People born in the year GTA 3 was released can legally post on Yea Forums.
Grand Theft Auto
That's cool but they still kids
t. 21 year old boomer
This game is so damn comfy. Same with Vice City.
How come V felt so empty and lifeless even tho Rockstar hyped it up like it was the second coming of christ
Eat shit.
literally unplayable now
>legally post on Yea Forums.
It's not against the law for anyone to post here except Australians and New Zealanders
Playing this at release was amazing. Not a single flaw, minus getting shit to shit when trying to drive through St Marks which was total bullshit even back then.
It's unplaayabke now :(
That game released in October though.
ive been replaying this after patching up the steam version, it's still great
Flashback best station
dumb zoomers
Why do boomers love gatekeeping so much? Nobody gives a fuck how old you are
>People born in the year GTA 3 was released can legally post on Yea Forums.
You cared enough to respond, child
>born in the year
I was born way before it's release you stupid fucking nigger
One day you'll understand that feel.
What's there to patch?
How so?
The only thing that can be moderately getting in the way of playing is the poor gunplay (although it's identical to the one from vice city which is acclaimed by a lot of people) and the fact that you can't rotate camera in your car (mods fix it)
Widescreen Fix for proper 16:9 support
SilentPatch for various quality of life improvements
GInput if you want proper 360/PS3 controller support
missing graphical effects from PS2/Xbox versions, wide-screen HUD, dualshock 4 support etc, i don't remember if 3 had songs removed like VC and SA
too big of a map with most big areas only being visited once in a one-off optional side-mission. sorta sad they had to fit it onto the 360, but impressive that they did.
hope to god you completed the ambulance/firefighter and taxi mission before leaving the first island, it's literally almost unplayed due to every faction shooting you with either shot guns or uzis
>tfw GTA6 will most likely be multiplayer only lootbox mictrotransactions shitfest
What are the benefits for finishing those missions?
>Having a valid opinion
I miss silent protagonists. Do we really need character drama in a game about driving and shooting?
I miss this game
Once you leave the first island, the mafia can ruin your runs by blowing up your car or other cars on fire.
if you want to be a completionist
Firefighter gives you the flamethrower
Paramedic gives you unlimited sprint
and the taxi just gives you a super fast taxi
but thats not mentioning finding vehicles for the garage etc.. it's a pain in the ass
I went crazy with modding it a couple years ago and broke it and just re-installed it on a whim. Gonna try to ass myself to get around to more sensible modding.
Also, you can play old games with a ds4 properly on big picture mode.
>people were shitting on 2D gta's once GTA3 came out
>now people shit on GTA3 once better graphics gta came out
steam controller config is inconsistent, for some reason my DS4 works fine on GTA3 but I need to open DS4Windows for vice city even though I have pretty much the same mods installed for both games
For big picture mode you have to have ds4windows off, no mod necessary. If it's a big enough game there will already be a community set-up configuration already to play just as it was on the console version.
>20 years from now
>faggot who was born in 2000 posts on Redditchannel "People born in the year GTAV was released can legally post on Yea Forums."
I know DS4Windows causes conflicts, I don't enable it alongside steam controller support. VC just refuses to pick up any input from my pad, im thinking it's probably because i got another controller plugged in
>Hiroshimoot sells off Yea Forums to reddit
You're right. Just tried it and it's a but messed up. Changing the controls in game fixes it though.
Had to post quick since the thread was about to archive. The only issues I had were camera not turning left or right or behind on shoulder buttons in car, driving with d-pad instead of rightside buttons, and no sprint. Those were fixed in the games own control options and worked smoothly, although the left analog doesn't work, and you have to use triangle as your menu select button for some reason. Not big things but still not fully ideal. But still fully playable.
Again, this is in big picture mode with a community template for controls, no ds4windows or mods.
its still my favorite GTA to rampage in just because of how aggresive the police AI can get
It's the gloomy look of GTA 3 that makes it comfy. It evokes one of those lo-fi, rainy, hip-hop moods. Especially if you listen to game radio while driving through liberty city.
Do you think they look back with cringe or are these the "Resistance" today
Only whiny pussies hate gatekeeping.
Why? They were out there doing shit with their lives instead of sitting around in their parents basement doing squat. Plus exercise.
>I know a place on the edge of the Red Light District where we can lay low
>But my hands are too messed up
>So you better drive, brotha.
This is always the first thing I remember when I think of GTA III. No other GTA game can capture this feel, not even LCS
wait time moves forward? fuck
That fucking drone mission though...
99% of Yea Forums didn't play GTA3 anyway, that's a much worse thing than what OP wrote.
Also, is m/kb more optimal than gamepad for 3 on PC? I'd imagine not since a lot of it is driving around and 3 has probably the most difficult missions in the series. There is no autoaim on PC also right?
>Fla-Flashback fm
>where every night is a dance party
How does lcs compare?
It was the only game in the 3D universe set in the times contemporary to release.
Why won't rockstar make another gta in xx century?
I had no problems with driving but aiming with the mouse is shitty, there's very little precision even if you tweak the sensitivity settings
you have a standard and a classic control scheme, classic is more like PS2 and it has autoaim, standard is more like a third person shooter and has really goofy walking animations
There were no drone missions you baiting fag.
What a coincidence
What ? fuck you there was a drone mission where you have to follow a van or some shit and the drone carried something
I think you're either confusing rc cars with drones or you're talking about something in LC stories which I havn't played.
Here are all the original GTA 3 rc missions
It's just toy cars, man
Why did GTA IV Have so much Soul compared to V? IV felt like they combined everything that made the Atmosphere of III great while only adding to it.
Msx and kjah or bust
I feel that V's map is so big and empty, that it loses something. Replaying IV recently, the closed nature of the city is way more enjoyable, especially in car chases etc. Darting down the sidestreets is way more enjoyable than just ending up on a freeway.
It's all the huge fucking roads and highways all over the place in the V map. I get they're trying to do LA again but they needed to scale that shit back for the sake of gameplay.
Let me guess. Gta4 is one of your favorites too
staying up forever with Rise
let's get off the street and find a change of clothes
It didn't. You're just an internet contrarian trying to seem cool by hating on anything that is objectively good.
First game I ever owned. Gotta love single moms.
it's because its been confirmed that the first 3D GTA game you played also makes you cling to that city more.
>GTA 3 / LC Stories players like GTA 4 more
>GTA SA players like GTA 5 more
I myself first played GTA 3 and liked the city setting more so i loved GTA 4