Change my mind.
The game industry is dead, almost all the latest releases - sequels, remasters or remakes
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Me on the right.
I love Kass!
Oww, thank you cutie :3
Cyberpunk 2077
Code Vein
Astral Chain
Theres 4 new upcoming IPs off the top of my head.
Life has the meaning you give it and it is unfair to use others as objects to provide for that purpose when you can't provide for it yourself.
You disgust me.
i remember how everyone saying "you're just gettting old", "games arent dying" but then i played sekiro and enjoyed every bit of it, modern western games are garbage
You're welcome friend. Some kindness and friendly gestures aren't difficult and can really help, and there's even a selfish reason to do it because it feels good to be good to people!
Unfortunately for you, I not only do not care, but Kass is like the one on the right of OP's image for me.
Do not mistake industry for artistry.
>likes modern jap games
>hates modern western games
>ignores the endless flow of modern jap games to play modern western games
>ends up playing a modern jap game
>"wtf i guess the games industry really IS dying"
Noice speech, but how does this apply to the gaming industry?
>Cyberpunk 2077
>New IP
The game industry is as alive as ever. You can look at the past and see all these good games you enjoyed, but they're all right there available for you at any time. You don't have to wait for them, they're all right there, ready for you to play. Games released in the present don't have that luxury. You have to wait for them to come out, and that waiting can be agonizing. Especially if, while you wait for them, you look up other new releases, 90% of which are shit, and play through those to occupy yourself, which only makes the waiting even more agonizing.
Well, you're fucking doing it wrong. Instead, you can play old games that looked somewhat interesting, or maybe you heard good things about but you never got around to playing. There are tons of those out there. By the time you've thoroughly enjoyed some of them, those new releases you were waiting on will become "the older games that looked interesting" and you keep the cycle going. No agony. No wading through shit just because it's current. Just fun video games. Obviously there's some exceptions, like getting in on the latest game while it's still relevant to enjoy the multiplayer or the Yea Forums shitposting or whatever.
Just goes to show women are an obstacle blinding us from reality
oof, I didn't notice the picture I attached, it was picrandom
i disagree with that image since a system of ethics is irrelevant in this situation
a dog is a "good boy" (see: adequate domesticated animal) when it serves its "purpose" (see: listens to owner).
the owner's own glorified morality has nothing to do with the dog's decision to obey it's master
the only alive, good games are japanses games, meanwhile western games are in fact dying
and then there's this guy
The game industry is fucking huge.
There have been multiple good games released this year, if you can't see them you're not paying attention.
There are too many remasters but there's nothing wrong with good sequels, and remakes can be acceptable in the right context.
>first person to say they love me in over a decade is dying before my eyes
Life really has no meaning, fuck this shit
Grim Dawn just released a new expansion pack.
This post is retarded
In old games may become obsolete ideas, styles, gamedesign, graphics or they can just stop bringing the same joy as before
But, I play Pathologic for 20 time while waiting for the release of Pathologic 2, and it's pretty excruciating.
Just there is no fresh blood, that's what I wanted to say.
>only women can love another person
Huh, maybe we are worse than them
It's not the whole game industry, it's just the AAA part. It started around the MMO craze time. Now every big game company is chasing whatever trend they think will make them the most money instead of making games the devs want to play.
If we can't count new adaptations of licensed properties video games were never alive at any point.
The picture does not say that life has gained meaning after the appearance of a woman, it just says that life is perfect, but life still does not make sense in general
CoD caused it
And image related is why the divorce rate is so high. No one will *make* you happy. They can increase your happiness, but trying to make another flawed human the pillar that supports your entire life is just asking to be crushed when it crumbles under the pressure.
Yeah, that's why the divorce rate is high. Moron
I really enjoyed fragile dreams and lost in vivo lately but yes
most bigger titles are uninteresting garbage, even the bigger indie titles
It's not really that as much as A) people get married way too easily so they have no idea who the other person even is and B) you cannot go through life depending on someone else for positivity. Introspection is sadly a lost art and most go through life entertained by momentary pleasures without ever truly understanding themselves.
Of course I'm talking a bit of shit, its early and who gives a damn, but what I said is somewhat true. Some of you dumnfucks do seem to think having a girl in your life would somehow fix everything. That's not how it works. People get married thinking the honeymoon period will last forever and them end up resenting eachother when things settle down because they think the other 'changed' or they fuck around trying to find that excitment again.
True enough.
Sounds like you think everyone is a retard that marries quickly and makes bad decisions
Not at all. Just a lot. And maybe you since you seem oddly irritated by it. Coals cooling on the fire user? Or just clinging to the hope that another flawed human can fill the void inside?
The outer world's is a thing, I'm also excited for Babylon's Fall
this + Halo
Nah I'm just not autistic
just triple A titles i think, plenty of nifty indie games out there made in the west
so yeah the big industry itself in the west is more or less a cesspool exception made for some actually good single player games like GOW, DMCV
>4 old school fps coming out this year
Nah, you're either a casual shitter, a gook worshipper or a console fag.
Could have fooled me
>woman or white knight
>both are equally feminine so it doesn't really matter which
Hi. Want to go on a cheap date and then put out afterwards? I'll buy you fries.
I feel sorry for ya
>tfw girlfriend suffers from severe depression and I want what's in op's pic so fucking bad but Everytime I do, her bipolar kicks in and ruins it all, trapping us in a never ending cycle.
Video Games are meant to sequels retard. They aren't fucking movies.
meh it did get inflated with a lot of garbage for the sake of easy shekels but there are a lot of good games comming out, I'd even be willing to say it's having an upswing, maybe you're a bit too cynical of them user.
Having a gf won't magically fix your shitty life problems in fact, chances are if you have so many problems your gf is bound to have the same amount if not more so.
I don't think about you at all.
Wtf I love Mad Men now??
No please, think about all the happy memories we had together user
That is because the games part of video games is naturally geared towards sequels.
Based and redpilled post
it's dead because you faggots keep supporting AAA companies
I can't change what you don't have.Try looking beyond AAA trash.
I hope you don't mind, but you've inspired me to show my love for my bird. One day I hope to have as many pictures as you, but even if I won't, I'll still try and love Revali as much as you love Kass.
Why do you retards do this? The word is FIXED, you fucking moron.
Don't follow exclusively Triple A Western games and Nintendo titles and you'll be fine
It's called Neologism my uneducated nigga.
suggest me some of good underground titles
>sequels are bad
fuck off
The barrier to entry is lower than ever for devs and there's more games being put out than ever the fact that you choose to only focus on sequels and remakes just shows that you're purposely boxing yourself in
blind idiot
Doomer, become a Bloomer. Rise in the name of the Light. Live again.
I don't mind at all, as long as you have a healthy relationship with him and you aren't crossing me and Kass, that's all that matters to me.
The game industry is dead but unfortunately its bloated corpse will continue to shamble along, propped up by the mainstream cancer that killed it.
You're right. I've been going to the gym and looking for a relationship. I'll spend my money elsewhere since no games have interested me for the past two years
False, dog is by default a good boy.
It's dead, when games like a remake of Resident evil 2, a decade later sequel to Kingdom hearts, Vampire bloodlines sequel and another sequel to devil may cry are the biggest new games on the block hows how creatively bankrupt the gaming industry and especially the japanese gaming one for rehashing old games instead of making anything new. When you have modern audiences on Yea Forums openly welcoming lazy efforts like this instead of the ones that dare to be creative, adventurous and break the mold on what a video game is.
Time to move to a new hobby because it's obvious that gamers dont care about new games anymore they just care for more of the old.
she just needs a good dicking
this is completely untrue
Just because its a sequel doesn't mean it isn't a different game.
DMC1 to DMC5
OG Legend of Zelda to Breath of the Wild
Same for certain remasters like RE2
Games like Nier Tomato and that one game about the bitch with psychosis gave me hope that AA games would make a comeback this gen, but those games seem to be outliers
This gen was still dominated by indies and AAA live services/interactive movies (which is okay some of them were realy really good!)
But AA devs add variety to the gaming landscape that indies and big budget hits cannot
That makes no sense. Companionship is a vital component of mental health, whether you like it or not.
People are objects. You are an object, I am an object. Human relationships only exist for us to be useful to each other. Companionship, sex, emotional support, money, resources, shelter, these are the things humans trade back and forth during relationships. There are no relationships that exist "just because", it's all objects trading resources with each other.
About half of all marriages end in divorce.
On average, 41% of marriages contain a spouse who say they have committed infidelity.
About 68% of women say they would commit infidelity if they knew they would not be caught.
Remember: it's not worth it.
Stick with 2D.
It's not dead because of sequels it's dead because the funding for big games is always coming out of the pockets of people that don't like games. They just want money. They just want stock returns. They only want growth. Appoint another fuckwit design lead and executive producer. The same boomers making the same games using the same mechanics for 2 fucking decades. That's what's killing the game industry. Publishers and studios are making more money than ever while the games are more boring than ever.
Where are the ubiquitous mechanics? The elegantly coded variables you can mix together to do something unique? Objects that have meaning because it's value is perfectly balanced and integrated across every system? More artists joining big studios to make photorealistic assets that lack art style. More DLC for your auto-attack simulator. Another RPG with no mechanics. Another meme game. Another 2D-big eyes-indie-vania-rogue-platform-emotional-cinematic-early access extravaganza. A company just making what people don't hate is impressive now.
>remasters and remakes of the old, classic games which anyone with a lick of taste for good vudya have begged to play again for decades
They almost never fail to be one of the best games of the years they come out, because the majority of modern games are horrendous.
Borderlands 1 coming out literally on Wednesday as a rereleased free update with a shitton of fixes as well as new content is the hypest fucking thing in years, because when it came out it was GOTY but unfixable FOV and some other issues have made it unplayable for years. It's finally returning and only an actual brainlet would complain.