Is moonwalker a good classic game?
Is moonwalker a good classic game?
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Yes, GameSpot inducted into their Hall of Fame back in 2006
WADE? uh, you don't get to bring parents.
The flight plan I filed with Neverland Ranch lists me-HEE, Macaulay Culkin here, but one of you. First boy to testify gets to sleep in my bed!
> Literally no Facial hair or wrinkles at all
How the fuck does he do it?
Mike touched them boys
how did leaving neverland destroy this guy
>Almost all the mugen MJ dance compilations are gone from youtube.
This series is good if you wish to hear the arguments as to why MJ is innocent
>/vr/ exists
it always surprises me
Arcade yes, genesis no.
> >not a board for virtual reality
The current social climate. It's really weird too because everyone knew he did it and he became a weird gross joke for years until he died at which point everyone forgot he was a gay pedophile and made him into St. Michael.
>Not knowing about the Virtual Boy
by having no balls
that guy is too good
i like the arcade version, not so much the console game
Are you fucking kidding? You really think Mike wasn't a gay pedophile?
You're dead, Max Payne
Arcade is a yes. Console is iffy.
I wouldn't be suprised. But I also wouldn't be suprised if he was a castrati or abuse survivor.
>big name guys in hollywood get caught in actual pedophile behavior
>they still get work and are celebrated by the media and hollywood at large
>MJ gets accused of being a pedophile
>has to fend off the accusations and media harassment for the rest of his life, with no rest
sort of makes you think
The man passed away, too. Can't they let him rest in peace?
>for the rest of his life
and more
ayu and wokipilled
>for the rest of his life
If only it ended there
>3 am here on Tacoland
>see thread
Dios mio, el ayuwoki...
I like it, but I wouldn't say it's a good classic game. It's a cassic alright, but in the sense that it's a fucking Michael Jackson game and got some sweet tunes even if they're super low quality compared to the originals.
Reminder that Michael Jackson was innocent.
>gets paranoid and starts going crazy
>tries to protect his kids from the press any way he can because he knows how the press is
>literally trapped and surrounded all the time
>stops having any type of life
Nobody could survive that shit
The cost of becoming the biggest star on the planet. His glow was so gigantic, it didn't matter where he went or what he did, people would always be aware of him, like the sun. And people tend to not like stars that shine too hot. Even though it's a minor inconvenience to your life, it's still frustrating and annoying, and you'd rather want it to disappear.
Are you talking about Genesis, arcade, or Amiga?
Robot transformation during the final level was an unironically kino moment.
Tfw mj was a massive sega fanboy. I wonder what he thought of their downfall.
Not played the Amiga version but I'd say the arcade is better than the Genesis version. But the Genesis version is still good if a little unnecessarily hard at times.
Arcade version? Yeah, solid game. Genesis one? No it's shit.
Reminder that Yea Forums is a Michael Jackson board and we are not fans of Leaving Neverland.
I actually watched it but for some reason it leave me with the opposite reaction that the producers intended. My impression was that the families of the kids want to damage the reputation of MJ and get money from him even after dead.
Ignore Leaving Neverland and look at what he actually did. Grown men don't spend that much time with young boys let alone sleep in the same room with them for extended periods of time.
I still think he was a weird fuck but not someone who would damage any person.
Grown men also don't have multiple plastic surgeries to turn themselves from niggers into white ayuwoki and doing all sort of weird things.
Nobody denies that MJ was mental, but he didn't do anything illegal pedo-wise.
>artist is a weird fuck
Stop the presses, MJ seems like a sheltered manchild but that's not a crime especially considering his contributions
Wasn't Jackson's bedroom actually huge?
Being that close to boys is really weird. No one but MJ gets a pass though. That's behavior that most people wouldn't allow family members to engage in.
FYI you can be a gay pedophile AND innocent. There's nothing wrong with loving cute boys.
He would tell boys to hide their underwear after anal sex, it's in the new doc.
Doesn't make his music bad though.
I miss MJ.
Where is the evidence?
Yes, especially the arcade cabinet multiplayer version. That shit was amazing. If you never had a chance to try it you missed out
Literally WOO
Doesn't exist. All lies for money and jew propaganda to make him look bad.
top kek
Because it's easy to drag someone's reputation through the mud when they're dead and can't defend themselves
It's all circumstantial. But honestly ask yourself why you give MJ a pass for having a harem of young boys. Can you think of anyone else who would get a pass or anyone who keeps boys around in his private life and isn't a pedophile?
What about how he'd bring kids on tour and gradually move the parents' hotel room farther and farther away over time? They'd always start out right next to each other. Yeah it's circumstantial but this shit is not normal.
>everyone knew he did it
>testimony of multiple people, not only victims
>sleeping with kids 30 days in a row
>defense systems like cameras and alarms before MJ bedrooms
>n-no it's a coincidence they just want money from him even t-though he's dead!
And full of holes, blatant contradictions and lies
>of multiple people
you mean ex-employees who stole shit and owed him money? like the maid that said she saw him with culkin?
I don't think anybody would claim MJ was normal
okay, but where's the evidence?
>implying you could resist this
Just posted it. Why do you defend pedophile just because he has a talent for music?
>ex-employees who stole shit and owed him money?
I don't mean any of the accusations. Just look at all the photographs and videos of him being all touchy with boys. He talked about the sleeping arrangements himself. He actively sought boys to spend time with. None of that is alarming?
It's difficult but I respect them too much to rob them of their innocence.
>None of that is alarming?
No, it's normal, fuck off.
People surrounding him set shit like the hotel thing up for him, they enabled him.
In the new doc, probably witness tho.
>implying they don't already know their willy makes them feel good
>defense systems like cameras and alarms
wow, one of the most famous pop stars that ever existed had security systems?
i think he's talking about adrian mcmanus, don't know the full story but I think she was an accuser, and apparently she stole documents to sell to tabloids, got sued by the estate and now owes them money
It would be...if the accusations weren't shown to be complete bullshit time and time again. When you've got someone so high profile getting accused by a ton of different people and they all turn out to be not only full of shit but sketchy it's makes those things seem less suspicious since surely there'd be some actual evidence if he wasn't innocent.
>MJ couldn't have molested kids, he's good at dancing!
Where is that normal? Guranteed that if you tried that shit with the kids in your neighborhood you would have the cops called or worse.
>wow, one of the most famous pop stars that ever existed had security systems?
before the bedroom where he sleeps with kids?
yeah, director of his videos and his sister also own him money.
>2 victims
>one proven bullshit on court
>one defended him for decades till netflix money kicked in
nice headcanon
>proven bullshit in court
But that's wrong, you dumbass
>director of his videos
post a name retard
>his sister
you mean the sister that was beat and forced by her ex to say things she didnt mean? the one that later admitted it was bullshit?
That's your denial, dumbass
Oh, so you would let your young son stay in the home of an odd male celebrity that you don't know very well because he likes children and seems like a nice man?
>2 victims
Nope, 5
>proven bullshit
Nope, lack of evidence is not equal to lie
>till netflix money kicked in
Nope, didn't take a penny for a documentary.
His house was raided 3 times by the FBI, you fucking idiots. If you are going to imply that he molested someone at least present some evidence instead of "he-he was weird and I FEEL LIKE HE MOLESTED BOYS"
not an argument you retarded monkey.
No but why does that matter? A man's guilt or innocence isn't decided by what if scenarios bothering you or your gut feeling mongoloid
By your logic OJ Simpson was proven innocent and didn't do it
> Games where you play as a villain.
>post a name retard
Here retard.
> the one that later admitted it was bullshit?
Nope, she didn't say he wasn't a pedo.
>case gets dissmissed
>oh no no that's not proven wrong
What evidence do you want for rape, you idiot? Do you think he recorded his orgies?
Here are some things we know are true.
MJ liked children. He often had boys staying in his home. The parents were often not present. He actively sought boys and developed longterm friendships with them.
>he pays 20 mln to for parents to stop cease so that means he was i-innocent!
chandler, gavin, wade/cuck
> lack of evidence is not equal to lie
no it just means it isn't worth discussing
> didn't take a penny for a documentary.
>making money off interviews
>film comes out before their appeal in court which could make them hundreds of millions
based retard
I'd install alarms everywhere if i was as rich as him, but I think he had an incident where some fan broke into his house or something
I liked spending time with boys too when I was a kid but didn't sleep with them and hold their hands.
you raped me last year you disgusting creep, you're finished
Latoya said it was all bullshit you utter fucking moron.
Trying hard
OJ eventually ended up being convicted, MJ was still founded innocent after a decade of heavy surveillance.
>chandler, gavin, wade/cuck
Sorry, 6 not 5
>making money off interviews
Yeah, I would lock myself with 7 yr old kid and sleep with him too while being protected by camera few meters ahead.
Because that's what pedophiles do. Why do you dismiss that so quickly? MJ cultivated longterm friendships with children and spent long periods alone with them and that's perfectly normal and in no way suspicious.
So you can't tell? Ok.
Yeah, spending 20 mln dollar to not go to jail is trying hard but he was rich enough.
>to not go to jail
except they could have still proceeded with the actual criminal case which would send him to jail, retard.
If MJ just wanted to fuck kids he would do it like every other celebrity does. The guy made Neverland because he didn't want kids to be subjected to that shit, nobody who just wants to fuck kids would build a place like that.
disgusting rapist, how dare you? Your life will be finished when I tell everyone
>he's guilty based on the testimony of known liars
>Of course I never believe the Roastie claiming rape but I'll instantly believe the pedo accusations
He was not under FBI surveillance for 10 years. They assisted local authorities during various investigations that took place at different times over a 10 year period but he was not under a constant 10 year surveillance.
Why does Macaulay Culkin keeps defending MJ if he was so much of a pedo?
Oh yes, it must be because Michael was the medical definition of Peter Pan syndrome
Or because the guy basically became Culkin's shelter from his jackshit parents
Maybe because he knew MJ had such childhood that he never grew up while Macaulay was literally forced to grow out of childhood
Or because MJ literally threw money at his home to make it the ultimate children shelter
But circumstancial claims and the guy not wanting a farce of a trial makes him a pedo so a pedo he is!
What absolutely retarded logic
Nobody who wants to fuck kids seeks them out for friendship either, right?
>guy rapes your son "hundreds of times"
>like fan posts dedicated to him on fb
rapist, you're finished, you're not getting away this time
>kept an eye on him for 10 years
>he wasn't under FBI surveillance for 10 years
next thing you'll tell me FBI don't like potential pedo honey pots.
Suspicion is all you have though, and considering how documented MJ's life was and how the accusations have been shown to be bullshit it makes me doubt any kind of suspicions since surely they'd get some actual evidence over the years at least of his pedophillic nature but they haven't
They did you monogloid but he paid the parents, probably because he was innocent lol
Yeah, Bill Cosby and R. Kelly were innocent too, because nobody caught on tape while they were fucking.
And you just doubled down on your theories, nothing serious, again
Shame, guilt, embarrassment, genuine love for MJ. Maybe MJ didn't touch Culkin.
>They did you monogloid
no, they didn't.
> probably because he was innocent lol
or probably because he didn't want to go through a civil trial before a criminal one you brain dead chimp. let's also not mention the fact that it was the insurance company who paid
So much mental gymnastics to smear some dead person.
You are retarded.
nope, he danced nice, so he's not rapist totally, fuck off.
yeah, paying 20 mln dollars is better than proving your innocence.
Jesus, what a fucking retard.
disgusting human being, why did you do it? how DARE YOU?
This do people not know the government can prosecute you criminally even if the civil case is dropped?
How do you think people get charged for murdering someone without a family?
For you
>my weirdo radar is way better than any stupid FBI investigation so he's totally a pedo
dumb rapist
MJ is literally being given the Hitler treatment. That alone should say enough
>going through with a civil case before a criminal trial
no, you are the fucking retard.
>I liked him, so he can't be a pedo, even though people closest to him said so!
>not guilty in one cease means someone is innocent
You like little shotas too Jimmy?
So much mental gymnastics to defend a dead gay pedophile because he sang and danced better than almost anyone ever.
You are why kids get molested. "Sure son, you can go stay at Mr.____'s house overnight alone because he's a nice man. He wouldn't hurt anyone. He told me so himself. He said he would never harm a child".
>removing yourself from any guilt
>n-no let's pay 20 mln bucks
what a fucking inbreed sperg you are, holy damn
I remember how you abused me, I remember the beatings, It was hell on earth.
Why did you do it? Why?
I-I just never had a childhood and I-I was alone, I thought it was ok...
I was very close to you, and you still treated me like that and abused me, I will never forget that hellish night.
Beats me user. I'd guess the current social climate plays into it, but it still baffles me how the documentary has generated so much backlash when MJ had the reputation for being a child molester for years.
What actually happnened between the time we used to joke about that and now where Simpsons are pulling his 20-year old episode? Regardless of his actual guilt, the dude is dead and I don't see what any of this is supposed to accomplish.
>removing yourself from any guilt
>in a civil trial
>m-muh stuttering
>muh 20 "mln"
stop huffing paint your shriveled brain can't take it.
Yeah that's a lot of mental gymnastics and random claims from a fuckwit who seems desperate to smear MJ in some obscure video game imageboard.
You're mentally ill;
>I believe accusations even though they're contradictory and they may have ulterior motives
>being acquitted in all 14 cases means he's guilty
I'm not even a fan of MJ you sick rapist
you're very descriptive, maybe you should come out and say that you've been molested by MJ too, cash in while it's still hot.
>muh 20 million
>muh 20 million
>muh 20 million
And you're the reason tabloids sell and innocent people get thrown in jail.
People's trust in media has hit rock bottom for good reason, that's why so many re-examine the whole case and its coverage and to see through the bullshit.
It accomplishes covering up actual hollywood pedos and rapists, like this rapist in this thread It's jusg to cope and deflect, like the NeoGaf pedophile with ACTUAL EVIDENCE acting against "pedo cartoons" and GG
>>Jew in hollywood get caught in actual pedophile behavior
>>they still get work and are celebrated by the media and hollywood at large
>>Goyim gets accused of being a pedophile
>>has to fend off the accusations and media harassment for the rest of his life, with no rest
Really makes you think...
>Simpsons are pulling his 20-year old episode
what in the fuck, this is cordinated shilling against MJ
Not an argument
>proving someone lying isn't removing yourself from a guilt
That's some really mental gymnastics dear human abortion.
yeah, Robson and Wade testimony totally contradict with each other
Maybe you should let your let son go with Father O'leary for private bible study after church because he's a priest and it would be impossible for a priest to ever harm a child.
you have no argument. all you do is repeat "20 mln" over and over while ignoring the circumstances surrounding the situation and the fact that going through with a civil case before a criminal trial is retarded and never advised.
>some really mental gymnastics
> totally contradict with each other
he clearly meant each contradicting their own story you moron. not to mention changing it and blatantly lying about things like dates and gifts they allegedly received.
>paying 20 mln. dollars instead of cleaning your name is not an argument
>completely ignore every other argument in thread
How often do you defend pedos because they are famous? It's time to stop posting.
They only do it for MJ.
I like his music too but that is kinda fanatical isn't it? Also look how they are getting angry quickly.
He actually did fight in 05, and won.
Last time I checked he got sentence and had to run away. Also raping 7 yr old boys multiple times is worse than having sex with 14 yr old girl with her approvement. They both should go to jail anyway, MJ for lifetime.
he did clear his name
Michael Jackson's music sucks ass anyway. That pedo can burn in hell for eternity
Yes, and that should be all the proof of innocence anyone needs because we all know the American criminal justice system functions flawlessly.
innocent until proven guilty, yes
Not him but "innocent until proven guilty" is a cornerstone of western legal systems and exists for a reason. The alternative is horrible.
Of course. But that doesn't mean people who are found innocent are and vice versa. We all know the famous examples.
someone who is genuinely guilty but got away with it are guaranteed to be caught again, look at OJ
Both the Genesis and Arcade Moonwalkers were pretty great.
Too bad MJ died a mere 4 years after being found innocent.
3 FBI raids and 10 years of surveillance wasn't enough for you?
The FBI watched him constantly, he was the subject of literally nonstop surveillance, no one ever caught him doing shit.
Unless you think that Michael Jackson was a comic book tier criminal mastermind who was getting away with it, but he wasn’t that. He was a brain damaged, lonely cripple who didn’t hurt anybody and just wanted to dance and entertain people, which is what most brainlets want.
I played it, it's decent
Not just that, the showrunner's excuse is that they think he used it to groom kids
So the jackson estate is sueing hbo for the documentary. Because they breached a contract and its just full of lies. How bad will hbo lose?
>10 years of FBI investigation and 300 pages of documents pertaining to said investigation and not any evidence among that
>MJ had a fuck ton of money
>the MJ Estate is still making a fuck ton of money
>nearly an hour of the documentary was cut between its EU and US releases because of inaccurate and contradictory information
really makes me think!
>only "witnesses" are the Neverland 5, who have a well knwon bone to pick with MJ
>whole families slept in his fucking room, his massive 2 story room
>MJ was literally one of, if not the most, famous person in the world, no shit he's gonna have a heavy security, not to mention he was super paranoid about assassins from sony
This probably didn't help
Are you missing the eye-liner though?
His actual face is buried underneath two pounds of foundation, boy.
>Nope, 5
one is Culkin, who denies it, one never showed up to court, and one of them has a mom who has a history of extorting celebrities for money
I hope they get fucking decimated. No man should have his and his family's name dragged through the mud by a bunch of money hungry nobodies after he's fucking died. Pitiful, really.
People are retards and think [their opinion] equals fact. Like, feel free to "be sure" MJ molested some kids. But that doesn't mean it's a fact. "Everyone knows he did it" isn't an argument, because it only expresses belief based on no concrete proof.
Might end up depending on which things are lies and which aren't.
>hbo goes bankrupt and no more john oliver tv shoe
See, the problem is that you think because grown men don't do that MJ must automatically be a pedpohile.
Another possibiltiy is that the guy was just too pure (i.e. had mental issues) to even think "maybe getting into a bed with children isn't a good idea". In other words, literally the mind of a child.
>owned by WarnerMedia
>owned by AT&T
Funny. Real funny.
Michael wasn't a child "rapist" I believe he treated them like peers and saw nothing wrong with romantically persuing them. Definitely a pedo, he just didn't FORCE himself on to the kids. He groomed them.
shit board that doesn't allow 6th gen discussion
first it was rape now it's romance, get your listen and believe stories straight
>all these pedo apologists
Don't know why I expected any different from Yea Forums.
>not believing accusations based on fallacies, inconsistencies and contradictions now makes one a pedo
You're a special one, user
This board is almost equally shitty for yelling about talking it to /vr/ whenever something 5th gen is mentioned.
He did say "pedo apologists" though, not pedos.
But still. On Yea Forums, if you ain't a pedo or at least a pedo apologist, what the fuck are you doing here?
MJ was literally a gay nigger pedophile but he said kike once so that means he's based i guess
just nuke this fucking board already
reddit spacing
Proud transracial transwoman who wasn't afraid of no jew or no jap.
i found a picture of you user
>most successful black man in history
>got plastic and skin surgery to try and be white
Really engages the ol' synapses
He made thriller thus he could do nothing wrong
Except become an irritant to THEM who turned around and slandered him with trumped up fake evidence years after he died
Apologist. Not pedo. There's a difference. Apologists are how they get away with it. "Oh, not him, no no no, he could never ever do that because of x, and I know his character, that would be impossible, he would die first". That's how the Catholic Church got away with it. Apologists, money, and power. MJ had all three in abundance.
He just wanted to have a childhood.
You also have to consider the character of those making the current accusations. Wade Robson is a known opportunist who was gung-ho about supporting Jackson until he was rejected to coordinate the MJ Cirque du Soleil tribute show, and Safechuck, while coming across as mildly more genuine, didn't "remember" he was molested until 2012 when he saw Robson on daytime TV talking about it (which, by the way, directly contradicts his mother celebrating Jackson's death in 2009, three years prior, almost entirely undermining his foundation.)
What you're saying about how pedos get away with their actions is true, but all I'm saying is that the current scenario reeks of foul intent.
problem with that theory bro, MJ had no apologists when the media were after pedo blood in the age of To Catch a Predator.
What about those artbooks that had naked boys in them? That's like the only thing that doesn't sit right with me
He's the reason black kids are WAAAYYY into Sonic the Hedgehog.
This. He saw kids as sleepover buddies.
Weren't those artbooks of body photography in general?
And had pictures of naked men and women of all ages?
I'm pretty sure the "boys will be boys" artbook puts quite a bit of emphasis into the boys
You mean the same one that every beginner hipster / avant-garde photographer owns?
Keep in mind MJ's library was huge and people across the world sent him books and magazines. Also if anything he owned was outright child pornography he would have been arrested right then and there for that alone, as the FBI would have directly had it in their possession.
And if you're referencing the fact that that book had one of the accuser's fingerprints on it, that evidence was tampered with and the fingerprints were from the prosecutor handing the guy the fucking book in the trial.
It makes sense if you go by the theory of "he wanted to have a childhood". The book itself shows different images of a typical boy's childhood.
Oh it indeed does. Wasn't aware the title of the material has been shared.
And man, I know he was a kid in the 70s, but he should get a slightly more modern book of handsome adolescent boys.
No, we liked Sonic because a SEGA Genesis was cheaper than an SNES.
Bos will be boys is photos from the early 60s man.
Mass media adored youth and purity even then, and there was nothing but wholesome fun and friendship going on in those scenes.
I just thought the box was slightly smaller and easier to hide under a jacket.
isn't his version of the book registered in the library of congress
if one if the guy’s testified under oath michael was innocent and now is saying he is guilty, isn’t that perjury?
Yes, but by the time he started saying Michael touched him, the statute of limitations ran out
Well, DID he testify under oath to MJ's innocense?
Because, I mean, if he did, we ought to believe that, and then assume he's lying in a sensationalist documentary that ISN'T recorded under oath, ought we not?
In all fairness, that'd be about the time to start saying it again, whether it really was the truth or whether he just wanted the money and the "attention".
That's the most retarded apology for his admitted love of children. Most people on the planet don't have what we consider childhoods in the developed world and grow up to be adults who pursue friendships with other adults, not children. Most people in history didn't have what we define as "childhood" but somehow managed to progress into adulthood.
Did he really made a surgery to become white? How is that even possible?
Well MJ wasn't like "most" people.
Maybe we can pardon The Juice for killing his wife because "most" people don't, but let's be a little more practical here.
I wonder how many people in this thread attacking MJ regularly read loli and/or shota doujins.
He didn't.
He had a medium-to-severe case of vitiligo and felt ashamed about it, so he used a lot of skin products, all of which had some pretty nasty side effects, just like hair products do to the stylists that work in the fumes every day for years.
>love of children
Now that's a broad statement that can easily cover parents all the way to school teachers.
How old were they? Do you realize that 16 year old boy can be a well-developed person you can have conversations with? If they were 7-10, then it could raise alarms, but even then it can be justified: he had no children, and wanted to feel like how to play with them.
I am a proud lolicon, but I believe MJ is innocent.
Why are we defending this pedo jew?
The only thing? Not all the time he spent with boys or the photos and videos of the close physical contact? How many adult male friends were you holding hands with when you were 11 or 12? Or sitting on their laps? Probably 0. But it's fine when MJ did it because he didn't have a childhood and related better to children than adults. One of his quotes is "I see God in the face of children". You can watch the interview where he said it.
Macaulay Culkin knew him well and said he never touched anyone. The FBI spied on him for a long time trying to find something they could charge him with and they came up with NOTHING
literally calls out jews and kikes in they don't care about us. that's why he's being slandered dipshit
He wasn't a jew.
I don't think user pointed those things out to undermine MJs case.
Thing just is that he openly believed everyone should feel safe and loved all throughout their childhood.
And on all fronts when he thought something ought to be done, he usually started by doing it himself.
The thing about Michael being a child trapped in a man's body never sat well with me as an excuse, would a 'child' know to sit on the moonwalk for YEARS only debuting it when it would have the biggest impact? Would a child be able to conceptualize, choreograph and perform videos like Smooth Criminal and Thriller? It seems absurd to suggest he had a child's mind.
I heard it clear as day
It's got fun mechanics (dance nuke, robot super mode, etc) and inarguable style, but its level layouts, game progressions systems, and iffy combat impede what could have been celebrity movie cash-in kino.
I think anyone could do that given enough time. I've seen some children that I took advice from being 30 myself.
>Plenty of people filing lawsuits ome after another at the worst possible moments
>Sony pretty much wanted him destroyed or dead
>Countless people actively campaigning to destroy his name and legacy
Sad, really.
Because apparently if you're talented, handsome (until the mid-late 90s) and strange enough you can defy all norms of child-adult interactions without raising suspicion. Also call out the Jews 2 years after you're accused of being a gay pedophile, don't forget how strong anti-semitism is. And play the race card too.
>all these zoomer """experts""" calling mj a pedo a decade after hes dead
Wew. Shame they didnt take him to court when he was alive, wait they fucking did. Go kill yourself.
based e-celeb regurgitator
>Blacked white bois before it was mainstream
Dare is ay he was ayuwoki hee-hee
What's in Neverland Ranch anyway? Is it structured like a Peter Pan theme park? And if so, the book version or the movie version?
He was forced and abused by his father to become a celebrity at a very young age. How is it surprising that he'll wind up as a talented manchild?
Many great composer were whipped by their parents to learn instruments, and wrote their first famous pieces as teens and in some cases before they turned ten.
Kids can do a lot of shit.
Michaels dad pressured him hard to sing and dance. So he got extremely good at it very early. And very quickly learned to read the audience.
esto es el fin
Cringe and bluepilled kike drone
You’re severely underestimating a child’s mind. Look at how many children hold down organizations via drugs when they are fucking 5-7 years old. Look at how many kids are groomed to be on the honor roll. Etc. Kids are far from innocent, and they shit they are taught when they are kids with strict parentship tend to follow along the original plan.
The photo is supposed to signal the child harnessing his idol Michael Jackson's mystrous, fierce, and radient gusto for channeling his own inner strength and determination.... r-right?
For self confidence?
Can confirm.
>That's the most retarded apology for his admitted love of children
"Love of children" is a very broad statement.
>Most people on the planet don't have what we consider childhoods in the developed world and grow up to be adults who pursue friendships with other adults, not children. Most people in history didn't have what we define as "childhood" but somehow managed to progress into adulthood.
All people who have ever existed but one have been Michael Jackson.
So you're defending his abnormal relationships with children on the grounds that he was a retard? How big of a victim are you trying to make the most famous worldwide celebrity and perhaps the greatest entertainer of all time into?
>on the grounds that he was a retard?
when did user say that
No, user. He's not doing any of what you're saying in your first sentence. He's just providing information to the questions of the post he replied to.
He made it very broad when he said it over and over again.
That's not a defense. "I'm so unique that everything you know about x doesn't apply to me because there's only one user"
the 2005 trial did much worse to Jacksons career, LN was watched by barely a million people despite being on primetime television with an oprea interview and has already been mostly forgotten about. Shows got cancelled for far greater viewing numbers even on more niche channels/demographics, and a temporary ban on his music that's probably going to turn around on the 10th anniversary of his death isn't as much damage as you think it is.
>One of his quotes is "I see God in the face of children". You can watch the interview where he said it.
An "everyone is made in the image of god" statement by a religious man -so religious that the video to Thriller had to open with a disclaimer that he's still a jehovas witness in spite of the occult imagery- isn't exactly a very damning piece of evidence.
what is shamone supposed to mean ?
When he suggested that even children are capable of great things while responding to the user who said if MJ really had the mind of a child he wouldn't have produced his great works. Adults with the mental abilty of children are retarded.
enunciation of come on
Those guys just made up the whole thing to get money. Michael Jackson never did anything wrong. He was killed by the Illuminati when he tried to warn us.
nah I think the only retard here is you
Basado y rojoempastillado
>1993 Christmas at Neverland
>Surrounded by piles and piles of gifts
>Kids screeching and women chattering away
>Michael still seems like an outcast, awkward, uncomfortable, mumbling half-finished sentences, standing there like the loneliest man in the world surrounded by the utter epitome of wealth and luxury
Whether he molested kids or not MJ's was a deeply troubled individual. I don't think there was really any potential for a happy ending with him.
Being rich
He might've not been happy about himself, but he still wanted to make others happy despite all that's happened to him
based, same here.
Jews hate both MJ and lolicon. COINCIDENCE!?!
You know it's possible to be a rampant child rapist AND hate the jews right? If anything the jews probably enabled him and supplied him with boipucci until something made him betray them.
Whether all that's entirely out of altruistic obsession and kindness, or some level of shameful redemption plays in, it's still pretty heartbreaking.
it didint. turns out one of the main rape victims were lying in the movie.
and he had more than one. ask the home alone kid.
But the other one wasn't?
>omg those children slept in Micheals bedroom
>his bedroom is literally a 2 story house with 3 bathrooms
Which one? I watched it and the American guy Jimmy seemed legit but the Aussie guy seemed a bit sketch and he was too young to remember some of that stuff in that detail imo
It didn't though. Everybody has already forgotten it and moved on to the next flavor of the month issue and everybody still listens to his music.
They weren’t paid to be in the movie
Sure outside of 3-2
Culkin is the godfather of his kids and also fucks MJ’s “daughter” so it would crumble his life
wade robson. dying fame and the need to be relevant again.
Before the pedo panic of the 80s it was possible for men to be friendly with children and people to not find it weird.
>tfw love babies and little kids
>every time I see a kid in public I wanna make a face or something to entertain them
>stop myself because I don't wanna go to jail for looking in a child's general direction
Best part about today is now I have to do this with women too. I haven't looked at a female stranger in public in at least 4 years.
Consider the fact that, out of the hundreds of kids he invited over to his house over multiple decades, only 2 of them have made these accusations, and one of them has previously denied anything ever happened, in court under penalty of perjury.
Bill Cosby had like 40 accusers.
>just realized why that thing is called ayuwoki
I'm fucking stupid.
Not to mention that bill himself fucked his own shit up
Do you have reading issues?
>Adults with the mental abilty of children are retarded.
Yet you’re demonstrating that fact here with your answers chief.
Yeah he just seemed fake.
Jimmy though he was legit I think.
Don't make yourself a victim user. That's how it starts.
When the feminists say "this isn't about you", be wise and believe them.
Wade Robson denied anything happened for years but more to the point was the star witness called to the stand first thing for the defense in the 2005 trial. Would Michael AND his lawyer honestly decide to send someone Michael had molested to the stand as the strong witness? The ONLY thing that is suspect is when they showed Robson some supposed gay porn found in Neverland and asked him if he would be comfortable leaving his own children in the care of someone who owned that magazine, and he quietly admitted he wouldn't. But that's more a case against MJ being a faggot than a pedo.
>When the feminists say "this isn't about you", be wise and believe them.
Feminists also say all men are rapists for existing and try to get people lynched for not worshiping Andrea Dworkin.
They've made their fucking caste system so they get to live with the social isolation that comes with making basic interactions with people an existential threat.
I hope every last one of them get to live like Brooks from The Shawshank Redemption with nobody talking to them or caring about them before eventual suicide.
This annoys me the most, especially when it was known that mj would not only invite the kids but the parents too.
While it's known that kids who get sexually abused have a high chance to grow up to be abusers, I doubt this was the case for MJ. His father was just an asshole with beating the shit out of him:
Pisses me off to know that his father now gets a chunk of the roltalties.
What's funny to me is that even if MJ is guilty, we live in a society that is so thoroughly distrustful of the media and against the constant witch hunt culture that people will instinctively defend his innocence simply because the media condemns him.
Joe Jackson is dead though.
Oh fuck, right.
That's harsh, but fair.
My point is predominantly that you shouldn't take general accusations perosnally, just because you happen to belong to a very large and pretty undefined group of people called "men".
Where do you people draw the line? You're willing to believe the accusations without question, but are skeptical over a lengthy court process just because some other trials went sour out of the billions that have occurred. If there's so much distrust in the system, why even have it?
You'll never be satisfied, not even if MJ rises from the grave, funds the production of a time machine using all of his money and personally takes every person through a journey of his life showing he's innocent. The excuse you'll use then is that it's a different timeline and your MJ is 100% a pedo.
The MJ allegations and trial are honestly fascinating to me. I wonder if this is how JFK conspiracy theorists feel?
Oh thats a good one. Keep that for the next thread.
That's not the arcade version. Genesis/megadrive and the Amiga version of moonwalker were ok but the arcade game blows them all out of the fucking water
>Interviews throughout the years from various Simpson's cast members that state that MJ was an awkward but kind guy during the production of the episode.
>Leaving Neverland comes out
>Al Jean immediately responds on Twitter after the Simpsons episode gets pulled
>"Lol he was a dick anyways!"
Why people stop so low for free likes?
>Santa Barbara DA Tom Sneedon was notoriously vindictive against Jackson and even bent the fucking rules and used loopholes against him in court
>is STILL found not guilty
I want a Wild Guns/Ninja Warriors Once Again styled remake
Because its what is all that matters anymore. Just like how tabloids keep trying to get jackson proven guilty. They would've made billions on a guilty verdict.
>Bigger tits
Quality cybernetics engineering right there.
go outside more loser no one thinks like that except the vocal minority of twitter fags
Look at Blaster Master Zero. Put a pair of tits on something and the faggots will lap it up.
I honestly feel the more the media tries to "prove" MJ did it, the more they just end up fostering people who start distrusting the media.
It's kind of funny.
Really? I smile at women all the time and often compliment women I speak to at work and I've never faced any issues from it. Never even had a negative reaction. Either things are far worse in Burgerland, you guys massively exaggerate the risk of getting Me Too'd or you're just ugly and I'm not and that's why I don't get complaints.
How long until Michael Jackson’s name is deleted from his music like what MS did deleting Notch from Minecraft
>Drive down Venice and Union everyday after work.
>The MJ mural has been up for years now, undisturbed
>Documentary comes out
>Its been vandalized and ripped off and with someone's terrible handwriting putting profanity over it
It's fucking saddening bros. I can't cope
How the fuck would you even do that? Get Alien Ant Farm to cover all his songs?
>autopsy pictures of Jackson
>looks like Christ brought down from the cross
He truly was our guy.
He didn't do it
Oh no. He's missing part of his arm. Better slap on a bionic.
Yeah, sleeping in the same bed as 10 year olds, faxing them hundreds of love letters, and giving them wedding rings is totally innocent, normal behavior.
Dude was one of the richest men in the world. If Smollett got away with faking a hate crime for only 10K, there's no doubt in my mind Micheal could get away with a lot of shit
>Dude rapes you kid
>"Hey, that was very rood give me 200 million dollars or i will sue you and after that demand 300 million dollars!
>Fuck going for a criminal case because that doesn't give me money - my sons virginity and purity doesn't come for free!
There are people who actually believe those scam artists. Especially Wade Robson who has been caught lying simply to advance his career multiple times. That dude has literally burned all of the bridges and that's why he is bankrupt now.
Yeah but think of the sheer number of people he would have to bribe, including an admittedly vindictive DA, none of that shit would be under the table for long
And it wasnt
>this is a black man's daughter
Basically the embodiment of a kids dream if they won the lottery and bought what they want. His mansion grounds had a zoo, rides, theaters, one of the worlds greatest personal arcades etc. check out the auction page for Neverland ranch, you can take virtual tours of the arcade and other parts. It's Neverland in the sense that you never have to grow up there, you can live and act like a kid and not make your home a boring normal thing with furniture but everything you found "rad".
>/pol/ always shows me mixed kids that are dark so all mixed kids are dark
They are not his real kids. He was castrated as a child. His balls dont work. HE HAS NO SPERM
MJ was an honorary white.
>ex wife Presley who has all the reasons to hate him says that the sex was great and that he was an amazing lover
>oldest son suffers from vitilego as well which is a very rare illness which pretty much exclusively is the result of genetics
Yeah. Those aren't his kids.
MJ has no dick, he had sex with his monkey bubbles and also was in contact with aliens.
I understand being a pedo but why gay too? Why couldn't he be into little girls instead?
kids with nigger genetics have nigger features (like dark skin and afro hair)
If you don't accept these facts you don't belong on Yea Forums
- It's okay to be a pedo
- There's no evidence MJ was a pedo
- The media often create false narratives against their opponents
Not necessarly
Black genetics aren't more dominant than white or asian genetics.
One of his wife's already confirmed this yeah
>rape a bunch of kids
You can still have sex with out balls you know.
She also said they never had sex tho
I wish the mods actually did what they're paid to do
>not his kid
How blind are you?
>>defending a literally mentally ill literal nigger
Looks Mexican
Looks hispanic
Looks native american.
Michael Jackson touched Sonic the Hedgehog, that's why he runs so fast, he's running from his past.
If you haven't noticed, most pedos who actually carry out their deeds target boys primarily.
It's not a choice
No human will ever be this popular again
>people still think michael raped any kids
KYS faggots
>There are people in year 2001+(9*2) that are still witch hunting Mycock Jacksoff
Are people really that desperate for the compensation shekels for having their anuses ravaged by B/W dick, on top of having their willies mangled 20 years ago or even more?
>"The kid is not my son"
It didn't lol
The only people affected by it are people who already believed it, or kids. Anyone alive when it happened took a stance already.
In Bernd Und Das Rätsel Um Unteralterbach, you wouldn't want to tell anyone from either of those three categories.
>"he was an ethereal being"
You sound like my ex. You're dumb as fuck.
He wasn't an "odd male celebrity" he was Michael fucking Jackson. Also, not an argument.
>fake doku happens
>barely had any effect if you look at the polls
>like 13-15% think he is a pedo which is the same amount as pre Leaving Neverland
>over 75% say he is innocent or say that they didn't even bother to look into the docu
Meanwhile the media still try their hardest to shill their narrative.
Guess what: People made up their minds over a decade ago and court documents weight more than the story of known liars.
>Newsweek reports that the teenager has taken up martial arts and enjoys playing video games.
I wonder what he plays.
Chief Moonwalker
Moonwalker is decisively a 4th gen game, though.
Posting games that are older than Yea Forums itself after the end of the 7th gen is ridiculous.
Michael Jackson is white, he is not a filthy nigger
MJ was a goddamn mentally ill weirdo, you fucking faggot.
This pic takes me back
You sound like Catholic parents.
>he's not just any guy, he's our priest!
you retards, one of the accusers said michael diddled him in the by the pool in the estate
the pool has multiple cameras that are monitored by a big crew of security. not only that, sometimes the fire department came to help monitor the cameras. so there is no WAY that michael could suck some kids dick outside and NOBODY calling the cops immediately
>lol why you no wanna get fucking arrested on the whim of a bitter stranger who randomly decides to ruin your life
>what are you an ugly incel faggot?
Top kek. Hello, Tumblr refugee.
anie aryuwoky?
Our boy didn't do shit.