Dergen age

He did literally nothing wrong. FUCK Cailan and FUCK the Wardens.

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Other urls found in this thread:

So what was his master plan after that again?

FUCK the Orlesians, too. Metaphorically, not literally like that dick-brained traitor of a king Cailan.

Right. And after that?

Is fucking the Orlesians not a good enough goal?

During the Blight? Not really.

Seriously, for a moment.
Do you think they could have won the battle if Loghain hadn't retreated?

Not a chance. Darkspawn numbers were too great. Even Cailan knew they would die. They just had to do it.

Absolutely not, a spoiled king thought that Wardens were a magical I-win button and parked everyone on the doorstep of one of the worst Blights in recent memory, Loghain had absolutely retarded plans AFTER the battle, but retreating ensured that there would actually be a standing army to take home

Most people just kill him because LOL THAT IMAGE whines about how he literally murdered Duncan inbetween trying to beta-out of being a king

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Well he didn't know it was a blight, did he?

What did they mean by this?

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>Shale wasn't romanceable
>she didn't even get a shout-out beyond "I've been here before" from the Warden in Witch Hunt
>she never showed up again even though shitters like Leliana were brought back even if you fucking beheaded them

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He antagonised you throughout the fucking game.

Crashing this kingdom. With no survivors.

Back when Dragon Age was good.

>Shale wasn't romanceable
Why would you want that?

The only thing he did wrong was think he could defeat the Blight with a conventional army

That battle was fucked from the beginning. Darkspawn had far superior numbers, so facing them on an open field was already a terrible idea. Also where the fuck were all the mages they had brought from the Circle? A line of Enchanters firing Fireballs after or during the archers arrow volley would have thinned their ranks out even more, fuck imagine if they had some spell combinations capable ones dropping a Storm of the Century right there as the Darkspawn run right into it.
Loghain was still in the wrong to run from it though, but mainly due to lack of information. He thought he could outmaneuver the Blight army like one does a human army, and didn't know the Wardens are literally the only ones who could kill the Archdemon.

Honestly? I think it would have been possible had they not been sabotaged. It might not have been clean, but I don't remember anything about that singular battle that made it unwinnable aside from getting betrayed. Would it have been some lasting victory? No, I'm sure they'd need to pull back soon if that one battle didn't force them to retreat. Either way they likely would have been better off just having oldmasterwarden still alive, not to mention any other needless soldier sacrifices that happened because one man couldn't handle being near french people.

Because she'd be the best option.
>gay backstabbing knife ear who betrays you later anyway
>swamp witch with no manners, no loyalty, no hygiene, and no goal other than getting dicked
>gay backstabbing redhead pathological liar/televangelist slut who gets off to torturing children
>six foot tall she-golem who slings bantz just as well as she takes them, is a fukken dorf but bigger and tougher, hates mages, hates pigeons, hates knife ears, hates basically everything that isn't you, and has a nice (if rocky) ass to boot

People keep mentioning a cutscene where Uldred suggests for the mages to thin out the Darkspawn ranks only for the Revered mother to shoot him down. I never saw it in all my play through a, though I do play with mods.

And desu I can’t really fault Loghain for the Warden point, because they supposedly keep that part top secret.

Would the Archdemon appear in the field.
That's the deciding factor. If it doesn't, they have no hope. If it doesn, there's a chance.

>literally did nothing wrong
>oathbreaker, deserter, traitor of the crown
>plots assasination attempts.

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t. warden bitchtits who can't see the big picture

Counterpoint: Nobody gives a fuck about Ferelden and the place is just garbage, Orlais and Tevinter at least are civilized.

Wet dogs still smell better than wet Orlesians.

And not dying beats all that.

I dunno, I think a fair amount of Fereldens would have rather died than fallen back under the Orlais crown, given the choice.

>suppress the opposition
>unite the country under his rule
>summon the levies
>hire mercenaries
>end the blight
>choose a new(non-Orlesian cocksucker) king

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but non-wardens can't end the blight

>He did literally nothing wrong.
He abandoned his king to die because he was jealous that the king was such a chad

>Orl*sian """""culture"""""

His actions were justifiable, but they were objectively wrong because it is simply not possible to defeat a blight without Wardens.

Did he do anything wrong?

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>wasn't romanceable
What the fuck were they even thinking?

nobody but the wardens knew that
he abbandoned the king to die because the king wanted to return Ferelden to Orlais

He gave you a choice.
He was bro but I killed him.

Ironically more reasonable than the DA2 chumps.

but why

>Ambushed on the road
>Game gives me the option to kill the assassin so I did
>Learn much later that he was supposed to be a companion
>lmao whatever, continue on as normal
Did this happen to anyone else?

Logain was supposed to have a flanking advantage.

No. I listened to what he had to say at first, why wouldn't you?

I hate how tiny Shale was.

he did not believe the blight was even real, just darkspawn getting uppity as usual.

She couldn't fit through doors otherwise, apparently, but yeah, they shrank her a bit too much. It's slightly fixed in cut scenes due to camera angles and positioning but then a fight starts and she's barely elf height. Should have been at least Sten's height. At least they kept her ass.

did it remind you of your dick? lol

But she's not in to romance. And is kinda disgusted by living things getting their fluids all over her. How would it ever work out. That being said, no she dwarf companion to romance in the games, as a human, now thats the real crime. Might as well throw the game away.

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At one point she catches herself ogling Sten and his muscles as he kills stuff, and has conversations with other companions that hint that despite trying to keep up the facade of being a heartless murderhobo golem, there's very clearly the soul of a woman still in there (shoe discussion with Leliana, hoping the Warden isn't staring at her ass, asking if she thinks it's possible to regain her dwarf form and quickly changing the topic if answered in the positive, etc).

>Wardens refuse to tell people why they're needed to stop the blight
>Get surprised when the commander of the armies tells them to go fuck themselves

>possible to regain her dwarf form

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I know I've heard about that, but she gets dwarfed (no pun intended) by normal golems.

Darkspawn are dangerous enough but with talking darkspawn leading them they become even more dangerous

Why are there no punished loghain edits? I'd make one myself if I could into photoshop. maybe one day.

He didn't do anything wrong (if he's telling the truth) it's in his nature but I still killed him


She gets dwarfed by fucking Alistair. That shit just ain't right.

I'm out of the loop and barely brushed my hand past DA:I, but couldn't you as a dwarf gay romance the Iron Bull who in canon has a huge dink?

He did wrong by not realizing he was in a Bioware game where nothing will ever happen without player's agency.

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kinda sad the architect was promptly forgotten about only for corypheus to basically be the evil version of him

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Archie was too good for this world. Ol' janky-eyes had no place for sure once Bioware decided darkspawn should regress even further into shit fucking zombies.

Why one of the two dwarfs deserved to rule in Origins?

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>turns out anyone can actually kill an archdemon
>high-ranking wardens made up the "secret" as a last-ditch effort to save their asses in case governments started cutting their neetbux

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Prince is a dick who murdered his family, but realizes that the dwarves are stagnating and down to one city compared to what they used to have.
Councilman or whatever presents himself as the reasonable option, but he continues the holding tactics against the darkspawn which don't work anymore with just one city left.

that golem would be massive to a dwarf

Yet they still allowed dwarf prostitutes

>local gray wardens literally stumble over themselves telling Loghain and Cailan about how this is a blight and everyone has to take it seriously

Are all the other dwarf cities annihilated or did they just lose contact with one another?

>Commit high treason
>Still get to be in court
>No one is calling you a usurper
Biowares writing was always trash

There are only 2 cities left Orzamar and Kal Sharok. And of those 2 Kal Sharok was only rediscovered to still exist just recently. In dwarf noble origin King Endrin is talking with his advisors about how Kal Sharok isnt accepting his authority over them because Orzamar abandoned them during the first blight. (Which was necessary not just Orzamar being dicks).

>It doesn't matter that there's like 5 darkspawn out there, it's a real blight!
>We uh... Sensed it.

At least in Ferelden all but the one city are shitholes full of Darkspawn, spiders, ghosts, rampant golems, those worm raptors, crazy grey wardens, and those blackguards who guard a bridge that has darkspawn on both sides.

The king commited high treason you Orlesian cunt.
There was dissent within Fereldan nobility long before the events of Origins.

All he ever wanted was to fuck Rowan

To be fair, this is also a setting where magic is real and mages are organized into an actual order. Problem is world building didn't exactly take magic into account beyond oppressing mages.

Loghain literally left his King and all the Grey Wardens behind because he though they will never be able to defeat them.
You can't possible act like it's logical for him to not take it serious.

But Mr.Gaider, everyone has preferences. Maybe I want my GF to have horns and benchpress horses, I mean, if I get along with her enough.So why must you deny me?

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I liked the talking darkspawn, and hanging out with them, too bad they have to segragate them selves away from the rest of the world because they're basically a walking plague, so everyone they come in contact with will get sick eventually, if they hang around them for too long.

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So the dwarfs aren't that far off from being all exterminated? I know a few dwarfs leave on the surface but that's negligible.
Also why were the darkspawn so successful against dwarfs and not against humans/elves? Or did they just focus on them first.

He wanted to secure the border and then deal with the blight.

Loghain planned on betraying Cailan before the battle of Ostagar, Eamon was poisoned before Cailens death and the issue's with the circle started before it as well. Loghain had gone mad by how shit of a king Cailen was, but Loghain is a regicide and has conspired and committed high treason.

His story of quitting the field when he saw the darkspawn horde would hold up if he literally didn't do half of the shit he did. There was no reason to outlaw the wardens, he wanted a scapegoat since the Wardens have been banned from Fereldin before and thought it be easy to pin the blame.

Loghain is a sad old man with massive PTSD, what ever use he had as a leader is now gone. He should been thrown in the deep roads with the legion of the dead, he deserved nothing ceremonious.

I have awakening but I've never played it. Is it any good?

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>The Architect's plan is to basically have everything tainted so there is no more fighting
>Except tainted creatures lose the ability to reproduce so basically what he does is to end all life period

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Yes. It's basically tighter Origins with a lot of the fat cut off. Some of the characters are hit or miss, but some are also amazing. Such a shame its entire plot was ignored from that point onward.

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Do Darkspawn even age?

They caught them off guard and they were having a civil war in the first blight. And yeah darkspawn focused dwarves hard during the first blight.

>Also why were the darkspawn so successful against dwarfs and not against humans/elves? Or did they just focus on them first.
Dwarves live literally right next door to the Darkspawn as their cities and thaigs are right underground by the Deep Roads. Spawn only come to the surface during Blights, but they're fighting dorfs all the time.

I think I missed that plan.
Read this if you are interested.

user have you even played the actual game past the opening section?

The lower forms rot like everything else, probably much faster.
The higher ones are are long lasting but they do eventually die unless sustained by magic or something.
Archdemons are the only eternal ones.

Loghain knew how to manage a fucking country. If you didn't side with him at the landsmeet you are an orlesian cuck.

What was his plan in dealing with darkspawn? He literally caused half of nation's army to get wiped and caused civil unrest.

Problem is, the developers made it intentionally hard for you to have a character that sides with Loghain.
Human noble's family was pro-Cailan and they are killed by one of Loghain's allies.
Elves were oppressed by him, he even wanted to sell the capital city's elven population into slavery.
Human mage and the dwarves don't really give a fuck but they are friends with people who hate Loghain so their opinion is also influenced against him.


Darkspawn don't get uppity unless there is a blight.

>of the worst Blights in recent memory,
When you read up the lore on all the different blights you will find out that the one in Origins was rather pathetic as far as blight goes.

Beat them on the field.
He was widely recognized as one of the greatest military commanders in the world at the time.
>half of nation's army
Half of a part of the nation's proffessional army. Ferelden is a feudal state, the bulk of it's military would be made of the levies of teyrnirs which were obviously not raised at the start of Origins.

>Implying he is forgotten and not saved for later games
Out of the the seven Magisters who entered the golden city two are confirmed dead. With 3 still being active

only cause the origins blight was stopped early by

I mean, it's a narrative way to make him into an ensemble dark horse. How is a player supposed to come to the REALIZATION that he was right if he's never framed as being wrong in the first place? I like to think that was their intention all along...

That fucker supported the man who killed my parents, sister in law, nephew, etc. The fucker's head rolled.

Favorite origin? For me human or dwarf noble.

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The architect is the evil version of the architect. Read the book.s

>only cause the origins blight was stopped early
Not really. If this blight was like the early ones Ferelden would've been ran over and the hordes numbers would've snowballed from there.
It's pretty clear that the darkspawn are on their last legs.

Yeah the player might come to that conclusion.
Tell that to the human noble whose entire family was just murdered and I somehow doubt they'll be very reasonable with Loghain.

He had a hard life and his best friend cucked him.

Human noble arguably has the most ties to the rest of the game and a snarky or at least open minded one makes a good match for best waifu Morrigan. Human mage is good too for max bantz with templar shits like Alistair and/or running a three mage party and breaking the game to ludicrous levels.

Remember when Hawk was supposed to be a new Shepard?

I'm interested in replaying the game with a different build, particularly either blood or battle mage. Are they memes or actually viable and fun?

Shepard was an accident that happened to be on the far side of the bell-curve. Bioware will never be able to pull out a character like that ever again

I'll do you one better. Remember when Hawk was supposed to be a werewolf?

>dude darkspawn isn't a threat, its not a real blight
>abandons the kings host to die and get wiped out
>doesn't make any attempt at stopping "NOT a blight"
>sends assassins after the only people that can stop
what the fuck was his plan if the wardens had died? sit around in the capital while the darkspawn wipe out his country?

interesting, never thought of it that way. It's always presented as a combination of the Warden being OP and stoping it early. But when you think about it, it was probably the least prepared for Blight since the first one since the weak wardens presence in Ferelden was annihilated by Loghain and you had civil war.
That blight would have been eradicated even quicker in Orlais. You're right, the darkspawn are weakening.


Also, reading the Last Flight, you really get a sense of how scary the earlier Blight were.

He did everything wrong. Not even taking into account that he was useless and downright harmful as a leader that nobody but opportunistic douches "respected". But even from the start he done fucked up by leaving his king to die. He is a sworn knight, and he left his liege and his comrades to die. Does not matter if he did not like the king, oathbreaking is a crime punishable by death and extinction of the bloodline.

I was happy when Alistar solo'd him.

Is it weird that I'm all for Warden/Hawks/Inquisitor customization, but have a real hard time picturing Shepard as anything but default male Shep for the whole series? I didn't even customize him at all when I played.

I'm pretty sure Morrigan is gonna be Dragon Age 4 final boss. I don't want to kill my waifu.

whats bioware up to nowdays? heard about andromeda and thats it

I doubt Morrigan will be that relevant. We got a lot of her in Inquisition. Sten is more likely as a mid-boss in the Qunari invasion

They've made a online looter-shooter, Destiny inspired game. Everyone on internet is ripping it apart but it's hard to tell if it actually flopped financially.
The game really is horrible though. They've also teased dragon age 4

It's not exactly some big revelation. The Dwarven thaigs which are basically rump city-states are pushing the darkspawn back on their own.
The old Dwarven empire with its advanced technology and huge population and army was wrecked by the darkspawn during their peak.

>t. Cailan cocksucker
Yeah, and if they had just tried the bumrush formation at the beginning like Cailan wanted, I'm sure the wardens would have just won easily and nobody would have died at Ostagar lmfao

>godbabby getting the god soul removed is retconned because bioware
>DA4 protag needs the god kid because plot device
>no dialogue route possible, only way to take him is by force through a dual boss of Morrigan and the Warden whose skills and abilities will change depending on an auto-imported DAO save, so enjoy fighting that level 35 arcane warrior you facerolled the archdemon with, loser

Edmonton who was responsible for Mass Effect did Anthem, which essentially wasted them for 7 years ( Thanks EA ).

Andromeda was done by a new studio without senior and full of gender studies maniacs with management position.

The Dragon age team helped for Anthem and is now full on developing DA4.

City elf
Fourth blight did see a high number of darkspawn getting killed

Anything that branch will never be touch in a relevant manner.

>fighting with Morrigan
>suddenly Grey Warden shows up
>He is a fucking dwarf. It's a canon now.
>Morrigan and dwarf-warden passionaly kiss each other
>fuck lankets and fuck Hawke

Should he put his loyalty to the king over the loyalty to the country?
What legitimacy does Maric's bloodline hold? Loghain might as well have become king himself after the rebellion had he not given Maric his support.

They changed up Morrigan's dialogue in DAI depending on the Warden and kid's status and frankly that's already more than I was expecting.

The timeline is a bit murky here but I think that was because they were slowly consuming the dwarves in the deep roads.
Once they ran out of people to convert it was only a matter of killing more darkspawn than were created.

Nah i listened what He was saying and Saw the option...but i killed hin a yway because fuck elves

Female-elf is canon, user. And she is dead.

You dont get it. Doesn't matter if I like one over the other. The bottom line is, he is your king. The absolute ruler. A knight of Loghain's level knows that. And that betraying him is on the level of genocide as far as crimes go.
Yes. Again, king. His is the absolute rule. He has got advisors, but a king makes the call and lives with the consequences or leaves the consequences to the history books.

Literally the absolute worst choice. What the hell Bioware?

My canon was actually dwarf commoner so yeah, that will happen. Morrigan got bearded

>Alistair is the most closeted faggot character ever and he craves Duncan's cock and constantly cries about it
>Morrigan disapproves because that's how sexually challenged David Gaider sees every relationship with every woman in his life
>Leliana sings while she should be keeping her dumb mouth shut
>Oghren is an alcoholic dwarf, that's a concept never before seen in fantasy
>Sten is just a plain cunt and leaving him to rot in his cage would rid me of his horrible dialogue choices that could never be explained through Hegelian dialectic
>Wynne needs to die to make this game less insufferable
>Zevran is just a plain faggot, wow so progressive such character depth
>Shale actually costs money if you bought this piece of shit at the release
>and the only dog is just a dog which makes him mediocre, congrats bioware

Let me also add
>shit single player MMO gameplay mechanics
>clunky mechanics in combat which is mostly shit btw
>absolutely abysmal writing across the board
>terrible and uninspiring story
>useless tactics
>horrible path finding gets party stuck in an open field with a single fucking rock
>the worst level and dungeon design I have ever fucking seen in any RPG since the days of Amiga 500
>and while speaking of Amiga 500, the graphics of DAO looks like something you could run with 512KB of RAM because it's all brown and shit everywhere
>shit visual design
>shit engine and technology

So, why did I play it? All the way to end? I just wanted to see how full of shit you actually are Yea Forums. Jesus Christ you people are irredeemably retarded. How do you allow yourself to play shit like this, love it and make countless threads about it? How do you fucking live with yourselves? Are you just fucking BioWare shills? I sure hope so. I will never listen to your advice on any game ever. I'll go play a better RPG trying to forget this complete trash. That would probably be any RPG ever made.

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Loghain was the advisor.
Cailan ignored his warnings.
>His is the absolute rule
Ferelden was not an absolute monarchy

Concidering the first one lasted almost 200 years and took down 2 world empires to almost extinction and vastly weakened state.

Listened to what he had to say. But seriously? Who found his argument convincing? "OH HI, I'm a brainwashed assassin who has been trained since birth to kill my mark no matter what by the most elite assassin group in known history. But I'm TOTALLY gonna betray them for you."

GG antonio banderas elf fagboi. GG

Both wrong, dalish elf is Canon

>he didn't even mention the most well written companion in the game

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Wait what when was this mentioned? I need to know more.

>Dislike Loghain
>>Dude check the books, you will like him more
>Now that I know the books I still dislike him and also know that he is a cuck

>t. orlesian traitor.
Loghain was right. These faggots are just here to cause sedition and treason.

he did everything wrong, out of a misplaced sense of national pride, bigotry and ignorance.
they dont get much more wrong than this.

i think they actually do, it had apparently been a longer gap between the blights than normal

>nobody but the wardens knew that
doesnt absolve him of his wrongdoing, ignorance is a really bad excuse.
> the king wanted to return Ferelden to Orlais
except no.

>dude let's just have the country my father fought to liberate return back into Orlesian hands after I die
>haha I'm sure my father would be so proud of me shitting all over his legacy

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>god soul removed is retconned because bioware
Name one time where BioWare ever did something like this

Bhelen is clearly the better ruler, but there's an argument to be made that the dwarves deserve to be wiped out and so harrowmont is better

You had the architect and whatever his name was in Inqusition, and you also had this codex entry in Inqusition.

i think there's an indication in the lore that the surface dwarves are better off than the orzammar dwarves, and the orzammar dwarves are going extinct unless they change

Nah. She may actually become Morrythal but I don't see her being the final boss because of that.

You roll paladin every time you play D&D don't you faggot?

Cailan wanted to marry Celene.
Celene wanted to marry Cailan so that the title of Fereldan king passes onto their heir.
If Cailan was aware of this then he was a traitor. If Cailan was not aware of this then he was a drooling retard. In either case he needed to be deposed.

Mass Effect 1 and 3. Killing the Rachni Queen doesn't mean diddly shit despite being presented as a major choice and she just gets cloned anyway.

>at least the orlesian empress pussy was worth it haha, fuck that frigid bitch anora

Remember the part of Origins where you can carry out a bunch of assassinations for the Crows, and they're pleased enough with your work (and realize how fucking strong you are, presumably) that they cancel all current and future contracts on your head? And that bit in the epilogue slides (sometimes) that mentions Zevran traveling back to Antiva and ending up running the Crows himself? And then in Awakening when the nobles try to assassinate you and there's fucking Crow assassins helping them?

i mean, he was pretty clearly getting manipulated by celene, and loghain was right that the orlesian army would never leave ferelden if they came in.

da4 won't fuck up tevinter right? please?

Optional choices can never mean anything because they are optional. That is clear from the start. What they did was a way out of it having consequences but it's not like they just acted like you never killed anything. The laziest shit was bringing Leliana back as a ghost but it's still not a retcon, just a stupid way out of a consequence because her getting rekt gets acknowledged

It does make a difference, if you killed the queen in ME1 then they reapers makes a fake queen in the third game. If you release the fake queen then she will sabotaged the crucible after a couple of missions.


will they bring back origins for da4? what origins would you want, considering its almost certainly taking place in tevinter?

>female dwarves often look like 14 year old girls

What kind of fucking 14 year old girls is he hanging around?

Mass Effect 3, Rachni Queen
Dragon Age 2, Leilianna

Of course it doesn't matter because they've resolved the god soul plot - flemeth Yanks it out of the kiddo in never amounts to anything, beyond the probable Ressurection of that one elven goddess

and FUCK niggers aka Darkspawn

It's bullshit either way because the fact that Bioware even had to force a fake queen into the story shows that they always counted on the queen being saved, so the alternative just feels like retarded shoehorning.

>the orlesian army would never leave ferelden if they came in
Cailan had not announced he was going to divorce Anora for Celene yet.
That army would be used by Orlais to ensure the nobility would not rebel once he did.

Great, bearded ones! With jugs the size of nugs!

I do love paladins and in pathfinder and in fifth edition they are pretty great. Paladin or not, you follow a code. Loghain was just a has been bitter dick who overestimated his abilities and got heemd by Alistar.

“Perhaps he believes the Blight is an army he can outmaneuver” – Flemeth

How old is Celene could she even have a child anymore?( Havent played Inquisition)

Now you see, that would be an EXCELLENT argument for keeping Zevran alive...
...If you were playing a character with perfect clairvoyance.

I reiterate, in what way does it make sense to keep him alive at the time?

>doesnt absolve him of his wrongdoing
What wrongdoing? Trying to get rid of the wardens?
They were riling up opposition against him.
It's entirely the warden's fault that they decided to keep their one actual use secret.

This. So basically he was a retarded

Let's think of this rationally. Even if he thought it was just a small force and not a Blight, despite the fact there were many signs independent of the wardens that it was, he withdrew his forces from the field for the express purpose of killing the king and presumably the finest most loyal knights in Ferelden because who else would be fighting along side the king?

He then withdrew his forces back to the capital. This is important. He LEFT the area. Even if he didn't think it was a Blight he KNEW there was a sizable darkspawn force and he just left to allow them to ravage the countryside and attack Lothering.

>flemeth Yanks it out of the kiddo in never amounts to anything,
Except that if you didn't do the ritual then there is no old God soul yanking. If you did do the ritual then Solas has the old God soul.
Look they have to write for both scenarios without changing to much, if you pay to much attention to player choices between games then that can be really limiting for writing and gameplay.

She's an lesbian thot who munches knifeear carpet but yes she's young. Probably why her brother was able to challenge her rule

I was actually amazed that Cassandra was straight.

Depends on what they focus on and how. The premise is there:
>a failing, Byzantine-like Empire like setting, basically everything the humans built since the the elves fucked off
>the qunari with their "we are legion so we fck yo shit up" mentality
>Solas as a villain, though probably not the main one.

Problem is BW has hardly produced anything with redeeming value in the last few years
>Star Wars MMO dying
>Mass Effect Andromeda went to shit
>Anthem broken on so many levels that not even 2 years of longer development time couldn't solve.

Could it be great? Sure. Will it shit everything up further? Yes.

26 or 27 years old
She's a machiavellian trope, she'd get an heir with Cailan regardless if she enjoyed it or not.

da4 needs to return to the dark fantasy that origins, and even 2 was like. inquisition was too high fantasy

A Darkspawn horde is infinitely less threatening than the Orlesian army.

I think Dwarf Noble is the best. It is full of intrigue, is potentially very funny, and I found the oh shit moment of being exiled in to the deep mines to do genuinely exciting unlike the lead in to joining the wardens in the other origins. It is just a shame that the dwarves have only a minor impact on the wider series, so unlike Human noble, there is no real important choice tied to your specific origin that effects later games.

Same, and pleasantly surprised. Tomboys with tough exteriors and sensitive emotions are my fetish. Would love to see her in something more girly.

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>26 or 27 years old

Nigga she is at least twice that age.

>Solas as a villain, though probably not the main one
The game is named after him, why wouldn't he be the main villain?

He left for the capital to assemble the levies.
Only the standing army was at Ostagar.

Did her scars in DAI make her more or less cute?

During Inquisition.
>Born in 9:04 Dragon
>Ostagar happens in 9:30 Dragon
She was 26 when she was trying to marry Cailan.

Honestly, the scars play no factor in how cute she is. They're only there to build up her tough act so that when we catch her reading naughty romance novels, her embarrassment reaches peak waifu levels of adorable.

>He did literally nothing wrong
He made the only people who could stop the Blight into scapegoats.

Alistair is the only vidya man I'd fuck into oblivion

Attached: Alistair.jpg (308x434, 48K)

The only people who could stop the blight also happened to be iredimably retarded enough to keep their one actual purpose of their whole organization secret.


It was literally the starting days of the Blight.
They weren't even sure it was the start of one until they saw the Arch Demon. If the Warden had failed in Ferelden, it would have reached the same extent as the previous Blights.

What are you talking about? Everybody knew Grey Wardens' job was to stop Blights.

Oblivion is that other Western generic fantasy RPG about finding a lost heir and collecting support to stop an invading demonic army. You fool.

She is 40 by the time of Trespasser, 26 in DAO

Things like that make me so upset that they end up surrounded by a dumpster fire of a game and plotlines with more overwrites than a dying PS2 memory card.
>that one guard that points out her resting bitch face in as many words
I know, anonymous NPC! I've already masturbated to it several times!

>dark fantasy


>no kids

Always knew letting her die is the right choice for Orlais.

It was still an awful slow moving blight considering it took over a year for the wave of darkspawn that razed Ostagar to Lothering within days of each other to cover the same distance to Denerim (and skip the woods and the lake entirely).

The entirety of the Blight lasted less than 6 months, what are you on about.

Got more layers than your usual run of the mill main antagonist. Either the Evanuris, the Forgotten Ones or the Qunari since they already tried to take the continent.

The other Blights were much more dangerous from the start since they had a constant supply of dwarves from the deep roads to convert into genlocks.
>no kids
It's not as big of an issue for Orlais since her dynasty is old and has a fuckton of members which is also why they have so much trouble with pretenders.

Characters are covered in blood and say "fuck". That is exactly what dark fantasy is.

That's not their purpose.
You could "stop" the blight with regular soldiers as well.
Their purpose is to kill the archdemon.

Wynne specifically mentions in one of her camp conversations that you've been a Warden and on the road for a year.

He's talking about only a grey Warden being able to slay an archdemon for good.

Nobody says fuck in Origins, not even Oghren.

The throne of Orlais is voted on, it's not a guarantee that it goes to the oldest child .

They do, leliana's first words after she rescues you from an ogre is literally "Fuck me raw ya mad cunts, check out the size of the balls on thiss gronk".

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>And? What do you want me to do about it?

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>G E T A B L A N K E T

Killing the archdemon is the only way to stop the Blight. It's next to impossible to just kill every single darkspawn because there are like millions of them underground.

It's hereditary, so long there is a clean line of succession. Problem is that it hardly ever happens. Celene's predecessor Florian, originally had an elder brother with two sons, they just became footnotes in the Game.
No matter whom you choose, Orlais is fcked since there won't be a clean line of succession either way.

Damn that looks like it's from some Z-grade Eurojank.

I didn't know 14 year old girls were wide, muscly and had a full pair of tits and ass

You will be supporting the supremely enlightened and rational Qunari in DA:4 right?

its amazing how easily you can use his own words to throw back against progressive stuff

You'd be surprised.

You know what's bizarre? After replaying the first two games and playing Inqusition for the first time you realize that the second game is the best written one. Has the best story, Antagonist and companions.

Are you ready for a quest to stop a human supremacist from massacring a peaceful Qunari compound?

Geddafuck out.

Meant for

>Killing the archdemon is the only way to stop the Blight
The wardens kept "ending the blight" ambiguous because they knew they would be dismantled if people ever found out how it is actually done.
You DON'T need Warden armies, you DON'T need special training, you DON'T need to pay a fuckton of money to maintain them.
You only need to feed darkspawn blood to a few random blokes and then they can kill the archdemon while the 3 extra armies you assembled with the cash you saved by not giving wardens their neetbux mop up the rest of the darkspawn.

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I'm sorry but it's true

I liked how they were doing the Quinari before that fucking dlc came out.

Without a doubt. The reuse of assets makes side quests feel horribly grindy and monotonous, which is a fair criticism, and I know people did not like the combat change, but I can take it or leave that. DA2 was the game that actually made it feel like it took place within a coherent world and not just a Frankenstein monster of worn out bargain bin fantasy, which is not to say it was groundbreaking, but the smaller scale and culture clash with the Qunari that actually felt like meeting an alien and inhuman culture for once gave it some individuality.

>they would be dismantled if people ever found out how it is actually done.
But why?

Who is the antagonist?

They are not needed. Simple as that.
You can make your own "wardens" at will by feeding a few of your soldiers dark spawn blood until one survives then making him kill the archdemon.

The Templar commander, or society as a whole. Both works

That's plain retarded. One only did its job, the other one will exist regardless of your actions.

Yes but there is some dept to Meredith, she is doing her job but she is very brutal at it. But not to the point where she turns every mage she finds tranquil, why is she brutal? Because of her own bad experience with mages including her sister that turned into an abomination, and while she is brutal and admits it herself she does it not out of hatred but because she feels there is no other way to deal with mages and she wishes there was another way.

Your own Wardens will still be at the very least semi-independent because a) you can't just go and find some darkspawn blood by yourself b) you can't teach them what it's like to live with the taint and how to cope with it c) you'll want to leave the recruiting to them because darkspawn blood kills randomly, and you won't want to risk losing your best soldiers. Maybe that's how the Wardens became independent in the first place: the authorities decided it was too much hassle to control their every step.


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>One only did its job
Meredith was bad at her job. Her regime encouraged mages to turn evil more than anything else.

>Ywn be blacked by Morrigan

Never said she wasn't a good character, She could be the face of the thread instead of Loghain. The only "wrong" thing she did was to get the lyrium idol, and thus becoming insane. Her actions all were right given the circumstances: blood mages everywhere, summoning demons etc. Hell even Orsino was a cunt - he already knew about the serial killer blood mage, aided its research and called that lunatic's work fantastic.

>turn more evil
Made them more desperate perhaps, but by that point she was already under the influence of red lyrium.


>you can't just go and find some darkspawn blood by yourself

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These people still exist in that skeleton crew of a fandom

Meanwhile the Templar had fanatics that abused their power, zelots trying to start a war with the quanri and while Meredith was not in favor of the tranquil solution she also did not do enough to stop the fanatic temples from turning mages tranquil.


Who the fuck came up with that nonsense.

You realize you need more than just Dark Spawn Blood, right?

You don't

Did you legit spacebar through every conversation?

I mean they are kinda niggerish with their tribes and stuff but that is not even the point, Morrigan is only part of the Chasind because Flemeth kinda took control of them at some point and is considered a part of them, so her daugher is too

On my second play through yes and I don't remember many small details from my first. But I do remember that you drink darkspawn blood and that's it

>My gf unironically believs this

Everyone that is black in the dragon age games comes from Rivain.

What else do you need?

Chasind were swarthy and one of them in Lothering had cornrows. This is more than enough to sustain some people on a crusade no one cares about for a decade now.

Not that it matters because even if every original Chasind is as black as night, Morrigan having to be black would still make no sense since Flemeth was not born into the Chasind and became part of them later

what's her reasoning?

That's basic feudalism.

gib slayer gf

She wants to fuck her dad

No, no it's fucking not.
There are barely any instances of shit like this happening and when it did the smaller partner of the personal union always suffered because of it.
Look at Poland and Lithuania or Spain and Portugal. The difference of power between these was much smaller than the one between Orlais and Ferelden and they both still got utterly fucked off it.
A personal union between Orlais and Ferelden would just end up with the Orlais reintegrating it as a province of the empire.

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Sweden, Denmark and Norway had a union once, worked out good until the Danish betrayed Sweden.

The Blight would have fucked up Fereldan. He was retard. Its like Rohan attacking Gondor at Minas Tirith instead of helping them

I let him redeem himself at the end.
He's still an asshole though.

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>Still not even as much as a screenshot
DA4 is literally never coming out

Isn't Bioware pretty much dead now since both Andromeda and Anthem failed?

I think Anthem still bamboozled enough people at launch to not be a studio-murdering failure but I'm not sure

t. cailan

EA has already invested money in it, canceling it would just be a waste of money.
No, what makes you think that?

Late to the thread but if you spared this dude you’re a massive cuck

what killed them is that they got rock star treatment from EA and they haven't produced a single hit game
ME3 got close but they fucked it up hard

they get an engine
they get middleware
they get celebrity VAs
they get other EA studios making parts of their games
they get the biggest advertising budgets
all their games were delayed by a year at least

meanwhile EA Sports shits out the same game every year and they all make more individually

>ME3 got close but they fucked it up hard
ME3 was a hit, until the last 5 minute. Don't believe me? There are people who are still playing the multi-player
>they get an engine
An engine that was made by DICE and EA decided that all their games will use that engine. It's not exactly a case of being given an engine.

It's a pity that the only thing you can do is forgive him or kill him. An alternative development of the story (siding with him instead of Cailan) would've been a really interesting approach.

I think the way the game frames the fight is as a lost battle, no matter what. The difference is that a better strategist, so to speak, decides to take advantage of it knowing how things will end. So I believe that the battle would've been lost regardless but king Cailan and the whole order of wardens wouldn't have fallen, just a tremendous military setback.

If you forgive him then by default you're siding with him instead of Cailan.

That's all progressivism, user.

>You DON'T need Warden armies, you DON'T need special training, you DON'T need to pay a fuckton of money to maintain them.
Except you do because standing armies are shit at hunting dark spawn

He was necessary for the patrician playthrough.

>Human male (noble)
>Get betrayed by bannerman
>Swear to join the Wardens only as means of enacting revenge
>Do Warden shit until chance for revenge appears
>Kill the fuckhead responsible for the death of your family
>Make deal with retarded Kings widow to trade her dads life for the throne and her pusy
>Tell whiny, redundant off-tank to go fuck himself
>Refuse witch, refuse to assist witch acquiring warden jizz
>Let traitor redeem himself by killing archdemon and dying int he process
>Assume throne, breed qt queen, tell wardens to fuck off and go about the business of restoring your house
Best run.

He didn't have one.
Loghain was a fucking moron.

They had a better chance than him retreating and leaving half his force to die, along with every Grey warden in the country. His plan had literally no up side. Fall back to Denirum and pray the Darkspawn would just kindly fuck off isnt much of a olan.

>make qt dwarf girl the best girl in Inquisition

>can't romance her because that faggot Gaider thinks it would be pedophilia

So he basically discriminated against little people, yet no one said anything about it.

>and then he added his gay bara husbando Iron Bull to Inquisition

>a romance that no one asked for

Literally "fuck your fetish, but mine is okay."

I mean at the beginning of the game. To follow two routes from the start of the game the same way you can have 9 different starting points in the story. They wouldn't need to be massively different but I guess even then it would be a little bit inconvenient to write it all.

Wardens can't have kids.
Ferelden's fucked.

They can. The chance is just much lower. Alistair is a child of one.

>male dwarves having consensual sex with female dwarves
>ewwww what the fuck is your problem this is way too fucking weird
>male dwarves having gay orgies with Zevran and Iron Bull

Alistair is also a disgusting half breed, with both darkspawn and dragon blood in him.

He ruined the best opportunity to stop the blight early, and proved such a fractious and inept ruler that literally one guy could convince everyone else of importance in Ferelden that he was a shitheel.