What did you play today?
What did you play today?
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I played some games.
And I called a few people faggots on here today.
the game of life
I was moving over my ps4 games the entire day
Does my pp count?
I continued my replay of La Mulana 2, found a bug that killed my save and stopped playing.
borderlands 2 to celebrate the new game
Risk of Rain 2. Taking a break right now
A bit of MHGU, some Tetris 99 and Baba. Not bad.
nothing, but tomorrow I will play more sekiro
Kenshi for 6 hours straight cause its the only game i like to play anymore
>new game
what happen?
I been at work all day
Civ v
Nothing yet because i just woke up
Sekiro and beat some dudes. Pretty proud of myself when I'm postponing real work
borderlands 3 announcement & trailer dropped today.
see it for yourself, user:
Dark Souls 3, my first time I've gotten far in a Souls game.
Closers Online. The teamwork buff system is fucking gay.
The shit the bed and spend an hour sitting by the toilet waiting to vomit game
My uncle died from AIDS and that's exactly how it started.
I put a little bit of time into Granblue after work but right now I'm just kicking it. Gonna play a bit of Pirate Warriors 3 before bed.
That's a fantastic edit. Really need to get around to replaying BL2 as Krieg one of these days. I've got a lot of fucking problems with the game, but the classes are all a blast in and of themselves.
100% finished Fate Ex Link. Gonna take a break then move back to Fire Emblem Warriors. buying and starting 2 musous at the same time was a bad idea
based lemezafag
oh hold on, la mulana 2...
Chaos Child and Gocco of war.
playing bloodborne right now
oh yeah, BL2 is a fucking great game despite its many MANY flaws. here's to hoping BL3 will be half as good.
krieg master race
I'm replaying KOTOR 1 right now
Gran Turismo 2
thinking about checking out Super Mario Sunshine before sleep. Also halfway through Metal Gear Solid this week and ive been leveling a priest on classic wow
excited for the weekend for more vidya
Sekiro, I'm considering restarting because I want to replay a couple fights and I've been playing drunk and late at night so the experience hasn't 'stuck'
plus I'm stuck between Butterfly and Bull, I haven't been able to beat the former without sneeds and I wasted the ones from the snake pass because as mentioned I've been playing drunk. I know I could win if I could just nope her illusions
Why is Snorlax sad?
Are ya winnin' son?
I aced a calc test and I played DMCV. Had a great time!
TS4 heavily moded (1.2gb of mods)
I beat Chrono Trigger early this morning and now its 1am and I haven't played a game since despite being on my computer all day. Beating a good rpg makes you feel satisfied but almost exhausted or something its hard to explain.
that sounds like a comfy day
now time to reflect on your adventure. I always like the sleep after. so you did it like it tho, eh?
I need to get to that sometime. I really want to commit to a good jrpg.
gz user
CT is amazing and I can't recommend it enough. It's an absolute home run of and jrpg
Holy shit I've seen this picture for years and it's just hitting me that the blue thing is a pillow case and not a hood
how far did you get, and what type of spec?
which char
Thats all i ever play anymore
Its not even fun anymore but i have nothing else to do
About 30 minutes of OSRS. Always too tired to play real games.
That's sad
Yoku's Island Express. Trying to 100% the game but I'm missing like, 16 of the fucking collectibles and none of them show up on my map despite me getting all the "indicates the collectibles on the maps" upgrades
Ape escape 3
Smash and ff7
Oh and BB tag
replayed VtMB with a tremere
Still holds up.
I wish I could play Borderlands without getting motion sickness 15 minutes in.
Star Stealing Prince. Did it all in one sitting. It was pleasantly surprised of it's quality.
A couple matches of League. A little bit of Fallout76 decorating my camp.
Then some Oblivion, since I bought it on sale recently and it's been a lot of fun to play again after all these years. I got some mods installed and I'm loving playing it. I haven't played it since I originally had it years ago on console.
Risk of rain 2