Oh, boy. You know.. Life get's me down, and I just want to play video games

Oh, boy. You know.. Life get's me down, and I just want to play video games...

But right now...

I really REALLY hate women.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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me 2

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Got the new Yoshi game. It's fun

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All these 'woke' studios putting lesbian goblinas into their games hoping to get brownie points from the lgbt community meanwhile I just want some cute boys in my video games

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god i wish that were me

I wish I can smell those panties

how revolting

cute bulge
i really need to get cute grills panties
i literally have the same body type


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Mike touched them boys

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Am I the only gay guy here who's been attracted to guys since puberty, and isn't a prison gay misogynist?

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Define prison gay.

You can't posit something like that without evidence.

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Yes. The internet made most of us formerly straight men gay over about 15 years. That's why I don't conpletely buy the "born this way" theory. People can definitely be turned gay through exposure.

im actually bi but i literally stopped thinking about grills bc im girly manlet and only good at taking dicks also anal feels good
so chosing cute fem boys like me is a win win situation for me


dont wanna attention whore here

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It's more like there's a lot more bisexuals than the data lets on, and fictional men are not the same as real men.

You clearly do or you'd stop responding / wouldn't save that type of reply. Post it nigga

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i dont wanna get bullied cuz im not actually that good desu

post it

This thread will die in under an hour all the same. Just post it chief, nobody is gonna bully you. At least I won't

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>prison gay
a guy who is bi but is only seeking out guys because they've given up on women, usually involuntary. Usually, they only find overly feminine men attractive however, which is why they gravitate towards traps, femboys, and very very feminine twinks. The meme being that they will only go for a 'boy' who is as close to a woman as possible without being a woman. They don't like body hair, muscles, regular male bodies, etc. While regular gays can find some of these feminine features attractive, they also find masculine features even more attractive.

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based and boypilled.

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>bought all the DMC games because Dante is sexy
>turns out they're pretty fun too
Kyrie is pretty sexy too

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>related images girl


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God he is so damn cute!!!!!

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cute boy feet


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we exist, I've been a faggot since about 9. It's just not that big of a deal though.

I recognize this one.

Nice bulge...

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>bf tells me he's dysphoric
What do I do? I want to be supportive but also he'll never be passing.



Fuck him in the boypussy until he submits.

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Is he cut or uncut?

I had a "gay/bi phase" as a teen but nowadays I've had a consistent stream of female fuckbuddies because I happen to have a large penis and a lack of frenulum sensitivity, allowing me to give women multiple consecutive orgasms while only cumming myself after at least 30 minutes of rigorous sex, sometimes over an hour.

I used to go on grindr and try to find some tall, hung dude to top me, but in the end it would always be a bunch of bottoms who would message me like "that bulge in your boxers is huge". Also I tried to let a twinky asian boy suck my dick once and it was weird, would not repeat.

Basically, justify it with "prison gay" shit all you want, at the end of the day if you're a faggot, you're just a faggot. If you're a straight guy and you try some gay shit, chances are you won't like it even if you thought you would have initially, I speak from experience.

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He's the top.



reminder: if you want to fuck this you're not gay.

Then you'll just have to make him a vers.

Shut the fuck up prince bitter batter I reported your faggot thread.

The fuck is a vers?

oh no oh fuck

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switch hitter
top and bottom

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Oh I see
I mean, i guess

There is one of you "wow he looks like me!" faggots in every one of these threads, fuck off.

t. gay

I want 9s to perform maintenance on me
