He just can't let it go.
He just can't let it go
Who the fuck called Battleborne a "mis-marketed classic"? That's the first time I've seen someone call it something other than mediocre.
... no it isn't. Who has ever said that?
Where did Battleborne come into this entire conversation? Cliffy B has zero ties to that game
Didn't Bulletstorm do relatively well? Aside from the adolescent-tier dialogue the game was fun as fuck to play and the only real downside was the shitty, tacked-on multiplayer.
Was Clint Bazinga even involved in Bulletstorm?
I know most people have real memories from college but all of us switching off playing this in the cafeteria while onlookers passed by and tried it as well was the best of times. Even my economics professor tried it.
bulletstorm was pretty cool though.
Are you retarded?
He should focus on his writing career
Bulletstorm. The word is Bulletstorm.
Nobody even played lawbreakers is this guy delusional? I bet he thinks people will remember radical heights as a "classic" as well.
This game got a rerelease? This game has a cult following?
I forgot that game existed 2 weeks after it came out
I legitimately forgot about this game for a little while until you brought it up. Damn that was fast.
only good thing that came out of bullet storm was that cod parody
Yeah it's a fun game.
Lawbreakers cant really get a cult following because uh... Its not anymore.
How the great have fallen
This game has always been mediocre at best and a boring arena shooter at worst. CliffyB is really delusional.
Yeah, but Pat. What does Dr. Faust gain in Trickster?
Fuck off Fuccboivin
What is this retard smoking now?
Bulletstorm and Battleborn are both complete failures of games both associated with Gearbox, neither of which is worth remembering. I don't blame him for getting them mixed up.
Pat not letting it go is pretty funny. I hope CliffyB leaves twitter because of it.
Bulletstorm was a pretty solid game though and got decent reviews, what the fuck are you talking about.
But isn’t Lawbreakers a multiplayer only game that literally no one played? How could it gain a cult following?
He's never played the game
Retards love to join in conversations they know nothing of, just to spite others
He's just completely in denial. If the problem wasn't the marketing, then it was the game just being a shitty game.
It's much easier to blame everyone but yourself
>who would win
>a man who create multiple multi-billion dollar franchises like Lawbreakers and Radical Heights
>or some red midget who cannot understand RPG mechanics
I'll put my money on the angry ginger dwarf who despite being an angry ginger dwarf literally cannot be insulted.
Jesus Christ (shout outs to the savior!) this trash is fucking obnoxious (in a bad way) to read and it makes me want to strangle him (with my thumbs!)
>Salty fake as fuck trend chaser is upset and salty about his failure of a game
So when do you think he will put a gun in his mouth?
>He has money, he wont kill himself
Cliffy is more about ego, Lawbreakers failing was such a blow to him that to this day he whines on twitter about it. Oh i think it cuts more deeply than people are saying. Add in the fact that he was a factor in it flopping with his shit PR skills and shit shill campaign. My bet he puts a gun in his mouth in 2 years time.
As someone who never played Bulletstorm, to me it's always looked like a Gears of War clone with oversaturated colors. Was I mis-marketed to?
Well people actually still like Pat even if he can be a total brainlet.
Bulletstorm is just a game that Gearbox keeps pushing even though everyone forgot that game existed a week after it came out.
>Writing a chapter is harder than losing your father, your nephew, and the failure that was your marriage
What a massive basedboy.
>Jesus Christ (shout outs to the savior!)
Wait what? When was Bulletstorm either misconceived due to bad marketing or a game that was shat on on release and the vindicated/recognized as good over time?
Both to me and from my understanding of the general atmosphere around the game it was always an okay game that aimed for a niche that at the time was undeserved and did a fine job at it. Not really a RE4 tier classic that you replay every year or so but it was ok and if forced I wouldn't choose killing myself over replaying.
It was fun to pull off a lot of the trick kills.
>Rapping an explosive belt around an enemy and then kicking them in to a group of other enemys for a "gangbang" kill.
Yea people may not like the amount of language used, but i will let that slide.
It didn't take itself seriously like Gears but it wasn't really that funny either.
Bulletstorm is that weird game filled with insults and macho talk and it's all fun and absurd until the plot starts taking itself serious.
Not even Duke Nukem DLC could fix it.
That Cod parody they sent out was funny.
I wrote like that in high school.
How old is this guy?
Pat honestly did great playing through Sekiro. He first-tried a LOT of the bosses in the game, surprisingly enough.
You can tell the amount of ego this guy has just by reading this for 10 seconds
how is this guy such a lolcow
it kind of was honestly
i mean they marketed it as direct competition for overwatch when it was a moba
Cliffy was in his late 20s when this image was taken.
Bulletstorm's kick gimmick was done better by that doom modder that eventually went on to work on nu-doom.
Yeah. Okay. Got it. Got it.
So what does the sword button do?
What the fuck-- IT'S A GUN, WOOLIE
fuck off, niggers
Hang yourself, walking fruit
DSD really broke Woolie in ways we can't understand.
>Goes after a no name shit goblin e-celeb
It's a lovely dose of schedenfreude
didn't bulletstorm failed because people expected Painkiller 2 and got cawadooty shootan with few gimmicks?
pic very related
Level design and pacing brought the game down. The writing was decent for an action game because it didn't take itself too seriously, but it did try a little to hard to stand out and push its idea of memes. The gimmicks were fine and added some spice, but the level design like I said did not really give you too many excuses to use anything but what would give you the most points. It was basically a corridor shooter with le random humor.
>Actually giving a shit about fat, ugly, fake friend substitutes/online babysitters
Christ that's pathetic, get some real friends you fucking losers.
Kill yourself anytime little negroid
>Cliff is wearing a You're Retarded shirt
Damn, I didn't know Cliff was such a hateful ableist
>We're like the nerd mafia, and we stick together.
Where have I heard this before...
Bulletstorm would have been amazing if it wasn't designed for console first.
goddamn user, you nailed it
I remember radical heights as a classic, it was the best battle Royale even though the money system was dumb.
Cliffy B. almost has a George Lucas mentality, where he's remembered for massive gaming successes that he didn't have that much involvement in. He rushed to make his own magnum opus to show the world how great he truly is even on his own. However, he only ended up exposing how much of a fraud he truly is.
Why is it that posters that respond to multiple people at once seem the most autistic and butthurt?
>friendless betas who worship fat, ugly e-celebs acting like they aren't incredibly pathetic
Get some friends you fucking losers
I remember Pat saying on the last podcast that he had a few of the end bosses to go and was at 15 Attack Power or something due to grinding Skill Points to spend on the Mask. It's the Darks Souls 3 LP all over again.
>Pat saying that he couldn't understand Risk of Rain when he tried it and that it looked shitty because his character was small on screen with pixel graphics
Big YIKES for me, lads.
>Pat grinded because he's a shitter in [insert literally any game here]
Stop the presses
>Pat still fishing for those twitter likes
God what a retarded dwarf.
>I have thick coat, and full beard: therefore I am leader of bad guy
>and I have the nuclear missle bomb
Half of these parentheses are completely unnecessary
Did 15 really matter that much compared to 12 or 13?
>Didn't Bulletstorm do relatively well?
Didn't they staple the Gears of War 3 beta to it? That's probably a pretty big reason why.
They don't call him Angriest Pat for no raisins!
Is this tweet real lmao? Bulletstorm is a classic but him attaching himself to it feels pretty pathetic since he wasn't really involved. Epic was just the publisher or some shit
How much is that again? I just beat the game while leveling up attack on the mask once because I felt most of the combat abilities were useless to me.
why is he like this
Bulletstorm failed because of uninspired art direction
it is current year
Holy fuck was that game bad, I remember quitting and instantly uninstalling during the tutorial when the ship crash lands.
I've never noped out of a game that fast. Cliff is highly delusional.
Kek, it’s so forgettable he doesn’t even remember the name.
Please no more (kindly stop)
He's a manchild obsessed with his own personal image.
I don't remember that but it sounds like something he would say.
Wouldn't be shocked if he looks at RoR2 though
I don't know how much of a difference 2 or 3 extra Attack Power makes at higher levels since I never used the Mask, but it absolutely makes a difference at lower Attack Power. I started a second file after beating the game, activated the Demon Bell as early as possible, didn't cash in Memories for the attack boost for a while and some of the earlier bosses and minibosses who I had no trouble with before became much more troublesome.
>Cliff was about to make a super big budget game
>even the design doc was saying what their high as fuck expectation was
>he leaves just as the game was showing progress
>game shelved and canceled before its even announced
>never mentioned or talked about it
>had something legitimately good outside of gears but didnt take it by the dick and push it
and this is what upsets me most about cliffy b
the video here is mostly the animation placeholder for story, but there is a fully functional prototype somewhere
Show us your writing now.
It's his fault he tried to put a BR game where you get everything after buying the game. In today's brainlet "gaming" culture its cool to just rob your customers by making them buy the game and then buy things they need/think they need in lootboxes. He actually thought that the marketing scheme of being upfront and telling the customer that they pay for the game and thats that would work on mouthbreathing retards. What is this? Early 2000? Cliff is clearly a fucking boomer that doesnt understand today's standards
I'm pretty sure it scales hard in the early levels before evening off to only okayish returns after 10. According to the wiki, attack power from 10-11 is only a 7.7% increase, so definitely the difference between 13 and 15 are minuscule at best.
I recall the advertising for Bulletstorm being rather appropriate for the game? What's dumb was Gearbox's handling of its re-release. "Uh hey, we added Duke Nukem into it! Except everyone elses' dialog is still the same, so Duke keeps saying his name is Duke Nukem not Grayson".
how can you say it's a bad game if you quit without even finishing the tutorial?
Lawbreakers failed because of uninspired art direction
"Sweet summer child" is probably the worst way to condescend to someone. Proves you're beyond brainlet.
that unironically looks fun as shit
This shit looked like it would have been really good, damn shame
Sekiro is fine because it's Action game. Pat has played Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 multiple times and still doesn't know how Dexterity works.
to be fair you end up so high leveled in KOTOR II that by the early midgame you're already at the point where dexterity is useless for a melee character
ive seen more for the record. in action and the scope of the levels its the biggest UE3 game ive ever seen by a significant amount
ive tried getting cliffyb to comment on it but hes too busy bitching about his new book or entitled gamers to realize someone actually gives a fuck
Or more likely he realizes how much he fucked up by abandoning the project and doesn't want any knowledge of it to become more widespread since it would hurt his reputation even more if people knew he killed what would have been the best game he ever made before it even started full development just so he could go make mediocre cash-ins on fads long after they'd started dying out
On one hand, it's a shame that Bulletstorm failed, score systems that incentivize getting creative and skillful with kills is a fantastic idea that could have really helped the monotony of hallway shooters last gen
On the other, Cliffy B can get fucked and stay fucked
He got memed into appeasing quake players who don't exist AND got onto overwatch like shooters late.
Worst of both worlds.
At this point people wanting arena shooters or hardcore fps back should be classified as mentally ill. It lures developers into destroying their lives appeasing this audience (eg. quake champions, all the 0 player arena shooters on steam etc.)
what a complete retard
people deserve to know and ive considered showing more of it
the problem is, epic games might have an issue with that
is this supposed to be a FF7 ripoff or what?
a very big open world game in UE3 where if you see a skyscraper, you can in fact climb it, phase through shit, hovercars, guns, giant policing mechs that try to kill you, etc
It could have a cult following if they let people have the tools to play it on LAN but no just shut it down and kill it.
Alright fine, be gentle.
I kind of liked that game but incentivizing fucking around with a scoring system is insanely retarded, it's forced and goes completely against the gameplay.
Bulletstorn was a decent Gears 3 beta.
I just want to know if he actually ended up eating his wife's ass
Do you know what Bulletstorm lacked the most? Guns. It only had like 7 of them and they were either regular guns or some crazy gimmicky contraption that made them annoying to use.
Trying to use the chain gun effectively was a pain, especially in corridors where it'd just get stuck to walls on either side. The sniper was fun until you learned the dodging patter of the enemy and found the optimal approach vector to their asshole. The grenade launcher was a grenade launcher and you never really got the opportunity to bounce it around corners. The drilldo was fun, trying to make the largest kebab was a nice challenge and you could save ammo by just sliding into people, but it only appeared at the end and the ammo was expensive as balls.
Gears was actually much better in the gimmicky weapons department, despite the marketing.
When is he going to go back to the roots he never rose above and finish Dare to Dream?
He doesn't fucking realize that some people didn't buy the game just because of him and his retarded-cocky attitude?
It'd be nice if the skillshots were better thought out, as such you did a lot of things you'd think were impressive that didn't get you any points and you had to just stick to the best moneymakers for your gun.
>cliffy B still delusional
>we aren't serial killers
Then immediately
>we outnumber you
>ads on most major networks
>specific adverts for target markets on Adult Swim and G4
>got cover page on Game Informer
>9/10 scores everywhere
>almost 1,000,000 sales for a new IP
>considered a success by the developers
The only way Bulletstorm's marketing was a failure was from having Cliff behind it at the time, and it was when him being a cunt was really starting to flair up. He's probably just upset that it didn't end up being as successful as the now immensely-dated Gears of War, which is all his name is blatantly attached to other than a few subpar maps for UT.
>Bulletstorm is remembered as a classic
By whom?
It was a slow console shooter with no jump, awful art style and relying on a single gimmick. Now shut the fuck up you tasteless millenial.
hi cliffy
Cliffy needs to pull his head out of his ass. He hasn't made 1 game worth playing in his close to 30 years devving. Even old shit like Jizz JerkRabbit is barely passable. Hoping your game will be a cult hit after the swathe of normie trash he put out is pissing into the wind friend, not to mention he pulled the servers so now NO ONE can fucking play the game ever again, even if they did like it.
Cliff, glass yourself right now friend. No one will miss you.
Cliffy is Randy girlfriend
Why does pat keep trying to bully him like hes some big shot.
Pat boasted about having a trainer and doing work outs 2 years ago and is heavier then ever
Why does he do commentary on his own narration? (What a weird thing to do!)
>including my shares
(because you agreed to sell them)
this shit is comedy gold
Imagine how fucking pissed he must actually be that he left before Fortnite became the biggest thing in the world only for his company to make one flop and then die.
it is not when writing your memoires.
It was an arcadey fps set on a tropical resort? If you thought it was a Gears of War Clone you were definitely mis-marketed to
Which one? Patrick "Obnoxious midget with awful taste" Bloviatin or Clunt Fagsysko?
Pat. Because only fake trend chasers side with other fake trend chasers.
He got too arrogant during the Gears days. Everything they touched turned to gold, so he obviously thought he was better than he was. It's like Itagaki.
It wasnt a fucking classic. It felt like 99% of FPS games Ive played post-2003 : extremely forgettable, dirigist and similar to all the others with one or two differences that their marketing is based on.
who gives a fuck, and him grinding offscreen meant no fumbling and meandering on video time, it literally made the content better paced
fucking all their other souls LPs are a fucking slog
Literally everybody makes those mistakes sometimes, now you're going to do one irl and get ridiculized for it.
i'm extremely confused by this image
He's way too old for Handsy Randy
Because everyone bullies you, Cliff. Pat is just one of the many many people bullying you who has some amount of followers.
>nerd mafia
I like how those words are biggest cringe culmination right there, at the end, to the whole "Boss Key" text. Its like opera.
I don't, get what's, wrong with this, care to elaborate, please?
I want Cliff to make another game just for the shitposting honestly
>Bulletstorm's kick gimmick
the gimmick wasn't the kick, it was rewarding skillpoints by varying how you killed the enemies based on the environment or weapons used.
arguably also the whip thing but certainly not the kick
They had it on both covers, how was it not a gimmick?
>Pat still bullying Cliffy
Heh, wonder if Cliff is going cry and delete his tweets again?
>gimmick, noun: thing that is found on cover of videogames
play the game
Nigger I beat it twice. The kick is a huge part of the gameplay and it was promintently featured in all the promotional material to the point where they put it both on the regular cover and the limited edition cover. It's literally the biggest gimmick the game has.
Maybe he contributed the iconic, masterful dialogue, "I'll kill your dicks," "What does that even mean? I'll kill YOUR dick!"
>All those people praising Lawbreakers in the replies
i'll be honest, i played the game but way post launch, so i missed any kick-related marketing campaign and digital so no DVD cover.
sounds like bad marketing, the kick is good but the whip is more unique, they should have went with that.
shame because the game is fun if you can forgive how corridor-y it is and if you like the humor
Fuck are you on about?
whats the savior?
western video game developers are fucking cancer
Maybe because the game IS bad, user.
Not him, and I finished it. But it really DIDN'T add anything new to shooters like Cliffy and People Can Fly tried to claim.
>Lasso someone toward you
>Kick them away
>Lasso someone toward you
>Kick them away
>Repeat for about 6-8 hours.
>Lasso someone
>Kick them into the air
It really didn't add anything interesting beyond the lasso and kick and the whole "kill with skill!" gimmick was just that: a gimmick. Most of the time, the environment couldn't be used outside of like 2-4 places within the arena so you had to lead enemies around and hope the AI was stupid enough to let you set up for the combos.
Do you want to talk about Jesus Christ (The Savior)?
hi cliff
God I wish Cliff would just shut the hell up already
Nobody cares what a washed up dev has to say
It deserved better but is still only a good game, nothing to remember for years to come.
He writes about Sweeny like it's his wife's boyfriend.
Lawbreakers missmarketed? Guy basicly made a shitty copy of Overwatch in a market that was OVERSATURATED... And all he had going for it was the name of "Cliffy B"..... Nothing more. THe game wasnt good, you had to purchase it. Yes, you had with Overwatch as well. But it was also a game by Blizzard, it had stability. As Blizzard wouldnt shut it down if it didnt go so well. Something you cant really say today. But with Lawbreakers.. It was a NEW game. By a NEW studio that didnt have much going for it other than the name of the big boss.... So the game had no stability. Nothing that said. Yeah. This game will be working for at least 1 or 2 years. Giving the game some time to spread it wings. INstead.... it was not played... and also... shut down not long after it came out. So. The price of paying for a new game, that just came out in an oversaturated market...a co-op hero shooter. Really risky. And all he had was his name. Not enough for people to rush and purchase a game by the Gears of War guy.
What the fuck, dude. Do you type like that... To sound... Cooler..?
Have you got a minute?
bulletstorm isn't a classic at all
Because... Muthefucka.... Im... Christopher Walken.... BItch. Or William Shatner. Your pick.
Don't respond to namefags
>nerd mafia
that's an apt way to describe all those incestuous hacks that pat each other on the back over nothing while shunning newcomers who don't kiss ass
Dude, the hat's a gun and the bike's a sword, what's difficult about that?
This reads like Tim slipped him some Chinese money.
Holy fuck
Maybe it did, but it is in no fucking way remembered as a "mis-marketed classic".
Cliff is off his fucking rocker reaching for anything that might rub some recognition off on his own shitshow.
holy kek
the funny part is that patrick boivin makes his living playing video games and everybody loves him
he's unironically better off from the two of them
>everybody loves him
He's a fat ugly spastic who cries like a bitch about people like broteam
broteam is kind of a retard so i'm not surprised
Didn't Cliffy B make a boatload off investing big in something though?
he sure did
it's more that cliff is gonna live the rest of his life sitting dormant on a boatload of money while his favorite clique thinks he's either pathetic or hates him and are lining up to make fun of him whenever he pipes up.
boivin meanwhile has a steady employment that lets him do what he wants (play bideo games) and he also has a platform to talk about his opinions and people generally like him.
i'd choose boivin's life in a heartbeat
>Everyone loves him
In what world? He's an obnoxious faggot who talks like he knows what he's talking about but gets everything wrong and absolutely sucks at games. His fucking Crimson Chin "gf" who is obviously cucking him is more entertaining than he is.
Jesus Christ is that Todd disguised as Cliff
>weren't you a massive part of that mismarketing
savage, almost on par with a randy tweet at putting him in his place
>who talks like he knows what he's talking about but gets everything wrong and absolutely sucks at games.
That's what I enjoy about him. His X-Com 2 videos are a non-stop trainwreck
>be millionaire ex game dev
>get sent into a seething rage because some bald fat fuck streamer made fun of you
>Imagine judging a man based solely on his height than the quality of his work
t. manlet
Pat would win through sheer anger and dirtbaggery
Third if you wanna argue he two-hitted Cliffy last time
>Be millionaire
>Still get blown the fuck out by a fat leprechaun
People can fondly remember bulletstorm because they can always go back to play it. No one can play the multiplayer for LawBreakers. Good job fucko
holy shit this is really really bad. I'm pretty sure I have stories in my basement somewhere that I wrote in elementary school for English class that have better prose than this. What the fuck is wrong with this retard?
nicely done
appropriately rated post
not a contradiction
Nah both Pat and Cliffy should both die on the street.
>implying Pat would ever leave his house to die
no one cares how butthurt you are about pat
He didn't even work on bulletstorm, only publishing it so he was responsible for the mis-marketing?
>I play games like a spastic and didn't try to get the most out of every kill
Sounds like it's your problem, you retard. This is like saying DMC4 is bad because you can just bringer and streak enemies over and over until the game ends.
Is that the man with a special set of skills?
>Pat mentions the internet drama over the Mohammed video is dumb and he's not touching it
>Broteam says he fucks kids and has proof
>When pressed Broteam back peddles and it turns out he he knew a 20 year old that Pat flirted with over texts when he was like 28
>Pat makes one off handed comment about not liking the guy who called him a pedophile at one point on the podcast
How is that "cries like a bitch"?
*17 year old you fucking retard.
Oh hey Broteam, still have those secret proofs lying around somewhere?
At this point, who the fuck would ever bother working with cliffy b at this point? Having a single flop is somewhat recoverable, but acting the way he's afterwards is just so embarrassing and bad PR I don't think anybody would do business with him (in the game biz) at this point
nice one
oh yeah, those were both games that existed
Cliffy reminds of Notch right here.
I fucking hate Twitter.
Cliffy kinda looks like a side character from power rangers
For all the shit Randy's done, I can't bring myself to hate him. He's too charismatic.
Cliff is just an unlikable asshole.
Nice try Randy
did he have to use a vanity publisher for this trash
What exactly has he done? I'm serious, it looks like i missed something..?
I still hate Randy, but he's entertainingly awful. The only fun in Cliffy is watching his island sink as he says it'll be the next big thing.
*with a big dick a smokin hot redhead wife
pat is living the dream whether you like it or not
randy downloads child porn
No, Boss Key flopped big time.
If we did that though, he would be even smaller.
Stole Borderland's artstyle
Alien: Colonial Marines
Stole money from Sega to use for Borderlands 2
Ruined Duke Nukem
Potential pedo shit
Just generally making awful meme games with quirky reddit-tier dialogue and Anthony Burch
fuck bulletstorm
i was one of the few 10 people that bought that shit at launch, full price
now my GFWL key doesnt work on steam. Dead rising 2, a game i bought basicaly at the same time does.
BULLETSTORM, user, not Battleborn.
His trash company that never saw any success was more important than his father and nephews deaths and both of his marriages
Are you dyslexic, user?
I thought the same thing, all these dumb cashgrab shitfests sound the same to me.
It only used to work in the context of Yea Forums before cell phones with internet were commonplace because it was a real thing that negatively affected the community. Now kids can browse Yea Forums at school all year long so it's summer forever.
but user-kun you ARE my friend
Least he dresses nice.
Not a huge fan of Cliff (never played any of the Unreal games), but that Patrick guy seems like a petty envious cunt. Why else would anyone keep replying to some tweets made by some poor has-been SOB?
>Potential pedo shit
Was it ever confirmed? I heard it was a legal girl and people were trying to use a lower age to discredit him since America goes into a frothing rage whenever jailbait is mentioned.
He just enjoys fucking with Cliffy because Cliffy is desperate for praise.
No, it was an 18 year old cam girl. But "man watches girl of legal age squirt" doesn't sound as good as "Video game devoloper diddles kids until they pee".
>Why is that jerk replying to the things Cliffy B is posting publicly to social media
He obviously only posted that to get attention, he is just giving Cliffy what he wants.
>Cliffy is desperate for praise
poor has-been. He should take a cue from John Carmack and do something else with his life... or at least take one from John Romero who owns the fact that he's kinda stuck in the past but has kept working on stuff more under the radar.
It IS kinda dickish to enable the local hobo who thinks is superman to jump from the 40th story... Just let him mumble to himself in his corner.
Cliff took a gamble and invested in facebook before it got popular.
The reason he is rich isn't because he was ever good at making video games.
It was because made bank on a lucky draw.
>makes game no one likes
>hates everyone for it
>to "get back at them" he now acts like a retard to bait people
this whole thread is full of comedians, underrated.
Was he actually involved with Fortnite? I though he left well before then
Why did Pat try so hard to erase this video from the internet?
Because Canada has become more sjw and can't handle the thuggery of fighting games
why would you possibly give a shit what epic does? Use a VPN, upload it somewhere, mega or something and let the good word out. Don't be a top cuckold because you're afraid of being outed as a cliffysexual
he became the fat he hated so
>relying on a single gimmick
>Kick+Sliding kick
>Kill-scoring system
Please try again.
LMAO, literally no one is going to remember Lawbreakers.
The plot starts taking itself "seriously" around the same time you have to team up with Serrano whose entire lexicon is cursewords and verbs that segue into more cursewords, so it balances itself out.
>says the retard unironically hyped for Halo on Steam
>this fucker made OpFor and the Brothers in Arms series
what the fuck happened
>admits that cronyism is prevalent in the industry
>but it's not a big deal it's all just a bit of fun haha
they can't all be shakespear homo
Things no one ever said aside, Lawbreakers is a fantastic case study in ruining your own game with last-minute changes meant to appeal to a mass audience
Lawbreakers was a lot of fun if a bit broken at launch but 1.4 threw everything in the trash by blanket increasing HP and adding super aggressive regen.
It went from a duel-focused game to another Overwatch team ball game
He writes like the bigliest president
Randy has no charisma. Any entertainment I derive from his actions are from him being an extreme sperg. Seeing that awful card trick he tried to pull yesterday completely failing because the bitch he got on stage accidentally showed all the cards were signed was funny as Hell.
Its just a corridor shooter that was really short and let you do stylish kills in the most closed up spaces possible for it. Talk about lost potential because it had some of the best weapons in fps history
It went well enough to get a next gen update with Duke Nukem. Honestly the game was fun as fuck.
Serrano is fun though. This guy is the big bad and everyone knows it. But he's enjoying every second of it. It's rare you get a villain that knows he's bad and is laughing the entire way through. Glad he survived the ending because if there is a two, then he will be the best part of it again.
I bought Bulletstorm for cheap on a sale and I played all the way up until you find that one chick and you start following her but I haven’t touched it since because I got bored of the repetitive and shallow gameplay. Does the game get any better or have I seen it all (pro tip: set pieces don’t excite me but new game mechanics do).
based Pat
At this point it's tired because now Pat's just doing it for attention, making him just as bad as Cliffy.
I wasn't complaining about Serrano, in fact the opposite since I love his colorful language. I was just using him as an example of the game not really taking itself all that seriously even in the "serious" half.
>Do I look like a fucking tour guide? Them slanty devil eyes of yours don't see so good, huh?
Cliffy, while he likes to say he developed Unreal Tournament, was actually like an intern or apprentice during the original development of Unreal Tournament. I still give him some props for being part of that, but I think his biggest and only props can come from Gears of War, which was actually a solid game with a really fun and competitive multiplayer. The sequels progressively sucked more and more and he hasn’t made a good game since, but he’s not a complete hack. He is basically Peter Molyneux level.
Then I misread and I apologize. I just love the way the guy sounds like he's enjoying himself the entire time. He's a treat of a character and the entire time you're with him is just back and forth banter.
What does the mask actually do? I haven't gotten any of the parts yet.
I think that's where you start finding the cooler guns.
Just like OP
What? Bulletstorm is a dumb B-game that's fun to play if you get it cheap, not a fucking "classic". Most people don't even remember it at all.
Bulletstorm is one of those games you see in hidden gem lists, I liked it a lot but I only know a few people who have ever played it.
hi matt
While I didn't like a lot of the character designs in the game, Lawbreakers was more fast paced and more fun than ANY snore fest battle royale game that has released in the past few years. Made me miss Arena Shooters where action was constant.
So where's Matt been in all of this?
Still on radio silence?
>implying Matt would show up in a video game board when all he wants to do is watch movies
It gets better
whats even more pathetic is not just the idiot who cant read or is trying to fish, but the absolute mongol responding with the most idiotic reaponse ever.
fuck you guys, i hope you both get a fucking hard punch on your eye socket within the next few days.
Christ, I'm listening to the end of the latest podcast, and after yet another retarded discussion about Persona being "creepy" (how many is that now?), they're going in on Japan again.
I swear, I'm just about done with them. I'd take Matt back if it meant they'd shut the fuck up about politics.
he was proud enough of this to snap a picture and share it
this is to cringe, to unaware its clearly fake.
LP fans like yourself are all shiteaters
user, I...
>Smokin' hot wife
Maybe if you're a blind irishman
Jesus wept
Never forget
>I flew up to (at the time) Connecticut for the funeral
Is Connecticut not there anymore? Did it change names?
It was disconnected shorty after
Fuck off Cliffy B.
This is what happens when you never get told you're a fagget your entire life. Living in his head rent free.
1500 people couldnt tell he wrote this himself jesus christ. also the last paragraph is one sentence
what a fuckin joke
Your vs. you're.
"Your" implies he is the retard.
"you're" implies that you are the retard.
It’s DMC but in first person and you only have gunslinger
>why doesn't Japan have the same values as western countries?
>no chat you don't get it now look chat I'm not saying they should be exactly like us
CSB has been terrible since episode 1 and I don't know how. Matt never added anything of value but they somehow weren't as obnoxious when he was there jerking off about movies.
Either he wrote this himself or he's getting majorly scammed
I can't stand it when they talk about Persona. They unironically believe that Naoto is trans and Kanji is gay. The last podcast in particular was terrible.
Cliff doesn't know the kinda enemy he made yet.
holy shit I absolutely hate that voice over
OW is a moba though. just a different kind
>hurr no creep or level so not moba
>knowing who either of these people are
people say it's reddit ruining this site. it's clearly twittard.
if you have a twitter, if you go on twitter.
you are everything wrong with the world
I like how epic games is so small time when you bring them up you still have to say
"t-they made gears and fortnite"
>Not using Twitter exclusively for porn
i'll give it up
Heyyyy buddy, great job killing all those mutants and all. You're really good at that! Shooting things, that is. One problemo though, as it turns out a bunch of monsters on the planet are gonna tear our eyes out if we don't get the shield back up. And this is just my opinion, but that's gonna suck. Not having eyes sounds terrible! Like, how am I supposed to read my collection of "Bodacious Space Babes" without any flippin' eyeballs? So here's my brilliant plan that I got written on this here napkin. There's this generator-thing. You following me? And it needs GAS! Who knew? So mayyybe, you can go out and fetch some canisters. And then we can get the generator running, and then the shield will go back up, and we won't get horribly viciously murdered! Doesn't that sound great? I know, right? So, since I did most of the work coming up with the plan, I was thinking you can do the last step and get the cannisters. If you see any monsters, shoot them in the face or something. Oh and one more tip: try not to get killed. That'll put a wrench in this plan- metaphorically that is. Not literally. I hate people who misuse the term "literally", it drives me FIGURATIVELY insane. Anyway I'll just be here, cowering in my bunker while you go do that. Go team badass!
I don't get how they can be such big marks for Purseowner yet be such bad fans of it.
>Pat never finished 3
>never played Q
>didn't even let Woolie borrow it, just left it sealed despite not wanting it
>both somehow mispronounce every name possible
>both fell for the "Naoto is trans!" and "Kanji is gay!" retardbait which LITERALLY NEGATES BOTH THEIR STORIES
>Woolie can't read
I actually can't think of anything unique Woolie does in relation to Persona that makes him cancer like Pat. Huh.
Honestly I liked Bullestorm. Too bad it ended on a cliffhanger. I didn't find the story too bad. I was always eager to see what happened next.
>aw, my first lamborghini
Wow, what a douche
What was her name again? it's one of the dumb bitches from facial abuse
But Bulletstorm is complete trash and no one liked it and no one cares or even remembers it.
>Haha fuck you, I'm rich, LAMBORGHINI, bye (bye!)
Its fun, dumb fun though.
small jej
it’s okay user, we all have retard moments like your post above. those replies are just to remind you not to do it again
>never played Q
That's a good thing. It's incredibly fucking annoying if you actually like the games, and not just the meme versions of the characters.
The perfect Pitfchford post
I always pegged Kanji as bi
Randy is not charismatic, he's just autistic and has zero self awareness.
This, i couldnt take it. One of the few games ive dropped
Have we all been bamboozled?
It's less that he just didn't play it and more that he bought the special edition while knowing full well he didn't want the game, didn't let his good friend borrow it when he really wanted to play it, and then still never has tried it himself. What kind of cancerous behavior is that?
he probably ment "bulletstorm" dude, chill cliff
and just like you, he cant stop thinking about him
>a classic that was mis-marketed
literally nobody is saying that Cliff
Based retard
Imagine being his sibling, reading this and thinking "writing this was harder for you than when my child died?"
Randy isn't charismatic, but he's like a Ricky Gervais character. A fucking idiot who thinks he's doing great, and you don't want him to get fired or anything because then the entertainment would stop.
Well, you probably know more than anyone how much of a moron your brother is.
dont you hve a trend to chase Cliff?