Games for Bloomers?
Games for Bloomers?
Other urls found in this thread:
>see pic ITT
>hear wouldn't it be nice play in my head
>go to video
>it's the first song played
What does this mean Yea Forumsros?
I met some guy on campus who was talking about how he was a doomer but now hes becoming a bloomer and he can tell by the way I dress I am a zoomer. Why do you fags talk like this in real life to people you just met.
Teenagers have always been embarrassing, it's kind of the point of being one. Do more embarrassing shit while you still can.
What song was it? I think Erasure in my head.
It's weird seeing wojak and pepe and their offshoots getting Youtube content that ends up on Reddit and Twitter, and everywhere else on the normiverse. It's a weird feeling I can't describe, like I want to start something new but probably couldn't. It was also similar seeing Gachi gain a foothold on Twitch, one of my friends thought it originated there.
Welcome to a generation of kids growing up stealing what they see on the internet.
The people I've met that use Yea Forums memes outside of Yea Forums in their actual day to day lives are usually the most boring and most autistic people I've ever met. They literally base their entire personality around fucking memes and go around unironically saying kek or based to people.
>zoomers are socially inept
What else is new
I just mentioned it.
The joke was that you're a boomer or a zoomer, no exceptions. None of this doomer/bloomer bullshit
Persona 4
Who even is the audience for that video? 65k views in less than a week and a link to a Spotify playlist? A Patreon? There's no way these are all people from this site, r-right?
surprise surprise
ai is now using corporation memes to divide and conquer the populace
with special buzz words to make ppl feel better than someone else
where memes created by people were funny only
>Be at work
>Nearing end of shift
>Pretty tired from the physical labour (it's stock filling)
>Amidst all of the shit pop songs playing in the shopping centre, Steppin' Out by Joe Jackson comes on
>Remember how happy I am when I play Vice City
Vice City is a game to really make someone happy.
I was born in 2000 but I'm not a zoomer because I only listen to real music like Guns n Roses, Journey and Daft Punk.
I can't tell if this is a fucking joke because you were spot on until "Daft Punk". It felt almost like a punchline where you raise expectations and then subvert it for comedy.
your a fag.
it's an embarrassing appeal to Yea Forumstards and really pathetic robots. the most pure, chan-friendly content never references its relationship to this dogshit website (reviewbrah, rlm, cyborg, s1 of true detective, br2049). anyone commenting in greentext or using pepe avatars is a faggot that probably doesn't even know what the catalog is
he's obviously joking but
the fuck is wrong with daft punk you daft cunt?
It always puts a smile on my face.
who /doomer/ here?
well for one theres more bands from the 90s besides them
way better music as well
Wouldn't it be nice is such a melancholy song though. It's talking about a happy world that could be, not will be. And don't forget that album ends with the most depressing song ever written. God bless you Brian Wilson.
I want to kill you and (You)
Tetris Attack
Pokemon Puzzle League
The tutorial from Driver
Mickey Mania on Genesis
Robocop Vs Terminator on Genesis
Apocalypse (Bruce Willy game)
I'd like to be a go-getter bloomer, but I have no idea what will actually make me happy as an actual sperg who gets exhausted and easily overwhelmed from being around other people. Guess I should just eat healthy and work out for a bit and see if that will change my outlook at all?
bloodoomer here
suck my nuts
Til I die and Day in the Life of a Tree are more depressing. Caroline No is still a better song. Have a nice day fellow beach boy fan.
or you can skip all of that bs and look at the world that is ignored by 90% of people
Spongebob Battle for Bikini Bottom
I've improved my appearance so much, I feel like I've gone from a 3 or 4 to a 7. Cleared up my acane, dropped to like 13%bf, put on a lot of muscle, started dressing better, getting stylish haircuts, etc. But now I literally hate myself, before I was depressed because of my surroundings and how I used to think the world rejected me cause I was an ugly piece of shit and now I hate my self because I feel like a vain superficial person who is fixated on my appearance all the time (I open my phone camera all the time to look at my face, I post on lookism, etc). I've been the person I disliked back in high school 5 years ago, it's terrible.
Just start working in something. You'll figure out along the way.
Also I've barely changed my lifestyle apart from going to the gym and changing to diet to more healthy food. I still don't leave my house besides work and gym, I feel incredibly lonely and use internet forums to make up for my lack of social life.
>go on youtube
>see this video
>think about mr blue sky
>it's in the video
>listen to mr blue sky
>go to Yea Forums
>see this thread
What does this mean Yea Forumsros?
Danganronpa 2.
Anything that's positively stimulating, puzzle games, online multi-player with friends, stay away from animu tiddy games if you're lonely-horny because you'll get stuck in an unhealthy porn loop if you're weak willed.
The mindset is important too, vidya is a fun hobby to relax or entertain, not take control of your life and act as filler.
First Doomer now Bloomer
Stop making up bullshit
t. goomer
Bloomer came out around the same time, you just haven't seen it til now.
>tfw porn has never affected you and you know that THIS SAME TACTIC WAS USED IN WW2
its good for 2 reasons
while your standing in battle
your not having sex you crave it so much and you are generally better around the dudes.
allows you to rape other countries better
>stay away from animu tiddy games
too late
DURR IM Melvin
All of this shit is just arbitrary labels created by retards so that other retards who want appreciation
shut up you gloomer. always gotta ruin our fun
>corporations and govts you mean
divide and conquering works wonders
dowload a bunch of terrain generation mods for minecraft, set it to peaceful and then walk forever
>not listening exclusively to video game music
you people make me fucking sick
wait, are zoomers just furries that are bloomers?
looks like the poomers have arrived
>muh individualism
fuck off boomer
Zoomers are so retarded that they think having different personalities puts you into an entirely different generation
what do u mean
I'm not saying everyone has to be an individual but making how much you like something into a lifestyle has been fucking retarded since it's inception.
Did you dumbshits forget about fucking bronies? That's what you wojakfags are. BRONIES.
>thank you consumer
they all seem exactly the fucking same in my book. no difference with them at all.
>exclusively listening to video game music
>People openly use memes in normal conversation, unironically.
This is a shitty planet, and I hate it here.
throw me your top 3 vidya tracks and i'll decide if it's worth exclusively listening to.
not my top 3 but a few of the more recent tracks in my playlist
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus
>diet-Yea Forums shit on mainstream platforms
reminder that (You) wojak posting niggers caused this, fuck election tourists, fuck the gamergate surge and FUCK phoneposters
dumbass doesnt think that corporations and govts are the cause of this.
>looks 30 at 15
oh boy
you seem like the type that enjoys music for its melodies. nothing wrong with that, but i'm the opposite.
also, i'm a fan of that PQ track.
as a xennial i think all of these kids are old to me they act like grandmas
would ironically drain my niggers balls deep inside this sissy faggot-- no brakes
based, go fuck her while those violin virgins watch.
To everyone in this thread keeping our memes strong, thank you consumers
Thanks, you too. I'll give them another listen
no thank darpa for creating gamergate
all leading us to ww3
how do corporations and governments benefit off youtube playlists with 60k views
>Do more embarrassing shit while you still can.
why? I'm 20 now and I actively avoided being seen as cringy even when I was 13. I certainly don't regret not having more bad memories (why would I?) but I have felt a bit alienated because I lacked any real phases of things I grew out of.
>teacher said i would be a late bloomer
>10 years later after leaving school i'm 26 and still a virgin loser who can only get jobs through parent connections
The fucking happy mouthed wojak will never nor make me laugh. Charlie the unicorn lookin ass.
Just a few days ago i saw my normie coworkers that litetally ONLY browse instagram send themselves crying wojaks about their shitty social lives. I couldn't believe it either.
>who can only get jobs through parent connections
whats wrong with this?
I kinda wanna get black tracksuit and walk through the woods now.
They look comfy
.t goober
its a good song