Think it'll just be a Kingdom hearts reskin?
So the FF7 remake
I hope it just comes out as a complete game with turn based combat & no DLC/Microtransactions
>Comes out
You can stop right there
Any game that has been in development hell for this long always comes out a dumpsterfire. Expect a Duke Nukem Forever tier game.
>Square Enix
You already know this
People seem to think turn based is outdated. It’s probably gonna have flashy, hold “O” to win gameplay.
I never understood this. I get that ATB seems more "Advanced", but turn based has its own charm.
You do realize that FF7 for PS1 didn't have turn based combat right, but ATB combat?
or did you mean that?
Yes sadly. They should have made the combat like FFX but with materia instead.
I'm pretty sure they said it would be episodic a long time back.
ATB is still taking turns whacking each other. I’d prefer a Tales-of combat or, if turn based, heavy emphasis on pic related. I can’t be the only faggot whose first rpg was Mario and tried to time every hit/parry.
It'll just be vaporware.
>and tried to time every hit/parry.
Why wouldn't you?
>Somewhat redeemed
>Still not completely trustworthy
>SF5 still ass
>Garbage management
>Every game released is a dissapointment
>Contiues tumbling down and the FF7 remake is going to be ass
Why cant Squeenix see the writing on the wall like Crapcom did
capcom's not redeemed until a new megaman legends and Breath of fire game.
>Will it be the best result given the circumstances?
Obviously not
>I hope it just comes out as a complete game with turn based combat
Wouldn't hope on that if I were you.
>& no DLC/Microtransactions
lmao holy shit man
Original FFVII was ATB. I've noticed a lot of you guys are confused on ATB and turn based. ATB can function mostly like a turn based jrpg or it could resemble something like FFXII.
Whats even the last good game from SE? For me, it's Nier Auromata and that they didnt even develop themselfs
That was almost 4 years ago, there's no way they are taking 4 years on top of dev time before reveal to put out 1 chapter.
Pick one
Meant for
No way! I'll pick both!
This game will never come out.
IF anything the first episode will come out for PS5, will get recieved badly and then the project will be stomped
>spending time and resources fucking about making an action figure of a character from a game in development
>instead of actually FINISHING THE FUCKING GAME
>the character design is almost guaranteed to change before it is released
FFXV 2.0
Is this their new business model or something? Is this just what they do now? Create hype for vaporware and just ride on that for a decade?
Honest to god hope the success of stuff like Octopath, the FF releases and the success of turn based games like Persona will finally make Square realize their audience just wants fucking ATB/Turn based back. The only reason your series is popular is because of games with that combat, and tons of people already buy FF for the name alone.
All the niggas had to do was just remake the damn game exactly as it was. They could have did some minor quality of life improvements to some of the script, worlds and gameplay but that is it. Minor improvements only. They didn't even have to give them VA. In fact would be better if they didn't.
All I want is a good quality Tifa model rip for the new flood of Tifa porn it'll generate.
I don't care how shit it is otherwise.