Late night comfy 3DS thread

What are you playing? What games are a must for you? post themes

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smt iv a
when do I get to fuse sraosha

>playing on a handheld that casts a shadow

Shovel knight. Its a damn near perfect game that accomplishes everything it sets out to do

New Leaf. Going to the island to get some bugs and shit!!

Still playing Yokai Watch 3 with some New Leaf on the side.

Any idea when the club appears? I filled out the petition days ago.

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Not even a little. I just started maybe 2 weeks ago?

Shit, at least you know about the island farming trick. I hope you like Wharf Roaches

Fuck Wharf Roaches, I never catch those. Is it a hidden trick?? Shit there is just worth way way more money, kind of a no brainer.

It's not exactly secret i guess. Either way, you might want to whack your net towards the roaches to get them to despawn, since i think only 3 insects can be spawned at once.

Yeah, I run them over and they run off. It's all good. I got a Rainbow Stag baby!!

I think those are worth the most, but crap bugs also appear on non-palm tree trees.

Yeah, I couldn't keep track so after a while I just kept the values open next to me. Slowly memorizing it. Horned Elephant baby!!

Zelda: Link between worlds, the number one comfy game

Do you like Triforce Heroes? I really wanna play it but random online is hell.

I fused him like 4 hours in. Git gud.

I just haven't seen him pop up in the cathedral yet and I'm in the cosmic egg

Someone talk me into getting back to Uprising, i stopped years ago after the Reset Forest because my game got stolen and even now i can't get myself motivated to play past chapter 8

2d or 3d shadow?

Can you fuse him yet though? He is like level 84.

I hope the next AC has some 24/7 shop or something, there's literally nothing to do at this time of day but farm bugs

Farm faster!

Gonna buy a n3ds or n2ds, if I get the 3ds one I'll get the snes version. Is 2ds a better buy though?

I have a smol new3ds and the 2dsxl and the 3ds has a better build. That being said ONLY get the new version as shit loads faster and you can always turn loading shit faster when you mod it

how do you overclock on a new 3ds anyway?


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Some games just load faster. When you mod it you have the option to choose the speed shit loads though.On Luma I think you just press start and select when you first power it on.

ah ok then I'm close, thanks

oh man he's so little

Ultra Moon. The complaints are legit, but I'm still having fun with it. I really like Alolan forms giving life to stuff like Rattata and Grimer.


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You know that is his battle sprite right? You can toggle between them when you press select.

Fuck you. I never got an IPS :(

I can see on closer inspection
I didn't know that though, I never did that over the course of the game or I would have looked at the buttface dude (blue and yellow) sprite earlier


You mean vagina man? I still like Tiamat more. Bunch of tits and vaginas.
Yes not all 3DS have IPS screens.

eh they're pretty trash compared to the vita. better than the stock tn screens though

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How could I even tell? Mine looks white and not weirdly yellowed. Basically all I can ask for, no?

>trash compared to the vita
Yeah I wish the 3DS had better screens in general. Or the Switch.
Sure! If it doesn't bother you then it isn't a problem for you.

I meant if the n2ds is a better buy, sorry

I mean Omoteotl
I always figured Arioch was vaginaman

Getting back to corpse party, to finally finish last chapter, bummed out there is no way to save 2nd best girl. Hoping to not get bad ending as I'm gonna go completely guide-less for that one.

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He has an ass face but with a rhobus vagina though. Design is lore based, he is meant to have both penis and vagine.

ah ok I never noticed
I just wanted to see him flip over

Alliance Alive.
How do I max alll the guild in NG+? I can't seem to do it with all available recruit.

Yeah the n3ds has a better build in general. I have both and the 2dsxl feels flimsy but I got it anyway because I'm retarded.

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Continuing with rune factory 4, albeit slowly due to a hectic schedule.

Got dissapointed when the bug-girl turned out to be a retard.
Are there more monster girls or should I just be happy with what I got?

Power on with blue light but both screens stay dark. When I do manage to get it on, it freezes almost immediately after booting up. Wtf is happening


You can't max all the guilds in one go, even on NG+ (you can make a connected network of them across the whole world though).
What you should do is max the Library Guild in the first go. At a certain level it gives you the Destructive Sigil, the most powerful spell in the game (99 atk).
The Recon Guild is also super useful because of the SP bonus, and puts helpful boxes in dungeons. They also spawn special monsters if you max them.
The Signimancy Guild is alright. Nothing terribly special but the new sigils can have some use (nothing as great as the Library's one though).
The Tactics Guild is relatively useless, the new formations aren't different enough to justify using, not even if you're crazy enough to fight a high chain L5 den boss.
The Blacksmith's Guild is EXTREMELY useless, don't bother unless you want the small amount of exclusive items from higher levels of it, and only really for the compendium completion. The only reason I could think of for this is simply because most of Tiggy's cannons are only behind this, but you should be able to make do just fine with the Sigil Cannon she gets from one of the dens (just don't miss it).
Essentially Library>Recon>Signimancy>Tactics>>>>>>>>>>Blacksmith

Thanks user no wonder I can't do it. Is there any specific optimal way of building tower? I don't get it. I just build it randomly in the first playthrough by making sure at least one guild have one tower in each realm. How should I build the tower in each realm for max benefit? Also does placement of guild master on which tower matter at all?

>using a nintendo handheld console for anything other than a pokemon game

I just hacked my o3ds after only ever using it for pokemon and put 86 games on it, I'm loving the 3ds so far and regret not doing it earlier, this system is kino as fuck. Right now I'm playing
>Ace Attorney Trilogy
>Phantom Hourglass
>Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
>Resident Evil Revelations

Guildmaster assigned doesn't really matter, although my 'tism dictates I stick them near their "home" continents.
Basically by sticking towers on island points gained after clearing dens, you can make every single tower in the world connect over a huge network. Unsurprisingly, the Blacksmith guild has the most useless assist boost (just a pitiful smattering of damage, so don't feel too bad if you neglect them a tad in towers.
When placing the towers, it shows what they will connect to. Try saving beforehand and seeing which points you need to build on before settling with it, they make a big circle if done right. As for typing, I just try and space them so that useful effects like the Signimancy Guild's defensive boost or the Recon's stun effect are widely available, varying them from place to place. You will need to place some on small islands to make the network whole.
Don't forget to explore to add the spots to your map.

Same game for me. I'm stuck against the boss right before Asahi's father dies because even if I deal a good amount of damage he always kills my party in one turn at some point.

dude was a bitch, I just spammed makarakarn

I don't have it yet, I should fuse more demons but I just can't recruit any of them, they just hate me.

get the demon charmer skill

Thanks user. I should just completely ignore blacksmith then. Hopefully I can max out all the other 4 or at least 3.

Oh Lucoa
You don't have any demons that have dark skills or debilitate?

I have one with Mudoon, I have a lot of Mudo and Mudoon stones, but no demons with debilitate. I also have no demon who blocks fire skills and only one of them blocks force skills.

You can put some stuff into it if you really want the one armor or a couple of the weapons, but it really isn't needed unless you want the item entries at the library. By the time of NG+ you should already be strong enough to trounce everything easily, except high chain L5s. Just make sure to get that Sigil Cannon in one of the dens. I pretty much put most stuff into the Library and Recon ones, and formations I made myself were perfectly good instead of the tactics guild ones.
Make sure not to miss some of the optional guildmasters like that bone dragon

is Shovel Knight as good on the 3DS as it is on other platforms? aside from being able to play it in bed

Oh also I'm pretty sure the most you can totally max on a NG+ run is two, but I could be wrong, I don't know the exact amount.

>bone dragon
What is that? How do I get it? I don't recall getting any bone dragon before. Also do you happen to know the total number of guild recruit/master avalaible?

No Luster Candy either? Start making demons that are more versatile and make a demon that resists everything and can dekunda, debilitate and luster candy. Only the Fiends should give you some trouble after 2 runs. Asherah should be able to fuse right? She Nulls force and fire by default.

praying migu on o3ds. the latency on a vita seems too much or the 3ds miku might be more forgiving.

i already own smt strange journey, fe conquest, and bravely default 2. and box boy digital.
what other games are must buys before physical copies start to become hard to find? i like puzzles, jrpgs, and anything unique that makes use of system hardware.

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I have the demons to fuse Asherah but I need to gain more levels before I can fuse her. It actually looks like I have all the means to beat the boss easily, I'll see what I can do. I usually have a hard time fusing demons with skills I want because no demon want to join me when I try to recruit them, so I should work on that too.

I'm going to fucking scream.
>playoing new leaf
>grind on the island for hours, got tons of amazing stuff
>come back
>running to the museum and shit
>hand slips
>software has closed
FUCK. My whole night is ruined.

Play that russian song on hard and then come back to me.

Dragon quest VII,didnt like the gameplay at the start but small islands make more sense than empty wastelands of VIII's.Also vocation system is nice

Optional boss you can recruit from one of the islands. I don't know the exact no. I have to sleep now user, goodnight.

Sounds like your level is low then friend.

Just playing Pokemon Platinum
However I have DBZ Fusions waiting for me

You wanna deforest your island. Get rid of everything that's not palm trees.

Are you out of your fucking mind? That's where the bugs land. On trees.

Pokemon Emerald GBA VC

Is it autistic that I want to play the 3DS library by alphabet?

going through most mario platformers. smbw, nsmb, smb, etc. It's fun to play some levels a day

how the fuck do you enter the manhole in new leaf

I've pretty much just used my 3DS as an RPG machine, what are some good games in other genres on the system?

Rhythm heaven
Wario ware
I keep coming back to the 3ds for these specifically

There's a bit of ghosting and depending on how you're hands agree with the 3ds controls... I'd rather play it on console.

But it is portable!

I've been playing pokemon black after beating platinum, I like that battles seem to go a lot faster now but it seems like the game is holding my hand a lot more than previous gens. It feels like I'm going in a straight line all the time, and the map layout really makes it feel like that too.

I'm bouncing between playing Kid Icarus and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. It would be cool if I could play KI for longer but I'm on a New 3DS XL and after a good while the weight of it makes shit uncomfortable.

Playing Story of Seasons. If my 3DS survives one more year it will be my longest living console that was actively played.

>mfw sold my XL and got a qt N3DS with a chinkshit grip
best feeling my man

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>Playing Pokemon on the 3DS

What does the 3DS modding scene look like? I had a 3ds years ago but it was stolen and back then there wasn't much happening. Is it worth buying to mod, and is there even any good rom sites still left?

The one I'm eyeing. Curse gamestop, but they have good deals on special models.

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yeah man I kind of want to get a normal size. I thought the XL would be more comfortable on my hands but it's really shit for action games. Maybe I should get a grip for it.

As opposed to what? Let's go pikachu and eevee? The coloseum games? They aren't traditional games, and the sword/shield games aren't out yet.

The only game i play on my 3ds is Garfield kart. It's epic!

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Follow this guide's every step and you'll be set. I can even play games online, there's zero risk of getting banned as long as you follow the guide.

Also if you want .cia files for 3ds games the r/3dspiracy subreddit has a megathread for help and sites that host them, maybe the homebrew general on /vg/ has similar info.

A grip is one of the best purchases I've made for the 3dsxl
Even the small chinkshit one from aliexpress makes a world of difference

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I'm sure that probably feels better to hold but I don't like the extra hassle of taking the hunk off when i want to put the handheld in my pocket or its carrying case

True. Playing some games on my n3dsxl is uncomfortable after a while. I just think of it as my body telling me to stop playing than I need too.

Does the 3DS have any quirky weird games like Ghost Trick, Henry Hatsworth, etc?
Games like that are why I loved the original DS, but the 3DS seems to be dominated by panty quests and the like.

My 3DS has been collecting dust for years (aside from when Samus Returns released) and I'd like to hack the thing and try out some new stuff.