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When did they update their site? I could have sworn it was just a background with a date a couple weeks ago.
wow a picture
now aint that somthing
If this turns out to be shit I'll kill myself.
I told myself the same when the phantom pain was going to come out. Now I just got this darn phantom pain for the rest of my life.
Might as well get it over with, then. If you knew anything about STALKER's history you'd know this will either never come out or be nothing like you expect.
isn't the original stalker also shit and full of bugs at the release day?
If it really happens I'd be hype as fuck
Provided they don't fuck everything up
I hope to God they won't Metronify their game. I just want a new SoC tier story with new areas and CoP level of customisation and polish.
I played the last Metro game and it was closer to a modern Farcry than the first Metro. The story was so fucking terrible.
the game was already confirmed like a year ago my dude
If their game will work as nicely as the volume slider on that page, than i cant wait.
anything is better than linear metro and cuck 4A Games as soon as they moved to Malta we all knew they'd fuck themselves into some shit hole
>moves to malta
>waahhh waaahhh putin did done crimea
>waaaah waaaah we must go to Malta
fuck 4A.... GSC has provided the foundation for Metro and they will kill Metro in 2021, even if the game is buggy, the other 3 games still have the strongest mod community known to mankind.
>inb4 seething
He seethin
Overrated slav meme game series.
Maybe stalker will be much better but i will only care if i see some solid gameplay.
well you know how the last 3 went
games that provided a atmospheric framework, as vanilla games they had their flaws that we all know of, but whether you stuck to vanilla or modded them they were infinitely better times than a whole laundry list of other games on the market
Yep. It's a website.
I'd really fucking like some news at some point. Hyped as fuck, but can't keep that up forever with no substance
Гpигopич зaeбaл
What's better, Dead Air or Anomaly?
It's vaporware, they are simply looking for investors at this point.
Anomaly has 64bit engine apparently but it's just CoM++
Dead Air is completely different from base CoM but is sort of janky
I prefer Dead Air but pick your poison
Stalker is dead and russian pieces of shits are just scamming retards with bullshots, the stalker corpse will be forever raped and nothing will ever be birthed from its rotting corpse except failures and ghost of ideas.
it still is
What engine?
no EPIC GAMES exclusive
no buy
I'll be not at all surprised that if this game ever drops Epic will fpay for one year exclusivity. Actually, as much as I hate to say this, they could actually fund the fucking game, didn't they brag that Metro Exodus sold, like, two times more opies than Last Light on steam? Even though Last Light sold, like, 400 thousand copies on launch week or some shit. Well, then that means there's an untapped market for that type of game.
They could be smart and not fucking shitty, and fund the entire STALKER 2 game, and they would have the right to make it exclusive because the game wouldn't exist without their money. They would have a legitimate reason for people to want to try out their store, and we can't really call them shitheads since they're risking losing money by shelling out the cash for a sequel of a game that's just a cult hit and might not sell gangbusters beacuse of it.
It would suck balls to GoG and Steam users, but it would be better than poaching third party, fully funded, nearly finished games like a bunch of scumbags.
>didn't they brag that Metro Exodus sold, like, two times more opies than Last Light on steam?
This is meaningless. Metro was still more of a niche title back then and LL had barely any advertising compared to Exodus. Of course Exodus sold better.
>they could actually fund the fucking game
This is true, though. Investing into vidya instead of just paying off publishers for exclusivity could do a lot for everyone involved in this mess.
Of course, this is Epic, it won't come without strings attached, and they're not interested in any vidya unless it literally prints money, so I can't see this happening.
Chernobylite is not developed by Rusikies, but by polish studio, one of the descendants of People Can Fly team that made Painkiller. And they did finish and release a bunch of games, some of which were even half-decent (though others were fucking atrocious). So it really does not look like a scam. It's far more likely that it will be underwhelming and forgetable.
Is True Xray's engine was so advanced the AI were completing the game faster than the player would?
Nah, the level design is full of geometry that is hard for the player to traverse let alone the AI. You can't even get to many story locations without climbing ladders, something that the NPCs can't do.
So if the AI were completing the game faster than the player, it was because the system was too simple, not because it was too advanced.
I can hear bits of the Shadow of Chernobyl menu music in there.
I fucking love stalker so much, this better not turn out as consolized garbage.
I won't believe it's happening until it's released.
not a chink, but a 9-year old fortnite child
Why are people still paranoid about "consolization" when modern consoles are already prebuilt PC's, one of which has full keyboard support?
But most people who play on console still use controllers and developers still make UIs that are console friendly rather than make two for each platform.
I just want a grid inventory and mod support.
I always hated drag and drop UI, don't know why PCfags ever vouch for it. Mods will always be a given for ruskies unless they go full fucking retard with Denuvo
Oh boy I can't wait for another unplayable bugfest that practically requires fan patches and mods in order to be played for 10 minutes before crashing to desktop!
It's ok though because people on Yea Forums are going to respect me for pretending to enjoy buggy shit games made by third-worlders!
Get hype dudes!
>Yfw it's an EPIC store exclusive
>don't know why PCfags ever vouch for it.
Beacause it's quick and easy to use. You literally just drag shit and drop it, if you want to do something, just click right button and select what you wanna do.
There's no list with pages because the devs give you unlimted fucking inventory space. that you have to scroll through both pages and items to get the one you want because it isn't immediatelyl there on sight and you can get as fast as you can move your mouse.
I hope its not a fucking bugfest like previous games
>I always hated drag and drop UI, don't know why PCfags ever vouch for it.
It's quick and easy. Click and item and drag it where you want it to go. Problems on arise when you need to move a bunch of shit into your bank or something.
What would you use instead?
It'd be neat if they did a "This game requires a mouse and keyboard" like some space/flight sims in the 90's did with joysticks. It'll never happen though.
I hope it is
I hope MoozE is still doing the soundtrack
>Problems on arise when you need to move a bunch of shit into your bank or something.
You just make it so say shift+click instantly transfers items to bank or something and it becomes perfect. Consoletarded UI is garbage and will never be as convenient and universal as the one designed for MKB.
>I just want a grid inventory and mod support.
This, if I ever see lists in stalker I will kill myself.
the new soundtrack doesn't sound like mooze unfortunately
I think we'll have to settle for omelchuk
I'm genuinely curious as to what your opinion is on what would be superior alternatives?
>mfw the devs don't know what DRM is and you can make a temporary Epic account that you'll abandon instantly after download as you will never need it again
>The Chinese will know all the personal data of a zxpihfnid @ sharklazers . net's virtualbox operating system in the IP of some library's public WLAN
I honestly don't get why retards constantly cry about what digital store the game would release on. It's as if you faggots have a personal investment in either store.
Wait, you don't think it's cool to compromise the usability of the UI by increasing font size, splitting three screens to 15 and removing all color distinction, descriptions, interact menus and tooltips?
No gameplay = no hype.
They're just trying to remind people that they exist. I'm not sure how good an idea it is though depending on how far they're into development.
Grid inventory is as high IQ as it gets, arbitrary weight limits and lists are for pigeons.
I really wouldn't care, it would mean GSC gets more money, it didn't stop me from playing Metro.
I would love grid size and weight limit though to keep running around with 15 AKs out of the game.
Better not be some Vostok Games shit where they claimed to have work on the original Stalker but only made like a few ambient noises and went
It will be fun
"Worries" me because they said they're aiming for a 2021 release date, meanwhile SoC had actual gameplay back in '01 when they were going for an '03 release. Considering the studio's history and the fact that the owner is a piece of shit who fucked them over before I simply don't have any confidence in them.
less buggy than every bethesda game and other eurojank like witcher 3
Compare Stalker's grid inventory to the consolized trash that was Skyrim's ui and tell me which one was more convenient to use on mouse and keyboard.
Yet another year of waiting.
Mods will fix it.
>tfw wormwood has been dead for years now
Autumn Aurora is the best Stalker mod. Prove me wrong.
unpopular opinion: Lost Alpha is good
like the ending huh? fuck off
>Gunslinger soon, fellow STALKER!
>Oh really? When?
The dumb Hollywood styled cutscenes and storytelling was what was killing it for me personally.
I hated that forest area because it was so fucking big, if you mashed your car in the middle of the zone it's like a 20 minute afk sprint to the nearest exit.
I like the areas and the gameplay. The cutscenes are bad I agree. The ending isn't any worse than in CS or CoP
How can you faggots trust the piece of shit owner when he trashed the original Stalker 2 over an autism bitch fit?
I think I just randomly dodged that boring shit because for me it was actually exciting. I went after some ultra-rare artifact in a space anomaly and found myself in the middle of the huge forest right when a blowout was starting, and it was genuinely tense trying to make my way to the only thing in the map that looked like it had shelter. Of course it was also full of nightmare fuel
Wonder if they'll improve the AI enough to get it to where they were originally hoping to get it.
Reminder that a literal clown is about to become a president of Ukraine. That country is fucked beyond all repair and if they're still based there and didn't move out you won't be seeing Stalker 2 any time soon.
i hope to god they dont copy memery's inventory management bullshit
But will it be:
Seriously, if Epic starts picking up the slack and funding development of high-risk, niche-appealing but cult-like titles that no other publisher is willing to support, then I'll HAPPILY deal with the damn new client and platform exclusivity bullshit. Them straight up publishing games like Stalker 2, Pathologic 2, KC 2, Original War 2 and all the other sequels or follow-ups on series that were once amazing but never really a sure-fire hits would actually entirely erase all the negative karma they are getting for this exclusivity bullshit.
I haven't played Misery, but the argumentation they present is solid and reasonable. While I can't vouch for the execution, there is nothing wrong with that design philosophy. It's also straight up right: Stalker IS NOT AN RPG, frustration is an invaluable tool in hands of a competent designer, and restrictions to sandbox are often beneficial to the experience. Stalker was never about sandboxing in the first place.
Hell, this is making me want to play Misery now.
I don't care how much good boy points they get, the launcher still gets in the way if you want to play vidya with wine. Steam has built in support for it and with GOG you don't have to worry about any launchers.
It's gonna sink into devhell, I've no idea how are they supposed to pull this one off. SotC took like 6 years to make and that's supposedly with money, publisher and a full staff of developers.
100% chance to be consolized.
Of course, that market is too huge to be ignored.
It's GSC - the same studio that actually made the original stalker
The past games were 100% male, but the new one will surely have some womyn stalkerettes.
If Lost Alpha accomplished anything, it was showing why the cut content was cut in the first place. Plenty of its features were redundant, out of place or just plain boring.