Why aren't you playing it right now?

Why aren't you playing it right now?

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Waiting for a sale.

I finished it.

Because I stayed up all night like a idiot and will be too tired to play good

no stamina

Yea Forums convinced me its too hard so now im not getting it

cuz if i played it, you wouldnt have made this thread

because I have fucking classes till evening. can't wait to get back home and play

because I already beat it and the game has almost no replayability

Because I'm running out of ways to play it.
>get all the endings
>play with bell spirits and additional hardships on a fresh NG cycle
Now what? The equivalent of SL1?
Where's my goddamn replayability.

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Im about to finish it doing the bad ending first. Just one question. Besides Guardian ape to trigger it obviously are there any other bosses I can fight and can I got to the fountainhead at all?

Little burned out fighting pep pep

>and can I got to the fountainhead at all?
No. And you should really do good ending first. Otherwise you're going to be in a world of hurt because you need the full 20 vit to avoid one shots. Of which there are many.

Because I’m sick and can only play undemanding vidya for now. Going in hard this weekend.

Because I have a backlog and can control my impulses.

I am, some Ashina Elite dude is kicking my ass.

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>expecting replayability with 1 weapon and no stats to level/builds to make

I have slow internet.

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Its a shittier Batman Arkham game

I got my platinum trophy earlier today, there's nothing left to do.

I was hoping they'd DaS2 this shit and add new enemies in further NG+ cycle. But no. Same game. Just more damage.
Weak as shit man.

waiting for a sale

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I don't play westabo shit.

cause work and sleep fucking SUCK

What against the old man? I mean I got like 17 Vit and I got him almost to his last phase first try and fucked up then went to bed. I mean I've done harder shit in games perfectly so if I have to do his last phase perfectly I think I can.

I bought, can't update it don't have the data, using my phone to post.
Satellite fuckwit was supposed to install my satellite on the 20th, called me up and said he had a family emergency, he'll come by some time this week, called up today, he cancelled the appointment and rescheduled it for the 29th of next month, won't play the game until I've got the day 1 patch at least.

Fountainhead Palace is a shitty area, keep getting lost and sniped with cannonballs because these ayys blend into the background. I'll play more later but I just wanted to vent about that in particular.

I dunno but almost 100 hours seems like a lot to me already
especially in that short time frame

Because I don't like it. I'll wait for Nioh 2.

The last run was me pushing my ass through it to try and get my money's worth. It will be my least played post DeS from game by far. Lower even than AC5 and that game was awful.

Most of the series can give me almost half a years level of entertainment. Sekiro couldn't even survive 3 playthroughs before I became bored out of my skull because unfamiliarity is a problem that's only a problem once.

got family over. when they leave in like 20 mins, gonna play it all night.

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just pirate the CODEX version it is only 12gb, stop being a cuck.
t. post from guy who bought it.

£50 lmao
fucking japs really think they can get away with that

meanwhile I never played any from game more than once, because the unfamiliarity of new games and especially the exploration of the world is my favorite thing about them
The longest I played a from game must be 70 hours with BB

The replayability is almost always in the options available to the player. The souls series has a near unlimited amount of fucked up combination of builds you can do on top of a game with co-op and pvp. Eternal Ring, godfather to my children and what I will name my firstborn to man him up from the school beatings he will get for his name, has tons of overall ring builds you can take with only a few requirements to get through the entire game. These things keep a game fresh and is why Legend of Mana is my most played game in existence and will be forever.

Exploration is fine and all, but variation is and will always be king.

for replays only

im stuck on the chained ogre sometimes i can dodge him but other times he fucking homing missiles me with his feet, fucking bullshit

Those are all very fair points, but I think they specifically didn't wanna do that for Sekiro. Which was known for quite some time now
But I still think 100 hours is pretty good for a single player game with no build variety

My most played game on steam is only at 70 hours

nah, I can wait, I will play the new Yoshi instead today

I already have 45 hours in it. I need to chill out, do some other things, get a job, all sorts of shit.

>chill out, do some other things, get a job, all sorts of shit

Why would you lie in an anonymous image board?

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Already beat it, would like to no damage some of the bosses but I can't be bothered replaying the whole game just to get to them. Going to play some better games instead

Already did. Good game but not my GOTY.

I'm at work. Then going to grab a coffee for a couple of hours. Then finally I can go to get my shit pushed in by NG+!

>But I still think 100 hours is pretty good for a single player game with no build variety
You have to make your own fun. Most of the time I spent past playthrough 2 (after I got the Shura ending) was trying every skill against every boss and every tool against every boss. Also updating the wiki.

Most people aren't going to get anywhere close to that much out of this.

Because I get horrible, unplayable stuttering constantly and my CPU is at 100% load

My pos 5 year old gayming laptop (I was a dumb teenager) is having heat issues recently, nor do I think it would run well enough even without said issues.
Thankfully I'm going to buy or build a new desktop soon.

This game is so limited though
I miss dark souls, bros

same. i will be boycotting every from game from the future if its this kind of garbage.

oh fuck off. While there aren't a lot of ways to replay it it's still a fun first time experience.

>goes back to roll + r1 and playing dress up for another 200 hours

I wouldn't go as far as calling it garbage

I didn't say it wasn't a fun first time experience. I just said it was limited. I also prefer DS setting

>he says this while spamming L1 only, not even needing to attack and not being able to dress up

>spam L1
>fail perfect deflects, get guard broken and combod
>or get hit by the many unblockables
>or watch as bosses regen posture without getting damaged

Meanwhile the only thing that counters a dodge in Souls is AOE attacks

Not him but
>aoe attacks
Side swipes and delayed overheads.
3 was full of them and is why it's relatively harder than 1 and 2.

That's equivalent of delayed and different attack timings in Sekiro along with shit like True Monk's unblockable spinning attacks which can hit you even if you jump over the initial swipe. Rolling's still the perfect counter to all of them

>different attack timings in
No. Because sideswipes and delayed overheads were roll catchers. DaS3 was build entirely around roll catchers which is why even mooks have sideswipes and delayed overheads which active frames will still catch you if you roll too early.

>if you jump over the initial swipe
Kick her in the forehead m8.

If we're talking about real busted shit, no boss in this game actually has the ability to chase you if you want to run away like a fag and poke them for 10 minutes. DaS handled this with stamina.

>No. Because sideswipes and delayed overheads were roll catchers
No they were there to catch mashers, if you time rolls well nothing can touch you. Sekiro also won't let you mash without getting the timing down since your posture will be broken and you'll get fucked. Considering how much people complain about the game's difficulty this seems to be effective too.

>Kick her in the forehead m8.
No that's not the one I'm talking about that one's easy, the one I mean is when she jumps away and keeps doing the swipes, jumping towards her means you eat a hit.

It's best not to talk about cheese since Dark Souls still wins when it comes to that, not just because it has cheese from builds and grinding but because it lets you summon and turn every boss into a total joke.

gotta go to work soon, then i'll be playing it most of the weekend

>if you time rolls well nothing can touch you.
>which active frames will still catch you if you roll too early.
Already said that.

>Sekiro also won't let you mash
And by your own admission 3 won't let you mash rolls.

>Best not to talk about cheese.
Why not
You can roll into Isshin with no less than 22 attack on a fresh NG cycle if you buy the mask as the only skill you need is ichimonji. The mask lets you buys attack, remember?

Still you're right that dark souls wins that category but I was under the assumptions we were talking about enemy attacks and players reactions to it. You have more power in random encounters because you can run away from them. You have more control in bosses since the only way you can get hit is if you sit there and take it.

It'd be boring as shit. Take fucking forever. You wouldn't' enjoy it. You'd ruin the game for yourself. But you can ace every fight by just running away like a bitch. Sekiro DOES have a response for this by the way. Running triggers the same input response as healing for most bosses. But only Isshin has the speed to stop you. And only in his first form. In his last one, if you were so inclined you could just run around until he killed himself by throwing lightning at you.

Oh and
>I mean is when she jumps away and keeps doing the swipes
It's a double swipe. And is her only attack like this. And if you jump into an attack like that you've got more problems than iframes.

>And by your own admission 3 won't let you mash rolls.
Yeah? I never said it did. If you pay attention I didn't say roll SPAM, I just said that every attack is countered in the same way every time
No point talking about the rest and kinda defeats the point of the original discussion which was me responding to a guy that said you only spam L1 in Sekiro implying that it's lacking good counters compared to Souls combat which is untrue

Finishing my first playthrough of Bloodborne. God it's been easiest soulsborne game for me, with one exception being Ludwig. Is Sekiro the hardest or am I going to breeze through just like I'm doing now?

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This is truth

i beat it and it isn't fun to replay

>which was me responding to a guy that said you only spam L1 in Sekiro implying that it's lacking good counters compared to Souls combat which is untrue
It's to defense what Sekiro is to offense.

Because I'm extremely depressed and can't even enjoy games right now. Sekiro is really good tho.

I'm at the very edge of a mental breakdown. turning 30 in a week, and a more tension is the thing I need last in my life right now.

I already beat it sans the three bosses linked to different endings

My toaster can't handle it.

I'm playing DMCV

because I'm a fucking wagie free me from this hell.

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Game requires too much focus. It's getting to a point where every boss fight is starting to feel like work.

My ps4 is 6 hours of train away from me and my laptop will nevel be able to run it

I'm eating lunch. 5 minutes until noon, then I'm sitting down and fighting Sword Saint. See how many hours that takes me. Last night was rough.
after that I'm freeeeeeee and I'm going to play some fucking anime VN or something that requires zero skill.


once u get the timing down he basically kills himself

Because I've been able to stumble through up until Genicherio's second fight and my tricks aren't working on him so well. Send help.

I broke my PSNow driver for my DS3 controller somehow.
I could use another controller or go back to the drivers I used before PSNow, but I have really wanted to fix it somehow, but so far I have been unable to.

Attempting to uninstall the drivers hangs the process indefinitely. If you forcefully terminate the process, windows claims it was uninstalled, but attempting to re-install the PSNow driver afterwards results in it hanging indefinitely as well, even if left on for hours.
Once more, forcefully terminating the process it claims that it was installed, but then it can't find the controller. It's fucked.

Never had any such issues before.

Here's what I did. It made him super easy.
>Get close enough to bait his attack
>then dash past his right side
>follow up with whirlwind slash
>back up and repeat
>maybe use firecrackers or pocket sand if you're good with them

He almost never actually blocks.

Google the flame vent tool and how to reach it. It's kinda like a side direction you can take. Hit him with some oil and go to town on him.

Also for some extra cheese either
>use sneak sugars to get close and get that first easy deathblow before he breaks loose
>or kill the two guards, agro him, run left and past the spear man, get ogre to follow, leave the immediate area until he isn't agro, sneak back up and to the left, and drop stab him

He's not so bad once you get him on fire.

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Dodge left iirc or maybe it was right. It's one fight where dodging into him like it's fucking Bloodborne is a legit strategy.

I’m in Japan.
9/10 country wholeheartedly.

Too hard.

Visiting my GF, friends and parents who live in a different city. I'll be back home Tuesday to slap Owl around.

Because I'm playing Outward right now

No.. you parry his ass. He does Ashina Cross, so once his blade shines you deflect twice. Why is Yea Forums so fucking bad at vidya, holy shit.

I'm at work

No motivation to finish the game after I found out I got locked out of multiple bosses because I missed one easily missable eavesdrop.

I'm at the last boss but this is truly the only garbage design part of this game. It makes all your work and choices inconsequential. Undermines the whole dragonrot mechanic. They could've made it so much more interesting, but they chose the lazy way.

I'm working

No, gotta work now

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If you want to make it harder, scarier and riskier sure. The easymode strat is just dodge out of the way and wail on his back for massive posture damage.

what eavesdrop? And that's all From's games. I never go into their shit expecting to find everything blind.

I have no money

Ahh didn't remember you could be locked out of complete areas and bossfights in former from games by not standing in the exact spot for you to listen to something.

Took a break because Corrupted Monk is pushing my shit in. Honestly it's my own nad habits that's getting me killed, but fucking hell I can't even get a quarter of his health gone or do shit to his posture

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I'm playing Monster Hunter Stories instead.

because i'm at work

Shit man same. I can’t even get myself to start dmc 5 cause I have so much shit I need to take care of

>Scarlet and riskier
Nigger are you hearing yourself? It's literally bottom of the barrel in terms of difficulty. If you can't even parry that, then how will you ever beat the game?

Taking a little break because I already beat it 3 times
Honestly this game is really short if you don't do all the optional shit and don't have to grind for xp or money

Even if the method is retarded missing stuff in From's games is nothing to beat yourself up over. Or them.
It should almost be expected.

that said Bloodborne was horsehit because giving Gehrman the wrong answer locks you out of the whole ending/fight and sends you to NG+ without warning.

cant get into games that require a certain amount of frustration before you succeed. call me casual, i don't give a fuck, i just want to chill when i have time to chill. i do understand the appeal of beating a hard game though

>not surpassing frustration to obtain godlike chill.

Yeah except like I said this whole game is spun on this death rot mechanic etc which matters jackshit in the end.

I can't even make a nice meal with the rice and the serpent hearts or something, it's just lazy as fuck.

Not sure. Played for 5 hours, started minutes after release and never started it again. Don't even hate it, just felt no reason to continue yet, and it's the first time a From game feels that way; I usually play each game in the series fornat least 100 hours with little break time.
Now it feels so late that I should just start over if I do play.

this is how i felt about rdr2, except i have no urge to try to pick it back up at all. whereas i'll rage quit sekiro and then go right back into it. i had no problems with grabby ogre, drunken fat man is giving me hell though this to me is like the transition to bb from souls, i know it's attainable, i just don't quite understand the flow yet.

Genuinely not interested

I can get behind this, though I've actually endured the frustration in some games, if they attracted me enough to actually warrant the hassle. Sekiro doesn't have that kind of appeal for me so going through the frustration would be pretty stupid.


I just finished NG+, I'm definitely not doing a hard mode play though so I'll wait till there's DLC.