Dancer is a ranged dps to piss off the healsluts

>Dancer is a ranged dps to piss off the healsluts
>Massive fucking shotafags don't get their cute little bunny boys
>Leaving Eorzea altogether to go to a glutenous world with literal fat cats
>That dark aesthetic
>Belts and Zippers: The Man is designing the next raid

So this is the most hype I've been in years anons. What are you guys hyped for

inb4 "wahhh the same cycle repeated ad nauseum" fags come in, if you don't like MMOs don't play MMOs retards

Attached: u4LeQTk.gif (350x350, 251K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!

Attached: 1524490378332.jpg (870x1060, 164K)

>Being this fucking gay

>the current year
>liking girls
big yikes

>5.0: positionals are removed from the game
>MNK is reworked into a faster SAM
>MCH is temporarily removed from the game until we are satisfied with its balancing
look forward to it

keep slurping up Yoshi's cum, fag.



>Be a machinist main for the brief period of time in Heavensward it was good
>Get unbelievably hyped for the new animations in Stormblood
>Turns out they ruined the job

yoshi pls

Machinist was good throughout the entirety of Heavensward minus like two savage fights you bandwagoning slut

I was a Bard main in 2.0, MCH was my first 60. Turns out it was hot garbage for Gordias so I went back to Bard. Then they buffed it in 3.2 and I played it until SB Dropped. Bard was my first 70, MCH my 2nd and imagine the disappointment.

MCH was legit in A3S and arguably superior in A4S because you weren't burdened by Foereq pulling legs, Whirbelwind and it was easier to measure damage against Jagd dolls. tl;dr MCH was only "bad" in Gordias because of two multitarget fights.

I personally was doing far less DPS on my MCH in A3S and A4S than I was on my BRD. My healer was also a giant slut for MP so guess who didn't get to use Foe Req to begin with :^)

That sounds like a personal problem t b q h famalam. It's not like MCH's own damage was buffed between Gordias and Midas, it was the hypercharge.

Hypercharge was pretty massive. And yeah, it was a group problem, I left this group after we cleared A4S for the 8th time.

Attached: 5d2fa91b8542d2c169a7a70522cbb1db.png (1294x61, 7K)

>68% uptime
>55% overheal
Just why?

Combination of GRRRL GAYMR who didn't know how to do her job (Married to the raid lead btw) and just panic at the relatively high raid damage that Manipulator puts out.

I was actually okay with pre 4.05 MCH. But when they killed heat management they killed any potential for it to be fun.

How in the world did this happen.

Brainlets. Brainlets everywhere.

What was it like before?
Because now it's just a full speed overheat for the wildfire window, right?

It's not the lack of heat management that makes it unfun (But that does contribute) it's the fact that if you're not perfectly timed on your 60s rotation you just feel like garbage and do very little damage

So, when can I play as a bunnygirl?

June 28

Heat gain was twice as big so you used your cooldown more actively than once a minute

June 28th. You can make a Bunny Girl in the Official FFXIV: Shadowbringers Benchmark probably sometime in April I would assume.

You'll be garbage regardless because unless you're on 0 ms you'll lose a wildfire at the ass end of the fight and there's nothing you can do to stop this.

Before Barrel Stab was on a longer CD (2 minutes) so you didn't robotically OH for every WF, you still had to hotshot every 30 seconds and it was 10 heat, FT was only 10 heat per tick, QR was another tool for managing heat, and heated shots had double the heat.

It was more dynamic but a lot more error prone. As mentioned. 60 second wildfire was a fuckup, but heat still had a (tiny) bit of variance because managing heat and mechanics was crazy. Now heat, what they removed all of our old CDs for and simplified our kit to be balanced around, is a literal non mechanic.

And so now as MCH it's both easy and robotic. You try to get as close to perfectly timed perfectly executed 60s wildfire every 60s for every fight in any fight forever with no regard for procs or heat.

Yoshi pls.

Oh, that's a really long time.
Guess I play as a catgirl after all.

>no new healer
>Yoshida plans on nerfing Scholar instead of bringing up White Mage

Are you ready for the AST/AST meta?

You get a free fantasia for your first sub, and again after finishing the A Realm Reborn story, so just save that for Viera.

Sit still and take your SCH nerfs. You've been so strong for so high and bitch and bitch when things aren't 100% easy at all levels.

That crying about mana management was legendary.

W...what about white mage?

>implying SCH will ever fall off the meta

Scholars have literally never been bad. WHM/AST is aids to play because it requires a competent AST which is RARE. I would rather a WHM/SCH meta but oh well.

It's time to unleash greased lightning 4
Fuck that people who can't keep up

Oh, that is good to know. I just started playing the trial the other day so I didn't know that.
Thank you user.

>SCH gets nerfed to be in line with white mage
>SCH mains scream on reddit for weeks until they get buffed to absurd levels
>Starts acting smug about it around every WHM player
Fuck Scholars
Fuck Astrologians
Fuck Yoshi P

4.0 scholar was complete shit which is why they got buffed.


If anything they'll slow MNK down even further than Riddle of Fire already does

Fairy and Diurnal AST provide a fuckton of passive healing. It's not just raw personal damage that they're better at, they just have straight up more efficient healing in 90% of situations.

What i'm excited about are the two new jobs because despite the content, something they did really well for me in stormblood were the two new jobs. Love playing RDM and SAM

>No GL4 with the auras that the NPCs get in the monk job storyline

Never ever

They are working on it. They have 4 jobs planned for supposedly major reworks, DRK, MCH, MNK and WHM.

>It's a "sorry we need an AST instead of a WHM so we can get a 5% dps boost that's somehow supposed to make a 3.5K dps DRG do 8000 DPS

Anytime user! And take your time with the story content, it's really bland right now but it really starts to pick up just before the Heavensward Patches and just goes strong as fuck from then on

No female Ronso no buy

The WHM rework is skipping Stone V and going straight to VI

>Confession stacks now last indefinitely and the limit of 3 maximun stacks at a time has been removes
>each stack of Confession now increases the potency of Plenary Indulgence by 150
>a Lily is gained every time you successfully land a Stone V (new action)
>each Lily now increases the Crit and DHit chance of nearby party members by 1/4 of their total
look forward to it

Every expansion is BLM expansion

Attached: 1544631453634.jpg (595x313, 31K)

>ignoring Earthly and CU reworks that made them straight up busted
Oh no, it's retarded

It's workable with WHM/something else until they start dropping mechanics like infirmity which completely fucking cucks WHM while SCH/AST get to sit there with all their OGCD abilities dodging the infirmity debuffs because they don't affect abilities.

>another MCH rework
After the last one I won't be holding my breath.

Enjoy your RoF 2, this time even slower.

Neck yourself illiterate retard. They're explicitly fishing for an AST so they can pad their numbers. They're ignorant of the fact that this won't make them suddenly do twice the fucking DPS.

That's not his point you absolute metaslave

>male race is bestial and burly
>female race is just pretty human girl
We're past this Yoshi

>The Balance has been removed from the game
>consequently AST has been removed from the game

They need to ditch the concept of Lilies or make them based on damage thresholds to encourage braindead trannies to actually contribute DPS as WHM. As a WHM main it's painful to watch others play the class.

seethe more

If monk doesn't get more kick based attacks this time i'll be disappointed

Burly men are male power fantasy and female romance novel fantasy. Pretty human girls are male sexual fantasy and female romance novel fantasy.

Best of all worlds.

>all their OGCD abilities
t. doesn't play AST.

Holy fuck. The amount of illiteracy in this thread gives Somalia a good name. I specifically mentioned SCH/AST. Between them they have a wealth of OGCDs, yes.

Neck yourself landwhale

Not him but: There are very few situations where you even need to burn lightspeed, and fewer situations where lightspeed won't be up again.

Then again I haven't done ultimates so what the fuck do I know.

>I want ugly women
Yeah sure take a look at Dwarf Females, Troll Females and Orc Females in WoW.

what are you talking about, ast is good for their ogcds lmao

>Between them
AST has like 3, even WHM has more. You might has well not include it if it doesn't help your argument.
Lightspeed doesn't make spells into ogcds. I don't even know what you're trying to say here.

Hello everyone, I'm here to remind you that healers, NINs and DRGs don't have rights.
Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day!

>Nothing to talk about
>We're still talking

Should I honestly drop MCH?

>Earthly Star and Lady of Crowns aren't enough to heal just about every piece of content in the game

>lady, sometimes, maybe, who knows
>CU, which is fucking channeled
>ass size
slutmages are the biggest crybabies in this game. they're worse than warriors.

Attached: visible exterminatus.jpg (255x234, 21K)

tfw no melee healer dancer

*unsheathes his divine benis*

Depends, you you like hyper top tier raid clear speeds, probably. If not, just do what's fun. Being good at your class, whatever it may be, makes anything viable. Being in a meta raid comp doesn't mean shit if the group sucks.
t. guy in shit raid group.

Instead we're going to be bloating up rDPS when they can't even balance the TWO that are in this fucking category.

Holy shit.

>Should I honestly drop MCH?
Everything can change. Wait until May media tour to make long lasting decisions.

How about you try?

Well. I mean I play MCH still because I liked it aesthetically and it's what made me come back to XIV and was my first 60. I was kind of hoping for more gadgets or turret gimmicks this expansion and was let down in every way that could matter, so I'm a bit burned.

Maybe you'll like it. Give it a try I guess.

Even the highest top tier raid group in the world doesn't run the optimal comp unless they're doing something that demands it. Every class in this game is viable, even WHM and MCH. Anyone telling you otherwise is a moron.

Yoshi P and Nomura suicide pact from overwork when?

imagine considering game design a job


I hope mech because the BLM equivalent of rdps.

It should be able to apply its own piercing if they're going to keep it.
BRD can stay married to DRG because lolcrit.


Based fat cats

Attached: fatcats.jpg (1200x1199, 157K)

what's better for padding a blm? nin+drg+brd or nin+drg+smn?

He's saying he hopes MCH is 100% about personal DPS. And I agree. I'll get rid of hypercharge in a fucking heartbeat if it allows me to have more fun and drool more into my cup about how my wildfires are big again.

Stuffing your face as usual

Attached: mqote.png (854x867, 726K)

None of you people are skilled whatsoever. Shut the fuck up and stop being armchair raiders

I'll give you death.

>inb4 "projecting"
>inb4 "post logs"
>no logs posted
>inb4 "as I said"
fuck off


Attached: 064fb6c7474a2c2a91124345150da38a.png (93x177, 3K)

I raid, and I'm not very skilled. Needing to be skilled to raid is a meme because people are so dogshit at this game they think following basic mechanics is skill.



>0 elements of randomness that would force you to actively think during a raid
>clearing a fight is just a matter of memorization
>think raiding requires skill
yes, I agree that 90% of the playerbase ia utterly retarded and couldn't clear a single savage but that doesn't mean that raiding takes skill

The difference that 40 runs of optimizing for speedkills in the first 3 vs the 14 weeklies we did for final. Wild.

does this game still have that retarded ass global cooldown

Yes, but it's hardly an issue at max level. It only sucks while leveling up and you have almost no oGCD abilities to fill the gap.

"I don't know how to push buttons while the global cooldown ticks" - You, just now.

>Sleeve Draw
>Minor Arcana
>Essential Dignity
>Celestial Opposition
>Time Dilation
>Earthly Star
>Collective Unconscious
Let's compare that to WHM
>Divine Benis :D
>Thin Air
>Plenary technically exists
Hell let's compare it to SCH
>Sacred Soil technically exists
>Fey Union
>Energy Drain
>Shadow Flare
>Emergency Tactics
>Dissipation technically exists
>Chain Stratagem
So it has just as many as SCH (and more that are frequently used) and more than WHM

ERP takes more skill than raiding

>Dancer is a ranged dps
This triggers me because not only will queues be 10x more awful, but it's near guaranteed to be Bard with positionals.

this post is actually retarded and if you don't understand why then you are retarded too

Not yours

Don't worry user someday you'll find a group who wants you to throw rocks for them.

as I said

>Plenary technically exists

Except its one of your best heals if you get confession stacks up on everyone (Not hard in fights like O4S, O12S, O11S, and O7S to name a few).

>Sacred Soil technically exists

Ah, I see you don't raid is the issue.

Can prove it if you want. Link to logs and screenshot ingame.

Expect Alphinaud sized bunnies at best. You're retarded if you think you'll get Shotas.
>Male Bunnies smaller than Female Bunnies in real life
>Male Viera die in training while female viera can still keep up with them
Yoshida is gonna see the demand and just slap ears on Alphinaud and sell it to you at a premium.

There is almost no situation in which Sacred Soil is worth the aetherflow. Indomitability is almost always the better option. There are very few exceptions like Almagest but it is one of SCH's least used skills due to being mathematically inferior to Indom in any situation that doesn't involve mitigating a DOT or damage that would otherwise kill the party

I can link to others' logs too

Almagest and the phase change to Hello World both merit a Sacred Soil imo. Besides, you can't burn 3 stacks of aetherflow on indom without wasting time on your aetherflow cooldown.

>Bard with positionals
>positionals on rpds ever
You are fucking retarded.

>He thinks they won't do it
>Especially on a class about dancing, who shouldn't be sitting still near ever

I'd be more than happy with that as well.

Attached: D2MFdweVYAEev_L.jpg_large.jpg (1954x1920, 239K)

>He didn't play the ARR beta test where BRD had positionals
Ah, so you're new. Okay.

>>Male Viera die in training while female viera can still keep up with them
So are female Viera just physically stronger than Males? I can see being slim and essentially a small Elezen being an advantage in the woods but surely they can't be weaker than Female Viera.

>he thinks they'll add positionals to an RDPS when they've been easing up on them for melee DPS
Ah to be young again.

I'm just saying they've existed before. I'm not the person you were conversing with, bigbrain

They won't do it as fucking everyone hate positionals with passion, and having positionals on rpds is absolutely retarded with how combat system works. Expect dancers to have some cast time dances, but not fucking positionals.

>everyone is casual

>they existed before
In a beta. As a response to a guy who was saying it's not going to be a thing in live.

Galactic brain post here.

that sounds like a real fucking gay game OP, jesus christ

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>tfw pugilist having early positionals and a full combo made it the only dps to not put me to sleep when I started
I don't know how people could have started shit like lancer and not dropped the game immediately. Having to level it to get B4B was the worst.

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When the fuck are we finding out what gear dancer uses
Are NIN and DRG really gonna go another 2 years without sharing gear

Well expect death then faggot cause shota Viera are never ever going to happen.

THM was the funnest to level in my opinion, because your rotation could drastically shift every few levels.

So lore wise, we have no reason not to visit Ala Mhigo since they never got gassed. I would like to believe they're gonna get fucked up in SHB but I'm not holding my breath since SB was supposed to be all about Ala Mhigo/Doma so it feels like the stories for those places are done and out of the way.

Yoshi is a hack.

Attached: ffxiv_06262017_011436.png (1920x1080, 1.5M)

>play solo
>positionals are useless
>play group content
>spastic bosses and tanks makes positionals useless
I am positive yoshi will axe them in 5.0 altogether.

next fanfest
pls look forward to it

May, during the combat changes liveletter.

>Play solo
>Positionals are useless


>play group content
>Spastic bosses and tanks makes positionals useless

No. Stop being a baby and learn how to land your hits.

Attached: yoshi-p sees someone who wants male viera.webm (1920x1080, 1.97M)

I beat Ultima Weapon Ultimate and Ultimate Coil of Bahamut.

Skill or autism? You decide.

Attached: 1493304584130.gif (500x281, 890K)

Autism. I tried and failed to beat UCOB. Just too much time needed to learn all the RNG One Shot Mechanics and beat the fight.

No argument for solo, that's gonna be shit and why I assume they made you take less of a damage hit for missing them.

>play group content
>spastic bosses and tanks makes positionals useless
Adapt the best you can. Not every run is that bad and you know it.
But you're probably right, if not at launch, then sometime during 5.x the only thing left will be slightly more damage for everybody attacking the ass or something like that.

>It's autism because I couldn't beat it

It's almost like you completely ignored the 2nd half of what I said.

True North should be a 30s cooldown because of dipshit tanks alone.

Depends on how long it took you.

What do you do if your special friend logs off and everything becomes meaningless?

Unsub and wait for them to come back

>Guild master that plays a Tauren Prot Warrior
>Deep voice
>Expects his raid to perform well
>Is not too hard on new players
>Always in control
why are there not more of these players to serve

Attached: healslut.jpg (750x930, 92K)

>What are you guys hyped for
When the game ditches 3 seconds of GCD.

Please hang yourself.

Play Ninja.

just play NIN lmao

Anybody worse than you is a casual
Anybody better than you is autistic

I just want to get my fucking garlean armor

>doesn't build skillspeed or spellspeed

I did play monk, but even with his gdc reducing shit, the game still felt slow.


Attached: gcd.png (370x110, 21K)


GCD with Huton up is like 1.5s or so

realistically how many more expansions do you think are going to be released?

as shown as here you can get all gcds down to as little as 1.5 seconds.

Still too much for me, shame Spellborn got killed by trash publishers, that one had a great mmo combat system.

>Dancer is a ranged dps
For real? while I wanted another healer/buffer to play aside from AST I'm actually more than ok with this. This might actually be the better outcome for a casual like me.

1 more after this one is poorly recieved, but it will have even worse production and a smaller staff and the game will quietly die after.

well considering WoW is the same with it's 1.5 second timer, you're excuse is invalid, no game out there has a faster gcd.
MMO's aren't for you, stick to fighting games you inept FGC nigger.

I was lookin forward to see Ala Migho as a flull fledged city, but it seems not.

Hell not even Garlea is announced as a city for SHB, maybe in 6.0?

Well, we did always wonder why we never got it as a city hub. It being gassed/destroyed one expansion later and inaccessable would be a damn good reason. It does look like an interesting place to visit, more so than Kugane, though admittedly with shades of Ul'dah v3

well actually...


>after this one is poorly recieved
Nobody "poorly received" Stormblood outside of your fantasy bubble, it brought tons of new players and subs, go contribute towards that suicide rate.

just finished the MSQ beating ultima weapon, how many more MSQs until I can hit the first expac?

quit the game while you can, nothing worth at the end of the tunnel except cringe dialogue and boring gameplay

100 or so

100 maybe more.

~100 quests, a lot of them are padding so you might as well just skip through until you beat Ramuh.

kill me, I just wanted to try out some new classes

I was talking about shadowbringers, but ask almost anyone and they will tell you Stormblood was a step down from HW in most ways.

>game has no gcds
>minimum cooldown of an ability was 5 seconds.
while I give you the point of not having gcds, having regular moves on a 5 second cooldown is a bit dumb.

Why slavs like Lineage 2 so much

>mmos and fighters are the only games that exist

Like I said, you live in your own tranny bubble where SB was somehow a step down and ShB is gonna be "poorly received" for no reason. Screeching about male bunnies has already receded.

Welcome to fetch quest hell.

I mean you can do Red Mage or Samurai the moment you hit 50 assuming you have Stormblood but yeah, AST/MCH and DRK are locked.

Didn't say that, but that user's bitching about not having near instant gcds, they're acting like an ADD spastic.

Which DPS is the least boring to level to 70?


probably black mage, sam, nin, or bard.


Not him but what the fuck are you talking about?
Lots of people see SB as a stepdown from HSW. It's not an uncommon opinion at all. Especially with how disappointing this last patch has been for the story.

Completed relics are almost as rare to see as as UCoB weapons because doing Eureka is just that shitty.

The story was split between two fronts which lead to awful pacing and no room for character development, and everyone hated Lyse.

The only good thing stromblood added was ultimates and less than 5% of players even attempt them.

We are going into the second expansion in a row with no new healers, while the healers we do have are unbalanced.

They are adding new races but aren't even putting the work in to make them compatible with extant gear.

But yeah it's about bunnies and trannies you stupid mother fucker, ya got me.

Mostly because millions of private servers existed and those were free.

>Yea Forums echo chamber threads
>lots of people

Attached: commit sudoku.png (394x394, 342K)

My FC is a bunch of normies and weebs who wouldn't be caught dead on this shithole website and most of them think SB story was weak and the last patch was incredibly anti-climactic compared to HW or ARR sendoffs.

Have you never been to the official forums to read the otherwise stupid shit they spout? Hell go ask Reddit if you care about their opinion so much. It's not like SB was horrible or anything or killed the game but it was definitely a step down.

>objectively worse story, music, raids and primals than HW
>not a step down

Attached: 1537165453437.png (374x317, 6K)

Around 20% of active characters were at level cap in Pyros, so dumb shit like it being as rare as ucob is just wrong.

>primals worse
>music worse
you fucking wish

>server side mudra's

Do you feel his penis when he sticks it up your ass user?

I don't get the point of the jobs, it says they can't use abilities from other classes but as far as I can tell only the crafting and gathering classes can do that anyway. And why do I have to be in a job to sign-up for PvP? For that matter why do they not make that more clear

>living in a third world country without good ping
lmaoing at your life

Run mudfish and use the fast connect mode. Congrats, you now have 0 ping.

SB primals were dogshit easy and most had extremely forgettable themes. Shinryu being the exception to the music point.

Attached: realtrolleyproblem.jpg (595x313, 48K)

>press a mudra
>the game doesn't register the command and I'm forced to press the button again
>press the next mudra of the combination
>the game now registers the mudra i pressed before and I'm stuck with a bunny on my head
FUCK OFF, some days nin is impossible to play with

And I still want lion ladies. That actually have effort put into them.

Attached: 6D7C317F-9F2F-4FF6-82B6-7409030D39B0.png (702x1104, 432K)

>Living in Sacramento where I can jog to the data center and take a piss on the server racks
>Mudra lag still exists
Ya'll must have the fabled 5G internet I hear about.

the train deals magic damage so I'll just Manaward

A fully completed relic requires full completion of Hydatos, as well as 100 Eureka Fragments from the Baldesion Arsenal. Which for NA servers, you can't do without joining a circlejerk discord.
He's not far off the mark by saying Physeos weapons are about as rare as Ultima or Dreadwrym weapons.

there used to be a system in place that let you take skills from classes, before they were upgraded in to jobs, which let you do lots of things, like do small heals on a dps / tank.
But they changed it to role actions, and only let specific roles use those actions.
That system used to look like the system crafters have now, except with combat skills.

yiff in hell furfag

Mudfish's fastconnect makes the game think it's sent the mudra out already you dingus. I play from New Zealand on an NA Server and have 0 latency issues.

...But Physeos is a step that’s only good inside of Eureka. Outside of it, it’s literally just a name change, nothing more.

You don't need the baldesion arsenal fragments for anything other than that elemental bonus I thought.

I have never played a healing class because I don't like ranged classes. Was hoping Dancer would be melee healer or atleast melee support/bard. Instead it is a pointless class that serves no purpose now. Just be an inferior bard or a superior bard making bard shit.


>any of the old ff remasters
yeah man I'm sure you smoking on whatever sepirot was supposed to sound like or the 5000 alexander songs that all sounded the same nah those were all better. if you're judging on difficulty you must 100% be some brainlet retard

Attached: 1549997501687.jpg (5000x5036, 1.81M)

>Wayward Daughter
Literally what the fuck even

True, but without the fragments it's not "fully completed"

suzaku was dogshit

This triggers the HWfag

You're both retards. All of HW and SB's themes were great.

So it's more of a legacy feature.
Maybe one day they will expand it so that each base class has multiple jobs to chose from kind of like the 3 specialities each class can choose from in wow.

>classic is going to be more subs than xiv


Literally iconic.

>Implying I “““yiff””” and thinking I’m a furry.
Nice projection, faggot.

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Why don't whm trannys just play sch if it's so much better? That is, as opposed to bitching about it in almost thread
seriously, they are OBSESSED.

Attached: 1552695987312.jpg (500x500, 61K)

yiff in hell furfag

t. seething furry

>expanding on old content
>build variety
>ever touching the base class system again

>start up launcher
>4 out of 5 of the slides it cycles through are advertisements for things they want you to buy
>most underwhelming ending we've ever had in 4.56
>no healer
>lazily made races that can't even wear helmets
>jp fanfest was the worst one ever and was completely anti-hype, only further cemented by the lukewarm finale to stormblood
I'm not excited for anything anymore. Only looking a little bit forward to the benchmark so I can play around with Viera creation and decide if I'm going to switch.

I played a bit during the base game but haven't picked it up again until now. What happened to those skills you could use between classes?

>Completed relics are almost as rare to see as as UCoB weapons
The fuck? No they aren't. SB relic is easiest relic to complete, taking the least amount of time, gil and effort than all the previous ones. Both relic and elemental armor is very much a common sight, it is nowhere near as rare as ucob gear.

Why do these posts read like they're made by marketers

I am literally getting paid in ramen and rice for shilling this game on Yea Forums daily.

WAR do the same thing. I'm sure Shadowbringers meta will be WAR and GUN. They also say they want to make two tanks MT and two tanks OT, but we all know the tank with the shield isn't going to be made to be MT even though that would make sense and is how it should be.

Why don't DRK just play WAR
Why don't MCH jus-pfffhahahaha there are none of them left

removed because shitters complained about *HAVING* to level another job, but also to reduce the amount of buttons people were pressing. Don't worry, they went back on that second half anyways and just let you grab every role action (replaced the skills you learned from classes) anyways.

Tank stances are going away completely so PLD pulling might be more realistic now depending on what abilities there'll be between 70 and 80.

>why do people want to play one of the most iconic FF jobs that's been in the series since the first game instead of sch

maybe he’s an idiot and means “visually” see. which i could understand then, since a lot of people glamour over these ugly af eureka weapons

Any post on any website that isn't relentless shitting and bitching about anything and everything is actually marketing. Make sure to complain constantly and never enjoy anything in case you accidentally advertise it without knowing.

>Tank stances are going away completely
Yeah you wish greylet.


I actually really like rdm relic

See you in May.

>Half of them are (You)

I just really like this game user :(

Is doing POTD on a main character worth it
I kinda just want to reach 50/60 as fast as I can then play catch up with the story

While there are absolutely marketers on this website, FFXIV is one of the games that needs it the least here. Catgirls are enough to pick up the Yea Forums crowd.

Oh right, I forgot, they're going to dumb the game down even more and make it less fun to play.

It's more the way they talk. How did they even know the person had just started the game? They didn't remotely imply it until the one user mentioned you get a free fantasia with your first sub and clearing ARR. Also shit like
>You can make a Bunny Girl in the Official FFXIV: Shadowbringers Benchmark
Who talks like that? When has there ever been an unofficial benchmark? It's almost like putting an ascii trademark symbol at the end. Fuck maybe I'm just paranoid but still.

>slug through Eureka
>this gun is the worst thing I've laid eyes on
Why did it have to be like this

Are you from 2006?

I like the Burn bagpipes more.

Look at him

Attached: 20190329_mm_18.jpg (600x400, 51K)

All the Eureka relics are abortions and look like shit. I'm kinda really mad about it. It's pretty clear they put way more effort into the aesthetics and glows of the Ultimate raid weapons.

huh, i didn't get a fantasia for finishing ARR. is there something specifically i need to do?

honestly RDM is the only good looking Eureka weapon, with SAM being a close second

>Male viera
U wot?
They wanted fujoshi bait

And no bud, your contrarian glamor opposed male hyur ass does not represent anything

>Oh right, I forgot, they're going to dumb the game down even more and make it less fun to play.
Literally nobody uses tank stances anymore. If this causes them to add more active tanking mechanics, let it be so.

Anyone else find it amusing how SE desperately tries to clean up the official forums whenever the community is actually up in arms against them and being critical about SE's bullshit?

They changed it because of the changes to the veteran rewards system. You no longer get the free fantasia for the first month's sub, you get it for beating Ultima instead. You only get one free fantasia, not two.

There's also one included as part of the Heavensward Collector's Edition but naturally you have to upgrade to the CE to get it.

No. Because I regularly post on the OF and people think "critique" is insulting everybody including each other. Shitshows like this are when they become awful. Less than 50 people of the several hundred thousand player base and all it takes to ruin the OF are the really brain damaged ones.

The motherfuckers claiming "personal attack" are especially annoying.

There are far too many different people here now. The same "Yea Forums crowd" that would get roped in by anime cliches alone is outnumbered by this point.
and my main is a femelezen dickhead.

Attached: 1526843309299.jpg (600x446, 91K)

That's what literally every authority does when its constituents start acting up.

It's one thing to be up in arms it's another to piss on the floor as protest. Fucking monkeys need to learn to behave.

anyway to get this "second" fantasia if you did the quest long before it had that as a reward? I've been keepin' up with content since 2.55, and I never got a second fantasia. Just the one for subbing for a month.

No one fucking posts on those forums, I sometimes visit there to laugh at screeching catboys for not getting their male viera.

Why must you hurt me in this way

>really want to get in to this game
>all those hundreds and hundreds of hours of cutscenes I have to go through to get to current content
>literally travelling all across the world to watch a cutscene and running back
>90% of these cutscenes follow the same sleepy formula of
>*scene slowly fades in from black*
>2 characters standing completely still as statues doing the talking animation at each other for 5 mins
>*scene fades to black*

I don't think I can do it, I even finished the shitshow that was ARR quests, I think I'm over halfway into heavensward now and this shit is turning my brain to mush, never thought I'd actually be happy to receive a generic "Kill 10 baddies" quest

Attached: 1553772207301.png (497x480, 217K)


Just quit. The last thing this game needs is more bitter endgame idlers who rush through all the story then whine that the game has no content.

hw is kino

only on alts

I know that feel all too well user. I went through that to get into HW. I couldn't imagine the thought of going through that to get to SB.

What kept me going is that this is a problem that's only a problem once. Hang in there. Also enjoy the HW storyline. It's alright.

I am literally and unironically OFFENDED by the Dragoon Relic spear. Is it supposed to be based on some kind of real world weapon? Because honest to god, the basic spears you level with as a fucking Lancer look better

I really really really wish they revealed these weapons at the start of Eureka. So I knew I didn't need to bother with it at all.

That is why you have to look closer. Are you seeing Armor +1 or Armor +2? Eureka or Physeos? Because the latter in each case are very hard to find.

Probably because there is /literally/ zero point to getting physeos?

There is zero point in doing the relic at all, it's always worse than raid gear until after the final tier is released.

You're saying no one finished the relic because barely anyone does the super-autistic optional final step which makes it stronger in Eureka?

Attached: bore.jpg (251x201, 5K)

>do dozens of hours of shitty content just for a weapon model you don't even know the appearance of yet

No one to blame but yourself user.

>watching ALL of the cutscenes in ffxiv

Attached: a9e.jpg (453x500, 33K)

You're saying no one got ultimate weapons because barely anyone does the super-autistic optional content which gives weaker weapons than crafted ones?

>didn't do the final step
What the fuck do you think finished means you stupid mother fucker?

I like shota x loli

With how much content we were guaranteed to have to do I took what I thought was the path of least resistance.

I mean I haven't' been disappointed thus far. But this shit is an abomination. And they're going to keep these ugly things this way. I'm at the final step and looking at the gun again made me wash my hands of it entirely.

Sorry to hear, but this game is NOT made for ADHD ridden Wowfugees, and you should propably uninstall.

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Honestly it's not that bad. Either 8 fragment runs or 4 Ozma clears, and you can do either in a couple of days.

If you're willing, you could spend money to skip your way through to Stormblood

Autism. Nothing in this game requires skill

How is one even supposed to do Ozma? Every time I click one of these portals I end up being the only person in the dungeon.
Either that or some asshole threatens to report you for even coming near them, as he is part of some circlejerk premade group.

There is plenty variety, just not if you solely care about max-gear-raiding. Get a good FC and this is by far the best social MMO, with a lot of heart and soul put into its activities, jobs and otherwise.

why do people get mad at me for watching cutscenes?

There is objectively no build variety. Specs do not exist and progression is purely vertical. Every plays the same as every other .

What point are you even trying to make here? It's actually true that hardly anyone cleared Ultimate.
And you guys whine when other faggots say "you can't say you're done with the game until you've got every mount/minion/card/roll/achievement/etc!" From now on Savage content doesn't count as being cleared until you've gotten BiS from it. So it actually takes months to clear, not 2 days like people say.

The relic is done at the Eureka step. Arguing semantics to try and push obvious falsehoods only weakens your arguments about Eureka.

Join a premade group instead of autistically resisting all forms of social interaction

There's another step, that's not arguing semantics that's you being an obtuse fucking retard

>it's finished when I say its finished, not when it's actually finished
I'm sorry that you can't handle being wrong.

"Cleared savage" has a clear meaning, you cleared the final fight
"Obtained BIS" has a clear meaning, you got the current BIS gear set
"Finished the relic" has a clear meaning, you finished all your relic steps
Fuck off moron

i bet you haven't read a book since high school


tfw made the mistake of joining a /vg/ listed fc
Learn from my mistake, anons, Yea Forums fcs are full of trannies and insufferable autists that support them. A bit of autism is fine but I can't even make a joke around these fuckers without triggering them.

>joining a Yea Forums fc
>joining a Yea Forums /vg/ fc
And here I thought people in current year couldn't get that silly

t. seething eureka tranny

>not joining the Yea Forums FC

At least you learned.

That shit has killed all my hype and I unsubscribed.

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*makes it stronger within Eureka only

I beat Omega M/F savage, so I have cleared O12S.
Final Omega is just some fluff fight that is ultimately meaningless. Saying otherwise is just arguing semantics.

And where can I find these fcs
Please save me from this shit

>joining any Yea Forums listed FC

ZR on ultros

>this strawman

Fuck off, retard

>played since 2.0
>only now watching cutscenes and paying attention to MSQ

Where can I watch or read a compilation of the main story?

Attached: 1553783149817.gif (728x728, 1.87M)

That's the fc I'm in.

you can rewatch it with your character in cutscene from the inn room in any of the major cities or in your own in-game home with the furnishing "the unending journey".

>He doesn't know

all i can say to you, is

Or wait until New Game+ and do it yourself on the off times

Sorry you're too incompetent to do BA.

There is nothing hard about BA lmao. That shit was easy to clear week one.

I haven't paid attention to this game in months but none of that sounds compelling

Then post your Physeos and Demo Ozma in the same image.

I can't imagine any fucking reason to do BA after you're done with your mount. Like shit, what cuck stays in after AV for the pet? What autist works on more than one weapon? Physeos doesn't even carry over outside Eureka.

Speaking of Eureka, I finally made it to Hydatos today
Can someone walk me through step by step what I need to do to get the fucking Ozma Mount? I understand I need to run some kind of demi-instance called BA, but apparently people try to block you from entering it? I try to read up on it but man the wikis for FFXIV really are not good

Attached: FFXIV_PUB_FANFESTIVAL_2019_TOKYO_59.png (1920x1080, 2.43M)

Thats a vg fc, your application message literally has to be "/vg/" for you to get in

All info on XIV is kept on discord servers. If you actually try to look for information on websites you'll be lucky to find anything more recent than early-Heavensward articles.

>coping this hard

it's a lot worse than you think right now
you have to organize 56 man raid parties in discords with waiting queue bots, spend 3 hours trying to get into an instance together and then wipe inside
repeat 999x

Cope and seethe.

XIV has a long history of Yea Forums shilling

This seems very useful, thanks

Oh. Can you recommend any discord servers for doing/getting into BA? I've joined the balance but its the only server im in.

>56 man raid party
holy shit

Attached: upstanding ala mhigan gentleman.png (1024x576, 672K)

you get a lot of EXP from doing the main story, you don't want that to go to waste. You will be behind in EXP a little bit if you don't do optional stuff though. I recently started playing on a second character to play with a friend who is new to the game so that early game isn't as boring and we were behind by one level like 2 times just from doing the MSQ, which was easily fixed by doing fates or one leveling roulette.

female ronso do not even look like that in ffx

look for your data center’s BA discord, read how the queue bot works, queue into a learning party, and buckle up.

Once you get it going, it’s pretty neat, but getting everyone together and into the same instance is a bag of dicks at times.

>spouting irrelevant memes instead of posting simple evidence
Ante up or be a joke. But I guess you're already accustomed to the latter

>SAM being a close second
The fuck? Torigashira is the worst looking weapon in the entire game. Looks like Riku's pre-Keyblade weapon.
Elemental Blade is where its at

Attached: Model-Elemental_Blade.png (991x859, 665K)

Just google "BA discord ff14" and you'll get some results. Just don't get your hopes up over BA. To be honest, BA itself is a lot of fun. Nothing in it is terribly hard in terms of mechanics either. What makes it difficult is getting 56 people into the same instance which can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 3 hours. Eureka instancing is just that shit. Then you gotta deal with BA discord brainlets that have never done a single extreme/savage/ultimate that are bent on messing everything up for the entire group. Whether it's catastrophically failing mechanics and taking everyone out with them or shitting up voice comms so much that none of the other tardos can hear the "callouts" for easy ass mechanics a trained chimp could do, and then said tardos start fucking up too. If you join a BA discord and they have roles for learning/prog/clear/whatever, just save yourself the trouble and set yourself to cleared. Assuming you're not totally inept and have read one of several guides on BA out there and watched a video, you'll blend right in.

Cmoooon buddy, they're easy to get! Don't be shy! Post em :)

Attached: anteupboyo.png (565x424, 497K)

I’m hoping they can look like that here at least, if both races get their gender unlocked.

You misspelled "SMN".

Nice. This is a big help user, ty

Why is the male SAM idle pose the same pose that the lv50 class master calls 'disrespectful'?

This webm was enough to make me never even want to try BA. Having to wait hours to get in and then spend hours standing around while every mechanic gets explained just seals the deal.
>Make a dungeon where the whole idea is that it's totally open to the public and you can go in and attempt it with any old bunch of randos
>Make it impossible without a premade and voice comms
>Have mechanics where one person can effectively wipe the entire 56 man raid by failing a mechanic only they can see
>Have permadeath, have to start over from scratch if you wipe
No ty

Attached: The BA experience.webm (700x460, 2.83M)

Because its Sephiroth's win pose

Good morning, scrub-kun!

I guess that means (a fucking female au ra) is superior to you in every way.

Prolly has something to do with >muh honor or some other retarted samurai shit

obviously because the WoL is canonically a girl and would never do the disrespectful pose

Attached: katana.png (599x554, 264K)

that shit looks ugly as hell. Mimesis Lux looks far better

Fine by me.

>obviously because the WoL is canonically a girl
>Warrior of Light
Canon male. Not once is it referenced as the Warrioress of Light.

I left that fiesta and transferred a few years ago. It was a really great decision. It's nice to be surrounded by people that act relatively normal instead of it being 24/7 circle jerking or shitposting. I still see ZRs every once in a while in DF in eureka too. Sometimes I see the ones that were pretty chill and cool and didn't really interact with what I felt was like the core of the FC. Most of the time tho it's more the shitty side of the group race baiting or some shit in alliance chat.

>Canonically a girl
>When the avatar meant to represent the player in every single trailer and CHI cutscene is a man

Hello ESL.

me on the left

what the literal fuck did he mean by this

Wait, isn't that just the same boss from Mhach?
I've never even touched eureka, so sorry if I'm just really late to that.

I am finally free, after 8 months im finally free, I tought I would resub once hidatos would release to finish my relic, but the final stage looks so fucking bad it didnt motivate me enough to play, patch 4.56 is a joke, SB ending is a joke, I dont feel I should play to see it all end, im just gonna wait till july and enjoy SHB and then fuck off for another 8 months.


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t. spent effort on mimesis lux and therefore coping

its ozma, yes
but DEMI ozma
no i dont know the lore justification

So are there any XIV private servers or is the only way to play the actual full game need a subscription?

That's Arbert.

Its Proto Ozma, an attempt at recreating it

Now it isn't as bad as you'd think. Most of the shitters got filtered out so groups full of "cleared" people are usually passable at least. Comms aren't even necessary if you don't need callouts (from a human at least). There's strats too like "overload" for when shit like that webm happens. The whole permadeath thing is also misleading, because sacrifice L still works and healer lb3 works. Only bad thing is that sac targets have a priority. Tanks>heals>>>DPS. If you're a dps and die before AV somehow, you're out.

iirc, the one in mhach is a “replica” of demi ozma, which is the original made by Eureka

you know what, eureka had a pretty cool storyline, even if it was really drawn out

Okay thanks for clearing that up.
I liked the heavensward 24 man series.

It had really nice setpieces, but man I hated the characters

Do SCH or SMN even do their relic quests? I would love to see the stats on that one.
Because I mean holy shit...those books would have to look pretty damn good to get me to go through all that bullshit, ya know for just a book.

Attached: 1546263497527.png (128x128, 24K)

Eureka *itself* had a good storyline
the Eureka *Weapons* however, were such a shit story compared to the Zodiac or Anima weapons

Why do the stats matter? We're at the end of the expac there is nothing to use them on. Savage DPS check is a joke so the weapon won't save you if you're too bad to clear.

No it isn't. Arbert & Co. were just based off the ARR character cutscene templates

Why did the eureka weapons end up being so ugly?
Why does every one of them have a funky rainbow cloud around them?
Eureka really will end up being completely dead content because no one in their right mind would go back to get one of these shitty things.

The fact they didn't even do unique glow effects per weapon like they did for HW or make all the armors unique by role really is the cherry on top of how shit the entirety of Eureka was.

>doing relics for stats
Haha, look at that loser

Attached: jebated.png (364x444, 64K)

oh yeah I 100% agree
the Eureka primal story was obviously a sub in for a eureka weapon story, with the end result just being geralt yelling at drunkely us while hes creating the most powerful weapons around out of bits of shit we find on the floor

Maybe you should go back to wow if you want that shit

Byakko's theme is fucking great though

>Same server as ResetERA, NeoGAF and Reddit

It is almost time to pick your poison, EUbros(*)

(*)- Term 'EUbros' does not include frenchniggers and german furries

Attached: Untitled.png (615x277, 11K)

>Dancer is a ranged dps to piss off the healsluts
>Massive fucking shotafags don't get their cute little bunny boys

These are the main things I love the most. The sheer fucking unbridled uncontainable raging, shaking and seething from the faggot-side of the playerbase who love healslutting and being pretty little kawaii uguu fucks was more than satisfying alone. Reddit went into meltdown, /xivg/ was slightly more dramatic than usual and the whinging in-game from wholly detestable and unlikeable players gave me enough sodium chloride to drown in.

They're not even content that healer is still going to get a new job and will probably be a melee one with a fucking hammer, because that's just not CUTE damn it!

Please look forward to it, you fucking cringe magnets.

>Cerberus is stuck on the french side.
I don't know what I'm going to do.

>Germans on one side
>French on the other

What a horrible fucking fate for us all.


>You replicate the feats of heroes long passed to recreate their weapons
>You nuture a brand new lifeform to serve as your weapon, that swears allegiance to you despite its doubts
Gerolt just tosses together a bunch of crystals and bits you ripped off of voidsent and a crystal dragon to make a weapon

poor EU, choosing between frogs or krauts or shit ping

>Primal Euraka's whole schtick is LITERALLY that it can create powerful weapons
>they fail to tie this into the weapon creation quests in any actual way whatsoever

If you are shite
go now to Light

What is the biggest and best EU English server?

i htought cerberus is russian server

Baldesion Arsenal is actually pretty fun, they should totally add more content like this but without the retarded 'public dungeon' gimmick

Based on the viera we got, wouldn't the dudes have just used elezen bodies too? Or are we going on concept art that would have very likely been changed up by the time it would be put in the game?

I appreciate that yoshi created a balmung containment datacenter now mine won't die on expansion release

Yoshi described them as elegant and elezen with bunny ears

They already confirmed no new healer

when can I move to EU for free
I picked NA when I started because the NA and EU datacentres were hosted in the same fucking building and I didn't want to play with Frenchies.

No new healer for release time.

Keep rolling

Excuse you in a gay who loves to be a manly highlander who does all three roles

You sound like an even bigger tranny fag than all the shotafags

Nah, you can think like that because one of the biggest russian guilds resides here, but in fact there are very few of us.

>he just assumes we'll get a new healer because there was a character with a weapon we hadn't seen yet
>not the first faggot I've seen parroting this

This is exactly how shit like dancer healer starts.

We're not getting another mid-expansion job again unless you'd like a limited healer

Well they just whipped themselves into a fever then.
I still just want to know more about the jobs and changes.

We have two pretty healers and none masculine one so if anything the next one could be chemist or cleric

We wont get more limited jobs. They will raise cap on bluemage then accept that everyone hates it. then we'll never see any of this horrible half assed content again.

>could be science man in all roles
I don't count on that happening, but that would finally give me a healer to like.

Next job is a hammer wielding cleric healer

>We wont get more limited jobs

Attached: 1520006156873.jpg (310x310, 33K)

>source: my ass

I trust that ass.

Everyone hates bluemage as it is and square knows it. That's why when asked about how it was received YoshiP changed the subject to raising the level cap before examining that data, because otherwise he would have had to admit no one fucking likes it.

Why are your stats so bad? Also
>Eureka, not physeos
Ah you're a scrub. nvm

>moved to Balmung back before the move since ping was shit regardless and I wanted an English speaking RP community
>most people are degenerates and have no better English than the frenchniggers and kraut monkeys on EU
>the actual decent RP communities are closed off high-functioning circlejerks you need to fill out full on applications to get into
>don't really want to pay to move back to EU because the options are no better and don't provide what I want

Shit game desu


Yes. They are that fucking lazy that they rehashed Ozma and made some half ass lore reason why

Any mods to give my highlander bitch a 6 pack?

>se has been secretly working on a new healer job that wasn't ready for release for some reason and they haven't made any mention if it and have repeatedly stated there won't be a new one while they balance the current ones because it's a secret
>nomura was too lazy to look up what weapons are in the game

they're shit

Attached: 1550823771502.png (1920x1080, 1.2M)

Im trying to catch up on the lore of XIV but Im not subbed to the game, and dont plan on subbing till July.

What resources outside the game can I look at to understand the story? That whole 1/14 worlds thing from Fan Fest caught my interest

If you want good rp you've got to pass the filter my dude

Get scans of the lore books

There's like 200 hours of msq lore to catch up if you're new to the game.

Shota or Death

Death it is

Then perish

Not before loli's.

Shards have been relegated to patch story, so it's not hard to catch up on the must-know stuff.
watch this playlist through to part 10, and you have most of the information about the 13 reflections that we have right now. If you want to know what's currently happening in the plot, search for msq cutscenes on youtube for the last couple patches (4.3-4.5)

I felt the same way, but I suspect we'll return sometime in 5.3 or 5.4 when the Garlands catch wind that Erozea's champion is away and they rage a full on attack again.

To be fair, I'm ok with not going back to Ala Mhigo anytime soon. Place was pretty bland and ot felt like we're really cut off from most of the city. This explains why Hildy quests took place in Kugane and why they keep sprinkling bits of Ishgard here and there. They're more interesting locations.

these are unironically the the biggest reason I'd have so far to cave in and preorder the expansion

Attached: IMG_20190329_115110.jpg (900x1298, 180K)

Hrothgar look terrible. Shame, I would like to play a male character but this game is so gay that Elven men are the least faggy guys in the game.

I'm not even bothering anymore and just play a roegadyn with full armor

Have they said anything about SMN?
Only thing I care about the whole game is SMN and my dickhorn helmet.

It depends on how autistic you want to get with the lore. Want full explanations and extra details? Search for lore book scans, Google fan explanations, or check out wikis.

Want a general breakdown? Just ask. I'm bored and talking about the lore is fun.

What's the deal with all of this darkness shit and the world ending

>play game for years
>hop from FC to FC on invites
>most I ever do is say hi if someone catches me logging in or doing a roulette
>never make any lasting friends
>only still in current FC because IRL friend picked the game up and got us both invited
I don't like being a boring fuck, but I have no idea how to have a personality without feeling like I'm faking it.

Attached: 1532335747539.png (600x689, 388K)

And they're not even troll accounts because there is no way to post on the OF unless you own the game.

So Yoshi is shooting himself in the foot disregarding the will of his consumers.

This really isn't Yea Forums's area of expertise

>Harness years of role-playing experience to perfectly craft and form a bratty tsundere personality
>Weebs fall head over heels for it and I social butterfly between different friends

Everyone is faking it user, whether in a game or in real social situations. In an MMO it's incredibly easy to be somebody else and that's kind of the whole point.

Pretend there's a smug anime image. Fuck gookmoot for IP range banning just to get people to pay for a shitty Yea Forums pass.

Then fake it, dumbass.

Then I can't get "comfortable" faking it? I have no idea what my issue really is, I just know I hate being a prop, but the idea of interacting beyond a "hey" usually puts a pit in my stomach, so I just stay there.

People playing this game just for shitty character customization are as bad as smash rosterfags

Rp in this game is a safespace lesbian futa dickgirl cesspool

Burmecians when?

Attached: 1553574151756.jpg (960x708, 54K)

I used to be a quiet introvert and faked being a bratty tsundere and now i became it and everyone likes me instantly and it's so weird

This is practically impossible for some people

Weebs love bratty types. Some of the most popular anime characters fall under that definition.

>bratty tsundere
this trope is so very stale, boring, and worst of all predictable

Stop jerking yourself off to "current content" and enjoy the fucking ride, you muppet.

Yet everyone I met wants to hang out with me. It's cliche for a reason and i'm not even pretending to be a girl

You aren't wrong but anyone who's not a weeb gets turned off by that kind of personality immediately. And what's worse is so many people play that part so very poorly too. Its hard to be social and not hate everyone when everyone wants to be like that.

> become cynical kuudere
> stay away from people
> they either like you enough to try to be friends with you or stop bothering you
> ???
> profit

Just beat Tsukuyomi after getting owned for like 5 times, having the party vote abandon, and queueing again to my get my victory. Did you guys like the fight?

Attached: 1553651317497.png (324x319, 84K)

>they either like you enough to try to be friends with you or stop bothering you
this is why I had no friends in high school

That's true, but I'm sure you can see why it would appeal to a lot of people who play FFXIV due to the entire aesthetic of the game and player-base in general. Will everyone who plays it love it? Of course not. Will a lot of people? Undoubtedly.

You summarised most anime character personalities in a nutshell.

To my understanding, 14 worlds were created when Hydaelyn (goddess of light and motherof all, basically) first sealed away Zodriak (the god of darkness). All the worlds rely on a balance between light and dark. Unukalhai's (the masked kid from the Warring Triad quests) world qad already destroyed due to too much darkness. We're essentially filling the world with too much light and may do the same.

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name a "-dere" that isn't

if you want to be popular you bitches need to get off your high horses that you are better than everyone else that's the least appealing

but I don't do that


we weren't on the first before shadowbringers

Adding to some of this. The ultimate goal of the Ascians is to push all of those worlds back into place. The purpose of a Calamity is to break down the dimensional barrier between our world and one of the reflections and rejoin them. When a world is flooded by either light or darkness, its aether is gone and can no longer be rejoined. So far 7 have been rejoined, and one has been lost to darkness. We're going to save one about to be flooded by light.

>glutenous world with literal fat cats

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I legitimately teared up a little bit when a ghost of gostetsu appears to defend yotsuyu from the ghost of zenos
call me a fag i don't care
its a fantastic fight

>I'm sure you can see why it would appeal to a lot of people
You're right man. It probably does. Like I get it, it's an MMO, you're supposed to be social and it helps a lot to become friends but it's a real challenge when that bratty personality is so common but also comes across as abrasive and annoying like nails on a chalkboard. It makes you start expecting everyone to be like that so you become bitter and anti-social so even the people who you would enjoy talking to you don't give a chance anymore.

So are the Ascians actually the good guys?


Yo ho ho they took a bite of gum gum

Yet she still pressed on, trying to kills us. It was her denial of reality that let her transform back

I lost it when Gosetsu found her after the fight

Good intentions, their methods are pretty villainous.

loved the fight, especially the music
I really liked how they showed her story from her point of view, especially with gosetsu rushing to defend her
there's a lot of great symbolism in the fight that I really enjoyed, the Ex version aswell.

Took the words out of my mouth, I quit 14 ages ago because the playerbase was such a dumpster fire, these tears are delicious.

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Yes, but every one them except Elidibus is a drooling retard.

yes. their methods are questionable, but they're saving the world by destroying others

Most of them are just doing it because they're darkness shills and they want to revive Zodiark. Elidibus seems to actually want to return the world to its original state though, which may or may not be a bad thing but it would almost definitely destroy all life as we know it. Like we've been told now that in the original world, there's only one race. So everyone currently alive would get squished together.

Tsukuyomi reminded me of a Sailor Moon villian

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They would be if they weren't such dicks about it

Fuck bunnies, fuck roe2.0, give me the ability to play as an obese oreo miqote girl and get people banned for fat shaming when I walk into rp events dressed super skimpy

>he thinks that the dumpster fire of the English OF matters

Should I just fanta my character that was meant to be a male viera into a female? He wears pretty gender neutral clothing so if I can slide the chest flat enough maybe it'll be convincing.... But I don't wanna buy another fantasia down the line if males ever do get added...

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Definitely not getting rats. Can tell you that much.

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>what if sailor moon, but evil and more sexy
now this is a villain design i can get behind

Just play male cat.

They're called Quiqirn in XIV.

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Go Melezen with bunny ears

But I AM better than everyone else

people outside of japan still legitimately enjoy final fantasy?

I thought it was just for fujoshis

? everyone in this thread is japanese bro dunno what ur on about lol

Most of the Ascians want Zodiark to rise ascendant over Hydaelyn and don't acutally give a fuck about returning the world to its original state - they just want their god boss in charge so they'll be rewarded. Elidibus is the only one who's been presented as being interested in an actual balance, but he also doesn't really care if his colleagues want to go full fucking Joker as long as it doesn't halt the overall progress towards unsealing Zodiark.

They don't need all the worlds rejoined to break the seal, they just need to weaken Hydaelyn enough. Maybe some of them believe Zodiark's first move will be to put the world back together when he gets out, but they'd mostly be equally happy if he re-separated them and gave dominion over them to his loyal followers.

If Zodiark gets out and he eats all the Ascians like a Primal, you can bet they'll be screaming "NO THIS WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN TO ME"

he's a max height hyur right now I don't wanna be even more of a manlet
I thought of that, especially regarding yoshi-p's quote about Male viera that keeps being thrown around these threads, but I don't know if I could actually go through with it

Its not nearly as bad as retards make it out to seem just avoid """""""""prog""""""""" AV party's like the fucking plague because its a fucking dps check fight and a super easy one at that.

t.cleared dozens of times already

Dancer should be a melee DPS.

Male elezen are weird with their necks with big ass arms (people don't talk much about it but they're fucking big).
I've been thinking about male aura or go female viera like you said, still not sure, just want to play a cool tall characters with decent animations.

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Stop shilling faggot.

Hey Yea Forums, is this good enough for Shadowbringers?

Told you to stop shilling, you little shit.

lol, post your ucob or uwu weapon cuck

>Male aura
>decent animations

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They're all modified elezen anyway but having a normal neck gives them extra points

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FF14 runs on toasters. basically anything is fine.

It's her daughter from the future.


Not him, but what gpu should I get to do 1440p/144hz in FFXIV or is it even possible at the moment?

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Play the fucking game so you know what you're translating you idiot

Blame Koji's changes.
