Why is Jinx the most beloved LoL character ?

Why is Jinx the most beloved LoL character ?

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I seriously wish that was me.

Why is there an urinal on the ground?

Asians squat to shit


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I don't even play League, but I remember the shitstorm when they said they wanted to make a less "sexualized" character. The result was Jinx - their definition of less sexualized, was just smaller tits.

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This is my wife. The only problem is she is much more physically stronger than me and can pin me down and have her ways.

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Fuck that position looks so fucking uncomfortable

How thick is her cock? She looks like one thrust inside you and you'll be walking funny for a week.

It's part of the humiliation.

>most beloved LoL character

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I don't play LoL. What's she like in the game?

Who finds that sexy? It's just nasty.

Hopefully that big.

if you're implying jhin is loved, ive got some bad news man.

Get out of the way loser and let me piss!



a lot of guys get off on the women being disgusting and degraded. Like, yeah getting pissed on and seeing someone piss on someone is gross, but when you're pissing on a woman it makes my boner twitch for some reason. Cant explain it man.

Me. I want to be in her position.
Just piss user, I'm the toilet!

Literal bang bang wahoo! Basically what e-sluts and redditors think is cute and quirky

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Ah. She has a cute body, but I'd probably find her grating as shit.

it would be good if it wasnt in a urinal

I always thought it was funny how fanart makes her look more attractive than she actually is.

She's supposed to be pale and emaciated, probably one of the least attractive women in League of Legends.

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Oh? You think she'd look better being a regular toilet to be shit on?

do you shit in a urinal, user?

I guess I won't hold back then!
Going to go piss out an acrid full bladders worth into a toilet while imagining you underneath it irl, please look forward to it!

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i do not think that is sanitary at all user. why don't we get you to a warm place and dry you off.

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