Street Fighter V is the most Underrated Game of All Time

>have poor launch because you rush a game and don't add single player content
>dumb casuals who wanted to play arcade mode for some reason shriek online, game sells poorly
>reddit and Yea Forums team up to hate this game for a few memes like 8 frames and "dude there's no whiff punishing"
>game is made consistently better over four years, initial problems are mitigated
>wind up with a fighting game that is decent at the very worst
>retards still hate it
Explain this

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off shill this game is dog shit

Look at this retard. He represents everything wrong with internet discussion in general and fighting game criticism in particular. He will call me a shill no matter what I tell him.

Doesn't this disgust you? Don't you feel sick just reading this post? I know I do.

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Ok but there's still no reason not to play it over 3S or USF4 or SSF2T. Just put a little more effort & for less money, you can play a better game.

I don't. Capcom fixing the whatever the fuck issues doesn't change that this is an overpriced, boring game

Man I couldn't never put my finger on it but something just never felt right with the game. It sucks that I have NO idea what it could be but almost every fighter before it and even some current have something that 5 just doesn't.

Dude. Capcom alienated the casuals on launch then pissed off competitive players by shuffling tier lists for several years and leave stupid shit in while releasing dlc characters that also, had stupid shit and continued to do so for some time.
Nevermind that the game is still stressful as fuck to play since every match is a toss up because comeback mechanic are super fucking strong. So why do retards hate it you ask? Because its not fun, and no amount of disproportionate waifus is going to fix that. Capcom throwing money into the pro tour doesn't fix it.

Arcade Edition absolutely is not overpriced. It has a lot of content for $60 and you could easily play it for 300 hours just by hopping around between characters at bronze level.

Almost nobody plays USF4 or SSF2T though. USF4's playerbase fell off a cliff. 3S was the most active thing on fightcade last I checked, but it's also pretty unpopulated in comparison.

People aren't choosing to play older games over SFV, they're either playing a non SF game or they're just not playing fighting games. Most people who criticize SFV never really played fighting games seriously, they just parrot mainstream opinions and watch Evo.

wheres the nipple

Because first impressions are everything, OP.

Unless Capcom somehow make SFV into an indisputable God's gift to fighting games, they'll never overcome that stinky, stinky first impression.

It's the same reason you still occasionally see people shittalk No Man's Sky despite its improvements post-launch. You know the complainer most likely hasn't actually played the game post-updates (if they ever did at all), but they're still gonna bitch about it. C'est la vie, my guy.

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lack of combo variety, bad presentation, lackluster slow gameplay, and a slew of better fighting game options currently.

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>Nevermind that the game is still stressful as fuck to play since every match is a toss up because comeback mechanic are super fucking
This is true and probably the game's biggest problem. It's still a fun game if you can get past Akuma and company frauding out a round on coin flip okizeme every once in a while.

I don't play a lot of fighting games, and I'm certainly not good at them. I did have fun with SFV though. Wish Capcom wasn't so greedy though.

It's shit, dude. It's one of the most sanitized fighters than doesn't have anything unique to it other than being an SF game with a comeback mechanic. Capcom is just making money out of the skins. They even took out your ability to get good fight money.

The no defensive options doesn't help.
I also think the game would benefit if they reduce the timer to 60 seconds and make it 3 rounds per game. Having it best of 3 and have it end 30 seconds is just not enjoyable.

Also holy fuck am I ESL posting right now. Fuck my life.

People that shill this game are either a. baiting b. niggers or c. started street fighter at V
In any case, they should all be gassed

holy shit thats a giant signature

I like SFV and think you're full of shit. People who think it's as bad as at release are full of shit but it's still has its faults.

Anyway, who do you faggots play? Maining the king myself.

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>Release a game that's complete dog shit
>after 3 years it's now on the level of trash
Hmm...I wonder why indeed

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>I also think the game would benefit if they reduce the timer to 60 seconds and make it 3 rounds per game
Intensely disagree. If your rounds are ending in 30 seconds it's because of your gorilla playstyle, not the game. Look at Justin Wong for Christ's sake.

>The no defensive options doesn't help.
It really doesn't. I think it's probably better than uppercut FADC ultra, but SFV would definitely be better with more defensive options.

that doesnt look like sakura to me

shuffling tier lists is no big deal to players as long as it's not the NRS model of changing stuff erratically every time a hotfix patch comes out. SFV sucks because it's ugly, it's slow, the skill floor is high and the skill ceiling is low

I play Sakura. It's an extremely flawed and subpar game compared to it's peers in the market. Imagine if it was good. I don't understand how incompetent Capcom is that they managed to make SF this trashy.

Maybe they should be made a good game first instead of waiting 3 years to do it. But I know Yea Forums only acts like they love this game because muh peepee hard

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>the skill floor is high
Not really, unless you consider doing a DP hard. Every character in the game can be played at a basic level without any hard execution.

Increase pushback, air stun, and make limbs have actual reach. I can deal with the unga in neutral from some characters since pushback would stop the long blockstrings and more of the cast could finally whiffpunish

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The round thing is just my opinion. I stopped playing V about a year ago so I'm not going to attempt to say it would be a better game currently.
And yeah Jwong plays so fucking lame its awe inspiring.

This sounds like the SF cycle, it will be known as the best one when 6 arrives

>Shill thread
>No mention of the actual gameplay problems and whether they got fixed or not, just a vague "got better."
Every time.

>have poor launch by not having SP content for casuals
>game sells poorly
>haters hate it
>game is made better in the time span casuals are over it and forgot about it
>the few casuals who still care try it
>even with the arcade mode game is too different from previous iterations, all of them not just the previous SF4, for casuals to enjoy the SP to its fullest
>casuals try online once again
>it's been too long since game launch and they get paired either with gods who crush them or with same skill players who offer the same challenge the arcade mode does, making the online uninteresting and not enjoyable for casuals
>retards hate it
because regardless of how "good"(subjective to who is playing, casuals, pros, veterans, competitive, etc) the game itself is, it's been and still a horrible game in terms of how it sells itself to the audience, which is made for the most part of casuals and people who are not willing to invest hours and hours on end to learn one character and still be crushed online by players who played the game for years since launch

this is true for every game, it barely matters if the game itself(read: gameplay) is good, if the game is incapable of selling itself to a large audience with its contents(read, multiple options of approach, multiple target players), it will fail and will always remain a shit game even if it get fixed along the years.

It is a big deal though. Having to constantly switch mains because Capcom is playing favorites is not fun. It would be ok if it was because of balance but thats clearly not the case. Its not like MKX where its shuffled but still playable, Capcoms approach is to take a brick to the head until they stop twitching, then leave then unaddressed for years.
Im not a netherealm player so if I'm wrong on that please feel free to correct me.

I mostly agree with you OP, I think it's a decent mid-level fighter. The visuals are really striking and there's a good variety of characters that all look and feel very distinct. And honestly, expensive as they are, some of the costumes are pretty nice.

But the game costs a small fortune, you'll always feel like you're missing out on some content because so much of it is DLC. The input delay is, (I'm told) unacceptable, and does make the game more about guessing and fishing with heavy attacks. It's kind of a weird game to start a total beginner on too, because from the the wakeup game to having six buttons instead of four, it can get really frustrating to just keep getting hit by something you don't know how to respond to.

Honestly if you have people to play with, I think Guilty Gear or UNIEL are better options. And if you're playing alone, maybe Tekken 7 or something. At least it's not all locked behind limited events and paywalls, not to mention Capcom doesn't seem to want to tell us what's coming next for this game (this could be a good or a bad thing).

But when all's said and done, I had a good time with the game, and i look forward to playing it again someday. Not to mention I have a huge crush on Kolin.

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>It's an extremely flawed and subpar game compared to it's peers in the market
It's really not, other games just have more insular communities which don't broadcast criticism so much.

Tekken is horribly flawed. In Street Fighter you can get good enough that gimmicky bullshit stops winning matches, but in Tekken random slides and mashing can take you to the highest levels of play. That Panda player even said he just stopped thinking and mashed it out in grand finals in an interview.

Guilty Gear is obscenely momentum based, it's 80% okizeme blowouts with maybe 10 or 15 seconds of neutral a round.

I don't even know anything about NRS games because their animations are so fucking hideous.

Everybody agrees that UNIST is good which just proves that most people who talk about it aren't actually playing it.

Fighting games are divisive. Fighting games piss people off. Street Fighter V is not remarkably bad. At worst it's a boring game with some dumb stuff, but it's nowhere near horrible.

That's waifufags for you

> It's an extremely flawed and subpar game compared to it's peers in the market
Not when 2 button Babytag exists. Japanese devs have been bombing hard when it comes to fighters

I started at SF2 and I love SFV. What now, dumb arcuck?

ken's bananas killed the initial hype

my bad, i meant that players who have zero execution start out on much closer footing to players who do

Too bad the art style is still ugly as fuck and looks like an early access game.

>it will be known as the best one when 6 arrives
I hope they copy arcsys cell shade style and fix the shitty style they've been pushing since SF4.

I love how noodle arm ArcSoys always ask for violence online, but run to cry on Yea Forums and twitter after getting punked by Smashers in person.
Say that shit in person and quit acting like a little edgy bitch online

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Crush counter combos do less damage.
Buttons have been consistently made more whiff punishable.
Frame delay way reduced from 8 frames to 6.
Dashes were made slower and more reactable.
New characters introduced characters which weren't really in the game before.

This doesn't mean all problems disappeared. SFV still has flaws. It's just much better than it used to be, and at this point calling it dogshit is hyperbolic whining.

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it's not a customers job to 'wait' for something to better, you sound like a battered wife.

the only time you really have to worry about switching mains in any game is if your character is bad to the point of being broken, or if you're favored to make it to sunday at evo. of course I haven't played SFV since right after akuma dropped so I don't know how bad they fucked everything up, but I doubt they turned anybody into vsav anakaris or something

Lots of crapcom shilling lately.
SFV is garbage, like most crapcom shit.
I do wonder if OP's boss is okay with him using the term "retards" to shill their crap.

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>those fucking abs

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>USF4's playerbase fell off a cliff.

The game is still alive.

>no neutral what so ever thanks to crush counter
>no freedom in combos
>trash hitboxes
>garbage netcode
>exists for players who were garbage at SFIV to have a chance
>widely known that everyone hates it but online nobodies

>still complete silence about future updates

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Ultimately, this game isn't fun to watch, and it's not fun to play. They picked some weird shit characters to give comebacks to (rainbow fucking mika? literally nothing but doujin fodder, fuck outta here), and most of the new characters have shit designs. It's just half-cooked the all-around.

Ranchu was literally mashing in the clutch and neither Qudans or Knee took advantage of it. He was also playing out of his mind but thats sides the point. Claiming the entire game is flawed because of one grand final is asinine. Please, mash against me, I will kill you for it nine out of ten times. The other one time shit happens, and that was what happens at TWT.


everything but slow gameplay, the game is pretty fast but it is lackluster


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Boring game with no diversity in terms of gameplay. It shares the same problem with DBFZ but doesnt have the same power it has over casuals and had a terrible launch so its shat way more.

seriously, the meta gets inverted in any game at the highest levels, which is why daigo DP'ing as okizeme or qudans abusing hellsweep is considered godlike instead of scrub bullshit

I find this hilarious. Hopefully they're designing SFVI

>>no neutral what so ever thanks to crush counter
This is a ridiculous overstatement.

Either they dropped the shit game to make SFVI or they're going to do another EVO extravaganza and drop the whole season the day after top 8.

there is no fei long
the game needs fei long

It's funny, but I still get matches in SF4 ranked on PC in Australia faster than both SFV and Tekken. This is consistent.

they need to hire eighting to make a new vampire savior or something in the mold of SF3 with a 100% original cast

And more Final Fight characters.

Four years too late.

SF5 is fine now. My problem is that combos in this game feels more limited then it was in USF4 and the awful rollback lag.

just give us 6 already

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>made consistently better over four years
>now instead of six pieces of shit on a plate there's only three

wow great, what a game. this game is pretty much universally despised and if you think its because of "memes" you're a fucking retard.

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>wanting SF6 at the end of current gen
>wanting another SF with 8 to 16 characters, wait 3 years for having more than 30 characters with revisions plus a bunch of dlc stages and costumes

You never learn, do you?

How was SF4 on launch? Did it had as much problems?

>Sagat being broken as fuck
>almost no damage scaling in the game
>Guile being ass to use

I think thats all i remember

It wasn't great either in terms of content 3 years of 5 has more single player content than all 7 years of 4 due to retards who were never gonna play it whining online. But it literally didn't matter how lackluster vanilla 4 or all of 4 was because there was a decade wait for it so it gets extra good boy points for keeping the genre alive.

I wanted so badly to love this game. I was a serious Third Strike and IV fag, I wanted V to be the GOAT. I bought the game the minute it went up on PSN, I played during the beta. I bought the 1st and 2nd season pass.

In the end, this game just isn't as fun as other fighters. It's not as fun as IV or Third Strike. It's not a fun as Tekken or Guilty Gear Xrd or Mortal Kombat X or 11, or Dragon Ball or Soul Calibur VI or Smash or basically any other modern fighting game on the market.

Street Fighter V entered the market in a position where Street Fighter WAS the fighting game scene. It was absolutely set up for success. The reason it failed, and will continue to dwindle, is because of Capcom.

There's a reason Tekken, Smash, Dragon Ball and Mortal Kombat are now ALL more popular than SFV. And it has nothing to do with catering to casuals or whatever, literally it all boils down to "the game is not that fun".

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Street fighter birthed my fetish for visible abs on a woman

thanks juri

How to spot someone who watches and subs to max.

>normal throw fighter II is overrated
>even through its got 25% more normal throw than normal throw fighter I, and 50% more than the prequel to that, IIIrd Strike

Shitting on SFV is never wrong. Hitler did a lot of stuff but at least he didn't kill Street Fighter.

what do we think of kolin?

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Vanilla SF4 had more single player content then Vanilla SF5 at launch somehow. Even a story mode.

The game itself is fine, but the dealbreaker for me is the unbelievable autistic practices by CRAPCUM, I spent 20k FM trying to get the Gief Luchador mask only to get useless dogshit and some random costumes and colors for characters THAT I DON'T EVEN OWN.

This is what made me quit, it's just so annoying that I rather focus on learning UNIST or simply waiting for the new GG, if shitcom had a single brain cell and gave me both mecha zangief or the luchador mask for a fucking 5.99 USD tag I'll be down for it, but nooooo, you have to try the 2.25% chance of getting the retarded shit because they are even bigger niggers than EA and their lootboxes. They lost a day one player because of the retarded way they manage microtransactions

Im not saying it didnt im saying retards wasted the budget on worthless garbage due to the initial bad launch and that SF4 still had the bare minimum of what should be there for casuals.

Good luck with the discord begging your gonna need it to find and info let alone matches.

S-tier body. D-tier face.

that's literally my biggest gripe, and desu man UNIST doesn't even look that good imo, only 1 grappler and he looks like an autistic wolverine. I just wanted to play SF with Gief and being able to buy the costumes I dig without resorting to retarded lootbox practices and the frustration it carries...

Garbage installment of a trash franchise

Gordeau is considered a grappler. The threat of his command grabs is gamechanging since it steals so much GRD

But don't SF people shittalk and look down at every other fighting game made?

Ryu up and died, hes still dead. Cammy still sees buffs untill the latest patch.

Hellsweep is good for other reasons mate. Even at high level.

>3D was a mistake

IDK man, he doesn't feel like Potemkin or Gief you know what I'm saying? I like that brute strength and feel when I pick my grappler. Guess I'll just let my panthera collect dust till the new GG and hope for Potemkin to not be too dogshit.

Why should he feel like the same character as them? You might be barking up the wrong tree

Only tbe retards who don't actually play SF but want to seem "cool" for playing fighting games do that.

>game didn't work for shit at launch.
>Don't refund the game because it's fucking capcom and i'm a good goy
>start it up again every major patch to see if the online is any better.
>it has never been good once.

I pay for above average internet because I enjoy playing games online. This game has only one valuable mode which is online. The online in this game blows hard, therefor it's only valuable mode is worthless. sorry op. not shitting on it for no reason. gave it a million chances.

Those guys dont play any fighting games. Same guys who say they enjoy GG, Garou and VSav but dont play them. Blame late 00s streamboar culture.

Maybe I didn't explain my point well enough, I don't want him particulary to feel as them, I like the brute, powerful arquetype in grapplers. Gief in SF, Pot in GG, Ganondorf in smash, Viktor or Sasquach in Darkstalkers and so on. The dude with the scythe in UNIST might be a grappler and thats fine, but it's not the arquetype I enjoy playing so much

Because it's almost like a good launch is important and your playerbase is going to be severely dimished if it takes you FOUR fucking years to get a decent game out. People will just play other games, get engaged with them and not bother trying your after so much time passes.

Tekken is better

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What's that outfit in the OP again? Megaman battle network?

Looks cool. I'd be more interested in SF4 / V / probably 6 if it weren't so fucking ugly. Art style in general but the player models are just gross. I know they won't return to sprites or anything that extreme but it's sad how much my interest in the series collapsed to nothing after 3rd strike / alpha --> 4+

I've been playing a LOT of Mika recently and am enjoying it, but I'm finding that my lack of aggression from a decade of playing Hugo and Gief make me too defensive to play her effectively. I'm gonna work on it, but I'm enjoying SFV more and more.

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Megaman Legends without the coat

I hate how when I play smart I lose, but when I unga yolo I win

welcome to the style of every single brazilian or mexican player, and don't forget to add a wireless connection for the best UNGA experience

there really arent any good options for fighting games right now, most of them are bad at best with the exception of tekken, if youre playing fighting games but youre not playing tekken there is something wrong with you

>game is made consistently better over four years, initial problems are mitigated

The netcode is still some of the worst netcode I've seen in my life.
The crush counter system is fundamentally broken, especially when paired with the same frame priority system.
Vtriggers are an even worse system than Ultras in 4. Mechanics that are "lose until you win" are extremely anti-competitive and, unfortunately, they are never going away.

It's an alright game, but to say it's underrated is laughable.

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Game is fundamentally broken and the game core mechanics itself culmulate into the boring style and meta of the game. People were looking forward to sweeping changes in the system going into AE but it didn’t happen and it was just another patch with mostly character specific change to shuffle the tier list around.
Frame delay was a problem and took a while to fix
Despite the minor system changes, the game can never be fixed with v-trigger system, high damage and stun damage combo for everyone, small normal hitbox, and lack of defensive option for everyone. They even nerf DP almost every patch because despite DP being shitty, it still helps character that have it since there’s few other good defensive options.
fadc upper cut is alright when it is only safe on block but not plus and it is only a conversion on block. I take that over relatively big move/moving hit box move being plus on v-trigger activation in sfv when sfv meta is so frame plus dependent
Crush counter doesn’t really play a significant part in bad neutral and bad footsie play. It’s the combination of bad fireball, small normal hitbox, and how much more reward a full combo damage or upclose pressure compared to a poke damage. V-trigger also discourage slow neutral as you don’t want to build your damage slowly and let opponent get full V-trigger bar comfortably in neutral. It is preferable to do burst combo damage and keep opponent in pressure so they can’t have a chance for a good v-trigger activation. What crush counter does is making ground pressure even more broken when there’s already so little defence against ground pressure. It allow a full damage on a mid/max range hit so people always have to respect opponent so much when being at a frame disadvantage that opponent can keep resetting pressure with micro walk or get a grab very easily. Crush counter punishing dp so hard at any position also add to the problem.

>good game

pick one and only one retard kun

one can pray

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*crush counters you*

Heh, guess you're about to lose that 60% of your health because I crush countered you with a character that's able to convert for retarded damage, also known as one of the "chosen ones". Nice try, kid. You almost had it, but now it's time for this pro to teach this new kid a lesson...

*mashes a combo from youtube*

Heh... guess that's my win. Cheer up, kiddo. Crush counters take skill, and you're just not quite there.

First impressions matter and if the game was bullshit at launch that perception will never change.

I am 100% sure you can't leave bronze after all these years lmfao, fucking shitter

If you waste your first impression you can't really blame people for not being impressed by an incomplete game.

>*mashes a combo from YouTube*
You mean like every fighting game ever made?

Its both. Its hard to get into but it gets better as you go further and become more combatant.
Its not for everyone but dont knock it because of that.

*Competent Fuck you auto correct

I also want to add that crush counter plays a small part in ruining neutral because how some character’s crush counter are straight up better than similiar move at similiar range. It’s stupid that sweep is unsafe on block most of the time AND you basically have so little reward after landing it. In other games, you absolutely have to respect other character’s sweep because it leads to true knock down and mix up. They keep also nerfing many character’s standing medium at mid range. Meanwhile, crush counter are safe on block and leads to huge reward on hit.

This is the correct answer.

A product was released into open arms and promptly reeked of terrible everything. The bumblefuck launch along with the rootkit months later really fucked with people's perceptions on the game. However, let's not forget Capcom attempted to force a fucking rootkit on people for trying to get free DLC characters and costumes that weren't just unlocked from the start.

Additionally, SFIV was actually imrpoved over time as well, and became a really fun, inventive game - SFV just doesn't allow for SFIV's creativity, Capcom is too hard-struck on focusing on balancing and directing the game's meta. You know shit's fucked when someone who's been playing the same character for 20 literal years (daigo+ryu) has to drop his main because it's just not viable.

They fucked up the character they use to advertise practically all street fighter things, and one of the most recognizable of the cast.

keep posting sakura

>>game is made consistently better over four years, initial problems are mitigated
>>wind up with a fighting game that is decent at the very worst
you explained it yourself, OP. took 4 years for it to be decent

Nah this game is really bad. They shouldn't have hired a goober gear player to design it.

>barely any pushback
>mashing + moves in your face to force mixups
>stubby normals
>too meter dependent
>character mechanics locked behind install (vtrigger)
>retarded priority system from third strike +cc ruins counterpoking with mediums (a sf staple)
>no meterless invincible reversals
>zoning is weak besides menat who has johnny-like fullscreen pokes, fireball pressure is a joke
>pressure is anime pressure for retards

Don't even care about singleplayer lol, it's just a bad fighting game.

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t. can't handle babby gear

guilty gear is fucking garbage and it's funny because the problems sfv has are generally the same problems anime games have except watered down, and add the cc/priority system

speaking as an average skilled player, SF needs to have a middleground where you just do specials and normals and maybe occasionally do a combo
this game is too marvelish, too many leadins to half your health bar that aren't even that hard to input
SF4 had a much better idea of how difficult big damage should be

what's so bad about guilty gear then? or are you one of those anons who complained about dbfz misisons being too hard?

here's a opinion (fact): most fighters out now are decent/good. none are shit except IJ2

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Are you retarded? GG literally have opposite of every of those things. Even GG have relatively weak pressure compared to other anime game but its oki is just really strong. GGxrd has a few issues but it’s not in anyway similiar to to SFV. Sure you can dump the problem to GG sole because of one meme GG player in the SFV dev team as oppose to significant amount of dev who has been making SF for a long time. At least GG is a fundamentally good game with few issues when SFV is a fundamentally flawed game

So you say

holy fuck man how can you be so stupid? please link me a single "marvelish" combo that takes away half your bar on any char, I'll wait. Your opinion is literal dogshit and I seriously doubt you are an "average skilled player" in any single FG if you claim such autistic shit

honestly every fighting game community is pure autism and hate any game that isnt their chosen one

welp, I have to fap now. just another day in the life of an ass man.

>what's so bad about guilty gear then?

About 50 billion things. Input eating yrcs making things safe on whiff and leading to retarded oki (but requiring no timing), stupid baby gorilla characters (johnny sol leo etc) and setplay monsters, snowball effect, retardedly strong oki, mashy neutral, danger time, mechanics bloat, negative penalty, the cringe fucking vappa fanbase that shills gg everywhere but sucks at it but claims it's the best fighting game ever. I could go on.


>Even GG have relatively weak pressure compared to other anime game but its oki is just really strong

The game is garbage, nobody should lose after 1 knockdown to coinflips (whether that's oki or johnny's retarded "win neutral free" literal coin flipping).

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I dont know how to respond to this
the birdie combos that were being used during the beta were effortless and easy to set up, and took off about 40%
every character has them, mika is practically built around pure dishonest spam into half your health bar
I'm not actually a midskill player, I'm very close to the top, and starting playing when ST was still in arcades
but I understand enough about the game and genre to understand that the 'autistic' as you say, high level play, is not what determines the financial success of the game, its how the average players interact with it
those average players dont understand most of the terms you are using, and they find the marvelish qualities of this game to be instinctively uninteresting
they want exciting normals and specials, not memorizing a bunch of silly links into triggers or whatever it is

Fuck off Seismic.

>not a single fighting therm in this post
>not a single word about fighting core gameplay
How do you i know you just a bronze shitter who doesnt know difference between link and combo?

>Even GG have relatively weak pressure compared to other anime game

hahahahahaha LOL the whole fucking game is blockstring pressure -> kd -> oki -> repeat

fucking retard


It seriously bugs me that they never put Fei in the game. They didn't put Rekkas in the game in general except for Karin but that doesn't count

Are Capcom still selling 100s of costumes for 3-4$ a piece like SF4?
God they became such greedy cunts.

Yea show me your johnny’s play if it is so easy when he is widely considered to be among the hardest character to play at all time. Leo and Sol are easy at low level but are quite hard at higher level. YRC eating input is a legit problem and I hope that will change in the future, it doesn’t dictate the game that significant at high level as good players work around it. Danger time does suck but it rarely show up. Negative penalty is a non-issue and is pushing to nick picking territory at that point.
Now oki in GG is strong but USFIV also is an oki heavy but it is generally well-loved. USFIV itself already toned down the oki from previous version of sfiv as well and some of the oki are still as good as any GG oki. When you have oki character vs oki character, you basically have something player taking turn getting perfect such as nemo vs aiai as well

I only play single player on fighters 99% of the time because I dont give a fuck about playing randoms and being an adult friends never have free time to come do something stupid like playing vidya
Akuma also wasnt available on launch and I wasnt going to shell out extra for the only character I play since alpha 3

Pressure is relatively weak compared to other anime game except for some characters in the corner such as venom and zato with shadow out. The biggest part is not getting hit by the initial oki but afterward there are many ways to steal your turn back. The big thing why neutral is short in GG compared to SF is because you can convert into combo into a knock down from most stray hit or even projectile in neutral at any range. Many projectiles, especially with yrc, also allow you to get in if opponent block them instead of responding in other ways. Also, fast and big movement such as airdash and teleport also make neutral shorter and come down to a much fewer decision to end the neutral

>Want to try to get into fightan
>Officially start with USFIV on release.
>Waste most of my time trying to get consistent with 1 frame links
>SFV comes out and Bison looks baller
>Actually start playing a fightan like a fightan.

I’m the casual SFV was built towards and I really enjoyed it. I stopped playing a little after Kolin’s release, though. Is it worth picking up again?

call me, when it is drm free on gog


Attached: GOOTECKS THE READS DID YOU SEE THE READS.png (800x800, 1.31M)

doesn't disgust me as much as sakura's ass, look how plump and firm it is, just revolting, you should post more of it just to prove how disgusting it

Seriously, ask yourself this: are you stupid? Please think hard before you answer 'no'

As a day 1 consumer on PC I feel positively fucked over though. I got nothing for my early support. My game is plagued by these god damn shopping carts now. Shit sucks. Fuck Shopping Cart Fighter V.

Learn to IB

You sound upset

How dare you use a Mike Ross pic in a SFV thread. This game fucking killed him

Did you even play? There was nothing broken about Sagat

daigo never mained ryu for 20 years. you proved you don't even watch fighting games.

+2/-2 the game. The game is incredibly dull, arguably reached a level of competent but in no way interesting. They've made a game where people use different tools to achieve the same thing. You have a boring neutral game where most characters lack the tools to have interesting exchanges, followed by safe linear pressure. Pressure you just have to take, if there is a gap you can do something in it was planned from above. Everything about the game feels so limited, you can only play like the devs intended, and what they intended was incredibly basic

SFV is a well balanced game, but that's cause any character can win by a couple of guesses. Which if they get you in pressure you just have to take.

stub fighter v

Daigo has never used Ryu exclusively. The closest was SF4 and even then he switched three times granted it was due to nerfs

IV was better desu

This is some kind of mod for free camera?

thanks for link to a single video that proves your autistic claims faggots, you sure showed me!


jesus christ the cope this guy needs to run to justify how much of a turbo shitter he is lmfao, we get it son you play FG for the "arcade" and not because you utterly suck at any form of competitive environment kek

KOF XIV is better in all aspects except in the graphics.

I love getting a crush counter ko and watching try-hards rage quit.

The argument for SFV is already really bad. It isn't this game does X so well, or this feature is revolutionary. Just well the game is OKAY now, I think it is PRETTY GOOD, it's in a GOOD PLACE. Even you guys are struggling to sing the game's praises. It has been out for years now and people re still begging for that patch which will fundamentally change the game. The only clips you have are invincible reversal to vtrigger comeback, or people mashing at the same time and begging people to believe it is footsies.

What sums up SFV to me is MenaRD, a random ass mid level player bull horned his way to winning Capcom Cup. To then never win anything major again.

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since this is a street fighter thread
Makoto is best girl
Makoto is CUTE
I'm going to marry Makoto

I'm amazed capcom gave him the thumbs up to create that abomination of a champions costume, it's literally just a retarRD reskin for birdy and looks absolutely hideous, I wonder if it even sold a single costume outside his native shithole

Naw man the game is slow as fuck. Matches may go fast sure but that is just cause of how much damage shit does. But take that away and shit is slow as fucking molasses. Which is fine i guess if this aint a shot against those into that. but at the same time dont get tricked my man with high damage but slow as fuck actual gameplay

Street fighter 4 is better

Imagine paying money for the CPT pass, only to get this shit. I love how the fanboys just try and avoid talking about this whole event. They bigged him up around his win going no seriously guys he is really good. But as he keeps failing to do anything they have to try and side line it more.

The whole SFV is random thing is over played, why it feels that way is a difficult issue to nail down to one thing. But the game lowering the skill ceiling so much does give mid level plays a way better chance at talking out those above them. Which you do see happen. It is likely a big reason why the game has a scene still, there is a lot of money on the line and you have a better chance a sneaking into top 8. Even getting top 32 could net you a sponsor from a nobody org.

Attached: sfv-menard-birdie-both.jpg (750x400, 119K)


mids can beat highs because they have more heart just like real fighting

Cause you are actually one dumb ass mother fucker. Putting so much shit past what you think your opponent may or may not do. Which is something actually not dumb players should keep in mind. Never put anything past them. Especially when playing randos online you dont know. "Playing Smart" tier faggotry has to be established not taken for granted. Ya scrub ass faggot.

>most viewed fighting game
>biggest prize pool
>capc*cks are STILL this sensitive to criticism
What the absolute fuck is your problem? Fuck off with underrated. You are the only one making yourself think that. Maybe if the game wasn't so God damn boring you would be playing it instead of thinking of ways to play victim

SFV did one thing incredibly right that other fighting games, including SF4 even, messed up big time. And that's input inconsistency.

In SF4 and fighting games by other companies, you have different timings and ways you have to input:
-Special move cancels
-Air attacks followed by ground attacks

For example, special move cancels have input buffering usually where you have a couple of frames to input the motion during normal hits. However, if you wanna do a combo into a normal that's not a chain, you have a limited window and no buffering. This makes the game feel stiff and clunky and inconsistent and forces you to constantly change your flow. SFV is one of the most forgiving and smooth playing fighting games of all time.

Doesn't mean it's good though. It's incredibly flawed and horribly unbalanced and some of the roster choices were questionable.

the only reason i bothered with sfv is because it brought back karin

Attached: karin takes the train home for once.jpg (2466x1614, 1.29M)

>ywn pump that plump tomboy ass full of seed
why even exist

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Air attack into ground attack were always easy to link. The hard ones were jab and short full confirm or stuffs like e ryu stomp. Even pro players miss a lot of jab confirm on reaction in USFIV

Did they ever fix the online? From what I remember it was absolutely God awful and possibly one of the worst I've experienced in a fighting game.

This game is just hideously ugly. What's wrong with the characters' proportions?

Appendages were made larger so it's easier to see them during attacks.

My problems with SFV:
It looks like it made out of clay, and there is no Dan.
That's why I never cared.
But then I played Trial, and holy shit it was horrible. As if I launched free to play game.
>buy this!
>but that!
>ads between fights!
fuck that noise and fuck SFV.

Why does vappa hate SF5 so much?

I'd say so, Bison's v-trigger 2 and V-skill buff are pretty great. G is also worth checking out

People were sleeping on birdie at the time, is that really so different from Luffy's evo win with Rose?

Luffy won lots after, got 3rd at Capcom Cup that year and was consistently in top 8. SFV is just shit.

>09'er thinks he knows shit
Funny, go play Anime fighter IV with HUEs fag

It really isn't. The skill ceiling is so low that you have literally who's beating "pro" players pretty frequently.

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I like SFV.

Mostly because the women look like gods. Thick thighs save lives.

its the most "just decent" fighting game of all time
the pros openly criticize it constantly too
many debated quitting but can't get away from the capcom bux

unacceptable for capcom to ship this out as its flagship following 2, 3, and 4. It's easily the weakest in the series

the only ones really defending it at this point are capcom-dickriders

Capcom tried to make an esport that would be fun to watch and a dumbed-down casual fighter that would be easy to pick up and play, and they failed at both. But they did manage to dumb it down enough to alienate old farts like me.

Ono's latest tweets make it sound like they don't even know what is coming next. I'm sure the game is getting something eventually, but it is clear a real shake up is happening and whatever we get was not the original plan.

Attached: ono.png (1251x1038, 595K)

Explain why even the Evo champ claims not thinking is the way to win

They never touched the netcode. It's still ass.

Thye fixed a bunch of shit that should have been working since day one and their only efforts right now is to add new costumes for Chun li. The gameplay is still ass and not fun at all, the UI is one of the wort I ever seen losing only to yatagaratsu. The only good thing the game has going for is being able to connect console and pc players.

No, because he is right.

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>mashable combos
>good thing

Why not just make them one button?

Attached: 06.png (640x471, 59K)

why pick one when you can pick both

How to fix Capcom's fg division
>fire Yoshige
>fire Ono
>let Itsuno do Rival Schools

Not just that, Capcom tried to put a rootkit in to force you to buy their shit.

You mean Woshige the GG waifufag who can't count and hates fundemental Street Fighter to the point of completely ruining DPs?

There's only two dudes I always remember from SF5 threads.

OP, which is the guy who likes SF5 but has no argument to defend it and the guy that really likes Birdie.

I guess I need to step up my Woshige bashing game. You need to know who ruined SFV.

Play if u like. Fuck crowd thinking

Nice thread OP but no Makoto no buy

>decent at the very worst

Oh wow, great, now that it's "decent", how about I drop $60+whatever the characters cost now so I can play a "decent" fighting game.

Oh and I can't wait to spend another $30 next year to make my "decent" game relevant!

Sorry your game is dead bro, but if you wanna hop on Third Strike or USFIV, I'll gladly play you in an actually great fighting game that no one has to justify or apologize for.

Wanna know something user? Every problem sf had, dbz had it tenfolds, like people complained that sf was too focused on offense with poor defensive option while praised the other who had 10 seconds or more long block string. Complained that most characters play the same while shilling 7 different versions of goku.

Remember this user, Yea Forums might pose itself as an elitist board but in reality it does not play anything that it’s more difficult than a walking simulator, let alone fightan

So did Capcom just give up on season 4 or something?

SFV made me realize "gamers" and the so-called FGC don't know what they want. For decades they have complained that they're tired of buying new editions of the same game every year. SFV comes along and does away with that. One purchase is all you need to stay up to date with the latest balance patches and features. But naturally, nothing is good enough for you whiny fags.
And then the same cunt creatures will tell you to play Tekken, when Harada lied through his teeth about legacy characters being free. The same imbeciles munch on his dick and buy season passes like good goys while shitposting SFV for its "anti-consumer practices". Capcom could announce all the characters, but it will never be enough for you niggers. You don't realize what a fucking gem you hold in your hands.

I play other fighting games as well and the thought of facing one of you so-called people makes me act like the biggest cunt on earth. If I met you on the street, I would spit you in the face.

You know they would lock his rekka behind V-Trigger.

One side legitimately hates the changes to SFV. Some basic SF staples like high pushback and and large amounts of air recovery if hit in the air are gone to favor less neutral and more 50/50 potential.
Another side will never like any game Capcom makes unless they make it full anime because the life of a weeb is a life dedicated to hating anything not anime. Even when SFV adds more anime bullshit like gimmicky v-skills and longer blockstrings, they will hate it until it fully commits.

>SFV comes along and does away with that
Doing that was nothing new, MK9 did it

There are more, and they are more expensive than before. AE also included very little of the $300 worth of DLC.

The difference is that people knew exactly what dbfz is and even that shit added more defensive options to the game. Dbfz is shit but sf5 os shittier.

So? The vast majority of it is cosmetics. Why do you feel like you need to have all of that? Especially considering you don't play every character in the game.

Capcom did away with editions, so some concessions had to be expected. But nope, not to the braindead dumbfuck who is used to his mommy giving him shit if only he cries loud enough. GIMME GIMME GIMME

>An anime/vs game is really offensive wtf?
People don't want that from SF, so if it goes that way it better be the best game ever. Plus DBFZ gets plenty of shit.

You see, the game needs to be actually good first before giving free stuff.

>muh defensive options
>in a game with 20 seconds blockstrings

>this thread is still alive
God you fags are insufferable, just as bad as smashers

this pretty much, but I like Kolin and Laura too so it worked out in the end.

Luffy was actually a good player who could give any player a planet a run for their money.

Put Mena in a FT10 with one of the current top players now and he would get bodied.

Both winning and losing feel good in this game, I'm generally left feeling relieved a game/set is over. It's sad because I genuinely enjoy slower, fundamentals based games, but SFV's skewed risk/reward makes everything feel fundamentally uncertain, and most characters having kinda slow walk speeds and either no pokes or bad pressure buttons doesn't help

>OP getting this BTFO in his own thread

I came here to post all the problems but they're literally all listed here. SF5 is a mess, and no amount of paid capcom shilling can change that.

both losing and winning **DO NOT** feel good

Sorry I am retarded

It's kinda interesting how dead SFV seems to be at a grass roots level.
Like I never really see anything about it towards the local side only larger tournaments.

>people want even more frequent balance updates in the next street fighter
>don't realise the more frequent updates are why to balance is so bad in the first place

If you do balance updates too early you can fall into traps and be convinced that characters are op who are really just taking advantage of people's inexperience against them. And characters who haven't been taken to their limits yet end up getting stupid buffs they don't actually need, because there hasn't been time for them to get fleshed out. There are definitely characters who, at certain times, i would have wanted to nerf to shit, but knew better a year on.

Doing balance patches after a couple of months is how you end up with dumb shit like Season 2 Balrog and prime Abigail ruining the game.

SFVI will save us user. Just wait.

Me and my girlfriend would love watching Excellent Adventures of Gootecks and Mike Ross and SFV killed it.
Fuck SFV.

Attached: MikeRoss.jpg (360x360, 88K)

I want to like it but all SFV is doing is trying to train me to play Guilty Gear because it plays more like Guilty Gear than Street Fighter in general.

Maybe, I assume it will have hype built around it fixing everything. Everyone will buy it and then it will go away in like 3 months.

You have to be a literal retard to believe SFV chased Mike away. A quick glance over his reddit AMA shows the issues are far more complex. It also shows that Mike is not the person he always sold himself as.

It's something I have always enjoyed about games such as Broodwar or Melee where they have never received a balance patch in like 15 years but the meta can continue to shift and change as strategies become popular over others.

>That can end at any time due to reflects, swaps, invincible dps and teleports.

Just like SFV, right? lol

For a game that has been proclaimed dead since release, SFV is still manhandling its competition. THREE NRS games came and went during its time already.

>wind up with a fighting game that is decent at the very worst
You already explained it. Why should I play a fighting game that is decent at best when I can just play the best?

His AMA literally says he doesn't like the way the game and scene was going.
You're wrong.

>censored a couple of things
>netcode still shit
>whatever the fuck is going on with Season 4
>Fight Money felt like it was in a good place for a few months before they ruined it (and then made it much worse from there)
>nothing ever really gets fixed
Those are my reasons, and it sucks because I like the game itself a lot.

SFV doesn't even exist at my locals anymore.
Fucking PM a game with 1 set up gets more people consistently showing up.

Cool story, bro.

>says Mike quit because he didn't like SFV
>now it's also the scene
Thanks for the self-ownage, hombre. Saves me the work.

Solid counter point bro.

You owned yourself lmao, I proved you wrong.

That suggests there was something that needed to be countered.

The game isn't bad. It's just the most average fighter out there. I still have to thank SFV for being such a letdown because without it I probably would've never tried out Tekken 7. They did a stellar job with dumbing it down just a right amount for newer players and having a great PC port.

>For a game that has been proclaimed dead since release, SFV is still manhandling its competition.
Because of SF4. The game was hugely successful and built up the CPT. SFV is like the rich kid who gets a load of money to start up a business. But slowly it has been wearing away that good will, it is a series that is ingrained in pop culture so it takes a while to really die down. For other games building up an audience takes time and often funds that are not available. Which is hard when the main FGC game is doing so poorly, making fighters look dead in general.

Attached: final round.png (2594x756, 344K)

>capcom fighting games in 2019
ew nope bye

>playing sleep fighter v
>when you could be practising for the new samsho game by playing v special

Attached: haoh-64-artwork.jpg (787x1024, 238K)

Wrong, you moved goalposts and contradicted your own post. Sucks to be you, loser. Nw hold dat L.

What's going on with the reviews? Usually the game sits around 55%-60% positive. Did something happen?

Attached: huh.jpg (295x331, 39K)

>getting defensive
Aaaahaha. You lost this one.

Tanked when ads hit.

I remember when SFags insisted they'd only ever be CPT ads, then recently they added some from a clothing company.

Attached: ads.png (1200x675, 665K)

We didn't even start playing due to you shitting yourself after the fist bump. Feel free to try next thread, but we (or rather, you) are done here.

love the characters. love the art. love the skins. love the animations. hate that its a fighting game but I play it anyway

Animations don't get anywhere the love they deserve. Shit looks beautiful. Even new games like the new Samsho look so wobbly in comparison.

this is why im a SFfag desu

The animations and sound are very satisfying. Especially on hits.

I really miss blue shadows though. They were a really nice aesthetic for supers and custom combos. Hope they come back in the next game.

I bought SFV key for 5€. And after i sank 60 hours into it i bought all season char passes for unholy money...

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It just wasn't fun enough to keep me interested for long periods of time, and I got this at launch. Aside from that I've tried getting back to it on 3 separate occasions and each time I just gravitated to playing another fighter until I forgot I even had the game. There's bits and pieces of shit I really like, but I just don't feel like putting up with playing SFV as a whole for that often.

I doubt I'm the only one in the world that feels like this, and judging by SFV's performance, you know it has more to do with the game itself than what people say about it.
I don't even hate this game or really any of the newer fighters except mvci fuck them for life for that one, it just felt really underwhelming compared to everything else coming out around it.

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Very funny how you can sum up the state of Capcom's fighting game division in 2019 so well with one image. It's like their trying to bury it on purpose.

desu who cares about the casuals on Yea Forums?

its still the biggest game in the fgc and will remain relevant for a while.
fucking nobody here plays fighters past single player anyways.
its pointless to ask here.

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I'm worried that they dropped support though

Glad you concede.
Stay down, pussy :)

Good job dude. Keep these cowards in line.

> the best video game is a 2d button masher from years ago.
Alpha 3, Third strike,...and uh...yeah. were done here.

I'm not into fighting games but i enjoyed SF4 more then i played sf5 on the free weekends

Im sick of sfv but this is so wrong. All my casual friends loved SFIV and some managed to even get a high BP because of how many gimmicks were in that game but they all quit SFV after a week and barely made it out of bronze.

we will just have to see.
maybe sf6 is in the works for the next console gen.

all id want at this point is better netcode, but japanese devs seem hopeless.

They actually seem to make the netcode worse with every fix attempt now.

Since the last patch it hasstarted eating inputs randomly. It's annoying as fuck pressing something and losing, then going back to the replay and seeing the button didn't even register. And there doesn't even seem to be an upside to it, they literally just added something that made it worse without any improvement anywhere else.

It's fucking shocking, like they still only have 1 dude working on it.

The clothing ones are better than CPT desu. At least they have some nice art.


Hello, I'm a complete noob to fighting games. What game should I get? Play with 360 controller or keyboard? thanks

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UNIst for the tutorial

Use whatever you like

>thinks sfv is boring
>instead plays a game with 2 hit combos and that everyone days in 4 hits

Attached: karin9.jpg (1200x1200, 153K)
First result. Wasn't even hard, but continue to be a shitter.

I hate the game because they removed nipples and toned down on the sexuality in general.

Meant for
Like seriously do your homework next time.

I grew up on PC, therefore i use keyboard. But it doesnt really matter. Some people spend over 200$ on a box with 8 buttons and a stick while claiming its the best.

Though i have to admit my fingers hurt after two hours of street fighter smashing. Getting cherry red keyboard solved this for me.

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Also dbfz has moves with armor and supers have huge as invincibility.

It's mediocre, it's not exciting to watch due to a bunch of removed mechanics and dumbed down shit, decent combo chains are few and far between, a lot of the characters are garbage or boring.
Like it's an okay game, but it's still worse than sf4 at this point, and that was still worse than anime fighters. If it weren't for people like tokido and shit being amazing in general, the game would be godawful to watch for the most part.
As much as it puts off casuals, people like long combos, they like shitloads of options and mechanics, they like lots of different ways of playing. What was the last tournament? Watched some nig karin beat momochi, it was boring as fuck and not remotely exciting. Karin plays the exact same way, it's very short strings that do a lot of damage and then nothing, repeat a few times guessing right to win match. Momochis character seemed to have potentially a lot more depth but I don't know shit about it cause I've long since lost all interest about new sf5 info

SamSho is a side game that nobody ever took very seriously

Samsho actually teaches people to stop being greedy fucks or else they will be punished. SFV literally rewards mashing like an dumbass and ruined the legacy of SF fundamentals that helped people improve their defensive game. people who play SFV can't play older titles thanks to how past titles are the designed to fuck the unga bunga retardation of SFV

Attached: Ukiyo.webm (640x480, 1.33M)

Go to /vg/ they have two fighting game generals there. There are resources to help you learn, which games to get, and you can find beginners to play.

>What game should I get?
Depends on what you want in a fighting game. If you want fundamentals, SFV for good neutral and active community; Tekken for 3D (this is not the graphics but the actual movement is in 3 dimensions); UNIST is probably the most fundamental based anime game out there, it's also quite complex but the tutorial is very good so it's not too overwhelming.

If you want something with more action, GG Xrd Rev 2 online is pretty dead but you can probably find people on the general, it's the most complex fighter currently but it has a decent tutorial and stunning visuals; DBFZ is where we get into hyper territory, it has rather low skill floor but a pretty high skill ceiling, it's one of the most active fighting games currently, and the same graphics as GG Xrd; MvCI is another hyper that has really good mechanics, amazing combos, good neutral, and is fun as fuck to play, but it's dead, you can probably still find some people on the general though.

I’m honestly waiting for SF6.

>Go to /vg/ they have two fighting game generals there
You mean there are about 10 generals for separate games, cause /fgg/ is so terrible nobody wants to go there. That's what SFV does to a community.

Sometimes though you get this:

For those who don't know what's going on in this match. In this matchup both characters can actually punish each others moves on block. Which results in what you see. A TRUE TEST OF PATIENCE AND IRON WILL.

>acts like combos are everythng in a fighting game

I would like it if it introduced the custom combo system from Alpha.

Right now it's way too linear. The limitations of each character are way too obvious and that makes fights boring.

I want my high risk, custom combos with reverse beat.

>dumb casuals who wanted to play arcade mode for some reason shriek online, game sells poorly
Casuals who know they're casuals that sucj stick to single player modes. If you lack these single player mode you cut off entirely the player base who would just rather play against computers than people. And you're surprised it undersold?

If you suck at Vidya, Guilty Gear offers a nice 5 hour long OVA, Diorama mode, tons of unlockables like colors and music, has a mission mode, nad Arcade Mode unlocks bits of the story not seen in story mode, as well as a control scheme for casuals.
Blazblue has an insane ammount of single player content, from a very long story in visual novel presentation as well as a fuckton of game modes
Smash Bros fucking Ultimate has an inmense story mode compromised of missions and so much single player content it's disgusting.
Even a game as barebones as King of Fighters XIV offers a Story Mode (which is closer to an Arcade Mode) and Survival Modes at launch.

And you to add on to the trainwreck Street Fighter V has released every addition as DLC, so someone interested in catching up has to dump a lot more than $60 just to catch up?

sfv made me stop playing fighting games and tekken 7 made me start enjoying them again
fighting games still suck though and the fanbase they have is full of toxic autists

I mean, every retard tried to turn every new fighting game into the SFV killer with each and every one of them failing except Tekken but it has its own baggage like iirc Saint claiming SFV is harder to play.

better than glorified rock paper scissors

Learn how to be good at third strike and you'll realize why 4 was shitty and 5 was far worse.

>I mean, every retard tried to turn every new fighting game into the SFV killer
How does that change that everybody left /fgg/ to form their own general? Has nothing to do with being a SFV killer, that place is just shit and not a serious resource for fighting game info. And that is because of SFV, the place fell apart with that game.

yeah sfv is way harder to play, as in i literally cannot force myself to launch that fucking game

>not a single one of my mains has made it in
where's fei long
where's makoto
where's rolento
At least Abigail is based

Attached: Abigail Menat.jpg (680x503, 84K)

Most people who hate this game are shitters mad that the shitty delay based net-code and auto block doesn't let them mash hard to punish moves using charge characters or mash grabs command grabs on block or similar anymore.
And that now if you play dumb you get punished for it.

Face it in SFIV you could essentially spam 6 moves that woudl only get punished 1/10 times because the delay based net-code destroys any semblance of timing.
Hell even spamming LP shoryuken in IV basically let you get away whit it because the delay based net-code would most of the time make it so your opponent gets hit because there move didn't come out fast enough become of the delay to punish it. In V you do predctibo moves you die. And people hate this.

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>Tekken but it has its own baggage like iirc Saint claiming SFV is harder to play.
This reminds me, where is Bloody Roar fag to shit up the thread?


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Nigga you're playing a fighting game. Half of it is glorified rock paper scissors.

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combos aren't

based carrotbro

You can animation cancel in SFV?

And combos don't win you shit if you can't even get to use them.

> balanced the game based on bronze level play online with shitty net code
Yikes. Yea because it’s absolute great that everyone can just smash their favorite block string over and over when they get a chance and never worry about opponent retaliating and have to guess. Sfv is more braindead and unga than anything else. Yea complain about command grab in other fighter when sfv characters with command grabs are absolutely cancer and stupid when they don’t have to worry about zoning with fireball or footsie to keep them out.

What a weird way to spell FEXL

yeah but people act like neutral is the best part of a fighting when it's just the boring part that comes before the fun part, combos

Nope. You disgust me far more for trying to get others to fight your battles for you.

No shit they want new characters you fucking zipperheaded faggot. Maybe one day they'll make a game where half the characters in the fucking franchise aren't warming the bench.

Combos are fun in action games where you have far more control.

Weebs shat on vanilla E.Honda mirror matches that ended up like this, but praise Samsho?

The game's problems are pretty much personified but Alex imo
For years he had
>Good buttons
>great stun and damage
>a command grab
>a jab AA (that he lost)
but close to 0 oki and without fast and safe movement options keeping up his momentum to make that damage and stun do something he was trash. He also had mediocre vitality and his defensive options were trash.
Fast forward a couple of seasons and he's pretty much exactly the same only now he's got oki and he's a retarded gorilla monster

Yea the game is so linear and simplified and lack of asymetry that balance comes down to a few check boxes. There are plenty of times that a character can go from top tier to worse than mid with one single change and vice versa.

Fuck off back to Blazblue.

Could this not describe most SF characters? Even characters as degen as ChunYunKen or O Sagat would be a lot more reasonable with a single change to one of their more dominant tools.

Season 1 Ryu to Season 2.
Jump lk gone
Oki after throws? Gone
Invincible dp? Gone
Meaty setups after knockdown? Remove those
Fireball game? Every cast member has an answer to it built in.
Fuck man. They took a brick to his fucking head and never stopped.

Netcode still sucks.

you're right, but his larger point is still valid. aside from how the internet sped up tech/meta changes by 1000x, the main problem with the SFV esports method of fighting game development is that they prioritize balance and accessibility above everything else, instead of allowing weird uneven mechanics between characters that ultimately add up to depth and real variation in gameplay

>actually be a fag that plays juri in IV since I liked her moveset
>capcom changes everything about her in V to the point where it's a new character
Fucking fuck

>instead of allowing weird uneven mechanics between characters that ultimately add up to depth and real variation in gameplay
This is what I find most boring about SFV. The game is technically very well balanced, but each character achieves this in a very similar way. There is no this character is really bad but some guys have figured out how to play him in an unconventional way that works. Be it interesting consequences of system mechanics or glitches that the community just accepts. That stuff has existed in the game but always gets removed. Even when it isn't very good. Alex use to be able to get a command grab after a blocked hard flash chop. Very tight window, H flash chop has a very slow start up and it wasn't really that great a tool. But someone could have figured out how to use it, maybe create a set up or if Capcom weren't lame they could have turned it into a real mechanic balancing it accordingly. But instead it must go before anyone really experimented that much with it.

Without these oddities the game becomes dry. ST gets held up as muh real footsie game but it is packed full of utter bullshit. The community loves it though, if a game spreads its bullshit out so everyone has their own special kind it works.

every time i play a character other than ibuki i get depressed at how garbage and basic designed they are. ibuki is just too good

Attached: ibuki03[1].jpg (1795x1025, 368K)

>you absolutely NEED good internet in order to play and enjoy SFV because it has no other way to play
And you fucks wonder why nobody buys it

samsho is a meme game, is as boring an uninteresting as it gets. now all the poeple is hyped for the new one, when it release everyone is gonna play it, then after a couple of months everyone is gonna return to sfv

yeah, i feel like the balance philosophy of making every character broken is strongly preferable to trying to nerf and fix every single exploitable mechanic. at least kusoges are fun

depending on your internet connection yes

sfv at launch was a disgrace
the ae launch is what it should have been initially

the hate it gets is all just talk, it's still the most played and watched fg for a reason
sf is synonymous with fighting games and the fgc

>instead of allowing weird uneven mechanics between characters that ultimately add up to depth and real variation in gameplay
Man, I miss stuff like that, things like Sagat trading DP into f.rh juggles or Rose eating blanka balls to get a fuller punish

Some of it is really stupid and shouldnt exist (like Rose) but others add a lot of fun and interesting character specific tech

Maybe if it didn't straight up just make parries and hard combos piss easy just so retarded kids can say they're "THE NEW DAIGO WOAAAAHH!", then maybe we would like it.

aka Street Fighter 4, way better than this fucking bullshit.

>aka Street Fighter 4, way better than this fucking bullshit.

Parries are way harder to utilize since it has recovery that can't be cancelled into block and can be whiffed. No more OS parry that is safe no matter what you do.

Don't post pictures of me

it obviously wasnt what it eventually became after all its revisions, but on launch it did have SP, 2 SP modes actually, story and arcade, and it did sell itself to any sort of fighting player audience, casuals, pros, an anything in between.

A game should not take 4 years of updates to become good. How have our standards fallen so low?

Play Skullgirls, it's fun.

Its also mvc2 kuso

Long rant incoming

SFV is in weird place where I kind of feel like, if you're a casual newbie who never really got into the genre, you'll hate it, because the single player content is ridiculous, matchmaking and netcode are hit-or-miss, optimization is terrible, way too much loading and menuing, pc has weird issues persist to this day...

But then when you are / get better, and get a feel for what you're doing, and can wrap your head around all of the "high level" concepts, the game kind of falls into place and is a lot of fun. The play is clearly defined in some ways that no other fighting game does it, say, if I get a jumpin, that's a big combo, that's corner carry and a knockdown. Same thing if I bait a reversal. And then I've got oki and if you mash like a scrub you're in for another huge crush counter. And often times pressure comes down to this most classic of 50/50s, will he go for a throw or will he press a button, throw tech window is cozy large but at the same time you'll get a huge whiff animation that's easily punished. And like you can do lots of safe blockstrings that will only link into more stuff on a counterhit, so you're taught early to leave openings for your oponent to try and mash out of. And just about every character has very similar blow-ups against when people walk back to walk out of throw attempts which are not absolutely airtight, xx knockdown-move is something just about everyone has at their disposal. And then of course you have the huge buffer and cancel windows, in general it can be said the game makes it very easy for people to make informed decisions and to outplay their opponents based on just smart decisions, not on execution or knowledge alone, and that's something that usually comes pretty late for people in other games because knowing your frames and being on point with your execution is so paramount in the beginning, SFV does away with those hurdles and it needs to be commended for that.


NOW, sadly, that comes with downsides. And these don't become apparent until you are very competent. The fact that the game has been streamlined like that, many characters having similar options, and all of them easily accessible to everyone, makes getting better past a certain point one HELL of a grind. Because at the end of the day, being better than somebody else means you distinguish yourself by something you can just do that the other guy can not. And that is TOUGH and uncomfortable in a game that's intentionally designed to give every player every option. Suddenly you need to learn crazy one hit confirms and split second counter hit conversions. Just to grind out that last edge. You want to be a good Karin player? Well, get comfortable with the xx dash > just frame tenko confirm. Even when you know it's going to hit it's a bit of a tight combo. But confirming into it from JUST the By having lightning fast reflexes and canceling it as late as possible? It's ridiculously tight. And in any other game it would seem like a quirky additional thing you can do because you're sick, which gives you a tiny edge, but in SFV it's suddenly the difference between being a good karin player and basically not competing with her (on a very high level). Being on the defense against players who can do it and get like 200 damage and a knockdown and corner carry and prime oki EVERY time they hit with, which can come anytime in any blockstring? It's distusting. If they can't do it? After I blocked the first I'm mashing backdash and I'm out of there. Oh and if they try but get the tenko late, I get a 10 frame punish free of charge. So being consistent with this tiny minute ridiculous detail is a difference between night and day in a game like SFV, which is sparse in other ways to distinguish yourself.

cont 2/3

Juri is basically a different character and I hate it

And there are many similar situations. Either you can do the sick 100 hit menat combo, or you can not play menat. Either you can link Ken's into super, or you're at one hell of a disadvantage. Either you get the crouching jab antiair in the tight rare crossup situation EVERY TIME WITHOUT FAIL, or I'm jumping in on you for 400 damage. And all the mileage you get is 20 damage and not letting me pressure you as opposed to when you go for the "sane" option to just block the crossup. But the guy who does the insane option ends up winning tournaments, and the guy who blocks will eat the following 50/50 and sometimes drown in pools thanks to it. And the worst thing is what it does on your psyche. There are people on diamond rank who didn't have that "wakeup call" yet. Who jump around fishing for that huge jumpin, banking on the fact that you're not 100% consistent with the weird situational crouch jab antiair. Who backdash out of Karin's pressure because they're confident you can't get that tenko (and if you do they mash on their wakeup because they don't believe you can really get the actually kinda tricky meaty setup afterwards right). Who play Bison and base their entire game around getting VT1 and then indiscriminately dashing into your face and hammering on that there, because from experience that works out in their favour more often than not. It will not win a tournament, it's too inconsistent for that, but, a game or two? It is NOT easy to never eat that. It is possible to consistently know exactly when to interrupt the crossup dashes, but it is NOT easy, and even pro players will get meme'd out of a tournament now and again in SFV. And the diamond guy will then go on to think they're hot shit, see no need for improvement and will get meme'd out themselves next round of the tournament. Consistently winning in a game like SFV, which tries so hard to give everyone the tools to win, it's BRUTAL man. And frankly, it can be very unfun to try.

The game is boring shit compared to 4 and 3S.
Too regulated by retarded arbitrary "no fun allowed" rules because of MUH ESPORT.
Funny enough the game have had awful balancing throughout it's entire lifespan.
It's gotten better neutral now but really who fucking cares when crushcounters are in the game and can just rob you of a match at any given time.

Just fucking kill it already and make Alpha 4 or SFV6 or whatever.
The game is fundamentally fucked and no amount of patching is gonna save it.

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Fix the netcode Capcom

>it very easy for people to make informed decisions and to outplay their opponents based on just smart decisions
That's because your options are so limited. You aren't doing anything smart, the game simply doesn't give you much of a choice. That isn't a casual vs mid/high level player thing. It depends on if you like games where you have a lot of options leading to a wider variety of situations where you have more options to deal with them.

And your posts after encapsulates why that is boring. You have one effective way to play the characters and deal with stuff. You liked to play a more fireball heavy Ryu? Well that is just shit in this game, you play unga Ryu with his incredibly limited options or nothing. Again that ain't a casuals vs the rest point. That feeling of wrapping your head around a game is x100 times more satisfying in more complex games. Cause there is actually stuff to figure out, there are weird situations and opportunities to optimise.

Excellent posts

>the game is better now because they gave me a free skin for my waifu

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Stupid sexy Roll.

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>SFV does away with those hurdles and it needs to be commended for that.
Why? Other series have done it without feeling so limited. People brought up SamSho early, that game is very easy to get into while still giving you are lot to work with. Soul Calibur and DoA as well. Long time been known as simpler games yet they still have a huge amount going on under the hood. SFV simplifies poorly. It dumbed down instead of just making a game that is naturally more approachable.

>using a clickbait title on Yea Forums
>using hyperbole to bait additional responses
What could you gain?

>We need to dumb down [sport] so we can make more money.
Since I'm not very well versed in sports. How often has this happened in real life?

>game is made better over 4 years
Hahaha, no.
Every update has made shit worse and the season 2 characters were a fucking nightmare

SFV is a failure on a fundamental level.

I heard SF3 is on PS4 now, is it worth picking up as a newb? Is that version alright?


No, 3s is overrated and ps4 will be dead.
Play on fightcade for free if you are interested

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I honestly wanted to get into it but it's so fucking boring that I just can't
It's also 90% footsies so that's another negative, I like big combos

>ryu player spaces that makoto out perfectly
>gets robbed completely off 1 mix up

This is why I fucking hate 3s and anime garbage and stick to games like ST and kof98. Even though they're fucking retarded too at least you can win off spacing and using your normals/specials at the right distance rather than forcing mixups. That isn't a viable playstyle anymore.

But of course /r/kappa idiots would think that webm is so hypeee dude epic comebacks this is why 3s and gg are the best games ever :^)

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FighterZ was good, tho with the most recent patch I don't know if that holds true

>retards and bandwagoners shit on it constantly for 4 years straight

>still the most successful competitive fighting game by far

really makes you think

It's not even a mixup its a punish lol
Losing a combo because of stun sucks but post stun juggling is beyond retarded

He could do that off 1 mix up because he was good.
You, on the other hand will never ever be able to replicate that even in training mode, let alone in a match that has high stakes under the pressure of tournament environment.

I know it's a punish to that whiffed DP but the point is that character can just do that in the neutral off a mashed out hayate or a retarded dash

It got huge turnouts at EVO, so....
>consistently better over four years
If by better you mean massacring good characters each patch except for Cammy.

>muh dial-a-combos
>muh training mode

go back to your animu garbage

My point still stands though, so thanks for conceding!

I know,I'm more bringing attention to the fact that he didn't even need to reset and how much I hate stun in 3

>>dumb casuals who wanted to play arcade mode for some reason shriek online, game sells poorly

But they dumbed down the gameplay so hard in hopes of attracting casuals.

This is the simplest streetfighter to ever exist.

>You, on the other hand will never ever be able to replicate that even in training mode

That combo isn't even that hard you fucking moron lol. I can do 02um maxmode combos and kof13 combos which are 100x harder. The only problem with the makoto stun combo is remembering to switch the directions on the DPs. Kill your fucking self ignorant brainlet.

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im not even that guy retard

>look mom i won an argument on the internet

im so proud of you sweetie

>That combo isn't even that hard you fucking moron lol
Then how come there is pretty much only 1 Makoto who uses it consistently in tournaments? Many don't even opt for that super. But go on then post proof of how easy it is, record yourself doing it 5 times in a row.

>Then how come there is pretty much only 1 Makoto who uses it consistently in tournaments?
I can do it in training mode, you said I could never. Actually I do remember, the kara timing on the dp is kind of strict so it doesn't drop.

>But go on then post proof of how easy it is, record yourself doing it 5 times in a row.
>dude, it's hard to do consistently executionally so it's totally fine!!

This guy thinks I have turd strike training mode installed on my computer a game I don't give a single fuck about lol. I literally don't give a fuck about short short super: parry os edition. This is the problem with you, you think because a game has technical combos it's awesome and hype to have gorilla retard characters that can do those combos. DJ's 7 hit stun combo in ST is dumb as fuck too even though it's harder to do. Same with RC electricity in CVS2 or the ROM infinite in mvc2 with 5 way resets.

How about you do this in kof2k2 with iori?

>xup 4b, cl.d, bc run cl.c, qcb+c, hcb+d, dp+c, hcb+d, dp+c xx super xx super

Attached: ryu.gif (293x199, 1.94M)

Makoto isn’t even the most retarded thing in 3s. What about Yun spending like half the match in god mode on top of having shit like a divekick and solid command grab? Or Chun getting 40% off arguably the best poke in the game?

lol. We went from that isn't even hard I can do anything , too w-w-well I can do it in training mode so who cares I can't get it consistently anyway fuck turd strike. Like just admit you are a bitch.

>How about you do this in kof2k2 with iori?
I never said any combo was easy you brain dead spic. You over stepped but couldn't back it up.

based user btfoing 3s gringos

That's what's funny, she's considered one of the fairer chars

I said it wasn't "that hard" after you said "You, on the other hand will never ever be able to replicate that even in training mode" and maybe making the mistake in forgetting you have to do kara dp. Now you're setting the bar higher.

>Like just admit you are a bitch.
I'll admit I literally don't care about turd strike and if you want to crank it out to autism combos you can play the fateshit fighting game on ps2 with multiple 1f links per bnb

I’ll go a step further, pretty much any top 1/3rd character in 3s would be nerfed down to the level of Yang, Akuma, Ryu, Oro, Ibuki, Elena, Necro and maybe Hugo/Alex/Q in the hands of pretty much any modern FG developer. Hell, the EU version already nerfed Urien and Oro via unblockables being removed.

I agree but you overexaggerate SFV’s execution barrier. I can’t do many of the execution easily myself in sfv but they are all significantly easier than anything in USFIV to just play many character at basic level. They aren’t also “required” as you think. Sure perfect menat combo is hard but JW won with menat without knowing any complicate VT1 combo at all. In the end, the biggest point of VT1 menat is that it turn her from a spacing character to being the best rush down character by letting her walk in and do w/e when opponent have to hold that block. Many characters can shit out damage with very basic combo without any execution barrier. It’s nothing compared to the barrier of being able to confirm of just a jab in USFIV. The “dynamic” in pressure, block, grab/tech in this game is extremely barebone and heavily favored the person doing the pressure more than normal in risk/reward. That’s why “just take the grab” is the normal saying in the meta when you are under pressure, and that’s how dumb it is. The lack of invincible backdash, crouch tech, OS, non-ex invincible dp plus the threat of crush counter allow the person on the offense to just dial in their pressure and get reward for it. It lacks any major depth

MikeZdid a pretty good writeup on how he would rebalance 3S, cool read.

Shit game, but the haters are also shit. Nigger Daggers want a fourth coming of SF3, even if weren't alive by the time it was released.

It did not whiff though, he parried through all his offense while still in the air, then over committed to the dp that would not have killed then died for it, while completely robbing the other guy of meter for the next round. It was a sick as fuck punish but not the end of the world for that Ryu, who got into that situation with a bullshit denjin setup for instant stun.

The game is casual and built for scrubs. Problem is, Capcom was stupid enough to think casuals like gameplay, not content, so it failed. Casuals don't care about easier gameplay, online scrubs do. And that's who bought and supports the game.

3 million sales is not the most successful. Tekken 5 still blows it out at 8 million, and smash blows both combined.

This back down is hilarious. You wanted to make how how easy it is but when challenged to show off how easy it is you start crying. Here's a tip, don't brag how great you are at shit if you aren't willing to back it up. That's why I don't go around say how easy every combo is, I'm not a moron like you.

This. Fuck 3S. You can tell who the faggoty followers are in the fgc when they talk about the
>success of 3rd Strike
The game was a joke. It's current status lives off the fame-seeking scrubs who want their own evo moment. But at the same time, paradoxically, want dumbed down games. It's pure revisionism and horseshit.

Come to think of it, I think lifetime SF4 got close to ten mill? Still Jives total figures don't even make top 10. Its a bad idea to solely base your opinions on twitch views. And again smash kills in that aspect.

Excellent bait. Have these (you)s.

>in the hands of pretty much any modern FG developer
In the hands of a modern dev, they'd nerf them into the ground and remove any cool tech that the rest of the cast had going. Also Hugo would be nerfed even further into the ground cause of scrubs complaining about him as they balanced off online data.

Something in between "piss easy " execution of SFV and "spend a day training with a metronome" of SF4 would be the ideal

imagine getting this triggered cause someone asked you to do a combo