Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon Every Buddy

Chocobo thread. How are you faring so far?

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i'm up to floor 30 in the clocktower dungeon, but i've been taking a break from it because trails of cold steel just came out on ps4.
so far, though, i'm enjoying it a lot and it feels different enough from the wii version to be worth it.

Beat it a few days ago. It's fine, but it could use some 2019 enhancements.

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True, still it's a game I really enjoyed.

I like it so far. It kind of bugs me that the difficulty of the bosses seems way higher than the dungeons they are in, but it's still fun. I kind of think the buddies are pretty useless, and forget I have them a lot of the time. I am grinding to get the Behemoth buddy right now. So far, I've found the Dancer class just kicks every other classes ass, you do so much damage when you are one.

Every buddy except Atla is useless. The only way they can be useful is to have someone play as Player 2.

>healslut job
>all spells are cast only for yourself and none for buddy

What a useless job

What's the most OP job in the game?

I enjoyed it. Fun game.

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Is there no plan for a physical release?

20 bucks when?

From the thumbnail I thought it was making a huge log of shit.

Seriously, what the fuck were they thinking?

Japan only but they say that has dual language option. I say just get it digital since it loads faster with digital.

I like Shirma.

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How else are they gonna fish? Chocobos don't have hands.

Beaks? Claws? Come on man Chocobos are the real world's equivalent of Cassowaries, those motherfuckers are fucking nightmare to confront.


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Yea, but this chocobo is actually retarded. He even needs to take a plane ride to fly.

Wait this came out?
Is the card minigame still in it?
Does it have online multiplayer?
Hell I will even take local multiplayer at this point.

post more ass

Been interested in this. How is it? Does it have a lot of content? Still haven't played any mystery dungeon that matches the Shiren game on the vita. That game is oozes content.

also curious, is it as likable as the pokemon mystery dungeon games?

I don't like how much grinding is required to progress. That on top of the fact that some of the job abilities you get are almost completely useless. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is way better imo, especially considering you partner actually has a functional AI and full access to all abilities.

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I have been curious about Shireen. Which one do you recommend?

Redpill me on this
does it have anything to do post game like random dungeon layouts and enemies or is it a standard rpg that's easy


Yes the dungeons are always random, and post game you can try to grind for all partners and abilities, but if you're gonna play a Mystery Dungeon game, the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games have WAY more post game content

We're gonna need more buddies for this.

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Why is he so perfect?

whats the appeal of mystery dungeon games?

The preview image for this thread makes it look like the Chocobo is taking a big, meaty shit

I wonder what it would smell like, haha

kweh kweh!!

I like shota Rydia.

Turn-based movement/attacks in a grid map gives another dimension to strategy, and multiple floors of unknown dungeon layouts require you to manage your resources well so you can be strong enough to fight a boss at the end of it. RPG elements means you have multiple builds to try giving the game lots of replayability.

gimme some cute chocobo pics

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How is it compared to the Pokemon mystery dungeon series?

Great ass, worth the cutscene budget

>They ruined some of the big cutscenes of the game
I will never not be bad at that.


They redid all the ingame cutscenes to change the plot slightly, but they really fucked up Raffaello reveal because in the original, He gives everyone's memories backs before revealing he's the bad guy having them remember all the painful parts. And then he has an actual battle with Chroma and she only dies because she acts as a shield to protect Shirma from Raffaello's sword.

The remake, well you saw exactly what happens.

Another big change plot wise was the preist was to blame for the creation of Raffaello and everything that happened because he was the original oracle of dark and took the evil within him and sealed it in the temple of darkness, where it then became Raffaello and the Destroyer. In the original Chroma was always the oracle of dark and she was to weak to control Raffaello which set off the events.

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Stop sexualizing chickens

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Did anyone else here actually play the Chocobo racing game for the PS1? That was one comfy game, despite the hectic nature.

Get Beastmaster.

I have a Beastmaster at lvl 6 and it's really quite good.

Combining Beastmasters Haste with a buddy that can cast Slow is pretty good.

reminds me the first post in WHAT THE FUCK did the devs mean by this?


Is there any way to change the voice options. The dub isn't bad but I still would prefer the original. And I hope it isn't an autistic solution like Sakurai's.
>just change the language of the whole game bro

>Shirma is not Shiroma

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The one on the vita called Shiren The Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and The Dice of Fate. Real shame its stuck on the vita, really.

That shit is brutal as fuck. It had so many contents yet the monsters are simply unforgivably hard.

chocobo dungeon 2 was my first roguelike

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Does it not have any fun post-game modes?
I love roguelikes partially because they tend to have pretty good replay value without starting over, I enjoyed PMD for that a ton because after the "story" was over I was just kinda free to collect new partners and pokemon and keep doing random side missions because the gameplay is pretty fun and emphasized character/party building

Thicc Chocobo

There's plenty of post-game, but the ceiling is kind of low. The max job level isn't very high, and there's not much to look forward to beyond that.

same wtf

When is the DS versiongonna get a FUCKING full translation, that was the best Chocobo game, the best DS roguelike, it was like the Wii version but way expanded, and way fucking better since it threw away the 3d environments for faster 2d overworld
Seriously that game is so good. Just needs a translation for text outside of the menus and items.

Never ever

Why is this game so easy? If this was Chocobo's Dungeon 2, Ogres and Lamias already fucked me up mid game