Can we all agree that the storytelling in FF7 was amazing?
Can we all agree that the storytelling in FF7 was amazing?
I like FF7 but what was amazing about its storytelling? It's done through dialogue and flashbacks
I disagree. It was shit.
>i like Ulysses but what was amazing about it's storytelling? it's done through words in a book.
>"God tier" boss
>every emo and edge lord's dream
>absent for the entire game
>hero is a fake
I love FF7, but its not amazing.
Play it contrarian
Example: Cloud secretly having Pre-Emptive materia in his inventory during the Flashback scene in Nibelheim. Which explains why he was able to defeat Sephiroth. Little details like this are what made the story great
It's really, really flawed. That being said it's still pretty fucking great. I'm kind of an old fuck with rose tinted glasses admittedly but no game has made me want to exact revenge on an antagonist more than this one.
By video game standards it's storytelling is amazing & severly overlooked. The way the story is presented is amazing
>>i like Ulysses but what was amazing about it's storytelling? it's done through words in a book.
Games are an interactive medium. FF7 not utilizing that in the slightest and telling its story entirely though non-interactive cutscenes is a basic storytelling failure.
was just baitin ya lad