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he can finally grow up
If i came home and found my massive anime collection burned down id probably consider suicide.
That’s why you have a hard drive backup away from your house so in the event your house is destroyed your data is still safe. You aren’t degenerate enough to actually own physical anime things, are you user?
This is why digital collections are better than physical. Imagine still owning disks in 2019 lol.
Physical fags once again btfo. If he wasn't a fucking boomer he could just download his collection again.
It's not a big deal.
The worst thing that can happen in your life, and eventually will, is that you will die.
Then once that happens you won't even care anymore.
Nigga why would you not have sprinklers?
>plastic garbage hoarding
the fire did him a favor
True, hold up that's sad af
>takes a whole house burning down to ruin a physical collection worth thousands
>takes one sparking power outlet to ruin a hard drive collection worth nothing
>You aren’t degenerate enough to actually own physical anime things, are you user?
Send me some money you rich cunt.
How about leaving the camera lens on next time for a clearer picture?
>The worst thing that can happen in your life, and eventually will, is that you will die.
I'd rather die than be perpetually raped. Dying is relatively painless for the most part, and once you're dead you're too busy being dead to care that your life is over. Dying generally speaking isn't a problem for the person dying it only really effects the people still living.
>He doesn't use Steam/GoG or any Cloud saving
Dying is like stupidity, it only affects the people around you
Would you believe that's just one section of my closet wall. there's another i didn't capture before i moved that had a lot more.
I'm not sure why i did that probably just autism.
I'm extremely shit at taking pictures and i was rushing before i moved.
gonna need an explanation on that tinfoil, user
Yeah, people without a strong will to live give up and die all the time.
It's the end state though, no recovery from there, and inevitable anyways.
>falling for the cloud meme
Protects from the ectoplasmic worms.
Fuck you for making me remember
I understood that reference.
and have sex
Get another pick nigger i can't tell what the fuck those things say
>tfw my mom "thew away" my NES, N64, PlayStation, each with lots of games because she thought I didn't need it anymore, since I had newer systems.
I'm pretty sure she gave it all to some poor kid she knew. At least I hope so.
Oh wow this happened just 40 minutes ago???
fucking despise relative timestamps, we can figure that shit out ourselves for fuck's sake
have sex
I wonder why a room with 30 systems lit on fire...
You don't keep too much plugged in at once right folks?
I actually laughed at this instead of tweak the corners of my mouth into a half smile like I usually do, well done
You guys can just fuck each other. Everybody wins.