Lets be honest about Sekiro

OK, lets be honest this game is just not a good game. I beat all the previous From Software games multiple times with multiple builds and have been an addict for their games since Demons Souls released.
However this game is just badly made.
>No real rewards for skilled gameplay or exploration, levels are literally linear and theres no fun new weapons or armor to find and no stats to play around with
>Enemies require all the focus and effort of a boss quickly deminishing your ability to give a fuck when playing through levels
>absolutely mindless and boring gameplay, just sit still and spam parry button until you win, I have done multiple parrying dagger play throughs, this shit does not make a an entire game fun.
>Dodging is worthless as is jumping
>An embarassingly small upgrade tree
>Dark Souls let you make a ridiculous ammount of builds letting you tackle the game in almost any way you wanted, whereas this game lets you just hit the parry over and over again and counter strike whenever you can
But you fags will defend it anyways, I understand. From Software could make a game where all you can do is just sit still and hit a button but if youdon't hit it at a perfect millisecond time window you die instantly and you will still say "lul get gud" and meme like good redditors. Fuck this absolute backwards progress on such a great series, atleast we still have Bloodborne.

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Other urls found in this thread:


all bad points that make no sense.

fanboi found

Yeah, Im just standing around waiting to get attacked an parrying how did they think this would hold up an entire triple A game?

I haven't played it or watched video of it so I'm not going to have an opinion.

>No real rewards for skilled gameplay or exploration, levels are literally linear and theres no fun new weapons or armor to find and no stats to play around with

First sentence is just bullshit. Plenty of fun prostetics to find and skill paths to develop. Nice change of pace from every one rolling one of three viable builds in previous Dark souls games.
>Enemies require all the focus and effort of a boss quickly deminishing your ability to give a fuck when playing through levels

Get gud.
>absolutely mindless and boring gameplay, just sit still and spam parry button until you win, I have done multiple parrying dagger play throughs, this shit does not make a an entire game fun.

You're literally making the game boring for yourself. Use stealth. Attack. The game gives a large amount of tools and you wonder why you're getting bored playing defense all the time.
>Dodging is worthless as is jumping
Bullshit. Many attacks can only be dodged or are to stressful to try and parry them all.
>An embarassingly small upgrade tree
Dark souls did not have one.
>Dark Souls let you make a ridiculous ammount of builds letting you tackle the game in almost any way you wanted, whereas this game lets you just hit the parry over and over again and counter strike whenever you can

Again bullshit, there was only ever a handful of builds and weapons that were considered viable or above the rest.

Is this a pasta? This better be a pasta, for OP's own sake.

Thats probly the best place to be. Let this failed launch die even with it's meme push of >"lul its so hard guys jsut like DARK SOULS lol, I totally loved those games man(I never beat them ever I just wanna be in the cool kid crowd)

Everyone Ive talked to just got bored of having to sit still and parry every attack instead of being able to do the crafty shit you can do in souls games. Its just a rhythm game

>crafty shit you can do in souls games. Its just a rhythm game
>R1 smashing in max poise

Real crafty

Are you some kind of 90 IQ retard? If you "stealth attack" you are immediately revealed to everyone within a 10 sqare mile radius and just have to fight everyone anyways.

I have 1200 hours in first dark souls, 300 in second, and 200 in third (500 in bloodborne).
I beat every souls game in offline mode before rolling new builds and playing online mode.

Sekiro is fun as shit. stay mad about it.

I have played more than all of that. It is a shit ass excuse for a game that is just built on hurr durr its only parrying and nothing else GIT GUD LUL style reddit-posting. Sorry Im criticizng your favorite studio but youre letting them just keep getting away with having low standards.

It's definitely better than Dark Souls 1 and maybe Dark Souls 3. Probably about on par with Demon's Souls.

rolls or parry, take your pick

Right because dex/int builds for PVP werent a thing. Nice bait.

Post times

>when the church pick build is *just* right

Git Gud lol

Good redditor thank you

Sounds like you were spotted and you're bad at stealth. Have taken out groups just fine without alerting the vicinity.

Nigga you're a ninja not a samurai, run around untill they can't see you and continue picking them off, it's what they'd actually do

Based and gitgudpilled

You're actually just mad at the cancerous fanbase, the sooner you come to terms with this, the sooner you can shut the fuck up and enjoy a game like a normal human.

>atleast we still have Bloodborne
Bloodborne was the first step towards Sekiro you complete nincompoop. At least Sekiro has multiple defensive options and interesting tools, unlike Bloodborne which has three build and just dodges all day. Sekiro actually changes the mechanics of the combat all Bloodborne did was take away shields and poise.

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lul wtf I was completely undetected killed a guy that no one could see and was instantly aggroed by everyone.
This is shitty game design not a stealth game.

>Dodging is worthless as is jumping
Saw this and didn't bother to read the rest. Play the game.

str/int, dex/int, dex/bld, str/dex, dex/str, bld/dex
>excuse me, that's SIX builds

Now this is a true smooth brain post. You have one option. Parry and parry only everything else just delays you or stops you from killing an enemy. Anyone that is good at Souls games can destroy Sekiro with parry timing. This is jsut throwing out every other game mechanics for parrying.

I already beat Sekiro you retards. I understand the "nuances" its a shit game.

You play as a badass shinobi not a bitch

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you have to attack sometime, bro

I’m not liking it so far. Especially when it comes to fighting big groups of regular enemies who just mob the shit out of you and get cheap shots in while you are mashing buttons, it starts to feel like a chore

>Spam roll and R1
>Spam tracking orb bullshit

Jesus youre dumb, its not just builds but how you can take on groups of enemies, this game limits all the fun ways to fuck with Souls style enemies to the ways the game wants you to do it.

I am seriously disappointed by how sheepish the souls community has become, taking net losses in gameplay and quality for a game like this.

previous souls games
>oh cool a new weapon
>equip it for a second
>its shit
>re equip your good weapon again

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you should really stealth kill a couple of them if there's more than one. You're a ninja not a god.

hurrrrrrrrrrrrrfmgggghhhh fart souls

Looks like OP desperately needs sex

I have and once I do I just spam R2 until they instantly die. This is not fun.

this guy is the barry-kun of sekiro and he can't take a joke

I dig it for those aspects. It just feels like a really solid action game, a natural extension of something like Ninja Gaiden. It's difficult enough to give it longevity but the mechanics themselves aren't hard to get to grips with.
It's just a fun game.

>build fags that have never played an action game before

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sure let's be honest
It is the only From game I truly love. I won't be able to play any other game from them if they return to souls combat again.

I hope From wont realease another game you enjoy.

>mashing buttons

Get gud. You're surrounded, take them some where they can't all attack at once, or use your prosthetics or items for distractions.

Thanks to bloodgems the only real builds in BB are pure STR and pure ARC. STR/ARC and BLT have about three weapons which are worth a damn. SKL is only worth if you want to sacrifice everything else for viscerals.

Sorry R1 my mistake. Not that I press any other buttons besides L1 in this joke of a game. I literally stand still and let enemies take swings and press L1 and R1 until encounters are over.

>but actually you play exactly the same only numbers change

I guess my str/dex kirkhammer build could be considered pure STR, because that shit was unstoppable.
btw what I do the slash it means 50/25

I think From should drop Echo Night 3 next. Confound everyone with a cinematic game.

Id like to snap my fingers and your weiner would be turned invisible

This is what really floors me about this argument. Sekiro literally gives you even less than this in terms of gameplay choices and you praise it. What kind of NPC-like behavior is this?

Most of (if not all) AAA games have infinitely worse combat tho

I know what to do, it just becomes a chore when I want to get on with the game instead fucking around with trash mobs

if you don't think the trick weapons have vastly different movesets than you are totally retarded.
you base your build around which weapon you will use, not the other way around.

Sekiro gives you less numbers and more ways to play retard


Are you autistic theres literally one way to play this stupid game, I already beat it so you cant bullshit me.

It almost plays like an Arkham game if you're good enough. You're just bouncing and parrying among like 6 dudes and they all die at the same time. Shit's cash.

he's just been parrying the whole game, he hasn't realized the magic of aggressive combat arts paired with dodging

>Sekiro literally gives you even less than this in terms of gameplay choices and you praise it.

But that's wrong. I feel like the people bashing the game literally have not played it past the first boss.

>he was so bad at dodging that it didn't work for him

I've played shit out of souls games
>Ds1 7 times
>Ds2 once
>Ds3 3 times
>DeS 2 times
>BB 5 times
And i enjoyed sekiro, you are all shitting because it's literally 2hrad4u

>this swordfighting game requires me to swordfight
>which I want to skip
Are all soultard this dense?

But I beat the entire game, this is the most limited and contained game From has ever made, they just made parrying the only viable tactic to make it feel like its harder.
You are a literal sheep.

it's literally 2 guys shitting and everyone else laughing at them. read the thread lol

You smoothbrained neanderthal I already beat this boring game. Its just parry and strike, if youve beaten dark souls with an only parry dagger build this game is a joke for you and just reveals how little thought went into the gameplay.

Sekiro has filtered From fans from souls fanboys.
Hope they dont make another souls like game.

user, the Kirk has E scaling for SKL. I mean, it's not like those levels could be that much better allocated elsewhere since END is pretty much worthless in BB and BLT and ARC ain't gonna give you much at low levels, but you don't really get anything past being able to use the big-ass guns.

only npcs like adding superfluous numbers in the name of options

Did you not even play the game? You can take out 100% of the NPC’s in a lot of areas without being spotted if you plan your movement smartly. Hell you can even take it most if not all of mini bosses down one health bar from stealth.

>crits don't exist

how can you build a character around a weapon without using guides? fuck off metanigger autist researcher. god bless from for blowing your ilk the fuck out with sekiro.

>insists he played the game one way
>get told to play it another way
Man this thread is hilarious

>Spam parry
did you know parrying is less effective when you spam the button. Also jumping and dodging are both very useful, you even need to jump to punish sweeps.

Hitting them with a charged R2 while they're staggered does more damage.

Sounds like bullshit. I took down several dudes following each other and they didn’t notice their friend getting shanked behind them.

Stopped reading there.

Bloodborne is just dodge & R1, Sekiro has way more depth to the gameplay

I don’t not like sword fighting. I don’t like sword fighting against 10 bland ass mobs in a sword fight system designed for 1v1 encounters aka the bosses

I don't use guides, you're just a projecting noob.
>get weapon
>oh this is nice
>check stats
>check upgrade stats
>extrapolate scaling
that's how it's done noobmonger.
>what is multiple runs

yeaaah, it do!
but I use both the sword and the hammer. as well as the transformation attack.
best ever move of all time is hammer R2 hold+ R2 quick

Dodging really helped with Genichiro. His thrust kanji attack was easily dodged since he didn’t have any real tracking on it.

I prefer a bunch of skill trees over incrementally grinding stats higher. That part of souls was definitely not a masterpiece.

But user, fighting mobs by exploiting deathblow i-frames and throwing ash at them is KINO as fuck

just finished NG+, I don't think I'll be playing this game again for at least a year or two. Firecrackers+double ichimocha or whatever the fuck its called is an OP combo btw.

Overall 8/10 game, not bad at all. But once you've done 1 or 2 playthroughs you've seen it all.

then dont play sekiro?

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Its wayyyyyy better combat wise than any of the other soulshit games. combat actually has a polished flow to it instead of feeling like a bargain bin game from 2002.
every other souls game has shit combat.

When you're attacking enemies can Perfect Parry you too, and you'll hear the distinct sound. That's when you start blocking cause they're about to counterattack

Ok give me money back faggot

We knew it was coming, but the tears aren't any less delicious.

why the fuck would you dodge a thrust? Mikari counter that shit for huge posture damage.

>An embarassingly small upgrade tree
there are 4 upgrade trees

Sadly Nioh proves to be superior since you get more than one weapon and they actually have combos that arent all 3 fucking moves.
the biggest issue i have about the souls games is all the weapons outside of "unique" ones within the weapon trees all feel the exact same fucking way and the only thing that sets them apart is if they have a gimmick move stuck on them and that makes combat boring as fuck.

There are 5 skill trees actually. And a prosthetic upgrade tree.

I was surprised this game challenged me as much as it did, and for that I enjoyed beating it.
However this game is a step in the wrong direction because they took away finding/buying any armor/weapons/shields and gutted parrying by taking away ripostes.
$60 is way too steep.
dark souls 1 is still #1 by a lot

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Nioh was my favorite game of 2017. I still haven't beat it because I have like 3 files.

Why would you buy a game you don't like?

If you want to press twelve buttons per move just go play DMC5. It's not like you don't have options. No one's forcing you to play the game.

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>No real rewards for skilled gameplay or exploration, levels are literally linear and theres no fun new weapons or armor to find and no stats to play around with
you're right about there being no skill what so ever (there never was in any Souls game, and the fact that the parry window is outrageously huge is enough to show for it) but the game isn't really that linear, in the beginning it is but once you get back in the castle it opens up way too big
>Enemies require all the focus and effort of a boss quickly diminishing your ability to give a fuck when playing through levels
wrong again, the problem with this game is there are only 2 types of enemies. ones that die instantly from 2 hits or ones that take an eternity to kill
>absolutely mindless and boring gameplay, just sit still and spam parry button until you win, I have done multiple parrying dagger play throughs, this shit does not make a an entire game fun.
the problem with parry is how high the window is and there not really being any real downside not to keep mashing it, and even then every defensive mechanic is extremely unreliable, there are webms already of people who dodge or get hit/grabbed by the same move multiple times. its inconsistent
>Dodging is worthless as is jumping
jumping exposes how retarded the AI is in this game, dodging is worthless if you still want to infight, but there isn't much reason to when everyone dies with hit once or twice, maybe parry or dodge back and repeat over and over
>An embarrassingly small upgrade tree
the "upgrade" tree is garbage and a waste of time
I agree with some of your points but most reasons are really stupid

Ok so I beat yesterday Isshin and got the Return ending on Xbox without having the achievements pop, am I fucked? I was aiming to 100% it but I don't want to do like 5 runs total

>Nioh proves to be superior since you get more than one weapon
No you don't. You're locked into using specific set weapons and armor for set bonuses. You don't upgrade your weapon by just picking up every other random drop off the enemies beyond early game.
>they actually have combos that arent all 3 fucking moves
Nope, it's still the same fixed light and heavy attack strings. But Nioh does have the weapon skills that do non-standard animations. DS3 got that covered with the weapon arts for the most part too.

? DMC's control scheme is really simple. It's like saying Smash requires 12 buttons for each move.

>>No real rewards for skilled gameplay or exploration, levels are literally linear and theres no fun new weapons or armor to find and no stats to play around with

Stopped reading right there. Right now I have at least 3 locations I can go explore after just beating Genichiro, and I have no idea which one is the "correct" one. Straight out of the tutorial you have the option to either go in to Asashina castle to fight the mounted boy or Genichiro, or to travel back into your memories and fight Butterfly. Sure, you should do both eventually, but being able to pick which place you want to go to and what order you want to do the available content is the definition of a non-linear game. Not to mention multiple endings.

All of them are correct, it's linear there's not secret area

these inputs are pretty baby tier.
im am not even the good in tekken but even i can bust out more complex inputs

>2 datapoints
>predict drop-off without guides
It takes a special kind of stupid to pretend to be smart.

It's a hyperbole, friend. Also Nero does require 4 buttons to exceed+knuckle+inputs and then you also have shit like charged shots/summoned swords. Dante has style switching which is complicated just for the sake of it, and V has you handling three characters at once. It's not ridiculous but it can get overwhelming.

Tekken isn't an action game.

>A video game with nonlinear gameplay presents players with challenges that can be completed in a number of different sequences. Each player may take on (or even encounter) only some of the challenges possible, and the same challenges may be played in a different order. Conversely, a video game with linear gameplay will confront a player with a fixed sequence of challenges: every player faces every challenge and has to overcome them in the same order.

>can choose which order to face encounters
>multiple endings
Sounds nonlinear to me.

>taking away ripostes
Youve never gotten a counter-deathblow?
if anything its a step in the right direction outside of lack of weapon selection. parrying in sekiro makes combat flow much more dynamic and interesting, in the other souls games it makes it way too fucking easy since its an instakill and just trivializes 99% of enemies.
souls weapons always fucking sucked dick unless you have endgame weapons or grinded the shit out of upgrade materials.

Sekiro's levels are less linear than previous games though.

Pretty sure you're just mad that you can't beat the bull. Don't worry it gets better.

>a step in the wrong direction because they took away finding/buying any armor/weapons/shields

Maybe it's intentionally not trying to go in that direction and instead just wanted to be an action game without rpg stats/customization.

I know you understand this isn't a Souls game, but I guess people can't help but subconsciously group it in that series. There are some similarities, but too many differences.

all of the weapon arts sucked in DS3 outside of the breakdance sword.

my problem with Sekiro is how its filled with every retarded mechanic I hate (like in DaS 3, good shit Fromsoft)
>garbage hitboxes
>having platforming segments that are just awful and braindead
>shitty options for stealth that becomes nonexistent when you can just run up to someone and do a stealth kill anyways and no one will hear
>having a move tree and only letting you use one move at a time
>bosses that end up being more annoying than actually fun (Ape, Bull, etc.)
>reusing the same boss but in a different skin or minor gimmick
>trash RPG mechanics for the sake of "depth"
>inconsistent enemies and moves
>mechanics that expose how retarded the AI is in the game
I'll give props that the game has some pretty good boss designs and area designs but otherwise its pretty fucking bad
I beat it and there is absolutely 0 reason for me to go back and do it again

>play souls games
>dude just unequip your armor so you roll better fucking noob
>play sekiro
>wtf no armor system fuck this shallow garbage

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>No real rewards for skilled gameplay or exploration, levels are literally linear and theres no fun new weapons or armor to find and no stats to play around with
the levels arent linear at all, sounds like you gave up at the ogre

>Enemies require all the focus and effort of a boss quickly deminishing your ability to give a fuck when playing through levels
>absolutely mindless and boring gameplay, just sit still and spam parry button until you win
so first you say enemies require too much focus and effort, then you say it's mindless and boring

>Dodging is worthless as is jumping
completely wrong

>An embarassingly small upgrade tree
so you only unlocked the first skill tree

what a shitty post

>multiple endings
Why are people touting around a different cutscene playing after you beat Saint Isshin as some kind of great incentive to replay the game? Only one of the endings has unique content to it but it ends the game early.

>annoying and not fun
>comparing it to the bull
Opinion status: trashed.
Ape is one of the most well-made fights in the game, even if it's easy.

>choosing a weapon based on its efficiency instead of its aesthetics and fun factor

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>Pretty sure you're just mad that you can't beat the bull. Don't worry it gets better.
Not him but having 3 paths after Ashina Castle isn't much of anything given that they are all required and all lead to dead ends
pic related is my proof

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what? I have only 4

Do you have fun using shit weapons though?
>Immortal Severance
Talk to the Tengu after learning any ultimate skill in any tree.
Or explore the Senpou Temple some more fo another skill book, if you missed that one.

Not him but Ape having a cool gimmick halfway through his fight doesn't make up for the fact that he has the old "we don't know how to make the boss difficult in any way so just give him an unblockable 360"
It isn't hard to beat still but it is the pinnacle of trash boss design.

Okay. I read all of this, and all I got from this, led me to a simple conclusion.
git gud

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>every game should be same as Souls
What a retard.

>Only one of the endings has unique content to it
you mean 2? shura and that eavesdrop autism with owl2

I never said it was a great incentive to replay the game. I'm only arguing that the game is not linear. Multiple endings (no matter how small they are) and being able to choose which order you do content makes the game nonlinear. That's just a fact.

Why would I replay a shit game?

Imagine an adult irl saying all these words, just imagine. You can even tell he's fat and hasnt showered in a while just by the verbs he choses to write, amazing

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desu its not like getting the stuff you need for the other endings is either rewarding or interesting.

zzzz let's do some dumb puzzles related to white snakes and feed this bitch persimmons

It should've just been a boss rush game. All my enjoyment came from fighting Genichiro, Isshin, and a few other bosses but everything else was shit.

>eavesdrop autism with owl2
I forgot about that one actually, though I struggle to call a remix of an admittedly great fight to be "unique" content

shit now i long for a furi type game with sekiro combat

>he got killed by the scream
Anyway, that's not the point.
The Ape is a really well-designed boss, because it shows the evolution of combat in FromSoft games. The first phase Ape is basically a Souls boss (or Bloodborne if you will) - a big hulking monstrosity, whose attacks you dodge or block and slowly eat away at its health when there's an opening. The second phase Ape represents the quintessence of Sekiro combat philosophy - if you just avoid confronting the boss it doesn't give you an opening. But if you duel it instead and parry its combos, the AI branches off into a new attack pattern with a new combo, deflecting which creates a big opening and opportunity to do some major punishment on the boss.

Not only are the dumb puzzles but they're both solved in the same way.

I struggle wanting to play through NG+ just because I don't want to go through crowd control all over again.

yeah i'll be honest I just love the way they made dark souls and don't want them to fix what isn't broken as I adore these aspects. Your points are very valid and have influenced my opinion
laughed my fucking ass off.

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Then don't? The minibosses only drop trash in NG+ and you can run right past normal mobs.

GUYS stop having wrongthink, the game is bad and that enjoyment you had playing it is false

>taking away ripostes.
In 95% cases deflecting an attack interrupts them long enough for you to land a counter attack directly to their vitality before they recover. Excluding some of the long muti-hit combos that can't be interrupted.

I want to fight Lady Butterfly and Owl 2, though.

Owl 2 has a completely different phase 2 tho

>Reading comprehension
I said Ape, scream and all, isn't hard to beat. What I'm saying is that moves like that are really boring and uninspired.
To speak to your current argument I would disagree. Both phases rely on the two methods of combat in Sekiro: phase 1 is hit and run and phase 2 in parry spam until he does the scream then back off. Every enemy in the game is beatable with these two strategies.
The boss I would say that is more similar to a Souls boss is the Bull, which relies heavily on circle strafing. Most bosses have ways to heavily punish strafing in Sekiro (usually through a lot of tracking) but Bull doesn't.

>GUYS stop having wrongthink, the game is amazing and that criticisms you had while playing it are false


Again, its a remix. The owl is cool but he still uses a lot of the same attacks as he does when you fight him the first time.

But hit and run ISN'T Sekiro combat, it's Souls combat.
I mean, sure, you can play the entire game "wrong" and beat the game still. And I get why you wouldn't like that experience. But you can't blame your refusal to part with the old habits on the game and say it was fun or badly designed.

you can pick them off and immediately hide again in brush/ledges/around corners or by waiting for one of them to get some distance from the others. the stealth system is pretty deep, you're just bad at it

also bloodsmoke ninjutsu
I'm pretty sure OP and the other faggots are baiting and haven't actually played the game more than an hour

Seething Soulsbabby thread #455: Mad cuz bad Edition

Or you could just use, you know, the candy that makes invisible.

>But hit and run ISN'T Sekiro combat, it's Souls combat.
That is complete nonsense. The lack of stamina and the insane speed of your run in Sekiro makes baiting out attacks, then charging in for one hit viable against nearly every enemy in the game, especially the bosses. Sure you don't have the iframes that Souls gives you on the dodge but that is balanced out by the fact that stamina is a limited resources. Creating large gaps between yourself and the boss doesn't do much for you when running in will deplete most of your stamina and you won't have enough to do a hit and then dodge the inevitable counter hit.
In Sekiro its dash, hit, then immediately parry/block with zero repercussions.

Its a shittier Batman Arkham game

Not him but this is fucking laughable. The stealth in Sekiro is extremely strong, but also shallow as a puddle. Assassins Creed has more complex stealth mechanics.

It's not the intended gameplay mechanic, but it sure as hell wants you to do it.

>7 grunt samurai, a Ninja, and Juuzou
>Seven Ashina Spears 2
>Demon of Hatred

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Yeah OP here again, it seems like a lot of NPCs in here cant comprehend that I BEAT THIS FUCKING GAME ALREADY IT WAS TOO EASY ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS PARRY AND HIT

That is why its disappointing. Im not stuck I am just not so brainwashed that I can realise whena game sucks ass

>Demon of Hatred
>Hit and run.
Come on, it's the one time in the game where you actually are supposed to play it like Dark Souls and hug his crotch.


>OK, lets be honest this game is just not a good game.
here is your shitty (you) faggot

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>That projectile attack
>The floor attack
>The bullshit tracking
>All this with less i-frames than BB

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Git gud

Now I understand much better why you wouldn't have fun playing the game like this. It's just not an enjoyable way to fight, not just in Sekiro, but in any game.
Lack of stamina means not that you're free to sprint circles around the boss (although you are free to do that too), but that you can keep on pressure attacking without giving the enemy a breathing room. And there are iframes on the dodge. I use it liberally to punish the heavy attacks, parrying which would just get me knocked back at high posture cost with no ability to retaliate.
Sekiro's combat is a beautiful dance of blades, where you mix your own unrelenting attacks, deflecting the enemy blows, specific responses for three different perilous attacks, and utilizing your prosthetic tools and combat arts at your own discretion. I wish more people coming from Souls series would relearn the combat and get more fun out of playing Sekiro.

Circle strafing is the dumb slow method. Baiting the charge and deflecting it kills the bull much faster.

I think you're looking at it the wrong way by saying "going in a direction".

I think Sekiro just aims to do something different realizing over-saturating the standard Action RPG souls formula isn't going to do the genre any favors.

Sekiro is not an RPG by any means and is structured basically entirely like a traditional action game.

I'm hoping that rather than making Sekiro sequels, FromSoft just starts to focus on making more games like this: similar to Souls in level design, but divergent in every other possible way.

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>>That projectile attack
The one he doesn't use if you hug his crotch.
>The floor attack
The one you can easily dodge and then grapple to him to continue hugging his crotch.
>The bullshit tracking
The tracking that doesn't matter if the swing goes over your head.
>All this with less i-frames than BB
Get good.

tekken is a fighting game which is action. I think you mean it isn't a beat em up

>less i-frames than BB
BB iframes are super generous though. Especially coupled with how far you reposition with the dash. Dodging has never been easier in FromSoft games.

>The one he doesn't use if you hug his crotch.
To be fair, he's right, the projectile attack is real nasty to avoid, and he can always just jump away to the other end of the map whenever he wants to use it.

I already beat the game you drone. Its not hard just poorly made.

You must be one lucky motherfucker because I've been close to his crotch enough to smell his ass, and he still jumps back enough to throw a fucking fireball.

I like how you complain about build variety when you never tried using any of your tools other than the parry and r1s, which all have uses for specific enemies and bosses you can be creative with. You can beat all Souls games with a boring magic build as well if you forced yourself to. I bet you don't even know about some of the special attacks because of how you chose to play, like using the loaded spear to pull out the centipede on the ape. You only have your self to blame for not trying to enjoy the game at all. I mean if you praise Dark Souls for giving you other options, then play Sekiro and... Not use any other options, you're kind of a hypocrite.

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If we're talking about the spooky fire orbs, then sure, but hitting and running sure as fuck isn't going to help with that and in fact makes it worse because he'll be more likely to use it.

For the slinging lava balls, it's just running straight towards him and dodging forward if he's reasonably close, or running forward after he uses it if he's further.

>OK, lets be honest this game is just not a good game. I beat all the previous From Software games multiple times with multiple builds and have been an addict for their games since Demons Souls released.

>No real rewards for skilled gameplay or exploration, levels are literally linear
Never played the game
Nice try on the thread though

Sekiro will be the first From game I'll beat because all of them bored me after a certain point, while I'm just slightly past Owl and am still enjoying it.

Didn't really work since it's always two rows of fireballs and another batch right after. Plus it's fire so it doesn't matter if you block it, you still get damaged.

It's the one boss fight I hated doing in the entire game, I had more fun fighting the Guardian Ape Undying for christ sake.

I can accept the answer that "Sekiro is a pure action game", but the action elements simply don't do enough to make up for the lost RPG elements. There's very little flavor, complexity, or depth to the combat that warranted having a single weapon. I don't entirely buy the prosthetic usage either because A.) It's highly, highly situational and B) It's not comparable to build variety because you can and will earn enough skill points for nearly every tree and upgrade.

The game is fun, but at the end of the day it's pretty experimental and I don't know if they entirely hit the mark.

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>hitting and running sure as fuck isn't going to help with that and in fact makes it worse because he'll be more likely to use it.

Not really, I've beaten him doing a hit and run, and he's only ever done the lava balls whenever I stay on his crotch too long. If I run right after hitting him 3 times, he never does it.

I mean I can respect trying something new considering that the same mentality is what led to Demon’s Souls but unlike that I feel like Sekiro gets more wrong than it does right.
Especially when judged against otheraction games it really comes up short.

That was referring to the homing fire orbs, not the splash attack that should never hit you.

I personally found this to work the best against the fireballs.
Even if the jump doesn't have any iframes, the animation itself as a quick boost to both your horizontal and vertical positions, so it helps you to keep away from the fireballs hitbox.

Attached: how2fireball.png (800x800, 86K)

I was also referring to the homing fire orbs. He never does it if you run away just before he does a combo.

>reskinned mini bosses
Literally fighting drunktard 3 times, with same moveset.
>but he uses fire instead of poison
Fuck off

That's just false. The AI does it when you're at a suitable distance, and that's where running away puts you.

Or you can use the fire-proof umbrella? Why does nobody ever use it? It's pretty useful especially when you're close to staggering.

I save the umbrella for the big slam. Blocking every single fire attack with it instead of avoiding them completely will drain your spirit emblems too fast.

You don't have to believe me any more than I don't believe you when you say "just get close to his crotch". I've had more luck running away from the fireballs than dodging into him.

4 drunks, 5 headless, 3 SHMUP ghosts, infinite purple ninjas. FROM are hacks.

because dark souls totally doesnt have reskinned bosses

There are good criticisms for Sekiro but not a single thing you said is one.
>Dark Souls let you make a ridiculous ammount of builds letting you tackle the game in almost any way you wanted
Biggest meme, the gameplay variety in Souls was dismal. You effectively only have 3 choices, roll then attack, block then attack or stay outside of range and spam ranged attacks. The last one is fucking trash and might as well not exist. Well I guess you also can literally just mash r1 with some sippies in between if you stack poise, but that's pretty much it. Completely dull gameplay loop that couldn't sustain 1 game, much less 5 of them.

>>Dodging is worthless as is jumping
no wonder you faggots take so long killing the grabby giant in the start

>All the previous From Software games multiple times with multiple builds
>Implying you actually beat AC 1 or LR multiple times
>Implying Evergrace even has builds
>Implying you beat Kuon multiple times

>I've had more luck running away from the fireballs than dodging into him.
I believe that. That's perfectly fine. Just dodge them whatever way you're comfortable with.
I don't believe the claims that he doesn't use the fireballs at all when you're at long range.

>It's not comparable to build variety because you can and will earn enough skill points for nearly every tree and upgrade.

So it doesn't gate your options artificially via stats and instead lets you play around with all your tools, and this is supposed to be a bad thing? RPG cucks are pure cancer desu. The prosthetics are only situational during boss fights, during normal fights most of them are viable

>enemies require too much focus
>absolutely mindless gameplay
well which fucking one is it?
>I have done multiple parrying dagger play throughs, this shit does not make a an entire game fun.
then why did you play through a whole game with it multiple times?
are you fucking schizophrenic?

>dark souls
I only remember Asylum demon in 1, dragon rider in 2 (smelter demon if you count dlc). Anything else?

If a game has multiple legitimate ways to beat it but only one of those ways is fun then the game is badly designed. It responsibility of the game developer to first determine how many ways can players approach their game, and are those methods any fun. If they find that there the game can be beaten easily in an unfun way, then it is their responsibility to either A) make that strategy more fun or B) make that strategy non-viable.
In this instance hit and run is so strong because bosses (and most enemies in the game really) have no real way to punish hit and run tactics. Demon is the only one that does and guess what, he's also the most souls-esque boss in the entire game because many of those bosses also had ways to punish a keep away strategy (they had too otherwise magic builds would be too strong). Here it feels like From created a combat system that is built entirely around forcing the player to be extremely aggressive, and then completely undermined it with infinite running and bad stealth.

I always push as far into Souls games as I can with the same char, hitting softcaps in all the relevant stats so I could have access to more weapons/spells/armor pieces.
"Builds" are just limiting your options.

Ice kitties in DaS2, Crystal Sage gets reused as a regular enemy later in DaS3

>Assassins Creed has more complex stealth mechanics

Not really, I'd say they're about on par with each other once you take some stealth skills in Sekiro.

What the fuck. When you guys told me there would be less customization I thought you meant less variety of useless items and armor, not literally have not a single customizable aspect in the ENTIRE fucking game. This is fucking ridiculous. Fuck Miyazaki.

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>>Implying you actually beat AC 1 or LR multiple times
Not him but I have actually played every AC multiple times. Fucking love that shit.

If the game had real counters to defensive play like boss regenerating HP people would fucking hate it even more because they'd be forced to actually learn. There's such a thing as natural incentives, you can make most games boring by fishing out the safest attacks but most players have a natural desire to play efficiently and aggressively.

Even gen 2? I thought 2 and AA were fucking awful

AC has trash stealth too but in that series enemies actually react to dead bodies. They also often have long patrol routes whereas in Sekiro most enemies are have static positions and if they do move around its usually in a very limited area.
Those couple of roaming guards in Fountainhead Palace are the exception.

It gives you moves and items that you can play around with. Do you want them to be gated behind repeated playthroughs or end game content? Fucking retard

Prothetic arms, combat arts, and ninjutsu. Just because they aren't walled behind stat requirements does not mean there's not customization. You only get 1 combat art, 1 ninjutsu, and 3 prosthetics to use are a time. Each prosthetic has multiple versions of itself for preference.

>Even gen 2? I thought 2 and AA were fucking awful
Gen 3 was better for sure but if something has mecha in it I will slurp it up no matter how bad and ask for seconds more often than not.

>If they find that there the game can be beaten easily in an unfun way, then it is their responsibility to either A) make that strategy more fun or B) make that strategy non-viable.
I too hate Dark Souls.

Aside from gameplay, which do you think had the most interesting story?

I wanted to say this one because it's a bit more cohesive and the linear storytelling is a breath of fresh air from all the subtleties that Souls games had, but I also want to say BB's setting was a lot more intriguing than feudal Japan.

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Stop being a cuck and pressure them

I've bought and played all of FromSoft's shitty games and I did not like a single one since the original Dark Souls. If longtime From fans (aka braindead buzzword-spouting retards) are disliking Sekiro, maybe it's actually worth something. But I'm not going to be tricked by marketers a fourth time, not when shit like webm related still exist in From's janky games held together by glue. Maybe a bargain bin purchase.

Attached: shitboxes.webm (960x540, 2.83M)

Really the occasional janky hitbox is the biggest problem for you? You might be retarde-
>continued to buy games he dislikes
Yep, you absolutely are retarded.

Shut your niggee mouth. There are no moves that the game gives to you. There's just R1 and meme prosthetics tailored for specific enemies. It's not gameplay innovation, it's even poorer than Bloodborne, which had more movesets. I thought at least you could get a single new main sword but not even that. Not a SINGLE ONE. This game is thrash. I'm fucking tired of having to see the same orange looking guy over and over again. Give me a little bit of customization for fucks sake.

Fuck you and Miyazaki. This has just become Assassin's Creed by now.

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>boss regenerating HP people would fucking hate it even more because they'd be forced to actually learn
That's rather extreme but if bosses didn't block most raw attacks I wouldn't have a problem with that. What I was talking about was more like long range attacks or gap closers. Saint Isshin was the best boss in the game by far for because he actually did have some means to punish keep away in Phase 2 when he gets his gun.

I'd put this second to Bloodborne because I just like Eastern folklore so much. Dark Souls spread itself pretty thin with the story over the sequels, to the point that I'd say Demons Souls is better just for being short and sweet.

>when the shota prince merges with the divine child

I find this oddly arousing

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>make that strategy non-viable.
You're saying this now, but I'm sure we'd hear (even) more complaints about how "unfair" and "hard" the game for not letting people use hit and run tactics.
Anyway, keeping gameplay close to a certain paradigm isn't a fault on its own, it's just integrity in gameplay design. Like you can't sneak or talk your way through Doom, it's all shooting. But it doesn't make it badly designed. It's not an RPG and doesn't need to present those options. Neither is Sekiro. It's a fast paced action game with focus on close quarter combat, no magic builds or anything. But you have a reasonably wide array of tools to engage the enemies with, avoid theirs attack and punish them with some of your own.
I'd say it very well-designed. And yeah, I personally think it would be better if it didn't allow the player to sprint around the boss like a headless chicken and hitting them once in a blue moon, but I feel like taking this option out entirely would result at even more accusation of bad design and insults hurled in its direction. Plus it's a painstaking task to give every boss a guaranteed (?) punishing long range attack against a running player without it feeling out of place for the visual and thematic design of a boss. Not everyone of them has a bow like Genichiro or can throw fireballs.

The only part of it that is poorly made is the tracking and hit detection, which makes things like jumping and step dodging less reliable.
>playing the game in the style that it is meant to be played is bad
>it's supposed to be another Dark Souls game
This is like bitching about BB should be the same as Dark Souls 2
>b-b-but equipment!
I guess the prosthetic tools don't count for anything. But I knew you were full of shit when I saw
>levels are literally linear
You literally are a brainlet

I can agree that the plot being a little more direct with itself was nice after DaS3 really crawled up its own ass and went full I CLAPPED WHEN I SAW IT but the actual story itself was pretty bland. Isshin was an awesome character and I did grow to like Sekiro himself by the end but every other character was rather flat.

the amount of iframes in dodge is tied to your current posture. thats the trick to being gud.

I liked Owl, especially since most of his character is conveyed through his boss fights with how much of a little fucking dick he is. A true Shinobi.

This game is so empty. There are no likeable characters at Al and the World just feels so, lonely. You can count all the non-main story NPCs with one hand and there's no one interesting to talk to, not even the main characters. Also, why do I have to stare at the same orange-looking guy through the entirety of the game? Give me some different armor for Christ's sake.

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>iframes having anything to do with attacks that don't even intersect your character model.

Even with his gap closers Saint Isshin's cheesable if you play defensively, you just have to be a bit more strict with how you dodge and when you attack which arguably makes it more boring since it's a lot of waiting around.

i really like that Sekiro fleshed out its characters a bit more. the interactions between wolf, kuro, emma, and the rest are all real good shit.
bloodborne still beats it out in terms of setting imo, but i think sekiro wins for narrative. dark souls is way too obtuse for what turns out to be a pretty simple story. i do like demon's souls' idea though, seeking out and slaughtering the strongest demons in the land to get the attention of an old god so you can go deal with him too

>but if bosses didn't block most raw attacks I wouldn't have a problem with that
You misinterpret your blocked attacks as being completely wasted. You should see their posture bar as their second (hell maybe even as their first) health bar. Your attacks that get blocked are absolutely fine, you should consider them as successful attacks on the posture bar. It's only when your own attacks are deflected you can consider this to be an unfavorable trade of blows.
>when he gets his gun
The gun is just as easily invalidated by sprinting around him though. It's his chase attacks that cover a lot of distance and reposition him back next to you is what counters the keep away tactics. Because, well, you're not away from him anymore if he comes to you himself.

theres sparks in webm. it hit. iframes work that way so you cant just spam dodge when youre high posture.

Bloodborne had more shit going on in the background and was generally more interesting to theorize about. It was literally and figuratively esoteric, which was nice.

Sakiro feels like you need a degree in eastern mythology to really appreciate, but at least the motivations of the character's are clear. For a small amount of time I thought it was set in the world of Dark Souls because it had similar themes of corruption, fighting fate and fallen ash.

>You're saying this now, but I'm sure we'd hear (even) more complaints about how "unfair" and "hard" the game for not letting people use hit and run tactics.
Once upon a time From Software made a game called Last Raven. That game gave absolutely no fucks about people calling it "unfair" or too "hard" or "not respecting the player's time" or whatever the fuck else faggots who write for Forbes say. It is also still the best Armored Core game they have ever made, one of the best games ever made period, and yet almost no one will ever play it.
I'd rather have that than a game that clearly feels like elements of it were designed for mass appeal so the shitters could meme about "PREPARE TO DIE XDDD" and have easy ways to still beat the game (though given that shitters have a higher number of chromosomes than IQ points they STILL can't do it).

user, the point isn't that he was hit during a dodge, the point is that he was hit by an attack whose visible model did not intersect the character's visible model. There is no reason to defend bad hitboxes.

The world is actually populated with regular people instead of brainless zombies and ruins, I have no idea how this feels empty to you. I always feel like I'm infiltrating somewhere I shouldn't be full of enemy forces. Hell enemies even talk to each other.

I actually cared for Kuro a lot more than most From Soft characters, though.

Definitely not just because he's a cute shota that gave you sweet divine rice balls.

However much I hate the BBdrones, the story (or rather the settings, much like in every FromSoft game) I like the best in that game. I'm just a sucker for eldritch horrors in general.
Also, all the vaugeness of Souls "lore" considered, the DS series has managed to established the most-fleshed out mythology of the three.

sounds like all the bullshit the sekiro shitposter would say before release. hi, asshole.

>says the game has mindless and boring gameplay
>conveniently forgets that you're doing the exact same thing in Dark Souls and Bloodborne, but in a different way

Dark Souls has been the same thing since the first. Either dodge through every attack, or block it, then spam R1.
Bloodborne is essentially no different. Just take out blocking, and spam R1. Sometimes hit L1 to deal more damage, but then go back to spamming R1.

Literally retarded. So many of your "points" can be proven incorrect, or just be redirected back at the Soulsborne franchise as a whole.

>You misinterpret your blocked attacks as being completely wasted
I know that they raise the posture bar, but depending on the boss that is often not really a factor until you've already gotten their health down significantly.

>that panicked dodge spamming
Pathetic soulsbabby.

>literally a shockwave attack
>surprised it has a big hitbox

Are there 2 Isshins?

I keep hearing that Isshin gets revived,but how does he get revived when he still alive in the tower?

To paraphrase matthewmatosis souls combat has never been great.
Trying to change some things around about it and make an action game out of it was always a doomed venture.

Play the game.

I hope this action oriented gameplay is how FromSoft will make their games from now on.

>Not using ceramic shards to separate enemies

>absolutely mindless and boring gameplay, just sit still and spam parry button until you win.
False, you can spam parry button successfully only when enemies do spam attack themselves, attacks that aren't spammy need to be more carefully deflected.
>Dodging is worthless as is jumping
I used jumping and dodging multiple times during my playthrough, is your gamer bugged, because most bosses and enemies have attacks that require jump or dodge.

Nice ignorance towards combat arts.

You mean WELL-made tracking and hit detection.
It's a game about deflecting enemy attacks as your first and foremost defensive option, dodging and jumping reserved as a counter for the specific perilous attacks.

So instead they should have done the same shit which had even more braindead combat? It's not like combat was a tiny part of Souls either, it's the vast majority of the gameplay. They also completely abandoned good sequence breaking and nonlinear level design after Dark Souls 1 so not like they would improve that aspect either.

user. Sekiro isn't a Souls game. Team Fortress 2 is not a Half-Life game. The mechanics are different because the game is different. From Software always made games that they wanted to make, that they were sure would flop (Eternal Ring, Evergrace, Demon's Souls), and now that they have AAA status they can get away with making things they like. They are not a Souls game dev, they are Fromsoft. Give them a break.

Elderly grandpa dies protecting Kuro
Genichiro finds second mortal blade which literally acts as a gateway to the land of the dead
Genichiro, in a moment of pure idiocy, uses his own blood and the blade to summon Elderly Grandpa in his prime to kick your ass.

user, that's just false. I beat Isshing by dodging through his spear swipes to keep attacking him without letting my own posture to regenerate.

>I always feel like I'm infiltrating somewhere I shouldn't be full of enemy forces. Hell enemies even talk to each other.

Wtf are you talking about, the stealth is horrible? Ever played an MGS game and seen how it's better in comparison? Are you a fucking newfag? In SEKIRO you'll literally jump from a fucking tree to another where people can clearly see you and you'll eavesdrop on them saying the exact thing over and over and you find that is good stealth? The guys can clearly see you jumping from tree to tree like a wild ape and then you jump and loudly stab a guy with his blood spilling everywhere and people don't even notice. The stealth is shit, there's no immersion and you kill the same samurai guy over and over again and the game doesn't even explain you why.

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>and I don't know if they entirely hit the mark.
They sure did for me, and I was never a big fan of Souls series. I hope From keeps making games like Sekiro.

but the sparks are reasonably close to that wind arc. people keep saying that the attacks have broken hitboxes while that isnt true at all. it's the player model thats not aligned with the hitbox but that should hardly be an issue since you literally control that character and can learn the game's intricacies.

It's a factor if you don't let them heal their posture.
Fuck the ghost monk though, because her posture regen is absolutely insane. Thankfully she's pretty much the only boss like that.

No, its that they should do something that doesn't still have a common ancestor in Demon's Souls

What if Grandpa wasn't dead by the time you confronted Genichiro? What was his plan B?

To be honest, Sekiro is the first Fromsoft game I ever completed. I played DaS1 and DaS3 through pirated copies, and never had any fun with the boring dodge and poke style. If I want to play like that, I can just play Monster Hunter where it does that kind of playstyle way better.

>but the sparks are reasonably close to that wind arc.
The sparks are an effect that appears when you get hit, they are not part of the attack. If the hitboxes were accurate, the sparks would not appear.

>it's the player model thats not aligned with the hitbox but that should hardly be an issue since you literally control that character and can learn the game's intricacies.
user, this is the 6th game with this shit. How in 2019 can anyone defend bad hitboxes by saying players should memorize which hitboxes are bad?

Baby steps, maybe in 3 more sequels we'll get a proper action game if it keeps moving in this direction.

We don't know. Grandpa was running around killing mercenary shinobi (rats) before that happened, but it was made clear that he was in extremely poor health. Everybody in this game is trying to acquire immortality from Kuro for one reason or another.

I forgot to mention that in NG+ your posture bar becomes smaller, so you need to be even more skilled in your deflects or you will get stunned constantly.

I can dodge his vertical slice just fine. What am I doing wrong? Is my game broken? Should I verify my hitbox files integrity?
Works on my machine.

I was talking about the world not feeling empty, I said nothing about how good the stealth was. Maybe you should take more ritalin.

Yeah, same here. I prefer action games, and Sekiro feels like one.

Isshin didn't. The grandpa was pretty based. He only fights you in the end because it was his grandkid's dying wish and he just loves a damn good swordfight.

I’m on a third playthrough and pretty bored now. Most playthroughs end up being the same because of no build variety. Once I get this ending, I’m not sure I’ll play again for some time. I wish that they added online so I could be summoned for bosses. Imagine being summoned for the ape. That would be cool

>I can dodge his vertical slice just fine
Are you being deliberately thick here. You are looking at a video of an attack that visibly misses the target and still hits, and you say there is nothing wrong with it. You then go on to argue some stupid shit about iframes when those have nothing to do with hitboxes, so I'm not even sure you understood what he was complaining about in the first place.

Zoom zoom zoom
>No real rewards
Your own experience is the real and best reward. You don't need pretty numbers, zoomber
>Enemies require all the focus and effort of a boss
>just sit still and spam parry button
While you can mash the button and generaly be fine, you still need proper timing, and a game with such viceral combat can't be boring, especially compared to fucking Dark Soul.
>Dodging is worthless
It isn't, it's only balanced so the point of the entire gameplay isn't just sidestepped
>upgrade tree
Buying a single skill change the gameplay more dramatically than 30 levels of souls
>muh build
You're deluding yourself.

>Really the occasional janky hitbox is the biggest problem for you?
No, just the most consistent indicator of a lazy and poorly made game. Bloodborne bored me to tears in every single facet, from every location having the same aesthetic to every track being the same choir to each playthrough feeling similar being that there's a lack of true build or weapon variety
>>continued to buy games he dislikes
>>Yep, you absolutely are retarded
If I hadn't and I was still talking bad about this board's sacred cow franchise, the argument would be "y-you haven't even played it!"

lol cuckold

I'm looking at something that doesn't happen in my experience. For all I know it's an isolated case of some game calculation gone wrong, not an everyday occurrence or intended behavior. It's just one data point, not a function.

It's a fucking Soulsborne with non-shit movement, Tenchu stealth, a heavy parrying focus and overall fewer options. I can appreciate the advances to the formula they've made, but it's still the same game just made barely better with this fucking one-step-forward-two-steps-back shit.

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OP is as always a faggot. Beating this game takes actual skill, as opposed to meme souls.

Really? I thought somebody was trying to coerce Kuro into giving him the blessing. Something to do with Ashina from falling apart.

>For all I know, a company notorious for it's bad hitboxes wouldn't have any in their latest game.
>It's okay for hitboxes to be not just bad, but -inconsistently- bad.
And you still are trying to deflect from your initial rant about iframes.

Nah, Genichiro wanted the power for himself. Isshin disapproved of using the Dragon Heritage as means to defend their land. But he respected his grandson's dedication and willingness to sacrifice everything to reach his goal.

But Lady Butterfly is godly and a great example of the game as a whole. I don´t think they even made it to her.


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>Fighting a boss in Dark Souls:
Rolling around, abusing iframes until you find an opening and strike

>Fighting a boss in Sekiro:
Standing your ground and parrying incoming attacks like a man, prime position to attack or be punished if you mess up your parries.

Thanks for correcting me user.

>your initial rant about iframes
You're mistaking me for someone else.
Buzzword. You know who else is notorious? Bad players blaming their fault on the game, bad hitboxes etc.
>-inconsistently- bad
Precisely. None of that shit that happens in webms, that people who like to cry about muh hitboxes in Souls post, happened to me. With some exceptions of actually bad hitboxes that were consistent, and thus avoidable by playing around the known issues.
If something happens inconsistently, then it's clearly not the issue with it (alone), and some other factor is at play.

>do Black Hat's quest line
>get a consumable with ONE (1) charge
Wow, they could've have at least made it unlimited use but cost spirit emblems, like with the headless sugars.
At least the looter merchant/Kotaro quest line reward was neat, even if it's more or less obsolete by the time you get it.

Black hat has a quest line?

I know it was From's first time but I wish the skill trees were better, more thought-out and allowed for more experimentation and varied playstyles. I was fine with them removing weapons and and builds because I figured the skills would replace them.
Other than that the game is solid aside from personal problems like how I don't like playing animetard "unsheathes katana" in any game that isn't Ninja Gaiden.

All these rhetorical questions, You write like a massive faggot.

Speaking of Ninja Gaiden, I think delimbing would fit Sekiro well. Maybe have enemies fall apart when they run out of HP, and deathblow them when they run out of posture.

Its been like a decade since demons souls and those retards still make stupid tracking moves with shit hitboxes.

Its pretty amazing desu.

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But Kuon and Tenchu 2 were way more contained user.

>From Software shouldn't be allowed to do an adventure game that is not souls: the thread, the movie.

Stop with this shit. Sekiro shits all over BB for being a better focused experience, sacrificing the build variety was only a step forward going from BB which had already little build variety and stats that were only meant to bypass the game difficulties (the BL gives you defense as hidden stat). Sekiro forces you to play the game and get good and that's a huge step up for a not souls game.

Hold up the old man killing rats is isshin?
The one after the horse boss?

Combat is the one thing Sekiro has above all other souls type games.
Fuck that circle strafe bait and poke bullshit.

It dropped the ball hard on the music and the souls like AI(weird hitboxes and bad camera)

Maybe I'm not that far into the game, I just beat lady butterfly, but so far I don't see the issue with hitboxes. The dodge has i-frames on it, but it feels more like Nioh than Souls, you have to time it well. The game wants you to engage the enemy, block and deflect. Even when I dodge away, I still end up blocking so that my posture recovers faster.

This user described it well.

yeah, I don't think they wanted to make their game that brutal. Still, cutting off arms and legs and seeing the enemies try to adapt would have been neat.

To me sekiro is fun on paper but atrocious in gameplay.

>game based around parrying and deflecting
>but you're supposed to pressure the enemy mashing R1
>input is SLOOOWW i know what the enemy is doing but wolf reacts much later while enemies can zoop around like an anime so i have to predict my own input on the split second first?
>you can only get hit 2-3 times but bosses have so much health and posture that you end up hitting about 200 times
>you get a few abilities and (limited as fuck) prosthetics yet there's zero customization
>i've seen so much tracking and ghost range it's ridiculous, now you have to predict something that's not even there
>camera gets stuck in the wall and doesn't want to get out unless you're like 10 meters away
>i've been grab attacked from 2-3 meters distance of the grab
>game says its not souls but your r1 is literally the same as the souls katana, doesn't work well
>stealth is there to cheese minibosses or kill weak enemies that are already weak as fuck
>the whole game is a slog and the only fun to be had is if you enjoy consecutive parries

>But Lady Butterfly is godly
I don't know how anyone can hype up this boss fight
I can understand hyping owl or sword saint but lady butterfly is just the same 3 moves and some magic gimmick once in a while
I beat her in 3-4 tries because she was basically just a 'prove you can parry and avoid unblockables' type of tutorial boss.

I think she's fun because her 2nd phase is intimidating as fuck at first, but then you start to see the openings: you can run away from her magic, illusions can be destroyed with shurikens, she can be hit out of her jumps for immediate counter attack, you jump on her face for big posture damage when she uses the kanji attack. I had a blast fighting her.

>kill headless
>get infinite ako sugar item
>it lasts only half as long (maybe even less) than the actual sugar
>costs 3 spirit emblems
What the fuck

Why even bother at that point

From Software has never made a AAA game.

Yep, and they all had basic bitch movesets anyway, I’d rather have a few fleshed out movesets than see the same two R1 swings for the rest of the game. Soulsfags were a mistake. Not everything has to be an ARPG with pointless levels of “progression”

Tbh i am not having fun neither. The game is challenging but that's all there is to it.
None of the levels stand out, no incentive to explore either and i don't care about the narrative or npcs.

>no incentive to explore either

>see item sparkling on inaccessible area
>spend 5 minutes looking for a way to get up there
>it's a fucking balloon or some sugar

because the game punishes you for enjoying it

The one question I have at the end is whether or not Isshin actually wanted to come back or not.

That's the only question you had?

I don't even know where to start. Maybe let's start with how the sculptor is actually old Sekiro. How does that even make any fucking sense? I guess the flow of time and space is convoluted in Ashina as well?

Not really. A lot of bosses can't deal with staggered attacks and being aggressive allows you to push your opponents into a literal corner.

I did the same, got pissed then looked up the rewards for the other Headless. That's also when I stopped caring about killing any more Headless.

Im sick of soulsshit barebones combat

Yes, Isshin is the Ashina Tengu. The Tengu is the one who names you Sekiro and if you meet Isshin after that he will call you Sekiro as well, which makes Sekiroman realize he's the Tengu.

>push your opponents into a literal corner.
Not him but I found that to be russian roulette because the camera and lock on system are your real enemies. There's like a 70% chance of the camera going apeshit and/or the lock-on breaking when you're up against a wall, or in any area smaller than a football field really.

imagine being this shit at games

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and that's why buyfags are retards
always pirate before buying, retard

When there is daily threads on Yea Forums claiming a game is not good, that tells me it's Kino. Thanks for being straightforward Yea Forums.

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I have 2 complaints

>mini bosses guarded by 20 adds
>mini boss arenas the size of a breadbox that inevitably force you into a wall and force the camera to clip

Love how much seething this game caused.

Sekiro is good, but not great.
Certainly won't go down as a masterpiece like the Souls series and Bloodborne.

I'd give it a 7/10 cause it's too lacking in all areas other than combat.

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Stop being a fucking pussy and adopt an aggressive playstyle, spaming parry and dodging like a retard will get you nowhere. Man, this game really outed all the plebs and casuals huh

The only thing i think is unfair is how little your window is for decision making.
Sometimes bosses and elites have the same startup animation but decide to attack a second later, or suddenly parry, or suddenly go into a perilous attack, etc.
I don't have tournament tier reflexes and insight to constantly deal with this shit.

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>soulsfag mad he's not playing a souls game
What else is new this week?


>arenas the size of a breadbox that inevitably force you into a wall and force the camera to clip
It has to be intentional at this point because their cameras have been wonky since Demon's Souls and criticized since Demon's Souls yet they never bothered to fix it. Is From actually creating artificial difficulty?

I blamed the game for that for a while then just realized it's my 30+ rapidly deteriorating boomer reflexes and reaction time.
I imagine people with great reactions are going to eat this game alive. I need some amphetamine.

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>I can’t play dress up with my doll reeeeee

cope harder

then use mist raven or the umbrella, those are there as a crutch for players without good reflexes

git gud?

git gud

Yeah, you help him cross the chasm via the kite that you used to kill a snek.
He comes back to the Castle after you get the Dragon Tear. He gives you a Mibu Balloon with all of their regular effects combined.


>my 30+ rapidly deteriorating boomer reflexes and reaction time.

I'm also a dyin boomer but i haven't had this problem with any other reflexive based game because the controls and gameplay feel tight.

These controls feel like walking through mud.

Yeah most likely gonna use these

>running into magic invisibility grass and enemies forgetting about you after 20 seconds is depth
come on son lmao

>He comes back to the Castle
Where is he? I couldn't find him.

>fights are just CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG hit
This is my biggest gripe with the game. It's been 6 games now and the combat feels just as restrictive as ever. I just feel like the best course of action is to chip at enemies rather than be proactive. It's one thing for sort-of-survival RPGs like DeS and DaS, because they're much more abstract games, but for Sekiro and BB which are much more action oriented it's just boring. I mean, compare it to something like DMC where you can find endless joy in just connecting one move with the other. The closest thing we've gotten in this franchise is poise (and we all know how that ended) and BB's rally system.

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>it lasts only half as long (maybe even less) than the actual sugar
So I wasn't imagining things, was I?

>Enemies require all the focus and effort of a boss quickly deminishing your ability to give a fuck when playing through levels
>absolutely mindless and boring gameplay, just sit still and spam parry button until you win, I have done multiple parrying dagger play throughs,
this nigga typed these things one after another and saw no conflict

ahe yes, attacking and deflecting, now that's a bit of a less shallow combat

its almost like it's... intentional game design...


Just outside the building you met him first time, below on it on a cliff overlooking the bridge to Outskirts.

>>No real rewards for skilled gameplay or exploration, levels are literally linear and theres no fun new weapons or armor to find and no stats to play around with

Way to start with a HUGE lie.

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making something bad on purpose makes you look worse than incompetent.

The biggest issue with Nioh is that gear fucking sucks, that equipment system is fucking BORING as fuck and finding 10000 equips all for them to have like 2% poison resistance just kills every excitement I have for finding new gear.

At least every upgrade in Sekiro is fun and you get to experiment with your new toys.

Why is he old Sekiro? Nothing implies that he’s supposed to be Sekiro since they have absolutely different backstories.

must be something on your end buddy

i always figured out a way to consistently avoid attacks.

try uhhhh getting good?


If a videogame is giving you false visual information then it's a bad VIDEOgame.

Are you retarded or just baiting?

and this was their only good game in a long time.

Good job contradicting yourself in only two sentence
>Enemies require all the focus and effort of a boss quickly deminishing your ability to give a fuck when playing through levels
>absolutely mindless and boring gameplay
So which is it? Does it require focus and attention, or is it mindless and boring?

stop being bad at dodging

he's not

Wana know how I can tell you never played the game user?

One of the endings had Sekiro in the exact same postion carving statues just like the sculptor. Emma also presents him a wooden prosthetic for a warrior or someone who needs it implying some kind of odd cycle.

>I beat all the previous From Software games multiple times
why the fuck would you finish steel battalion kinect once, let alone multiple times

then stop doing the fucking drop attack

wait a year and come back. Yea Forums is still in honeymoon phase and can't think rationally

This has nothing to do with anyone's ability to dodge. Being hit by invisible hitboxes is and has never been acceptable. If From have been incapable of making their hitboxes look good after multiple successes, they have failed, intentionally or not.

blood mist ninjutsu

Nigger stop lying. There's been plenty of webms proving that hitboxes are more right than ever. People getting grabbed by chained ogre were shown to be actually HIT by the arms of the ogre. There's also this webm where a hit doesn't connects because it comes from the left (enemy's right) and Wolf makes an attack where he tilts his body right. With wonky hitboxes, he would've definitely been hit.

>Seven Ashina Spears 2
>hit and run
Its like you hate getting good

I'm also trying to play as legit as possible without any cheesing, but I do notice some really strange stuff happening with Sekiro sometimes. Sometimes when you're primed to backstab someone, the red dot flickers rapidly without you or the enemy moving. Or sometimes you try to have him attack once but he seems to forget the input. It happens every now and then, but as I'm playing very close to my PS4 and I've never mistreated the controller I don't think it's that.

It's not like Bloodborne for sure. Bloodborne had really sharp and tight controls, every button press was responsive. Sekiro just feels loose and janky. It's still fun, though, don't get me wrong, and I do plan on toughing it out till the end.

Also the camera. I do legitimately wonder if it's the worst ever made for a game. The lock-on just seems to disappear at random times, even if you're literally in the opponent's kill zone. Has there ever been a camera in this kind of game that wasn't ass? Really curious here.

>Come, shinobi of the dragon, let's go on a Journey to the West
I love it, Miyazaki

Game could have used a brand new engine and been GOTY


Attached: PSA Sekiro Shadows Die Twice Hitboxes Are Currently Unacceptable.mp4_snapshot_00.03_[2019.03.29_08.5 (1280x720, 89K)

When did you guys realize that Soulsfags are the worst fanbase?

>some spergs showed some webms that means the hitboxes are flawless
impossible to actually talk about the game because of fanboys like you.

Since Dark Souls came out.

>PSA Sekiro Shadows Die Twice Hitboxes Are Currently Unacceptable.mp4_snapshot_00.03_[2019.03.29_08.55.08].jpg

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Are you serious?

>His dialogue at multiple points suggest it.
>He's wearing the same clothes, tattered and worn by old age obviously.
>He's missing his left arm.
>At the end of the game when the sculptor goes missing, Sekiro starts tweaking the tool himself.
>One of the endings has Sekiro carving sculptures in the exact same place.
Probably more stuff I'll notice during my second playthrough now that I know what I'm looking for

>user said game was unfair because of reason x
>user shows with EVIDENCE that reason x is bullshit and other user is probably just shit at the game (fair conclusion)
>'hurr fanboys like you are why we can't lie on the internet. Fuck off with your evidence and arguments"
Okay champ

Stop whining and git gud you casual shitter

I guess the Good Hunter in Bloodborne is actually young Gehrman then.

you are talking about some completely different scenario where apparently someone might have gotten disproved by some retards webm.

thats amazing. thats great. that has absolutely nothing to do with what I am talking about.
the hitboxes are shit.

you are retarded. dont even bother replying

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Forget about the hitboxes, can someone give me a reason why arrows tracking is still somehow acceptable?

Like, why not just make the arrows faster? Everything in these games has become faster, but somehow arrows are still tiny heat seeking missiles that curve their trajectory to fuck you in the ass.

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Not an argument.

And Im saying they're not. You make baseless claims other anons made before you and we're proven wrong. The hitboxes are totally fine. Prove otherwise.

they are straight up bad devs.
ninja gaiden got it right like what? fifteen years ago? with their first fucking 3D action game.

You're not meant to be taking this so literally. It just means that Wolf is going down the same path as Sculptor. Even a dragon has no left arm - does he mean he is Sekiro, too?
Moreover, Sculptor has an actual back story. He trained with a female shinobi in the mountains (the one who wounded the Ape, you find her finger inside), he saved Emma on the battlefield, he was friends with Dogen and when demon was overcoming Sculptor he asked Dogen to sever it himself. Oh, and Sculptor is Orangutan, not a Wolf.

If you're still at the part where arrows are used, then stop commenting. The majority of ranged enemies use guns (no tracking but fast, like you want) or throwing stars that arc.

You're a dumdum.
The Sculptor is a shinobi who served under Isshin and saved Emma but gave her away to Dogen, and didn't raise her to be a shinobi like Owl raised Sekiro.
At some point the Sculptor almost became a Shura, probably when his own shinobi teacher tried to use him to backstab Isshin, his master. Unlike Sekiro he didn't disobey his "father", and Isshin had to take his arm. Or something like that. That's when Dogen made him a mechanical prosthetic.
Haven't you been paying attention to what NPCs had to say and only based this on the Immortal Severance ending cutscene? There's nothing obscure about the Sculptor's story, no timeskips involved.

That doesn't excuse the way arrows work being nonsensical.

How old is Emma? Apparently she was around the time when Tomoe was around, who Isshin fought when he was young(er). And Tomoe was around when Takeru, (the first?) Divine Heir arrived to Ashina (from the heavenly realm?).

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ok but why are the arrows tracking?

It's been like that for 5 games. Accept it as a design choice. They already implemented the suggest fix by giving enemies guns. You could also say throwing paper homing bombs is nonsensical or shooting fire from a prosthetic limb which requires a currency to use. Such a useless thing to nitpick about.

The same magic that makes you able to teleport between sculptures or travel back in time.

They are magical arrows that follow people who are bad enough at the game to not know arrows track.

doubt it

So you'd have to actively avoid them by using the defensive moves available to you, instead of them just missing on their own, because your character model moved 2 cm left.

It's a fucking video game, user. Games need rules, mechanics. They're not real world, and making them more realistic doesn't necessarily make them better. In fact it's usually the contrary.

I accept it as fromsoft being shit developers.

how is actually dodging arrows not a defensive move?
fucking hell you will defend ANYTHING.

It seems to me that FromSoft has been following the typical Souls dex meta build more and more to its logical conclusion. They first started with BB, took all the shields away and gave you a more aggressive play style because that's how most people ended people playing Souls anyway, and with good reason; it met a good balance between effectiveness and fun.

What I don't hear many often from people who go on about builds = replay value, is admitting that playing with heavy armor and magic is a total snorefest. Heavy armor slows you down to a crawl, so if you're running long distances you might as well take the armor off to run faster, which kinda ruins the whole aesthetic. Having high poise in DS1 trivialized a lot of encounters in a game where you mash R1 a lot becomes even more about mashing, while on the other hand in other Souls games, that mechanic wasn't nowhere near as OP. Going into extra NG+ cycles also meant that your heavy build would become progressively weaker, as enemies get stronger and stronger while your character completely stagnates after upgrading all armor and weapons. There's no progression after that. There's also no scenario where fat rolling is desirable or even an acceptable trade-off for supposed better defense, so you have to be extra mindful about the heavy equipment you use on a heavy build.
As for sorceries, you essentially have the choice between blue/red/yellow projectiles with varying speeds and trajectories, and a few close-range spells here and there, but nothing so significant as to completely change the entire game. Instead of dodging sideways or into enemy attacks and get up close and personal, the strategy for fighting at long range for the most part consists of staying as far away as possible to utilize your favorite fireworks.


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All that leaves us, besides turtling behind a shield to allow for better circle-strafing tactics, and perhaps some very focused, niche builds, there is the satisfaction of creating and completing a customized character, and the creativity that comes along with it, which admittedly is lacking in Sekiro. But as far as technical gameplay goes, the value from the RPG elements in Souls is actually pretty slim. It's more about aesthetic and "create your own adventure" than anything else. What Sekiro does is trade that with deeper, more techincal gameplay, even if it doesn't come close to the same level as a pure action game like DMC, it's still very engaging, arguably more so than any other Souls games.

My complaints about Sekiro have to do with skill trees (I don't like being forced to unlock X and Y skills before unlocking Z), lack of creativity and/or usefulness when it comes to consumable items, especially finding them in the environment (you really start to feel ceramic shards are overrated and that you don't need 80 of those). I'm still undecided about prosthetics, there are some really cool uses for specific bosses and situations, but maybe there needs to be more. I also would have liked if for a better way of gaining spirit emblems back, that item that steals your life in exchange a la Bloodborne feels way too risky to use.
All in all, what this game needs is a DLC expansion to become fully realized as BB did with The Old Hunters, but on its own it stands as a great 3D Metroidvania of sorts, which is great because there aren't many of those around, and 2D games in general don't interest me very much.

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Deal with it
Stop playing their games then, retard. If arrow tracking is one of the worst offenses (while being a clear design choice and not a mistake), then it's more of a compliment.

the regular attacks have shit hitboxes and nonsense tracking too.

actually glad I didnt waste money. literal xbox hueg games did things better.

You can very easily still dodge arrows because they're slow as fuck. If they didn't track, it would be braindead. As evidenced by the gun enemies in Sekiro. Dodging bullets is 10x easier than arrows, making ranged enemies irrelevant. They almost always miss you when fighting somebody, because you move during attacking, making the bullets wiff.

I know this ranking may seen absolutely retarded to some people, and I admit that it's a subjective ranking, but this is my honest personal opinion:
DaS = BB > Sekiro = DaS2 > DaS3 > DeS

>finger whistle
>ceramic shards
>bloodmist ninjutsu
there are plenty of tools given to you to stealthily deal with enemies by either drawing them away from the group, or backstabbing multiple dudes. You are just a brainlet that can't plan out a proper strategy for dealing with more than one dude.

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Hitboxes aren't shit, this has been proven many times before. There's multiple screenshots and webms of attacks missing because they went over the shoulder/to the side of Wolf. Stop making shit up user, you're not convincing anybody. You're probably just trying to make yourself feel better about getting bootyblasted by the game.

And you CAN dodge them just fine. What exactly are you crying about now? There isn't a tracking on arrows beyond a couple of degrees to compensate for some very slight movements your character would make. Hell, walking speed is enough to avoid them. The tracking is minimal just to not let you ignore ranged enemies while you're fighting someone else. The arrows don't turn at 90 degree angles to home onto you.

The one arrow move Genichiro has where he jumps up and shoots 5 arrows is absolute bullshit, but other than that arrows are fine.

Where the fuck is this umbrella? I think I have all other prosthetics.

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>instead of them just missing on their own, because your character model moved 2 cm left.
You mean like most shit in these games when you circle strife at all?

>Games need rules, mechanics.
Yeah, and rules need to be consistent. If the game tells me an enemy does fire attacks, and it looks like it does, but somehow it gets registered as lightning attacks for "mechanics", that's just bullshit. The game is simply lying. If there's nothing special about those arrows and by simple logic they shouldn't hit, but the developpers can't bother to change how they do things from back when they were making slow-ass RPGs ten years ago, but they're now advertising these games as action, they're simply lying.

>There's multiple screenshots and webms of attacks missing because they went over the shoulder/to the side of Wolf.

How? I get it takes you offguard the first time, but you can just deflect them. Or even hold guard if your timing is shit, since they barely do posture damage.

theyre fucking trash. it would kill you retards to admit any issues with souls shit.

play some proper action games to see the difference.

Yeah thanks for proving my point. Good example.

i complain about them tracking like its an amateur game.
which it clearly is.

There's definitely shit wrong with Sekiro. Hitboxes is not one of those things. Stop being so shit and learn to dodge.

That's a screenshot of some autistic retard streaming successfully dodging an attack unscathed. And?

Imagine being this contrarian and jaded that you call a GotY contender an "amateur game", because the devs made a design choice you don't agree with. How fucking unhappy are you user? It's fucking sad.

I don't think you even understand the words you're using, let alone how to design and develop a good game.

You have to buy it from a vendor in Ashina Castle

Why don't you actually watch the video? That attack hit.

Old Grave bonfire. Drop down.

you are defending arrows that change direction midair and try to talk game design lmao

What video? It's a screenshot. If he got hit that's admittedly bullshit. Post the video then.

>Why don't you actually watch the video?
No, thanks, autismo.
>That attack hit.
If the attack hit he'd be dead. There's no missing white portion of the health bar and no posture build-up from taking a hit. The attack quite obviously missed.

you're right, moves that didnt connect with your character should absolutely hit. good action games work like that.

>Thinks he knows game design
What games have you designed user?

>Enemies require all the focus and effort of a boss quickly deminishing your ability to give a fuck...
Or it keeps the player engaged throughout the game, you stupid Soulsdrone.

Haven't seen evidence of that yet. Post a video like I asked or shut up. If the other user is not bullshitting and he got hit in that screenshot, then I agree hitboxes aren't as good as I thought they were.

Nah,this game is fun as fuck and doesn't need to be compared to souls at all.

It's right there in the filename:

>If the attack hit he'd be dead.
Which he was.

Attached: PSA Sekiro Shadows Die Twice Hitboxes Are Currently Unacceptable.mp4_snapshot_00.03_[2019.03.29_09.3 (1280x720, 84K)

>it's a design choice bro

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Why soulfags are cancerous pieces of shit? lainsus

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Sekiro is l i t e r a l l y an anti-thesis to previous soulslikes, you fucking asses.
>No character stats, meaning you can't pump VIT and END to softcaps and become unstoppable
>No builds, meaning that you can't cheese the game as easily by putting on full havels and going ham, or using some meme hex katana build to faceroll and R1 everything in your way
>Only 1 main weapon, meaning that you won't be able to cheese with zwei or Washing Pole with his xbox hueg range
>No online so that you'd start acting like a man and not a little subby bitch. You have only your own skill to carry you
>No stamina, meaning that you can move your body freery, no longer tied down. You are incentivized to run, jump and be fast
>Posture that replaces stamina is fundamentally different to it. In souls you wear the opponent out by chipping away at his health, in Sekiro you make your opponent create an opening for you by throwing him off-balance to deliver one precise strike
>Completely different approach to combat. With stealth system you can now act like the biggest backstabbing asshole who keeps running away at the first sight of danger. You aren't playing honorabru souls with bowing before every fight, you are a shinobi after all
>Despite that, the way of truly mastering combat mechanics lies in the heart of battle. You are incentivized to kill mid-bosses because they drop direct upgrade to your health and posture. You are a shadow warrior, but the "warrior" part is there for a reason, nubmnuts. Want to win and can't backstab your enemy? Well then go and act like a scumbag - dodge, throw firecrackers, sweep with your spear, use poison - the only thing that matters is not you overcoming an obstacle, but the enemy being fucking dead, nigga.
Of course you'd think it's bad because you're still thinking about it as a souls game. You were given the chance to go through the same thing that you felt when you were playing DaS/DeS for the 1st time, but you're throwing it away like an idiot.

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What about ogres turning 90º in mid-air?

Oh, but I bet he touched the tip of its fingers. That makes it completely different.

Yo, OP, I finished the game yesterday and I'm completely on your side, bud. Sekiro isn't terrible, but I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as any other modern From game.

There's no way to build differently, there's no reward for exploration (interesting lore tidbits, rings with special effects, hidden areas, etc.), and though I love how tight combat is, I do wish that you could approach the game from more than just one way. Stealth is boring, and the sengoku period is the most boring fucking setting on planet earth.

That said, the game's still a 7 or 8/10.

Yeah fuck theists! Atheists win!

Thesis, not theist, brainlet-kun.

>implying sekiro is a "soulslike"

>hitboxes in this game are unacceptable
>shows footage of only one single attack
>arguably a classic shockwave attack that the previous game also had
What a cuck.

>can't pump vit and end to win
>kill enemies to pump vit and end in order to win

Getting some mixed messages here.

There've been like 3 different webms of bullshit tracking posted that I've seen and I have not been following the threads. Tracking is bullshit, and apparently it's even tied to your FPS somehow. It's manageable, but it's still bullshit.

Juzou's overhead attack has a small aoe when the sword lands on the ground. And it touched Sekiro's left foot because it lags behind the rest of his body when he dodges left, placing it too close to the point of impact.
Ironically he got hit because the hitbox on the player model was too good.

But, yeah, some enemy attacks poorly display their effective range. Just keep in mind that not every attack is a 2 dimensional sword slash, and some create a larger 3d hitbox on the point of impact.

You have to kill especially strong enemies in order to get access to both hp and attack upgrades. You can't just grind one area and pump your stats. Not until you find the mask at least, but even then it's not immediately apparent and it's like 90% into the game.

>No character stats, meaning you can't pump VIT and END to softcaps and become unstoppable
I just wish we weren't forced to play what is essentially a generic dexfag build.
I always gravitate towards the slow heavy 2h weapons in Souls. And in Sekiro your only weapon is a lmao 1kat. There's an axe and some slower harder hitting combat arts... Except they're not harder hitting at all. For all their flashy long animations they do about as much vitality and poise damage as regular R1 attacks.

This is the exact backlash that Bloodborne had after release.

Tracking is there to counter dodge spam. You surely have noticed that this game is pretty much rock paper scissor right?
Normal attacks should be parried. sweeps jumped over, thrusts dodged into etc. Tracking makes it harder to disrespect the system.

Are you getting the red dot? If you're not then you're not stealth killing them.

Only bad thing is bosses hit too hard. It makes learning then a chore thankfully most hard ones have immediate or a few rope jump paths.

I wish more people would adress to the actual problems Sekiro has without recurring to: muh builds.

>shirafujis 360 no scope cannon grab
This is where I learned to abuse jump

You don't even need to iframe that one. Simply dodging backwards once puts you out of her effective grab range. Unless you're cornered or something.

literally replace parrying with rolling and you just described dark souls

stay mad you stupid faggot, everyone with a brain can tell that sekiro's combat is objectviely deeper and better than souls. literally git gud.

And it was true back then as well. Bloodborne offers shit all options.

If you're too much of a pussy to fight head-on I think the problem is you, not the game.

>waah i cant sit back and spam magic or play a brainless facetank build

idk OP i see you wrote a lot of words but i've played all of the games and i can say for sure sekiro is the most fun one

and now From is owned by Activision. That's never going to happen. The fact that they got away with making Sekiro as hard as they did is a fucking miracle already.

What's with the forced tutorials in this game?

Feels out of place for From, usually they teach players without any words or text at all.

BB=DaS>Des>DaS 3>DaS 2>Sekiro
Never cared much for Eastern culture or mythology especially one with a setting as overrated as Sengoku era Japan

>I beat all the previous From Software games multiple times
You realize that Demon's Souls wasn't their first game?

Yes, unironically.

Or what, you fell for the "git gud" meme?

What happened to figuring things out for yourself? What happened to exploration and adventure, and helping people along the way?

Attached: 1545474603701.jpg (269x375, 25K)

always ironic how pretty much the only opinion i ever see posted about Sengoku Japan online is that it's "generic" or "overrated"

>waaaah this game that isnt called dark souls isnt like dark souls

Well, it's true. The period's been overdone. I'd rather have Heian Japan or something at this point.

>enemies require all the focus and effort
>absolutely mindless and boring gameplay


now you actually have to figure things out instead of relying on friends or a cheese build

sorry you cant into brain usage

Timestamp picture of your NG+ file

Sekiro just feels like a generic western action game for me, with all the shitty stealth and take downs and climbing.

It doesn't fill me with a complete sense of dread like any of the Souls games do so incredibly well, it feels like I'm the predator now.

Attached: 1553652876917.jpg (1600x1066, 721K)

You're not fooling anyone. People only care about this game due to DeS, DaS and BB.

>you actually have to figure things
Finding L1 is not an adventure.

NPCs due react to dead bodies. They have to walk directly over them

Its almost like it was inspired more by tenchu than the souls games!

neither is finding 2 phantoms to summon you 10 iq turd

>people only care about this game because the studio is known for making high quality games!

wow great point. how fucking retarded are you? Serious question.

>known for making high quality games

shit's boring. mainly because it focuses too much on deflect aka parry instead of counters, if enemies did more moves that required a host of different counters then it would be engaging.

>but the game is more harder!!!
Yup, fell for the meme alright.

>the studio is known for making high quality games
Sekiro is the long awaited new iteration of Armored Core now?

Attached: zrsmXYo.jpg (1920x1080, 205K)

>Armored Core
>high quality

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-22 armored core - Reviews, Articles, People, Trailers and more at Metacritic - Me (582x1527, 320K)

>enemies require focus and effort of a boss
>absolutely mindless and boring gameplay

Armored core is better than any souls game (except maybe DeS) could ever hope to be

too hard for casuals

Attached: Oldking_Emblem.jpg (200x200, 53K)

the combat is too simple and lame.
the maps have really cool layouts though and the stealth takedowns are fun.

they shouldve focused more on that aspect.

>but the game is more harder!!!

Bloodborne is just faster shield-less Dark Souls. They did not change the gameplay even a little to accomodate for that.


it's true, though. basically every game journo review for the series out there criticizes the game because they see all these stats and get overwhelmed.

Attached: Armored_Core-_Last_Raven_Portable_Garage.jpg (800x416, 91K)

Thats soulsfag logic (not saying souls is hard)
Sekiro is way easier than any of the souls games

I have to disagree. Dark Souls 3 was piss easy, and Dark Souls 1 because easy once you understand the things the game doesn't tell you.
Sekiro is hard even with all its handholding

darrk souls 2 pretty much any weapon could be good. The only problem is you would need to figure out which ones you really wanted to use since you need to keep upgrading in mind.

Ds3 every weapon after getting the dark sword was exactly how you described it though

>british retard talking for 2 minutes straight saying something that everybody knows

at least he's not making he's videos long enough to gain money

Fourth post best post.

This must be a pasta, no one can be this fucking retarded

Are you retarded?