Imagine hating on an amazing game because of "memes"
Well guess what, I think they're funny and add a charm to the story mode
Imagine hating on an amazing game because of "memes"
Well guess what, I think they're funny and add a charm to the story mode
Memes weren't the problem in this. Almost every character was just annoying they also had to tell you that they were gay. I actually liked it's better gameplay than 2 though.
based and memepilled
memes weren't the problem. No the problem was the repetitious mission design. The problem was the lack of anything resembling an endgame and I use that term very loosely with this series and it still fell short. The fact every outdoor location was twice the size of most exteriors in BL2 only somehow even more devoid of interest and oftentimes littered with anti-vehicle barriers or zones; meaning I had to spend five minutes sprinting and moonbouncing to get from one spot to another. That would tie into the mission repetition of virtually every one playing out the same flowchart of 'go here, get this, oh way too bad lol detour so go back that way, down the side path and retrace the path to the original goal.' Hell, it had multiple detours more than once.
No, memes were the least of this game's problems.
tl;dr ur a faget
>lacked in legendary farming and raid bosses
No replay ability/10
>fixes none of the problems that made borderlands 2 a mediocre game
>arguably worse in some areas like end-game design
>amazing game
It's just an expansion pack sold as a main game.
I enjoyed this game but it does have the weakest writing not to mention that the areas are very samey to each other. That being said it had some of the best game play. Adding the verticality to the game plus the introduction of cryo and laser weapons
>cut out the annoying characters and majority of shitty dialogue
>add a skip/ignore dialogue button
>add an actual end-game like borderlands 2 had
The main problems with the game was that the characters were awful to the point of being annoying to listen to, and that replaying it was boring as fuck because of this.
>the characters were awful to the point of being annoying to listen to
>lmao did you guys know that I LOVE pussy?
>Female pussy!
>I'm a lesbian btw but that's hard to guess since i'm subtle about it
Great character.
My main gripe with the game was how it completely neutered fire damage in vacuum, like Athena's Maelstrom was amazingly fun still but in atmosphere it was disgusting
This character should be burned into the ground. She's the most annoying character in that game and I hope she gets struct by a passing meteor.
The problem is Randy Prickford being a fat beta male who I refuse to support.
The problem was just how dull the game world got, same issue as bl1, far too repetitive. The characters skill trees where fucking amazing though, I wish we could play them in bl2. Bl2 world + blps playable characters would have been amazing.
This was pretty much my only issue with the game. Other than that it was pretty good.
>Non farmable bosses that drop uniqe loot
>that bullshit oxygen meter.
I don't care how easy it is, easy things can be tedious.
while the oz mechanics and jetpacks were neat, TPS is probably the worst out of all of the dlcs released for borderlands 2
Wilhelm was fun as fuck to play as.
It's a shame, cryo was 1000x better than slag, and character skills were way more fun. No farming, and worse maps/end-game than bl2 kinda killed it
Really? I found the bl2 dlcs to be pretty dull apart from dragon keep.
They're called Austrailians and the game was just being true to life.
would be crazy if they remastered and just stuffed all the characters in the previous titles
I mained Lady Hammerlock, since a friend called dibs on Athena, and enjoyed cryo
but it's a shit game