

Attached: file.png (1080x726, 408K)

>N64 controller
>A tier
I see you like getting blisters

move the ps4 controller and xbone controller up a level

Waiting for the spic version.

n64 is easily b or c simply because of the awful stick

steam controller is easily S+ for anything that isn't an FPS

why the FUCK is the 360 even near the top of the list let alone even on it
it's an abomination

xbone has no reason to be lower than 360. I would also move gamecube down and chuck switch pro in S instead

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Swap GC and Switch Classic. Also agree that N64 should drop down a tier, if not two.

What a weird tierlist, who labels the best tier "c"

Sony's controllers are fragile, and break very easily. I've went through 3 PS3 controllers, and one PS4 controller because it would fall off of my lap or vibrate off of a table.

>switch pro controller that high
trash dpad says otherwise

>GC at S rank

found the Smash fag

Literally all wrong.


>Sega Saturn
>C tier
What the actual fuck
How is someone's opinion this fucking bad

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Wait that's Genesis, I'm retarded. Either way it still applies, bad taste.

>gamecube meme
>n64 higher than c
>wiimote above any dualshock
>dualshock's not ranging from D-A from 1-4 respectively
Bad bait.

I liked the oval wii controller...

Add Xbone Elite to SSS tier
Move PS4 to A tier
Move PS1 to D tier

>SNES controller not at the top and in the same tier as the joycons and goddamn wiimote

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Xbone controller bumpers are a sin against mankind and those are more important than the d-pad in any game you'd be using an analog stick controller for.

Wiiu pro deserves the s tier more than switch pro.

>single joy-con

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The gamecube controller is a disgusting gimped abomination made for manlets.

N64 controller needs to be in the F tier.

i have a switch too, its fucking shit because my hands are huge as fuck.

As someone who played a lot of genesis as a kid, I can confirm the controller sucks. The shape is fine, but the d-pad and the buttons are all so stiff yet loose at the same time. It's really tiring on the hands. The SNES controller, on the other hand, was almost perfect.

>saturn pad not even fucking included

not with those mongoloid stick placements it doesn't

Also gotta mention separated joycons in each hand deserves its own tier of SSS+

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Listen, Sony fAnboys are complete fucking cancer. But the DualShock was a great controller. It wasn’t the 360, but it was pretty dam good.

If you are going for innovation (why the else would some9ne be so retarded as to rate n64 so high) then Dreamcast deserves a rank or two boost.

>wiimotes, wiiu pad
lol no more like E.

>joycons in holster
lol no, that’s a D, it feels identical to a Dreamcast controller.

nope, that’s a C.

>DS2 and DS4 that low
those are at least B but leaning more towards A.

>no Saturn or MegaDrive 6 button controllers
the Saturn and MD 6 button are both A btw.

fuck you

It’s the best controller ever made. Period.

no, the d pad on Genesis controllers are god like

La caja X

The d-pad on the 360 controller is one of the worst. Otherwise everything else on it is great.

fuck no

xbone is basically the x360 with a not shit dpad, why its a tier lower?

>leaving out one of the best controllers ever made

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>N64 that high

The 360 controller is horribly overrated and the Xbone controller is an improvement in every way
Joycons in handheld mode are great but the controller attachment is hot garbage
N64 controller is only good for the handful of games that take full advantage of it ie Mario 64
Every Dualshock is at least B-tier
I don't even know what to say to the GOAT Genesis and Wii Classic controllers being so low, yikes

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switch pro controller s+++++ tier
every other controller d tier

>dualshocks C

lol sure kiddo

real tier list coming through make way make way

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Naw, cuck

>360 over one


that shit d pad restricts it from making it past A.

>Dualshock 2

This man has never used a dualshock 2 before. It has one of the best d-pads as well as pressure sensitive buttons which is godly. Also OG Xbox and Dreamcast controllers are max comfy. NES controller is B only because of Nostalgia.

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>360 controller in S tier
nope fuck that, that controller is beyond overrated. shit ABXY buttons, the triggers require too much force to pull, the joysticks are kinda meh, and the d-pad is complete shit. the Xbone controller is a huge improvement and that should go in S tier.

>all the Sony controllers that low
why do people hate them? good comfort, good buttons, joysticks aren't too bad, what's not to like? the DS2 is definitely the best iteration, DS3 and DS4 are both steps down

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>the entire B list is at best a C at worst a F
>N64 in A..no user. Let go of nostalgia
>PS controllers in C? I’ll give you psx, but they are easily A tier
>Nintendo pro controllers are bargain bin Xbone tier. On grounds alone it’s atleast a B

God damn user, nintendo boner much?

it amazes me that people like you just gobble up whatever overpriced shit nintendo gives you and automatically christen it best of all time when the xbox one controller is literally better in every single possible way

>best controller
>shit d-pad

you are retarded

Fucking zoomers don't know great controllers

>why do people hate them?
Zoomers who grew up on the 360 and "muh asymmetry"

user, OP is just a faggot like always

It seems like you just randomized it.
>DS1 over DS2
>360 below Xbawx HUEG
>Switch pro tied with attached joycons

This list is a fucking mess.

Not him, but ergonomics alone was a reason most consider it better, not a big fan of the D pad but the slims controller had a decent pad if you ask me

below Xbawx HUEG
This is correct though
The Duke is GOAT, 360 controllers are for faggots

>why do people hate them?

as someone who cares very much about ergonomics and wanted to design stuff like controllers before reality hit:

segmented d-pad is one of worst ideas of all time
too small
buttons worse than xbox (was fine before 360 but when competition steps up you need to step up)
symmetrical layout is bad and generally means you are stretching your left thumb out of natural range of motion

DS4 is just utterly bizarre to me as it's a regression in every way from DS2/3. Looks like a prototype.

It's not that PS controllers are horrible, it's just that xbox controllers are much better. Microsoft spent $100 million on R&D for the xbone controller. Sony obviously didn't spend a lot and the money they spent was focused on figuring out how to annoy the player. What the fuck were they thinking with the light bar?

the buttons get stuck too

>ds1 over ds2
???? ds2 is the S tier controller so either you're blind or im blind
also the OG xbox controller is great and only handlets would disagree

Why are people bitching about the d pad of the 360? Who the fuck would play any game using the 360 d pad.

If you really wanted to use the d pad for gaming you would get something else such as the Sega Saturn controller.

The Xbox duke wasn't nearly that bad.

I got that 8bitdo pro SNES controller for PC and I haven't used anything else since, so fucking good. If they ever make a Pro Saturn controller and manage to keep the ergonomics while adding thumbsticks, it's fucking over. I would never use another controller again.

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Have fun stretching for white/black buttons while I just use my bumpers. Assuming we are talking about original, and not the controllers that came out later putting b/w on bumpers

Switch Pro without modification is not a good controller. By design, the dpad is fucked. Many dumbasses and shills will try to deny this, but they've likely never tried to play games like Tetris with it, or have a very high tolerance for shit.

Fortunately, you can mod it quite easily, and at that point the controller is good, but it should not be necessary.

Fortunately, it is fixed pretty easily, but should not be an issue in the first place.

>segmented d-pad is one of worst ideas of all time

I completely disagree. Whenever I have to play a fighting game with a pad I always default to my DS2. It's one of the most accurate dpads ever made.

that's because you don't masturbate on top of the controller NOR do you eat nasty shit and drink sugary beverages while holding it, retard

N64 controller is one of the worst ever, SNES controller is probably the most perfect controller. Also shitty wii garbage and nunintendo shit belongs at the bottom of the list

Move the single Joy-con down to levels. That thing is too small even for little kids.

My nigger.

And apparently I am also a dumbass and didn't realize I typed that line out twice.

I like the Duke, my hands were the biggest of my friends at the time so I was always given the duke. What they didn't know is that the Duke was also a powerful weapon and since I was the only one who could wield it only I had the power

The gamecube controller is for manlets, children and asians. The grips are way too short.

I'm blind. Saw the DS3 in B, and thought is was DS2. DS3 is still better than 1 though.

I downloaded a sega genesis / mega drive emulator

Which games of sega genesis / Mega drive would you recommend?
I search.

> games without any kind of violence (even without cartoon violence)
> games without enemies
> Games without fights against enemies
> harmless games

Learn to add comments to your greentext.

If only there was a controller like the 360 controller that had superior ergonomics, better sticks, a nice grip, AND a D-pad that doesn't blow chunks

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ds3 controllers always felt mushy to me. the face buttons, triggers, everything felt like it lacked any feedback when pressed. the analogue sticks being added is obviously an improvement but imo its kinda unfair to judge a controller based on not having features that didnt apply to the games on the system its for.


dreamcast is second highest tier

not sure how anyone ever disliked that controller. wtf.

>hard plastic analog stick that gives you friction burns when you're playing that gay mario party shit at your friend's house
>S tier


Barney's Hide and Go Seek

user speaks the truth, this controller is god tier. I don't even own an Xbox and I have two of these things.

That isn't design for D pad games. It is design for 3D games with light use of the D pad such as changing weapons or selection menus.

This belongs in A-tier more than the Wii U pro and Switch pro.

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Move DS2 up a tier, swap N64 and DS3, move Wii U Pro up a tier.

>segmented d-pad is one of the worst ideas of all time
I guess it could hinder you from doing diagonals, but that's literally the only downside. it's superior in every other way to d-pads that are just all one piece like the 360.

>buttons worse than xbox
wtf is this meme? xbox ABXY were complete trash until the Xbone fixed them. dualshock buttons have always been fine.

bro...ds1 has analog sticks..thats what DS means

>n64 pad in A
>xbone in A
>360 in S
Not with that shitty dpad it ain't, the boner pad is a straight upgrade to it.

I feel like special mention should be made for the split joycons while having the switch in an adjustable tablet holder mounted to your headboard while you game in bed. It is by far the comfiest gaming experience I have ever had.

Actually best controller

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>literally the only downside is that it's 50% useless

wow what a minor fucking downside

dualshock buttons on the DS2 were garbage because of pressure sensitivity, they wore out, only controller buttons in history that have ever worn out for me.

>no Saturn Model 2
>no Saturn 3D controller

The grips were too thin and long for my tastes on the DS1. It felt like they were going more for look than comfort.
But honestly, you are right. I mainly prefer DS3 for modern conveniences, like sticks, more buttons, and built in rumble (which also makes it feel nice because of added weight).

yeah but the tier list image has the original ps controller that didnt have the analogue sticks. i accidentally called it ds1 in the other post though

>50% useless
t. fighting game fag
it honestly doesn't even hinder you from doing diagonals, any functional human being should be able to do diagonals no problem on a DS d-pad

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Move N64 controller to D.
Move Dualshock 4 to A, really the only things I dislike about it are the retarded touchpad and the way-too-sensitive triggers.
Move Switch Pro to S.
Move Wii U Gamepad to C.

>i have a huge playstation bias that I can not admit
Look, I grew up with Playstation, owned each console all the way up to 3, as a kid it didn't matter that much but now as an adult, it's clear as day just how fucking unnatural and unergonomic they feel, despite the nostalgia

Where would the Steam controller go? Serious replies only please.

DS4 is most comfortable controller ever made

Where's a 360 controller? There's an original Xbox, and an Xbone, but where's 360?
360 is the most comfortable controller in existence.

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That's honestly really weird. I bought a PlayStation for the first time last year when the Switch had very few games releasing and the controller is one of the most comfortable I've ever felt.

The problem with the D-pad is that it's a single fat fucking entity
if they took the time to separate the buttons a little so that pressing up wouldn't result in you pressing all the 4 buttons at the same time, it'd be the best damn controller in existence.
I fucking hate the D-pad of 360 when I tried playing Tekken with it, bought an arcade stick to see if it's any better and the difference is night and day

x1 > x360

that thing was shit honestly

i have small hands and playstation controllers are too small

Bump the WiiU pad down. That thing was unwieldy as fuck, especially for some games. Pikmin 3 was a pain.

are you fucking blind

Stop putting controllers without analog sticks in lists with controllers with analog sticks.

either make two lists or leave non-analog controllers out. There's no point. You can't directly compare things that don't have similar capabilities whatsoever

>Playstation controller is one of the most comfortable I've ever felt

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S: Steam Controller, WiiU Pro, Sega Saturn 2D pad, Gamecube Controller for games that are meant to be played with it

A: DS4, WiiU Gamepad, Pokken Gamepad

B: DS1, Wii Classic Controller Pro

C: NES Gamepad, Genesis Gamepad, Xbox 360 Controller, Joycon+Grip, Atari Stick, Dreamcast Controller

D: Sideways Wiimote, N64 Controller, Gamecube Controller for games not meant to be played with it

F: Sideways Joycon, Wiimote and Nunchuk, Atari Dial

Haven't owned/used in any meaningful capacity tier: The rest

zoomers don't even know what a sega saturn is, how could they put it on a tier list?

Also add vertical wiimote to F


Who here /hugefuckinghands/?

>switch pro
>Wiiu Pad
>Dual joycons
>Wiiu Pro
Struggle time
>everything else

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>no saturn
>sms below nes despite being the nes but with a better dpad
>THE DUKE that low
>n64 and wii above the dreamcast and atari
>muh gaycube
>single joycons being that low despite being a fucking miracle of engineering
this list was made by a handlet smashfag

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Objectively correct list coming through
>bongos are not ironic in any way, playing Jungle Beat with those bad boys is fucking god-tier
>Wiimote + Nunchuck assumes minimal waggle (ie NMH), sideways Wiimote assumes NES/retro game, steering Wiimote = overly gimmicky motion controls

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Fuck you bitch nigga

My personal favorites are the wiimote+nunchuck combo (specifically for smash), switch pro controller, and the genesis and genesis-like controllers like the fight commander 4.
Nothing can beat a kb+m setup with custom keybinds though, unless I'm on a couch.

huge hands reporting in, using the switch in handheld mode was the first time ive ever experience severe pain from using a controller for too long
>sideways wiimote in A tier
>ps1 controller in same tier as SINGLE JOYCON
other than than pretty respectable list

With or without the wrist strap attachment?

OP is a nintenbabby who also bought an X360 controller for PC once.
That’s all there is to discuss.

This, fuck's sake I can palm a football, I hate it when controllers have 10/10 designs but are too fucking small. GameCube Wireless best controller by the way

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>Switch Pro not in S

>play 3ds
>weird claw grip cradle that fucker
>suffer after 20 minutes
>get a controller grip for it

pure joy

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>Paying 70 dollars for a shit dpad and half the battery life of the WiiU Pro

that dude could be the greatest slap bassist of all time with that thumb

>>sideways wiimote in A tier
The D-pad and buttons are tiny, but they're some of the best feeling buttons ever. They have just the right amount of spring. Lack of buttons makes it only practical for NES games and retro throwbacks sadly.
>>ps1 controller in same tier as SINGLE JOYCON
Original PS1 controller is one of the worst controllers ever made IMO
Horrible D-pad, thin as fuck shoulder buttons, and feels like it's gonna snap in half any second

>I can palm a football,

uhh bro the metric is "I can palm a basketball"

literally everyone can palm a football. that is the point of a football.

maybe hes a bong

Fuck thank you for catching me being a dumbass, I meant basketball.

>not one mention


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oh yeah i forgot about their stupid running around sport LMAO

i had a friend tlel me one time that some of the most exciting soccer games he had ever seen ended with 0-0 scores. I can't bro. I can't.

The thing that made this bait never played anything on m,ore than half of those.

>S tier
>have the worst D pads

The 3DS circle pad is horribly underrated imo
It's the only time doing fighting game inputs on anything but an arcade stick felt good

what the fuck how are they bad? they're one of the most comfortable bumpers I have ever used

>The 3DS circle pad is horrible*

>first time ive ever experience severe pain from using a controller for too long
That happens to me when I use a controller that I'm not used to. Cramp up playing n64 for the first day or two. Same with Guitar hero. Not playing that for 3 years and then jumping straight into cliffs of dover was a mistake. about a week later I can play for hours, remember that there is only a couple of hours of fun after you master GH, and then toss it back into the garage.
tl;dr, just gotta get used to it bro.

the tier maker thing doesnt work right in firefox it seems like

tfw left out

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the original xbone controller had "clicky" bumpers and they were quite literally the worst bumpers of all time.

the revised ones are fine.

>DS1 without the analogs
fuck no

Fighting games on the 360 sucked dogshit because of that dpad

aka "Playstation Controller"

how is the switch controller above dual shock? why are all the playstation controllers just lumped into one category? other than that, pretty good.

>xbox above anything with that shit-tier dpad and stick layout
>DS4 above anything with that touchpad and battery life
>NES above anything with that fucking awful ergonomics
>dreamcast in D instead of at least B
>saturn in C instead of at least B
>DS2 not higher
>DS3 not higher
>switch pro not below wiiu/wii pro
Fucking awful list.

But why do ps analog sticks always get sticky after a while?

>Keyboard + Mouse

>people putting DS4 that high
>when those shitty L2 and R2
>that mediocre d-pad
>that left analog that still gets fucked easily like the DS3
>when the analogs feel like shit without fucking sponges rings
>when that useless touchpad and lightbar and that shit batery that dies fast
>when the controller overall feels cheap since DS3 compared to DS2 what was
>DS line ever feeling comfortable

The people saying this only touched Microsoft that are hit or miss and Sony controllers right? Or those that played with shitty Nintendo ones since the Wii(not talking about the Pro controllers)

Dreamcast Fishing Rod is S+ tier the moment you can play Soulcalibur with that


>Sega Genesis C Tier
Genesis had a great controller. You can hold that thing for hours on end and not have any problem. Plus the buttons are fantastic.

all 3 of them

>kb+m for anything but online FPS's and strategy games

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how could we have overlooked something so obvious?

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>separated joycons in each hand deserves its own tier of SSS+

Yes the N64 pad did not properly anticipate that no one would make 2D games again for 15 years and thus stuck on the 3rd handle with the D-pad, but I'm one of the world's last sane men who realizes the DualShock is a crap controller. It was an understandable and forgivable jury-rigged stop-gap to Sony getting caught off-guard by the advent of 3D games. "Crap, our controller is a copy of the SNES one but 3D gaming is the thing now! What do we do?" "Hurry and tape some sticks to the bottom till we figure this out." But when they didn't bother to switch designs for the PS2 the controllers shape became a branding issue and now we're stuck with it. It's very obvious how awkwardly out of the way the primary stick on the DualShock is because the controller was designed without having it in mind. You have to awkwardly bend your thumb to use your controllers most important input (the left thumb stick) while the seldom and marginally used D-pad is given prime placement that the ergonomics of the controller are designed to gravitate your hand around despite the fact you're not using it.

KB+M is N64-tier
Horrible for anything not made specifically for it

i am correct

Attached: controllers.png (1599x821, 364K)

The ‘I don’t play games’ list

>super famicom and SNES cnotrollers in different tiers


Superior purple aesthetics

snes looks better :^)

This is a good list

Since there is no mouse or even trackball around and only controllers are compared, it's still S+ even for FPS. Trackpad camera and gyro-aiming are pretty solid.

360 and XBone controllers need to switch places.

>Duke and Dreamcast in D

babytier hands you've got there, OP.

>still trying to justify your steam controller purchase
Just get a Xbone controller already Jimmy

No Steam Controller? That thing is quite the revolutionary piece of kit. Surprised it's not on the list.

>Wiimote, Wii U pad, and N64 higher than switch
I wan to smack whoever made this

Imagine being such a nincel you unironically think joycons are better than any playstation controller


The only right answer.

You have the movement of analog plus the control of a mouse and you never have to take your hand off a mouse either. So you never have to bother constantly changing the camera and taking your hands off the buttons.

Attached: Gamepad.jpg (1802x776, 272K)

I can only play my Switch in docked mode now because of the handheld mode cramps. Sony controllers also hurt my hands after long gaming sessions

I've tried those analog stick on the side setups for PC and it always feels awkward


why do people masturbate over the 360 controller so much? Dualshock had the same basic design and functionality aswell. Really controller design has been pretty standard since the 7th gen.

GameCube controller is garbage, it's so tiny and has a shit dpad. Doesn't even have 2 bumpers

SC is objectively the best controller up to date, user. No other has such functionality and customization.
Nothing to justify.

That is a retarded setup. Joystick should be on the side of the mouse.

>gamecube is le best controller ever!!!
>6-64 was good
Nintenkids are so easy to spot

Imo Switch Pro in A tier. DPad is ass but everything else is pretty nice. Triggers are heavily opinion related though.

>My personal favorites are the wiimote+nunchuck combo

What the fuck?

>(specifically for smash)

What the fuck?

>joycons above classic controller

Attached: 1460013812271.png (200x250, 100K)

Absoulte shit tier list, the whole b secion is horse shit, all ps controllers are better than that. Especiall dualshock 4, it's literally one of the best controllers ever

Man of excellent taste right here

What makes the 360 better than xbone?

are we ever gonna get a dpad as good as the vita's ever again?

It's because the Dualshock is less ergonomic for some. I still don't get it though, because the d-pad on the 360 controller is so bad compared to the DS3.

Only thing wrong on this one is the solo joycon should be d tier. It's awful. Otherwise, good list.

holy shit
joycons wii u con and B tier
n64 fucking A tier
while all the good playstation controllers are C tier
literally fuck this person and fuck you op for posting a screen cap of a literal nobody nigger from twitter



I don't mind the n64 controller shape but the sticks are fucking trash

don't fuking tell him what he can and can't do

das rite

Wii U gamepad unironically higher than GC and Xbox 360. when the developers used it well it made the games better in a way no other controller could do.

I didn't want to admit it because I had a gamecube for a long time, but holy shit, trying to go back and play gamecube games is fucking terrible on that controller.

Attached: 1550668350376.png (371x305, 154K)

360 should be the only S tier, PS4 controller can be bumped up to B tier. Wii U tablet shouldn't be on the list

Gamecube and N64 are legit pieces of shit.
Putting the DS4 below everything in B and most of A is laughable.

You couldn't make a more embarrassing list if you tried.

Personally I found both pretty good to use. Most ergonomic controller is the PS4 imo, but that has other issues like the shit battery life.

I liked the design but the controller was shit.

Attached: YihQi.jpg (765x1024, 263K)

this is your brain on snoy


Enjoy your torn up, unergonomic sticks and 3 hour battery life.

>Wii U as low as B
>gamecube in fucking S
>64 the blister machine on A
>Wii con as high as B
>sheathe joycons as B
>genesis with it's amazing D pad on C
Rubbish list.

nice bait. saved.

that dpad is so terrible holy shit

how does it feel to be wrong

Try it, my dude. It's real good. I rebind a bunch of stuff but once I figured it out it felt a lot more comfortable than a GC controller.

If you’re talking about the Xbone controller, it’s impossible to press all four directions at once as the controller has a center pivot built into the frame.

literally the actual rank though

This is good, but you should move the PS4 controller down a level.

>GC in S tier

Attached: hue_jackson.jpg (750x539, 41K)

>Nagano Winter Olympics '98

ahhhhh my fucking hands