This is some spicy click bait

This is some spicy click bait

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Other urls found in this thread:

What did they complain about now?
Lack of niggers or trannies?
No cripples?
No gay men everywhere?

>not a single white person in sight

says who?

They were probably upset that it glorifies violence. I can't imagine it being anything else because aside from trans, there is plenty of everything else you listed.

Two white people right in that screenshot.

It was the blandest fucking trailer I've seen since last E3, but I'm sure that's not their issue

Yeah but one of them is a woman, does not count.

>playing a lootershooter in 2xxx
kill yourself.

honestly just kill yourself.
>I can't wait to shoot the bland hordes and collect the gun of killening+1

>haha guys this is clickbait
>let's "discuss" it and by that i mean go to the site and sign up for an account, go comment there, and tell your friends to do the same! haha just like even ironically!

>bland hordes
Enemy composition was okay in B2, nothing to comlain about.
>gun of killening +1
A lot of weapons were pretty distinct and fun to use.

>A lot of weapons were pretty distinct and fun to use.

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No Krieg that I could see so I am a little disappointed.

It honestly looks exactly how I wanted. A better BL2, without Burch's humor.
And no goddamn seamless open world
It's gonna be perfect

It was disappointing. Looks exactly like borderlands 2, and they didn't give us a release window or even tell us the platforms. Looks like Randy is trying to build up some hype before telling us it's epic exclusive

I just wanted to laugh at the title but ok. If I had known people would do that, I’d message them to pay me 0.50$ per click

No pastebin?

>Looks exactly like borderlands 2
So what? It looks like it's just a better version of a good game. They already said they'll show more April 3rd, and even if we don't get it then we'll for sure know after E3.
Though if they go Epic Games Store fuck em

I loved that hailstorm assault rifle you get for clearing arena 1.
I also used a tediore gun for ammo I don't need and a rocket launcher too - firing it after the rockets is cool.
That cursed gun is memorable.
Love shotgun was nice.
That bayonet DLC gun is a mandatory upgrade for a melee character.
It's just too much to write about.

There is no chance it will be on steam right away

A Borderlands game without Burch is a good game.

Here's a pastebin, haven't read it yet

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but his sister is still in it

>There is no chance it will be on steam right away
Don't be an assuming faggot. BL is a big enough franchise that it wouldn't make sense to put it on only one highly unpopular platform, even if Epic offered an obscene amount of money.

>four default looking characters in dark clothing running straight: the game trailer
I have to work tomorrow with a guy who is the world's biggest Borderlands fan. He's going to want to talk about it for 15 minutes straight. Which one is supposed to be the beastmaster? They all look like shit.

robot face at the back

"But after this lackluster trailer, I’d welcome news about a battle royale mode..."
What a dildo

You're in denial. Just wait until the third.

go watch the trailer for BL2 and tell me this BL3 trailer looks in any way superior. it looked awful, janky, not even close to being finished. awkward animations, almost no content, just random characters running. the only thing that looked alright were the various worlds they showed a tiny fraction of. I like BL, I've bought all the games on steam, but this was a major disappointment considering how long they've supposedly been working on it. gearbox has always cut corners and been shifty af, we could be seeing some epic mismanagement here which should surprise no one.


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After skimming through it, the guy is talking out of his ass. He's basically saying that the trailer never showed enough.

Borderlands 2 came out 6 years ago yet Gearbox never stopped releasing DLC, spinoffs, and remakes. People expected more from a numbered sequel.

It looks like a borderlands 2 expansion, how could this really hype you up? lol

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It was due to them using presentation equipment provided by PAX which couldn't handle running 4k video. You can see Randy holding back his anger as they fuck everything up, and says he they should have brought their own stuff.

Most games tend to just look like the previous game. Risk of Rain 2 is probably the biggest jump a game on game sequel has done in a very long time. BL1->BL2 was basically nothing. Same gunplay, same awful vehicle controls, slight graphics jump etc

Which is what BL3 will be, and the leaks are 90+% true thus far, will also have multiple abilities per character and multiple planets which alone are a huge jump up from what BL2 did to the first game.

>awkward animations, almost no content, just random characters running
The first is false and the second is borderline trolling in how utterly asinine it is to base that off a trailer that single handedly had more variety than the entirety of BL2. The last is semi accurate but not really a big deal.

why do people care about this

Borderlands 1 and 2 only had 1 white guy each. This shit isn't new.

What did BL2 do, which is a numbered sequel, over BL1? Or Division 2 which is getting huge reception by these journalists? Division 2's big tag so far is "its not broken at launch!" which isn't really a good sign.

t. dumb discord tranny with no argument lmfao

I didn't know Borderlands 3 was a thing. When has this happened?

Imagine liking Randy's looter shooter. Disgusting.

borderlands has always been shit.

The game literally looks like a better more robust BL2. That doesn't just mean it's a graphics upgrade. We already know what kind of stuff it improves on from leaks. It seemingly has a bigger jump than BL1 to BL2.
It doesn't need to reinvent the wheel it invented, it just needs to do it better, which is what it looks like

It was? Literally looks like BL2 expac
graphics are ugly as fuck
screen tears everwhere
boring as shit
shit music

Just got announced today

>probably has the same shitty gunplay as the others

not really


There's literally an Old Jensen right there and he's as white as he could possibly be. I swear if he isn't voiced by Elias...

>nu-Yea Forums likes borderlands

why am I not surprised

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Borderlands 1 was good. Borderlands 2 was fucking terrible.

Polygon is such a joke. All these gaming news outlets are.

Yea Forums likes BL, they just hated Burch's writing.

wouldnt be surprised if the people who "like" borderlands are shills.

nobody remembers how gearbox shat up Yea Forums with the constant spamming back in 2012.

Borderlands 1 was genuinely good. Borderlands 2 was just okay with terrible writing until Krieg came out and fixed the game.

What kind of stuff does it improve? I've seen the leaks but they just describe the classes and maybe the gun customization, which might not still be in the game.

Ashly Burch is fine. Atleast she's not Anthony Burch

The leaks mention multiple active skills, where all BL games up to now have just had one per class.

Considering those leaks are months old, and fit up from what we have seen, I'd take both the weapon customization and classes having multiple abilities instead of 1 as basically fact.

That's a good thing, though it's not communicated in the trailer at all. Maybe that's the problem. The trailer shows sights and sounds, but doesn't really show any gameplay changes.

The only white guy in Borderlands 1 and 2 was literally the bad guy, nobody fucking cares

It's an announcement trailer at PAX fucking EAST. I will admit BL2 trailer was much better at communicating what the game was, but this was enough to get the ball rolling.

I enjoyed Borderlands 1, not the best game but certainly had it's moments, but ever since 2 the entire series always felt soulless. It just feels like a reddit-tier series, an overrated turd desperately trying to be hip and funny.

That is basically the Polygon article's "disappointment" with it, and I agree. We don't even know the playable character names, though, so this should've been treated by everyone as a teaser trailer, and we'll know more on the 3rd.

My hope is that the gun loot is totally random like 1 compared to 2.
Fuck everyone using the same weapons and shit. I want to actually feel like there are billions of guns, not just lots of useless garbage that looks the same as the new stuff.
I want it to feel like Diablo instead of what it felt like in 2.

At the very least, confirmed that Anthony Burch is gone and the writer from Borderlands 1 is coming back.


Trailer announces a game, with more info on April 3rd.

Based. This game just reek of anti white propaganda, another sjw shit to boycott.

>two of the main characters are white
>one is a robot
>almost every single NPC is white
Really makes you think, huh

I actually really like the story of BL2, even if the dialogue was bad. Hopefully the writer leaned more into that than what he did in the first
Get rid of the chosen one shit though, that was truly garbage

>implying Anthony Burch was the only bad thing about the series
>implying the series would be perfect without the writing

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what is like waking up everyday with the desire to be miserable?

Blind niggas be like

Randy doesn't make the game though

based /r/etardera larper

Tales from the Borderlands was and is great and it’s not even a proper video game.

The games themselves were serviceable aside from 2 things.
>Lilith being one of the biggest screw up I’ve ever seen in video games
>everything about The Prequel Sequel

>nu-Yea Forums likes borderlands
Borderlands and Yea Forums go way back.

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borderlands level scalling is pretty fucking dumb, after max level enemies got retarded and i had to use meme bee gun or some broken skill against everyone.
And that challenge about that robot that could appear in boxes, jesus, farmed a whole week to 100% the game and still failed bc of the little faggot
These kind of games are bad and dull when you are not playing with friends, never going to buy them again/10.

It took Randy Pitchford THREE attempts to play the trailer because the first two attempts ran at 10 FPS.

Bad memes aside the game looks alright, certainly better than anything Gearbox has made since BL2

They literally show one of the main playable characters is not just a nigger, but a nigger woman

They also do show the tranny character is back, the cripple character is back, and several gay men characters you dumb fuck

do you even know anything about Borderlands?

is presequel worth $8?

t. randy

I liked the Borderlands games but I never had anyone to play them with.

>implying white people live on the border
This is why Jack should have build a bigger wall.

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>tfw can't even remember what 8.8 was
fuck i'm going senile bros

The least disapointing part was the thicc Moxxie that sat in the row across from me.

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>running a 4k video in windows media player

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twilight princess score

Has Polyg*n become self aware enough to realize that things they like tend to be less popular so they have started to reverse shill games as a means to market them?

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hey newfriend you appear to be on the wrong website, perhaps you mixed up your browser tabs

I started playing Borderlands 1 after I switched from Yea Forums and Yea Forums to Yea Forums and Yea Forums as mains after those first showed up
not that I ever gave a shit what Yea Forums thought, even in 2004

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I don't know user, the game looks alright but that trailer fucking sucked
It looks likr it was made 5 minutes before the presentation

It's a step forward even if this is looking like another borderlands 2.5 like the presequel.

I hope there are some systemic changes. The only thing I think major change wise is that some of those NOVs may be playable.

So it fits the demographic for a borderland?

Literally in the exact same conference they announced an exclusivity deal with steam for one of the games they are publishing.

My bet is it will be on both.

It probably would've been treated like a teaser trailer... if it didn't have its own teaser trailer as a lead-up.

Borderlands is literally set in a shithole full of criminals.

t. jerry

>no scooter in the trailer
he really is gone isn't he

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You’re bland

How do you manage to be so worthless

Its worth at least 1 play through. Dont expect bl2 quality. It litterally feels like it was made before bl2. Some things are a bit stiff and wonky. Lots of drops come from one time enemies as well. You get your 3rd weapon slot halfway through the game. The balance of the game is good, and some characters are fun to play. But no matter what, the game is just okay.

>But after this lackluster trailer, I’d welcome news about a battle royale mode, because what else is there? This looks like another expansion, not a proper sequel to a major franchise. Gearbox has told us to expect more Borderlands 3 news on April 3, and I hope there will be something new to get me excited about the game on that date. The first trailer looks like a rehash of what we’ve already seen and played, and that’s a terrible thing for a series that has already been chopped up and resold to us in so many ways.

>I want Borderlands 3 to be good, but for it to be good, it needs at least one or two new ideas. If you had told me that this trailer was a fan edit that used scenes from existing games, I likely would have believed you. It doesn’t look like a retro game, which might have been charming; it just looks like an outdated game, and that’s the worst-case scenario for such an anticipated project.

He unironically wants a BR mode, what the fuck is wrong with journos. overall the article is about how the trailer didn't show anything new and feels like an expansion to Borderlands 2, nothing about diversity or shit like that

How can it be disappointing? Borderlands 1 and 2 were garbage, so why would you expect Borderlands 3 to be good enough to be disappointed by its trailer?

Retards upset it's a Borderlands game and not some Destiny wannabe.

GameSpot put out a similar article complaining that "It is just more Borderlands". Most jurnos seems angry that its just more of what the fans want and not some Division 2/Destiny 2 style live service game.

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borderlands 2 was pretty much the first game with a season pass. It also had like 30 pieces of dlc on top of the season pass.
It might as well have been a live service game.

Hey guys, it's Randy. Thanks a bunch for your support!
Here's a picture of me, working hard to ensure I make BL3 just as well as I made Battleborn, Aliens: Colonial Marines, and Duke Nukem Forever!

Thank you for saving my company so we can continue to fight bigotry and be BADASS for many years to come!

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>>I want Borderlands 3 to be good, but for it to be good, it needs at least one or two new ideas. If you had told me that this trailer was a fan edit that used scenes from existing games, I likely would have believed you. It doesn’t look like a retro game, which might have been charming; it just looks like an outdated game, and that’s the worst-case scenario for such an anticipated project.

But he's literally right. The trailer is fucking trash

Some people just don't deserve an opinion. How many BRs have we had come out in the last 2 years? Feels like there's been over 100 at this point and 90% of them are dead. BF5 just released one and no one gives a fuck, everyone was hyped for apex last month and by april no one will care and they'll be back to fortnite. BRs are just trash, I cannot understand the obsession people have with turning everything into a BR.

You know when you blatantly lie like that to try to prove a point it makes your point seem less real

>giving a shit about top kek bens garbage articles

why is the gaming media so cucked? Why do they so willingly lick the boot?

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most of western media is cucked, not just gaming. literally google the names of most of these "journalists" and they are always verified on twitter, leftists.

>He unironically wants a BR mode
Look I didn't read the article because fuck giving clicks to Polygon, but that particular part of the quote doesn't look like he wants a BR mode, it looks like he's saying "even a BR mode tacked on would be better than this"
Either way the second part of the quote is true, we haven't seen anything new except reskins of the main characters

I wouldn't go as far as calling it trash but it's surely not showing anything new or exceptional, I'd like to see a long segment of gameplay to see if they add anything new or fixed their shit like the shitty scaling.
Though I don't think a game need to reinvent the wheel with each installement, and make a shitty reboot or spin-off , as long as they improve on the formula it's fine for me
graphics are a bit disapointing though

Are people seriously using "discord tranny" as a derogatory term for anyone who disagrees with them on anything now?

she's brown

it is the new term to dismiss arguments. welcome to Yea Forums - you are always wrong and I am right

I genuinely hope you're not planning on buying BL3 then because I agree with your post, but Randy is as leftist as they come, and that's the direction the game is going to take.

oh so the game actually has a chance on being decent then

of course I won't buy his garbage user.

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That stupid nigger responded with a non-argument in the first place.

that is what I mean. you can point out a retard is wrong but they will still act like a retard. just don't let morons get to you or even bother trying to correct them.

its a bad opinion but borderlands is a bad game to begin with. at least they its game related and not a cry article about how the game isnt enough of a pride parade

That's why I called him a discord tranny. As much as I like Borderlands it's still a Borderlands thread, so it's still gonna go to shit regardless anyway.

>TFW Hate Gearbox and don't want to support them in the slightest but I kinda wanna get Borderlands 2 VR now that there's Aim controller support and DLC is free this summer

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When are we getting fat porn of the new siren and bot jock?

He should be in prison slipping on soap, but the main thing is that he is kept away from the important decisions and processes, because the guy is insane.


Hoping they fix loot and solo difficulty this time

I don't get it, game looks cool.

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>le ebin leftist boggerman

Hol up, is that an actual attractive female in a western game?

Shut up faggot

maybe your stupid idk

>a sequel of a game is similar to the rest of the series
There's literally nothing wrong with that, devs that stray from that put out shit like dad of war and DmC. There's a lot of games I don't care for and I would be the biggest moron if I went around saying 'ugh, resident evil is still a survival horror? This is so old hat'. Shooters don't have the wiggle room a lot of other games have, especially first person shooters.

Significant difference in aesthetic, graphics, artstyle, all of which were obvious when watching the trailer. That's not counting the myriad gameplay differences

have sex

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>but the main thing is that he is kept away from the important decisions and processes
he's executive producer, good luck with that lmao

ok tranny

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As someone who has never played Borderlands I have no fucking idea what this game is supposed to be, based on the trailer
>Overly diverse characters
>Can run in a straight line
>Shoot stuff
>Drive vehicles
>dude guns with legs lmao
You'd think after several years of dormancy they would want to cast a wider net than only appealing to past players.

yes, you nailed it.

BR shit aside he's right. Nothing in the trailet made it look like the game was trying anything new or pushing itself beyond what the previous games did.

That's all Borderlands is

I think AT LEAST one of the females was TOO attractive. I'm going to have to file a complaint about their bigotry and send them some twitter messages to let them know how they're a bunch of sexist PIGS

She's from Borderlands 2.

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>You'd think after several years of dormancy they would want to cast a wider net than only appealing to past players.
Why? That shit is the cancer killing games. Ever heard of dawn of war 3? Relic decided that appealing to RTS fans wasn't good enough so they turned the game into some kind of awful moba RTS hybrid, the game was so bad that they cancelled all post-launch content and buried the game.
I would absolutely kill for the devs of games I like to stick to doing what they're good at instead of trying to appeal to wider audiences with every sequel.

Wot, from one of the dlcs right?

Things I disliked about BL2:
-- Maps way too big, walking felt like a chore
-- The "towns" felt lifeless, the Wildlands town especially where there isn't a single NPC in sight. And most NPCs don't interact with one another.
-- Facial animations are non-existent making NPCs feel like robots. Let our characters have some facial animations, or maybe give them dialogue options.
-- Character colors suck. Give us full control of the palettes for each body part.

Based on the trailer it seems they haven't improved on any of those issues. Great just fucking great.

To be fair there are a lot of past players and if they like it word of mouth should do the rest.

No, it's Maya, the girl.
In that pic she's customized tho.

>3 non-gameplay related things

where are your priorities

I was glad that Tales from borderlands characters were included


Looks like Borderlands staying true to Borderlands (for better or worse, depending on your perspective).
That's absolutely commendable given the current AAA game dev climate.

borderlands need third person as well as indepth melee to match the shooting mechanics, like dmc

I'll buy your game if you post your CP stash

>-- Character colors suck. Give us full control of the palettes for each body part.
It's a FPS, you don't see shit anyway

I'm in love.

Probably won't play the game tho.

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they need to make it third person then, fps suck dicks anyway

I'm okay with wheyfu.


You suck dicks.

>Borderlands game and not some Destiny wannabe.

i dont know what to tell bro, but they are very similar

this game has to have third person also, fps sucks ass

Only at the surface level. Destiny is half PvP half competitive PvE, borderlands is just co-op, there's no leaderboards or world firsts or bragging rights.

does that matter?

people were fooled into buying a fucking bioware game because they were promised a looter shooter
clearly theres a market for the genre

will it still have splitscreen coop or will it fuck up like halo

>I’d welcome news about a battle royale mode

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That's exactly how I feel. I'm not a fan of companies trying to reinvent the wheel every time they develop a sequel. It always makes me feel like whatever success they had was not enough so they want to appeal to as many casuals and non-fans as possible because that's where the money is and casuals cannot stand being left out of a hype cycle.

They don't need to change anything, unless they believe OP's article that players are bored, but a trailer should at least spoonfeed me what the fuck the game even is. What else is marketing for?

We're all gonna make it brah.

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It better still have it

But you already know what borderlands is, and if you don't, go watch a gameplay video of 1 or 2.

The trailer was the most generic shit, like it was made in a factory. It was as if they googled "video game trailer preset" and just inserted their own footage. At the end of the day it doesn't matter though because it just needed to show the game, it isn't some deep thing with complex ideas or an enthralling narrative.

Wait, people actually PLAY borderlands?

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the funny thing is the old non-gameplay borderlands trailers were considered better but they didn't show shit about the game, it's usually just bandits doing stupid shit and getting killed by vault hunters, no hints about the lore, antagonists, allies, or anything else.

Speedrunning BL2 was honestly pretty enjoyable as you could basically fly across the map as an immortal death machine who could barely hit anything

>Delicious Brown Muscle Girl
I didn't think you could fuck that formula up, yet here we are. On paper this character should be waifu material, but in execution it looks so awful. Well done Gearbox.

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Thank fuck that I'm not the only one seeing Jensen. Him being voiced by Elias would be nice.

You're crazy user.
She looks fine.

>game looks cool
What about this do you find appealing? Legit curious because to me this looks like the definition of a pedestrian game.

It's the only game that legit looks PUNK.

Even that mask of infamy pre trailer thing was better, they could've just left it there.

Most of my complains stem from the cell-shaded art direction they're using. It accentuates how angular her model is and it looks harsh. Makes her abs look fucking awesome but that's about it. She's also one of the worst cases of man-hands I've seen in a video game.

Not that guy, but it looks like more Borderlands, not "generic shooter bullshit that's the same as everything else and trying to pull in the BR crowd: Borderlands edition".
That's why.

>It accentuates how angular her model is and it looks harsh.
Can you do a quick overlay on that image showing the harsh angles? I'm not seeing them.

So the whole NPC thing is gone now and was replaced by discord tranny? Or is it something completly different

He's right though, desire for BR aside. This trailer was extremely safe and bland and only showed us BL 2.5

It looks like they've got a new rendering engine at least which is cool, but now you're trying to sell us on nostalgia for a game you've been reselling to us almost as much as Skyrim.

>But you already know what borderlands is
I said I don't.
>if you don't, go watch a gameplay video of 1 or 2.
But it's their marketing department's job to sell me on the game; they failed. Why would I have to do that myself? I have a limited attention span like any mindless consumer. If it's not interesting I'll just look at other new game trailers in my news feed instead of old shit.

>no Burch
>no slag
>better weapons and customization
What more could people even want? Those were main issues with BL2 so if they fix all that, catch a riiiiiiide.

A while back I joked about the idea of Borderlands 3 becoming another always online loot shooter but the trailer looks like it's more of the same shit as 2 and I fucking doubt Gearbox would put in the effort to change the programming of the game to require internet connection

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I've seen so many mutations of this image I can't even remember what the original looked like.

I’m gonna post screenshot every day of me having fun on this game to Yea Forums once it comes out and you can cry about it all you want

>neo-Yea Forums hates borderlands

why am I not surprised

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>tfw have friends

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Not him but borderlands was a series I always wanted to love but couldn't. I bounced off every game. Managed to finish the first one though

The world's always felt dull, dead, and boring despite it's pretensions toward being loud and wacky. The combat was serviceable, but not very involved and while some guns were very fun these were extremely rare, most are just generic rooty tooty shoot with slightly different numbers. If they upped the mutators on weapons it would make the game much more varied. This and more varied environments is something presequel did well at least, despite being a cash in

You don't belong here fren

They're overusing it to cope with the fact that you have a different opinion and so don't fit into their idea of a Yea Forums hive mind that aways agrees with them.
"He think differently from me? Must be one of those discord trannies it's the only explanation!"

First one was mediocre, second game was worse. Never played the third.
Imagine having your shit taste and standards.

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I remember black skins, but i don't remember haircut that cute

zoom-Yea Forums is real

Jokes and false flagging aside, discord trannies are real and they're a serious problem

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>expecting anything from memelands or randy pitchford
>caring what polygon has to say about it
kill yourself nigger

>not having your presentation on different files in case you can't play the first one.
No fucking excuse. It's like this guy never finished highschool or something.

If you liked bl2 then yeah, writing is worse tho', so just be prepared

>you don't suck diversity AIDS dick so you're worthless

Oh I know. It's just that if every time someone was accused of being a discord trannies turned out to be corrected, they'd be main userbase if Yea Forums.

Not the same guy, but I really enjoy borderlands.
> the looter/shooter system is fun
> story can be funny/engaging/cringy, that's part of the experience
> playing with 3 others lads, doing bosses, is great

discord tranny

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>2K = Take Two Interactive
Another reason to pirate.

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they will make her lesbian or reveal she was a trans all this time, there is still room for disappointment user.
It's modern vidya after all, expect the worse...

It used to have cool black guy, punchman, ME SO ASIAN and tee hee imma shit out element damage.

And no gays or trannies, ever.
And memetrap existed, like that friend you had but wished they would die.

Boarderlands 1, what a game....

>I’d welcome news about a battle royale mode, because what else is there
and this is exactly the point where i stopped reading

he doesn’t want a BR mode, he’s using hyperbole to say that there’s so little fresh content he’d even take something as stale as BR. are you guys autistic or just underage?

Can't tell who's a shill and who's a zoomer


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Mobile turrets aren't really that unique of a concept.