>fog wall appears
Fog wall appears
Dex build coming through
Oh shit it's the inquisition
>focusing on the knight rather than the cleric
British Parliament is pure /fashionsouls/
Isn't that Canadian max pane?
>Would you like to join the covenenant?
What would Elizabeth's boss name be?
>Holy Prince Windsor - Last hope of his line.
>High Prince Consort, Bane of Wogs
Decons of the debt
>Lady Diana, Crasher of Cars
Fucking kek
>Dark Spirit has been vanquished
>Prince William, The hairless
>Hollowing - 99
>tfw lawfag
>tfw get to watch barristers swarming around downtown in their vampire suits
Watching a dude in a gown and a wig order Subway is hilarious.
>problem, peasants?
Elizabeth the Undying
That's not Edward VIII
>How do you go from this... to this?
Why does Prince Philip look so evil?
fucking champ
>party animal by night
>towelhead destroyer by day
pure hate and bitterness towards 1 woman will do that to a man
Prince Harry the heirless
William made 2, we'll be fine commonwealthbros
>Implying the undying queen will ever give up the throne
UK royals is truly kinos
>wanting more inbred leeches to buy solid gold pianos and cosplay as pinochet
britbongs are retarded.
The royal family own the vast majority of Britians historical and governmental structures and rent them to the country for pennies. They bring in far more money then they cost. God bless the Queen.
needs a big hat to complete the look
>ywn be a king, fucking bitches and chopping off their heads because they can't give you a fucking son
Why even exist at all
You don't get it. Almost everything Britain has that attracts tourism is Royals-related. The Royal Wedding was a massive influx of tourist revenue.
On top of that, funds generated from Crown land goes to the public, though they're actually privately owned and the royal family could choose to keep them to themselves if they were kicked out of the monarchy.
And the Queen does great work as a diplomat and various other functions.
Without royals, why else would you go to England? It's just a rainy fucking island with an overcrowded inner city.
T. non-Brit.
This. She'll just absorb them to regain a few years
>why else would you go to England?
to fuck fat chicks
Dam nigga lookin fly
R8 my Bloodborne build
>They bring in far more money then they cost.
It's "than" and that's a myth. But, at any rate, my only real problem with the Windsors is that they are all famously thick - Harry got two Ds and a C in his A levels, and that C was only because his art teacher at Eton did his coursework for him. Now, if we had a monarch like William the Bastard or Henry VIII (who could read and write Latin and could speak four languages) then I'd be in favor of the monarchy. Because it would be a real monarchy at that point. I can't stand undeserved deference.
>It's "than" and that's a myth
Not him but it being a myth is a myth
Them british inbred genes.
Maybe Britain should actually come up with an identity that doesn't rely on monarchy.
>all these filthy americans who don't know what it's like to have a glorious sovereign
>they can never experience fighting for king and country
Filthy traditionless third worlders. They would probably sell their culture for scraps if they had one
the Queen has £76.1 million income, so roughly 88c per British citizen in taxes.
the value of the british tourism industry is £257 billion.
the Crown Estate returned £329.4 million to the public Treasury this year.
so as you can see the royals (except maybe the distant relatives i guess) are a net benefit, and the people like the Queen.
Well when you go and do that, then we can talk about removing Britain's prime tourism source, user.
>a glorious sovereign
>two Ds and a C
We've had far better than the Windsors.
>the Queen has £76.1 million income
A reported income, yes.
t.monarchlet frenchy
only identity you have is wire tower
Okay so let's play conspiracy theorist and say she's embezzling money. Why would she need to, considering her current income? What would she be spending it on that she doesn't already have exactly?
Unlike the USA, the UK’s identity has naturally evolved over a thousand years. It wasn’t artificially cobbled together from the scraps of European culture.
brit lawyers literally wear those dollar-store tier wigs??? lmfao
It might be because I'm a snownigger but I don't understand why you haven't executed these ghouls on the public square a long time ago
>With enough money you can just bypass the battle
>the order of bath
How much do the royals get in total in terms of income?
Is that Velstadt?
>bane of wogs
Isn't he a greek?
I find it interesting they're the only royalty that really does the whole getup thing. You'd be hard pressed to find the Japanese royal family in anything but suits, for example.
i definitely would if i were a royal
>be literal royalty
>doesn't do hair transplant
He doesn't have any confidence issues because he is made for life and quite close in the line of succession to become a king, why would he need one?
yeah but wouldn't you sorta care about your appearance if you were royalty since the entire world is looking at you, I understand if hes like 45 but I believe hes only 36
He cares about his apperance, you can see thought has gone into the way he dresses, presents himself and conducts himself. I personally think he just doesn't have any issues with it because it's something natural he had no choice in, why not embrace who you are?
>invaded by Dark Spirit Black Rod
[Muffled "thank you mr speaker" in the distance]
Ehi Britanons, as a non english I just wanted to tell you that I absolutely love Mister Speaker and you should protect him
He’s a legit cuck who’s wife gets blacked frequently. She even slept with his cousin.
She’s tall and he’s a manlet. What do you expect?
France and America are based tho. Brits are just a bunch of cucks
They're just figureheads. There are actual politicians who really deserve it.
Shut up Gossip-mom, who gives a fuck about his life. I love him nonetheless
>if we had a monarch like Henry VIII then I'd be in favor of the monarchy.
You are literally retarded man
I wonder if they keep them around just so they can keep the names like the Royal Navy or the Royal Air Force.
Who gives a fuck about the sideshow family when the house of lords needs to be barricaded while in session then burnt to the fucking ground
He's got a good voice, but he's a huge cunt with his opinions, which may or may not be influencing his role as a supposedly unbiased member of parliament.
What kind of boss would he be Yea Forums?
>Has one health bar
>Tricks you into thinking he has twenty
>You give up and lose the game
You know you've made it as a lawfag when the wigs and gowns seem completely normal to you now.
Hey, fuck you man.
>Being a common law-let
>Not a superior Civil law chad
>not rising the ranks in the army to become a martial law lad
>Letting the judiciary and legal codes dominate the profession
Why even bother with lawyers at that point?
Why do brits have such a kino government
jap royals have no political authority, britbong royality spans 16 different nations where the queen legally has the final say
>Not recognizing how useful a code of law is and how much it helps with legal certainty
But sure, keep trusting those precedents familia, I'm sure they can never be wrong
Japs probably would if WW2 didn't happen for them
I wish we lived in an alternate universe where wearing a cape/mantle was a common thing. They dont serve a purpose but they look cool as fuck
>Going full codification and not having any flexibility
Statutes and common law is the perfect mix of certainty and ability for the law to adapt
>hey dont serve a purpose but they look cool as fuck
Sure they do. Or did before umbrellas became a thing.
>Going full codification means no flexibility
Dude, a lawyer's job is the interpet the code here, same for judges, not just read the code and apply it straight up.
To make it so the interpretation is consistent at a country level, we have the court of cassation who, (and I'm explaining fairly superficially here) gives a "correct" interpretation of dispositions, that judges should respect but don't have to.
I forget the exact title, but basically he's in charge of "opening" the House of Commons each session.
Well, she betrayed the nation with a Pakistani nobody.
Why do people in the UK pay taxes to a family just so they can be rich? Seems like a giant waste of money
Holy fuck... BBC is just taking over!
LMAO - Frogs and Burgers based? OKAY.
That's actually pretty neat. I don't really have a problem with the civil system at all. Fuck, I'm sick of studying case law.
Ehi, if you want to know more about the Italian system I'm a fellow law student.
I have some problems with the common law system since it doesn't seem as certain as ours, but I probably just don't know much about it, given that there must be a reason that it's still being used.
Still, not having to study single cases (not counting a small section of important decisions that led to a certain interpretation being chosen) is dope.
It still fucking baffles me that the UK doesn't have a written constitution like us.
Sometimes I wonder how the fuck that place even works.
I just looked up Japanese royalty and they still wear funky nip get ups, just not regularly.
>You'd be hard pressed to find the Japanese royal family in anything but suits, for example.
Strange that the Japanese royals, and practically every other person in the world, would wear BRITISH suits.
He is part German, what did you expect?
The Air Force is so fucking embarrassing, even the fucking Coast Guard is cooler.
Literally no one in any branch respects the Air Force.
Hahaha what the fuck is this anime sword shit.
Why not go for a more realistic, classy sword?
Twink death
How can grown men not be embarrassed to be seen He-Man level shit?
Well at least in Australia, we have a Constitution. I guess the reason we still use common law is because of that flexibility. To change common law decisions, a case just needs to reach a high enough court and the judges make a new decision. You don't need to wait for Parliament to get their shit together and change the law. Instead, you have to hope that a relevant case is brought to the courts and the parties want to appeal it high enough that a new law can be made - which is its own problem. So I guess the certainty comes from the fact that judges don't really get to change the law very often (unless it's something completely new).
But yes. Studying cases is fucking stupid and I hate it. Especially when the lecturers expect you to read the entire 50+ page judgment. At most, I'll read a one-sentence summary of the decision and that's it. Sometimes, the story of the cases can be amusing since people come up with the stupidest shit (especially in contracts), but I would prefer to read a few sections of legislation any day.
I might be biased by the fucking steel sword of Skyrim and the Blade of Olympus from GoW but there is something about swords with the hole (or depression) in the middle that make them aesthetic as fuck at least for me.
It’s the Air Force, they’re fucking sad sacks who over compensate for everything because they’re the youngest most useless branch. They don’t even have the most planes or helicopters even though THEYRE THE FUCKING AIR FORCE.
It’s like the pretend military.
>They don’t even have the most planes or helicopters even though THEYRE THE FUCKING AIR FORCE.
Excuse me, what? Who has them then
>giving a fuck about tourism revenue
The brits are inching closer and closer to third world shithole status I see.
>the royal family could choose to keep them to themselves
Not if they get beheaded like they should have been centuries ago. Or atleast stripped of their illegitimate ownership.
>and the queen does great work as a diplomat
Certainly obvious considering the brits are the source of many giggles worldwide at this point.
>without royals, why else would you go to England?
As you said, it is overcrowded anyway. Nobody should go to fucking England in Englands own best interesst.
Yes, he took down a shooter that was loose in Parliament Hill by Max Payne diving around a corner and mag dumping him before he hit the ground.
The National Guard and the Navy
t. Scot
Oh don't worry there's some stupid shit here too, it's part of the fun of law.
The court of cassation here is not that far off from what you described. It is the highest court (not counting the constitutional court that deals with other matters) and can only be reached if the parties reach the third level of appeal.
What differentiates it from a supreme court, is that it only deals with the interpretation of law and doesn't deal with the actual case.
So in italy the judge emits a sentence.
If appealed a second judge emits a second sentence.
If this is appealed, you reach cassation and they see if the second judge's decision was legitimate or not.
If it wasn't, if he interpreted it in a stupid way (recently some judges said that a woman couldn't have been raped because she was too ugly to be sexually desirable as an example) cassation just says "nah, do it again".
As such, judges tend to choose based on the cassation's decisions, even if the code itself isn't changed.
Our code was written during fascism, but since now you have to follow these decisions and the constitution, some dispositions are nigh unappliable.
For the law to change though, you do need the parliament to move.
The constitutional court kind of helps here because it pushes the parliament to make a choice about certain things but you know, these things take time.