Hope WayForward goes full SJW and puts lots of yuri in their game. :3
Hope WayForward goes full SJW and puts lots of yuri in their game. :3
This but unironically
Unironically agree. Either Shantae needs to be lesbian or just have no romantic interests whatsoever. The only guy they could possibly pair her with is Bolo and he fucking sucks. Shantae's too good for him.
Yuri is not some sjw trash.
Yuri is love.
Yuri is life.
But what if
Ammo Baron.
Zombies brothers.
full SJW would mean ugly girls as well all of lot's of other turn offs since sexualizing lesbians is problematic
kill yourself tumblrnigger
yuri =/= sjw
i hope every dev does whatever pisses off Yea Forums shitposters the most
also yuri is cute
Shantae has only expressed interest in men.
She is straight.
Sorry Zombie fags..
They seemed to be going there in Pirate's Curse.
Too bad about HGH. 'Going SJW' aka toning down the fanservice does seem to be the way they feel they have to go, but its a shame - there's a real joy in cheesecake that you could show to kids guilt-free but is still full of innuendo and G-rated eyecandy. Reminds me of Zettai ryĆiki, there's something just right about it when it's done well.
Don't you know? It's not sjw if it involves cute girls.
>tfw I fucked Rotty in my dreams
>tfw her limbs fell off with each thrust
>tfw her head kept saying "fuck me harder"
Its just not fair.
uh user.....
is this the same artist that does tranny hunters avatar?
As long as Shantae has a cock and fucks her girlfriends
I mean a lot of trannies already play their games
Everyone should put lots of yuri in their game.
Its not SJW if it's done for straight men to masturbate to.
Yuri = social justice
But yuri is also for lesbians and straight women (who become lesbians).
The only ones left out are gay men who have their own stuff anyway
Converting lesbians in bed has been a joy and i'm proud for doing the world a solid.