>video game cutscene
>characters kiss
Video game cutscene
Other urls found in this thread:
Dumb kumiko poster
>they're both girls
no bully
>dad sneaks up behind and asks what kind of game am i playing in a sarcastic tone
>the movie will finally btfo all the yuricucks
based kinoani
>video game cutscene
>Characters have sex
Name a single game that does this
The last of us 2
The last of us part 2, the inevitable game of the year for 2019
>game features anime boobs instead of a body of a man being cut open and depicted as realistically as possible, muscle and sinew visible as he screams in agony
thank god thanks to Sony I'll never have to see anime titties again
as long as they're not holding hands
I prefer when they are both boys
>tfw you've been waiting all game for them to kiss
Enter the Matrix
>Japanese game gets a sequel
>made by a Western dev
>game plot is about how the elite are all about transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe and they want to know all this, some are good some are bad some are a mix; but the good ones don't ever want to organize, the bad ones tend to want to organize because they lust after power. Powerful consciousnesses don't want to dominate other people, they want to empower them so they don't tend to get together until things are really late in the game, then they come together and evil is always defeated. Because good is so much stronger. And we're on this planet and Einstein's physics showed it, Max Planck's physics showed it- there's at least twelve dimensions. And now that's all the top scientists and billionaires are coming out and saying it's a false hologram, it is artificial, the computers are scanning it and finding tension points where it's artificially projected and gravity is bleeding in to this universe. That's what they call dark matter. So we're like a thought or a dream that's a wisp in a computer program, some God's mind, whatever. They're proving it all, it's all coming out.
not as many as there should be
The sims
Fear Effect
What does kissing feel like
In fact how do you kiss, do you just plant your lips on other lips or what
Salty coins and malk
Bags of salty coins
based kumiko poster
bags of sandy milk
Sadly this.
The lack of a kiss is one of the things I really liked about the ending of Phantasy Star Universe. The two of them holding each other as Karen cried seemed much more intimate and beautiful than any kissing scene could have been.
Barely any japanese games show kissing in the first place.
Wish I was Artyom, bros.
>video game cutscene
>character has a seizure
Yeah, almost none. Except the 300 bajillion japanese VNs that do but I'll asume you mean all ages games.
When will we get a game involving these two lesbians?
Never fucking ever
She dates shoe in the LNs.
>they kiss
>Dad comes in
>playing game while friend watches
>cheesy as fuck animu friendship cutscene starts playing
>play the sims 2
>start out with one dude, charm a cute girl, start a traditional nuclear family, one daughter and then one son
>decide to try out the college life content I'd just installed, send daughter to college
>engage the closest other student, another girl
>become friends really quickly
>I don't pay attention for five seconds and they're making out in public
And that's my blogpost about how I accidentally made my daughter a lesbian.
The fuck is the source for this anyway? Never found it.
Is that any good
Does the fact that I believe "people" like yourself should be executed say more about me or about your paraphilia?
They broke up in the latest one though.
Just wait till Reina pulls a comeback victory in the last LN.
And then she dumps his ass, partially because of Reina. Last two novels coming this year, plenty of time for the author to come to terms with her lesbian feelings.
I just tells me you are a dummy
What else do you think I'm referring to? Using VNs is not a metric at all.
It's only the best OVA ever animated
no, that's gay
Wow, she must be really thirsty.
Also source? It's not porn is it?
a classic
It's Sono Hanabira, one of only two exclusively yuri h-animations ever made
>one of two
they made another one?! Fucking WHERE? what's it called?
Shoujo Sect it's older and not as well animated.
>one of only two exclusively yuri h-animations ever made
That has to be an exaggeration right? There's no way the actual animation/hentai industry is that dry of the genre, especially in Japan.
It's not as lewd as its anime, but still.
It is. The rest are futa or some other mix fetish. Yuri is not popular in Japan, considering how poorly they sell.
It's hard to believe but it's true
I don't think there's much quality H-animation period. I guess there isn't much profit to be made?
Otakus don't want to see yuri H because they can't self-insert.
Otakus don't want to see straight H because muh pure waifu.
>Otakus don't want to see straight H because muh pure waifu.
Except that doesn't change the fact that straight H gets made every few months. Youre making up bullshit.
That said, gurofags have it even worse where the only content we get is from obscure manga.
That's because straight H still has an audience in non-otaku. Dick unity and all that. But the true big spenders are the otaku audience, which is why, though H makes money, it doesn't make BIG money.
>Otakus don't want to see straight H because muh pure waifu.
Isn't that what eroge are though?
>mfw I live in Japan and know Japanese, so I'll get to see the new movie on release day
pls remember to buy and play Kindred Spirits on the Roof if you like yuri and comfy schoolgirl stories.
It's even got full voice acting now.
You can't ruin my hype.
Hibike! Euphonium is one of the very few series of any media, be it games, anime, novels, anything, I can say I'm truly a fan of and hyped for any new content.
>being a fan of that series
I'm happy for you user! Never lose the ability to like things!
I lied I'm super happy that you found something you love that much
No. Fuck developers. I hope their studio closes down. It better bombs harder than TORtanic so I can laugh at it.
Thanks, friends.
This series was the tipping point for me wanting to learn Japanese. Currently 100 pages into the first LN.
>post on Vietnamese Basket Weaving site
>anime character
Every time
>game has little girl and older lady
>they kiss
I wasn't expecting to enjoy this show as much as I did. Downloading the 2nd season now
My dream is an hour-long OVA of pic related and its sequel
Recommend me some good yuri games with actual yuri romance.
yuri is for faggots
Okujou no Yurirei
Shoe1 wins, /u/fags seeth. Based Kyoani.
Are you people white?
Same, there's something about the atmosphere and the way the characters interact that pulled me in.
>Go to anons place
>user is cute! CUTE!
Cute user!
Delete this fucking post right now
>a grown man unironically typed this
I like everyone!
Everyone is beautiful and awesome, people should just love themselves a bit more sometimes!
I like you too user! Glad to see somebody else on this board that spreads positivity!
>a dick sucking gaylord unironically typed this
Almost as bad as food metaphors.
I want an anime/OVA of that one S&M Yuri comedy where the artist could not draw toes.
Then surely you know how trashly the LN ends right ?
Why even watch the movie
No need to be rood just because someone else is rude!
Naisu zeros tho!
Trips confirm.
Sorry, , you're legally a dick sucking gaylord now.
Hibike is not really a LN. In books stores it's not in the LN sections, nor is it published by any of the LN imprints.
>game attracts yurishitters with promo only to completely BTFO them in actual story
Because it was selling pretty poorly before KyoAni miraculously made an adaptation. Hence why there were trouble to find it in bookstores in Japan. Hell, even online it was a hard task.
Cute fluff!
Why is the father always absent in these SOL shows? And when he's not absent he's usually some stern or drunk asshole. I get that japanese family men work their asses off but come on now.
It's a dad's job to be a stern asshole. Like when your daughter decides to quit final year of university to be a hairdresser.
the goal is to collect as much of the other person's saliva in 8 seconds as possible. whoever collects more wins the kiss.
>i've taken long hot showers my entire life