How's that game coming along Yea Forums~

how's that game coming along Yea Forums~

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OP i will nut inside you

lost my project, don't feel like doing it anymore

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no lewd rudes
im so sorry user
what sort of game was it

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I have a platformer with buggy collision/physics code (which I wrote from scratch in C...)
If you hold right while jumping against a straight-up vertical wall you'll be able to stand on the top corners of the blocks in the wall
not sure how I'm going to fix this

I have concepts, but I don't know where to start in execution.

megaman X type of game, had like 2 levels done and the character movement

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First, get a standard calculus text and dive in. You should also get linear algebra and discrete math books as well; make sure the discrete text is proof based.

Once you're a couple chapters in to your discrete book (you will want to have covered basic proposition and higher order logic, and basic proofs), you may begin learning programming and computer architecture. As a litmus test, if you don't know what this statement is


you aren't ready to take the reins of a computer.

Now, forget what you do know about computer programming:

First, you learn boolean logic operations
then, you learn transistor logic
then, you learn how to build functional units from logic gates
then, you learn CPU design
then, and only then, you learn assembly language
then, after you have mastered assembly language (not dabbled, but mastered it), you learn C
then, after you have mastered C, you may learn the higher-level languages of your choice, but you will always use C and assembly as your primary languages because everything else is unnecessary bloat.

By this time you should be finished with your first wave of math and ready for the next: abstract algebra, analysis, multivariate and vector calculus, and, after you have progressed a way in those, topology.

Finally, you become familiar with topoi, and study the internal logic of categories
then familiarize yourself with (general) type theory, and its applications to programming. I also recommend studying how to reformulate mathematics in terms of globular categories for use in automatic theorem proving, because there is an inherent programming-like 'feel' to it.

I'm an ideas guy. Anyone want to do all the actual work for me?

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show us user-kun
i would love a megaman x like game but with more of an emphasis on platforming. can you do this?

I'll see how my first day goes tomorrow. I gotta go to bed and my Companion should be in tomorrow. Got one again after a year and a half
First attempt at a game outside of Gamemaker

well I was replaying megaman x4 x5 x6 because those were the ones that I grew up with. I was going based on the level design of those. how they were made for dashes, wall jumping, etc. But after the megaman x thread from today I dont even know what is good or right. I guess I could make a hollow knight type of game but with megaman X powers. In like 9-10 years

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Name of this anime girl?

Calc's not too bad.
As for your statement, it's just saying that in a set, if the existence of 0 is implicit and the existence of increment is implicit, every natural number is in that set. It's the induction of the natural numbers, yeah? Pretty sure it can be implemented similarly in lambda calculus.
I get that this is a bait post, but I'm thinking there might be some good advice in here anyways.

I'm not making a game, but following a few as they get developed.

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I had an idea and have been prototyping some of the basic systems but I'm not sure the best way to handle the main gimmick.

"Hi! I'm making a game, and I'm looking to put together a team. All I need are writers, programmers, level designers, artists, animators, musicians, a composer, voice actors..."

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No dev

I'm taking a break from devving to play sekiro on other games

I swear to Allah I'll fuck the next animeposter itt

I'm not just that, I feel like I'm decent at world building and creating the plot, I've got around 10 years worth of composing experience and I'm acceptable at creating pixel art/animations.

The thing is, I can't get my head around coding. And it's damn difficult to find a coder that is willing to work on a passion project.
Commissioning programmers is really expensive, since most games have a long dev cycle.
And I'd probably need an artist too, for CGs and character design. It's all so bothersome.

I've spent about 6 months working on a stupid fucking mapbuilding system that calculates an AI navigation grid by placing a character at every grid point on the map and then moving them in each direction to test if it can walk there or not, and it's finally nearing completion

please look up the A* pathfinding algorithm before you continue to waste your time
or Djikstra Maps

I feel you, man. Just having fun. Lord knows I've got my own share of ideas well above my skillset. That said, I will say that I have indeed seen project threads in some circles that really did leave me thinking "So... what do YOU actually do aside from just being the 'creator'?" Not quite as much for vidya, but that sort of thing is out there.

I'm writing the system that builds the grid that pathfinding algorithms run through, I'm not writing a pathfinding algorithm

thread needs more cunny desu

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>be neet
>don't have money to dev
>be wagie
>don't have time to dev
UBI when?

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Yeah I get that, I just feel like games are such a complex media, it's a mystery for me how people like Toby Fox are able to grind through all the work for 4 years without getting bored or discouraged.
Especially since those are mostly passion projects, you won't earn a dime and will be forced to put all that work in when you should be resting from work.
Working with a team sounds fun and is generally a good thing though, perhaps I need to make more of an effort to find people to work with. For some reason, I do despite working on other people's ideas if I'm not fully convinced of them, which makes it even more difficult.

>tfw becoming older than satou and having done even less with your life than him

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When you have a passion for what you're doing you don't get bored

I'm certainly no expert, but I'd dare to say that just because something gets done, that doesn't mean the creator didn't have periods of boredom or discouragement along the way. Been working on a non-vidya passion project on and off (mostly on) for three years now, and I can certainly say that such periods have befallen me. Not so much boredom, if you're really passionate about it, though.

That's a really retarded statement. Game dev is made out of so many elements, it's only human that some aspects of it may be to your dislike, may it be the art, music or coding part, something will drag you down.
And even if you are above that, your interest change with time. Committing to a 3-4-year project and sticking to it requires more than just passion for game dev itself, it needs incredible discipline.
There are multiple cases of great artists, writer and musicians who merely got bored with something they were working on and discarded it. Just because I got passion for game dev, that doesn't mean this passion needs to be channeled into one single project that is going to be finished.

>That's a really retarded statement
not really, I've been working on the same game for 10 years and I haven't gotten bored
I threw away hundreds of games before this one though

>that doesn't mean the creator didn't have periods of boredom or discouragement along the way
to yanderedev's credit at least he's kept at it for the past decade even though he's too retarded to have learned anything over that time

>10 years
no offense, but are you sure you haven't created 10 different games just under the name of a single one?
I can't imagine a game not being finished after being worked on for this amount of time, except the creator has not even remotely a grasp of what takes how long to implement into the game and gets lost along the way.

Making games on your own takes a long time and I haven't been sitting here working 40 hour work weeks for 10 years

Fuck Hero:
Make a Frets on Fire mod with vaginas and assholes for notes (fingering for double notes and slaps for open notes) and get 3 girls with colored outfits laying on all fours side by side.

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Well how many hours a week do spend with it then?

Really hard to estimate seeing it's not regular and I'm not timing myself when I do
5 or 10 maybe on average
It's more like I spend months off and then months on doing a normal work day

I'll make a pornhub account based around this idea and become super famous as the fuck hero

How the fuck do you get your 2d sprites to rotate like this?

If I starting coding this way I would have never learned how to code.

I made a command line hangman app, what do I win?

I am wrapping my head around how to make webm related.
I am thinking of making a porn game but don't know if I should do it.
I'm unsure if I can make 3D look good.

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Win the lottery, idiot.

Man... I can't help but think there's probably a pretty distinct line in the sand between people who would use the free time from essentially unlimited income to get a lot of shit done vs. those would use it to do fuck all for the rest of their lives.

tfw doing AI algorithms

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How much regression analysis are you using?

my code successfully compiles 33% of the time with a stdev of +/- 10%

looks like blender shape keys

How's your prolonged virginity coming along?

Never made my own game but I have done music for a game currently being worked on. I really need to find a new music job of some sort. Here's some samples of my own music:

This is a WIP cover of Ghost's Square Hammer, which I've been working on for a Doom wad I'm making

I fucked that up, posted the cover twice. Here's the third song of my own

I have no idea how to make sprites or backgrounds or do any art at all

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1. take somebody else's art that you like
2. try to recreate it
3. if all else fails, plagiarize and change some shit around

Let this be a warning to others to BACK UP YOUR SHIT with an autistic level of diligence.

well what CAN you do?

Make music

>you need to know computer engineering before you code a game
Good meme user

you could have at least used kirino...

>that one ending in the VN where her little toddler sister pretends to be pregnant

Gay Batman Villain Dating Sim 2: Now woth More Riddler Edition is going poorly since I don’t know how to code.