Name other games that saved a franchise from death after a humiliating entry

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Pieces of shit like TP & SS would have killed Zelda forever if not for BOTW

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Don't know the history, but Fire Emblem Awakening revived the near-dead franchise.

DMC5 was so bad

And then Forces came in to fuck up everything.

I hate TP with a passion but love SS, am I autistic
my favorite game is still BOTW in that series

Why did they choose the "faggy boy band" aesthetic?

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That's one of the trademarks of DMC
I love it

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Ace combat 7 baybaaay

Then they killed the franchise as we know it with 4, 76, and Shelter

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>Sonic Mania will always be tarnished by the fact that it's basically a minigame prologue to Forces
Feels bad

Shogun 2

people loved TP though. And critics liked SS atleast

>DMC has been saved two times now

How does it keep going to shit and needing these miracles?

It could be worse. They could have named it Sonic 5, which forces you to remember Sonic 4 exists.

Because it is a Capcom series and Capcom has phases of brilliant games followed by phases of dogshit ones.

Dmc 5 killed dmc atleast for me, I'm just pretending it never happened.

DMC inherently rides on the bleeding edge of cringe. It's only good if they go full cuhrazee. If they hold back even a little bit, it's just cringe.


Hope Nintendo and mercury steam can make another one for switch.

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And why us that?
No let me guess, Realistic artstyle and swears, am I correct? Or is there another reason

>they remake fusion

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All Capcom games. Really makes me think

>Sonic Mania

You retarded, bro?

>Game saves the series
>While also putting Dante & Vergil to bed
>It's an UNGA BUNGA series now

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DS2 capcom. user...

>Pieces of shit like TP
Reddit please

KH3 saved the series after DDD which was the worst KH game in the series, KH3 even became the fastest AND best selling KH game in the series while DDD sold like shit.

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then of course all the SH fags got fucked in the ass even harder

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no it isn't
they wanted to appeal to normalfags and closet normalfags like

it became the fastest selling because Kingdom Hearts fans are diehards who not only refuse to be spoilered but are also not (or hopefully *were* not, now) jaded enough to believe that a game released in 2019 could be an utter waste of money and attention

EP straight up almost killed this franchise.

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botw killed the future of any hope of good 3D zeldas. It abandoned too many core elements

kh3 was good, stay mad

Do not agree
I actually think this game killed the series
the Hype for more than a decade building up to a game that is nothing more than a 6/10 is a terrible way to continue a series
Pretty sure the sales for the next entries are going to plumel hard
I personally will not buy the next game


Yes, "saved" with a humiliating entry.

6 wasn't that bad, it was better than 5 in many respects

Mortal Kombat (2011)

Sonic Colors


SS was great.

7 was awful lmao what are you talking about
did you mean to post REmake 2?


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>13 years for a mainline KH3 game
>It's a 6-7/10 sequel bait

They honestly could've wrapped up the Xehanort saga in a handheld spinoff and no one would've cared if THAT was how you were going to handle the plot, the story was absolute dogshit. 3FM needs to be a grand slam if it wants to be a classic, either way no one is going to miss vanilla KH3 just like vanilla KH2.

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>has literally nothing to do with SH but name sake
if it wasn't for the teaser at the end it wouldn't get its dick sucked constantly
its just a bunch of retarded ideas Kojima put in and people praise it when its clearly the biggest streamer horror bait game ever

But Revelations 2 came out between 6 and 7.

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And here's why!

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Do we really want to drag Dante till the Itsuno goes full Kojima and microwave hall's him like Snake in MGS4?

Reminder, that this will always be accurate no matter how much time passes
> Objective Best Vidya Franchises
> 1. Legend of Zelda
> 2. Super Mario
> 3. Panzer Dragoon
> 4. Metroid
> 5. Shin Megami Tensei
> 6. Castlevania
> 7. Resident Evil
> 8. Persona
> 9. Mega Man
> 10. Super Smash Bros
> 11. Fatal Frame
> 12. Dragon Quest
> 13. Phantasy Star
> 14. Legend of Heroes
> 15. Xenoblade

>Panzer Dragoon
>Fatal Frame
>Phantasy Star
>Legend of Heroes
nice literally who games faggot

SMT and Persona are different series in a single franchise.


Yeah, where do these people get off thinking that they can enjoy things that didn't have millions of dollars behind it? :^)

> Panzer Dragoon, Phantasy Star, Legend of Heroes
> Literal Who
Nice job outing yourself, go back to /reddit Zoomer

>Dante has wheelchair Cavelier and Vergil has Yamato walking cane

>Vergil has Yamato walking cane
so, V?


>after DDD which was the worst KH game in the series

358/2 was the worst KH game

If not those he's probably a 4fag whining about inertia or some shit.

Vergil needs an armed horse.

Spot the toddler

The hype is too high. They can't ever top a certain level. So any follow up is destined not to live up and be automatically seen as a failure.

It could be a great game on it's own, but if it's not as great or greater than the previous one, it has failed no matter what. Gamerfolk aren't a nice kind of people. Why do you think Yea Forums is the most toxic place in Yea Forums?

T. Seething Snoygro

TP has more soul than BOTW, there, I said it

Zelda has been pretty inconsistent through the years, Super Mario deserves its spot, there have been some derivative games like the NSMB series but they're good games nonetheless, Zelda on the other hand has SS in its curriculum