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the unfunniest character in a whole game filled with funny characters

She was great in UDG

>nothing but dark hallways
>infighting for no reason, katana edgelord
>three morons trying to kill each other over diabetes
>in the end it was all mostly suicide anyway
>and just to get animekid to stream a vid
>and no monokuma to be a little shit
Nice "killing game".

I want to know how the chairman got Monaca to help

He didn't, Miaya got killed and replaced but no one noticed.

The only character I liked in this game was the surfer dude.
The rest were such a bunch of cunts. Pretry sure I ended up skipping half the dialogue of this game 2bdesu.

>surfer dude

>He didn't find the secret route to hang with the ultimate surfer dude, the 17th student hidden within the school

>Surfer Dude

Leon? Hagakure?

First half of Future was shit indeed, but it got better as time went on. Despair arc did the polar opposite, it was fun at first but after MINDHACC and everything else it went to complete shit.

What? I thought it was pretty obvious. Don't you need like a thousand tokens, all the report cards filled in, and to get through the whole game without losing influence in the trials? then you unlock him?

I think you also need to get Hagakure to predict his existence, and that point there is only a 1/3 chance that he'll show up in your save.

>Kuudere cold bitches
But that's the best type. I bet your beta ass likes that shy bullshit, shut the fuck up.

The characters were set up to all have obvious individual reasons to go full despair, but the anime just didn't have time for all that so they had to go with group hypnosis.

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>he didn't trick hagakure into predicting his nonexistence so he had a 70% chance of showing up

Trying to fit a 50~ hour story into 13 episodes will do that. Never understood why they even bother.

Dipshit bacon niggers always think I'm a Mikanfag or a Chiaki fag for YEARS and you're never more idiotic for suggesting it
Not everyone wants to deal with a completely emotionally devoid cunt, deal with it or take a big whiff of my ass crack. The other two are shit too, but I understand why people like them

>emotionally devoid
Based retard bro on the scene, Peko files under kuudere, please say that applies to her too.

Are you arguing that Kyoko isn't Kuudere?
Based newfag retard

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Woah. You're concerningly stupid.

PekoPeko's internal conflict comes from the fact that she ISN'T emotionally devoid when she believes she's supposed to be.

Are you feigning superiority because I'm not addressing Peko? We're talking about Kyoko, I don't know why brought her up.

Torture, since it involves no killing :)

What did he mean by this?

based and tonguepilled

Makoto, quick! You must stick your dick inside Kyoko!

"No"! My heart belongs to Junko Enoshima!

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End me with a giant rock, thanks.

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You forgot to mention wich Junko Enoshima imposter

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At least we're not sniffing Ann's feet in purse owner threads

He still died like a bitch.

A series with supposedly such shitty art consistently makes me harder than any other series before it. I just don't understand it.

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It's gotta be the eyeliner/lashes

Trannies are mentally ill.

Celeste best girl
Kyoko second best girl

I never understood why people say the art is so shit.

>Kyoko is anything close to "best"
even her father thinks she's a fuckup.

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Would she be good at vidya?

>images that precede unfortunate events

This is one of the worst girls. Everything about her is fake.

At least she's not Kyoko.

That's why she's good. She never pretends to be honest and pure.

>Celeste worst girl
How can you call a westaboo who wants to suck 1000 vampire dicks worst girl

Extra or missing fingers on characters, some CGs being better than others, that weird difference between cutscenes and CGs, It's charming art but inconsistent in every game

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Daily reminder Sonia lost her virginity before she entered high school and demanded money for it. Makoto and the gang also saw her do adult things in the toilet during the killing game.

Makoto has a cute butt

t. Kyoko

Would you Yea Forums?

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There is only one Junko Enoshima, faker! Here, I always carry a picture of her. It was love at first sight!

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I'm personally not a fan of the faces.

Bacon handjobs

Hey, wait a sec

>t. Sayaka

She's too dead to admire it

I want to get a hj from her rough burned hands

She’s admiring it from the afterlife.

Imagine getting a hj from one of them and licking the other for that delicious bacon taste

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Anything worth doing, is worth doing right.

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>ywn get a gloved handjob from Kyoko as she looks you into the eyes with her usual cold expression, only to let out a slight smile when she hears your moans of pleasure

Why even live

I'm literally going to cum.

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Be quick about it, then.

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Also, good morning, Yea Forums. Have a great day at work

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Actually I can't have to go, fuck.

Sakura a worst.

>Mikkan and Mugi not in D
Shit list

Based chartanon. Ibukikekd BTFO

Miu should have her own tier above the rest of those thots

Why is Kotoko higher than Monaca?


What the fuck are you saying? Miu is nor submissive(until you get in her face at least) or retarded.

I have the exact opposite opinion. Despair arc ruined all the characters.

This. At least we had memes and anticipation in Future.
Despair was terrible Chiakiwank. DR2's fall into despair by mindhack was a terrible disappointment.
Sometimes stuff shouldn't be explained. Their backstory was much better left unexplained

Despair Side should've just been the scene where Junko fucks with Juzo's head over his lust for Kyosuke's dick, except expanded for the entire DR2 class.

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>Peko not in S

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nhaaah mabobo

>Kills reasonable chunk of the 1st game
>characters get really popular but they're dead so there's nothing you can do

>they make pretty much everyone from the sequel survive
>Do nothing good with them besides cameoing here and there

>3rd game
>Kill almost everyone

I don't get it.

Things that should have been canon

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t. Komaru

that chiaki shoulda been canon indeed hot damn

Don't know much about DR but this one gets a muhdick/10

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Game was surprisingly alright but shit like this could've make it great.

>Sue Lightning and Bailey Jay are trannies who take HRT
>Yea Forumstards call them "traps" for some reason
What did Yea Forumstards mean by this?

>official translation

cringe, glad I played the base fan translation

she's pretty good looks wise but personality wise she's one of the least interesting in the series. despite the cast trying their best, she gains no character development (even what's supposed to be a touching moment with fuyuhiko is just ruined by her going "huh i dont understand lol")

I got a "dumb muscle" vibe and I'm cool with that. It can be cute at least.

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Yeah, it's a damn shame we never really got a decent amount of content about the DR2 cast in their Remnant form. You'd think that'd be a no-brainer, honestly.

Danganronpa Another Episode 2: The One Where Komaru Becomes Junko V2 And Everything Goes To Hell when?

How would that work without them trying to kill you?

if there's a UDG2 it will be about the Akamatsu twin and Maki

Honestly I didn't think the girls were too memorable. The guys were guys of the year though.

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Well, if the Remnants were working together with Monaca, then I'd assume they would also be in on her plan to turn Komaru into the new Junko, so they'd know not to harm her.

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Gundham is best DR2 boy hands down, good taste chief

Despair doesn't take form as just making everyone murderous lunatics. There's probably other ways to make them interesting.

Seriously, can someone please explain to me this "Ibuki=worst girl" meme? Where's the joke?

I like her because her autism isn't "being cute and shy XD". It's actually uncomfortable to be around her, she's so bad at even the most basic forms of social interaction.

This really wouldn't have made much sense and I'm glad we didn't get it.

Any Geezfans still around? How about Mahirucucks?


she is

Why wouldn't it have made much sense? Monaca's plan involved eventually getting the Remnants to congregate in Towa City to fuck shit up even harder, so it's not like them being there is completely pulled out of somebody's ass.

Unless there's another abridged series, I thought it was.
>STOP! We have to use "they" or else tumblr will kill us!
>Jokes, the made an AI that called him brother/father/master but no totally, we still have to appease the SJWs.

>ultimate boxer
>jobs to a singular girl

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Daily reminder that Death March Club will be a trainwreck, Too Kyo Games will fail and close and Kodaka will return to SC like a coward.
Danganronpa 4 soon

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>tired of making killing games
>leaves company to make other games
>makes another killing game
what did kodaka mean by this?

this p.r. study says otherwise

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He can only write the same story again and again, like his friend Uchikoshi.
Inshallah DMC will be as funny as ZTD, but that's unlikely...

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I'm going to assume B means Best, A means Aesthetics and S means Shit.

About time that they put Chunsoft's most talented writer on the job.

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>Akane "Too stupid for character development." Owari in b
>manipulative casting couched whore in c
>penguin of doom in s
this has to be a joke

How dare you say that about Sakura.

Cry harder, Ibukifag

>Ibukifags still seething

Dont use my wife Chiaki to help your shitty chart

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Chiaki 1st, Kyoko 2nd, Junko 3rd.

>play DRV3
>"oh thank God she's not real"

>Ibuki in S

I know you are an Ibukifag and you will never stop being mad. Here is my reaction to your behavior

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>Ibukifags still seething
Seething about what? People having shit taste?
All the better, it means Ibuki will be entirely for us

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>run credits
>"..Hey guys, maybe Tsumugi lied and some of it was real after all!"

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>MFW he believed that post was a proper reaction

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I want to fuck Saionji
t. french gendarme

>Canon pins Hopebot down and molests some technology into him
>Canon has built sex toys and other shit
>Theoretical event shows her getting frustrated at Shuichi playing innocent and she pins him down and rapes him

She's the least submissive character of the entire cast by a country mile, being even less subtle than Akane.

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Character development doesn't just mean that the character takes a complete 180 and turns into a different character. She went from being this wild dumbass who was utterly reckless to someone who attempts to be mindful of their step and (while still being prone to emotional outbursts) keeps it to a vocal level and doesn't step over the line. Turning Akane into a wiz kid would be utter shit writing, but turning her from a thoughtless monkey into just a regretful bozo is definite character development. Hell, she even actively attempts to help the cases later on (she's just too stupid to really figure it out) and provides emotional support to the team when applicable.

>you're shit for liking Kuudere cold bitches
Sorry, user, but you're just a giant faggot

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She's only a dom until anyone raises her voice at her even slightly.

Mahiru won me over with time because her dumb feminist rantings were more that she wanted her surrounding men to be good, responsible, respectable dudes (Unlike her shithead father), and demanded that they behave as such. Especially when contrasted against Tenko, who is literally just a retarded feminist and nothing else.

I hated Toko in the first game but good God did I want to fuck her in UDG

Wake up sheeple

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>Mahiru in C
>Sonia in A

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>tfw no boss rush game where you fight all the members of Ultimate Despair to put them in the simulator

That’s why he’s canonically a sub.

Why would you want to see a boss rush of Naegi talking them to sleep by making his hope speeches

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We'll be hunting them down with the lesbian duo!

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but there is no lesbian duo in the entire Danganronpa franchise


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Look at this retard

I thought Bailey Jay was literally a guy with tits

It’s a good team

>DR anime will never get into UDG

Toko a best

UDG sucks and both anime sucked. It's a match made in heaven.

ofc only spics like this shit

Lesbian duo not loli being stalked by a pedophile dyke

Alright, then.

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>he wouldn't select repeat over and over

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>Ibuki on the top
Into the trash it goes


I'll take the meat on my bone if you know what I mean

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Lesbian duo not necrophilia