Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character Yea Forums?

Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character Yea Forums?

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Once, recently...

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>look mom i posted it again!
How badly do you want to discuss HS?

Of course I have

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I don't get it since I don't know the majority of them, what do those characters have in common?

Ireedeemable fucking bitch whore

Mental illness.

I've been in love with my beautiful kitten for over a decade.

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oh ok thanks

it appeals to khhv memesters.

haha yeah. Who here would even be like that?

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>either of those things

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youre a faggot

Oh forgot to say that yeah I have, OP.

now this is based

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Name a more perfect man I dare you motherfucker

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annoying bitch

No, but deidara was one of the best characters in naruto, not the strongest, not the brightest but cocky and with a strong will and pasion and unlike naruto he wasnt cringy.


Vriska did nothing wrong

typing like a retard

Reminder that Hisoka is a male

I love Callie!

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baste taste

Who's the one in the middle?

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I love Reisen!

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But cesar is a man.

It’s actually astonishing how wrong a single person can be

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Playing through both games made me realize that either Kyle is a massive dick who only really uses people for his own personal needs, or he's surrounded by annoying idiots who just get in his way to which he reacts angrily or annoyed towards them.

I imagine being his friend or lover? would probably be a pretty abusive relationship.

Still, good choice regardless.


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Marceline stole the spotlight from Finn.

Enough Homestuck! Post vidya girls that you wanna cuddle.

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t. Vriska

Galko is cheating.

Vriska serket

I only know Toga, but she cute and fuckable.

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Bonbi literally has a cosplay of the main character dummy.

Based Reisenanon

t. Karkucks

me too

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Yeah but I don't have any of her Vriska's in no-audio for easy posting. Except some pictures.

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Delete Nikaido from that disgusting pic.


He should've killed Sasuke when he allahu ackbar'd.

He deserved better.

They all did.

Except Vriska. She deserved far worse.

Better than a vriscuck

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>tfw I dressed up as him for a school fancy dress day
>It actually looked pretty good too
Thank god everyone else was in their early teens and didn't know Naruto enough to remember it nowadays
I still have the headband thing I made

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She borked everything while also borking everyone else

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t. Karkucks still seething over their gar8age character

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I love my gorgeous wife!

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Post a picture of it please.

Karkat's gay, I'm a Davefag

Anne Takamaki is the love of my life.

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There has never been a bigger case of wasted potential as Karkat.

All that set up, all that foreshadowing, and we get nothing.

I'm not autistic so no

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I love Kasumi!

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>mfw i first found that image on a vriskat tumblr page

Vriska was right if we count she was the only one who acted in the way Doc Scratch intended Alternians to act.

>Not human feet

Into the trash she goes

You must be depressed.

You posted this last week.

I'm not.
Anne makes me very happy.

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This could take some time, I'm a bit of a hoarder
That said, I do really want to know where I put it

Yes, Ocheeva.

I love Kass!

Today is my 21st birthday!

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Happy birthday!

Mental illness

I love Rinko Kobayakawa.

Happy birthday user.

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Thank you!

Kass is my reason to live!

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I used to laugh at waifufags

Then I played the Gravity Rush games

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Yeah and that's why you're mentally ill, you autistic retard

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I love satan!

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My Perifect wife Peri!

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Ha ha. Who would do such a thing?

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OMG, he posted it again! xD

Shantae top tier waifu

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Happy birthday you weirdo!