WageSlave-Gaming Balance

How do you maintain it? What are the best low stress part time jobs so you can focus on your gaming life?

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Cmon Yea Forums i know you work at McDonalds

Donate spunk 3 times a week for 50 bucks a pop.

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I dont game. I literally work 20 hours extra each week just to pay for nice things.

why the fuck are you on here then

get an office job so you can play OSRS at work then play real games at home

i usually get about 2 hours of gaming in a night, followed by 16 on weekends, its fine, i guess

1. Dont have a gf
2. Don't socialize or at least not very often. That includes with friends (my friends are also very busy so it works for me)
3. Continue to live with your parents if you can

What else would I be doing at work?

Since I stopped watching news programs and movies I tend to game about 4-6 hrs a day gotten use to 4 hrs sleep a night

>Gaming life

You guys seriously don't spend all of your free time on playing video games, do you? Jesus what a waste of time

I get depressed because work is shit which makes it hard to play games so I come here to shitpost for some thin facade of interacting with people who share my interests instead.

I worked as a night security guard at a big office building for a year. got shit pay for walking the route every two hours, which took an hour, and could do the fuck I wanted the rest of the time. I read so many books that year it's unreal.
peak comfy low wage job

Well imagine what happens if you had to take care of family

I have an easy job that gives stupid amounts of sick and annual leave every month. I could take a months long vacation and get paid for it. Even longer if I were sick or injured.

>get a job
>able to afford video games now
>no desire to play games after i finish work

This is so true. How do you maintain balance between your work and hobby without becoming a complete wage slaver and find will to play video games in your free time? I've recently started working at an ice cube factory and I finally have some money to spend on my hobby. The problem is I come back home so tired that I can't muster any strength to do anything besides browsing the internet and look up threads on Yea Forums until late at night.

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I only play on the weekends, if at all, desu.

Work a job that does 4 10s. Cram both my work and workout routines on those 4 days and use my 3 days off for vidya and other shit like fishing.

I'll have some extra time on my workdays but I don't like the feeling of playing games with the feeling of having to leave soon after. ESPECIALLY WHEN RISK OF RAIN 2 JUST CAME OUT AND I BARELY JUST UNLOCKED HUNTRESS.

Dude same shit happened to me. When i quit my job i suddenly could do my hobbies again and felt happier. I literally never touched a game for like 2 years because i was too tired after work.

>the "will" to play games
>"low stress" job so you can "focus on gaming"
Man you guys are retarded. You clearly aren't enjoying the games you're playing.

You don't need to make justifications, idiots. You just do what you want. If you don't want to play games, then don't. It doesn't mean anything. If you really want to "focus on gaming", then stop buying gigantic 40+ hour games and start playing short games. Indies, puzzle games, mobile games you can play wherever you want. Play until you no longer feel the drive to play and then stop. I consider myself a gaming paragon and even I go months without touching one.

It's not you. It's just the games you pick. I couldn't beat any games for years, then I pick up La Mulana 2 on release and tear through it, took me 50 fucking hours and it just flew by. Earthbound, devoured it. Okami? I did it, but it was a struggle, and frankly I should have just moved on to something else by hour 20 when I was starting to get bored. Just do what you want. Let your whimsy carry you.

>flexible hours
>great benefits
>good pay
>still feel poor and stressed

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I work from 4am to 3pm every weekday and still have plenty of time for games and friends

I think you dont understand being tired after a fulltime job schedule. Games you love to play but you fall asleep each time you start it up

brief spurts of employment followed by weeks of nonstop gaming/shitposting

Imagine having a low pay job that tires you so much you can't or won't do anything after
This is why you go to school, kids

Exactly this.

>get paid $11/hr at McDonalds
>getting pretty steady raises as I learn more and more things as a manager

Guess it's time for me to move out.

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I have a master's degree. I work a shitty job but at least it's not terribly tiring. What is tiring though is the daily commute.

I'm a Postie.

Afternoons, evenings and weekends are for games.

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I hope this isn't some meme degree like art or women studies

I work in insurance, from 15 to 21, game a bit in the morning and then play some more in the evening.
The problem is, when you start to work, your body will crave social interaction and development and your brain will stop wanting to game that much.


What type of job do you do where you’re too tired to game after work? I understand if you work long hours, which can be quite draining, but for a normal job you should be able to have a solid 2 hours of gaming each night.

Contact your local insemination clinic and test yourself, if you have a high sperm count they'll pay you to donate, at least a few times. (There's a limit to how many times you can donate).

>I think you dont understand being tired after a fulltime job schedule.
what kind of retarded assumption of that, of course i do

>Games you love to play but you fall asleep each time you start it up
this is a completely different problem. If you're so tired that you fall asleep when you try to do a leisure activity, you know what the fucking advice is - you need a better fucking job. It's not game-specific.

Playing vidya.

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>50 bucks
>Have a son somewhere around the world you will never meet

I thought about it but I couldn't live with the thought

>live in a country that legally forbids paying for sperm beyond a token amount for expenses
>also you can not donate anonymously

Apsolutey based

>at work for 8 hours
>play games for 7 hours
>sleep for 7 hours
two hours for food/traveling

Seriously how do you guys do it? There’s so many games and so little time to get to all of them and dedicate enough playing time to be relevant and fun. New games are constantly coming out. Just can’t keep up. Especially when a game requires 60+ hours to complete. How are you expected to enjoy and not rush when there’s so many other games you also want to get to and be a part of? Can’t play Anthem, Destiny, Warframe all at the same time. You can only choose one and dedicate yourself to that. There’s a gazillion JRPG and they take 100+ hours to grind in with seemingly little value on some days. There’s the constant practice of rogue lites, fighting games and other precision based games. How are you going to spread your time into those too? There’s just so many games and so little time. How can a person deal with all of this? It feels inevitable to be unable to finish them all and you’ll have to end up picking only a few and that’s how it’ll be for the rest of life. Always missing out.

>Move out and have all the time to play video games.
>Continue to live at home but get puppy.

Guess what I choosed.

[Spoilers]I regret nothing I love my pup.

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Just choose for once. It's the same with everything else in life, unless you're filthy rich. Just like you choose where to go for vacation or which girl(s) to spend time with, you just choose the kind of games that you really want to give a try. And if you don't like them after all, just move on and try something new.

games became fun again after i started working. the most important thing i've realized when i got a job is that 'having too much free time' is a valid problem with your life

You make a decision about what games actually look worth you’re time. People don’t play every single big game that comes out. I play like 1 new game every 2-3 months

> 'having too much free time' is a valid problem with your life
This is what brainwashed wagies seriously believe.

If you don't play trash, you can pretty easily cut new releases down to about 5 titles a month, tops, and most of them will be indie shit you're done with in sub 5 hours.

Even wagies can stay on top of new releases.

why the fuck would you quit, what you do is to try to get a job while still working at mcD and THEN you quit.

>gaming life
the 2-3h of free time on a workday is enough to fill my gaming "needs". I'm not a wagie tho

I understand what you feel
Having more than 2 weeks of holidays in a row just bores me to death