>western character design
Western character design
Other urls found in this thread:
>not a queen of hearts
Dayumn gurl lemmie holla @ u. Ay ay yo suck on this bbc you white ho. Choke. Yeah... Choke you bitch. Come here cuck lick my ass while I fuck your wife. Das rite dis is where all white boys belong.
>he doesn't know
Very nice, blizzard always makes the most high "fidelity" characters.
Anyone got a link to the model?
I wish that was me
This but unironically.
>fanart does a better job than the original
I love female armpits so much. God fucking damn.
I'll be real the queen of hearts shit is so fuckin weak, not only cause you're settling for another gimmick but copy pasting over top of it with a watered down imitation but, the fact they just couldnt come up with literally any other symbol or reference for her to fuck white dudes... full on mediocre.
Vidya games
>no pubes
shitty edit
Bleached fetish is somehow even shittier than blacked. Keep race out of porn
you can fap all you want because it's all she is gonna let you do to her, whitey : )
>Needing to pretend fucking a .jpg to get yo dick hard.
OH how the Q tattoo turned out to be after starting so strong.
Why would you shoop out the best part of the picture?
No bush? dropped
>ex capcom artist
based and redpilled
haha hey my gf has a tattoo just like that
Yeah mine too, she has hers on her ankle. Said she used to be in an all girl poker team and that’s as the logo.
>Keep race out of porn
I guess the whole race porn is mostly American thing. I live in 99% white country and I've never understood the whole race dynamics kink either way.
>Nigs come up with Blacked
>Asshurt huwhite bois copy it wirh Bleached
>Claim it makes niggers mad
>Blacks do the QoS stuff
>Whyte """men""" copy it with QoH
>Claim it makes nigs mad
Pathetic desu
except it was white people that came up with BLACKED.
Actually it was jews.
Jewish people aren't white.
Who needs race baiting porn when they girls can fuck each other with monster cocks?
It's a form of degradation. Everyone recognizes niggers as inferior so some people get off on watching a woman get defiled by half a step above an animal.
but the people spamming blacked threads and making these shitty edits are white people.
the people jerking off to blacked porn are white americans.
No they're not retard.
Actually it's a mentally ill Eurasian and three of his e-friends who are behind the majority of cuckposting, SPH fetish shit and BLACKED postiing.
What country, user?
Yuck! This makes me glad that I'm a virgin.
Hey don't lump us SPH chads in with the bbc posters
Muy bueno
eurasiantiger, right? or maybe thats another hapa incel im thinking of. dont understand, why do hapas get off from blacked shit?
Interracial porn of any kind is predominantly white fetish. According to pornhub stats Africans want to see ebony porn or lesbians.
Yes, that's him.
In his case, he was kind of fucked from the start. His dad was violently abusive white trash and his mother was schizophrenic.
Gee, I bet it can't be because whites are taught to hate their race.
Unironically Mercy's best non lewd
>both like pubs
mens of taste i see
both mens of taste ,just a bit of pubes
>Yea Forums standards for "good character"
For a board on a crusade against casual normies, you fags sure have the most casual normie OMG MUH DICK DOSE DIDDIES view of characters in vidya. Pretty pathetic.
The "mandingo" fighting thing was all whites in early american colonies, breeding blacks for fights and trading them to fuck their wives. BLACKED and cuckoldry by the BBC was invented by white american plantation owners, because apparently degrading a man and objectifying him to be simply his fists and penis was getting the fat fucks off. Blacks claimed it and today own it, while whitey is butthurt.
No it’s mostly white guys. Fat sissy gay white guys
They post pictures of themselves on their /h/ cuck discord
Plantation owners were kikes though. The slave trade was mostly jews.
I’d rather keep believing it’s asian behind it than aknowledge that “””men””” of my race have fallen so low. They all deserve to be shot.
>da joos did 9/11
>da joos conquered constantinople
>da joos poisoned the wells with the plague
>da joos did the holocaust
>da joos killed the noble neanderthal
>da joos are delaying bannerlord
>da joos joos joos my joos joos
Utterly based and redpilled. This should be the future for all whitoids
Opening this image from the office was a mistake.
How do I flush the router before my sysadmin sees it?
Blizzard, for all their faults, are some of the few western devs still willing to make hot females.
>Posting a cuck edit
Imagine going out of your way to photoshop that for your thread
Wtf happened to white “””””””men”””””””?
Fuck off retard.
They are a funny company in the way they both keep pandering to SJWs and making titty armors. I guess leftist types forgive objectification of women as long as you remember to say that character X is gay every now and then.
>da joos did the holocaust
They unironically inflated how bad it was to garner international sympathy. You people are sheep.
>m-muh lampshades!
Never happened and they admitted they lied. I wonder what else they lied about.
Nothing, white men have always been exploratory when it comes to gender expression.
>thumbnail looked like a pubic hair peek
>its a fucking tattoo
why tho
bleached shit is actually funny, shows how triggered and insecure the posters really are
If it wasn't sixty millions lampshades. If it was sixty thousand. If it was six hundred. IF IT WAS SIXTY DUDES. If it was sixty dudes that were arrested, forced into slave labor, and then executed, by the government, for their ethnicity, it would STILL be enough to sentence the whole government to death. The number doesn't matter, the crime could be A THOUSAND TIMES LESSER, and it would still be one of the most horrific crimes in history.
Why is BLEACHED insecure but BLACKED isn't? The latter is just as much, if not moreso
Original is pubic hair
Both of them are posted by white men. Black men don't watch BLACKED porn, they watch black women getting fucked by black men.
And America had Japanese concentration camps during ww2 and were allied with USSR which government was made up out of jews who forced native Europeans to Siberia. What's your point?
>western character design
How is it more insecure? All hentai/cartoon porn features a light skinned dude you could call white anyways, an dyet they go above and beyond to be reactionary towards this other fetish they feel damages their identity and racial pride
its a start, but the bush needs to be bushier
there is a god afterall
>ywn grab Mercy's hand as you tell her you love her on your bed
because BLEACHED was created as a whiny response by white men to BLACKED porn
I honestly forgot that Quake Champions was a thing once.
Why do you know that and have that ?
blacked is a dumb meme
bleached is a reaction to said meme
this reaction stems from what exactly, I wonder
I recognize that gay porn tier.
The point is that USA and USSR tried to keep these people alive, while Germany intentionally murdered them.
In a concentration camp, you concentrate risky people in one area, so that you need fewer guards to keep an eye on them. And they are camps, people are expected to live there. Thats the whole point. "Concentration" "camps".
With the nazis it was murder slave pens. They were places people were sent to work involuntarily, as slaves, and then they were murdered.
Don't compare "we are at war with japan, so we are afraid of the local japs, and we need to keep an eye on them" with "da joos are interdenominational orcs that drink aryan blood, we need to murder every single one of them". You are committing the crime you accuse others of a post ago.
I'm gonna marry D.va!
is it even a good game ?
saw that there was a beta back then, but never bothered with it
Did you know that BLACKED porn has always been operating at a loss? Makes you think about the jewish agenda, but you wouldn't know that. You've always been a pet to either white people or now the jews.
Yeah, you'll be grabbing her hand while she gets railed by a poc instead.
it stemmed from Taboo fetishes, throughout history, the white women fucking a black man was seen as a taboo thing to do. Porn companies caught on to that and then decided to capitalize on it, then it became a massive market because who would've thought so many people were into taboo porn :|
She looks like she fuck black guys.
So I can shame cucks everythime they cuckpost
The camps discovered by US didn't see any of that
Only camps discovered by USSR saw death camps ever, actually all camps discovered by USSR were death camps while none discovered by US were not, funny how that came to be
know what?
No one is claiming Nazi concentration camps didn't exist. They are claiming Nazi death camps didn't exist.
>"Hey i putted a queen of spades tattoo on art of fictional woman from videogames" *SNORF* "Lolollo I am so troll genius" *Snoorrrrf*. "Ohohohohooh they gonna write how cuck I am" *SNOOOOOOOOOORF* *Sips from bottle of expired bootleg mountain dew* "I will call them stupid whities" *SNOOOOOOOOOORF* "LoooooL I controll Yea Forums" *Massages nipples on his fatlard body* " oh yes go mad fucking idiots because I am a manipulator" *SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORF*
I don't know who's sadder, the white """men""" or the niggers desperate enough to go for this shit
Funny how Germans did their dark deeds in Poland, and not in Germany.
Funny how the Jews were murdered nearer to where they lived, and weren't shipped west before being murdered.
Funny how old Russian/Austro-Hungarian fortifications and train stations that were repurposed to camps were in old Russian/Austro-Hungarian territory, and not German territory.
Funny how you can make such abhorrent posts without 2 minutes of thinking.
I still hop in for a few games of team deathmatch every now and again. They made the load times worse, made it run worse than before (used to get 144fps stable at 1440p).
Gameplay is fine, you can go fast and it can be fun but abilities ruin it imo.
Why would you lie you self-hating faggotlover?
These abominations should not be allowed to exist.
>implying black people care about BLACKED porn
>people seriously waste time in their life to make these edits for some dumb meme fetish
Which one of those cucks are you fag? Buttmad your little fag nigger lover club has been revealed?
nice porn post more no mods
>Western character design is ba-
What if there was a typhus breakout in the Japanese concentration camp? What if America was losing a war on all fronts and their supply lines got cut? Would America still care about the Japanese concentration camp or just leave it be and save themselves? Judging from the Spielbergs holocaust memory tapes, it seems like a lot of holocaust survivors had a great time in the camp. They had concerts, guards playing football with the camp inhabitants. It's also weird how most concentration camp pictures were faked by the USSR. Oh and wooden gas chamber doors are also questionable, the chimney built after the war also. But who am I to ask. I'm just a stupid goy. I should go back to my holocaust history class and only learn about single monopolized holocaust - the jewish one, even though there have been shitloads of other holocausts during WW2, but they're put under the blanked because Murrika was allied with soviet jews. Truly the greatest ally.
talking about the ones in the discord, like if you're gonna get your dick sucked you can do fucking better
cringe and rentfreepilled
White dudes are the default dicks in porn. Blacks are seen as a fetish or a taboo to most porn viewers. Trying to push BLEACHED as some sort of fetish is just you announcing you're uncomfortable when you see black dick in porn.
i need more retard keep posting
From their discord all the black people who liked BLACKED are inferior fat baby dicked Mongs. Literally black incels and baby dicked black guys larping. Everything we knew about blackedposters is true, it’s just pathetic people larping
from what I've seen from the multiple threads where people mention that discord, the black people that are usually in those discords are already in BMWF relationships and it's usually the girl just bragging about the black boyfriend(like how the white guys act in that discord)
I mean, that's MOST fetishes. Especially when you take those fetishes to discord, 9/10 the people you find that want to talk about their fetishes on DISCORD end up being larpers
>Yea Forums character design
The absolute state of shitty pseudotrolls.
They do some retarded shit what is not trolling and when someone says this is retarded they reply with "You mad bro?" Or "Seething".
The real trolling is not shitty provocation.
>the fat one in the Santa outfit
This is beyond gay
>what if X, what if Y, would they starve their own to feed the prisoners???
The nazis didn't let the jews die because there wasn't enough food. They didn't let the jews freeze, because there wasn't fuel.
The nazis murdered the jews. It cost them resources. They took away resources from the war, they took away men, and fuel, and guns, from the front, to murder jews. They didn't incidentally let the jews die because of the harsh realities of war, they actually compromised the war effort to murder them. They weren't murdered because of an effort to win the war, they were murdered in spite of an effort to win the war. The war was secondary in priority to murdering the jews.
This is the difference. It isn't "war is hell people die". Its "we'd rather have less soldiers at the front, but more at the camps doing mass murder". It was being irrationally evil, to the point where you are impractical and sabotaging your life. Thats why nazis are seen as they are. Not the coldly stoic machine-like japanese pragmatism of "kill the prisoners, they slow us down", but the stupid comic book evilness of "lets slow down so we can kill more of the locals instead of win the war".
>fetishizing black men fucking non-black women
mm yes good
>fetishizing white men fucking non-white women
I wonder if they vote left or right. I’ve been curious which narrative is true, that interracial cuck porn appeals to conservative racists for the taboo, or is it for liberals because they are so multicultural and open they like seeing shitskins fuck their women
>creating a reactionary fetish that’s a rip off of a cuck fetish just reversed to prove that white cartoons can fuck just as good as the nigger cartoons
Bleached is born 100% from insecurity
I regret having eyes after clicking that shit
Saved. How will the cucks recover?
youre clearly upset fag
rent free
I'm sorry, but knowing German over engineering, especially during WW2 would make concentration camps the worst way to destroy jews. If they wanted to wipe them out they'd just gather around all jewish people from a city in one place, strap explosives to the centre of the jewish growd and set them off. There you go. A well calculated, mathematically correct holocaust with littler resource cost. Why would you drive a bunch of jews to a concentration camp just to destroy them? HURR DUHRR MUH SPITE. Where do I sign up to get paid to shitpost on an anime titty fuck forum? Are with IDF or just a jew who fell for their ancestor memes. You guys sure managed to butt fuck German tax payers into paying holocaust survivors 2000 euros per person per month There's no business like Shoah business.