Playing Borderlands single player

>Playing Borderlands single player

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I don't have friends user

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>Playing Borderlands

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That's why you go Gaige and have a friend with you at all times

What the fuck is lilith doing with her mouth

meh, I hate multiplayer games but Borderlands 2 was pretty fun co-op.

>Playing Borderlands

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I wish they implement AI players in borderlands 3
Finished Borderlands 1 in single player and it feels weird to play borderlands alone where the story and gameplay designed for 4 people.

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>Playing Borderlands

Hey guys, it's Randy. Thanks a bunch for your support!
Here's a picture of me, working hard to ensure I make BL3 just as well as I made Battleborn, Aliens: Colonial Marines, and Duke Nukem Forever!

Thank you for saving my company so we can continue to fight bigotry and be BADASS for many years to come!

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Fuck off

Why do you have a Santa hat on? Christmas is ages away still.

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>Playing Borderlands

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why dont you lonely fags all share your ids with eachother and play it? dumdums.

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>ughh, and for this magic trick, I'll make borderlands 3 appear....hnng in 30fps

borderlands is a trash baby series

>thinking everyone lives in one country
Dumb animeposter

>mfw just play these games solo while listening to podcasts
I just like looting and shooting.

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>Playing Borderlands with your imouto.

My first step into true siscon territory. It's great when your little sister is a permanent party member.

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>Needing to live in the same country to play online.

>what is ping

>Playing Borderlands

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I tried doing the same thing, get my little sister into vidya but she went to shitty mobile games instead and would rather watch people play videogames on youtube/twitch. Goddamnit

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I like Borderlands, I have (online) friends who also like it.

However, my gaming pace is glacial. I like to explore the fuck outta every map, do all the side-quests, check out all the different guns and try different combinations of them, all while pausing frequently to eat/drink/smoke weed/pet my cats/browse the Internet.

So that pace doesn't really translate well over to co-op. Thus I go solo.

>2009 was 10 years ago

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I don't think anyone likes Lilith anymore, but did she really deserve THIS?

Don't you guys have friends?

>lost the only 2 people i've met online that i could actually call friends right before christmas
Would have ended it all already if wasn't for my family.

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I have played all the Borderlands solo, especially 2 and the pre sequel. It worked fine. I have no friends and the games have no matchmaking so you need people in your friendslist to play. I hope the third one have online functionality, not all the NAT bullshit...

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Kinda reminds me of this.

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Lilith is the villain in Borderlands 2 right ?

>implementing most of Yea Forums have friends to begin with
this bait right?

I wish I could play co-op. My first experience was some screaming/ crying child I had to play Uncharted 2 co-op missions with years ago, put me right off.
It's near impossible to co-op with friends after age 30. People sell their stuff off / are way too busy.
I've only ever played borderlands split-screen co-op with my girlfriend.

I guess Steam is a blessing, because it's meant everyone has a computer, so hopefully I'll get to do some co-op on resi 5 with my buddy soon.

>the word badass didn't appear a single time during the presentation
I have a faint glimmer of hope that the game will actually be pretty decent.

>Borderlands 3 is not battle royale
GOTY candidate

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>listen to dialogue
>friends are already running off to kill stuff

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Say hello to my wife

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multiplayer is for casuals

This. Borderlands isn't a good game for co-op if you like taking your time unless you all agree to it. The amount of neverending NPC dialog chatter back-to-back in BL2 the first time we set foot into sanctuary legit gave me a migraine.

Fuck borderlands, the first one was only good cause no one else was doing it at the time. The shooting was barely passable, it's aged like piss in milk. Fuck borderlands fuck Randy fuck you

Borderlands would have been better if you could level and fight alongside AI
Make your own team with you as the leader, switching their gear and choosing their perks to best suit your needs
but no
forced multiplayer if you want more "difficulty" and better loot drops

Nearly came buckets when I saw her. I fucking love that hairstyle.

The handsome collection dont have BL1.. Not much point then...

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say hello to your wife's ugly daughter

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>he needs other people shouting memes at him to enjoy a video game already rife with memes
>he wants to herd cats running in opposite directions yelling "no no i wanna go this way!" and "mom said its my turn so we're skipping all the dialog! lol stop exploring i need mah purpz!"
>he needs to be carried by other people to enjoy a video game

Nope indeed

>Looking at Steam profile
>0 friends

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>GOTY candidate
yeah with golden boy Randy Pitchford at the helm, what could possibly go wrong

You don't need friends, they only bring pain.

>take BL2's graphics
>slap slightly higher res textures on that
>2019 game
Thanks GBS.

>>listen to dialogue

What's wrong with her face?

Handsome collection is like $15 and BL1 is just a bit more than that with the new update on April 3rd adding QoL shit

What the fuck did they do to her face?

You shouldn't be allowed to buy borderlands if you're going to play it solo, the store should force you to prove you have friends. its just pathetic otherwise

So what's happening in april 3rd? Are they gonna give an actual release date?

Yeah, let me just play with Björn and Ahmed while i'm 25 min away from going to bed mate

>You shouldn't be allowed to buy borderlands
Your post would have been great if it was just this part

3rd is the release date of borderlands remaster. If you have the game itself you will receive it for free. You don't need to own any of the dlc's, the base game will suffice

>never finished playing Bl2 because how much worse the loot system was turned me off in spite of everything else being better

>Hear the community patch and other overhauls fix not only loot scaling, but also make uniques and legendaries work more like they did in BL1

>Can't get any of my friends to do a run with me to give it a try

fuck, how do I find people to play with

Are they giving the DLC for free as well or do you still need to buy it if you have the base game

its all free use google pussy boy

>Not even attempting
You deserve your fate

I am thinking of playing Borderlands but needed some friends to play along with. The game is awfully boring single player wise.

I will be playing it at 4PM EST

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It's the 'I'm the bitch that ruined everything' look.

Yes, the DLCs come with the remaster as well, so it's kinda a good deal since you can just buy the base game before April the 3rd and get the remaster with all the DLCs

I control my own fate lad, also i'm not an only child so I'll be playing it with my aniki and a real life friend.

This has the stink of Epic store all over, did they mention anything?

Definitely EGS. Mark my words on this

The borderlands 1 remaster will come on steam so it's safe to assume Borderlands 3 will be on there as well

The Remaster is not as important so Ebin might have just not paid for that.

But why isnt it included? I dont wanna pay 10$ for a game from 2009, and I have most of the other stuff that matters....

If they don't revamp the gameplay game will be shit.
I liked B1 and B2 can't bring myself to end the pre sequel.
They all seem like expansions from the first game instead of brand new.

...maybe Maya and Krieg weren't such a good match after all.

>Playing Borderlands

its 5 years after BL2 so that girl is either a friendo or adopted.

>Lilith is now in her 30s


>playing Redditlands
Fucking yikes Anthony

Looks good and looks like BL. Thanks GBS.

This game is not written by Anthony.

Yikes, user... Don't you read about things before posting?

That'll be one yike from me...

she's tank girl

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Don't see anything wrong with that. 2 and TPS are fun games on their own.
1 on the other hand, if you don't have friends you're going to get bored.

I played BL2 first time when I had no friends, and playing with random ppl online was actually pretty wholesome

what the fuck is this abomination?

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>The Helios station? Crash it

she looks kinda normal from the side

This one's definitely a lesbian

Speaking of Krieg any chance he got Maya to ride the meat bicycle?

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>not playing with your gf or the homies

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can someone give me a quick rundown

One time I got a new online friend to play with me. Turned out he was literally autistic and punched a hole in his wall because of "gamer rage" then went to prison. So I don't add just anyone anymore and I'm lonely again.

Why does she look like anita sarkeesian

because everyone here is a mean asshole

>lets make Lilith a fat ugly tumblrina

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>needing teammates to pick your dumb ass up because you can't get past a nomad's shield

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All my friends hate Borderlands.

-Hyperion bows to Sirens
-In contact with Eridians
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control Fyrestone with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & vaults all over the galaxy
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities in the realm of the traveler (Lilithville will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Pandora
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Lilith babies
-All Sirens said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence in the galaxy has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & several Vaults
-Ancient Eridian scriptures tell of six angels who will descend upon the Galaxy and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the galaxy
-You likely have Phase energy inside you right now
-They learned fluent French in under a week
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the Sirens. There's no treasure in the vaults, only Ft. Siren
-The Sirens are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.

I don't have fags to play with, my core group fucked off because one of them didn't like the fact that I didn't like FFXIV. And playing with randos means playing with Willow tree and I just want to have fun.

>She looked better 10 fucking years ago
Goddamn son

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i missed the stream where can i watch it

EVERYTHING is fun in co-op. Borderlands is fun in co-op, Resident Evil 6 is fun in co-op, watching The Room is fun with company, even being fucking tortured and beheaded by a cartel is probably pretty fun if you're with the lads. That's because you're doing something with your bros, and what you're enjoying isn't the game, it's their company. If something is fun in co-op and not fun in single player, that means it's a bad game, no questions asked.

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>Played BL1 solo when it came out, quit maybe halfway through
>Make a new friend who apparently loves the game, go through it together and have a blast
>Do the same with 2 when it comes out

I'm looking forward to 3 because he's really the only person I get to play with anymore but I do wish Borderlands would make the leap to a more MMO style setup.

>spent hours grinding raid bosses with my mate when 2 and all it's dlc came out
very excited for the new one

Tfw had to fight the last boss solo because I didn't have internet
I just turned on a second controller just so he didn't get his health back when I die

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>people look worse as they age

I'd like Borderlands to be a better single player experience - have the option for multi or ai companions

I like the setting, but playing with others detracts from the experience

with some tuning, it could be the dark souls of lootinshootin

this but unironically
whenever i play co op games with my friends and cutscenes show up he always has to say "bro shut up nigga you ugly" whenever a guy comes and talks or "nigga don't touch me with your ugly ass" and it gets really tiresome
and yet he wonders why i don't really play games with him anymore

i played them with my older brother. then autismo farm solo when he gets bored.


actually worse bc the difficulty is harder with more people


Anyone got user's mod pack for BL2? Make Borderlands Great Again if I recall right.

Sounds like a bitch pussy to me

I’ve played all 3 games in single player and didn’t have a problem with it

Oh boo hoo, I can’t fight bullshit raid bosses, who cares

>Playing Borderlands

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Is this the game where we can finally kill Lilith?

You should try out borderlands 2 since you seem to like rage faces so much

Don't tell me it's a real tweet

So anyone gonna make new Tina SFM now that's she's pornhub/Xvideos legal

>it's fun with friends

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I'm not sure what the experience of people who say this could even be. Are you a delivery boy for Chads who use you and call them "friends"?

I wanna FUCK Lilith

have friends

have friends, get sex, take a haircut and find a clue

Why does anyone even like Lilith?
Wasn't she such a raging cunt in BL2/TPS that she fucks up literally everything?

My friends spend 2 hours every time we to back to a hub in every co-op game. It's ridiculous

she took the bogpill

This, I have 2 normie gaming buddies who can be persuaded to put in maybe 10 hours a week at best, it's hopeless. Been looking for a fun European gaming buddy for BL for years.

Wow, Lillith really hit the wall

You in Europe and on Steam? I'm 30 and have absolutely no life in the weekends.

Underrated post, user

Where does all the Maya/Krieg stuff come from? I don't remember it from the game.

>play with randoms
>at least a quarter of players that see me using something other than muh meta offer to dupe me an Unkempt Harold
God forbid I use more than one gun in a loot shooter

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It was just in the Krieg trailer

Krieg has trailer or something, where he argues with himself and tries to make friends with Maya.

>he doesn't have friends

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>play with randoms
>first time playing online
>everyone showers you with guns and loot all of a sudden


and my internet is pretty shit. Having satellite for browsing and switching to an LTE hotspot really kills my motivation to play anything online. I'm sure when BL 3 comes out its going to take at least 4 days to download.

In the one Moxxi DLC when they ask if you have love interests while you're making the love potion Krieg says something about a pretty blue hair lady if you decipher his gibberish.


Honestly that strap says it all about her

Playing loot shooters...


Playing Borderlands solo showed me how shit and boring the games actually were. When you play with friends you don't really pay much attention to the game or stuff like the dialogue, you just goof around and have fun.

Unless the remaster comes with a repeatable Playthrough 3 where enemies are always scaled to you (like the UVHM of other games), I don't really see the point.

Sounds like you should stick to fifa or fortnite then.

>pig nose
She was perfect in Bordelands 2, why ruin her face model?

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Not bad but they need to be bigger.

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Because beauty is sexist and all females need to be more normal looking.

Yuck! Gross! Pew! I'm not playing this RETOLD crap! *plays Sekiro* Man, what a good, refreshing game. A must buy, if you ask me.

I played Borderlands 1 solo because I didn't like how you would get fuck all notification when someone else handed in a quest.