Honestly, my only complaints are that I wish the environments were more varied, and I wish after you beat the game it would let you choose whatever character you wanted for each level. Other than that this game is what I hoped it would be and I had a lot of fun.
Honestly, my only complaints are that I wish the environments were more varied...
Oh, right I'm on Yea Forums. Let me try again.
>Sekiro Fags still seething because pic related is the best action game of all time
Fromdrones suck dick.
I agree pretty much. But I wanted a good co op component more than anything.
I’m hyped for bloody palace for that reason.
Is it worth it if I never played any of the others?
For the action, yes. Although I do recommend all the games except 2 for fun factor.
I'm being honest when I say I have no interest in the older titles. I just enjoyed the demo for 5
Yeah, I'm super excited to do silly shit in BP with a friend. The bullying is going to be unreal.
Yes. The game gives you a quick summary of events if you want to know about the story, and honestly the only thing you're really going to be missing is a shit ton of references. However, I would also recommend you play all the other games (2 is considered bad but it's... Manageable if you're starved for action games, and honestly you can skip it)
Imagine posting on here and never played DMC3
>I wish the environments were more varied
This is such a common complaint with DMC5, and I really don't get it at all. Every level in Redgrave takes place in a completely different area. And the Qliphoth areas are all completely different looking too. Mission 8 is like a hellscape. Mission 10 and 13 could be straight out of Aliens. 14 is in some kind of pocket dimension. 15 is more like a gnarled wood. And 16 might as well be an underwater level. They even gave all the Qliphoth levels their own distinct color stories.
Anyway, I'm right with you on the selectable character for each level. Fucking Grim Grips.
So does Nero work for Dante? his van says Devil May Cry.
Coop BP
Divergence mode (play as any character on any mission)
April 1
screencap this
holy fuckkk dont use nightmare as V just power up your guys with the L trigger and they rape everything in seconds
Can we not start a shit post war? I honestly just want to talk about the game with other anons that also had fun. It is a shame that he didn't play/doesn't want to play 3, but everyone is different and some people are going to be more attracted to the more polished gameplay of 5.
In the novel for 4 Dante gives him that sign. He doesn't technically work for Dante. He did set up his own branch in the city that he and Kyrie live in.
>Last floor of co-op BP
>You come out of different portals and have to fight each other
A full character select would have been amazing.
One reason I'm looking forward to bloody palace is that I'm hoping to fight some bosses, namely V's, as Nero or dante.
While part of me thinks this would be cool, another part of me hopes it won't happen. The combat system is pretty shit for PVP. Nero with Ragtime alone could lead to some 100 - Death combos.
Missions 19 and 20 should have been more than the boss fight.
Better level design and variety.
Half-assed coop.
Battle themes should have continued in the second half of the game, they get removed for too many late-game missions.
Son of Sparda should have been selectable from the start.
Bosses and more than one enemy at a time in the practice mode.
>Son of Sparda should have been selectable from the start.
But it is if you're as good as you think you are
I had the opposite realization where I used to always DT shadow and griffon and then noticed nightmare just fucks shit up.
Now I only DT shadow sometimes when I'm feeling too lazy to control him.
>Bosses and Enemy types in practice mode
This is another good point, I'm hoping they add this at some point down the line, I would have preferred it in the base game but we'll just have to hope it comes in an update.
Beating Urizen on the first go with no skills is infinitely harder than playing SoS mode in it's entirety.
Doesn’t that skip straight to DMD?
>Bosses and more than one enemy at a time in the practice mode.
Yes and yes. Give me (loath as I am to say it) Nier Automata’s practice mode.
It unlocks SoS early, and doing it on SoS unlocks dmd early, and hell and hell can be unlocked early the same way
I thought doing it on DH instantly unlocked DMD mode.
>Getting to HaH just by beating Urizen in the prologue
Jesus. I can't imagine fighting and beating Prologue Urizen with no upgrades and no new abilities.
this changes everything
Not confirmed but was in some datamine or something.
okay I'll simmer down until then. If it is, I'm going to force my friends to buy the game
I’m planning on buying the game for my friend if the co op does happen.
its all bad
So you're not skilled enough to take on SoS with no upgrades, since it's intended to be played with them, obviously.
The V levels keep this game from being higher than a 7/10. I've never dreaded replaying a dmc game because of a handful of levels. V is such an unfun piece of shit.
Why? V is fun. The problem is that he's too limited and too powerful. It's not something to get sore over, though. It's only four levels anyway.
He's unfun. I'd rather have more nero and dante levels than play this piece of shit. This is the least fun i've had playing dmc since 2.I'll probably stop after SoS and only play bloody palace.
What don't you like about him?
None of his moves feel satisfying to do
He doesn't do enough damage outside of DT
Just fucking boring to play, I have to open youtube and listen to something else while doing his levels.
I already stopped at SoS, V is such a piece of shit. His playstyle is ambitious on paper but there's just no nuance to his gameplan, just mash buttons and sometimes negative edge for ez SSS, it's not even rewarding to actually learn his moves and not mash. Real shame because I love his character and would like to see him return. His playstyle is not suitable for a character action game, more belongs to a game like Dragon's Dogma since that game already has mash-to-chaos classes like mystic knight and magic archer.
you might have ADHD
You know what you must do.
>you dont like thing so you must have adhd
Here's your reply
Just saying, user. V's levels aren't all that long and they're pretty easy even on DMD. If you genuinely can't make it through his levels without something on in the background then ADHD is a serious possibility.
I really want to bully faggot time horse with Nero or Dante. The worst thing is if BP just comes with the leaked/mined level layouts we won't even get to fight him in it.
I don't want to think that you're so retarded to actually believe that this is adhd related.
>Never gets past rank B
Like I said, not rewarding. To get SSS with Dante or Nero you HAVE to be crazy, V is just not engaging.
You're talking absolute nonsense. For one, the video was demonstrating stylish combos, not trying to go for score. Secondly, getting to SSS is easy with V. Finally, you absolutely do not need to be crazy with Nero or Dante to reach SSS. Nero can get there with a few JCs, an air taunt, an a break age. Dante can get there with Honeycomb, Ignition, and Real Impact. The point with all three characters is to have fun.
>Never gets past rank B
Are you new to the series?
>Bloody Palace co-op
Oh boy, I can't wait to piss people off with my shittiness!
Code implies you have to beat it to be able to play it with others.
That's probably for the best. I mean, if one of the players died midway, it'd be a solo run the rest of the way through.
I don't know user, it's a pretty common sign of ADHD and generally one of the main indicators that someone is suffering from it. Have you gotten checked up on it by any chance?
So what the fuck happened to the rank system in DMC5?
>Get hit an assload of times
>Not really all that stylish either
Unlike previous games it only has one ranking criteria: Stylish points. It's averaged out from all encounters in set blocks. S rank requirements from Human, DH, SoS, and DMD are 4000, 5000, 5500, and 6000 respectively. Therefore, the only way taking damage affects your ending rank is that it lowers your stylish rank, but even then, only if you get staggered. So if you take light hits in DT or while using Cavaliere, you won't even lose points for that.
It's not a bad system, really. They just set the requirements for S ranks too low. It should've been 5000, 6000, 6500, and 7000.
nigger if I could pull off shit this cool I wouldn't give a fuck even if I'd be at dismal the whole time
but I know what you're talking about, I don't really like V that much and I'm never gonna be this good with him, I just somehow can't feel his summons like I feel dante/nero, but that vid kinda restored my faith in him actually
This guy did another video suggesting ways Capcom could improve V. So he'd agree that V is too limited and lacks so key control features and options. I think most people agree with that. There's a difference between acknowledging that the character's too limited and calling him a pile of shit that ruins the game, though.
>Of all the releases in Q1 only Jap games got a into the 90s range
>2 of them are from Capcom
I just wish this game didn't need more than 5 fucking loading screens to play.
>I wish after you beat the game it would let you choose whatever character you wanted for each level
Oh man that would make the S ranking every mission trophy a breeze.
>game adds the ability to play any mission with any character
>but now S ranks only count for the individual character
>now you have to S rank every single mission as V to get the cheevo
10 and 18 would still be niggers.
>now you have to S rank every single mission as V to get the cheevo
18 was ez, 10 is nonsense and I still don't have it.
>Implying I don't want to play every mission as every character so I can play the entire game as V
>He wants to do mission 17 with V
menus and loading screens are dogshit
i just want to play the damn game
Plus how would you be able to escape Combos?
Against People that really knew what they were doing, it'd just be 1 touch kill
This. That new datamine with the mode unlock messages has me so excited. Full on co-op for 101 floors UUUUUUUHHHHH give it to me capcom. Just a few days left.
If you enjoyed the demo then you'd enjoy 3 and 4.
>Half-assed coop
No. It was intentional. The game is supposed to be a single player. It's just a fun addition. BP will have full co-op anyway. Full co-op in story mode would break the game.
I'd like to be forced to do something other than trickster around his head where he can't hit me.
Well, you're gonna fight him in BP, so you'll get that chance.
It's easily my GOTY but holy shit the Vergil vs Dante theme was such a disappointment
They literally could have just given him the Cavaliere Angelo or Urizen 3 theme and it'd be amazing
>not liking The Duel
It's up there with Vergil 2
I liked it.
>mode unlock messages
Like triple jump air taunt calibur around his head where he can't hit you? Or teleport cane jump cancel around his head where he can't hit you?
People always defend that piece of shit track, but I'm right with you.
What the fuck was his problem?
Posting actual Dante's theme.
She's a woman in a man's body.
The restrained with no gimmicks is great in my opinion. I do agree about the character selection though.
If the datamined shit is to be believed, they saved the character selection for the BP update.
How do I play Nero better? I'm just doing the same lazy combos over and over with a devil buster here and there. Do I need to make better use of devil breakers to be truly stylish?
Yes, learn2exceed and ghost punch too.
Exceed, break ages, always be charging, the floor is lava.
If they were to do that, just make it like how Vergil will fall out of combos after enough damage. Ez fix. I mean there's no real way I can see PVP in DMC being a perfect experience, but I'd honestly have to change my pants if the last coop level was just fighting your friend so long as it was passable.
So I finished 1 and it was pretty good for such an old game and now I'm tanking 2 for some god damn reason but I have to say it's really fucking bad so far. I hope the rest is better, though I don't know whether to skip the remake or not.
Mastering exceed timings is probably the biggest thing, but also use your arms more (both the normal move and the break-age), and rebind the gun to one of the shoulder buttons so you can always be charging it. Ghost punch is good too but there's so many fucking buttons to keep track of at that point that I mostly neglect it. You don't NEED it to be stylish, it will either help if you can pull it off or it will hold you back because it's just too much shit at once to keep up with. Also remember to do regular air-taunts (you can even max-act with it).
You can skip 2 user, it's fucking bad. 3 is great 4 is half a great game since it's literally unfinished.
Its so good when i dont have to choose and just enjoy both games equally.
As someone who's never played the series before this one, I enjoyed it a lot BUT
>I wish each character had a few more levels
>Boss-only levels feel like a bit of a cop-out
>It should not be possible to turn auto-assist on by accident (I did this several times)
>Once they get inside the demon tree all the levels end up looking and feeling very samey; the urban/urban but overrun environments were all better
>Story pacing felt a bit off
>Game tells me Nico, Lady, and Trish are all good but only Nico gets to do anything actually cool (though Lady's cute)
Did you even watch the video?
He gets an S rank too. Though, when you're going for stylish combos the rank doesn't matter anyways.
Lady and Trish are pretty much just there as fanservice for those who played the previous games. Though if we're lucky we might get to play as them in the upcoming DLCs.
It's a decent track but using it for Vergil was disappointing. I was expecting something more blood pumping and orchestral like Vergil 2 and 3.
>Once they get inside the demon tree all the levels end up looking and feeling very samey; the urban/urban but overrun environments were all better
I didn't feel this way. All of the Qliphoth levels have pretty distinct visual themes and unique color stories.
>Story pacing felt a bit off
Definitely. You should try out DMC3. It's got a really good story.
>Game tells me Nico, Lady, and Trish are all good but only Nico gets to do anything actually cool (though Lady's cute)
They were basically added for fan service. Trish has an important role in DMC1, and Lady is extremely important in DMC3, but they're both basically tag-alongs after that.
>requiring 7000 points to S rank mission 10
Aw hell no!
Mission 10 just needs a rework in general. So many small encounters, and no boss.
He succeeded.
The part where he struts across Shadow's spike with his book was smug as fuck.
>You should try out DMC3. It's got a really good story.
I plan to once I've finished up with V. I wanna try my hand at the higher difficulties first.
Yeah, way too much of the game was in that damn tree.
By all means. No DMC is complete on the Normal setting. Anyway, glad you're enjoying it.
I love this game, but if we're already complaining, well.
I think the single biggest problem with the entire game is the fact that your Stylish points seem to be an average of your encounters. Since encounters can be a single optional Empusa where you can't build up a high ranking, there are a bunch of cases where you're penalized for fighting enemies and rewarded for running past encounters. I really don't understand why this is the case since it doesn't feel very stylish. I don't know why they didn't just make stylish points cumulative to avoid this problem.
The problem with that is then it'd be way too easy to cheese stylish points by just spending 20 minutes perfect blocking one enemy then going through the stage as shitty as you like. The other problem is how to balance cumulative stylish points around optional encounters. Do you balance the S rank without the fights, and make it easy to S rank if you do go after them, or balance the S rank with the optional fights included and force people to go after them?
I feel like the system they have now is the best. Not perfect, but no time or orb % is great
That is a glaring flaw. Taking Mission 15 for example, that level is a sprawling tangle of twin paths with tons of optional encounters, but the safest way to S rank it is to just run straight through, where you're only fighting three forced encounters and then the boss.
I've known about the series for awhile, but always been too intimidated to dip my toe in, what with how everyone talks the series up. I've never been much of a reflex gamer and the games all looked very execution-heavy (as opposed to, say, Souls, which is more slow and deliberate).
Capcom putting a demo out was enough to get me here. I'd never have taken the plunge without it. A friend filled me in on the plot I needed so I mostly understood what was going on, not that I would have complained if I hadn't. It's the fifth game in the series, it was on me to look it up or play the previous ones.
There's a leak of all 101 floors. Dunno about coop.
>that floor with 3(three) furies
You can't cheese stylish points that way because if I understand the system correctly, points are basically damage done x current style ranking. So royal guarding one dude until you're at SSS is worth one dude's worth of HP x SSS rank.
I would say that you balance it around doing the optional fights to some degree. In general I think it's much more stylish to actually fight every enemy in your way instead of running, but you could balance it just so that you could still get an S rank even if you're missing some fights. It doesn't have to be like Bayo 1 where missing any verse completely tanked your rank.
>spam rawhide
>spam ragtime
>spam ice age
How do I meet the conditiins for that M11 achievement? It says to do the mission without a weapon set equipped, but I can't seem to unequip E&I or any of Dante's swords.
>safest way
This goes against the entire point of the game, though. If you're actually good, especially on higher difficulties, you can do every optional fight and S rank the level easily. It's just easier if you run through and skip the optional fights
It is not execution-heavy until the hardest difficulties, where touching the ground can be a complete death sentence, let alone the fuckers that can chase you in the air, webm related
>The problem with that is then it'd be way too easy to cheese stylish points by just spending 20 minutes perfect blocking one enemy then going through the stage as shitty as you like.
The older games solved this by also judging your time. They should have just used DMC3 rankings without the red orbs.
You have to beat the game on Son of Sparda to be able to unequip all weapons.
>This goes against the entire point of the game, though.
Exactly, that's why the ranking system is flawed.
Oh so Irregular Full Custom does that too then. Thanks.
Red Orb rank was fine in 1 and 3 because the number of orbs you got was also tied to the style rank that you killed an enemy at. The problem is in 4, it specifically graded you on collecting red orbs from the environment, which is just a drag.
>Nero players bustering poor V players asses to death.
Actually V would get his ass kicked by everyone, even if it was another v player
heres a laundry list of changes, improvements and add ons ranging from the easiest/ most realistic to implement the most dreamy scenarios
>qol changes like letting dante switch loadouts without leaving the void like nero can
>qol changes like increasing the amount of loadout/ magazine slots, possibly to an infinite amount or at least infinite enough to be a non issue for anyone
>lessen the load times, allow players to access a version of the menu without the need for loadable background bullshit or somehow patch in a reworked system where it doesnt need a different loading screen between customization and mission start
>add in new skins, from low effort like Nero with the devil bringer/ dante with shorter hair to completely new outfits (coatless costumes, classic outfits, recolors etc etc)
hopeful tier
>vergil (the most likely)
>allow to play as all characters in all missions
>weapon skins (not just recolors except for maybe the devil breakers)
>one new weapon/ gun for dante and one or two new breakers for nero (could be something like spiral and agni&rudra for dante)
>something new to play around with for V
unrealistic but godlike tier
>breaker switcher for Nero, let people cycle the breakers with dpad left and right without breaking them
>a complete overhaul/ new system for V that makes him a viable character for people to main
>quicksilver for Dante, the coding and physics are already literally in the game but only Nero has access to it
The problem wouldn't be infinite combos (which, as you say, can be easily worked around) but shit like this.